Build an example application {#GUID-8D10B27D-5F9E-4564-9B3C-174418593689}

To build an example application, follow these steps.

  1. Drag and drop the SDK zip file into the Installed SDKs view to install an SDK. In the window that appears, click OK and wait until the import has finished.



  1. On the Quickstart Panel, click Import SDK example(s)….



  1. In the window that appears, expand the LPC55xx folder and select LPC55S69. Then, select lpcxpresso55s69 and click Next.



  1. Expand the demo_apps folder and select hello_world . Then, select UART as SDK Debug Console andclick Next.



  1. Ensure Redlib: Use floating-point version of printf is selected if the example prints floating-point numbers on the terminalfor demo applications such as adc_basic, adc_burst, adc_dma, and adc_interrupt. Otherwise, it is not necessary to select this option. Then, click Finish.



Parent topic:Run a demo using MCUXpresso IDE