This is the documentation for the latest (main) development branch of mcuxpresso sdk. If you are looking for the documentation of previous releases, use the drop-down menu on the left and select the desired version.

Hardware requirements

  • Micro USB cable

  • mimxrt685audevk board

  • Personal Computer

  • One of the following modules:


    • WIFI_88W8987_BOARD_MURATA_1ZM_M2


Board settings

Before building the example application select Wi-Fi module macro in the app_config.h. (see #define WIFI_BOARD). If you want use the WIFI_IW416_BOARD_MURATA_1XK_M2, please change the macro to WIFI_IW416_BOARD_MURATA_1XK_M2. If you want use the WIFI_88W8987_BOARD_MURATA_1ZM_M2, please change the macro to WIFI_88W8987_BOARD_MURATA_1ZM_M2. If you want use the WIFI_IW612_BOARD_MURATA_2EL_M2, please change the macro to WIFI_IW612_BOARD_MURATA_2EL_M2.

Murata Solution Board settings

Murata uSD-M.2 adapter resource page: Murata uSD-M.2 adapter datasheet: Embedded Artists M.2 module resource page: Embedded Artists 1XK module datasheet: Embedded Artists 1ZM module datasheet: Embedded Artists 2EL module datasheet: Jumper settings for WIFI_IW416_BOARD_MURATA_1XK_M2:

  • J41 : from position (1-2) to position (2-3)

  • move R300-R305 from position A(2-1) to position B(2-3)

The following pins between the mimxrt685audevk board and Murata uSD-M.2 Adapter with 1XK M.2 Module are connected using male-to-female jumper cables:

PIN NAME | uSD-M.2 Adapter | I.MXRT685 | PIN NAME OF RT685 | GPIO NAME OF RT685

BT_UART_TXD_HOST | J45(pin 32) | U18B(G17) | USART5_TXD | FC5_TXD_SCL_MISO_WS BT_UART_RXD_HOST | J45(pin 22) | U18B(J16) | USART5_RXD | FC5_RXD_SDA_MOSI_DATA BT_UART_RTS_HOST | J45(pin 36) | U18B(J15) | USART5_RTS | FC5_RTS_SCL_SSEL1 BT_UART_CTS_HOST | J45(pin 34) | U18B(J17) | USART5_CTS | FC5_CTS_SDA_SSEL0

Note: After downloaded binary into qspiflash and boot from qspiflash directly, please reset the board by pressing SW3 or power off and on the board to run the application.