

The MC56F80000-EVK is an ultra-low-cost development platform for Digital Signal Controller MC56F80xxx MCU. Form-factor compatible with the Arduino R3 pin layout. On board OpenSDA circuit enabling debugging and programming with CodeWarrior. On board OpenSDA circuit enabling a virtual series port. Peripherals enable rapid prototyping, including a 3-axis MEMS accelerometer, 6 PWM and 3 user LEDs, 4 user push buttons for direct interaction, two OPAMP external feedback circuits, a SPI interfaced Flash memory and 3 resistor dividers for ADC test.


MCU device and part on board is shown below:

  • Device: MC56F80748

  • PartNumber: MC56F80748VLH

Getting Started

Getting Started with MCUXpresso SDK for MC56F80000-EVK

Release Notes

MCUXpresso SDK Release Notes for MC56F80000-EVK