Build a demo application with IAR

This section describes the steps to run the example applications provided in the MCUXpresso SDK. The demo application targeted for the i.MX 943 hardware platform is used as an example, although these steps can be applied to any example application in the MCUXpresso SDK.

Build an example application

The following steps guide you through opening the hello_world example application. These steps may change slightly for other example applications, as some of these applications may have additional layers of folders in their paths.

  1. If not already done, open the desired demo application workspace. Most example application workspace files can be located using the following path:


    Using the i.MX 943 EVK board as an example, the workspace is located in:

  2. Select the desired build target from the drop-down. For this example, select hello_world - debug.

  3. To build the demo application, click Make.

  4. The build completes without errors.

  5. Rename the generated hello_world.bin to m70_image.bin/m71_image.bin/m33s_image.bin, then copy it to the uuu tool directory.

Parent topic:Generate flash.bin