This is the documentation for the latest (main) development branch of mcuxpresso sdk. If you are looking for the documentation of previous releases, use the drop-down menu on the left and select the desired version.

Download License Key

To download the license key:

  1. Click the CLICK TO GET A LICESNE KEY FOR RT500 SDK button.



  1. Click the Accept button.



The following message appears.



  1. Check the license in the user-profile or the email.



The license file gets generated.
  1. Download the license file.

  2. Open the recently installed Xplorer V10.1.11, select menu Help - Xplorer License Keys > Install Software Keys.

  3. Select the license key file.

  4. Click the Finish button.



**Note:** The generated license file only supports debug/run on the RT500 device target. It does not support software simulation/Xplorer ISS. Contact Cadence directly if you have special must run software simulations.

Parent topic:Install License Key