Wireless Connectivity Framework
Connectivity Framework repository provides both connectivity platform enablement with hardware abstraction layer and a set of Services for NXP connectivity stacks : BLE, Zigbee, OpenThread, Matter.
The connectivity framework repository consists of:
Common folder to common header files for minimal type definition to be used in the repo
Platform folder used for platform enablement with Hardware abstraction:
platform/include: common API header files used by several platforms
platform/common: common code for several platforms
specifics platform folders , See below the supported platform list
platform/../configs folder: configuration files for framework repository and other middlewares (rpmsg, mbedTls, etc.._)
Services folder
Zephyr folder for zephyr modules integrated in mcux SDK
clang formatting script and script folder to format appropriately the source files of the repo
Supported platforms
The following devices/platforms are supported in platform folder for connectivity applications:
kw45x, k32w1x, mcxw71x, under wireless_mcu, kw45_k32w1_mcxw71 folders.
kw47x, mcxw72x families under wireless_mcu, kw47_mcxw72, kw47_mcxw72_nbu folders.
RT1060 and RT1170 for Matter
Other RT devices such as i.MX RT595s
Supported services
The supported services are provided for connectivity stacks and their demo application, and are usually dependent on PLATFORM API implementation:
DBG: Light Debug Module, currently a stubbed header file
FSCI: Framework Serial Communication Interface between BLE host stack and upper layer located on an other core/device
FunctionLib: wrapper to toolchain memory manipulation functions (memcpy, memcmp, etc) or use its own implementation for code size reduction
HWParameters: Store Factory hardware parameters and Application parameters in Flash or IFR
LowPower: wrapper of SDK power manager for connectivity applications
ModuleInfo: Store and handle connectivity component versions
NVM: NXP proprietary File System used for KW45, KW47 automotive devices and RT1060/RT1170 platform for Matter
OtaSupport: Handle OTA binary writes into internal or external flash.
SecLib and RNG: Crypto and Random Number generator functions. It supports several ports:
Software algorithms
Secure subsystem interface to an HW enclave
MbedTls 2.x interface
Sensors: Provides service for Battery and temperature measurements
SFC: Smart Frequency Calibration to be run from KW47/MCXW71 from NBU core. Matter related modules:
OTW: Over The Wire module for External Transceiver firmware update from RT platforms
FactoryDataProvider to be used for Matter
Supported Zephyr modules integration in mcux SDK
Connectivity framework provides integration and port layers to the following Zephyr Modules located into zephyr/subsys:
NVS: Zephyr File System used by Matter and Zigbee
Settings: Over layer module that allows to store keys into NVS File System used by Matter Port layer and required libraries for these zephyr modules are located in port and lib folder in zephyr directory