MCUXpresso SDK API Reference Manual  Rev. 0
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MessageBufferHandle_t xMessageBufferCreateStatic( size_t xBufferSizeBytes,
                                                  uint8_t *pucMessageBufferStorageArea,
                                                  StaticMessageBuffer_t *pxStaticMessageBuffer );

Creates a new message buffer using statically allocated memory. See xMessageBufferCreate() for a version that uses dynamically allocated memory.

xBufferSizeBytesThe size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by the pucMessageBufferStorageArea parameter. When a message is written to the message buffer an additional sizeof( size_t ) bytes are also written to store the message's length. sizeof( size_t ) is typically 4 bytes on a 32-bit architecture, so on most 32-bit architecture a 10 byte message will take up 14 bytes of message buffer space. The maximum number of bytes that can be stored in the message buffer is actually (xBufferSizeBytes - 1).
pucMessageBufferStorageAreaMust point to a uint8_t array that is at least xBufferSizeBytes + 1 big. This is the array to which messages are copied when they are written to the message buffer.
pxStaticMessageBufferMust point to a variable of type StaticMessageBuffer_t, which will be used to hold the message buffer's data structure.
If the message buffer is created successfully then a handle to the created message buffer is returned. If either pucMessageBufferStorageArea or pxStaticmessageBuffer are NULL then NULL is returned.

Example use:

// Used to dimension the array used to hold the messages.  The available space
// will actually be one less than this, so 999.
// Defines the memory that will actually hold the messages within the message
// buffer.
static uint8_t ucStorageBuffer[ STORAGE_SIZE_BYTES ];
// The variable used to hold the message buffer structure.
StaticMessageBuffer_t xMessageBufferStruct;
void MyFunction( void )
MessageBufferHandle_t xMessageBuffer;

xMessageBuffer = xMessageBufferCreateStatic( sizeof( ucBufferStorage ),
                                             &xMessageBufferStruct );

// As neither the pucMessageBufferStorageArea or pxStaticMessageBuffer
// parameters were NULL, xMessageBuffer will not be NULL, and can be used to
// reference the created message buffer in other message buffer API calls.

// Other code that uses the message buffer can go here.
