
Variable mechanism is introduced to facilitate data record in both CMake and Kconfig for MCUXpresso SDK.

For example in a cmake file with a board variable in the BASE_PATH, one copy of the following project segment data can be shared by all boards examples without any duplication.

        BASE_PATH ${SdkRootDirPath}/examples/_boards/${board} # "board" variable shall be defined in each board so that each board can use this project segment
        SOURCES dcd.c dcd.h

In Kconfig, the same board variable can set the board Kconfig path for all boards.

rsource "${board}/Kconfig"

There are some required variables which must be provided for each build to make the CMake configuration process run passed.

Besides, customized variables are allowed for some software data recorded although not suggested.

Required Variables

There are some required variables which shall be defined in advance to make the build workable. These variables are generally related to hardware related information. All these required variables can be defined in cmake files, but to enable the switch across device parts in run time with Kconfig, most hardware related variables are moved into Kconfig.chip because Kconfig mechanism can make sure that when you switch device part, all related variables can be switch at the same time.

Here is the cmake files stored variable table:

Variable Name



Used in


SDK root directory
Specify sdk root path

Automatically set by build system



board name, like evkbmimxrt1170

Provided in cli argument, also need to record it in board
variable cmake

CMake and Kconfig


board root folder
For public boards, it is examples/_boards
For internal boards, it is examples_int/_boards

Board variable cmake

CMake and Kconfig


device name, like MIMXRT1176

Device variable cmake

CMake and Kconfig


device root folder
For public devices, it is devices
For internal devices, it is devices_int

Device variable cmake

CMake and Kconfig


soc series, like RT1170

Device variable cmake

CMake and Kconfig


soc portfolio, like RT

Soc portfolio variable cmake

CMake and Kconfig


soc periph, like periph

Device variable cmake

CMake and Kconfig


Core id, like cm33_core0

Device variable cmake. This is only required for multicore device.



Core id suffix name

Device variable cmake



multicore folder name

Device variable cmake


The above variables shall anyway be provided in CMake because they are used by Kconfig process.

Customized Variables

Besides above variables, you can set your own variables in CMake to facilitate your data record with extension mcux_set_variable.

  • For the required variables, build system will guarantee that they are defined before used.

  • For you customized variables, please make sure that your variables are defined before used.

Tips For Variable Usage

  • Variable value replacement is invisible in CMake process, to avoid potential issues, please minimize the usage of variable.

  • To make Kconfig integrable for other Kconfig system, please don’t use variables in Kconfig data other than rsource. rsource is only to load Kconfig files and it only support required variables, not customized ones.