Hardware requirements
Micro USB cable
JTAG/SWD debugger
MIMXRT700-EVK board
Personal Computer
One or more headphones with 3.5 mm stereo jack
Board settings
Set the hardware jumpers to default settings.
Prepare the Demo
NOTE: To be able to build the DSP project, please see the document ‘Getting Started with Xplorer for MIMXRT700-EVK.pdf’.
Connect all headphones to Audio HP / Line-Out connectors (J4, J50, J51, J52).
Connect a micro USB cable between the PC host and the debug USB port (J54) on the board
Open a serial terminal with the following settings:
115200 baud rate
8 data bits
No parity
One stop bit
No flow control
Download the program for CM33 core to the target board.
Launch the debugger in your IDE to begin running the demo.
If building debug configuration, start the xt-ocd daemon and download the program for DSP core to the target board.
If building debug configuration, launch the Xtensa IDE or xt-gdb debugger to begin running the demo.
DSP image can only be debugged using J-Link debugger. See again ‘Getting Started with Xplorer for MIMXRT700-EVK.pdf’ for more information.
RT700 has limited RAM which brings limitation of decoders and encoders. Only AAC decoder is enabled by default. In order to enable a different decoder/encoder, it is necessary to define the appropriate define on project level. Use one of the following define from the list of the supported decoders on the HiFi4 core: XA_AAC_DECODER XA_MP3_DECODER XA_SBC_DECODER XA_VORBIS_DECODER XA_OPUS_DECODER
Running the demo CM33
When the demo runs successfully, the terminal will display the following:
DSP audio framework demo start
[CM33 Main] Configure codec
[DSP_Main] Cadence Xtensa Audio Framework [DSP_Main] Library Name : Audio Framework (Hostless) [DSP_Main] Library Version : 3.5 [DSP_Main] API Version : 3.2
[DSP_Main] start [DSP_Main] established RPMsg link [CM33_Main] DSP image copied to DSP TCM [CM33_Main][APP_SDCARD_Task] start [CM33_Main][APP_DSP_IPC_Task] start [CM33_Main][APP_Shell_Task] start
Copyright 2024 NXP
Demo commands:
“help”: List all the registered commands
“exit”: Exit program
“version”: Query DSP for component versions
“decoder”: Perform decode on DSP and play to speaker. USAGE: decoder [aac|] aac: Decode aac data
When decoder command starts playback successfully, the terminal will display following output:
decoder aac [DSP_Main] Input buffer addr: 0x20020000, buffer size: 94276 [DSP Codec] Audio Device Ready [DSP Codec] Decoder created [DSP Codec] Decoder component started [DSP Codec] Renderer component created [DSP Codec] Connected XA_DECODER -> XA_RENDERER [DSP_ProcessThread] start [DSP_ProcessThread] Execution complete - exiting [DSP_ProcessThread] exiting [DSP Codec] Audio device closed
[CM33 CMD] [APP_DSP_IPC_Task] response from DSP, cmd: 0, error: 0 [CM33 CMD] Decode complete