This is the documentation for the latest (main) development branch of mcuxpresso sdk. If you are looking for the documentation of previous releases, use the drop-down menu on the left and select the desired version.

Hardware requirements

  • Micro USB cable

  • EVKB-IMXRT1050 board

  • Personal Computer

  • One of the following modules:

    • AzureWave AW-AM510-uSD

    • AzureWave AW-AM457-uSD

    • AzureWave AW-CM358-uSD

    • Murata uSD-M.2 Adapter (LBEE0ZZ1WE-uSD-M2) and Embedded Artists 1ZM M.2 Module (EAR00364)

    • Murata uSD-M.2 Adapter (LBEE0ZZ1WE-uSD-M2) and Embedded Artists 1XK M.2 Module (EAR00385)

    • Murata uSD-M.2 Adapter (LBEE0ZZ1WE-uSD-M2) and Embedded Artists 2EL M.2 Module (EAR00409)

Board settings

Before building the example application select Wi-Fi module macro in the app_bluetooth_config.h. (see #define WIFI_BOARD). If you want to use the AzureWave WIFI_IW416_BOARD_AW_AM510_USD, please change the macro to WIFI_IW416_BOARD_AW_AM510_USD. If you want to use the AzureWave WIFI_IW416_BOARD_AW_AM457_USD, please change the macro to WIFI_IW416_BOARD_AW_AM457_USD. If you want to use the AzureWave WIFI_88W8987_BOARD_AW_CM358_USD, please change the macro to WIFI_88W8987_BOARD_AW_CM358_USD. If you want to use the Murata Type 1ZM module, please change the macro to WIFI_88W8987_BOARD_MURATA_1ZM_USD. If you want to use the Murata Type 1XK module, please change the macro to WIFI_IW416_BOARD_MURATA_1XK_USD. If you want to use the Murata Type 2EL module, please change the macro to WIFI_IW612_BOARD_MURATA_2EL_USD.

Jumper settings for Murata uSD-M.2 adapter:

  • J12 = 1-2: WLAN-SDIO = 1.8V

  • J13 = 1-2: BT-UART & WLAN/BT-CTRL = 3.3V

  • J1 = 2-3: 3.3V from uSD connector

The following pins between the evkbmimxrt1050 board and Murata uSD-M.2 Adapter with Embedded Artists 1ZM M.2 Module or 1XK M.2 Module are connected using male-to-female jumper cables:

PIN NAME | uSD-M.2 Adapter | I.MXRT1050 | PIN NAME OF RT1050 | GPIO NAME OF RT1050

BT_UART_TXD_HOST | J9(pin 1) | J22(pin 1) | LPUART3_RXD | GPIO_AD_B1_07 BT_UART_RXD_HOST | J9(pin 2) | J22(pin 2) | LPUART3_TXD | GPIO_AD_B1_06 BT_UART_RTS_HOST | J8(pin 3) | J23(pin 3) | LPUART3_CTS | GPIO_AD_B1_04 BT_UART_CTS_HOST | J8(pin 4) | J23(pin 4) | LPUART3_RTS | GPIO_AD_B1_05

Jumper settings for AzureWave AW-AM510-uSD Module:

  • J2 1-2: 3.3V VIO_uSD (Power supply from uSD connector)

  • J4 2-3: 3.3V VIO

The hardware should be reworked according to the Hardware Rework Guide for EVKB-IMXRT1050 and AW-AM510-uSD in document Hardware Rework Guide for EdgeFast BT PAL. The pin connect for UART HCI as the following table,


UART_TXD | J10(pin 4) | J22(pin 1) | LPUART3_RXD | GPIO_AD_B1_07 UART_RXD | J10(pin 2) | J22(pin 2) | LPUART3_TXD | GPIO_AD_B1_06 UART_RTS | J10(pin 6) | J23(pin 3) | LPUART3_CTS | GPIO_AD_B1_04 UART_CTS | J10(pin 8) | J23(pin 4) | LPUART3_RTS | GPIO_AD_B1_05 GND | J6(pin 7) | J25(pin 7) | GND | GND

Jumper settings for AzureWave AW-AM358-uSD Module:

  • J2 1-2: 3.3V VIO_uSD (Power supply from uSD connector)

  • J4 1-2: VIO 1.8V (Voltage level of SDIO pins is 1.8V)

The hardware should be reworked according to the Hardware Rework Guide for EVKB-IMXRT1050 and AW-CM358-uSD in document Hardware Rework Guide for EdgeFast BT PAL. The pin connect for UART HCI as the following table,


UART_TXD | J10(pin 4) | J22(pin 1) | LPUART3_RXD | GPIO_AD_B1_07 UART_RXD | J10(pin 2) | J22(pin 2) | LPUART3_TXD | GPIO_AD_B1_06 UART_RTS | J10(pin 6) | J23(pin 3) | LPUART3_CTS | GPIO_AD_B1_04 UART_CTS | J10(pin 8) | J23(pin 4) | LPUART3_RTS | GPIO_AD_B1_05 GND | J6(pin 7) | J25(pin 7) | GND | GND

Note: To ensure that the LITTLEFS flash region has been cleaned, all flash sectors need to be erased before downloading example code.