Hardware requirements
Micro USB cable
JTAG/SWD debugger
EVKB-MIMXRT1170 board
Personal Computer
Headphones with 3.5 mm stereo jack
SD card
Prepare the Demo
Connect a micro USB cable between the PC host and the debug USB port (J86) on the board
Open a serial terminal with the following settings:
115200 baud rate
8 data bits
No parity
One stop bit
No flow control
Download the program to the target board.
Connect the headphones into the headphone jack on EVKB-MIMXRT1170 board (J101).
Either press the reset button on your board or launch the debugger in your IDE to begin running the demo.
The AAC decoder is only supported in MCUXpresso and ARMGCC.
Board settings
To make the examples work:
Please remove below resistors if on board wifi chip is not DNP:
Please make sure R136 is weld for GPIO card detect.