

LPC800 series boards and devices are fully supported by NXPsMCUXpresso suiteof free software and tools, which include an Eclipse-based IDE, configuration tools and extensive SDK drivers/examples available athttps://mcuxpresso.nxp.com. All boards in this series include an on-board CMSIS-DAP debug probe based on the LPC11U35 debug probe, with the option for an external debug probe such as those from SEGGER and PE Micro. Popular Arduino UNO shield boards can be used on these boards, enabling quick and easy prototyping.The LPC800 series is fully supported by NXPsMCUXpresso suiteof free software and tools, which include an Eclipse-based IDE, configuration tools and extensive SDK drivers/examples available athttps://mcuxpresso.nxp.com. MCUXpresso SDK includes project files for use with IDEs from lead partners Keil and IAR, and these IDEs are also fully supported by the MCUXpresso pin, clock and peripheral configuration tools.


MCU device and part on board is shown below:

  • Device: LPC802

  • PartNumber: LPC802M001JDH20

Getting Started

Getting Started with MCUXpresso SDK for LPCXpresso802

Release Notes

MCUXpresso SDK Release Notes for LPCXpresso802