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MCUXpresso SDK API Reference Manual
Rev. 0
NXP Semiconductors
task. h
void vTaskSuspend( TaskHandle_t xTaskToSuspend );
INCLUDE_vTaskSuspend must be defined as 1 for this function to be available. See the configuration section for more information.
Suspend any task. When suspended a task will never get any microcontroller processing time, no matter what its priority.
Calls to vTaskSuspend are not accumulative - i.e. calling vTaskSuspend () twice on the same task still only requires one call to vTaskResume () to ready the suspended task.
xTaskToSuspend | Handle to the task being suspended. Passing a NULL handle will cause the calling task to be suspended. |
Example usage:
void vAFunction( void ) { TaskHandle_t xHandle;
Create a task, storing the handle. xTaskCreate( vTaskCode, "NAME", STACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, &xHandle );
Use the handle to suspend the created task. vTaskSuspend( xHandle );
The created task will not run during this period, unless another task calls vTaskResume( xHandle ).
Suspend ourselves. vTaskSuspend( NULL );
We cannot get here unless another task calls vTaskResume with our handle as the parameter. }