MCUXpresso SDK API Reference Manual  Rev. 0
NXP Semiconductors
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This section describes the programming interface of the DSPI Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS) driver. And this driver defines generic peripheral driver interfaces for middleware making it reusable across a wide range of supported microcontroller devices. The API connects microcontroller peripherals with middleware that implements for example communication stacks, file systems, or graphic user interfaces. More information and usage methord see

Function groups

DSPI CMSIS GetVersion Operation

This function group will return the DSPI CMSIS Driver version to user.

DSPI CMSIS GetCapabilities Operation

This function group will return the capabilities of this driver.

DSPI CMSIS Initialize and Uninitialize Operation

This function will initialize and uninitialize the instance in master mode or slave mode. And this API must be called before you configure an instance or after you Deinit an instance.The right steps to start an instance is that you must initialize the instance which been slected firstly,then you can power on the instance. After these all have been done,you can configure the instance by using control operation.If you want to Uninitialize the instance, you must power off the instance first.

DSPI CMSIS Transfer Operation

This function group controls the transfer, master send/receive data, and slave send/receive data.

DSPI CMSIS Status Operation

This function group gets the DSPI transfer status.

DSPI CMSIS Control Operation

This function can configure instance as master mode or slave mode, set baudrate for master mode transfer, get current baudrate of master mode transfer,set transfer data bits and other control command.

Typical use case

Master Operation

/* Variables */
uint8_t masterRxData[TRANSFER_SIZE] = {0U};
uint8_t masterTxData[TRANSFER_SIZE] = {0U};
/*DSPI master init*/
/* Start master transfer */
Driver_SPI0.Transfer(masterTxData, masterRxData, TRANSFER_SIZE);
/* Master power off */
/* Master uninitialize */

Slave Operation

/* Variables */
uint8_t slaveRxData[TRANSFER_SIZE] = {0U};
uint8_t slaveTxData[TRANSFER_SIZE] = {0U};
/*DSPI slave init*/
Driver_SPI1.Control(ARM_SPI_MODE_SLAVE, false);
/* Start slave transfer */
Driver_SPI1.Transfer(slaveTxData, slaveRxData, TRANSFER_SIZE);
/* slave power off */
/* slave uninitialize */