MCUXpresso SDK
The NXP MCUXpresso software and tools offer comprehensive development solutions designed to help accelerate embedded system development of applications based on MCUs from NXP. The MCUXpresso SDK includes a flexible set of peripheral drivers designed to speed up and simplify development of embedded applications. Along with the peripheral drivers, the MCUXpresso SDK provides an extensive set of example applications covering everything from basic peripheral use cases to full technology demonstrations. The MCUXpresso SDK contains optional RTOS integrations such as FreeRTOS, and various other middleware to support rapid development.
The MCUXpresso SDK on GitHub is composed of multiple groups of software distributed among different repositories. The MCUXpresso SDK uses the popular west manifest to specify what software is included. This method of delivering software was inspired by Zephyr.
NXP has organized the SDK software into the groups below:
Device and Board enablement with shared drivers and components
RTOS software
Middleware software
Example projects. Assist in evaluation of the above software
The MCUXpresso SDK west manifest provides the following benefits:
Users can modify the included software to align with their application.
Software is in smaller repositories to avoid a single large download requirement. The download size is reduced by selecting a custom manifest.
The Zephyr west tool is used to manage this multi-repo SDK. By providing different manifest files, the user has the flexibility to:
Get software for a specific device by listing a product family manifest file (
). The manifest includes fewer folders/files, and provides a faster download experience. - Will provide in the 25.03.00 release updateRetrieve the full MCUXpresso SDK by using the default west.yml. This installs all the available MCUXpresso SDK software repositories, and therefore results in the longest download time.
Users can create a custom version of the
optimized for the needs of their own projects.
Environment - The easiest way to install all dependencies is using the MCUXpresso Installer. The installer can be installed and launched from the MCUXpresso for VS Code extension. The installer can also be installed from here:
Once the MCUXpresso Installer is launched, install the following:
MCUXpresso SDK Developer
This automatically installs the following:Homebrew - package manager for macOS
CMake - Manages the build process
Ninja - Small and fast build system
Git - version control system
Arm GNU Toolchain - Toolchain for Arm Architecture
Arm GNU Toolchain add-ons
Arm GNU Toolchain Standalone add-ons
pip - Package installer for Python
west - To manage multipe Git repos under a single directory (the west manifest file)
Debug Probes Software (Select the ones are needed for your EVK/probe)
LinkServer - GDB server and low level debug utilities for NXP probes
SEGGER J-Link - Software pack for J-Link debug probes
PEmicro - GDB server for debuggin supported NXP ARM Cortex-M targets
To install these dependencies manually, follow the steps found on the SDK Documentation
Cloning the Repo
To clone the repo from the CLI run the commands:
west init -m
west update
Additional steps
Add ARMGCC_DIR to your environment variables
Open your system settings
Add ARMGCC_DIR and its path