RAW/POR image switch

In current delivered SDK package, most demos generate RAW images. To enhance customer OOBE experience, the following RT1180 SDK CM33 project/targets generate POR image, which means that they can POR run after you debug/download it in IDE.

  • IAR/GCC/MDK, hello_world_demo_cm33 flexspi_nor_debug/release, flexspi_nor_hyperram_debug/release

  • IAR/GCC/MDK, multicore_hello_world_cm33 flexspi_nor_debug/release, flexspi_nor_hyperram_debug/release

  • MCUX CM33 image are all POR images except the multicore_trigger demo.


  • These POR images are not signed, just for develop convenience, not recommended for product usage.

  • It is highly recommended to use SPT for image download.

For the SDK CM33 IAR/MDK/ARMGCC project, flexspi_nor targets, as well as for MCUX project, debug/release targets. It is easy to switch RAW/POR image, via the project macro XIP_BOOT_HEADER_ENABLE setting. Table 1describes the rules.


Image type





  • For IAR/ARMGCC, change the macro XIP_BOOT_HEADER_ENABLE in the compiler setting.

  • For MDK, change the macro XIP_BOOT_HEADER_ENABLE in compiler and link setting simultaneously.

For detailed settings, see the following sections.

IAR settings for image type switch

Parent topic:RAW/POR image switch

ARMGCC settings for image type switch

Parent topic:RAW/POR image switch

MDK setting for image type switch

Parent topic:RAW/POR image switch

MCUxpresso settings for image type switch

Parent topic:RAW/POR image switch

Parent topic:Bootable image generation