MCUXpresso SDK API Reference Manual  Rev. 0
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Script to setup the AWS resources through command line

This script automates the process of Prerequisites and the configuring the files aws_clientcredential.h and aws_cliencredential_keys.h to connect to AWS IoT.

Make sure you have aws cli configured on your machine with access_key, secret_key and region.

Open the file configure.json and fill in the following details:

  • afr_source_dir : The path of the amazon-freertos directory. By default, this is set to the top level of this repo (../..).
  • thing_name : Name of the thing you want to create
  • wifi_ssid : The SSID of the wifi you want to use.
  • wifi_password : The password of your wifi.
  • wifi_security : The security type for your WiFi network. Valid security types are:
    • eWiFiSecurityOpen: Open, no security
    • eWiFiSecurityWEP: WEP security
    • eWiFiSecurityWPA: WPA security
    • eWiFiSecurityWPA2: WPA2 security

Options to use with the script

  1. To setup your Thing, and update credentials file, type the command: python setup
  2. To cleanup the Thing you created with the script, and revert changes in credentials file, type the command: python cleanup
  3. To only create thing, certificate and policy, type the command: python prereq
  4. To update the files aws_clientcredential.h and aws_clientcredential_keys.h with thing name and the certificate keys, type the command python update_creds
  5. To delete the thing, certificate and policy created by the script, type the command: python delete_prereq
  6. To revert the changes in the file aws_clientcredential.h and aws_clientcredential_keys.h, type the command: python cleanup_creds
  7. To list your certificates, type the command: python list_certificates
  8. To list your policies, type the command: python list_policies
  9. To list your things, type the command: python list_things