What is new
MCUXpresso SDK version 24.12.00-pvw2 is an early adopter release provided as preview for early development.
The following changes have been implemented compared to the previous SDK release version (24.12.00-pvw1).
Bluetooth LE host stack and applications:
Added Bluetooth LE sample applications:
.Added Bluetooth LE Channel Sounding applications with Localization Compute Engine (LCE) support:
(Bluetooth LE Channel Sounding applications are provided with controlled access, contact your NXP representative for access)Added support for OTA feature
Minor fixes and stability improvements
Documentation updates
Bluetooth LE controller:
Added support for Bluetooth LE Channel Sounding
Minor fixes and stability improvements
Transceiver drivers (XCVR)
Added support for Bluetooth LE Channel Sounding
Added API to control PA ramp type and duration
Connectivity framework
Major Changes (User Applications may be impacted)
Supporting CMake/Kconfig for SDK 24.12.00: user shall now use
files from root folder. Compilation should be done usingwest build
command. In order to see the Framework Kconfig, use command>west build -t guiconfig
Board files and linker scripts moved to examples repository
[platform lowpower]
Entering Deep down power mode will no longer call
. This API is now called only when going to Power down mode
Platform specific
Deep sleep power mode not fully qualified - User can experiment deep sleep and deep down modes using low power reference design applications
XTAL32K-less support using FRO32K not qualified
Overall folder restructuring for SDK 24.12.00
Renamed platform_family from
Platform families have now a dedicated
Moved all framework services in a common directory