Hardware requirements
Mini/micro USB cable
MIMXRT1170-EVKB board
Personal Computer
Board settings
This example project does not call for any special hardware configurations. Although not required, the recommendation is to leave the development board’s jumper settings and configurations in default state when running this example.
Prepare the demo
Connect a USB cable between the PC host and the OpenSDA USB port on the board.
Open a serial terminal on PC for OpenSDA serial device with these settings:
115200 baud rate
8 data bits
No parity
One stop bit
No flow control
Build core1 project first, then build core0 project.
Download the core0 program to the target board.
Either press the reset button on your board or launch the debugger in your IDE to begin running the demo.
Running the demo
When the demo runs successfully, the log would be seen on the OpenSDA terminal like as below and LED will blink:
MU example polling!
Send: 0. Receive 0
Send: 1. Receive 1
Send: 2. Receive 2
Send: 3. Receive 3
Send: 4. Receive 4
Send: 5. Receive 5
Send: 6. Receive 6
Send: 7. Receive 7
Send: 8. Receive 8
Send: 9. Receive 9
Send: 10. Receive 10
Send: 11. Receive 11
Send: 12. Receive 12
Send: 13. Receive 13
Send: 14. Receive 14
Send: 15. Receive 15
Send: 16. Receive 16
Send: 17. Receive 17
Send: 18. Receive 18
Send: 19. Receive 19
Send: 20. Receive 20
Send: 21. Receive 21
Send: 22. Receive 22
Send: 23. Receive 23
Send: 24. Receive 24
Send: 25. Receive 25
Send: 26. Receive 26
Send: 27. Receive 27
Send: 28. Receive 28
Send: 29. Receive 29
Send: 30. Receive 30
Send: 31. Receive 31
MU example run succeed!
Note: To download and debug IAR EW project using J-Link (replacing the default CMSIS-DAP debug probe), following steps are needed:
Remove J6 and J7 jumpers.
Attach the J-Link probe (J-Link Plus / J-Trace) to the board using the J1 connector.
Set “J-Link / J-Trace” in CM7 project options -> Debugger -> Setup panel (replacing CMSIS-DAP option).
Unselect the “Use macro file(s)” in CM7 project options -> Debugger -> Setup panel.
Enable “Use command line options” in CM7 project options -> Debugger -> Extra Options panel (–jlink_script_file=$PROJ_DIR$/../evkbmimxrt1170_connect_cm4_cm7side.jlinkscript command line option is applied).
Click on “Download and Debug” button. During the loading process you can be asked by J-Link sw to select the proper device name (MIMXRT1176XXXA_M7 is unknown). Click O.K. and choose the MIMXRT1176xxxxA device.
It is not possible to attach to the CM4 core when using the J-Link. Also, the multicore debugging does not work with that probe.
Note: To download and debug Keil MDK project using J-Link (replacing the default CMSIS-DAP debug probe), following steps are needed:
Remove J6 and J7 jumpers.
Attach the J-Link probe (J-Link Plus / J-Trace) to the board using the J1 connector.
Set “J-LINK / J-TRACE Cortex” in CM7 project options -> Debug panel (replacing CMSIS-DAP Debugger option).
After the CM7 application build click on Download/F8 button (menu Flash -> Download).
Power off and power on the board.
Multicore example starts running, one can start debugging the CM7 side by clicking on Start/Stop Debug Session (Ctrl + F5).
It is not possible to attach to the CM4 core when using the J-Link.