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MCUXpresso SDK API Reference Manual
Rev. 0
NXP Semiconductors
The folder "config-validation-rules" are used to store board specific validation rules. The folder name can't be changed. The files in this folder can't be deleted.
This program is used to generate the OTA descriptor and insert it at the beginning of the given image.
This program provide the same functionality of ota_descriptor_generator, in addition, it will sign the modified image and create a signature. After the signature is created, it will append the signature type, signature size and the signature at the end of the modified image.
Install python 3 or higher Python Download Check if you can run command: python --version
, it should output 3.x.x
If you get python version 3.x or above by running the command
python --version
you can skip this section. Otherwise, you can follow those steps.
1 . run command
which python3
we can get the path of python3 (we call it "path/of/python3" here)
2 . run command
ls -l path/of/python3
we can get the link path of python3 (we call it "link/path/of/python3" here)
3 . run command
which python
we can get the path of python (we call it "path/of/python" here)
4 . run command
ln -sf link/path/of/python3 path/of/python
We also need to set the default package manager to pip3
1 . run command
which pip3
we can get the path of pip3 (we call it "path/of/pip3" here)
2 . run command
ls -l path/of/pip3
we can get the link path of pip3 (we call it "link/path/of/pip3" here)
3 . run command
which pip
we can get the path of pip (we call it "path/of/pip" here)
4 . run command
ln -sf link/path/of/pip3 path/of/pip
pip install pyopenssl
python ota_image_generator.py [-h] -b binary_path -p hardware_platform
example usages:
get help:
python ota_image_generator.py -h
use folder/inputImage.bin and MCHP-Curiosity-PIC32MZEF as parameter :
python ota_image_generator.py -b folder/inputImage.bin -p MCHP-Curiosity-PIC32MZEF
usage: python factory_image_generator.py [-h] -b binary_path -p hardware_platform -k private_key_path -x bootloaderhex
example usages:
get help:
python factory_image_generator.py -h
use inputImage.bin, MCHP-Curiosity-PIC32MZEF, private_key.pem & aws.bootloader.X.hex as parameter :
python factory_image_generator.py -b inputImage.bin -p MCHP-Curiosity-PIC32MZEF -k private_key.pem -x aws.bootloader.X.hex