Known issues
Known issues listed on this page and tagged with the latest official release version are valid for the current state of development. Use the drop-down filter to see known issues for previous releases and check if they are still valid.
A known issue can list one or both of the following entries:
Some known issues have a workaround. Sometimes, they are discovered later and added over time.
- LPSPI b2b examples transfer fail on iar/armgcc flash target.
Due to the latency of instruction retrieval (XiP), LPSPI-related flash target examples may fail. The failure happens because the data is not retrieved in time from FIFO on the receiving end.
Affected platforms: evkmcimx7ulp
Workaround: To prevent the failure and boost the instruction fetch performance, place the fsl_lpspi.c file in the SRAM. Apply the patch as below,
$ git diff MCIMX7U5xxxxx_cm4_flash.ld diff --git a/MCIMX7U5/gcc/MCIMX7U5xxxxx_cm4_flash.ld b/MCIMX7U5/gcc/MCIMX7U5xxxxx_cm4_flash.ld index b29b41a2b1..91dc0782e5 100644 --- a/MCIMX7U5/gcc/MCIMX7U5xxxxx_cm4_flash.ld +++ b/MCIMX7U5/gcc/MCIMX7U5xxxxx_cm4_flash.ld @@ -68,10 +68,22 @@ SECTIONS .text : { . = ALIGN(4); - *(.text) /* .text sections (code) */ - *(.text*) /* .text* sections (code) */ - *(.rodata) /* .rodata sections (constants, strings, etc.) */ - *(.rodata*) /* .rodata* sections (constants, strings, etc.) */ + *(EXCLUDE_FILE( + /* Exclude flash and frequently executed functions from XIP */ + */fsl_lpspi.c.obj + ) .text) /* .text sections (code) */ + *(EXCLUDE_FILE( + /* Exclude flash and frequently executed functions from XIP */ + */fsl_lpspi.c.obj + ) .text*) /* .text* sections (code) */ + *(EXCLUDE_FILE( + /* Exclude flash and frequently executed functions from XIP */ + */fsl_lpspi.c.obj + ) .rodata) /* .rodata sections (constants, strings, etc.) */ + *(EXCLUDE_FILE( + /* Exclude flash and frequently executed functions from XIP */ + */fsl_lpspi.c.obj + ) .rodata*) /* .rodata* sections (constants, strings, etc.) */ *(.glue_7) /* glue arm to thumb code */ *(.glue_7t) /* glue thumb to arm code */ *(.eh_frame) @@ -173,6 +185,7 @@ SECTIONS __quickaccess_start__ = .; . = ALIGN(32); *(CodeQuickAccess) + /* Explicit placement of flash and frequently executed functions in SRAM */ + */fsl_lpspi.c.obj(.text .text* .rodata .rodata*) *(DataQuickAccess) . = ALIGN(128); __quickaccess_end__ = .;
- Maximum file path length in Windows 7 operating system
The Windows 7 operating system imposes a 260-character maximum length for file paths. When installing the MCUXpresso SDK, place it in a directory close to the root to prevent file paths from exceeding the maximum character length specified by the Windows operating system. The recommended location is the C:\<folder>.
Affected platforms: evkbimxrt1050 evkbmimxrt1060 evkbmimxrt1170 evkcmimxrt1060 evkmcimx7ulp evkmimx8mm evkmimx8mn evkmimx8mnddr3l evkmimx8mp evkmimx8mq evkmimxrt1010 evkmimxrt1015 evkmimxrt1020 evkmimxrt1024 evkmimxrt1040 evkmimxrt1060 evkmimxrt1064 evkmimxrt1160 evkmimxrt1170 evkmimxrt1180 evkmimxrt595 evkmimxrt685 frdmk22f frdmk32l2a4s frdmk32l2b frdmk32l3a6 frdmke02z40m frdmke15z frdmke16z frdmke17z frdmke17z512 frdmmcxa153 frdmmcxa156 frdmmcxc041 frdmmcxc242 frdmmcxc444 frdmmcxn236 frdmmcxn947 frdmmcxw71 k32w148evk kw45b41zevk kw45b41zloc lpc845breakout lpcxpresso51u68 lpcxpresso54628 lpcxpresso54s018 lpcxpresso54s018m lpcxpresso55s06 lpcxpresso55s16 lpcxpresso55s28 lpcxpresso55s36 lpcxpresso55s69 lpcxpresso802 lpcxpresso804 lpcxpresso824max lpcxpresso845max lpcxpresso860max mc56f80000evk mc56f81000evk mc56f83000evk mcxn5xxevk mcxn9xxevk mimxrt685audevk rdrw612bga twrkm34z50mv3 twrkm34z75m twrkm35z75m twrmc56f8200 twrmc56f8400
- New Project Wizard compile failure
The following components request the user to manually select other components that they depend upon in order to compile. These components depend on several other components and the New Project Wizard (NPW) is not able to decide which one is needed by the user.
Note: xxx means core variants, such as, cm0plus, cm33, cm4, cm33_nodsp.
**Components:**issdk_mag3110, issdk_host, systick, gpio_kinetis, gpio_lpc, issdk_mpl3115, sensor_fusion_agm01, sensor_fusion_agm01_lpc, issdk_mma845x, issdk_mma8491q, issdk_mma865x, issdk_mma9553, and CMSIS_RTOS2.CMSIS_RTOS2, and components which include cache driver, such as enet_qos.
Also for low-level adapter components, currently the different types of the same adapter cannot be selected at the same time.
For example, if there are two types of timer adapters, gpt_adapter and pit_adapter, only one can be selected as timer adapter
in one project at a time. Duplicate implementation of the function results in an error.
Note: Most of middleware components have complex dependencies and are not fully supported in new project wizard. Adding a middleware component may result in compile failure.
- CMSIS PACK new project compile failure
The generated configuration cannot be applied globally. The components, serial_manager_usb_cdc_virtual and serial_manager_usb_cdc_virtual_xxx (xxx means core variants like cm0plus, cm33, cm4, and cm33_nodsp) are unsupported for new project wizard of CMSIS pack and will lead to compile failure if selected while creating new project(s).
Affected platforms: evkbmimxrt1160 evkbmimxrt1170
- Low speed devices not supported
The host examples cannot support low-speed devices
Affected platforms: mimxrt685audevk rdrw612bga
- IAR cannot debug RAM application with J-Link
Currently, IAR will call J-Link reset after the application is downloaded to SRAM, but such operation will cause SRAM data lost.
Affected platforms: mimxrt685audevk rdrw612bga lpcxpresso54s018 lpcxpresso54s018m
- DSP_rtp_demo failure
The dsp_rtp_demo streaming fails after several minutes with timeout from the DSP side. The issue is probably caused by the incompatibility of the codec and the new XAF version.
Affected platforms: mimxrt685audevk rdrw612bga
- RAM targets build issue in CMSIS bsp pack
CMSIS pack does not support different macro definitions for different targets, all RAM targets for projects inside CMSIS BSP PACKs for RT10XX boards will get the same macro definitions with Flash targets, resulting in build failure. To pass build for RAM targets, manually update the XIP_EXTERNAL_FLASH and XIP_BOOT_HEADER_ENABLE value to 0 in RTE_Components.h.
Affected platforms: evkmimxrt1015 evkmimxrt1020 evkmimxrt1024 evkmimxrt1060 evkmimxrt1064
- Non XIP target debug issue on toolchain MDK
When debugging non XIP targets in flash boot mode, if application changes any settings which have impacts on flexspi, the build output window might show “Debug access failed” when start debugging next time. It is recommended to keep the board in serial downloader mode when debugging non XIP targets.
Affected platforms: evkmimxrt1010 evkmimxrt1015 evkmimxrt1020 evkmimxrt1024 evkmimxrt1060 evkmimxrt1064
- MCUXpresso IDE limitation
Cannot debug cm4 sdram related demos with CMSIS-DAP. MCUXpresso IDE does not support initialization of sdram when debugging.
Affected platforms: evkbmimxrt1160 evkbmimxrt1170
- IAR debug limitation
CM4 flash target demos cannot be debugged on IAR with JLINK.
Affected platforms: evkbmimxrt1160 evkbmimxrt1170
- Extra option required when using CMSIS-DAP to debug
When using CMSIS-DAP to debug CM4 sdram related target in IAR, such as flexspi_nor_sdram and sdram_txt, an extra option must be specified in the debugger settings. For details, see [IAR debug limitation](
Affected platforms: evkbmimxrt1160 evkbmimxrt1170
- Corrupted data in freertos_lpspi_b2b (slave) example
Corrupted data in freertos_lpspi_b2b(slave) example. Tool: Keil MDK Target: freertos_lpspi_b2b_slave_flexspi_nor_debug.
Affected platforms: evkbmimxrt1060 evkbmimxrt1064
Workaround: Changing the optimization level from -01 to -00 can avoid the issue. However, the optimization level -O1 is not the root cause
- USBFS controller issue
Because of the USBFS controller design issues, the USB host suspend/resume demos (usb_suspend_resume_host_hid_mouse) of the full speed controller do not support the low speed device directly
Affected platforms: frdmk32l2a4s frdmmcxc041
- FreeRTOS issue
When generating a new FreeRTOS project with New Project Wizard tool, the user should deassert the macro option “configUSE_PORT_OPTIMISED_TASK_SELECTION” in the “FreeRTOSConfig.h” file while it is not being used in the template project for some Cortex-M0+ devices or it may not pass the compiling.
Affected platforms: frdmk32l2b frdmmcxc242 frdmmcxc444
Workaround: Here is a workaround to avoid real reset, with the cost of no any reset during the debugging, and hardware status uncleared.
Build and debug IAR project once and see the settings folder created.
Create the _.JLinkScript file in the settings folder with the following contents.
` void ResetTarget(void) { JLINK_TARGET_Halt(); } `
Debug the project again and now it can work.
- USB high-speed interrupt endpoint issue
If the user wants to use a high-speed interrupt endpoint, the maximum packet size should be 512 bytes.
Affected platforms: lpcxpresso54s018 lpcxpresso54s018m
- Debug SRAM target with J-Link on MCUXpresso IDE issue
If using the J-Link to Debug SRAM target on the IDE, when clicking the Restart button, the debug fails. The issue is caused because the integrity of the SRAM image cannot be guaranteed after it has been executed, and the MCUXpresso IDE does not reload the code before restarting. Plain load images (images loaded from external SPI flash to SRAMX by the ROM bootloader then executed) cannot be debugged using MCUXpresso version 11.0.0. Code should be developed using the SRAM debug method, then programmed into flash once debugging is completed. For more information, see the Getting Started with MCUXpresso SDK User’s Guide (document MCUXSDKGSUG).
Affected platforms: lpcxpresso54s018
- Cannot add SDK components into FreeRTOS projects
It is not possible to add any SDK components into FreeRTOS project using the MCUXpresso IDE New Project wizard.
Affected platforms: frdmke17z frdmke17z evkbimxrt1050 evkmcimx7ulp evkmimx8mm evkmimx8mn evkmimx8mp evkmimx8mq evkmimxrt1010 evkmimxrt1015 evkmimxrt1020 evkmimxrt1064 evkmimxrt595 evkmimxrt685 evkbmimxrt1060 evkcmimxrt1060 frdmk22f frdmk32l2a4s frdmk32l2b frdmk32l3a6 frdmke02z40m frdmke16z lpcxpresso54s018 lpc845breakout lpcxpresso54s018m lpcxpresso55s06 lpcxpresso55s28 lpcxpresso55s69 lpcxpresso802 lpcxpresso804 evkmimxrt1024 eevkbmimxrt1060 evkcmimxrt1060 evkmimxrt1160 evkbmimxrt1170 twrkm34z50mv3 twrkm34z75m frdmmcxc242 frdmk22f pcxpresso51u68 lpcxpresso54628
- safety_iec60730b cloned project fails to build
When you use the MCUXpresso Config Tool to clone the “safety_iec60730b” project in MCUXpresso SDK package, the created project fails to build. The build fails because the post-build setup for CRC is incorrect. Therefore, It is recommended to use the “safety_iec60730b” project in MCUXpresso SDK package.
Affected platforms: evkbimxrt1050 v2024-12-00-pvw2 evkbimxrt1050 evkmimxrt1010 evkmimxrt1020 evkmimxrt1024 frdmk32l2a4s lpcxpresso55s28
- Importing FTM_PDB_ADC16 project into MCUXpresso Config tool reports FTM driver error
When you import the FTM_PDB_ADC16 project using the MCUXpresso Config Tool an error is prompted. The error prompts that the FTM driver is not aligned with the peripheral components. It is recommended not to import this project into the MCUXpresso Config Tool.
Affected platforms: frdmk22f frdmke15z
- Build warning in freertos_tickless example
A build warning appears in the freertos_tickless example while working in the ArmGCC environment. .. code-block:: none
c:cpkgcmsiscoreincludecore_cm0plus.h:854:52: warning: array subscript 14 is above array bounds of ‘volatile uint32_t[8]’ {aka ‘volatile long unsigned int[8]’} [-Warray-bounds].
Affected platforms: k32w148evk
- Example freertos_lpspi fail before the console output
The example freertos_lpspi fails before the message “LPSPI master transfer completed successfully.” appears in the console output.
Console output:
``` FreeRTOS LPSPI example start. This example use one lpspi instance as master and another as slave on a single board. Master and slave are both use interrupt way. Please make sure you make the correct line connection. Basically, the connection is: LPSPI_master – LPSPI_slave
Affected platforms: frdmk32l2a4s frdmk32l2b frdmk32l3a6
- Example freertos_spi fails in MCUXpresso IDE
The example freertos_spi fails in the MCUXpresso IDE environment.
Affected platforms: lpcxpresso54s018
- Examples are not fully tested
The following examples are not fully tested in this Early Access Release. - wifi_setup - wifi_cert - wifi_test_mode - wifi_webconfig - wifi_ipv4_ipv6_echo - aws_shadow_wifi_nxp - aws_greengrass_discovery_wifi_nxp - aws_remote_control_wifi_nxp - aws_tests_wifi_nxp - lwip_httpssrv_ota_wifi - lwip_httpscli_ota_wifi - ota_demo_wifi
Affected platforms:
- Some Azure examples cannot finish PHY Initializing on MCUXpresso
The following Azure examples cannot finish PHY initializing on MCUXpresso when running in Arm GCC, IAR, or Keil environment.
Examples: azure_amqp, azure_http, azure_mqtt, azure_amqp_rc, azure_http_rc, and azure_mqtt_rc.
Affected platforms:
- lwip_httpssrv_ota_wifi example fails to accept the new image on EVKMIMXRT685
After uploading the new image over https, and rebooting the board the new image starts. However, reboot starts it is not possible to accept the update and make it permanent. This issue is specific to combination of EVKMIMXRT685 board and AW-NM191NF-uSD Wi-Fi module. Other configurations are not affected.
Affected platforms: mimxrt685audevk mimxrt700evk
- Board may reset itself when running SD card related cases
Board may reset itself when running SD card related cases. However, the issue is not reproduced if more power supply is connected.
Affected platforms: mimxrt685audevk mimxrt700evk
- usb_device_mtp example cannot boot on Keil MDK µVision
After reset, the usb_device_mtp and usb_device_mtp_lite examples cannot boot successfully when using Keil MDK µVision. Adding the –predefine=”-DXIP_BOOT_HEADER_ENABLE=1” into Options for target > Linker > Misc controls can fix this issue.
Affected platforms: rdrw612bga
- Log output may be mixed in shell/hfp example
When multiple tasks print the log, the serial port terminal output has the probability to appear mixed.
Affected platforms: rdrw612bga frdmrw612 evkmimxrt1160 evkbmimxrt1170 evkbmimxrt1060 evkcmimxrt1060
- LE encryption failure causes connection to fail
There can be a corner case when LE link encryption can fail. This occurs when device under test (DUT); RT Bluetooth controller here, while waiting for the response to LL_SLAVE_FEATURES_REQ, instead receives the LL_ENC_REQ response from a remote device. This causes deadlock scenario where DUT and remote devices are stuck waiting for response from peer.
Affected platforms: rdrw612bga frdmrw612 evkmimxrt1160 evkbmimxrt1170 evkbmimxrt1060 evkcmimxrt1060
- Connection disconnects with 7.5 ms connection interval
When wireless example works as a peripheral, the central role with 7. 5 ms connection interval connects to the wireless example. However, when using the 6th/7th/8th central to connect the wireless example, all the previous connections with the previous centrals are disconnected. When wireless example works as central and the connection interval is 7.5 ms, the 4th peripheral is not scanned.
Affected platforms: rdrw612bga frdmrw612 evkmimxrt1160 evkbmimxrt1170 evkbmimxrt1060 evkcmimxrt1060
- a2dp sink demo: Noise may occur when phone plays music with other operations
Noise may occur when phone plays music with other operations. For example: - Switches the WIFI network of the phone when playing music - Switches music when playing the online music
Affected platforms: rdrw612bga frdmrw612 evkmimxrt1160 evkbmimxrt1170 evkbmimxrt1060 evkcmimxrt1060
- Volume is very loud from codec in the a2dp sink and hfp demos
After connecting to the phone and playing music or calling, the codec volume is very loud.
Affected platforms: rdrw612bga frdmrw612
- Wireless EdgeFast_Bluetooth stack is not supported by any kits
Wireless EdgeFast_Bluetooth stack can be downloaded by EVK-MIMXRT1060-AGM01, EVK-MIMXRT1060-OM13790HOST and EVK-MIMXRT1060-OM13588 in []( However, it is not supported in these kits.
Affected platforms: evkmimxrt1060
Affected platforms: evkmimxrt1060
Affected platforms: evkmimxrt1170
Affected platforms: evkmimxrt685
Affected platforms: evkmimxrt595
- aws_httpscli_corehttp example for evkmimxrt1160 issue in MCUXpressoIDE release target
The aws_httpscli_corehttp example for evkmimxrt1160 does not work correctly in MCUXpressoIDE release target. Use the debug target only in this IDE.
Affected platforms: evkmimxrt1160
- Insufficient heap in ota_demo examples
The ota_demo examples, especially ota_demo_wifi, may run out of heap in the out-of-the-box configuration.
Affected platforms: evkbmimxrt1170
Workaround: Therefore, increasing the heap size to 200 KB in FreeRTOSConfig.h is recommended.
To increase the heap size, change line 62:
` #define configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE ( ( size_t ) ( 200 * 1024 ) ) `
- Debug and sdram_debug version of lwip_ipv4_ipv6_echo_freertos@cm4 project cannot compile in V5.37 MDK
The debug and sdram_debug version of lwip_ipv4_ipv6_echo_freertos@cm4 project cannot compile in V5.37 MDK. The location of lwip_ipv4_ipv6_echo_freertos@cm4 mdk project is: boards\evkmimxrt1170\lwip_examples\lwip_ipv4_ipv6_echo\freertos\cm4\mdk. The debug and sdram_debug version can compile successfully in V5.36 MDK. However, compile issue occurs in V5.37 MDK.
Affected platforms:
- Debugger cannot connect to target board when connecting TP11 of RT1060 to J11 (pin 2) of AW-AM510 uSD wireless module
To download hands-free or handsfree_ag example to RT1060, J11 (pin 2) should only be connected to TP11 after downloading executable file to target board.
Affected platforms: evkmimxrt1060
- SEGGER J-Link debugger usage problem
When an M core software is already running, it is possible to get HardFault or data verification issue during loading image into TCM by debugger.
Affected platforms: evkbmimxrt1060 mcimx93evk
Workaround: The following steps are recommended to use the J-Link debugger.
Configure switch SW1301 to M core boot; low-power boot. Ensure that there is no image on the boot source.
Power the board and start the debugger for use.
To restart the debugger, stop the debugger, power off the board, and repeat step #2.
- USB PID issue
Because the PID of all USB device examples is updated, uninstall the device drivers and then reinstall when the device (with new PID) is plugged in the first time.
Affected platforms: frdmmcxc041 frdmmcxc242 frdmmcxc444
- CMSIS-PACK svd issue
CMSIS-PACK DFP installation takes a while. When installing cmsis-pack DFP, Keil MDK processes the MCU SVD file. The large size of SVD file takes considerable time to finish this conversion. During the installation, the progress appears stalled. However, it finishes after approximately 20 minutes.
Affected platforms:
- littlefs_shell does not produce output
littlefs_shell example compiled by armgcc does not produce debug console output on LPCXpresso54S018M board. Root cause is unknown.
Affected platforms: lpcxpresso54s018m
- Only FreeRTOS is tested for RTOS support
This release only supports the FreeRTOS kernel and a bare-metal non-preemptive task scheduler.
Affected platforms: k32w148evk
- The wifi_webconfig example can get stuck after AP to client switch
The app stops uAP during switch to client, which can cause app to hang.
Affected platforms: