
ADC16:Combinational logic inputs Driver

void ADC16_Init(SADC_Type *base, const adc16_config_t *psConfig)

Initializes the ADC16 module.

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address.

  • psConfig – Pointer to configuration structure.

void ADC16_GetDefaultConfig(adc16_config_t *psConfig)

Gets an available pre-defined settings for the converter’s configuration.

This function initializes the converter configuration structure with available settings. The default values are as follows.

psConfig->eReferenceVoltageSource                 = kADC16_ReferenceVoltageSourceVref;
psConfig->eClockSource                            = kADC16_ClockSourceAsynchronousClock;
psConfig->bEnableAsynchronousClock                = true;
psConfig->eClockDivider                           = kADC16_ClockDivider8;
psConfig->eResolution                             = KADC16_Resolution12bit;
psConfig->eLongSampleMode                         = kADC16_LongSampleDisabled;
psConfig->bEnableHighSpeed                        = false;
psConfig->bEnableLowPower                         = false;
psConfig->eChannelInput                           = kADC16_ModuleDisabled;
psConfig->u32GroupId                              = 0U;
psConfig->bEnableInterruptOnConversionCompleted   = false;
psConfig->bEnableDMA                              = false;
psConfig->eConversionTrigger                      = kADC16_SoftWareTrigger;
psConfig->eHardwareAverageMode                    = kADC16_HardwareAverageDisabled;
psConfig->bEnableContinuousConversion             = false;
psConfig->psHardwareCompare                       = NULL;

  • psConfig – Pointer to the configuration structure. See adc16_config_t.

void ADC16_Deinit(SADC_Type *base)

De-initializes the ADC16 module.

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address

status_t ADC16_DoAutoCalibration(SADC_Type *base)

Automates the hardware calibration.

This auto calibration helps to adjust the plus/minus side gain automatically. Execute the calibration before using the converter. Note that the hardware trigger should be used during the calibration.

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Calibration is done successfully.

  • kStatus_Fail – Calibration has failed.


Execution status.

static inline void ADC16_SetOffsetValue(SADC_Type *base, int16_t i16Value)

Sets the offset value for the conversion result.

This offset value takes effect on the conversion result. If the offset value is not zero, the reading result is subtracted by it. Note, the hardware calibration fills the offset value automatically.

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address.

  • i16Value – Setting offset value.

static inline void ADC16_EnableAssisTrrigger(SADC_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables assist trigger.

This ASSITRGEN register is used to help correctly generate the conversion type. When ASSITRGEN is set, the write to the ADCSC1 COCO bit will be reflected in the ADTRG register, and the operation of ADCSC1 will be delayed by 1/2 cycle.When ASSITRGEN is set, the user must ensure that no hardware trigger occurs when writing ADCSC1 COCO,so that the correct conversion type can be generated when the value of the ADTRG register changes.

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address.

  • enable – Switcher of the assist trigger feature. “true” means enabled, “false” means not enabled.

static inline void ADC16_EnableDMA(SADC_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables generating the DMA trigger when the conversion is complete.

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address.

  • enable – Switcher of the DMA feature. “true” means enabled, “false” means not enabled.

static inline void ADC16_EnableInterrupt(SADC_Type *base, uint32_t u32GroupId)

Enables the conversion interrupt .

The u32GroupId is for Group registers. For example,u32GroupId 0 is for Group A registers.

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address.

  • u32GroupId – group identification.

static inline void ADC16_DisableInterrupt(SADC_Type *base, uint32_t u32GroupId)

Disables the conversion interrupt .

The u32GroupId is for Group registers. For example,u32GroupId 0 is for Group A registers.

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address.

  • u32GroupId – group identification.

void ADC16_SetTriggerSource(SADC_Type *base, adc16_trigger_source_t eTriggerSource)

Settings ADC16 trigger mode.

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address.

  • eTriggerSource – Setting the trigger conversion mode. See adc16_trigger_source_t.

void Adc16_DoSoftwareTrigger(SADC_Type *base, uint32_t u32GroupId)

Turns on the ADC16 conversion .

The u32GroupId is for Group registers. For example,u32GroupId 0 is for Group A registers.

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address.

  • u32GroupId – group identification.

void Adc16_AbortSoftwareTrigger(SADC_Type *base, uint32_t u32GroupId)

Aborts the ADC16 conversion.

The u32GroupId is for Group registers. For example,u32GroupId 0 is for Group A registers.

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address.

  • u32GroupId – group identification.

void ADC16_SetHardwareCompareConfig(SADC_Type *base, const adc16_hardware_compare_t *psConfig)

Configures the hardware compare mode.

The hardware compare mode provides a way to process the conversion result automatically by using hardware. Only the result in the compare range is available. To compare the range, see “adc16_hardware_compare_mode_t” or the appopriate reference manual for more information.

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address.

  • psConfig – Pointer to the “adc16_hardware_compare_config_t” structure. Passing “NULL” disables the feature.

void ADC16_SetHardwareAverage(SADC_Type *base, adc16_hardware_average_mode_t eHardwareAverageMode)

Sets the hardware average mode.

The hardware average mode provides a way to process the conversion result automatically by using hardware. The multiple conversion results are accumulated and averaged internally making them easier to read.

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address.

  • eHardwareAverageMode – Setting the hardware average mode. See adc16_hardware_average_mode_t.

void ADC16_ClearCalibrationCompletedFlag(SADC_Type *base)

Clears calibration completed flag .

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address.

void ADC16_AssginChannelToGroup(SADC_Type *base, uint32_t u32GroupId, adc16_input_channel_t eChannel)

Configures the conversion Group channel.

This operation triggers the conversion when in software trigger mode. When in hardware trigger mode, this API configures the channel while the external trigger source helps to trigger the conversion.


that the “ u32GroupId “ has a detailed description. one for each conversion. The u32GroupId parameter indicates which group of registers are used, for example, u32GroupId 0 is for Group A registers. At any point, only one of ,the u32GroupId is actively controlling ADC conversions.The u32GroupId 0 is used for both software and hardware trigger modes. See the chip configuration information in the appropriate MCU reference manual for the number of SC1n registers (u32GroupId) specific to this device. Therefore, writing to these u32GroupId does not initiate a new conversion. Writing any of the u32GroupId registers while that specific u32GroupId is actively controlling a conversion aborts the current conversion.

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address.

  • u32GroupId – group identification. u32GroupId is for Group registers.

  • eChannel – Setting the conversion channel . See adc16_input_channel_t.

static inline uint32_t ADC16_GetGroupConversionValue(SADC_Type *base, uint32_t u32GroupId)

Gets the group conversion value.

The u32GroupId is for Group registers. For example,u32GroupId 0 is for Group A registers.

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address.

  • u32GroupId – group identification.


Conversion value.

bool ADC16_IsGroupConversionCompleted(SADC_Type *base, uint32_t u32GroupId)

Checks the status of group conversion.

The u32GroupId is for Group registers. For example,u32GroupId 0 is for Group A registers.

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address.

  • u32GroupId – group identification.


ADC16 driver version.

enum _adc16_input_channel

The enumeration all of ADC16 Input channels.


enumerator kADC16_Input0Channel

AD0 is selected as input

enumerator kADC16_Input1Channel

AD1 is selected as input

enumerator kADC16_Input2Channel

AD2 is selected as input

enumerator kADC16_Input3Channel

AD3 is selected as input

enumerator kADC16_Input4Channel

AD4 is selected as input

enumerator kADC16_Input5Channel

AD5 is selected as input

enumerator kADC16_Input6Channel

AD6 is selected as input

enumerator kADC16_Input7Channel

AD7 is selected as input

enumerator kADC16_Input8Channel

AD8 is selected as input

enumerator kADC16_Input9Channel

AD9 is selected as input

enumerator kADC16_Input10Channel

AD10 is selected as input

enumerator kADC16_Input11Channel

AD11 is selected as input

enumerator kADC16_Input12Channel

AD12 is selected as input

enumerator kADC16_Input13Channel

AD13 is selected as input

enumerator kADC16_Input14Channel

AD14 is selected as input

enumerator kADC16_Input15Channel

AD15 is selected as input

enumerator kADC16_Input16Channel

AD16 is selected as input

enumerator kADC16_Input17Channel

AD17 is selected as input

enumerator kADC16_Input18Channel

AD18 is selected as input

enumerator kADC16_Input19Channel

AD19 is selected as input

enumerator kADC16_Input20Channel

AD20 is selected as input

enumerator kADC16_Input21Channel

AD21 is selected as input

enumerator kADC16_Input22Channel

AD22 is selected as input

enumerator kADC16_Input23Channel

AD23 is selected as input

enumerator kADC16_Reserved1


enumerator kADC16_Reserved2


enumerator kADC16_TempSensor

Temp Sensor (single-ended) is selected as input

enumerator kADC16_ABandgap

ABandgap (single-ended) is selected as input

enumerator kADC16_Reserved3


enumerator kADC16_VREFSH

High reference voltage is selected as input

enumerator kADC16_VREFSL

Low reference voltage is selected as input

enumerator kADC16_ModuleDisabled

Module is disabled

enum _adc16_clock_divider

The enumeration ADC16 clock divider.


enumerator kADC16_ClockDivider1

For divider 1 from the input clock to the module.

enumerator kADC16_ClockDivider2

For divider 2 from the input clock to the module.

enumerator kADC16_ClockDivider4

For divider 4 from the input clock to the module.

enumerator kADC16_ClockDivider8

For divider 8 from the input clock to the module.

enum _adc16_resolution

The enumeration ADC16 Conversion resolution mode.


enumerator kADC16_Resolution8bit

single-ended 8-bit conversion

enumerator kADC16_Resolution12bit

single-ended 12-bit conversion

enumerator kADC16_Resolution10bit

single-ended 10-bit conversion

enumerator kADC16_Resolution16bit

single-ended 16-bit conversion

enum _adc16_clock_source

The enumeration of ADC16 clock source.


enumerator kADC16_ClockSourceAlt0

Selection Bus clock.

enumerator kADC16_ClockSourceAlt1

Selection (Bus clock)/2.

enumerator kADC16_ClockSourceAlt2

Selection Alternate clock (ALTCLK).

enumerator kADC16_ClockSourceAlt3

Selection Asynchronous clock (ADACK).

enumerator kADC16_ClockSourceAsynchronousClock

Using internal asynchronous clock.

enum _adc16_sample_mode

The enumeration of ADC16 sample mode.


enumerator kADC16_SampleCycle24

20 extra ADCK cycles, 24 ADCK cycles total.

enumerator kADC16_SampleCycle16

12 extra ADCK cycles, 16 ADCK cycles total.

enumerator kADC16_SampleCycle10

6 extra ADCK cycles, 10 ADCK cycles total.

enumerator kADC16_SampleCycle6

2 extra ADCK cycles, 6 ADCK cycles total.

enumerator kADC16_SampleDisabled

Disable the sample feature.

enum _adc16_compare_mode

The enumeration ADC16 Automatic compare mode.


enumerator kADC16_LessThanThreshold

Less than threshold

enumerator kADC16_GreaterThanOrEqualThreshold

Greater than or equal to threshold

enumerator kADC16_TriggerOutsideCompareRangeMode1

Compare true if the result is less than CV1 Or the result is greater than CV2.

enumerator kADC16_TriggerInsideCompareRangeMode1

Compare true if the result is less than CV1 And the result is greater than CV2.

enumerator kADC16_TriggerInsideCompareRangeMode2

Compare true if the result is greater than or equal to CV1 And the result is less than or equal to CV2.

enumerator kADC16_TriggerOutsideCompareRangeMode2

Compare true if the result is greater than or equal to CV1 Or the result is less than or equal to CV2.

enum _adc16_reference_voltage_source

The enumeration ADC16 Reference voltage source.


enumerator kADC16_ReferenceVoltageSourceVref

For external pins pair of VrefH and VrefL.

enumerator kADC16_ReferenceVoltageSourceValt

For alternate reference pair of ValtH and ValtL.

enumerator kADC16_ReferenceVoltageSourceBandgap

For bandgap voltage from V BGH and V BGL.

enum _adc16_hardware_average_mode

The enumeration ADC16’s Hardware average mode.


enumerator kADC16_HardwareAverageCount4

For hardware average with 4 samples.

enumerator kADC16_HardwareAverageCount8

For hardware average with 8 samples.

enumerator kADC16_HardwareAverageCount16

For hardware average with 16 samples.

enumerator kADC16_HardwareAverageCount32

For hardware average with 32 samples.

enumerator kADC16_HardwareAverageDisabled

Disable the hardware average feature.

enum _adc16_trigger_source

The enumeration ADC16’s conversion trigger source.


enumerator kADC16_SoftWareTrigger

Software trigger Conversion

enumerator kADC16_HardWareTrigger

Hardware trigger Conversion

typedef enum _adc16_input_channel adc16_input_channel_t

The enumeration all of ADC16 Input channels.

typedef enum _adc16_clock_divider adc16_clock_divider_t

The enumeration ADC16 clock divider.

typedef enum _adc16_resolution adc16_resolution_t

The enumeration ADC16 Conversion resolution mode.

typedef enum _adc16_clock_source adc16_clock_source_t

The enumeration of ADC16 clock source.

typedef enum _adc16_sample_mode adc16_sample_mode_t

The enumeration of ADC16 sample mode.

typedef enum _adc16_compare_mode adc16_compare_mode

The enumeration ADC16 Automatic compare mode.

typedef enum _adc16_reference_voltage_source adc16_reference_voltage_source_t

The enumeration ADC16 Reference voltage source.

typedef enum _adc16_hardware_average_mode adc16_hardware_average_mode_t

The enumeration ADC16’s Hardware average mode.

typedef enum _adc16_trigger_source adc16_trigger_source_t

The enumeration ADC16’s conversion trigger source.

typedef struct _adc16_hardware_compare adc16_hardware_compare_t

The structure for configuration the ADC16’s hardware compare setting.

typedef struct _adc16_config adc16_config_t

The structure for configuration the ADC16’s setting.

struct _adc16_hardware_compare
#include <fsl_adc.h>

The structure for configuration the ADC16’s hardware compare setting.

Public Members

adc16_compare_mode eCompareMode

Select the compare mode. See adc16_compare_mode.

int16_t i16Value1

Setting i16Value1 for hardware compare mode.

int16_t i16Value2

Setting i16Value2 for hardware compare mode.

struct _adc16_config
#include <fsl_adc.h>

The structure for configuration the ADC16’s setting.

Public Members

adc16_reference_voltage_source_t eReferenceVoltageSource

Select the reference voltage source.

adc16_clock_source_t eClockSource

Select the input clock source to converter.

bool bEnableAsynchronousClock

Enable the asynchronous clock output.

adc16_clock_divider_t eClockDivider

Select the divider of input clock source.

adc16_resolution_t eResolution

Select the sample resolution mode.

adc16_sample_mode_t eSampleMode

Select the sample mode.

bool bEnableHighSpeed

Enable the high-speed mode.

bool bEnableLowPower

Enable low power.

adc16_input_channel_t eChannelInput

Select input channel

uint32_t u32GroupId

Set group identification, u32GroupId is for Group registers.

bool bEnableInterruptOnConversionCompleted

Generate an interrupt request once the conversion is completed.

adc16_trigger_source_t eConversionTrigger

Select Conversion Trigger mode.

bool bEnableDMA

Enable adc DMA function

bool bEnableContinuousConversion

Enable continuous conversion mode.

adc16_hardware_average_mode_t eHardwareAverageMode

Set hardware average mode.

adc16_hardware_compare_t *psHardwareCompare

Set hardware compare mode

The Driver Change Log

ADC16 Peripheral and Driver Overview

AOI:Combinational logic inputs Driver

void AOI_Init(AOI_Type *base)

Initializes an AOI instance for operation.

Reserved function, enable clock preparation.

  • base – AOI peripheral address.

void AOI_Deinit(AOI_Type *base)

Deinitializes an AOI instance for operation.

Reserved function, disable clock preparation.

  • base – AOI peripheral address.

void AOI_GetEventLogicConfig(AOI_Type *base, aoi_event_t eEvent, aoi_event_config_t *psEventconfig)

Gets the Boolean evaluation associated.

This function returns the Boolean evaluation associated.


aoi_event_config_t demoEventLogicStruct;

AOI_GetEventLogicConfig(AOI, kAOI_Event0, &demoEventLogicStruct);

  • base – AOI peripheral address.

  • eEvent – Index of the event which will be set of type aoi_event_t.

  • psEventconfig – Selected input configuration.

void AOI_SetEventLogicConfig(AOI_Type *base, aoi_event_t eEvent, const aoi_event_config_t *psEventconfig)

Configures an AOI event.

This function configures an AOI event according to the aoiEventConfig structure. This function configures all inputs (A, B, C, and D) of all product terms (0, 1, 2, and 3) of a desired event.


aoi_event_config_t demoEventLogicStruct;

demoEventLogicStruct.PT0AC = kAOI_InvInputSignal;
demoEventLogicStruct.PT0BC = kAOI_InputSignal;
demoEventLogicStruct.PT0CC = kAOI_LogicOne;
demoEventLogicStruct.PT0DC = kAOI_LogicOne;

demoEventLogicStruct.PT1AC = kAOI_LogicZero;
demoEventLogicStruct.PT1BC = kAOI_LogicOne;
demoEventLogicStruct.PT1CC = kAOI_LogicOne;
demoEventLogicStruct.PT1DC = kAOI_LogicOne;

demoEventLogicStruct.PT2AC = kAOI_LogicZero;
demoEventLogicStruct.PT2BC = kAOI_LogicOne;
demoEventLogicStruct.PT2CC = kAOI_LogicOne;
demoEventLogicStruct.PT2DC = kAOI_LogicOne;

demoEventLogicStruct.PT3AC = kAOI_LogicZero;
demoEventLogicStruct.PT3BC = kAOI_LogicOne;
demoEventLogicStruct.PT3CC = kAOI_LogicOne;
demoEventLogicStruct.PT3DC = kAOI_LogicOne;

AOI_SetEventLogicConfig(AOI, kAOI_Event0,&demoEventLogicStruct);

  • base – AOI peripheral address.

  • eEvent – Event which will be configured of type aoi_event_t.

  • psEventconfig – Pointer to type aoi_event_config_t structure. The user is responsible for filling out the members of this structure and passing the pointer to this function.


Version 2.0.0.

enum _aoi_input_config

AOI input configurations.

The selection item represents the Boolean evaluations.


enumerator kAOI_LogicZero

Forces the input to logical zero.

enumerator kAOI_InputSignal

Passes the input signal.

enumerator kAOI_InvInputSignal

Inverts the input signal.

enumerator kAOI_LogicOne

Forces the input to logical one.

enum _aoi_event

AOI event indexes, where an event is the collection of the four product terms (0, 1, 2, and 3) and the four signal inputs (A, B, C, and D).


enumerator kAOI_Event0

Event 0 index

enumerator kAOI_Event1

Event 1 index

enumerator kAOI_Event2

Event 2 index

enumerator kAOI_Event3

Event 3 index

enumerator KAOI_EventMax

Max event.

typedef enum _aoi_input_config aoi_input_config_t

AOI input configurations.

The selection item represents the Boolean evaluations.

typedef enum _aoi_event aoi_event_t

AOI event indexes, where an event is the collection of the four product terms (0, 1, 2, and 3) and the four signal inputs (A, B, C, and D).

typedef struct _aoi_event_config aoi_event_config_t

AOI event configuration structure.

Defines structure _aoi_event_config and use the AOI_SetEventLogicConfig() function to make whole event configuration.

struct _aoi_event_config
#include <fsl_aoi.h>

AOI event configuration structure.

Defines structure _aoi_event_config and use the AOI_SetEventLogicConfig() function to make whole event configuration.

Public Members

aoi_input_config_t PT0AC

Product term 0 input A

aoi_input_config_t PT0BC

Product term 0 input B

aoi_input_config_t PT0CC

Product term 0 input C

aoi_input_config_t PT0DC

Product term 0 input D

aoi_input_config_t PT1AC

Product term 1 input A

aoi_input_config_t PT1BC

Product term 1 input B

aoi_input_config_t PT1CC

Product term 1 input C

aoi_input_config_t PT1DC

Product term 1 input D

aoi_input_config_t PT2AC

Product term 2 input A

aoi_input_config_t PT2BC

Product term 2 input B

aoi_input_config_t PT2CC

Product term 2 input C

aoi_input_config_t PT2DC

Product term 2 input D

aoi_input_config_t PT3AC

Product term 3 input A

aoi_input_config_t PT3BC

Product term 3 input B

aoi_input_config_t PT3CC

Product term 3 input C

aoi_input_config_t PT3DC

Product term 3 input D

The Driver Change Log

AOI Peripheral and Driver Overview

CADC: 12-bit Cyclic Analog-to-Digital Converter Driver

void CADC_Init(ADC_Type *base, const cadc_config_t *psConfig)

Initializes the CADC module, such as scan mode, DMA trigger source, interrupt mask and so on.

This function is to make the initialization for using CADC module. The operations are:

  • Enable the clock for CADC.

  • Set power up delay and Idle work mode.

  • Set DMA trigger source.

  • Enable the interrupts(Including High/Low limit interrupt, zero crossing interrupt interrupt, end of scan interrupt and each sample slot’s scan interrupt).

  • Set scan mode.

  • Set disabled sample slot for the scan.

  • Set scan control options.

  • Set selected channels’ mode.

  • Set gain for each channel.

  • Config conterA and converterB.


The high limit value, low limit value, offset value and zerocrossing mode of each sample slot will not be configured in this function, to set those options, the APIs in “Sample Slot Control Interfaces” function group can be used.

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.

  • psConfig – Pointer to configuration structure. See cadc_config_t.

void CADC_GetDefaultConfig(cadc_config_t *psConfig)

Gets an available pre-defined options(such as scan mode, DMA trigger source, interrupt mask and so on) for module’s configuration.

This function initializes the module’s configuration structure with an available settings. The default value are:

psConfig->eDMATriggerSource = kCADC_DMATrigSrcEndofScan;
psConfig->eIdleWorkMode = kCADC_IdleKeepNormal;
psConfig-s>u16PowerUpDelay = 26U;
psConfig->u32EnabledInterruptMask = 0U;
psConfig->eScanMode = kCADC_ScanModeTriggeredParallelSimultaneous;
psConfig->uDisabledSampleSlot.u32SampleDisVal = 0xFF0F0UL;
psConfig->uScanControl.u32ScanCtrlVal         = 0x0UL;
psConfig->eChannelGain[x] = kCADC_SignalGainX1;
psConfig->sampleSlotScanInterruptEnableMask = kCADC_NonSampleSlotMask;
For the default setting of converter, please see CADC_GetConverterDefaultConfig().

  • psConfig – Pointer to configuration structure. See cadc_config_t.

void CADC_Deinit(ADC_Type *base)

De-initializes the CADC module, including power down both converter and disable the clock(Optional).

This function is to make the de-initialization for using CADC module. The operations are:

  • Power down both converter.

  • Disable the clock for CADC.

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.

static inline void CADC_SetScanMode(ADC_Type *base, cadc_scan_mode_t eScanMode)

Sets the scan mode(such as Sequential scan mode, Simultaneous parallel scan mode, Independent parallel scan

mode) of dual converters.

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.

  • eScanMode – Dual converters’ scan mode, please see cadc_scan_mode_t for details.

static inline void CADC_SetScanControl(ADC_Type *base, cadc_scan_control_t uScanControl)

The function provides the ability to pause and await new sync in the conversion sequence.

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.

  • uScanControl – The scan control value, please refer to cadc_scan_control_t for details.

void CADC_SetChannelMode(ADC_Type *base, cadc_channel_mode_t eChannelMode)

Sets mode for the specific channel(Each channel can be set as single-end, fully differential and unipolar differential(Optional) mode).

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.

  • eChannelMode – The channel mode to be set, please refer to cadc_channel_mode_t for details.

void CADC_SetChannelGain(ADC_Type *base, cadc_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, cadc_channel_gain_t eChannelGain)

Sets the gain(Supports X1, X2, X4) of selected channel.

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – The number of channel, please refer to cadc_channel_number_t.

  • eChannelGain – The gain amplification, please refer to cadc_channel_gain_t for details.

void CADC_GetSampleSlotDefaultConfig(cadc_sample_slot_config_t *psConfig)

Gets sample slot default configuration including zero crossing mode, high limit value, low limit value and offset value.

psConfig->eZeroCrossingMode = kCADC_ZeroCrossingDisabled;
psConfig->u16HighLimitValue  = 0x7FF8U;
psConfig->u16LowLimitValue   = 0x0U;
psConfig->u16OffsetValue     = 0x0U;
  • psConfig – Pointer to configuration structure. See cadc_sample_slot_config_t.

void CADC_SetSampleSlotConfig(ADC_Type *base, cadc_sample_slot_index_t eSampleIndex, const cadc_sample_slot_config_t *psConfig)

Configures the options(including zero crossing mode, high limit value, low limit value and offset value) for sample slot.


This function can be used to set high limit value, low limit value, offset value and zerocrossing mode of the sample slot.

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.

  • eSampleIndex – Index of sample slot in conversion sequence. Please refer to cadc_sample_slot_index_t.

  • psConfig – Pointer to configuration structure. See cadc_sample_slot_config_t.

void CADC_SetSampleSlotZeroCrossingMode(ADC_Type *base, cadc_sample_slot_index_t eSampleIndex, cadc_sample_slot_zero_crossing_mode_t eZeroCrossingMode)

Sets zero-crossing mode for the selected sample slot.

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.

  • eSampleIndex – The index of sample slot. Please refer to cadc_sample_slot_index_t for details.

  • eZeroCrossingMode – Zero crossing mode, please refer to cadc_sample_slot_zero_crossing_mode_t for details.

void CADC_RouteChannelToSampleSlot(ADC_Type *base, cadc_sample_slot_index_t eSampleIndex, cadc_channel_number_t eChannelNumber)

Routes the channel to the sample slot.

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.

  • eSampleIndex – The index of sample slot, please refer to cadc_sample_slot_index_t for details.

  • eChannelNumber – Sample channel number, please refer to cadc_channel_number_t for details.

static inline void CADC_SetSampleSlotLowLimitValue(ADC_Type *base, cadc_sample_slot_index_t eSampleIndex, uint16_t u16LowLimitValue)

Sets the low limit value(-32768 ~ 32767 with lower three bits of fixed value 0) for the specific sample slot.

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.

  • eSampleIndex – The index of sample slot. Please refer to cadc_sample_slot_index_t for details.

  • u16LowLimitValue – Low limit value(-32768 ~ 32767 with lower three bits of fixed value 0). Original value formation as hardware register, with 3-bits left shifted.

static inline void CADC_SetSampleSlotHighLimitValue(ADC_Type *base, cadc_sample_slot_index_t eSampleIndex, uint16_t u16HighLimitValue)

Sets the high limit value(-32768 ~ 32767 with lower three bits of fixed value 0) for the specific sample slot.

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.

  • eSampleIndex – The index of sample slot. Please refer to cadc_sample_slot_index_t for details.

  • u16HighLimitValue – High limit value(-32768 ~ 32767 with lower three bits of fixed value 0). Original value formation as hardware register, with 3-bits left shifted.

static inline void CADC_SetSampleSlotOffsetValue(ADC_Type *base, cadc_sample_slot_index_t eSampleIndex, uint16_t u16OffsetValue)

Sets the offset value(-32768 ~ 32767 with lower three bits of fixed value 0) for the specific sample slot.

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.

  • eSampleIndex – The index of sample slot. Please refer to cadc_sample_slot_index_t for details.

  • u16OffsetValue – Offset value(-32768 ~ 32767 with lower three bits of fixed value 0). Original value formation as hardware register, with 3-bits left shifted.

static inline uint16_t CADC_GetSampleSlotResultValue(ADC_Type *base, cadc_sample_slot_index_t eSampleIndex)

Gets the sample result value.

This function is to get the sample result value. The returned value keeps it original formation just like in hardware result register. It includes the sign bit as the MSB and 3-bit left shifted value.

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.

  • eSampleIndex – Index of sample slot. For the counts of sample slots, please refer to cadc_sample_slot_index_t for details.


Sample’s conversion value.

void CADC_GetConverterDefaultConfig(cadc_converter_config_t *psConfig)

Gets available pre-defined settings(such as clock divisor, reference voltage source, and so on) for each converter’s configuration.

This function initializes each converter’s configuration structure with an available settings. The default value are:

psConfig->u16ClockDivisor = 4U;(ADC clock = Peripheral clock / 5)
psConfig->eSpeedMode = kCADC_SpeedMode0; (Chip specific)
psConfig->eHighReferenceVoltageSource = kCADC_ReferenceVoltageVrefPad;
psConfig->eLowReferenceVoltageSource = kCADC_ReferenceVoltageVrefPad;
psConfig->u16SampleWindowCount = 0U; (Chip specific)
psConfig->bEnableDMA         = false;
psConfig->bPowerUp   = false;
psConfig->bScanInitBySync  = true;

  • psConfig – Pointer to configuration structure. See cadc_converter_config_t.

void CADC_SetConverterConfig(ADC_Type *base, cadc_converter_id_t eConverterId, const cadc_converter_config_t *psConfig)

Configures the options(such as clock divisor, reference voltage source, and so on) for the converter.

This function can be used to configure the converter The operations are:

  • Set clock divisor;

  • Set reference voltage source

  • Enable/Disable DMA

  • Power-up/power-down converter

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.

  • eConverterId – The converter Id. See cadc_converter_id_t.

  • psConfig – Pointer to configuration structure. See cadc_converter_config_t.

static inline void CADC_EnableConverter(ADC_Type *base, cadc_converter_id_t eConverterId, bool bEnable)

Changes the converter to stop mode or normal mode.

The conversion should only be launched after the converter is in normal mode. When in stop mode, the current scan is stopped and no further scans can start. All the software trigger and hardware trigger are ignored.

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.

  • eConverterId – The converter Id. See cadc_converter_id_t.

  • bEnable – Used to change the operation mode.

    • true Changed to normal mode.

    • false Changed to stop mode

static inline void CADC_EnableConverterSyncInput(ADC_Type *base, cadc_converter_id_t eConverterId, bool bEnable)

Enables/Disables the external sync input pulse to initiate a scan.


When in “Once” scan mode, this gate would be off automatically after an available sync is received. User needs to enable the input again manually if another sync signal is wanted.

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.

  • eConverterId – The converter Id. See cadc_converter_id_t.

  • bEnable – Enable the feature or not.

    • true Used a SYNC input pulse or START command to initiate a scan.

    • false Only use the START command to initiate a scan.

static inline void CADC_DoSoftwareTriggerConverter(ADC_Type *base, cadc_converter_id_t eConverterId)

Uses software trigger to start a conversion sequence.

This function is to do the software trigger to the converter. The software trigger can used to start a conversion sequence.

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.

  • eConverterId – The ID of the converter to be started. See cadc_converter_id_t.

static inline void CADC_SetConverterClockDivisor(ADC_Type *base, cadc_converter_id_t eConverterId, uint16_t u16ClockDivisor)

Sets clock divisor(Range from 0 to 63) for converterA and conveter B.

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.

  • eConverterId – The converter Id. See cadc_converter_id_t.

  • u16ClockDivisor – Converter’s clock divisor for the clock source.Available setting range is 0-63.

    • When the clockDivisor is 0, the divisor is 2.

    • For all other clockDivisor values, the divisor is 1 more than the decimal value of clockDivisor: clockDivisor + 1

void CADC_SetConverterReferenceVoltageSource(ADC_Type *base, cadc_converter_id_t eConverterId, cadc_reference_voltage_source_t eHighReferenceVoltage, cadc_reference_voltage_source_t eLowReferenceVoltage)

Sets converter’s reference voltage source(Including high reference voltage source and low reference voltage


  • base – CADC peripheral base address.

  • eConverterId – The converter Id. See cadc_converter_id_t.

  • eHighReferenceVoltage – High voltage reference source, please refer to cadc_reference_voltage_source_t.

  • eLowReferenceVoltage – Low voltage reference source, please refer to cadc_reference_voltage_source_t.

void CADC_EnableConverterPower(ADC_Type *base, cadc_converter_id_t eConverterId, bool bEnable)

Powers up/down the specific converter.

This function is to enable the power for the converter. The converter should be powered up before the conversion. Once this API is called to power up the converter, the converter would be powered on after a few moment (so-called power up delay, the function CADC_SetPowerUpDelay() can be used to set the power up delay), so that the power would be stable.

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.

  • eConverterId – The converter to be powered. See cadc_converter_id_t.

  • bEnable – Powers up/down the converter.

    • true Power up the specific converter.

    • false Power down the specific converter.

static inline void CADC_EnableConverterDMA(ADC_Type *base, cadc_converter_id_t eConverterId, bool bEnable)

Enables/Disables the converter’s DMA feature.

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.

  • eConverterId – The converter id. See cadc_converter_id_t.

  • bEnable – Enables/Disables the DMA.

    • true Enable the converter’s DMA.

    • false Disable the converter’s DMA.

void CADC_SetConverterMuxAuxConfig(ADC_Type *base, cadc_converter_id_t eConverterId, const cadc_exp_mux_aux_config_t *psMuxAuxConfig)

Configures selected converter’s expansion mux and aux settings.

  • base – ADC peripheral base address.

  • eConverterId – The converter id, see cadc_converter_id_t.

  • psMuxAuxConfig – Pointer to cadc_exp_mux_aux_config_t structure.

static inline void CADC_ResetConverterExpMuxScan(ADC_Type *base, cadc_converter_id_t eConverterId)

Resets selected converter’s expansion mux scan.

  • base – ADC peripheral base address.

  • eConverterId – The converter id, see cadc_converter_id_t.

static inline void CADC_SetConverterExpansionMuxOperateMode(ADC_Type *base, cadc_converter_id_t eConverterId, cadc_expansion_mux_operate_mode_t eOperateMode)

Sets selected converter’s expansion mux operate mode.

  • base – ADC peripheral base address.

  • eConverterId – The converter id, see cadc_converter_id_t.

  • eOperateMode – Used to set expansion mux operate mode.

static inline void CADC_SetConverterAuxiliaryControl(ADC_Type *base, cadc_converter_id_t eConverterId, uint16_t u16AuxControl)

Sets selected converter’s auxiliary control set.

  • base – ADC peripheral base address.

  • eConverterId – The converter id, see cadc_converter_id_t.

  • u16AuxControl – The mask of auxiliary control, should be the OR’ed value of cadc_auxiliary_control_t.

static inline void CADC_SetConverterMuxChannels(ADC_Type *base, cadc_converter_id_t eConverterId, uint32_t u32MuxChannelMask)

Sets selected converter’s mux channels.

  • base – ADC peripheral base address.

  • eConverterId – The converter id, see cadc_converter_id_t.

  • u32MuxChannelMask – The mask of mux selection of all mux solts, should be the OR’ed value of cadc_expansion_mux_selection_t.

static inline void CADC_SetExpansionMuxAuxDisabledSlot(ADC_Type *base, cadc_converter_id_t eConverterId, cadc_expansion_disabled_mux_slot_t eDisabledMuxSlot)

Set selected converter’s mux and aux disabled slot.

  • base – ADC peripheral base address.

  • eConverterId – The converter id, see cadc_converter_id_t.

  • eDisabledMuxSlot – The mux slot to disabled, please refer to cadc_expansion_disabled_mux_slot_t.

static inline void CADC_SetPowerUpDelay(ADC_Type *base, uint16_t u16PowerUpDelay)

Sets power up delay(The number of ADC clocks to power up the converters before allowing a scan to start).

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.

  • u16PowerUpDelay – The number of ADC clocks to power up an ADC converter. Ranges from 0 to 63.

static inline void CADC_EnableAutoPowerDownMode(ADC_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enables/Disables auto-powerdown converters when the module is not in use for a scan.

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.

  • bEnable – Enable/Disable auto-powerdown mode.

    • true Enable auto-powerdown mode, so when the module is not in use, it will auto-powerdown.

    • false Disable auto-powerdown mode, so when the module is not in use, the power will still on.

static inline void CADC_SetDMATriggerSource(ADC_Type *base, cadc_dma_trigger_source_t eDMATriggerSource)

Sets DMA trigger source(available selections are “End of scan” and “Sample Ready”).

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.

  • eDMATriggerSource – DMA trigger source. Please refer to cadc_dma_trigger_source_t for details.

static inline void CADC_EnableInterrupts(ADC_Type *base, uint32_t u32Mask)

Enables the interrupts(such as high/low limit interrupts, end of scan interrupts, and so on).

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.

  • u32Mask – Mask value for converters interrupt events. Should be the OR’ed value of _cadc_interrupt_enable.

static inline void CADC_DisableInterrupts(ADC_Type *base, uint32_t u32Mask)

Disables the interrupts(such as high/low limit interrupts, end of scan interrupts, and so on).

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.

  • u32Mask – Mask value for converts interrupt events. Should be the OR’ed value of _cadc_interrupt_enable.

static inline uint16_t CADC_GetMiscStatusFlags(ADC_Type *base)

Gets Miscellaneous status flags, such as end of scan status flag, high/low limit interrupt flags and so on.


This API will return the current status of the ADC module, including high limit interrupt status, low limit status flag, zero crossing interrupt status, End of scan interrupt status, conversion in progress status. But some status flags are not included in this function. To get sample slot ready status flag, please invoking CADC_GetSampleSlotReadyStatusFlags(), to get sample slot limit violations status please invoking CADC_ClearSampleSlotLowLimitStatusFlags() and CADC_GetSampleSlotHighLimitStatusFlags(), to get zerocrossing status please invoking CADC_GetSampleSlotZeroCrossingStatusFlags(). To get converters’ power status please invoke CADC_GetPowerStatusFlag().

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.


Mask value for the event flags. See _cadc_misc_status_flags.

static inline void CADC_ClearMiscStatusFlags(ADC_Type *base, uint16_t u16Flags)

Clears Miscellaneous status flags(Only for “end of scan” status flags).


Only kCADC_ConverterAEndOfScanFlag and kCADC_ConverterBEndOfScanFlag can be cleared. And sample slot related status flags can not be cleared in this function. To clear the status flags of limit violations, please invoking CADC_ClearSampleSlotLowLimitStatusFlags() and CADC_ClearSampleSlotHighLimitStatusFlags(), to clear the status flags of zero crossing mode, please invoking CADC_ClearSampleSlotZeroCrossingStatusFlags().

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.

  • u16Flags – Mask value for the event flags to be cleared. See _cadc_misc_status_flags. Only the enumeration kCADC_ConverterAEndOfScanFlag and kCADC_ConverterBEndOfScanFlag are useful.

static inline uint32_t CADC_GetSampleSlotReadyStatusFlags(ADC_Type *base)

Gets sample slots ready status flag, those status flags are cleared by reading the corresponding sample slots’ result.

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.

static inline uint32_t CADC_GetSampleSlotLowLimitStatusFlags(ADC_Type *base)

Gets sample slot low limit status flags(Each bit represents one sample slot).

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.


The value of all sample slots’ low limit status. Each bit represents one sample slot.

static inline void CADC_ClearSampleSlotLowLimitStatusFlags(ADC_Type *base, uint32_t u32SampleMask)

Clears sample slot’s low limit status flags(Each bit represents one sample slot).

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.

  • u32SampleMask – Mask value of sample slots. This parameter should be the OR’ed value of cadc_sample_slot_mask_t.

static inline uint32_t CADC_GetSampleSlotHighLimitStatusFlags(ADC_Type *base)

Gets sample slot high limit status flags(Each bit represents one sample slot).

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.


The value of all sample slots’ high limit status. Each bit represents each sample slot.

static inline void CADC_ClearSampleSlotHighLimitStatusFlags(ADC_Type *base, uint32_t u32SampleMask)

Clears sample slot’s high limit status flags(Each bit represents one sample slot).

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.

  • u32SampleMask – Mask value of sample slots. This parameter should be the OR’ed value of cadc_sample_slot_mask_t.

static inline uint32_t CADC_GetSampleSlotZeroCrossingStatusFlags(ADC_Type *base)

Gets sample slot zero crossing status flags(Each bit represents one sample slot).

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.


The value of all sample slots’ zero crossing status. Each bit represents each sample slot.

static inline void CADC_ClearSampleSlotZeroCrossingStatusFlags(ADC_Type *base, uint32_t u32SampleMask)

Clears sample slot’s zero crossing status flags(Each bit represents one sample slot).

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.

  • u32SampleMask – Mask value of sample slots. This parameter should be the OR’ed value of cadc_sample_slot_mask_t.

static inline uint16_t CADC_GetPowerStatusFlags(ADC_Type *base)

Gets converters power status(Those power status can not be cleared).

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.


The mask value of the converters’ power status flag, see _cadc_converter_power_status_flags.

static inline uint16_t CADC_GetConverterExpMuxChannelScanCompStatusFlags(ADC_Type *base)

Gets converter’s expansion mux channel scan complete status flags.

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.


uint16_t The mask value of converters’ expansion mux channel scan status flags, see _cadc_expansion_mux_status_flags.

static inline void CADC_ClearConverterExpMuxChannelScanCompStatusFlags(ADC_Type *base, uint16_t u16FlagMask)

Clears converter’s expansion mux channel scan complete status flags.

  • base – CADC peripheral base address.

  • u16FlagMask – The mask value of _cadc_expansion_mux_status_flags.


CADC driver version.

enum _cadc_misc_status_flags

CADC miscellaneous status flags used to tell peripheral’s miscellaneous status, such as zerocrossing, end of scan flags.


enumerator kCADC_ZeroCrossingInterruptFlag

Zero crossing encountered. IRQ pending if enabled Zero Crossing Interrupt.

enumerator kCADC_HighLimitInterruptFlag

High limit exceeded flag. IRQ pending if enabled high limit interrupt.

enumerator kCADC_LowLimitInterruptFlag

Low limit exceeded flag. IRQ pending if enabled low limit interrupt.

enumerator kCADC_ConverterAInProgressFlag

Conversion in progress, converter A.

enumerator kCADC_ConverterBInProgressFlag

Conversion in progress, converter B.

enumerator kCADC_ConverterAEndOfScanFlag

End of scan, converter A.

enumerator kCADC_ConverterBEndOfScanFlag

End of scan, converter B.

enumerator kCADC_StatusAllFlags
enum _cadc_converter_power_status_flags

The enumeration of converter power status.


enumerator kCADC_ConverterAPowerDownFlag

The converterA is powered down.

enumerator kCADC_ConverterBPowerDownFlag

The converterB is powered down.

enum _cadc_expansion_mux_status_flags

The enumeration of expansion mux channel scan complete interrupt request status flag.


enumerator kCADC_ANA4ExpMuxAuxScanCompInterruptFlag

ANA4 Expansion MUX Channel Scan Complete Interrupt flag.

enumerator kCADC_ANB4ExpMuxAuxScanCompInterruptFlag

ANB4 Expansion MUX Channel Scan Complete Interrupt flag.

enum _cadc_interrupt_enable

CADC Interrupts enumeration.


enumerator kCADC_Sample0ScanInterruptEnable

If sample0 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.

enumerator kCADC_Sample1ScanInterruptEnable

If sample1 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.

enumerator kCADC_Sample2ScanInterruptEnable

If sample2 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.

enumerator kCADC_Sample3ScanInterruptEnable

If sample3 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.

enumerator kCADC_Sample4ScanInterruptEnable

If sample4 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.

enumerator kCADC_Sample5ScanInterruptEnable

If sample5 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.

enumerator kCADC_Sample6ScanInterruptEnable

If sample6 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.

enumerator kCADC_Sample7ScanInterruptEnable

If sample7 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.

enumerator kCADC_Sample8ScanInterruptEnable

If sample8 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.

enumerator kCADC_Sample9ScanInterruptEnable

If sample9 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.

enumerator kCADC_Sample10ScanInterruptEnable

If sample10 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.

enumerator kCADC_Sample11ScanInterruptEnable

If sample11 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.

enumerator kCADC_Sample12ScanInterruptEnable

If sample12 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.

enumerator kCADC_Sample13ScanInterruptEnable

If sample13 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.

enumerator kCADC_Sample14ScanInterruptEnable

If sample14 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.

enumerator kCADC_Sample15ScanInterruptEnable

If sample15 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.

enumerator kCADC_ANA4ExpMuxScanCompleteInterruptEnable

If ANA4 expansion MUX channel scan complete, generate the interrupt.

enumerator kCADC_ANB4ExpMuxScanCompleteInterruptEnable

If ANB4 expansion MUX channel scan complete, generate the interrupt.

enumerator kCADC_HighLimitInterruptEnable

If the result value is greater than the high limit value, generate high limit interrupt.

enumerator kCADC_LowLimitInterruptEnable

If the result value is less than the low limit value, generate low limit interrupt.

enumerator kCADC_ZeroCrossingInterruptEnable

If the current value has a sign change from the previous result in the selected zero crossing mode, generate the zero crossing mode

enumerator kCADC_ConversionCompleteInterrupt0Enable

Upon the completion of the scan, generate the end of scan interrupt, when the scan mode is selected as sequential mode or simultaneous parallel mode. For looping scan mode, the interrupt will trigger after the completion of each iteration of loop.

enumerator kCADC_ConversionCompleteInterrupt1Enable

When the scan mode is independent parallel mode, up the completion of the converter scan, generate te end of scan interrupt. For looping scan mode, the interrupt will trigger after the completion of each iteration of loop.

enumerator kCADC_ALLInterruptEnable
enum _cadc_converter_id

CADC Converter identifier.


enumerator kCADC_ConverterA

Converter A.

enumerator kCADC_ConverterB

Converter B.

enum _cadc_idle_work_mode

The enumeration of work mode when the module is not used.


enumerator kCADC_IdleKeepNormal

Keep normal.

enumerator kCADC_IdleAutoPowerDown

Fall into power down mode automatically.

enum _cadc_dma_trigger_source

The enumeration of DMA trigger source.


enumerator kCADC_DMATrigSrcEndofScan

DMA trigger source is end of scan interrupt.

enumerator kCADC_DMATrigSrcSampleReady

DMA trigger source is RDY bits.

enum _cadc_scan_mode

The enumeration of dual converter’s scan mode.


enumerator kCADC_ScanModeOnceSequential

Once (single) sequential.

enumerator kCADC_ScanModeOnceParallelIndependent

Once parallel independently.

enumerator kCADC_ScanModeLoopSequential

Loop sequential.

enumerator kCADC_ScanModeLoopParallelIndependent

Loop parallel independently.

enumerator kCADC_ScanModeTriggeredSequential

Triggered sequential.

enumerator kCADC_ScanModeTriggeredParallelIndependent

Triggered parallel independently.

enumerator kCADC_ScanModeOnceParallelSimultaneous

Once parallel simultaneously.

enumerator kCADC_ScanModeLoopParallelSimultaneous

Loop parallel simultaneously.

enumerator kCADC_ScanModeTriggeredParallelSimultaneous

Triggered parallel simultaneously.

enum _cadc_reference_voltage_source

The enumeration of converter’s reference voltage source.


enumerator kCADC_ReferenceVoltageVrefPad

VREF pin.

enumerator kCADC_ReferenceVoltageChannelPad

ANx2 or ANx3 pin.

enum _cadc_channel_gain

The enumeration of sample slot connected channel gain.


enumerator kCADC_SignalGainX1

Gain x1.

enumerator kCADC_SignalGainX2

Gain x2.

enumerator kCADC_SignalGainX4

Gain x4.

enum _cadc_channel_mode

The enumeration of all channels’ channel mode.


enumerator kCADC_ANA0_1_SingleEnd

ANA0 and ANA1 both configured as single ended inputs.

enumerator kCADC_ANA0_1_FullyDifferential

ANA0 configured as fully differential positive input, ANA1 configured as fully differential negative input.

enumerator kCADC_ANA0_1_UnipolarDifferential

ANA0 configured as unipolar differential positive input, ANA1 configured as unipolar differential negative input.

enumerator kCADC_ANA2_3_SingleEnd

ANA2 and ANA3 both configured as single ended inputs.

enumerator kCADC_ANA2_3_FullyDifferential

ANA2 configured as fully differential positive input, ANA3 configured as fully differential negative input.

enumerator kCADC_ANA2_3_UnipolarDifferential

ANA2 configured as unipolar differential positive input, ANA3 configured as unipolar differential negative input.

enumerator kCADC_ANB0_1_SingleEnd

ANB0 and ANB1 both configured as single ended inputs.

enumerator kCADC_ANB0_1_FullyDifferential

ANB0 configured as fully differential positive input, ANB1 configured as fully differential negative input.

enumerator kCADC_ANB0_1_UnipolarDifferential

ANB0 configured as unipolar differential positive input, ANB1 configured as unipolar differential negative input.

enumerator kCADC_ANB2_3_SingleEnd

ANB2 and ANB3 both configured as single ended inputs.

enumerator kCADC_ANB2_3_FullyDifferential

ANB2 configured as fully differential positive input, ANB3 configured as fully differential negative input.

enumerator kCADC_ANB2_3_UnipolarDifferential

ANB2 configured as unipolar differential positive input, ANB3 configured as unipolar differential negative input.

enumerator kCADC_ANA4_5_SingleEnd

ANA4 and ANA5 both configured as single ended inputs.

enumerator kCADC_ANA4_5_FullyDifferential

ANA4 configured as fully differential positive input, ANA5 configured as fully differential negative input.

enumerator kCADC_ANA4_5_UnipolarDifferential

ANA4 configured as unipolar differential positive input, ANA5 configured as unipolar differential negative input.

enumerator kCADC_ANA6_7_SingleEnd

ANA6 and ANA7 both configured as single ended inputs.

enumerator kCADC_ANA6_7_FullyDifferential

ANA6 configured as fully differential positive input, ANA7 configured as fully differential negative input.

enumerator kCADC_ANA6_7_UnipolarDifferential

ANA6 configured as unipolar differential positive input, ANA7 configured as unipolar differential negative input.

enumerator kCADC_ANB4_5_SingleEnd

ANB4 and ANB5 both configured as single ended inputs.

enumerator kCADC_ANB4_5_FullyDifferential

ANB4 configured as fully differential positive input, ANB5 configured as fully differential negative input.

enumerator kCADC_ANB4_5_UnipolarDifferential

ANB4 configured as unipolar differential positive input, ANB5 configured as unipolar differential negative input.

enumerator kCADC_ANB6_7_SingleEnd

ANB6 and ANB7 both configured as single ended inputs.

enumerator kCADC_ANB6_7_FullyDifferential

ANB6 configured as fully differential positive input, ANB7 configured as fully differential negative input.

enumerator kCADC_ANB6_7_UnipolarDifferential

ANB6 configured as unipolar differential positive input, ANB7 configured as unipolar differential negative input.

enum _cadc_channel_number

The enumerator of all channels that can be routed to the specific sample slot.


enumerator kCADC_SingleEndANA0_DiffANA0pANA1n

Single Endned ANA0 Signal Or Differential ANA0+, ANA1- signal.

enumerator kCADC_SingleEndANA1_DiffANA0pANA1n

Single Endned ANA1 Signal Or Differential ANA0+, ANA1- signal.

enumerator kCADC_SingleEndANA2_DiffANA2pANA3n

Single Endned ANA2 Signal Or Differential ANA2+, ANA3- signal.

enumerator kCADC_SingleEndANA3_DiffANA2pANA3n

Single Endned ANA3 Signal Or Differential ANA2+, ANA3- signal.

enumerator kCADC_SingleEndANA4_DiffANA4pANA5n

Single Endned ANA4 Signal Or Differential ANA4+, ANA5- signal.

enumerator kCADC_SingleEndANA5_DiffANA4pANA5n

Single Endned ANA5 Signal Or Differential ANA4+, ANA5- signal.

enumerator kCADC_SingleEndANA6_DiffANA6pANA7n

Single Endned ANA6 Signal Or Differential ANA6+, ANA7- signal.

enumerator kCADC_SingleEndANA7_DiffANA6pANA7n

Single Endned ANA7 Signal Or Differential ANA6+, ANA7- signal.

enumerator kCADC_SingleEndANB0_DiffANB0pANB1n

Single Endned ANB0 Signal Or Differential ANB0+, ANB1- signal.

enumerator kCADC_SingleEndANB1_DiffANB0pANB1n

Single Endned ANB1 Signal Or Differential ANB0+, ANB1- signal.

enumerator kCADC_SingleEndANB2_DiffANB2pANB3n

Single Endned ANB2 Signal Or Differential ANB2+, ANB3- signal.

enumerator kCADC_SingleEndANB3_DiffANB2pANB3n

Single Endned ANB3 Signal Or Differential ANB2+, ANB3- signal.

enumerator kCADC_SingleEndANB4_DiffANB4pANB5n

Single Endned ANB4 Signal Or Differential ANB4+, ANB5- signal.

enumerator kCADC_SingleEndANB5_DiffANB4pANB5n

Single Endned ANB5 Signal Or Differential ANB4+, ANB5- signal.

enumerator kCADC_SingleEndANB6_DiffANB6pANB7n

Single Endned ANB6 Signal Or Differential ANB6+, ANB7- signal.

enumerator kCADC_SingleEndANB7_DiffANB6pANB7n

Single Endned ANB7 Signal Or Differential ANB6+, ANB7- signal.

enum _cadc_sample_slot_mask

The enumeration of sample slot mask.


enumerator kCADC_NonSampleSlotMask
enumerator kCADC_SampleSlot0Mask

The mask of sample slot0.

enumerator kCADC_SampleSlot1Mask

The mask of sample slot1.

enumerator kCADC_SampleSlot2Mask

The mask of sample slot2.

enumerator kCADC_SampleSlot3Mask

The mask of sample slot3.

enumerator kCADC_SampleSlot4Mask

The mask of sample slot4.

enumerator kCADC_SampleSlot5Mask

The mask of sample slot5.

enumerator kCADC_SampleSlot6Mask

The mask of sample slot6.

enumerator kCADC_SampleSlot7Mask

The mask of sample slot7.

enumerator kCADC_SampleSlot8Mask

The mask of sample slot8.

enumerator kCADC_SampleSlot9Mask

The mask of sample slot9.

enumerator kCADC_SampleSlot10Mask

The mask of sample slot10.

enumerator kCADC_SampleSlot11Mask

The mask of sample slot11.

enumerator kCADC_SampleSlot12Mask

The mask of sample slot12.

enumerator kCADC_SampleSlot13Mask

The mask of sample slot13.

enumerator kCADC_SampleSlot14Mask

The mask of sample slot14.

enumerator kCADC_SampleSlot15Mask

The mask of sample slot15.

enumerator kCADC_AllSampleSlotsMask

The mask of all sample slots.

enum _cadc_sample_slot_index

The enumeration of sample slot index.


enumerator kCADC_SampleSlot0Index

The index of sample slot0.

enumerator kCADC_SampleSlot1Index

The index of sample slot1.

enumerator kCADC_SampleSlot2Index

The index of sample slot2.

enumerator kCADC_SampleSlot3Index

The index of sample slot3.

enumerator kCADC_SampleSlot4Index

The index of sample slot4.

enumerator kCADC_SampleSlot5Index

The index of sample slot5.

enumerator kCADC_SampleSlot6Index

The index of sample slot6.

enumerator kCADC_SampleSlot7Index

The index of sample slot7.

enumerator kCADC_SampleSlot8Index

The index of sample slot8.

enumerator kCADC_SampleSlot9Index

The index of sample slot9.

enumerator kCADC_SampleSlot10Index

The index of sample slot10.

enumerator kCADC_SampleSlot11Index

The index of sample slot11.

enumerator kCADC_SampleSlot12Index

The index of sample slot12.

enumerator kCADC_SampleSlot13Index

The index of sample slot13.

enumerator kCADC_SampleSlot14Index

The index of sample slot14.

enumerator kCADC_SampleSlot15Index

The index of sample slot15.

enum _cadc_sample_slot_sequential_mode_disabled

The enumeration for the sample slot to be disabled in sequential mode.


enumerator kCADC_Sample0Disabled

Disable Sample slot0, the scan will stop at sample slot0 in sequential scan mode

enumerator kCADC_Sample1Disabled

Disable Sample slot1, the scan will stop at sample slot1 in sequential scan mode

enumerator kCADC_Sample2Disabled

Disable Sample slot2, the scan will stop at sample slot2 in sequential scan mode

enumerator kCADC_Sample3Disabled

Disable Sample slot3, the scan will stop at sample slot3 in sequential scan mode

enumerator kCADC_Sample4Disabled

Disable Sample slot4, the scan will stop at sample slot4 in sequential scan mode

enumerator kCADC_Sample5Disabled

Disable Sample slot5, the scan will stop at sample slot5 in sequential scan mode

enumerator kCADC_Sample6Disabled

Disable Sample slot6, the scan will stop at sample slot6 in sequential scan mode

enumerator kCADC_Sample7Disabled

Disable Sample slot7, the scan will stop at sample slot7 in sequential scan mode

enumerator kCADC_Sample8Disabled

Disable Sample slot8, the scan will stop at sample slot8 in sequential scan mode

enumerator kCADC_Sample9Disabled

Disable Sample slot9, the scan will stop at sample slot9 in sequential scan mode

enumerator kCADC_Sample10Disabled

Disable Sample slot10, the scan will stop at sample slot10 in sequential scan mode

enumerator kCADC_Sample11Disabled

Disable Sample slot11, the scan will stop at sample slot11 in sequential scan mode

enumerator kCADC_Sample12Disabled

Disable Sample slot12, the scan will stop at sample slot12 in sequential scan mode

enumerator kCADC_Sample13Disabled

Disable Sample slot13, the scan will stop at sample slot13 in sequential scan mode

enumerator kCADC_Sample14Disabled

Disable Sample slot14, the scan will stop at sample slot14 in sequential scan mode

enumerator kCADC_Sample15Disabled

Disable Sample slot15, the scan will stop at sample slot15 in sequential scan mode

enum _cadc_sample_slot_simultParallel_mode_disabled

The enumeration for the sample slot to be disabled in simultaneous parallel mode.


enumerator kCADC_Sample0_8Disabled

Disable Sample slot0 and Sample Slot 8, in the simultaneous parallel mode the converter A and converter B will stop at Sample slot0 and Sample slot 8.

enumerator kCADC_Sample1_9Disabled

Disable Sample slot1 and Sample Slot 9, in the simultaneous parallel mode the converter A and converter B will stop at Sample slot1 and Sample slot 9.

enumerator kCADC_Sample2_10Disabled

Disable Sample slot2 and Sample Slot 10, in the simultaneous parallel mode the converter A and converter B will stop at Sample slot2 and Sample slot 10.

enumerator kCADC_Sample3_11Disabled

Disable Sample slot3 and Sample Slot 11, in the simultaneous parallel mode the converter A and converter B will stop at Sample slot3 and Sample slot 11.

enumerator kCADC_Sample4_12Disabled

Disable Sample slot4 and Sample Slot 12, in the simultaneous parallel mode the converter A and converter B will stop at Sample slot4 and Sample slot 12.

enumerator kCADC_Sample5_13Disabled

Disable Sample slot5 and Sample Slot 13, in the simultaneous parallel mode the converter A and converter B will stop at Sample slot5 and Sample slot 13.

enumerator kCADC_Sample6_14Disabled

Disable Sample slot6 and Sample Slot 14, in the simultaneous parallel mode the converter A and converter B will stop at Sample slot7 and Sample slot 14.

enumerator kCADC_Sample7_15Disabled

Disable Sample slot7 and Sample Slot 15, in the simultaneous parallel mode the converter A and converter B will stop at Sample slot7 and Sample slot 15.

enum _cadc_sample_slot_independentParallel_mode_convA_disabled

The enumeration for the sample slot to be disabled for the converter A in independent parallel mode.


enumerator kCADC_ConvASample0Disabled

Disable Sample slot0, the scan will stop at sample slot0 in sequential scan mode

enumerator kCADC_ConvASample1Disabled

Disable Sample slot1, the scan will stop at sample slot1 in sequential scan mode

enumerator kCADC_ConvASample2Disabled

Disable Sample slot2, the scan will stop at sample slot2 in sequential scan mode

enumerator kCADC_ConvASample3Disabled

Disable Sample slot3, the scan will stop at sample slot3 in sequential scan mode

enumerator kCADC_ConvASample4Disabled

Disable Sample slot4, the scan will stop at sample slot4 in sequential scan mode

enumerator kCADC_ConvASample5Disabled

Disable Sample slot5, the scan will stop at sample slot5 in sequential scan mode

enumerator kCADC_ConvASample6Disabled

Disable Sample slot6, the scan will stop at sample slot6 in sequential scan mode

enumerator kCADC_ConvASample7Disabled

Disable Sample slot7, the scan will stop at sample slot7 in sequential scan mode

enumerator kCADC_ConvASampleReserved


enum _cadc_sample_slot_indParallel_mode_convB_disabled

The enumeration for the sample slot to be disabled for the converter B in independent parallel mode.


enumerator kCADC_ConvBSample8Disabled

Disable Sample slot8, the scan will stop at sample slot8 in sequential scan mode

enumerator kCADC_ConvBSample9Disabled

Disable Sample slot9, the scan will stop at sample slot9 in sequential scan mode

enumerator kCADC_ConvBSample10Disabled

Disable Sample slot10, the scan will stop at sample slot10 in sequential scan mode

enumerator kCADC_ConvBSample11Disabled

Disable Sample slot11, the scan will stop at sample slot11 in sequential scan mode

enumerator kCADC_ConvBSample12Disabled

Disable Sample slot12, the scan will stop at sample slot12 in sequential scan mode

enumerator kCADC_ConvBSample13Disabled

Disable Sample slot13, the scan will stop at sample slot13 in sequential scan mode

enumerator kCADC_ConvBSample14Disabled

Disable Sample slot14, the scan will stop at sample slot14 in sequential scan mode

enumerator kCADC_ConvBSample15Disabled

Disable Sample slot15, the scan will stop at sample slot15 in sequential scan mode

enumerator kCADC_ConvBSampleReserved


enum _cadc_sample_slot_zero_crossing_mode

The enumeration for the sample slot’s zero crossing event.


enumerator kCADC_ZeroCrossingDisabled

Zero Crossing disabled.

enumerator kCADC_ZeroCrossingForPtoNSign

Zero Crossing enabled for positive to negative sign change.

enumerator kCADC_ZeroCrossingForNtoPSign

Zero Crossing enabled for negative to positive sign change.

enumerator kCADC_ZeroCrossingForAnySignChanged

Zero Crossing enabled for any sign change.

enum _cadc_expansion_mux_operate_mode

The enumeration for expansion multiplexer.


enumerator kCADC_ExpMuxManualMode

MUX channel feeding to ANA4/ANB4 is selected as MUXSEL0.

enumerator kCADC_ExpMuxScanMode0

The sample completion of ANA4/ANB4 enableds subsequent selected channel.

enumerator kCADC_ExpMuxScanMode1

The sample completion of ANA7/ANB7 enableds subsequent selected channel.

enumerator kCADC_ExpMuxScanMode2

The sample completion of ANA4/ANB4 or ANA7/ANB7 enableds subsequent selected channel.

enum _cadc_auxiliary_control

The enumeration of conveter’s auxiliary control.


enumerator kCADC_AuxSel0_Config0

Auxiliary select 0 controls AUX_SEL0 = 0, AUX_SEL1 = 0.

enumerator kCADC_AuxSel0_Config1

Auxiliary select 0 controls AUX_SEL0 = 1, AUX_SEL1 = 0.

enumerator kCADC_AuxSel0_Config2

Auxiliary select 0 controls AUX_SEL0 = 0, AUX_SEL1 = 1.

enumerator kCADC_AuxSel0_Config3

Auxiliary select 0 controls AUX_SEL0 = 1, AUX_SEL1 = 1.

enumerator kCADC_AuxSel1_Config0

Auxiliary select 1 controls AUX_SEL0 = 0, AUX_SEL1 = 0.

enumerator kCADC_AuxSel1_Config1

Auxiliary select 1 controls AUX_SEL0 = 1, AUX_SEL1 = 0.

enumerator kCADC_AuxSel1_Config2

Auxiliary select 1 controls AUX_SEL0 = 0, AUX_SEL1 = 1.

enumerator kCADC_AuxSel1_Config3

Auxiliary select 1 controls AUX_SEL0 = 1, AUX_SEL1 = 1.

enumerator kCADC_AuxSel2_Config0

Auxiliary select 2 controls AUX_SEL0 = 0, AUX_SEL1 = 0.

enumerator kCADC_AuxSel2_Config1

Auxiliary select 2 controls AUX_SEL0 = 1, AUX_SEL1 = 0.

enumerator kCADC_AuxSel2_Config2

Auxiliary select 2 controls AUX_SEL0 = 0, AUX_SEL1 = 1.

enumerator kCADC_AuxSel2_Config3

Auxiliary select 2 controls AUX_SEL0 = 1, AUX_SEL1 = 1.

enumerator kCADC_AuxSel3_Config0

Auxiliary select 3 controls AUX_SEL0 = 0, AUX_SEL1 = 0.

enumerator kCADC_AuxSel3_Config1

Auxiliary select 3 controls AUX_SEL0 = 1, AUX_SEL1 = 0.

enumerator kCADC_AuxSel3_Config2

Auxiliary select 3 controls AUX_SEL0 = 0, AUX_SEL1 = 1.

enumerator kCADC_AuxSel3_Config3

Auxiliary select 3 controls AUX_SEL0 = 1, AUX_SEL1 = 1.

enumerator kCADC_AuxSel4_Config0

Auxiliary select 4 controls AUX_SEL0 = 0, AUX_SEL1 = 0.

enumerator kCADC_AuxSel4_Config1

Auxiliary select 4 controls AUX_SEL0 = 1, AUX_SEL1 = 0.

enumerator kCADC_AuxSel4_Config2

Auxiliary select 4 controls AUX_SEL0 = 0, AUX_SEL1 = 1.

enumerator kCADC_AuxSel4_Config3

Auxiliary select 4 controls AUX_SEL0 = 1, AUX_SEL1 = 1.

enumerator kCADC_AuxSel5_Config0

Auxiliary select 5 controls AUX_SEL0 = 0, AUX_SEL1 = 0.

enumerator kCADC_AuxSel5_Config1

Auxiliary select 5 controls AUX_SEL0 = 1, AUX_SEL1 = 0.

enumerator kCADC_AuxSel5_Config2

Auxiliary select 5 controls AUX_SEL0 = 0, AUX_SEL1 = 1.

enumerator kCADC_AuxSel5_Config3

Auxiliary select 5 controls AUX_SEL0 = 1, AUX_SEL1 = 1.

enumerator kCADC_AuxSel6_Config0

Auxiliary select 6 controls AUX_SEL0 = 0, AUX_SEL1 = 0.

enumerator kCADC_AuxSel6_Config1

Auxiliary select 6 controls AUX_SEL0 = 1, AUX_SEL1 = 0.

enumerator kCADC_AuxSel6_Config2

Auxiliary select 6 controls AUX_SEL0 = 0, AUX_SEL1 = 1.

enumerator kCADC_AuxSel6_Config3

Auxiliary select 6 controls AUX_SEL0 = 1, AUX_SEL1 = 1.

enumerator kCADC_AuxSel7_Config0

Auxiliary select 7 controls AUX_SEL0 = 0, AUX_SEL1 = 0.

enumerator kCADC_AuxSel7_Config1

Auxiliary select 7 controls AUX_SEL0 = 1, AUX_SEL1 = 0.

enumerator kCADC_AuxSel7_Config2

Auxiliary select 7 controls AUX_SEL0 = 0, AUX_SEL1 = 1.

enumerator kCADC_AuxSel7_Config3

Auxiliary select 7 controls AUX_SEL0 = 1, AUX_SEL1 = 1.

enum _cadc_expansion_disabled_mux_slot

The enumeration for the expansion mux slot to be disabled.


enumerator kCADC_ExpaMuxNoDisable

Expansion mux scan not disabled.

enumerator kCADC_ExpMux0Disable

Expansion mux slot 0.

enumerator kCADC_ExpMux1Disable

Expansion mux slot 1.

enumerator kCADC_ExpMux2Disable

Expansion mux slot 2.

enumerator kCADC_ExpMux3Disable

Expansion mux slot 3.

enumerator kCADC_ExpMux4Disable

Expansion mux slot 4.

enumerator kCADC_ExpMux5Disable

Expansion mux slot 5.

enumerator kCADC_ExpMux6Disable

Expansion mux slot 6.

enumerator kCADC_ExpMux7Disable

Expansion mux slot 7.

enum _cadc_expansion_mux_selection

The enumeration of expanssion mux selection.


enumerator kCADC_MuxSel0_Channel0

MUX’s channel 0 for MUXSEL0.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel0_Channel1

MUX’s channel 1 for MUXSEL0.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel0_Channel2

MUX’s channel 2 for MUXSEL0.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel0_Channel3

MUX’s channel 3 for MUXSEL0.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel0_Channel4

MUX’s channel 4 for MUXSEL0.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel0_Channel5

MUX’s channel 5 for MUXSEL0.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel0_Channel6

MUX’s channel 6 for MUXSEL0.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel0_Channel7

MUX’s channel 7 for MUXSEL0.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel1_Channel0

MUX’s channel 0 for MUXSEL1.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel1_Channel1

MUX’s channel 1 for MUXSEL1.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel1_Channel2

MUX’s channel 2 for MUXSEL1.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel1_Channel3

MUX’s channel 3 for MUXSEL1.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel1_Channel4

MUX’s channel 4 for MUXSEL1.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel1_Channel5

MUX’s channel 5 for MUXSEL1.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel1_Channel6

MUX’s channel 6 for MUXSEL1.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel1_Channel7

MUX’s channel 7 for MUXSEL1.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel2_Channel0

MUX’s channel 0 for MUXSEL2.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel2_Channel1

MUX’s channel 1 for MUXSEL2.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel2_Channel2

MUX’s channel 2 for MUXSEL2.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel2_Channel3

MUX’s channel 3 for MUXSEL2.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel2_Channel4

MUX’s channel 4 for MUXSEL2.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel2_Channel5

MUX’s channel 5 for MUXSEL2.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel2_Channel6

MUX’s channel 6 for MUXSEL2.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel2_Channel7

MUX’s channel 7 for MUXSEL2.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel3_Channel0

MUX’s channel 0 for MUXSEL3.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel3_Channel1

MUX’s channel 1 for MUXSEL3.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel3_Channel2

MUX’s channel 2 for MUXSEL3.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel3_Channel3

MUX’s channel 3 for MUXSEL3.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel3_Channel4

MUX’s channel 4 for MUXSEL3.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel3_Channel5

MUX’s channel 5 for MUXSEL3.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel3_Channel6

MUX’s channel 6 for MUXSEL3.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel3_Channel7

MUX’s channel 7 for MUXSEL3.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel4_Channel0

MUX’s channel 0 for MUXSEL4.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel4_Channel1

MUX’s channel 1 for MUXSEL4.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel4_Channel2

MUX’s channel 2 for MUXSEL4.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel4_Channel3

MUX’s channel 3 for MUXSEL4.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel4_Channel4

MUX’s channel 4 for MUXSEL4.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel4_Channel5

MUX’s channel 5 for MUXSEL4.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel4_Channel6

MUX’s channel 6 for MUXSEL4.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel4_Channel7

MUX’s channel 7 for MUXSEL4.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel5_Channel0

MUX’s channel 0 for MUXSEL5.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel5_Channel1

MUX’s channel 1 for MUXSEL5.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel5_Channel2

MUX’s channel 2 for MUXSEL5.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel5_Channel3

MUX’s channel 3 for MUXSEL5.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel5_Channel4

MUX’s channel 4 for MUXSEL5.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel5_Channel5

MUX’s channel 5 for MUXSEL5.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel5_Channel6

MUX’s channel 6 for MUXSEL5.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel5_Channel7

MUX’s channel 7 for MUXSEL5.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel6_Channel0

MUX’s channel 0 for MUXSEL6.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel6_Channel1

MUX’s channel 1 for MUXSEL6.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel6_Channel2

MUX’s channel 2 for MUXSEL6.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel6_Channel3

MUX’s channel 3 for MUXSEL6.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel6_Channel4

MUX’s channel 4 for MUXSEL6.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel6_Channel5

MUX’s channel 5 for MUXSEL6.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel6_Channel6

MUX’s channel 6 for MUXSEL6.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel6_Channel7

MUX’s channel 7 for MUXSEL6.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel7_Channel0

MUX’s channel 0 for MUXSEL7.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel7_Channel1

MUX’s channel 1 for MUXSEL7.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel7_Channel2

MUX’s channel 2 for MUXSEL7.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel7_Channel3

MUX’s channel 3 for MUXSEL7.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel7_Channel4

MUX’s channel 4 for MUXSEL7.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel7_Channel5

MUX’s channel 5 for MUXSEL7.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel7_Channel6

MUX’s channel 6 for MUXSEL7.

enumerator kCADC_MuxSel7_Channel7

MUX’s channel 7 for MUXSEL7.

typedef enum _cadc_converter_id cadc_converter_id_t

CADC Converter identifier.

typedef enum _cadc_idle_work_mode cadc_idle_work_mode_t

The enumeration of work mode when the module is not used.

typedef enum _cadc_dma_trigger_source cadc_dma_trigger_source_t

The enumeration of DMA trigger source.

typedef enum _cadc_scan_mode cadc_scan_mode_t

The enumeration of dual converter’s scan mode.

typedef enum _cadc_reference_voltage_source cadc_reference_voltage_source_t

The enumeration of converter’s reference voltage source.

typedef enum _cadc_channel_gain cadc_channel_gain_t

The enumeration of sample slot connected channel gain.

typedef enum _cadc_channel_mode cadc_channel_mode_t

The enumeration of all channels’ channel mode.

typedef enum _cadc_channel_number cadc_channel_number_t

The enumerator of all channels that can be routed to the specific sample slot.

typedef enum _cadc_sample_slot_mask cadc_sample_slot_mask_t

The enumeration of sample slot mask.

typedef enum _cadc_sample_slot_index cadc_sample_slot_index_t

The enumeration of sample slot index.

typedef enum _cadc_sample_slot_sequential_mode_disabled cadc_sample_slot_sequential_mode_disabled_t

The enumeration for the sample slot to be disabled in sequential mode.

typedef enum _cadc_sample_slot_simultParallel_mode_disabled cadc_sample_slot_simultParallel_mode_disabled_t

The enumeration for the sample slot to be disabled in simultaneous parallel mode.

typedef enum _cadc_sample_slot_independentParallel_mode_convA_disabled cadc_sample_slot_independentParallel_mode_convA_disabled_t

The enumeration for the sample slot to be disabled for the converter A in independent parallel mode.

typedef enum _cadc_sample_slot_indParallel_mode_convB_disabled cadc_sample_slot_independentParallel_mode_convB_disabled_t

The enumeration for the sample slot to be disabled for the converter B in independent parallel mode.

typedef enum _cadc_sample_slot_zero_crossing_mode cadc_sample_slot_zero_crossing_mode_t

The enumeration for the sample slot’s zero crossing event.

typedef enum _cadc_expansion_mux_operate_mode cadc_expansion_mux_operate_mode_t

The enumeration for expansion multiplexer.

typedef struct _cadc_sample_slot_independentParallel_mode_disabled cadc_sample_slot_independentParallel_mode_disabled_t

The structure of the disabled sample slots in independent parallel mode.

typedef union _cadc_sample_slot_disabled cadc_sample_slot_disabled_t

The union of disabled sample slot for each scan mode.

typedef struct _cadc_sample_config cadc_sample_slot_config_t

The structure for configuring the sample slot.

typedef struct _cadc_scan_ctrl_sequential_mode cadc_scan_ctrl_seq_mode_t

Cadc scan control for sequential scan mode.


Each member of this structure represent one bit of the word. Asserted the structure’s member means delay sample until a new sync input occurs. Cleared the structure’s member means perform sample immediately after the completion of the current sample.

typedef struct _cadc_scan_ctrl_simultParallel_mode cadc_scan_ctrl_simultParallel_mode_t

Cadc scan control for simultaneous parallel scan mode.


Each member of this structure represent one bit of the word. Asserted the structure’s member means delay sample until a new sync input occurs. Cleared the structure’s member means perform sample immediately after the completion of the current sample.

typedef struct _cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterA cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterA_t

The scan ctrl struture for converterA in independent scan mode.

typedef struct _cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterB cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterB_t

The scan ctrl struture for converterB in independent scan mode.

typedef union _cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_t

The union for converters in independent parallel mode.

typedef union _cadc_scan_control cadc_scan_control_t

The union of the scan control for each scan mode.

typedef enum _cadc_auxiliary_control cadc_auxiliary_control_t

The enumeration of conveter’s auxiliary control.

typedef enum _cadc_expansion_disabled_mux_slot cadc_expansion_disabled_mux_slot_t

The enumeration for the expansion mux slot to be disabled.

typedef enum _cadc_expansion_mux_selection cadc_expansion_mux_selection_t

The enumeration of expanssion mux selection.

typedef struct _cadc_exp_mux_aux_config cadc_exp_mux_aux_config_t

The structure for configuring Cyclic ADC’s expansion setting.

typedef struct _cadc_converter_config cadc_converter_config_t

The structure for configuring each converter.

typedef struct _cadc_config cadc_config_t

The structure for configuring the Cyclic ADC’s setting.


Macro for CADC sample slot count.

struct _cadc_sample_slot_independentParallel_mode_disabled
#include <fsl_cadc.h>

The structure of the disabled sample slots in independent parallel mode.

Public Members

cadc_sample_slot_independentParallel_mode_convA_disabled_t eConverterA

The sample slot to be disabled for the converter A, when the scan mode is set as independent parallel mode.

cadc_sample_slot_independentParallel_mode_convB_disabled_t eConverterB

The sample slot to be disabled for the converter B, when the scan mode is set as independent parallel mode.

union _cadc_sample_slot_disabled
#include <fsl_cadc.h>

The union of disabled sample slot for each scan mode.

Public Members

uint32_t u32SampleDisVal

The 32 bits width of disabled sample slot value. This member used to get the disabled sample slot which sets in different scan modes in word type. This member is not recommended to be used to set the disabled sample slot. This member is designed to be used in driver level only, the application should not use this member.

cadc_sample_slot_sequential_mode_disabled_t eSequentialModeDisSample

If the scan mode is selected as sequential mode, the application must use this member to set the disabled sample slot. This member is used to set disabled sample slot when the scan mode is selected as sequential mode. The scan will stop at the first disabled sample slot in that mode. So for the application, this member should be set as one sample slot index that the scan will stop.

cadc_sample_slot_simultParallel_mode_disabled_t eSimultParallelModeDisSample

In simultaneous parallel scan mode, the application must use this member to set the disabled sample slot. In that scan mode, the scan will stop when either converter encounters a disabled sample.

cadc_sample_slot_independentParallel_mode_disabled_t sIndependentParallelModeDisSample

In independent parallel scan mode, the application must use this member to set the disabled sample slot. In that scan mode, the converter will stop scan when it encounters a disabled sample slot. In this mode, the disabled sample slot for converterA and converterB may different.

struct _cadc_sample_config
#include <fsl_cadc.h>

The structure for configuring the sample slot.

Public Members

cadc_sample_slot_zero_crossing_mode_t eZeroCrossingMode

Zero crossing mode.

uint16_t u16HighLimitValue

High limit value. Original value formation as hardware register, with 3-bits left shifted.

uint16_t u16LowLimitValue

Low limit value. Original value formation as hardware register, with 3-bits left shifted.

uint16_t u16OffsetValue

Offset value. Original value formation as hardware register, with 3-bits left shifted.

struct _cadc_scan_ctrl_sequential_mode
#include <fsl_cadc.h>

Cadc scan control for sequential scan mode.


Each member of this structure represent one bit of the word. Asserted the structure’s member means delay sample until a new sync input occurs. Cleared the structure’s member means perform sample immediately after the completion of the current sample.

Public Members

uint32_t bitSample0

Control whether delay sample0 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample1

Control whether delay sample1 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample2

Control whether delay sample2 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample3

Control whether delay sample3 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample4

Control whether delay sample4 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample5

Control whether delay sample5 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample6

Control whether delay sample6 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample7

Control whether delay sample7 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample8

Control whether delay sample8 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample9

Control whether delay sample9 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample10

Control whether delay sample10 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample11

Control whether delay sample11 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample12

Control whether delay sample12 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample13

Control whether delay sample13 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample14

Control whether delay sample14 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample15

Control whether delay sample15 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitsReserved

Reserved 16 bits.

struct _cadc_scan_ctrl_simultParallel_mode
#include <fsl_cadc.h>

Cadc scan control for simultaneous parallel scan mode.


Each member of this structure represent one bit of the word. Asserted the structure’s member means delay sample until a new sync input occurs. Cleared the structure’s member means perform sample immediately after the completion of the current sample.

Public Members

uint32_t bitSample0_8

Control whether delay sample0 and sample8 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample1_9

Control whether delay sample1 and sample9 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample2_10

Control whether delay sample2 and sample10 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample3_11

Control whether delay sample3 and sample11 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitsReserved1

Reserved 4 bits.

uint32_t bitSample4_12

Control whether delay sample4 and sample12 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample5_13

Control whether delay sample5 and sample13 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample6_14

Control whether delay sample6 and sample14 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample7_15

Control whether delay sample7 and sample15 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitsReserved2

Reserved 4 bits.

uint32_t bitsReserved3

Reserved 16 bits.

struct _cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterA
#include <fsl_cadc.h>

The scan ctrl struture for converterA in independent scan mode.

Public Members

uint32_t bitSample0

Control whether delay converterA’s sample0 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample1

Control whether delay converterA’s sample1 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample2

Control whether delay converterA’s sample2 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample3

Control whether delay converterA’s sample3 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitsReserved1

Reserved 4 bits.

uint32_t bitSample4

Control whether delay converterA’s sample4 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample5

Control whether delay converterA’s sample5 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample6

Control whether delay converterA’s sample6 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample7

Control whether delay converterA’s sample7 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitsReserved2

Reserved 4 bits

uint32_t bitsReserved3

Reserved 16 bits.

struct _cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterB
#include <fsl_cadc.h>

The scan ctrl struture for converterB in independent scan mode.

Public Members

uint32_t bitsReserved1

Reserved 4 bits.

uint32_t bitSample8

Control whether delay converterB’s sample8 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample9

Control whether delay converterB’s sample9 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample10

Control whether delay converterB’s sample10 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample11

Control whether delay converterB’s sample11 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitsReserved2

Reserved 4 bits.

uint32_t bitSample12

Control whether delay converterB’s sample12 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample13

Control whether delay converterB’s sample13 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample14

Control whether delay converterB’s sample14 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitSample15

Control whether delay converterB’s sample15 until a new sync input occurs.

uint32_t bitsReserved3

Reserved 16 bits.

union _cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode
#include <fsl_cadc.h>

The union for converters in independent parallel mode.

Public Members

cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterA_t sConverterA

Scan control for converterA.

cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterB_t sConverterB

Scan control for converterB.

union _cadc_scan_control
#include <fsl_cadc.h>

The union of the scan control for each scan mode.

Public Members

uint32_t u32ScanCtrlVal

The 32 bits value of the scan control value.

cadc_scan_ctrl_seq_mode_t sSequential

Scan control for sequential scan mode.

cadc_scan_ctrl_simultParallel_mode_t sSimultParallel

Scan control for simultaneous parallel scan mode.

cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_t uIndependentParallel

Scan control for independent scan mode.

struct _cadc_exp_mux_aux_config
#include <fsl_cadc.h>

The structure for configuring Cyclic ADC’s expansion setting.

Public Members

uint16_t u16AuxControl

The mask of auxiliary control, should be the OR’ed value of cadc_auxiliary_control_t.

uint32_t u32MuxChannelMask

The mask of mux selection of all mux solts, should be the OR’ed value of cadc_expansion_mux_selection_t.

cadc_expansion_disabled_mux_slot_t disabledMuxSlot

mux slot to disabled in the scan.

struct _cadc_converter_config
#include <fsl_cadc.h>

The structure for configuring each converter.

Public Members

uint16_t u16ClockDivisor

Converter’s clock divisor for the clock source. Available setting range is 0-63.

  • When the clockDivisor is 0, the divisor is 2.

  • For all other clockDivisor values, the divisor is 1 more than the decimal value of clockDivisor: clockDivisor + 1

cadc_reference_voltage_source_t eHighReferenceVoltageSource

High voltage reference source.

cadc_reference_voltage_source_t eLowReferenceVoltageSource

Low reference voltage source.

bool bEnableDMA

Enable/Disable DMA.

bool bPowerUp

Power up or power down the converter.

bool bScanInitBySync

The member user to control the initiate method of the scan.

  • true Use a SYNC input pulse or START command to initiate a scan.

  • false Scan is initiated by the assertion of START command only.

cadc_exp_mux_aux_config_t muxAuxConfig

Configuration of expansion mux and auxiliary control.

struct _cadc_config
#include <fsl_cadc.h>

The structure for configuring the Cyclic ADC’s setting.

Public Members

cadc_idle_work_mode_t eIdleWorkMode

Idle work mode for the module.

cadc_dma_trigger_source_t eDMATriggerSource

Selects the dma trigger source for the module.

uint16_t u16PowerUpDelay

The number of ADC clocks to power up the converters (if powered up), before allowing a scan to start. The available range is 0 to 63 .

uint32_t u32EnabledInterruptMask

The mask of the interrupts to be enabled, should be the OR’ed value of _cadc_interrupt_enable.

cadc_scan_mode_t eScanMode

The scan mode of the module.

cadc_sample_slot_disabled_t uDisabledSampleSlot

The member used to config the which sample slot is disabled for the scan. The scan will continue until the first disabled sample slot is encountered.

cadc_scan_control_t uScanControl

Scan control provides the ability to pause and await a new sync signal while current sample completed.

uint32_t u32ChannelModeMask

The mask of each channel’s mode, should be the OR’ed value of cadc_channel_mode_t. Each channel supports single-end and differential(Fully differentail and Unipolar

differential). Some devices also support alternate source mode.

cadc_channel_gain_t eChannelGain[(ADC_RSLT_COUNT)]

The gain value for each channel. Each element of the array represents the gain of the channel. E.g. eChannelGain[0] means channel gain of channel0, which is ANA0.

cadc_channel_number_t eSampleSlot[(ADC_RSLT_COUNT)]

The channel assigned to each sample slot. The index of the array represents sample slot index.

cadc_converter_config_t sConverterA

The configuration for converterA.

cadc_converter_config_t sConverterB

The configuration for converterB.

The Driver Change Log

CADC Peripheral and Driver Overview

Clock Driver

enum _clock_ip_name

List of IP clock name.

Definition for delay API in clock driver, users can redefine it to the real application.


enumerator kCLOCK_GPIOG

GPIOG clock

enumerator kCLOCK_GPIOF

GPIOF clock

enumerator kCLOCK_GPIOE

GPIOE clock

enumerator kCLOCK_GPIOD

GPIOD clock

enumerator kCLOCK_GPIOC

GPIOC clock

enumerator kCLOCK_GPIOB

GPIOB clock

enumerator kCLOCK_GPIOA

GPIOA clock

enumerator kCLOCK_TB3

Timer B3 clock

enumerator kCLOCK_TB2

Timer B2 clock

enumerator kCLOCK_TB1

Timer B1 clock

enumerator kCLOCK_TB0

Timer B0 clock

enumerator kCLOCK_TA3

Timer A3 clock

enumerator kCLOCK_TA2

Timer A2 clock

enumerator kCLOCK_TA1

Timer A1 clock

enumerator kCLOCK_TA0

Timer A0 clock

enumerator kCLOCK_FLEXCAN

Flex CAN clock

enumerator kCLOCK_I2C1

I2C1 clock

enumerator kCLOCK_I2C0

I2C0 clock

enumerator kCLOCK_QSPI2

QSPI2 clock

enumerator kCLOCK_QSPI1

QSPI1 clock

enumerator kCLOCK_QSPI0

QSPI0 clock

enumerator kCLOCK_QSCI2

QSCI2 clock

enumerator kCLOCK_QSCI1

QSCI1 clock

enumerator kCLOCK_QSCI0

QSCI0 clock

enumerator kCLOCK_DAC

DAC clock

enumerator kCLOCK_PDB1

PDB 1 clock

enumerator kCLOCK_PDB0

PDB 0 clock

enumerator kCLOCK_PIT1

PIT 1 clock

enumerator kCLOCK_PIT0

PIT 0 clock

enumerator kCLOCK_QDC

QDC clock

enumerator kCLOCK_CRC

CRC clock

enumerator kCLOCK_CYCADC

Cyclic ADC clock

enumerator kCLOCK_SARADC

SAR ADC clock

enumerator kCLOCK_CMPD

Comparator D clock

enumerator kCLOCK_CMPC

Comparator C clock

enumerator kCLOCK_CMPB

Comparator B clock

enumerator kCLOCK_CMPA

Comparator A clock

enumerator kCLOCK_PWMBCH3

Enhanced Flexible PWM B3 clock

enumerator kCLOCK_PWMBCH2

Enhanced Flexible PWM B2 clock

enumerator kCLOCK_PWMBCH1

Enhanced Flexible PWM B1 clock

enumerator kCLOCK_PWMBCH0

Enhanced Flexible PWM B0 clock

enumerator kCLOCK_PWMACH3

Enhanced Flexible PWM A3 clock

enumerator kCLOCK_PWMACH2

Enhanced Flexible PWM A2 clock

enumerator kCLOCK_PWMACH1

Enhanced Flexible PWM A1 clock

enumerator kCLOCK_PWMACH0

Enhanced Flexible PWM A0 clock

enumerator kCLOCK_NOGATE

No clock gate for the IP

enumerator kCLOCK_COP
enumerator kCLOCK_EWM
enumerator kCLOCK_XBARA
enumerator kCLOCK_DMA
enumerator kCLOCK_NUM

Total IP clock number

enum _clock_name

List of system-level clock name.


enumerator kCLOCK_Mstr2xClk

Master 2x clock which feed to core and peripheral

enumerator kCLOCK_SysClk

MCU system/core clock

enumerator kCLOCK_BusClk

Bus clock

enumerator kCLOCK_Bus2xClk

Bus 2x clock

enumerator kCLOCK_FlashClk

Flash clock

enumerator kCLOCK_FastIrcClk

Fast internal RC oscillator, 8M/400K

enumerator kCLOCK_SlowIrcClk

Slow internal RC oscillator, 32K

enumerator kCLOCK_CrystalOscClk

Crystal oscillator

enumerator kCLOCK_ExtClk

The selected external clock, it could be crystal oscillator, clkin0, clkin1

enumerator kCLOCK_MstrOscClk

The selected master oscillator clock

enumerator kCLOCK_PllDiv2Clk

PLL output divide 2

enum _clock_crystal_osc_mode

Crystal oscillator mode.


enumerator kCLOCK_CrystalOscModeFSP

Full swing pierce, high power mode

enumerator kCLOCK_CrystalOscModeLCP

Loop controlled pierce, low power mode

enum _clock_ext_clk_src

List of external clock source.


enumerator kCLOCK_ExtClkSrcCrystalOsc

External clock source is crystal oscillator

enumerator kCLOCK_ExtClkSrcClkin

External clock source is clock in

enum _clock_ext_clkin_sel

List of clock-in source.


enumerator kCLOCK_SelClkIn0

Clock in 0 is selected as CLKIN

enumerator kCLOCK_SelClkIn1

Clock in 1 is selected as CLKIN

enum _clock_mstr_osc_clk_src

List of master oscillator source.


enumerator kCLOCK_MstrOscClkSrcFirc

8M/400K, fast internal RC oscillator

enumerator kCLOCK_MstrOscClkSrcExt

External clock

enumerator kCLOCK_MstrOscClkSrcSirc

32K, slow internal RC oscillator

enum _clock_mstr_2x_clk_src

List of master 2x clock source.


enumerator kCLOCK_Mstr2xClkSrcMstrOsc

Master oscillator clock

enumerator kCLOCK_Mstr2xClkSrcPllDiv2

PLL output divide 2

enum _clock_output_clk_src

List of output clock source.


enumerator kCLOCK_OutputClkSrc_Bus

Bus clock

enumerator kCLOCK_OutputClkSrc_Bus2x

Bus 2x clock

enumerator kCLOCK_OutputClkSrc_BusDiv4

Bus clock div 4

enumerator kCLOCK_OutputClkSrc_MstrOSC

Master oscillator clock

enumerator kCLOCK_OutputClkSrc_Firc

8M/400K clock

enumerator kCLOCK_OutputClkSrc_Sirc

32K clock, SIRC

enum _clock_output_clk_div

List of output clock divider.


enumerator kCLOCK_OutputDiv1

output clock = selectedClock/1U

enumerator kCLOCK_OutputDiv2

output clock = selectedClock/2U

enumerator kCLOCK_OutputDiv4

output clock = selectedClock/4U

enumerator kCLOCK_OutputDiv8

output clock = selectedClock/8U

enumerator kCLOCK_OutputDiv16

output clock = selectedClock/16U

enumerator kCLOCK_OutputDiv32

output clock = selectedClock/32U

enumerator kCLOCK_OutputDiv64

output clock = selectedClock/64U

enumerator kCLOCK_OutputDiv128

output clock = selectedClock/128U

enum _clock_protection

List of clock register protection mode.


enumerator kCLOCK_Protection_Off

No protection, and could be changed any time

enumerator kCLOCK_Protection_On

Protected, and could be changed any time

enumerator kCLOCK_Protection_OffLock

No protection and get locked until chip reset

enumerator kCLOCK_Protection_OnLock

Protected and get locked until chip reset

enum _clock_ip_clk_src

List of specific IP’s clock source.


enumerator kCLOCK_IPClkSrc_BusClk

Bus clock

enumerator kCLOCK_IPClkSrc_Bus2xClk

Bus 2x clock

enum _clock_firc_sel

Fast IRC selection.


enumerator kCLOCK_FircSel_8M

FIRC normal mode, output 8M

enumerator kCLOCK_FircSel_400K

FIRC standby mode, output 400K

enum _clock_postscale

Mstr 2x clock postscale divider.


enumerator kCLOCK_PostscaleDiv1

Mast 2X clock = clkSrc / 1

enumerator kCLOCK_PostscaleDiv2

Mast 2X clock = clkSrc / 2

enumerator kCLOCK_PostscaleDiv4

Mast 2X clock = clkSrc / 4

enumerator kCLOCK_PostscaleDiv8

Mast 2X clock = clkSrc / 8

enumerator kCLOCK_PostscaleDiv16

Mast 2X clock = clkSrc / 16

enumerator kCLOCK_PostscaleDiv32

Mast 2X clock = clkSrc / 32

enumerator kCLOCK_PostscaleDiv64

Mast 2X clock = clkSrc / 64

enumerator kCLOCK_PostscaleDiv128

Mast 2X clock = clkSrc / 128

enumerator kCLOCK_PostscaleDiv256

Mast 2X clock = clkSrc / 256

enum _clock_pll_monitor_type

PLL monitor type structure.


enumerator kCLOCK_PllMonitorUnLockCoarse

PLL coarse unlock, due to loss of reference clock, power unstable…etc.

enumerator kCLOCK_PllMonitorUnLockFine

PLL fine unlock, due to loss of reference clock, power unstable…etc.

enumerator kCLOCK_PllMonitorLostofReferClk

PLL lost reference clock.

enumerator kCLOCK_PllMonitorAll

All PLL monitor type.

enum _pit_count_clock_source

Describes PIT clock source.


enumerator kPIT_CountClockSource0

PIT count clock sourced from IP bus clock

enumerator kPIT_CountClockSource1

PIT count clock sourced from alternate clock 1

enumerator kPIT_CountClockSource2

PIT count clock sourced from alternate clock 2

enumerator kPIT_CountClockSource3

PIT count clock sourced from alternate clock 3

enumerator kPIT_CountBusClock

PIT count clock sourced from IP bus clock

enumerator kPIT_CountCrystalClock

PIT count clock sourced from crystal clock

enumerator kPIT_Count8MHzIRCClock

PIT count clock sourced from 8M/400KHz IRC clock

enumerator kPIT_Count32KHzIRCClock

PIT count clock sourced from 32KHz IRC clock

enum _ewm_lpo_clock_source

Describes EWM clock source.


enumerator kEWM_LpoClockSource0

EWM clock sourced from lpo_clk[0]

enumerator kEWM_LpoClockSource1

EWM clock sourced from lpo_clk[1]

enumerator kEWM_LpoClockSource2

EWM clock sourced from lpo_clk[2]

enumerator kEWM_LpoClockSource3

EWM clock sourced from lpo_clk[3]

enumerator kEWM_Lpo8MHzIRCClock

EWM clock sourced from 8M/400K Hz IRC clock

enumerator kEWM_LpoCrystalClock

EWM clock sourced from crystal clock

enumerator kEWM_LpoBusClock

EWM clock sourced from IP Bus clock

enumerator kEWM_Lpo32KHzIRCClock

EWM clock sourced from 32KHz IRC clock

typedef enum _clock_ip_name clock_ip_name_t

List of IP clock name.

Definition for delay API in clock driver, users can redefine it to the real application.

typedef enum _clock_name clock_name_t

List of system-level clock name.

typedef enum _clock_crystal_osc_mode clock_crystal_osc_mode_t

Crystal oscillator mode.

typedef enum _clock_ext_clk_src clock_ext_clk_src_t

List of external clock source.

typedef enum _clock_ext_clkin_sel clock_ext_clkin_sel_t

List of clock-in source.

typedef enum _clock_mstr_osc_clk_src clock_mstr_osc_clk_src_t

List of master oscillator source.

typedef enum _clock_mstr_2x_clk_src clock_mstr_2x_clk_src_t

List of master 2x clock source.

typedef enum _clock_output_clk_src clock_output_clk_src_t

List of output clock source.

typedef enum _clock_output_clk_div clock_output_clk_div_t

List of output clock divider.

typedef enum _clock_protection clock_protection_t

List of clock register protection mode.

typedef enum _clock_ip_clk_src clock_ip_clk_src_t

List of specific IP’s clock source.

typedef enum _clock_firc_sel clock_firc_sel_t

Fast IRC selection.

typedef enum _clock_postscale clock_postscale_t

Mstr 2x clock postscale divider.

typedef struct _clock_protection_config clock_protection_config_t

Clock register protection configuration.

typedef struct _clock_output_config clock_output_config_t

Clock output configuration.

typedef struct _clock_config clock_config_t

mcu clock configuration structure.

This is the key configuration structure of clock driver, which define the system clock behavior. The function CLOCK_SetClkConfig deploy this configuration structure onto SOC.

typedef enum _clock_pll_monitor_type clock_pll_monitor_type_t

PLL monitor type structure.

typedef enum _pit_count_clock_source pit_count_clock_source_t

Describes PIT clock source.

typedef enum _ewm_lpo_clock_source ewm_lpo_clock_source_t

Describes EWM clock source.

static inline void CLOCK_EnableClock(clock_ip_name_t eIpClkName)

Enable IPs clock.

  • eIpClkName – IP clock name.

static inline void CLOCK_DisableClock(clock_ip_name_t eIpClkName)

Disable IPs clock.

  • eIpClkName – IP clock name.

static inline void CLOCK_EnableClockInStopMode(clock_ip_name_t eIpClkName)

Enable IPs clock in STOP mode.

  • eIpClkName – IP clock name.

static inline void CLOCK_DisableClockInStopMode(clock_ip_name_t eIpClkName)

Disable IPs clock in STOP mode.

  • eIpClkName – IP clock name.

static inline void CLOCK_ConfigQsciClockSrc(clock_ip_name_t eQsciClkName, clock_ip_clk_src_t eClkSrc)

Configure QSCI clock source.

QSCI clock could be bus or bus_2x clock. Default is bus clock.

  • eQsciClkName – IP(only QSCI is valid) clock name.

  • eClkSrc – Clock source.

static inline bool CLOCK_GetCrystalOscFailureStatus(void)

Get crystal oscillator failure status.


This function should be called only when crystal osc is on and its monitor(MON_ENABLE in OSCTL2 register) is enabled.


Crystal oscillator status. true: Crystal oscillator failure. false: No clock failure or crystal oscillator is off.

static inline void CLOCK_SetPllLossofRefererntTripPoint(uint8_t u8Trip)

Set PLL loss of reference trip point.

The trip point default value is 2.

  • u8Trip – Trip point for loss of reference.

static inline void CLOCK_ClearPLLMonitorFlag(clock_pll_monitor_type_t eType)

Clear PLL monitor flag.

  • eType – PLL monitor type.

uint32_t CLOCK_GetFreq(clock_name_t eClkName)

Get system-level clock frequency.

  • eClkName – System-level clock name.


The required clock’s frequency in Hz.

uint32_t CLOCK_GetIpClkSrcFreq(clock_ip_name_t eIpClkName)

Get IP clock frequency.

  • eIpClkName – IP clock name.


The required IP clock’s frequency in Hz.

void CLOCK_SetClkin0Freq(uint32_t u32Freq)

Set Clock IN 0 frequency.

It is a must to call this function in advance if system is operated by clkin0.

  • u32Freq – Clock IN 0 frequency in Hz.

void CLOCK_SetClkin1Freq(uint32_t u32Freq)

Set Clock IN 1 frequency.

It is a must to call this function in advance if system is operated by clkin1.

  • u32Freq – Clock IN 1 frequency in Hz.

void CLOCK_SetXtalFreq(uint32_t u32Freq)

Set crystal oscillator frequency.

It is a must to call this function in advance if system is operated by crystal oscillator.

  • u32Freq – Crystal oscillator frequency in Hz.

void CLOCK_SetProtectionConfig(clock_protection_config_t *psConfig)

Config clock register access protection mode.

  • psConfig – Pointer for protection configuration.

void CLOCK_SetOutputClockConfig(clock_output_config_t *psConfig)

Config output clock.

  • psConfig – Pointer for clock output configuration.

void CLOCK_SetClkConfig(clock_config_t *psConfig)

Config mcu operation clock.

  • psConfig – Pointer for clock configuration.

uint32_t CLOCK_EvaluateExtClkFreq(void)

Evaluate external clock frequency and return its frequency in Hz.

This function should be called only when internal FIRC(48M) is on. The evaluated result accuracy depends on:

  1. FIRC accuracy, now it is +/-3%.

  2. Truncation error, because the external clock and FIRC is not synchronised.

  3. External clock frequency, low accuracy for lower external clock frequency.

  4. MCU mstr 2x clock.

For example, for namely 8M external clock, evaluated result may be range in 8M+/-8%.


Evaluated external frequency in Hz.

void CLOCK_EnablePLLMonitorInterrupt(clock_pll_monitor_type_t eType, bool bEnable)

Enable/Disable PLL monitor interrupt.

This function should be called only when PLL is on and its reference clock is external clock. This function is for safety purpose when external clock is lost due to HW failure. The normal flow to call this function:

  1. Call CLOCK_SetClkConfig to enable PLL and external clock to feed the PLL.

  2. Call CLOCK_ClearPLLMonitorFlag.

  3. Call CLOCK_SetPllLossofRefererntTripPoint (optional, setting value is for kCLOCK_PllMonitorLostofReferClk type).

  4. Call this function.

  5. Enable OCCS interrupt with highest priority 3.

  6. When OCCS interrupt occurs, recover clock from the disaster in OCCS_DriveISRHandler function. Such kind of clock recovery is application dependent, and a demo OCCS_DriveISRHandler has been shown in fsl_clock.c

  • eType – PLL monitor type.

  • bEnable – Enable or disable.


CLOCK driver version 2.1.0.


Clock ip name array for GPIO.


Clock ip name array for quad timer.


Clock ip name array for FLEXCAN.


Clock ip name array for I2C.


Clock ip name array for queued SPI.


Clock ip name array for queued SCI.


Clock ip name array for DAC.


Clock ip name array for DMA.


Clock ip name array for PDB.


Clock ip name array for PIT.


Clock ip name array for QDC.


Clock ip name array for CRC.


Clock ip name array for cyclic ADC.


Clock ip name array for SAR ADC.


Clock ip name array for CMP.


Clock ip name array for PWM.


Clock ip name array for COP.


Clock ip name array for EWM.


Clock ip name array for XBARA.

clock_protection_t eFrqEP

FRQEP bit field in OCCS PROT register, protect COD & ZSRC.

clock_protection_t eOscEP

OSCEP bit field in OCCS PROT register, protect OSCTL1, OSCTL2, PRECS.

clock_protection_t ePllEP

PLLEP bit field in OCCS PROT register, protect PLLDP, LOCIE, LORTP, PLLDB bitfield.

bool bClkOut0En

Clock output 0 enable, CLKDIS0 bit field in SIM CLKOUT register

bool bClkOut1En

Clock output 1 enable, CLKDIS1 bit field in SIM CLKOUT register

clock_output_clk_src_t eClkOut0Src

Clock output 0 clock source, CLKOSEL0 bit field in SIM CLKOUT register

clock_output_clk_src_t eClkOut1Src

Clock output 1 clock source, CLKOSEL1 bit field in SIM CLKOUT register

clock_output_clk_div_t eClkDiv

Clock output divider, CLKODIV bit field in SIM CLKOUT register ,it apply to clkout0 & clkout1

bool bCrystalOscEnable

Crystal oscillator enable, COPD bit field in OCCS OSCTL2 register

bool bFircEnable

Fast internal RC oscillator enable, ROPD bit field in OCCS OSCTL1 register

bool bSircEnable

Slow internal RC oscillator enable, ROPD32K bit field in OCCS OSCTL2 register

bool bPllEnable

PLL enable, PLLPD bit field in OCCS CTRL register

bool bCrystalOscMonitorEnable

Crystal oscillator monitor enable, MON_ENABLE bit field in OCCS OSCTL2 register

bool bCrystalFreqDiv2

Crystal oscillator frequency divide 2, prior to output

clock_firc_sel_t eFircSel

Fast IRC mode selection, 8M or 400K, ROSB bit field in OCCS OSCTL1 register

clock_crystal_osc_mode_t eCrystalOscMode

Crystal oscillator mode, COHL bit field in OCCS OSCTL1 register

clock_ext_clk_src_t eExtClkSrc

External clock source, EXT_SEL bit field in OCCS OSCTL1 register

clock_ext_clkin_sel_t eClkInSel

Clock IN selection(0 or 1), CLKINSEL bit field in SIM MISC0 register

clock_mstr_osc_clk_src_t eMstrOscClkSrc

Master oscillator selection, PRECS bit field in OCCS CTRL register. When selected kCLOCK_MstrOscClkSrcExt, make sure corresponding pins(crystal osc or clkin pin) has been configured.

clock_mstr_2x_clk_src_t eMstr2xClkSrc

Master 2x clock selection, ZSRC bit field in OCCS CTRL register

clock_postscale_t eMstr2xClkPostScale

Master 2x clock post scale, COD bit field in OCCS DIVBY register

uint32_t u32PllClkFreq

Required PLL output frequency before divide 2


Configure whether driver controls clock.

When set to 0, peripheral drivers will enable clock in initialize function and disable clock in de-initialize function. When set to 1, peripheral driver will not control the clock, application could control the clock out of the driver.


All drivers share this feature switcher. If it is set to 1, application should handle clock enable and disable for all drivers.

struct _clock_protection_config
#include <fsl_clock.h>

Clock register protection configuration.

struct _clock_output_config
#include <fsl_clock.h>

Clock output configuration.

struct _clock_config
#include <fsl_clock.h>

mcu clock configuration structure.

This is the key configuration structure of clock driver, which define the system clock behavior. The function CLOCK_SetClkConfig deploy this configuration structure onto SOC.

Driver Change Log

CMP: Comparator Driver

void CMP_GetDefaultConfig(cmp_config_t *psConfig)

Initializes the CMP user configuration structure.

This function initializes the user configuration structure to the default values. It is corresponding to the continuous mode configurations.

  • psConfig – pointer of cmp_config_t.

void CMP_Init(CMP_Type *base, const cmp_config_t *psConfig)

Initializes the CMP.

This function initializes the CMP module. The operations included are as follows.

  • Enable the clock for CMP module.

  • Configure the comparator according to the CMP configuration structure.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

  • psConfig – Pointer to the configuration structure.

void CMP_Deinit(CMP_Type *base)

De-initializes the CMP module.

This function de-initializes the CMP module. The operations included are as follows.

  • Disabling the CMP module.

  • Disabling the clock for CMP module.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

static inline void CMP_Enable(CMP_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enables/disables the CMP module.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

  • bEnable – Enables or disables the module.

static inline void CMP_SetInputChannel(CMP_Type *base, cmp_input_mux_t ePlusChannel, cmp_input_mux_t eMinusChannel)

Sets the input channels for the comparator.

This function sets the input channels for the comparator. Note that two input channels cannot be set the same way in the application. When the user selects the same input from the analog mux to the positive and negative port, the comparator is disabled automatically.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

  • ePlusChannel – Plus side input channel number.

  • eMinusChannel – Minus side input channel number.

static inline void CMP_SelectOutputSource(CMP_Type *base, cmp_output_source_t eOutputSource)

Select comparator output source.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

  • eOutputSource – The output signal to be set, please reference cmp_output_source_t for details.

static inline void CMP_EnableOuputPin(CMP_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enable/Disable Comparator output pin.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

  • bEnable – Enable/Disable comparator output pin. true &#8212; CMPO is available on the associate CMPO output pin. false &#8212; CMPO is not available on the associate CMPO output pin.

static inline uint8_t CMP_GetComparatorOutput(CMP_Type *base)

Get Comparator output.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

Return values:

current – analog comparator output 0 or 1

static inline void CMP_SetHysteresisLevel(CMP_Type *base, cmp_hysteresis_level_t eHysteresisLevel)

Sets hysteresis level.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

  • eHysteresisLevel – The programmable hysteresis level to be set, please refer to cmp_hysteresis_level_t for details.

static inline void CMP_SetComparasionSpeedMode(CMP_Type *base, cmp_comparasion_speed_mode_t eComparatorSpeedMode)

Sets comparison speed mode.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

  • eComparatorSpeedMode – The comparison speed mode, please reference cmp_comparasion_speed_mode_t for details.

static inline void CMP_EnableInvertOutput(CMP_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enable/Disable comparator invert feature.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

  • bEnable – Enable/Disable comparator invert feature. true &#8212; Inverts the comparator output. false &#8212; Does not invert the comparator output.

static inline void CMP_EnableWindow(CMP_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enable the window function.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

  • bEnable – true is enable, false is disable.

static inline void CMP_SetWindowOutputMode(CMP_Type *base, cmp_window_output_mode_t eWindowOutputMode)

Set the window output mode.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

  • eWindowOutputMode – cmp_window_output_mode_t.

static inline void CMP_EnableExternalSampleMode(CMP_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enable/Disable external Sample mode.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

  • bEnable – true is using external sample mode, false is using interface sample mode.

static inline void CMP_SetExternalSampleCount(CMP_Type *base, cmp_external_sample_count_t eSampleCount)

Sets external sample count.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

  • eSampleCount – The number of consecutive samples that must agree prior to the comparator output filter accepting a new output state, cmp_external_sample_count_t.

static inline void CMP_SetInternalFilterCount(CMP_Type *base, cmp_filter_count_t eFilterCount)

Sets internal filter count.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

  • eFilterCount – The number of consecutive samples that must agree prior to the comparator output filter accepting a new output state, cmp_filter_count_t.

static inline void CMP_SetInternalFilterPeriod(CMP_Type *base, uint8_t u8FilterPeriod)

Sets the internal filter period. It is used as the divider to bus clock.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

  • u8FilterPeriod – Filter Period. The divider to the bus clock. Available range is 0-255.

void CMP_SetDACConfig(CMP_Type *base, const cmp_dac_config_t *psConfig)

Configures the internal DAC.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

  • psConfig – Pointer to the configuration structure.

static inline void CMP_SetDACOutputVoltage(CMP_Type *base, uint8_t u8OutputVoltageDivider)

Sets DAC output voltage.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

  • u8OutputVoltageDivider – The digital value which is related to the desired DAC output voltage,

static inline void CMP_EnableInternalDAC(CMP_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enable/Disable internal DAC.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

  • bEnable – Enable/Disable internal DAC. true &#8212; Enable internal DAC. false &#8212; Disable internal DAC.

static inline void CMP_SetDACReferenceVoltageSource(CMP_Type *base, cmp_dac_vref_source_t eDACVrefSource)

Sets internal DAC’s reference voltage source.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

  • eDACVrefSource – reference voltage source, please cmp_dac_vref_source_t

static inline void CMP_EnableInterrupt(CMP_Type *base, cmp_interrupt_request_t eInterruptRequest)

Interrupt request to enable.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

  • eInterruptRequest – Mask value for interrupts. See cmp_interrupt_request_t.

static inline cmp_output_flag_t CMP_GetStatusFlags(CMP_Type *base)

Gets the status flags.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

Return values:

Mask – value for the asserted flags. cmp_output_flag_t.

static inline void CMP_ClearStatusFlags(CMP_Type *base, cmp_output_flag_t eOutputFlag)

Clears the status flags.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

  • eOutputFlag – Mask value for the output flags, cmp_output_flag_t

static inline void CMP_EnableDMA(CMP_Type *base, cmp_dma_request_t eDMARequestType)

Enables CMP DMA request.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

  • eDMARequestType – eDMA request type, cmp_dma_request_t

static inline uint32_t CMP_GetComparatorResultRegisterAddress(CMP_Type *base)

Get CMP result register address for DMA access.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.


The CMP result register address.


CMP driver version.

enum _cmp_interrupt_request

CMP Interrupt request type definition.


enumerator kCMP_InterruptRequestDisabled

interrupt disabled

enumerator kCMP_InterruptRequestEnableOutputRisingEdge

Comparator interrupt request enable rising edge.

enumerator kCMP_InterruptRequestEnableOutputFallingEdge

Comparator interrupt request enable falling edge.

enumerator kCMP_InterrruptRequestEnableAll

comparator interrupt request enable on rising edge or falling edge

enum _cmp_dma_request

CMP DMA request type definition.


enumerator kCMP_DMARequestDisabled

DMA disabled

enumerator kCMP_DMARequestEnableOutputRisingEdge

Comparator dma request enable on rising edge.

enumerator kCMP_DMARequestEnableOutputFallingEdge

Comparator dnma request enable on falling edge.

enumerator kCMP_DMARequestEnableAll

comparator dma request enable on rising edge or falling edge

enum _cmp_output_flag

CMP output flags’ mask.


enumerator kCMP_OutputFlagRisingEdge

Rising-edge on the comparison output has occurred.

enumerator kCMP_OutputFlagFallingEdge

Falling-edge on the comparison output has occurred.

enumerator kCMP_OutputFlagBothEdge

Rising-edge and Falling-edge on the comparison output has occurred.

enum _cmp_hysteresis_level

CMP Hysteresis level.


enumerator kCMP_HysteresisLevel0

Hysteresis level 0.

enumerator kCMP_HysteresisLevel1

Hysteresis level 1.

enumerator kCMP_HysteresisLevel2

Hysteresis level 2.

enumerator kCMP_HysteresisLevel3

Hysteresis level 3.

enum _cmp_comparasion_speed_mode

CMP compassion speed mode enumerator.


enumerator kCMP_ComparsionModeLowSpeed

Low-Speed Comparison mode has lower current consumption

enumerator kCMP_ComparsionModeHighSpeed

High-Speed Comparison mode has higher current consumption.

enum _cmp_dac_vref_source

CMP DAC Voltage Reference source.


enumerator kCMP_DACVrefSourceVin1

Vin1 is selected as a resistor ladder network supply reference Vin.

enumerator kCMP_DACVrefSourceVin2

Vin2 is selected as a resistor ladder network supply reference Vin.

enum _cmp_window_output_mode

CMP output value of window.


enumerator kCMP_WindowOuputLastLatchedValue

When WINDOW signal changes from 1 to 0, COUTA output holds the last latched value before WINDOW signal falls to 0

enumerator kCMP_WindowOutputZeroValue

When WINDOW signal changes from 1 to 0, COUTA output is forced to 0

enum _cmp_filter_count

CMP filter count.


enumerator kCMP_FilterCountDisable

filter is disabled

enumerator kCMP_FilterCount1

1 sample must agrees, the comparator output is simply sampled

enumerator kCMP_FilterCount2

2 consecutive samples must agrees

enumerator kCMP_FilterCount3

3 consecutive samples must agrees

enumerator kCMP_FilterCount4

4 consecutive samples must agrees

enumerator kCMP_FilterCount5

5 consecutive samples must agrees

enumerator kCMP_FilterCount6

6 consecutive samples must agrees

enumerator kCMP_FilterCount7

7 consecutive samples must agrees

enum _cmp_external_sample_count

CMP external sample count.


enumerator kCMP_ExternalSampleCount1

1 sample must agrees, the comparator output is simply sampled

enumerator kCMP_ExternalSampleCount2

2 consecutive samples must agrees

enumerator kCMP_ExternalSampleCount3

3 consecutive samples must agrees

enumerator kCMP_ExternalSampleCount4

4 consecutive samples must agrees

enumerator kCMP_ExternalSampleCount5

5 consecutive samples must agrees

enumerator kCMP_ExternalSampleCount6

6 consecutive samples must agrees

enumerator kCMP_ExternalSampleCount7

7 consecutive samples must agrees

enum _cmp_output_source

CMP output source enumerator.


enumerator kCMP_OutputSourceFromFilterCOUT

Set the filtered comparator output to equal COUT.

enumerator kCMP_OutputSourceFromUnfilteredCOUTA

Set the unfiltered comparator output to equal COUTA.

enum _cmp_work_mode

CMP work mode definition.


enumerator kCMP_WorkModeWindowBypassAndNoExternalSample

window block bypassed, external sampling mode disabled

enumerator kCMP_WorkModeWindowBypassAndExternalSample

window block bypassed, external SAMPLE mode enable

enumerator kCMP_WorkModeWindowEnabledAndNoExternalSample

window block enabled, external sampling mode disabled

typedef enum _cmp_interrupt_request cmp_interrupt_request_t

CMP Interrupt request type definition.

typedef enum _cmp_dma_request cmp_dma_request_t

CMP DMA request type definition.

typedef enum _cmp_output_flag cmp_output_flag_t

CMP output flags’ mask.

typedef enum _cmp_hysteresis_level cmp_hysteresis_level_t

CMP Hysteresis level.

typedef enum _cmp_comparasion_speed_mode cmp_comparasion_speed_mode_t

CMP compassion speed mode enumerator.

typedef enum _cmp_dac_vref_source cmp_dac_vref_source_t

CMP DAC Voltage Reference source.

typedef enum _cmp_window_output_mode cmp_window_output_mode_t

CMP output value of window.

typedef enum _cmp_filter_count cmp_filter_count_t

CMP filter count.

typedef enum _cmp_external_sample_count cmp_external_sample_count_t

CMP external sample count.

typedef enum _cmp_output_source cmp_output_source_t

CMP output source enumerator.

typedef enum _cmp_work_mode cmp_work_mode_t

CMP work mode definition.

typedef struct _cmp_dac_config cmp_dac_config_t

CMP internal DAC configuration structure.

typedef union _cmp_dma_interrupt_config cmp_dma_interrupt_config_t

CMP dma/interrupt configure union.


, the interrupt request and dma request cannot be used at the same time, that is to say When DMA support is enabled by setting SCR[DMAEN] and the interrupt is enabled by setting SCR[IER], SCR[IEF], or both, the corresponding change on COUT forces a DMA transfer request rather than a CPU interrupt instead

typedef struct _cmp_config cmp_config_t

CMP configuration structure.

struct _cmp_dac_config
#include <fsl_cmp.h>

CMP internal DAC configuration structure.

Public Members

cmp_dac_vref_source_t eDACVrefSource

DAC reference voltage source.

uint8_t u8DACOutputVoltageDivider

divider Value for the DAC Output Voltage, DAC output voltage = (VREF / 256) * (u8DACOutputVoltageDivider + 1).

bool bEnableInternalDAC

flag to control if the internal DAC need to be enabled

union _cmp_dma_interrupt_config
#include <fsl_cmp.h>

CMP dma/interrupt configure union.


, the interrupt request and dma request cannot be used at the same time, that is to say When DMA support is enabled by setting SCR[DMAEN] and the interrupt is enabled by setting SCR[IER], SCR[IEF], or both, the corresponding change on COUT forces a DMA transfer request rather than a CPU interrupt instead

Public Members

cmp_dma_request_t eDMARequest

dma request type

cmp_interrupt_request_t eInterruptRequest

interrupt request type

struct _cmp_config
#include <fsl_cmp.h>

CMP configuration structure.

Public Members

cmp_hysteresis_level_t eHysteresisLevel

CMP hysteresis leveL

cmp_comparasion_speed_mode_t eComparasionSpeedMode

CMP comparison speed mode

cmp_work_mode_t eWorkMode

CMP work mode

cmp_input_mux_t ePlusInput

CMP plus input mux, the definition of this enum is in soc header file

cmp_input_mux_t eMinusInput

CMP minus input mux, the definition of this enum is in soc header file

cmp_dac_config_t sDacConfig

CMP internal DAC configuration structure cmp_dac_config_t

bool bInvertComparatorOutputPolarity

Inverted comparator output polarity.

cmp_window_output_mode_t eWindowOutputMode

only works when cmp work mode is kCMP_WorkModeWindowEnabledAndNoExternalSample

cmp_filter_count_t eFilterCount

Filter Count.Available range is 0-7, 0 is disable internal filter can be used in internal sampling mode only.

uint8_t u8FilterPeriod

Filter Period. The divider to the bus clock. Available range is 0-255, can be used in internal sampling mode. When the filter clock from internal divided bus clock, setting the sample period to 0 will disable the filter

cmp_external_sample_count_t eExternalSampleCount

Available range is 1 - 7, used in external sampling mode only

cmp_output_source_t eOutputSource

cmp output source

bool bEnableOutputPin

the comparator output(CMPO) is driven out on the associated CMPO output pin

cmp_dma_interrupt_config_t uDmaInterruptConfig

CMP interrupt/dma configuration

bool bCMPEnable

flag to control if CMP module start immediately when the configuration is done

The Driver Change Log

CMP Peripheral and Driver Overview

COP: Computer Operating Properly(Watchdog) Driver

void COP_Init(COP_Type *base, const cop_config_t *psConfig)

Initializes the COP module with input configuration.

Call this function to do initialization configuration for COP module. The configurations are:

  • COP configuration write protect enablement

  • Clock source selection for COP module

  • Prescaler configuration to the input clock source

  • Counter timeout value

  • Window value

  • WAIT/STOP work mode enablement

  • Interrupt enable/disable and interrupt timing value

  • Loss of reference counter enablement

  • COP enable/disable

note: Once set bEnableWriteProtect=true, the CTRL, INTVAL, WINDOW and TOUT registers are read-only.

  • base – COP peripheral base address.

  • psConfig – The pointer to COP configuration structure, cop_config_t.

void COP_GetDefaultConfig(cop_config_t *psConfig)

Prepares an available pre-defined setting for module’s configuration.

This function initializes the COP configuration structure to default values.

psConfig->bEnableWriteProtect = false;
psConfig->bEnableWait = false;
psConfig->bEnableStop = false;
psConfig->bEnableLossOfReference = false;
psConfig->bEnableInterrupt = false;
psConfig->bEnableCOP       = false;
psConfig->ePrescaler = kCOP_ClockPrescalerDivide1;
psConfig->u16TimeoutCount = 0xFFFFU;
psConfig->u16WindowCount = 0xFFFFU;
psConfig->u16InterruptCount = 0xFFU;
psConfig->eClockSource = kCOP_RoscClockSource;

  • psConfig – Pointer to the COP configuration structure, cop_config_t.

static inline void COP_Enable(COP_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enable/Disable the COP module.

This function disables the COP Watchdog. To disable the COP Watchdog, call COP_Enable(base, false).

  • base – COP peripheral base address.

  • bEnable – Enable the feature or not.

static inline void COP_EnableLossOfReferenceCounter(COP_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enables or disables the COP Loss of Reference counter.

This function writes a value into the COP_CTRL register to enable or disable the COP Loss of Reference counter.

  • base – COP peripheral base address.

  • bEnable – Enable the feature or not.

static inline void COP_SetTimeoutCount(COP_Type *base, uint16_t u16TimeoutCount)

Sets the COP timeout value.

This function sets the COP timeout value, if psConfig->bEnableWriteProtect is set to true for calling WDOG_Init, the set does not take effect. It should be ensured that the time-out value for the COP is always greater than interrupt time + 40 bus clock cycles. This function writes a value into COP_TOUT register, when COP count down to zero from the timeout count value, COP_RST_B signal will be asserted. There are some considerations for setting the timeout count afer COP is enabled:

  • The recommended procedure for changing TIMEOUT is to disable the COP by invoking COP_Enable(), then call the function COP_SetTimeoutCount, and then re-enable the by invoking COP_Enable() again.

  • Alternatively, call the function COP_SetTimeoutCount, then feed the COP by invoking COP_Refresh() to reload the timeout.

  • base – COP peripheral base address

  • u16TimeoutCount – COP timeout value, count of COP clock tick. Use macro definition MSEC_TO_COUNT to convert value in ms to count of ticks, the COP clock rate is source clock divide prescaler.

static inline void COP_SetInterruptCount(COP_Type *base, uint16_t u16InterruptCount)

Sets the COP interrupt value.

This function sets the COP interrupt value, if psConfig->bEnableWriteProtect is set to true for calling WDOG_Init, the set does not take effect. This function writes a value into COP_INTVAL register, if COP interrupt is enabled and COP count down to the interrupt value configured, an interrupt will be triggered. Ensure the COP counter is disabled while the function is called.

  • base – COP peripheral base address

  • u16InterruptCount – COP interrupt value, count of COP clock tick. Use macro definition MSEC_TO_COUNT to convert value in ms to count of ticks, the COP clock rate is source clock divide prescaler.

static inline void COP_SetWindowCount(COP_Type *base, uint16_t u16WindowCount)

Sets the COP window value.

This function sets the COP window value, if psConfig->bEnableWriteProtect is set to true for calling WDOG_Init, the set does not take effect. This function writes a value into COP_WINDOW register. Ensure the COP counter is disabled while the function is called.

  • base – COP peripheral base address

  • u16WindowCount – COP window value, count of COP clock tick. Use macro definition MSEC_TO_COUNT to convert value in ms to count of ticks, the COP clock rate is source clock divide prescaler.

void COP_Refresh(COP_Type *base)

Refreshes the COP timer.

This function feeds/services the COP.

  • base – COP peripheral base address.

static inline void COP_EnableInterrupt(COP_Type *base)

Enables the COP interrupt, if psConfig->bEnableWriteProtect is set to true for calling WDOG_Init, the operation does not take effect.

This function writes a value into the COP_CTRL register to enable the COP interrupt.

  • base – COP peripheral base address

static inline void COP_DisableInterrupt(COP_Type *base)

Disables the COP interrupt, if psConfig->bEnableWriteProtect is set to true for calling WDOG_Init, the operation does not take effect.

This function writes a value into the COP_CTRL register to disable the COP interrupt.

  • base – COP peripheral base address


COP driver version.


COP refresh key word.

First word of refresh sequence


Second word of refresh sequence

enum _cop_clock_source

enumeration for COP clock source selection.


enumerator kCOP_RoscClockSource

COP clock sourced from Relaxation oscillator (ROSC)

enumerator kCOP_CoscClockSource

COP clock sourced from Crystal oscillator (COSCs)

enumerator kCOP_BusClockSource

COP clock sourced from IP Bus clock

enumerator kCOP_LpoClockSource

COP clock sourced from Low speed oscillator

enum _cop_clock_prescaler

enumeration for COP clock prescaler to input source clock.


enumerator kCOP_ClockPrescalerDivide1

Divided by 1

enumerator kCOP_ClockPrescalerDivide16

Divided by 16

enumerator kCOP_ClockPrescalerDivide256

Divided by 256

enumerator kCOP_ClockPrescalerDivide1024

Divided by 1024

typedef enum _cop_clock_source cop_clock_source_t

enumeration for COP clock source selection.

typedef enum _cop_clock_prescaler cop_clock_prescaler_t

enumeration for COP clock prescaler to input source clock.

typedef struct _cop_config cop_config_t

structure for COP module initialization configuration.

struct _cop_config
#include <fsl_cop.h>

structure for COP module initialization configuration.

Public Members

bool bEnableWriteProtect

Set COP Write protected

bool bEnableStop

Enable or disable COP in STOP mode

bool bEnableWait

Enable or disable COP in WAIT mode

bool bEnableLossOfReference

Enable or disable COP loss of reference counter

bool bEnableInterrupt

Enables or disables COP interrupt

bool bEnableCOP

Enables or disables COP module

cop_clock_source_t eClockSource

Set COP clock source

cop_clock_prescaler_t ePrescaler

Set COP clock prescaler

uint16_t u16TimeoutCount

Timeout count in clock cycles, Use macro definition MSEC_TO_COUNT to convert value in ms to count of ticks, the COP clock rate is source clock divide prescaler.

uint16_t u16WindowCount

Window count in clock cycles, Use macro definition MSEC_TO_COUNT to convert value in ms to count of ticks, the COP clock rate is source clock divide prescaler.

uint16_t u16InterruptCount

Interrupt count in clock cycles, Use macro definition MSEC_TO_COUNT to convert value in ms to count of ticks, the COP clock rate is source clock divide prescaler.

The Driver Change Log

COP Peripheral and Driver Overview

CRC: Cyclic Redundancy Check Driver

void CRC_Init(CRC_Type *base, const crc_config_t *psConfig)

Enables and configures the CRC peripheral module.

This function enables the clock gate in the SIM module for the CRC peripheral. It also configures the CRC module and starts a checksum computation by writing the seed.

  • base – CRC peripheral address.

  • psConfig – CRC module configuration structure.

void CRC_Deinit(CRC_Type *base)

Disables the CRC peripheral module.

This function disables the clock gate in the SIM module for the CRC peripheral.

  • base – CRC peripheral address.

static inline void CRC_GetDefaultConfig(crc_config_t *psConfig, crc_protocol_type_t eCrcProtocol)

Provide default CRC protocol configuration.

The purpose of this API is to initialize the configuration structure to default value for CRC_Init to use. Provides the configuration of commonly used CRC protocols. refer to crc_protocol_type_t.

This is an example:

crc_config_t sConfig;
//LoadCRC-16/MAXIM protocol configuration.
CRC_GetDefaultConfig(&sConfig, kCRC_Crc16);
CRC_Init(CRC, &sConfig);

  • psConfig – CRC protocol configuration structure.

  • eCrcProtocol – CRC protocol type. refer to crc_protocol_type_t

static inline void CRC_SetSeedValue(CRC_Type *base, uint32_t u32CrcSeedValue)

Set the CRC seed value.

This function is help to write a 16/32 bit CRC seed value.

  • base – CRC peripheral address.

  • u32CrcSeedValue – The value of seed.

static inline void CRC_SetPolynomial(CRC_Type *base, uint32_t u32CrcPolynomial)

Set the value of the polynomial for the CRC calculation.

Write a 16-bit or 32-bit polynomial to CRC Polynomial register for the CRC calculation.

  • base – CRC peripheral address.

  • u32CrcPolynomial – The CRC polynomial.

static inline void CRC_SetWriteTransposeType(CRC_Type *base, crc_transpose_type_t eTransposeIn)

Set CRC type of transpose of write data.

This function help to configure CRC type of transpose of write data.

  • base – CRC peripheral address.

  • eTransposeIn – Type Of transpose for input. See crc_transpose_type_t

static inline void CRC_SetReadTransposeType(CRC_Type *base, crc_transpose_type_t eTransposeOut)

Set CRC type of transpose of read data.

This function help to configure CRC type of transpose of read data.

  • base – CRC peripheral address.

  • eTransposeOut – Type Of transpose for output. See crc_transpose_type_t

static inline void CRC_EnableComplementChecksum(CRC_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enable/Disable complement of read CRC checksum.

Set complement of read CRC checksum. Some CRC protocols require the final checksum to be XORed with 0xFFFFFFFF or 0xFFFF.

  • base – CRC peripheral address.

  • bEnable – True or false. True if the result shall be complement of the actual checksum.

static inline void CRC_SetProtocolWidth(CRC_Type *base, crc_bits_t eCrcBits)

Set bit width of CRC protocol.

Selects 16-bit or 32-bit CRC protocol.

  • base – CRC peripheral address.

  • eCrcBits – 16 or 32 bit CRC protocol. See crc_bits_t

void CRC_WriteData(CRC_Type *base, const uint8_t *pu8Data, uint32_t u32DataSize)

Writes data to the CRC module.

Writes input data buffer bytes to the CRC data register. The configured type of transpose is applied.

  • base – CRC peripheral address.

  • pu8Data – Input data stream, MSByte in data[0].

  • u32DataSize – Size in bytes of the input data buffer.

static inline uint32_t CRC_Get32bitResult(CRC_Type *base)

Reads the 32-bit checksum from the CRC module.

Reads the CRC data register (either an intermediate or the final checksum). The configured type of transpose and complement is applied.

  • base – CRC peripheral address.


An intermediate or the final 32-bit checksum, after transpose and complement operations configured.

uint16_t CRC_Get16bitResult(CRC_Type *base)

Reads a 16-bit checksum from the CRC module.

Reads the CRC data register (either an intermediate or the final checksum). The configured type of transpose and complement is applied.

  • base – CRC peripheral address.


An intermediate or the final 16-bit checksum, after transpose and complement operations configured.


CRC driver version. Version.

enum _crc_protocol_type

CRC protocol type.


enumerator kCRC_Crc16

CRC-16/MAXIM protocol.

enumerator kCRC_Crc16CCITT

CRC-16-CCITT protocol.

enumerator kCRC_Crc16Kermit

CRC-16/KERMIT protocol.

enumerator kCRC_Crc32

CRC-32 protocol.

enumerator kCRC_Crc32Posix

CRC-32/POSIX protocol.

enum _crc_bits

CRC protocol bit width.


enumerator kCRC_Bits16

Generate 16-bit CRC code.

enumerator kCRC_Bits32

Generate 32-bit CRC code.

enum _crc_transpose_type

CRC type of transpose of read/write data.


enumerator kCRC_TransposeNone

No transpose.

enumerator kCRC_TransposeBits

Transpose bits in bytes.

enumerator kCRC_TransposeBitsAndBytes

Transpose bytes and bits in bytes.

enumerator kCRC_TransposeBytes

Transpose bytes.

typedef enum _crc_protocol_type crc_protocol_type_t

CRC protocol type.

typedef enum _crc_bits crc_bits_t

CRC protocol bit width.

typedef enum _crc_transpose_type crc_transpose_type_t

CRC type of transpose of read/write data.

typedef struct _crc_config crc_config_t

CRC protocol configuration.

This structure holds the configuration for the CRC protocol.

struct _crc_config
#include <fsl_crc.h>

CRC protocol configuration.

This structure holds the configuration for the CRC protocol.

Public Members

uint32_t u32CrcPolynomial

CRC Polynomial, MSBit first. Example polynomial: 0x1021 = 1_0000_0010_0001 = x^12+x^5+1

uint32_t u32CrcSeedValue

Starting checksum value

bool bEnableComplementChecksum

Enable/Disable complement of read CRC checksum.

crc_transpose_type_t eTransposeIn

Select type of transpose of input data.

crc_transpose_type_t eTransposeOut

Select type of transpose of output data.

crc_bits_t eCrcBits

Select 16-bit or 32-bit CRC protocol.

The Driver Change Log

CRC Peripheral and Driver Overview

DAC: 12-bit Digital-to-Analog Converter Driver

void DAC_Init(DAC_Type *base, const dac_config_t *psConfig)

Initializes the DAC resource, including data format, sync signal, operation mode, etc.

  • base – DAC peripheral base address.

  • psConfig – The pointer to dac_config_t.

void DAC_Deinit(DAC_Type *base)

De-initializes the DAC resource, the clock and power will be gated off.

Invoking this function to power down the analog portion of DAC and disable the DAC clock.

  • base – DAC peripheral base address.

void DAC_GetDefaultConfig(dac_config_t *psConfig)

Gets the default DAC configs, such as operation mode, watermark level, sync signal, etc.

psConfig->eOperationMode = kDAC_NormalOperationMode;
psConfig->uOperationConfig.sNormalModeConfig.u16DataFIFO   = 0U;
psConfig->bEnableDMA                                       = false;
psConfig->eWatermarkLevel = kDAC_WatermarkValue2;
psConfig->eSyncInputEdge                                   = kDAC_RisingEdge;
psConfig->eSpeedMode                                       = kDAC_HighSpeedMode;
psConfig->eDataFormat                                      = kDAC_DataWordRightJustified;
psConfig->eSyncSignal                                      = kDAC_InternalClockSignal;
psConfig->bEnableAnalogPortion                             = false;
psConfig->bEnableGlitchFilter                              = true;
psConfig->u8GlitchFilterCount                              = 29U;
  • psConfig – The pointer to dac_config_t.

static inline void DAC_SetSyncEdge(DAC_Type *base, dac_sync_input_edge_t eSyncEdge)

Selects which SYNC input edge is used for updates, available selections are “no active edge”, “falling edge”, “rising edge”, “both edge”.

  • base – DAC peripheral base address.

  • eSyncEdge – The input edge to be set, please refer to dac_sync_input_edge_t for details.

static inline void DAC_SetLDOK(DAC_Type *base)

Updates the buffered value of stepSize, minValue ,and maxValue at the active edge of the SYNC_IN signal.


Allows new values of minimum, maximum, and step value to be updated by active edge of SYNC_IN. This function should be invoked once new values of these buffered registers have been written by software. The LDOK bit will be cleared by an active edge of SYNC_IN.


This function is only useful when the operation mode is selected as Automatic operation mode.

  • base – DAC peripheral base address.

static inline bool DAC_GetLDOKValue(DAC_Type *base)

Gets the value of load Okay bit field.


When the SYNC signal is selected as external SYNC_IN signal, the load okay bit will be cleared by an active edge of the SYNC_IN signal. This function can be used to check whether the active edge of the SYNC_IN signal has reached.


This function is only useful when the operation mode is selected as Automatic operation mode.

  • base – DAC peripheral base address.


  • true The active edge of SYNC_IN signal has not reached when the SYNC signal is selected as external SYNC_IN signal.

  • false The active edge of SYNC_IN signal has reached when the SYNC signal is selected as external SYNC_IN signal

static inline void DAC_EnableOneShot(DAC_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enables/Disables Oneshot feature, oneshot feature used to determines whether automatic waveform generation creates one waveform or a repeated waveform within the period defined by the active SYNC edges.


This function only useful when the operation mode is selected as automatic operation mode.

  • base – DAC peripheral base address.

  • bEnable – Enable/Disable oneshot feature.

    • true Automatic waveform generation logic will create a single pattern and stop at the final value.

    • false Automatic waveform generation logic will create a repeated (continuous) waveform upon receiving an active SYNC edge.

static inline void DAC_WriteDataFIFO(DAC_Type *base, uint16_t u16Data)

Writes DAC buffered data value based on the data format when the DAC is in normal operation mode.

  • base – DAC peripheral base address.

  • u16Data – The DAC data to be converted to analog. If the data format is set as kDAC_DataWordRightJustified then u16Data should range from 0 to 4095, which means the higher 4 bits is useless. If the data format is set as kDAC_DataWordLeftJustified, then the u16Data should range from 16 to 65520, which means the lower 4 bits is useless.

static inline void DAC_WriteStepSize(DAC_Type *base, uint16_t u16StepSize)

Writes Step size based on the data format when the DAC is in automatic operation mode.


This function only useful when the operation mode is selected as automatic operation mode.

  • base – DAC peripheral base address.

  • u16StepSize – The step value to be added to or subtracted from the current value. If the data format is set as kDAC_DataWordRightJustified then u16StepSize should range from 0 to 4095, which means the higher 4 bits is useless. If the data format is set as kDAC_DataWordLeftJustified, then the u16StepSize should range from 16 to 65520, which means the lower 4 bits is useless.

static inline void DAC_WriteMinValue(DAC_Type *base, uint16_t u16MinValue)

Writes the minium value based on the data format when the DAC is in automatic operation mode.


This function only useful when the operation mode is selected as automatic operation mode. If DAC input data is less than the minium value, output is limited to the minium value during automatic waveform generation.

  • base – DAC peripheral base address.

  • u16MinValue – The lower range limit during automatic waveform generation. If the data format is set as kDAC_DataWordRightJustified then u16MinValue should range from 0 to 4095, which means the higher 4 bits is useless. If the data format is set as kDAC_DataWordLeftJustified, then the u16MinValue should range from 16 to 65520, which means the lower 4 bits is useless.

static inline void DAC_WriteMaxValue(DAC_Type *base, uint16_t u16MaxValue)

Writes the maximum value based on the data format when the DAC is in automatic operation mode.


This function only useful when the operation mode is selected as automatic operation mode. If DAC input data is greater than maximum value, output is limited to maximum value during automatic waveform generation.

  • base – DAC peripheral base address.

  • u16MaxValue – The upper range limit during automatic waveform generation. If the data format is set as kDAC_DataWordRightJustified then u16MaxValue should range from 0 to 4095, which means the higher 4 bits is useless. If the data format is set as kDAC_DataWordLeftJustified, then the u16MaxValue should range from 16 to 65520, which means the lower 4 bits is useless.

static inline void DAC_ConfigRefreshFrequency(DAC_Type *base, uint16_t u16CompareValue)

Sets refresh frequency that used to decide when the automatically generated waveform value is updated.


This function only useful when the operation mode is selected as automatic operation mode.

  • base – DAC peripheral base address.

  • u16CompareValue – The compare value(0~65535).

    • u16CompareValue=0 The generated waveform will be updated every clock cycle.

    • u16CompareValue=N(N!=0) The generated waveform will be updated every N+1 clock cycles.

static inline void DAC_EnableDMA(DAC_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enables/Disables DMA request that to be generated when the FIFO is below the watermark level.


This function is only useful when the operation mode is selected as Normal mode.

  • base – DAC peripheral base address.

  • bEnable – Enable/Disable DMA support.

    • true Enable DMA support.

    • false Disable DMA support.

static inline void DAC_SetWatermarkLevel(DAC_Type *base, dac_watermark_level_t eWatermarkLevel)

Sets watermark level which is used for asserting a DMA request.


When the level of FIFO is less than or equal to the Watermark level, a DMA request will be sent. This function is only useful when the operation mode is selected as Normal mode.

  • base – DAC peripheral base address.

  • eWatermarkLevel – The watermark level of FIFO, please refer to dac_watermark_level_t for details.

static inline void DAC_EnableGlitchFilter(DAC_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enables/Disables Glitch filter.

  • base – DAC peripheral base address.

  • bEnable – Enable/Disable Glitch filter.

    • true Enable glitch filter.

    • false Disable glitch filter.

static inline void DAC_SetGlitchFilterCount(DAC_Type *base, uint8_t u8FilterCount)

Sets glitch filter count value(ranges from 0 to 63) that represents the number of clock cycles for which the DAC output is held unchanged after new data is presented to the analog DAC’s inputs.

  • base – DAC peripheral base address.

  • u8FilterCount – The count of glitch filter. This count represents the number of clock cycles for which the DAC output is held unchanged after new data is presented to the analog DAC’s inputs.

static inline void DAC_SetSpeedMode(DAC_Type *base, dac_speed_mode_t eSpeedMode)

Selects speed mode, high speed mode uses more power and low speed mode saves power.

  • base – DAC peripheral base address.

  • eSpeedMode – The speedMode to be set, please refer to dac_speed_mode_t for details.

static inline void DAC_EnableAnalogPortion(DAC_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enables/Disables the operation of the analog portion of the DAC.

The function controls the power-up of the analog portion of the DAC. If powered up the analog portion, the DAC module will output the value currently presented to the Data register. The analog portion should be powered up when the DAC is in use. If power down the analog portion, the output of the DAC module will be pulled low. The analog portion should be powered down when the DAC is not in use.

  • base – DAC peripheral base address.

  • bEnable – Power up/down the analog portion of the DAC.

    • true Power up the analog portion of the DAC, and the DAC will output the value currently presented to its inputs.

    • false Power down the analog portion of the DAC, and its output will be pulled down.

static inline uint16_t DAC_GetFIFOStatusFlags(DAC_Type *base)

Gets the fifo status flag of selected DAC instance.

  • base – DAC peripheral base address.


The status flags of DAC module, should be the OR’ed value of _dac_fifo_status_flags.


DAC driver version.

enum _dac_fifo_status_flags

The enumeration of DAC status flags, including FIFO full status flag and FIFO empty status flag.


enumerator kDAC_FIFOFullStatusFlag

Indicate the FIFO is full.

enumerator kDAC_FIFOEmptyStatusFlag

Indicate the FIFO is empty.

enum _dac_operation_mode

The enumeration of DAC operation mode, including normal operation mode and automatic operation mode.


enumerator kDAC_NormalOperationMode

Normal Mode to generate an analog representation of digital words.

enumerator kDAC_AutomaticOperationMode

Automatic Mode to generate waveform without requiring CPU or core assistance.

enum _dac_sync_signal_selection

The enumeration of DAC sync signal mode, including internal clock signal and external SYNC_IN signal.


enumerator kDAC_InternalClockSignal

Internal Clock signal is selected as SYNC signal, data written to the buffered registers is used on the next clock cycle

enumerator kDAC_ExternalSyncInSignal

Peripheral external signal is selected as SYNC signal, the update occurs on the active edge of SYNC_IN signal.

enum _dac_waveform_type

The enumeration of waveform type, such as square waveform, triangle waveform, etc.


enumerator kDAC_RepeatSawtoothWaveform0

DAC generates repeated sawtooth waveform0. The automatic waveform generation logic will create a repeated sawtooth waveform0 upon receiving an active SYNC edge, and the waveform repeats when it reaches its minimum and maximum value. The waveform increases from starting value to max value firstly. Like this following shown:

                                          /|   /|   /|   /|
                                         / |  / |  / |  / |
                                           | /  | /  | /  |
                                           |/   |/   |/   |

enumerator kDAC_RepeatSawtoothWaveform1

DAC generates sawtooth waveform1. The automatic waveform generation logic will create a repeated sawtooth waveform1 upon receiving an active SYNC edge, and the waveform repeats when it reaches its minimum and maximum value. The waveform decreases from starting value to min value firstly. Like this following shown:

                                                |\   |\   |\   |\
                                                | \  | \  | \  | \
                                              \ |  \ |  \ |  \ |  \
                                               \|   \|   \|   \|   \

enumerator kDAC_RepeatTriangleWaveform0

The automatic waveform generation logic will create a repeated triangle waveform0 upon receiving an active SYNC edge, and the waveform repeats when it reaches its minimum and maximum value. In this type the generated triangle waveform rises from the starting value. Like this following shown:

                                           /\      /\      /\
                                          /  \    /  \    /  \    /
                                         /    \  /    \  /    \  /
                                               \/      \/      \/

enumerator kDAC_RepeatTriangleWaveform1

The automatic waveform generation logic will create a repeated triangle waveform1 upon receiving an active SYNC edge, and the waveform repeats when it reaches its minimum and maximum value. In this type the generated triangle waveform drops from the starting value. Like this following shown:

                                             /\      /\      /\
                                       \    /  \    /  \    /  \
                                        \  /    \  /    \  /
                                         \/      \/      \/

enumerator kDAC_OneShotSawtoothWaveform0

Automatic waveform generation logic will create a single pattern and stop at the final value. It will remain at the finial value until a new active edge occurs on the SYNC input, and then the waveform will be repeated. Like this following shown:

                                                       /|       /|
                                                      / |      / |
                                                     /  |     /  |
                                                ____/   |____/   |___

enumerator kDAC_OneShotSawtoothWaveform1

Automatic waveform generation logic will create a single pattern and stop at the final value. It will remain at the finial value until a new active edge occurs on the SYNC input, and then the waveform will be repeated. Like this following shown:

                                             |\      |\
                                             | \     | \
                                             |  \    |  \
                                         ____|   \___|   \__

enum _dac_sync_input_edge

The enumeration of sync input edge that used for updates buffered registers, such as Falling edge, etc.


enumerator kDAC_NoActiveEdge

No active edge is selected, it means the SYNC input is ignored.

enumerator kDAC_FallingEdge

Updates occur on the falling edge of the SYNC input.

enumerator kDAC_RisingEdge

Updates occur on the rising edge of the SYNC input.

enumerator kDAC_BothEdges

Updates occur on both edges of the SYNC input.

enum _dac_speed_mode

The enumeration of DAC speed mode, including high speed mode and low speed mode.


enumerator kDAC_HighSpeedMode

In High Speed Mode, the setting time of the DAC module is 1us, but the DAC module uses more power.

enumerator kDAC_LowSpeedMode

In Low Speed Mode, the DAC module uses less power but takes more time to settle.

enum _dac_watermark_level

The enumeration of FIFO watermark level.


enumerator kDAC_WatermarkValue0

Watermark value is 0.

enumerator kDAC_WatermarkValue2

Watermark value is 2.

enumerator kDAC_WatermarkValue4

Watermark value is 4.

enumerator kDAC_WatermarkValue6

Watermark value is 6

enum _dac_data_format

The enumeration of DAC data format, inclding right right-justified and left-justified.


enumerator kDAC_DataWordRightJustified

The 12 bits data is right-justified.

enumerator kDAC_DataWordLeftJustified

The 12 bits data iss left-justified.

typedef enum _dac_operation_mode dac_operation_mode_t

The enumeration of DAC operation mode, including normal operation mode and automatic operation mode.

typedef enum _dac_sync_signal_selection dac_sync_signal_selection_t

The enumeration of DAC sync signal mode, including internal clock signal and external SYNC_IN signal.

typedef enum _dac_waveform_type dac_waveform_type_t

The enumeration of waveform type, such as square waveform, triangle waveform, etc.

typedef enum _dac_sync_input_edge dac_sync_input_edge_t

The enumeration of sync input edge that used for updates buffered registers, such as Falling edge, etc.

typedef enum _dac_speed_mode dac_speed_mode_t

The enumeration of DAC speed mode, including high speed mode and low speed mode.

typedef enum _dac_watermark_level dac_watermark_level_t

The enumeration of FIFO watermark level.

typedef enum _dac_data_format dac_data_format_t

The enumeration of DAC data format, inclding right right-justified and left-justified.

typedef struct _dac_normal_mode_config dac_normal_mode_config_t

The structure of configuration when the operation mode is selected are normal operation mode.

typedef struct _dac_automatic_mode_config dac_automatic_mode_config_t

The structure of configuration when the operation mode is selected as automatic operation mode.

typedef union _dac_operation_config dac_operation_config_u

The union of operation modes’ configuration.

typedef struct _dac_config dac_config_t

The structure for configuring the DAC.

This structure is used to config the DAC module, to initialize the DAC module, user must set the member of this structure. This structure will cost 20 Byte memory space.

struct _dac_normal_mode_config
#include <fsl_dac.h>

The structure of configuration when the operation mode is selected are normal operation mode.

Public Members

bool bEnableDMA

Enable/Disable DMA support.

  • true Enable DMA support.

  • false Disable DMA support.

uint16_t u16DataFIFO

The FIFO watermark level, if the level of FIFO is less than or equal to the watermark level field, a DMA request should be sent. The DAC data to be converted to analog. If the data format is set as kDAC_DataWordRightJustified then u16DataFIFO should range from 0 to 4095, which means the higher 4 bits is useless. If the data format is set as kDAC_DataWordLeftJustified, then the u16DataFIFO should range from 16 to 65520, which means the lower 4 bits is useless.

struct _dac_automatic_mode_config
#include <fsl_dac.h>

The structure of configuration when the operation mode is selected as automatic operation mode.

Public Members

dac_waveform_type_t eWaveformType

The type of waveform to be generated.

uint16_t u16MinValue

The step size to be added to or subtracted from the current value. If the data format is set as kDAC_DataWordRightJustified then u16StepSize should range from 0 to 4095, which means the higher 4 bits is useless. If the data format is set as kDAC_DataWordLeftJustified

, then the u16StepSize should range from 16 to 65520, which means the lower 4 bits is useless.

The minimum value is the lower range limit during automatic waveform generation. If the data format is set as

kDAC_DataWordRightJustified then u16MinValue should range from 0 to 4095, which means the higher 4 bits is useless. If the data format is set as kDAC_DataWordLeftJustified, then the u16MinValue should range from 16 to 65520, which means the lower 4 bits is useless.

uint16_t u16MaxValue

The maximum value is the upper range limit during automatic waveform generation. If the data format is set as kDAC_DataWordRightJustified then u16MaxValue should range from 0 to 4095, which means the higher 4 bits is useless. If the data format is set as kDAC_DataWordLeftJustified, then the u16MaxValue should range from 16 to 65520, which means the lower 4 bits is useless.

uint16_t u16StartValue

The start value of the wavefrom, should larger than the minium value and smaller than the maximum value.

uint16_t u16CompareValue

The compare value that used to decide the frequency of REFRESH signal. The available range is 0 ~ 65535.

  • u16CompareValue=0 The REFRESH signal’s frequency is equal to the clock’s frequency so that the generated waveform will be updated every clock cycle.

  • u16CompareValue=N(N!=0) The REFRESH signal’s frequency is equal to clock’s frequency divided N+1 so that the generated waveform will be updated every N+1 clock cycles

union _dac_operation_config
#include <fsl_dac.h>

The union of operation modes’ configuration.

Public Members

dac_normal_mode_config_t sNormalModeConfig

The configuration of normal operation mode, such as buffered data, watermark level, etc.

dac_automatic_mode_config_t sAutomaticModeConfig

The configuration of automatic operation mode, such as step size, minimum value, maximum value, etc.

struct _dac_config
#include <fsl_dac.h>

The structure for configuring the DAC.

This structure is used to config the DAC module, to initialize the DAC module, user must set the member of this structure. This structure will cost 20 Byte memory space.

Public Members

dac_operation_mode_t eOperationMode

The operation mode. The available selections are kDAC_NormalOperationMode and kDAC_AutomaticOperationMode.

dac_sync_signal_selection_t eSyncSignal

The selected sync signal that used to update buffered data, the available selections are kDAC_InternalClockSignal and kDAC_ExternalSyncInSignal

dac_sync_input_edge_t eSyncInputEdge

The SYNC input edge used to update buffered registers. The buffered value will be updated at the selected active edge of SYNC_IN signal.

dac_data_format_t eDataFormat

The data format of DAC instance. The available selections are kDAC_DataWordRightJustified and kDAC_DataWordLeftJustified

dac_operation_config_u uOperationConfig

The configuration of operation mode.

bool bEnableGlitchFilter

Enable/Disable glitch suppression filter.

  • true Enable glitch filter.

  • false Disable glitch filter.

uint8_t u8GlitchFilterCount

The count(ranges from 0 to 63) represents the number of clock cycles for which the DAC output is held unchanged after new data is presented to the analog DAC’s inputs.

dac_speed_mode_t eSpeedMode

The speed mode of DAC instance. The available selections are kDAC_HighSpeedMode and kDAC_LowSpeedMode.

bool bEnableAnalogPortion

Power up/down the analog portion.

  • true Power up the analog portion of the DAC, and the DAC will output the value currently presented to its inputs.

  • false Power down the analog portion of the DAC, and its output will be pulled down.

The Driver Change Log

DAC Peripheral and Driver Overview

DMA: Direct Memory Access Driver

void DMA_Init(DMA_Type *base, dma_config_t *psConfig)

DMA initialization.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • psConfig – pointer to user’s DMA configure structure, see dma_config_t for detail.

void DMA_Deinit(DMA_Type *base)

DMA De-initialization.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

void DMA_ResetChannel(DMA_Type *base, dma_channel_t eChannel)

Resets the DMA channel.

Sets all register values to reset values and enables the cycle steal and auto stop channel request features.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • eChannel – DMA channel number.

void DMA_GetChannelDefaultTransferConfig(dma_channel_transfer_config_t *psTransfer, uint32_t u32SrcAddr, uint32_t u32DstAddr, uint32_t u32TotalBytes, dma_channel_transfer_width_t eTransferWidth, dma_channel_transfer_type_t eTransferType)

Get channel default transfer configuration.


1. This function will reset all of the configuration structure members to zero firstly, then apply default configurations to the structure.

  1. No interrupt enabled by this function by default, if application would like to use DMA interrupt please enable it manually by psTransfer->u16EnabledInterruptMask = _dma_channel_interrupt

  • psTransfer – pointer to user’s DMA channel configure structure, see dma_channel_transfer_config_t for detail.

  • u32SrcAddr – source address, must be byte address.

  • u32DstAddr – destination address, must be byte address.

  • u32TotalBytes – total bytes to be transferred.

  • eTransferWidth – it represents how many bits are transferred in each read/write.

  • eTransferType – DMA channel transfer type.

void DMA_SetChannelTransferConfig(DMA_Type *base, dma_channel_t eChannel, dma_channel_transfer_config_t *psTransfer)

DMA set channel transfer configurations.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • eChannel – DMA channel number.

  • psTransfer – pointer to user’s DMA channel configure structure, see dma_channel_transfer_config_t for detail.

void DMA_SetChannelLinkConfig(DMA_Type *base, dma_channel_t eChannel, dma_channel_link_config_t *pLinkConfig)

Configures the DMA channel link feature.

This function allows DMA channels to have their transfers linked. The current DMA channel triggers a DMA request to the linked channels (LCH1 or LCH2) depending on the channel link type. Perform a link to channel LCH1 after each cycle-steal transfer followed by a link to LCH2 after the BCR decrements to 0 if the type is kDMA_ChannelLinkChannel1AndChannel2. Perform a link to LCH1 after each cycle-steal transfer if the type is kDMA_ChannelLinkChannel1. Perform a link to LCH1 after the BCR decrements to 0 if the type is kDMA_ChannelLinkChannel1AfterBCR0.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • eChannel – DMA channel number.

  • pLinkConfig – Pointer to the channel link configuration structure.

static inline void DMA_SetChannelSourceAddress(DMA_Type *base, dma_channel_t eChannel, uint32_t u32SrcAddr)

Sets the DMA source address for the DMA transfer.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • eChannel – DMA channel number.

  • u32SrcAddr – DMA source address.

static inline void DMA_SetChannelDestinationAddress(DMA_Type *base, dma_channel_t eChannel, uint32_t u32DestAddr)

Sets the DMA destination address for the DMA transfer.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • eChannel – DMA channel number.

  • u32DestAddr – DMA destination address.

static inline void DMA_SetChannelTransferSize(DMA_Type *base, dma_channel_t eChannel, uint32_t u32TransferSize)

Sets the DMA transfer size for the DMA transfer.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • eChannel – DMA channel number.

  • u32TransferSize – The number of bytes to be transferred.

void DMA_SetChannelPeripheralRequest(DMA_Type *base, dma_channel_t eChannel, dma_channel_request_source_t eChannelRequestSource)

Sets the DMA transfer peripheral number for the DMA transfer.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • eChannel – DMA channel number.

  • eChannelRequestSource – The number of request source.

void DMA_SetChannelModulo(DMA_Type *base, dma_channel_t eChannel, dma_channel_modulo_t eSrcModulo, dma_channel_modulo_t eDestModulo)

Sets the source address range and the destination address range for the DMA transfer.

This function defines a specific address range of source/destination address, after the source/destination address hits the range boundary, source/destination address will wrap to origin value.

Setting this field provides the ability to implement a circular data queue easily. For data queues require loop power-of-2 size bytes, the queue should start at a 0-modulo-size address and the SMOD field should be set to the appropriate value for the queue, freezing the desired number of upper address bits. The value programmed into this field specifies the number of lower address bits allowed to change

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • eChannel – DMA channel number.

  • eSrcModulo – A source modulo value.

  • eDestModulo – A destination modulo value.

static inline void DMA_EnableChannelCycleSteal(DMA_Type *base, dma_channel_t eChannel, bool bEnable)

Enables the DMA cycle steal for the DMA transfer.

If the cycle steal feature is enabled (true), the DMA controller forces a single read/write transfer per request, or it continuously makes read/write transfers until the BCR decrements to 0.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • eChannel – DMA channel number.

  • bEnable – The command for enable (true) or disable (false).

static inline void DMA_EnableChannelAutoAlign(DMA_Type *base, dma_channel_t eChannel, bool bEnable)

Enables the DMA auto align for the DMA transfer.

If the auto align feature is enabled (true), the appropriate address register increments regardless of DINC or SINC.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • eChannel – DMA channel number.

  • bEnable – The command for enable (true) or disable (false).

static inline void DMA_EnableChannelInterrupt(DMA_Type *base, dma_channel_t eChannel, bool bEnable)

Enables an interrupt for the DMA transfer.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • eChannel – DMA channel number.

  • bEnable – The command for enable (true) or disable (false).

static inline void DMA_EnableChannelPeripheralRequest(DMA_Type *base, dma_channel_t eChannel, bool bEnable)

Enables the DMA hardware channel request.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • eChannel – The DMA channel number.

  • bEnable – The command for enable (true) or disable (false).

static inline void DMA_TriggerChannelStart(DMA_Type *base, dma_channel_t eChannel)

Starts the DMA transfer with a software trigger.

This function starts only one read/write iteration.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • eChannel – The DMA channel number.

static inline void DMA_EnableChannelAutoStopRequest(DMA_Type *base, dma_channel_t eChannel, bool bEnable)

Starts the DMA enable/disable auto disable request.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • eChannel – The DMA channel number.

  • bEnable – true is enable, false is disable.

static inline uint32_t DMA_GetChannelRemainingBytes(DMA_Type *base, dma_channel_t eChannel)

Gets the remaining bytes of the current DMA transfer.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • eChannel – DMA channel number.


The number of bytes which have not been transferred yet.

static inline uint32_t DMA_GetChannelStatusFlags(DMA_Type *base, dma_channel_t eChannel)

Gets the DMA channel status flags.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • eChannel – DMA channel number.


The mask of the channel status. Use the _dma_channel_status_flags type to decode the return 32 bit variables.

static inline void DMA_ClearChannelDoneStatus(DMA_Type *base, dma_channel_t eChannel)

Clears the DMA channel status flags.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • eChannel – DMA channel number.

void DMA_TransferChannelCreateHandle(DMA_Type *base, dma_handle_t *psHandle, dma_channel_t eChannel, dma_transfer_callback_t pfCallback, void *pUserData)

Creates the DMA handle.

This function is called first if using the transactional API for the DMA. This function initializes the internal state of the DMA handle.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • psHandle – DMA handle pointer. The DMA handle stores callback function and parameters.

  • eChannel – DMA channel number.

  • pfCallback – DMA callback function pointer.

  • pUserData – A parameter for the callback function.

status_t DMA_TransferChannelSubmit(dma_handle_t *psHandle, dma_channel_transfer_config_t *psTransfer)

Submits the DMA transfer request.

This function submits the DMA transfer request according to the transfer configuration structure.


This function can’t process multi transfer request.

  • psHandle – DMA handle pointer.

  • psTransfer – Pointer to DMA transfer configuration structure.

Return values:
  • kStatus_DMA_Success – It indicates that the DMA submit transfer request succeeded.

  • kStatus_DMA_ChannelBusy – It indicates that the DMA is busy. Submit transfer request is not allowed.

void DMA_TransferChannelStart(dma_handle_t *psHandle, bool bIsPeripheral)

DMA starts transfer.

This function enables the channel request. Call this function after submitting a transfer request.

  • psHandle – DMA handle pointer.

  • bIsPeripheral – For true: enable DMA hardware request peripheral. For false: disable DMA hardware request peripheral.

void DMA_TransferChannelStop(dma_handle_t *psHandle)

DMA stops a transfer.

This function disables the channel request to stop a DMA transfer. The transfer can be resumed by calling the DMA_StartTransfer.

  • psHandle – DMA handle pointer.

void DMA_TransferChannelAbort(dma_handle_t *psHandle)

DMA aborts transfer.

This function disables the channel request and clear transfer status bits. Users can submit another transfer after calling this API.

  • psHandle – DMA handle pointer.

void DMA_TransferChannelHandleIRQ(dma_handle_t *psHandle)

DMA IRQ handler for current transfer complete.

This function clears the channel interrupt flag and calls the callback function if it is not NULL.

  • psHandle – DMA handle pointer.


DMA driver version.

_dma_channeltransfer_status DMA transfer status The enumerator used for transactional interface only.


enumerator kStatus_DMA_ChannelBusy

Channel is busy and can’t handle the transfer request.

enum _dma_channel_transfer_type

DMA channel transfer type.


enumerator kDMA_ChannelTransferMemoryToMemory

Transfer type from memory to memory assume that the both source and destination address are incremental

enumerator kDMA_ChannelTransferPeripheralToMemory

Transfer type peripher to memory assume that the source address is fixed

enumerator kDMA_ChannelTransferMemoryToPeripheral

Transfer type from memory to peripheral assume that the destination address is fixed

enum _dma_channel_interrupt_enable

DMA interrupt source .


enumerator kDMA_ChannelInterruptEnable

Enable interrupt while transfer complete.

enum _dma_channel_status_flags

_dma_channel_status_flags DMA channel status flags.


enumerator kDMA_ChannelTransactionsBCRFlag

Contains the number of bytes yet to be transferred for a given block

enumerator kDMA_ChannelTransactionsDoneFlag

Transactions Done

enumerator kDMA_ChannelTransactionsBusyFlag

Transactions Busy

enumerator kDMA_ChannelTransactionsRequestFlag

Transactions Request

enum _dma_error_status_flags

_dma_error_status_flags DMA channel detail error status flags.


enumerator kDMA_ChannelConfigurationErrorFlag

Any of the following conditions causes a configuration error: BCR, SAR, or DAR does not match the requested transfer size. SSIZE or DSIZE is set to an unsupported value. BCR equals 0 when the DMA receives a start condition. CE is cleared at hardware reset or by writing a 1 to DONE.

enumerator kDMA_ChannelBusErrorOnSourceFlag

BES is cleared at hardware reset or by writing a 1 to DONE.

enumerator kDMA_ChannelBusErrorOnDestinatiFlag

BED is cleared at hardware reset or by writing a 1 to DONE.

enum _dma_channel

DMA channel index.


enumerator kDMA_Channel0

DMA channel 0

enumerator kDMA_Channel1

DMA channel 1

enumerator kDMA_Channel2

DMA channel 2

enumerator kDMA_Channel3

DMA channel 3

enum _dma_channel_transfer_width

DMA transfer width configuration.


enumerator kDMA_ChannelTransferWidth32Bits

Source/Destination data transfer width is 4 byte every time

enumerator kDMA_ChannelTransferWidth8Bits

Source/Destination data transfer width is 1 bytes every time

enumerator kDMA_ChannelTransferWidth16Bits

Source/Destination data transfer width is 2 bytes every time

enum _dma_channel_modulo

DMA channel modulo configuration.

The DMA modulo feature can be used to specify the address range of the source/destination address, it is useful to implement a circular data queue.


enumerator kDMA_ChannelModuloDisable

Disable modulo

enumerator kDMA_ChannelModulo16bytes

Circular buffer size is 16 bytes.

enumerator kDMA_ChannelModulo32bytes

Circular buffer size is 32 bytes.

enumerator kDMA_ChannelModulo64bytes

Circular buffer size is 64 bytes.

enumerator kDMA_ChannelModulo128bytes

Circular buffer size is 128 bytes.

enumerator kDMA_ChannelModulo256bytes

Circular buffer size is 256 bytes.

enumerator kDMA_ChannelModulo512bytes

Circular buffer size is 512 bytes.

enumerator kDMA_ChannelModulo1Kbytes

Circular buffer size is 1 K bytes.

enumerator kDMA_ChannelModulo2Kbytes

Circular buffer size is 2 K bytes.

enumerator kDMA_ChannelModulo4Kbytes

Circular buffer size is 4 K bytes.

enumerator kDMA_ChannelModulo8Kbytes

Circular buffer size is 8 K bytes.

enumerator kDMA_ChannelModulo16Kbytes

Circular buffer size is 16 K bytes.

enumerator kDMA_ChannelModulo32Kbytes

Circular buffer size is 32 K bytes.

enumerator kDMA_ChannelModulo64Kbytes

Circular buffer size is 64 K bytes.

enumerator kDMA_ChannelModulo128Kbytes

Circular buffer size is 128 K bytes.

enumerator kDMA_ChannelModulo256Kbytes

Circular buffer size is 256 K bytes.

enum _dma_channel_link_type

DMA channel link type.


enumerator kDMA_ChannelLinkDisable

No channel link.

enumerator kDMA_ChannelLinkChannel1AndChannel2

Perform a link to channel LCH1 after each cycle-steal transfer. followed by a link to LCH2 after the BCR decrements to 0.

enumerator kDMA_ChannelLinkChannel1

Perform a link to LCH1 after each cycle-steal transfer.

enumerator kDMA_ChannelLinkChannel1AfterBCR0

Perform a link to LCH1 after the BCR decrements.

enum _dma_channel_address_increment_type

DMA transfer address increment definition.


enumerator kDMA_ChannelAddressFix

Address Fix

enumerator kDMA_ChannelAddressIncrement

Address increment

typedef enum _dma_channel_transfer_type dma_channel_transfer_type_t

DMA channel transfer type.

typedef enum _dma_channel dma_channel_t

DMA channel index.

typedef enum _dma_channel_transfer_width dma_channel_transfer_width_t

DMA transfer width configuration.

typedef enum _dma_channel_modulo dma_channel_modulo_t

DMA channel modulo configuration.

The DMA modulo feature can be used to specify the address range of the source/destination address, it is useful to implement a circular data queue.

typedef enum _dma_channel_link_type dma_channel_link_type_t

DMA channel link type.

typedef struct _dma_channel_link_config dma_channel_link_config_t

DMA channel link configuration structure.

typedef enum _dma_channel_address_increment_type dma_channel_address_increment_type_t

DMA transfer address increment definition.

typedef struct _dma_channel_transfer_config dma_channel_transfer_config_t

DMA channel transfer configuration structure.

The transfer configuration structure support full feature configuration of the transfer control descriptor.

typedef struct _dma_config dma_config_t

DMA configuration structure.

This structure target for whole dma module configurations.

typedef struct _dma_handle dma_handle_t

handler for DMA

typedef void (*dma_transfer_callback_t)(dma_handle_t *psHandle, void *pUserData)

Define callback function for DMA.

This callback function is called in the DMA interrupt handler function. In normal mode, running into callback function means the transfer users need is done.

Param psHandle:

DMA handle pointer, users shall not touch the values inside.

Param pUserData:

The callback user parameter pointer. Users can use this parameter to involve things users need to change in DMA callback function.

struct _dma_channel_link_config
#include <fsl_dma.h>

DMA channel link configuration structure.

Public Members

dma_channel_link_type_t linkType

Channel link type.

dma_channel_t eChannel1

The index of channel 1.

dma_channel_t eChannel2

The index of channel 2.

struct _dma_channel_transfer_config
#include <fsl_dma.h>

DMA channel transfer configuration structure.

The transfer configuration structure support full feature configuration of the transfer control descriptor.

Public Members

uint32_t u32SrcAddr

source byte address

uint32_t u32DstAddr

destination byte address

dma_channel_transfer_width_t eSrcWidthOfEachTransfer

source width of each transfer

dma_channel_transfer_width_t eDstWidthOfEachTransfer

destination width of each transfer

dma_channel_modulo_t eSrcAddrModulo

Defines the size of the source data circular buffer used by the DMA Controller

dma_channel_modulo_t eDstAddrModulo

defines the size of the destination data circular buffer used by the DMA Controller

dma_channel_address_increment_type_t eEnableSrcIncrement

Source address increase after each transfer

dma_channel_address_increment_type_t eEnableDestIncrement

destination address increase after each transfer

dma_channel_link_config_t *pChannelLinkControl

allows DMA channels to have their transfers linked

uint32_t u32TransferSize

the number of bytes to be transferred

bool bEnableInterrupt

enable interrupt on completion of transfer

bool bEnableAutoAlign

enable the channel auto align

bool bEnablAutoStopPeripheralRequest

DMA hardware automatically clears the corresponding DCRn[ERQ] bit when the byte count register reaches 0.

bool bEnableCycleSteal

enable cycle steal, forces a single read/write transfer per request

struct _dma_config
#include <fsl_dma.h>

DMA configuration structure.

This structure target for whole dma module configurations.

Public Members

dma_channel_transfer_config_t *psChannelTransferConfig[1]

channel transfer configuration pointer

struct _dma_handle
#include <fsl_dma.h>

DMA transfer handle structure.

Public Members

dma_transfer_callback_t pfCallback

DMA callback function.

void *pUserData

Callback function parameter.

DMA_Type *psBase

DMA peripheral base address.

dma_channel_t eChannel

DMA channel used.

The Driver Change Log

DMA Peripheral and Driver Overview

The Driver Change Log

EWM: External Watchdog Monitor Driver

void EWM_Init(EWM_Type *base, const ewm_config_t *psConfig)

Initializes the EWM peripheral.

This function is used to initialize the EWM. After calling, the EWM runs immediately according to the configuration.

This is an example.

ewm_config_t psConfig;
psConfig.compareHighValue = 0xAAU;


Except for the interrupt enable control bit, other control bits and registers are write once after a CPU reset. Modifying them more than once generates a bus transfer error.

  • base – EWM peripheral base address

  • psConfig – The configuration of the EWM

void EWM_Deinit(EWM_Type *base)

Deinitializes the EWM peripheral.

This function is used to shut down the EWM.

  • base – EWM peripheral base address

void EWM_GetDefaultConfig(ewm_config_t *psConfig)

Initializes the EWM configuration structure.

This function initializes the EWM configuration structure to default values. The default values are as follows.

ewmConfig->bEnableEWM = true;
ewmConfig->bEnableEWMInput = false;
ewmConfig->eInputAssertState = kEWM_EwmInZeroAssert;
ewmConfig->bEnableInterrupt = false;
ewmConfig->eClockSource = kEWM_LpoClockSource0;
ewmConfig->u8ClockDivder = 0;
ewmConfig->u8CompareLowValue = 0;
ewmConfig->u8CompareHighValue = 0xFEU;

See also


  • psConfig – Pointer to the EWM configuration structure.

static inline void EWM_EnableInterrupt(EWM_Type *base)

Enables the EWM interrupt.

This function enables the EWM interrupt.

  • base – EWM peripheral base address

static inline void EWM_DisableInterrupt(EWM_Type *base)

Disables the EWM interrupt.

This function disables the EWM interrupt.

  • base – EWM peripheral base address

void EWM_Refresh(EWM_Type *base)

Services the EWM.

This function resets the EWM counter to zero.

  • base – EWM peripheral base address


EWM driver version.

enum _ewm_input_assert_state

Assert pin voltage configuration.


enumerator kEWM_EwmInZeroAssert

EWM-in assert with low-voltage logic

enumerator kEWM_EwmInOneAssert

EWM-in assert with high-voltage logic

typedef enum _ewm_input_assert_state ewm_input_assert_state_t

Assert pin voltage configuration.

typedef struct _ewm_config ewm_config_t

Data structure for EWM configuration.

This structure is used to configure the EWM.

struct _ewm_config
#include <fsl_ewm.h>

Data structure for EWM configuration.

This structure is used to configure the EWM.

Public Members

uint8_t bEnableEWM

Enable EWM module

uint8_t bEnableEWMInput

Enable EWM_in input

uint8_t bEnableInterrupt

Enable EWM interrupt

ewm_input_assert_state_t eInputAssertState

EWM_in signal assertion state select

ewm_lpo_clock_source_t eClockSource

Clock source select

uint8_t u8ClockDivder

EWM counter clock is clockSource/(clockDivder+1)

uint8_t u8CompareLowValue

Compare low-register value

uint8_t u8CompareHighValue

Compare high-register value, maximum setting is 0xFE

The Driver Change Log

EWM Peripheral and Driver Overview

C90TFS Flash Driver

FlexCAN Driver

void FLEXCAN_Init(CAN_Type *base, const flexcan_config_t *psConfig)

Initializes a FlexCAN instance with classic / FD mode supported.

This function initializes the FlexCAN module with user-defined settings. User can call the FELXCAN_GetDefaultConfig function an starting point for the needed init configuration structure.


If user want to initialize the peripheral in CAN FD mode, user can call the FLEXCAN_GetFDDefaultConfig to get the flexcan_fd_config_t and assign the address of the data structure to the member psFDConfig of flexcan_config_t

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.

  • psConfig – Pointer to the user-defined configuration structure.

void FLEXCAN_Deinit(CAN_Type *base)

De-initializes a FlexCAN instance.

This function disables the FlexCAN module clock and sets all register values to the reset value.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.

void FLEXCAN_GetDefaultConfig(flexcan_config_t *psConfig, uint32_t u32ClkFreqHz)

Gets the default configuration structure.

This API does not provide specific classic CAN bit timing configuration values (sTimingConfig), but set bEnableTimingCalc to true by default, and it will make FLEXCAN_Init() calculate and configure bit timing parameters based on the frequency of the peripheral (u32ClkFreqHz) and classic CAN bit rate (u32BaudRateBps).

psConfig->bEnableTimingCalc          = true;
psConfig->u32ClkFreqHz               = u32ClkFreqHz;
psConfig->eClkSrc                    = kFLEXCAN_ClkSrc0;
psConfig->u32BaudRateBps             = 500000U;
psConfig->u8MaxMsgBufNum             = 16;
psConfig->bEnableLoopBack            = false;
psConfig->bEnableTimerSync           = true;
psConfig->bEnableSelfWakeup          = false;
psConfig->eWakeupSrc                 = kFLEXCAN_WakeupSrcUnfiltered;
psConfig->bEnableIndividMask         = false;
psConfig->bDisableSelfReception      = false;
psConfig->bEnableListenOnlyMode      = false;
psConfig->bEnableDoze                = false;
psConfig->psFDConfig = NULL;


By default, CAN FD mode is disabled and not configured.

  • psConfig – Pointer to the FlexCAN configuration structure.

  • u32ClkFreqHz – Flexcan peripheral clock

void FLEXCAN_GetFDDefaultConfig(flexcan_config_t *psConfig, flexcan_fd_config_t *psFDConfig)

Gets the default configuration structure for Flexcan FD mode.

The function provided the default value of the data structure as code below

psConfig->u32BaudRateBps             = 2000000U;
psConfig->eMsgSize                   = kFLEXCAN_64BperMB;
psConfig->bEnableTxDelayCompensation = true;
psConfig->bEnableBitRateSwitch       = true;
  • psConfig – Pointer to the FlexCAN configuration structure.

  • psFDConfig – Pointer to FD configuration structure.

void FLEXCAN_EnterFreezeMode(CAN_Type *base)

Enter FlexCAN Freeze Mode.

This function makes the FlexCAN work under Freeze Mode.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.

void FLEXCAN_ExitFreezeMode(CAN_Type *base)

Exit FlexCAN Freeze Mode.

This function makes the FlexCAN leave Freeze Mode.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.

bool FLEXCAN_CalculateImprovedTimingValuesWithCBT(flexcan_timing_config_t *psTimingConfig, uint32_t u32IdealSp, uint32_t u32BaudRateBps, uint32_t u32SrcClkHz)

Calculates the improved timing values by specific baud rates for classical CAN (use CBT register)


The CBT register support 8 ~ 129 time quanta

  • psTimingConfig – Pointer to the FlexCAN timing configuration structure.

  • u32IdealSp – The desired sample point, unit is one thousandth. (like 875, 800, 750).

  • u32BaudRateBps – The classical CAN speed in bps defined by user.

  • u32SrcClkHz – The Source clock data speed in bps.


TRUE if timing configuration found, FALSE if failed to find configuration

bool FLEXCAN_FDCalculateImprovedTimingValues(flexcan_timing_config_t *psTimingConfig, flexcan_timing_config_t *psFDTimingConfig, uint32_t u32BaudRateBps, uint32_t u32FDBaudRateBps, uint32_t u32SrcClkHz)

Calculates the improved timing values by specific baudrates for CANFD.

  • psTimingConfig – Pointer to the FlexCAN timing configuration structure.

  • psFDTimingConfig – Pointer to the FlexCAN FD timing configuration structure.

  • u32BaudRateBps – The CANFD bus control speed in bps defined by user.

  • u32FDBaudRateBps – The CANFD bus data speed in bps defined by user.

  • u32SrcClkHz – The Source clock data speed in bps.


TRUE if timing configuration found, FALSE if failed to find configuration

bool FLEXCAN_CalculateImprovedTimingValues(flexcan_timing_config_t *psTimingConfig, uint32_t u32BaudRateBps, uint32_t u32SrcClkHz)

Calculates the improved timing values by specific baud rates for classical CAN (use CTRL1 register)


The CTRL1 register support 8 ~ 25 time quanta

  • psTimingConfig – Pointer to the FlexCAN timing configuration structure.

  • u32BaudRateBps – The classical CAN speed in bps defined by user.

  • u32SrcClkHz – The Source clock data speed in bps.


TRUE if timing configuration found, FALSE if failed to find configuration

status_t FLEXCAN_SetFDBaudRate(CAN_Type *base, uint32_t u32SrcClkHz, uint32_t u32BaudRateBps, uint32_t u32FDBaudRateBps)

Set Baud Rate of FlexCAN FD mode.

This function set the baud rate of FlexCAN FD frame.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.

  • u32SrcClkHz – Source Clock in Hz.

  • u32BaudRateBps – Frame Baud Rate in Bps.

  • u32FDBaudRateBps – FD frame Baud Rate in Bps.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Set baud rate success.

  • kStatus_Fail – Set baud rate fail.

void FLEXCAN_SetFDTimingConfig(CAN_Type *base, const flexcan_timing_config_t *psConfig)

Sets the FlexCAN FD protocol timing characteristic.

This function gives user settings to CAN bus timing characteristic. The function is for an experienced user. For less experienced users, call the FLEXCAN_Init() and fill the baud rate field with a desired value. This provides the default timing characteristics to the module.

Note that calling FLEXCAN_SetFDTimingConfig() overrides the baud rate set in FLEXCAN_Init().

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.

  • psConfig – Pointer to the timing configuration structure.

status_t FLEXCAN_SetBaudRate(CAN_Type *base, uint32_t u32SrcClkHz, uint32_t u32BaudRateBps)

Set Baud Rate of FlexCAN classic mode.

This function calculates the improved timing values base on specific baud rates and sets these values in timing register (CTRL1/CBT).

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.

  • u32SrcClkHz – Source Clock in Hz.

  • u32BaudRateBps – Desired classic CAN Baud Rate in Bps.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Set baud rate success.

  • kStatus_Fail – Set baud rate fail.

void FLEXCAN_SetTimingConfig(CAN_Type *base, const flexcan_timing_config_t *psConfig)

Sets the FlexCAN protocol timing characteristic.

This function gives user settings to classic CAN timing characteristic. The function is for an experienced user. For less experienced users, call the FLEXCAN_GetDefaultConfig and FLEXCAN_Init() to fill the baud rate field with auto-calculates values (base on the default baud rate). Users also can call FLEXCAN_SetBaudRate() to set auto-calculates timing values base on the desired baud rate.


that calling FLEXCAN_SetTimingConfig() overrides the baud rate set in FLEXCAN_Init() or FLEXCAN_SetBaudRate().

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.

  • psConfig – Pointer to the timing configuration structure.

void FLEXCAN_SetRxMbGlobalMask(CAN_Type *base, uint32_t u32RecMsgBufs)

Sets the FlexCAN receive message buffer global mask.

This function sets the global mask for the FlexCAN message buffer in a matching process. The configuration is only effective when the Rx individual mask is disabled in the FLEXCAN_Init().

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.

  • u32RecMsgBufs – Rx Message Buffer Global Mask value.

void FLEXCAN_SetRxFifoGlobalMask(CAN_Type *base, uint32_t u32RecFifos)

Sets the FlexCAN receive FIFO global mask.

This function sets the global mask for FlexCAN FIFO in a matching process.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.

  • u32RecFifos – Rx Fifo Global Mask value.

void FLEXCAN_SetRxIndividualMask(CAN_Type *base, uint8_t u8MaskIdx, uint32_t u32Mask)

Sets the FlexCAN receive individual mask.

This function sets the individual mask for the FlexCAN matching process. The configuration is only effective when the Rx individual mask is enabled in the FLEXCAN_Init(). If the Rx FIFO is disabled, the individual mask is applied to the corresponding Message Buffer. If the Rx FIFO is enabled, the individual mask for Rx FIFO occupied Message Buffer is applied to the Rx Filter with the same index. Note that only the first 32 individual masks can be used as the Rx FIFO filter mask.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.

  • u8MaskIdx – The Index of individual Mask.

  • u32Mask – Rx Individual Mask value.

void FLEXCAN_SetTxMbConfig(CAN_Type *base, uint8_t u8MsgBufIdx, bool bEnable)

Configures a FlexCAN transmit message buffer.

This function aborts the previous transmission, cleans the Message Buffer, and configures it as a Transmit Message Buffer.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.

  • u8MsgBufIdx – The Message Buffer index.

  • bEnable – Enable/disable Tx Message Buffer.

    • true: Enable Tx Message Buffer.

    • false: Disable Tx Message Buffer.

void FLEXCAN_SetFDTxMbConfig(CAN_Type *base, uint8_t u8MsgBufIdx, bool bEnable)

Configures a FlexCAN transmit message buffer.

This function aborts the previous transmission, cleans the Message Buffer, and configures it as a Transmit Message Buffer.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.

  • u8MsgBufIdx – The Message Buffer index.

  • bEnable – Enable/disable Tx Message Buffer.

    • true: Enable Tx Message Buffer.

    • false: Disable Tx Message Buffer.

void FLEXCAN_SetRxMbConfig(CAN_Type *base, uint8_t u8MsgBufIdx, const flexcan_rx_mb_config_t *psRxMsgBufConfig, bool bEnable)

Configures a FlexCAN Receive Message Buffer.

This function cleans a FlexCAN build-in Message Buffer and configures it as a Receive Message Buffer.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.

  • u8MsgBufIdx – The Message Buffer index.

  • psRxMsgBufConfig – Pointer to the FlexCAN Message Buffer configuration structure.

  • bEnable – Enable/disable Rx Message Buffer.

    • true: Enable Rx Message Buffer.

    • false: Disable Rx Message Buffer.

void FLEXCAN_SetFDRxMbConfig(CAN_Type *base, uint8_t u8MsgBufIdx, const flexcan_rx_mb_config_t *psRxMsgBufConfig, bool bEnable)

Configures a FlexCAN Receive Message Buffer.

This function cleans a FlexCAN build-in Message Buffer and configures it as a Receive Message Buffer.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.

  • u8MsgBufIdx – The Message Buffer index.

  • psRxMsgBufConfig – Pointer to the FlexCAN Message Buffer configuration structure.

  • bEnable – Enable/disable Rx Message Buffer.

    • true: Enable Rx Message Buffer.

    • false: Disable Rx Message Buffer.

void FLEXCAN_SetRxFifoConfig(CAN_Type *base, const flexcan_rx_fifo_config_t *psRxFifoConfig, bool bEnable)

Configures the FlexCAN Rx FIFO.

This function configures the Rx FIFO with given Rx FIFO configuration.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.

  • psRxFifoConfig – Pointer to the FlexCAN Rx FIFO configuration structure.

  • bEnable – Enable/disable Rx FIFO.

    • true: Enable Rx FIFO.

    • false: Disable Rx FIFO.

static inline uint32_t FLEXCAN_GetStatusFlags(CAN_Type *base)

Gets the FlexCAN module interrupt flags.

This function gets all FlexCAN status flags. The flags are returned as the logical OR value of the enumerators _flexcan_status_flags. To check the specific status, compare the return value with enumerators in _flexcan_status_flags.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.


FlexCAN status flags which are ORed by the enumerators in the _flexcan_status_flags.

static inline void FLEXCAN_ClearStatusFlags(CAN_Type *base, uint32_t u32StatusFlags)

Clears status flags with the provided mask.

This function clears the FlexCAN status flags with a provided mask. An automatically cleared flag can’t be cleared by this function.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.

  • u32StatusFlags – The status flags to be cleared, it is logical OR value of _flexcan_status_flags.

static inline void FLEXCAN_GetBusErrCount(CAN_Type *base, uint8_t *pu8TxErrBuf, uint8_t *pu8RxErrBuf)

Gets the FlexCAN Bus Error Counter value.

This function gets the FlexCAN Bus Error Counter value for both Tx and Rx direction. These values may be needed in the upper layer error handling.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.

  • pu8TxErrBuf – Buffer to store Tx Error Counter value.

  • pu8RxErrBuf – Buffer to store Rx Error Counter value.

static inline uint64_t FLEXCAN_GetMbStatusFlags(CAN_Type *base, uint64_t mask)

Gets the FlexCAN Message Buffer interrupt flags.

This function gets the interrupt flags of a given Message Buffers.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.

  • mask – The ORed FlexCAN Message Buffer mask.


The status of given Message Buffers.

static inline void FLEXCAN_ClearMbStatusFlags(CAN_Type *base, uint64_t mask)

Clears the FlexCAN Message Buffer interrupt flags.

This function clears the interrupt flags of a given Message Buffers.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.

  • mask – The ORed FlexCAN Message Buffer mask.

static inline void FLEXCAN_EnableInterrupts(CAN_Type *base, uint32_t u32InterruptFlags)

Enables FlexCAN interrupts according to the provided mask.

This function enables the FlexCAN interrupts according to the provided mask. The mask is a logical OR of enumeration members, see _flexcan_interrupt_enable.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.

  • u32InterruptFlags – The interrupts to enable. Logical OR of _flexcan_interrupt_enable.

static inline void FLEXCAN_DisableInterrupts(CAN_Type *base, uint32_t u32InterruptFlags)

Disables FlexCAN interrupts according to the provided mask.

This function disables the FlexCAN interrupts according to the provided mask. The mask is a logical OR of enumeration members, see _flexcan_interrupt_enable.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.

  • u32InterruptFlags – The interrupts to disable. Logical OR of _flexcan_interrupt_enable.

static inline void FLEXCAN_EnableMbInterrupts(CAN_Type *base, uint64_t mask)

Enables FlexCAN Message Buffer interrupts.

This function enables the interrupts of given Message Buffers.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.

  • mask – The ORed FlexCAN Message Buffer mask.

static inline void FLEXCAN_DisableMbInterrupts(CAN_Type *base, uint64_t mask)

Disables FlexCAN Message Buffer interrupts.

This function disables the interrupts of given Message Buffers.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.

  • mask – The ORed FlexCAN Message Buffer mask.

void FLEXCAN_EnableRxFifoDMA(CAN_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enables or disables the FlexCAN Rx FIFO DMA request.

This function enables or disables the DMA feature of FlexCAN build-in Rx FIFO.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.

  • bEnable – true to enable, false to disable.

static inline uint32_t FLEXCAN_GetRxFifoHeadAddr(CAN_Type *base)

Gets the Rx FIFO Head address.

This function returns the FlexCAN Rx FIFO Head address, which is mainly used for the DMA/eDMA use case.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.


FlexCAN Rx FIFO Head address.

static inline void FLEXCAN_Enable(CAN_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enables or disables the FlexCAN module operation.

This function enables or disables the FlexCAN module.

  • base – FlexCAN base pointer.

  • bEnable – true to enable, false to disable.

status_t FLEXCAN_WriteTxMb(CAN_Type *base, uint8_t u8MsgBufIdx, const flexcan_frame_t *psTxFrame)

Writes a classic CAN frame to the Transmit Message Buffer.

This function writes a classic CAN frame to the specified Transmit Message Buffer and changes the Message Buffer state to start CAN Message transmit. After that the function returns immediately.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.

  • u8MsgBufIdx – The FlexCAN Message Buffer index.

  • psTxFrame – Pointer to CAN message frame to be sent.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – - Write Tx Message Buffer Successfully.

  • kStatus_Fail – - Tx Message Buffer is currently in use.

status_t FLEXCAN_ReadRxMb(CAN_Type *base, uint8_t u8MsgBufIdx, flexcan_frame_t *psRxFrame)

Reads a classic CAN frame from Receive Message Buffer.

This function reads a classic CAN frame from a specified Receive Message Buffer. The function fills a receive CAN message frame structure with just received data and activates the Message Buffer again. The function returns immediately.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.

  • u8MsgBufIdx – The FlexCAN Message Buffer index.

  • psRxFrame – Pointer to CAN message frame structure for reception.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – - Rx Message Buffer is full and has been read successfully.

  • kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxOverflow – - Rx Message Buffer is already overflowed and has been read successfully.

  • kStatus_Fail – - Rx Message Buffer is empty.

status_t FLEXCAN_ReadRxFifo(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_frame_t *psRxFrame)

Reads a FlexCAN Message from Rx FIFO.

This function reads a CAN message from the FlexCAN build-in Rx FIFO.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.

  • psRxFrame – Pointer to CAN message frame structure for reception.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – - Read Message from Rx FIFO successfully.

  • kStatus_Fail – - Rx FIFO is not enabled.

status_t FLEXCAN_WriteFDTxMb(CAN_Type *base, uint8_t u8MsgBufIdx, const flexcan_fd_frame_t *psTxFrame)

Writes a CAN frame to the Transmit Message Buffer.

This function writes a CAN FD frame or classic CAN frame to the specified Transmit Message Buffer and changes the Message Buffer state to start CAN FD Message transmit. After that the function returns immediately.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.

  • u8MsgBufIdx – The FlexCAN FD Message Buffer index.

  • psTxFrame – Pointer to CAN FD message frame to be sent.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – - Write Tx Message Buffer Successfully.

  • kStatus_Fail – - Tx Message Buffer is currently in use.

status_t FLEXCAN_ReadFDRxMb(CAN_Type *base, uint8_t u8MsgBufIdx, flexcan_fd_frame_t *psRxFrame)

Reads a CAN frame from Receive Message Buffer.

This function reads a CAN FD frame or classic CAN frame from a specified Receive Message Buffer. The function fills a receive CAN FD message frame structure with just received data and activates the Message Buffer again. The function returns immediately.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.

  • u8MsgBufIdx – The FlexCAN FD Message Buffer index.

  • psRxFrame – Pointer to CAN FD message frame structure for reception.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – - Rx Message Buffer is full and has been read successfully.

  • kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxOverflow – - Rx Message Buffer is already overflowed and has been read successfully.

  • kStatus_Fail – - Rx Message Buffer is empty.

status_t FLEXCAN_TransferSendBlocking(CAN_Type *base, uint8_t u8MsgBufIdx, flexcan_frame_t *psTxFrame)

Performs a polling send transaction on the CAN bus.

Note that a transfer handle does not need to be created before calling this API.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base pointer.

  • u8MsgBufIdx – The FlexCAN Message Buffer index.

  • psTxFrame – Pointer to CAN message frame to be sent.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – - Write Tx Message Buffer Successfully.

  • kStatus_Fail – - Tx Message Buffer is currently in use.

status_t FLEXCAN_TransferReceiveBlocking(CAN_Type *base, uint8_t u8MsgBufIdx, flexcan_frame_t *psRxFrame)

Performs a polling receive transaction on the CAN bus.

Note that a transfer handle does not need to be created before calling this API.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base pointer.

  • u8MsgBufIdx – The FlexCAN Message Buffer index.

  • psRxFrame – Pointer to CAN message frame structure for reception.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – - Rx Message Buffer is full and has been read successfully.

  • kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxOverflow – - Rx Message Buffer is already overflowed and has been read successfully.

  • kStatus_Fail – - Rx Message Buffer is empty.

status_t FLEXCAN_TransferReceiveFifoBlocking(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_frame_t *psRxFrame)

Performs a polling receive transaction from Rx FIFO on the CAN bus.

Note that a transfer handle does not need to be created before calling this API.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base pointer.

  • psRxFrame – Pointer to CAN message frame structure for reception.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – - Read Message from Rx FIFO successfully.

  • kStatus_Fail – - Rx FIFO is not enabled.

status_t FLEXCAN_TransferFDSendBlocking(CAN_Type *base, uint8_t u8MsgBufIdx, flexcan_fd_frame_t *psTxFrame)

Performs a polling send transaction on the CAN bus.

Note that a transfer handle does not need to be created before calling this API.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base pointer.

  • u8MsgBufIdx – The FlexCAN FD Message Buffer index.

  • psTxFrame – Pointer to CAN FD message frame to be sent.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – - Write Tx Message Buffer Successfully.

  • kStatus_Fail – - Tx Message Buffer is currently in use.

status_t FLEXCAN_TransferFDReceiveBlocking(CAN_Type *base, uint8_t u8MsgBufIdx, flexcan_fd_frame_t *psRxFrame)

Performs a polling receive transaction on the CAN bus.

Note that a transfer handle does not need to be created before calling this API.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base pointer.

  • u8MsgBufIdx – The FlexCAN FD Message Buffer index.

  • psRxFrame – Pointer to CAN FD message frame structure for reception.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – - Rx Message Buffer is full and has been read successfully.

  • kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxOverflow – - Rx Message Buffer is already overflowed and has been read successfully.

  • kStatus_Fail – - Rx Message Buffer is empty.

void FLEXCAN_TransferCreateHandle(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_handle_t *psHandle, flexcan_transfer_callback_t pfCallback, void *pUserData)

Initializes the FlexCAN handle.

This function initializes the FlexCAN handle, which can be used for other FlexCAN transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified FlexCAN instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.

  • psHandle – FlexCAN handle pointer.

  • pfCallback – The callback function.

  • pUserData – The parameter of the callback function.

status_t FLEXCAN_TransferSendNonBlocking(flexcan_handle_t *psHandle, flexcan_mb_transfer_t *psMsgBufXfer)

Sends a message using IRQ.

This function sends a message using IRQ. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When messages have been sent out, the send callback function is called.

  • psHandle – FlexCAN handle pointer.

  • psMsgBufXfer – FlexCAN Message Buffer transfer structure. See the flexcan_mb_transfer_t.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Start Tx Message Buffer sending process successfully.

  • kStatus_Fail – Write Tx Message Buffer failed.

  • kStatus_FLEXCAN_TxBusy – Tx Message Buffer is in use.

status_t FLEXCAN_TransferReceiveNonBlocking(flexcan_handle_t *psHandle, flexcan_mb_transfer_t *psMsgBufXfer)

Receives a message using IRQ.

This function receives a message using IRQ. This is non-blocking function, which returns right away. When the message has been received, the receive callback function is called.

  • psHandle – FlexCAN handle pointer.

  • psMsgBufXfer – FlexCAN Message Buffer transfer structure. See the flexcan_mb_transfer_t.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – - Start Rx Message Buffer receiving process successfully.

  • kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxBusy – - Rx Message Buffer is in use.

status_t FLEXCAN_TransferReceiveFifoNonBlocking(flexcan_handle_t *psHandle, flexcan_fifo_transfer_t *psFifoXfer)

Receives a message from Rx FIFO using IRQ.

This function receives a message using IRQ. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all messages have been received, the receive callback function is called.

  • psHandle – FlexCAN handle pointer.

  • psFifoXfer – FlexCAN Rx FIFO transfer structure. See the flexcan_fifo_transfer_t.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – - Start Rx FIFO receiving process successfully.

  • kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxFifoBusy – - Rx FIFO is currently in use.

uint32_t FLEXCAN_GetTimeStamp(flexcan_handle_t *psHandle, uint8_t u8MsgBufIdx)

Gets the detail index of Mailbox’s Timestamp by handle.

Then function can only be used when calling non-blocking Data transfer (TX/RX) API, After TX/RX data transfer done (User can get the status by handler’s callback function), we can get the detail index of Mailbox’s timestamp by handle, Detail non-blocking data transfer API (TX/RX) contain. -FLEXCAN_TransferSendNonBlocking -FLEXCAN_TransferFDSendNonBlocking -FLEXCAN_TransferReceiveNonBlocking -FLEXCAN_TransferFDReceiveNonBlocking -FLEXCAN_TransferReceiveFifoNonBlocking

  • psHandle – FlexCAN handle pointer.

  • u8MsgBufIdx – The FlexCAN FD Message Buffer index.

Return values:

the – index of mailbox ‘s timestamp stored in the handle.

void FLEXCAN_TransferAbortSend(flexcan_handle_t *psHandle, uint8_t u8MsgBufIdx)

Aborts the interrupt driven message send process.

This function aborts the interrupt driven message send process.

  • psHandle – FlexCAN handle pointer.

  • u8MsgBufIdx – The FlexCAN Message Buffer index.

void FLEXCAN_TransferAbortReceive(flexcan_handle_t *psHandle, uint8_t u8MsgBufIdx)

Aborts the interrupt driven message receive process.

This function aborts the interrupt driven message receive process.

  • psHandle – FlexCAN handle pointer.

  • u8MsgBufIdx – The FlexCAN Message Buffer index.

void FLEXCAN_TransferAbortReceiveFifo(flexcan_handle_t *psHandle)

Aborts the interrupt driven message receive from Rx FIFO process.

This function aborts the interrupt driven message receive from Rx FIFO process.

  • psHandle – FlexCAN handle pointer.

void FLEXCAN_TransferHandleIRQ(flexcan_handle_t *psHandle)

FlexCAN IRQ handle function.

This function handles the FlexCAN Error, the Message Buffer, and the Rx FIFO IRQ request.

  • psHandle – FlexCAN handle pointer.

status_t FLEXCAN_TransferFDSendNonBlocking(flexcan_handle_t *psHandle, flexcan_mb_transfer_t *psMsgBufXfer)

Sends a message using IRQ.

This function sends a message (classic CAN frame or CAN FD frame) using IRQ. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When messages have been sent out, the send callback function is called.

  • psHandle – FlexCAN handle pointer.

  • psMsgBufXfer – FlexCAN FD Message Buffer transfer structure. See the flexcan_mb_transfer_t.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Start Tx Message Buffer sending process successfully.

  • kStatus_Fail – Write Tx Message Buffer failed.

  • kStatus_FLEXCAN_TxBusy – Tx Message Buffer is in use.

status_t FLEXCAN_TransferFDReceiveNonBlocking(flexcan_handle_t *psHandle, flexcan_mb_transfer_t *psMsgBufXfer)

Receives a message using IRQ.

This function receives a message using IRQ. This is non-blocking function, which returns right away. When the message has been received, the receive callback function is called.

  • psHandle – FlexCAN handle pointer.

  • psMsgBufXfer – FlexCAN FD Message Buffer transfer structure. See the flexcan_mb_transfer_t.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – - Start Rx Message Buffer receiving process successfully.

  • kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxBusy – - Rx Message Buffer is in use.

void FLEXCAN_TransferFDAbortSend(flexcan_handle_t *psHandle, uint8_t u8MsgBufIdx)

Aborts the interrupt driven message send process.

This function aborts the interrupt driven message send process.

  • psHandle – FlexCAN handle pointer.

  • u8MsgBufIdx – The FlexCAN FD Message Buffer index.

void FLEXCAN_TransferFDAbortReceive(flexcan_handle_t *psHandle, uint8_t u8MsgBufIdx)

Aborts the interrupt driven message receive process.

This function aborts the interrupt driven message receive process.

  • psHandle – FlexCAN handle pointer.

  • u8MsgBufIdx – The FlexCAN FD Message Buffer index.


FlexCAN driver version.

FlexCAN transfer status codes, used by bus operation APIs and transactional APIs as return value to indicate the current status as the API’s execution result, or used in the callback to indicate transfer results.


enumerator kStatus_FLEXCAN_TxBusy

Tx Message Buffer is Busy.

enumerator kStatus_FLEXCAN_TxIdle

Tx Message Buffer is Idle.

enumerator kStatus_FLEXCAN_TxSwitchToRx

Remote Message is send out and Message buffer changed to Receive one.

enumerator kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxBusy

Rx Message Buffer is Busy.

enumerator kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxIdle

Rx Message Buffer is Idle.

enumerator kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxOverflow

Rx Message Buffer is Overflowed.

enumerator kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxFifoBusy

Rx Message FIFO is Busy.

enumerator kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxFifoIdle

Rx Message FIFO is Idle.

enumerator kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxFifoOverflow

Rx Message FIFO is overflowed.

enumerator kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxFifoWarning

Rx Message FIFO is almost overflowed.

enumerator kStatus_FLEXCAN_ErrorStatus

FlexCAN Module Error and Status.

enumerator kStatus_FLEXCAN_WakeUp

FlexCAN is waken up from STOP mode.

enumerator kStatus_FLEXCAN_UnHandled

UnHadled Interrupt asserted.

enumerator kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxRemote

Rx Remote Message Received in Mail box.

enum _flexcan_frame_format

FlexCAN frame format.


enumerator kFLEXCAN_FrameFormatStandard

Standard frame format attribute.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_FrameFormatExtend

Extend frame format attribute.

enum _flexcan_frame_type

FlexCAN frame type.


enumerator kFLEXCAN_FrameTypeData

Data frame type attribute.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_FrameTypeRemote

Remote frame type attribute.

enum _flexcan_clock_source

FlexCAN clock source.


The user must ensure the protocol engine clock tolerance according to the CAN Protocol standard (ISO 11898-1).


enumerator kFLEXCAN_ClkSrc0

FlexCAN Protocol Engine clock selected by user as SRC == 0.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_ClkSrc1

FlexCAN Protocol Engine clock selected by user as SRC == 1.

enum _flexcan_wake_up_source

FlexCAN wake up source.


enumerator kFLEXCAN_WakeupSrcUnfiltered

FlexCAN uses unfiltered Rx input to detect edge.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_WakeupSrcFiltered

FlexCAN uses filtered Rx input to detect edge.

enum _flexcan_rx_fifo_filter_type

FlexCAN Rx Fifo Filter type.


enumerator kFLEXCAN_RxFifoFilterTypeA

One full ID (standard and extended) per ID Filter element.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_RxFifoFilterTypeB

Two full standard IDs or two partial 14-bit ID slices per ID Filter Table element.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_RxFifoFilterTypeC

Four partial 8-bit Standard or extended ID slices per ID Filter Table element.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_RxFifoFilterTypeD

All frames rejected.

enum _flexcan_mb_size

FlexCAN Message Buffer Data Size.


enumerator kFLEXCAN_8BperMB

Selects 8 bytes per Message Buffer.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_16BperMB

Selects 16 bytes per Message Buffer.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_32BperMB

Selects 32 bytes per Message Buffer.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_64BperMB

Selects 64 bytes per Message Buffer.

enum _flexcan_rx_fifo_priority

FlexCAN Rx FIFO priority.

The matching process starts from the Rx MB(or Rx FIFO) with higher priority. If no MB(or Rx FIFO filter) is satisfied, the matching process goes on with the Rx FIFO(or Rx MB) with lower priority.


enumerator kFLEXCAN_RxFifoPriorityLow

Matching process start from Rx Message Buffer first.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_RxFifoPriorityHigh

Matching process start from Rx FIFO first.

enum _flexcan_interrupt_enable

FlexCAN interrupt configuration structure, default settings all disabled.

This structure contains the settings for all of the FlexCAN Module interrupt configurations. Note: FlexCAN Message Buffers and Rx FIFO have their own interrupts.


enumerator kFLEXCAN_BusOffInterruptEnable

Bus Off interrupt.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_ErrorInterruptEnable

Error interrupt.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_RxWarningInterruptEnable

Rx Warning interrupt.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_TxWarningInterruptEnable

Tx Warning interrupt.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_WakeUpInterruptEnable

Wake Up interrupt.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_AllInterruptEnable
enum _flexcan_status_flags

FlexCAN status flags.

This provides constants for the FlexCAN status flags for use in the FlexCAN functions. Note: The CPU read action will clears all error flag in kFLEXCAN_ErrorFlag.


enumerator kFLEXCAN_FDStuffingError

Stuffing Error.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_FDFormError

Form Error.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_FDCrcError

Cyclic Redundancy Check Error.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_FDBit0Error

Unable to send dominant bit.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_FDBit1Error

Unable to send recessive bit.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_StuffingError

Stuffing Error.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_FormError

Form Error.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_CrcError

Cyclic Redundancy Check Error.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_AckError

Received no ACK on transmission.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_Bit0Error

Unable to send dominant bit.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_Bit1Error

Unable to send recessive bit.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_ErrorFlag

All FlexCAN read clear Error Status.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_FDErrorIntFlag

FD frames Error Interrupt Flag.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_BusoffDoneIntFlag

Bus Off Done Interrupt Flag.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_OverrunError

Error Overrun Status.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_TxWarningIntFlag

Tx Warning Interrupt Flag.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_RxWarningIntFlag

Rx Warning Interrupt Flag.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_BusOffIntFlag

Bus Off Interrupt Flag.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_ErrorIntFlag

Error Interrupt Flag.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_WakeUpIntFlag

Wake-Up Interrupt Flag.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_SynchFlag

CAN Synchronization Status Flag.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_TxErrorWarningFlag

Tx Error Warning Status Flag.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_RxErrorWarningFlag

Rx Error Warning Status Flag.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_IdleFlag

CAN IDLE Status Flag.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_FaultConfinementFlag

Fault Confinement Status Flag.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_TransmittingFlag

FlexCAN In Transmission Status Flag.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_ReceivingFlag

FlexCAN In Reception Status Flag.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_StatusAllFlags

All status/interrupt flags which are write clearable.

enum _flexcan_mb_flags

FlexCAN Rx FIFO status flags.

The FlexCAN Rx FIFO Status enumerations are used to determine the status of the Rx FIFO. Because Rx FIFO occupy the MB0 ~ MB7 (Rx Fifo filter also occupies more Message Buffer space), Rx FIFO status flags are mapped to the corresponding Message Buffer status flags.


enumerator kFLEXCAN_RxFifoOverflowFlag

Rx FIFO overflow flag.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_RxFifoWarningFlag

Rx FIFO almost full flag.

enumerator kFLEXCAN_RxFifoFrameAvlFlag

Frames available in Rx FIFO flag.

typedef enum _flexcan_frame_format flexcan_frame_format_t

FlexCAN frame format.

typedef enum _flexcan_frame_type flexcan_frame_type_t

FlexCAN frame type.

typedef enum _flexcan_clock_source flexcan_clock_source_t

FlexCAN clock source.


The user must ensure the protocol engine clock tolerance according to the CAN Protocol standard (ISO 11898-1).

typedef enum _flexcan_wake_up_source flexcan_wake_up_source_t

FlexCAN wake up source.

typedef enum _flexcan_rx_fifo_filter_type flexcan_rx_fifo_filter_type_t

FlexCAN Rx Fifo Filter type.

typedef enum _flexcan_mb_size flexcan_mb_size_t

FlexCAN Message Buffer Data Size.

typedef enum _flexcan_rx_fifo_priority flexcan_rx_fifo_priority_t

FlexCAN Rx FIFO priority.

The matching process starts from the Rx MB(or Rx FIFO) with higher priority. If no MB(or Rx FIFO filter) is satisfied, the matching process goes on with the Rx FIFO(or Rx MB) with lower priority.

typedef struct _flexcan_frame flexcan_frame_t

FlexCAN message frame structure.

typedef struct _flexcan_fd_frame flexcan_fd_frame_t

CAN FD message frame structure.


This structure can contain a CAN FD frame (bitEdl equal 1) or classic CAN frame (bitEdl equal 0).

typedef struct _flexcan_timing_config flexcan_timing_config_t

FlexCAN protocol timing characteristic configuration structure.

typedef struct _flexcan_fd_config flexcan_fd_config_t

Configuration for the Flexcan CAN FD mode. It only cover FD related parts.

It is used as member of flexcan_config_t to do the CAN FD specific init on init this peripheral.

typedef struct _flexcan_config flexcan_config_t

FlexCAN module configuration structure.

typedef struct _flexcan_rx_mb_config flexcan_rx_mb_config_t

FlexCAN Receive Message Buffer configuration structure.

This structure is used as the parameter of FLEXCAN_SetRxMbConfig() function. The FLEXCAN_SetRxMbConfig() function is used to configure FlexCAN Receive Message Buffer. The function abort previous receiving process, clean the Message Buffer and activate the Rx Message Buffer using given Message Buffer setting.

typedef struct _flexcan_rx_fifo_config flexcan_rx_fifo_config_t

FlexCAN Rx FIFO configuration structure.

typedef struct _flexcan_mb_transfer flexcan_mb_transfer_t

FlexCAN Message Buffer transfer.

typedef struct _flexcan_fifo_transfer flexcan_fifo_transfer_t

FlexCAN Rx FIFO transfer.

typedef struct _flexcan_handle flexcan_handle_t

FlexCAN handle structure definition. .

typedef void (*flexcan_transfer_callback_t)(flexcan_handle_t *psHandle, status_t status, uint32_t result, void *pUserData)

FlexCAN transfer callback function.

The FlexCAN transfer callback returns a value from the underlying layer. If the status equals to kStatus_FLEXCAN_ErrorStatus, the result parameter is the Content of FlexCAN status register which can be used to get the working status(or error status) of FlexCAN module. If the status equals to other FlexCAN Message Buffer transfer status, the result is the index of Message Buffer that generate transfer event. If the status equals to other FlexCAN Message Buffer transfer status, the result is meaningless and should be Ignored.

uint32_t FLEXCAN_GetInstance(CAN_Type *base)

Get the FlexCAN instance from peripheral base address.

  • base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.


FlexCAN instance.


FlexCAN frame length helper macro.


FlexCAN Frame ID helper macro.

Standard Frame ID helper macro.


Extend Frame ID helper macro.

FLEXCAN_RX_MB_STD_MASK(id, rtr, ide)

FlexCAN Rx Message Buffer Mask helper macro.

Standard Rx Message Buffer Mask helper macro.

FLEXCAN_RX_MB_EXT_MASK(id, rtr, ide)

Extend Rx Message Buffer Mask helper macro.


FlexCAN Rx FIFO Mask helper macro.

Standard Rx FIFO Mask helper macro Type A helper macro.


Standard Rx FIFO Mask helper macro Type B upper part helper macro.


Standard Rx FIFO Mask helper macro Type B lower part helper macro.


Standard Rx FIFO Mask helper macro Type C upper part helper macro.


Standard Rx FIFO Mask helper macro Type C mid-upper part helper macro.


Standard Rx FIFO Mask helper macro Type C mid-lower part helper macro.


Standard Rx FIFO Mask helper macro Type C lower part helper macro.


Extend Rx FIFO Mask helper macro Type A helper macro.


Extend Rx FIFO Mask helper macro Type B upper part helper macro.


Extend Rx FIFO Mask helper macro Type B lower part helper macro.


Extend Rx FIFO Mask helper macro Type C upper part helper macro.


Extend Rx FIFO Mask helper macro Type C mid-upper part helper macro.


Extend Rx FIFO Mask helper macro Type C mid-lower part helper macro.


Extend Rx FIFO Mask helper macro Type C lower part helper macro.


FlexCAN Rx FIFO Filter helper macro.

Standard Rx FIFO Filter helper macro Type A helper macro.


Standard Rx FIFO Filter helper macro Type B upper part helper macro.


Standard Rx FIFO Filter helper macro Type B lower part helper macro.


Standard Rx FIFO Filter helper macro Type C upper part helper macro.


Standard Rx FIFO Filter helper macro Type C mid-upper part helper macro.


Standard Rx FIFO Filter helper macro Type C mid-lower part helper macro.


Standard Rx FIFO Filter helper macro Type C lower part helper macro.


Extend Rx FIFO Filter helper macro Type A helper macro.


Extend Rx FIFO Filter helper macro Type B upper part helper macro.


Extend Rx FIFO Filter helper macro Type B lower part helper macro.


Extend Rx FIFO Filter helper macro Type C upper part helper macro.


Extend Rx FIFO Filter helper macro Type C mid-upper part helper macro.


Extend Rx FIFO Filter helper macro Type C mid-lower part helper macro.


Extend Rx FIFO Filter helper macro Type C lower part helper macro.

struct _flexcan_frame
#include <fsl_flexcan.h>

FlexCAN message frame structure.

struct _flexcan_fd_frame
#include <fsl_flexcan.h>

CAN FD message frame structure.


This structure can contain a CAN FD frame (bitEdl equal 1) or classic CAN frame (bitEdl equal 0).

struct _flexcan_timing_config
#include <fsl_flexcan.h>

FlexCAN protocol timing characteristic configuration structure.

Public Members

uint16_t u16PreDivider

Clock Pre-scaler Division Factor.

uint8_t u8RJumpWidth

Re-sync Jump Width.

uint8_t u8PhaseSeg1

Phase Segment 1.

uint8_t u8PhaseSeg2

Phase Segment 2.

uint8_t u8PropSeg

Propagation Segment.

struct _flexcan_fd_config
#include <fsl_flexcan.h>

Configuration for the Flexcan CAN FD mode. It only cover FD related parts.

It is used as member of flexcan_config_t to do the CAN FD specific init on init this peripheral.

struct _flexcan_config
#include <fsl_flexcan.h>

FlexCAN module configuration structure.

Public Members

bool bEnableTimingCalc

Enable or Disable the bit timing calculation in FLEXCAN_Init() API.

uint32_t u32BaudRateBps

FlexCAN baud rate in bps (for classical CAN or CANFD nominal phase). Only meaningful when the bEnableTimingCalc is true.

uint32_t u32ClkFreqHz

FlexCAN peripheral clock frequency in HZ. Only meaningful when the bEnableTimingCalc is true.

flexcan_timing_config_t sTimingConfig

Protocol timing configuration. Only meaningful when the bEnableTimingCalc is false.

flexcan_clock_source_t eClkSrc

Clock source for FlexCAN Protocol Engine.

uint8_t u8MaxMsgBufNum

The maximum number of Message Buffers used by user.

bool bEnableIndividMask

Enable or Disable Rx Individual Mask.

flexcan_wake_up_source_t eWakeupSrc

Wake up source selection.

bool bEnableSelfWakeup

Enable or Disable Self Wakeup Mode.

bool bEnableLoopBack

Enable or Disable Loop Back Self Test Mode.

bool bEnableTimerSync

Enable or Disable Timer Synchronization.

bool bDisableSelfReception

Enable or Disable Self Reflection.

bool bEnableListenOnlyMode

Enable or Disable Listen Only Mode.

bool bEnableDoze

Enable or Disable Doze Mode.

struct _flexcan_rx_mb_config
#include <fsl_flexcan.h>

FlexCAN Receive Message Buffer configuration structure.

This structure is used as the parameter of FLEXCAN_SetRxMbConfig() function. The FLEXCAN_SetRxMbConfig() function is used to configure FlexCAN Receive Message Buffer. The function abort previous receiving process, clean the Message Buffer and activate the Rx Message Buffer using given Message Buffer setting.

Public Members

uint32_t u32Id

CAN Message Buffer Frame Identifier, should be set using FLEXCAN_ID_EXT() or FLEXCAN_ID_STD() macro.

flexcan_frame_format_t eFormat

CAN Frame Identifier format(Standard of Extend).

flexcan_frame_type_t eType

CAN Frame Type(Data or Remote).

struct _flexcan_rx_fifo_config
#include <fsl_flexcan.h>

FlexCAN Rx FIFO configuration structure.

Public Members

uint32_t *pu32IdFilterTable

Pointer to the FlexCAN Rx FIFO identifier filter table.

uint8_t u8IdFilterNum

The quantity of filter elements.

flexcan_rx_fifo_filter_type_t eIdFilterType

The FlexCAN Rx FIFO Filter type.

flexcan_rx_fifo_priority_t ePriority

The FlexCAN Rx FIFO receive priority.

struct _flexcan_mb_transfer
#include <fsl_flexcan.h>

FlexCAN Message Buffer transfer.

Public Members

flexcan_frame_t *psFrame

The buffer of CAN Message to be transfer.

uint8_t u8MsgBufIdx

The index of Message buffer used to transfer Message.

struct _flexcan_fifo_transfer
#include <fsl_flexcan.h>

FlexCAN Rx FIFO transfer.

Public Members

flexcan_frame_t *psFrame

The buffer of CAN Message to be received from Rx FIFO.

struct _flexcan_handle
#include <fsl_flexcan.h>

FlexCAN handle structure.

Public Members

flexcan_transfer_callback_t pfCallback

Callback function.

void *pUserData

FlexCAN callback function parameter.

flexcan_fd_frame_t *volatile psFDMbFrameBufs[CAN_WORD1_COUNT]

The buffer for received data from Message Buffers.

flexcan_frame_t *volatile psRxFifoFrameBuf

The buffer for received data from Rx FIFO.

volatile uint8_t u8MsgBufStates[CAN_WORD1_COUNT]

Message Buffer transfer state.

volatile uint8_t u8RxFifoState

Rx FIFO transfer state.

volatile uint32_t u32TimeStamps[CAN_WORD1_COUNT]

Mailbox transfer timestamp.

struct __unnamed12__

Public Members

uint32_t bitsTimestamp

FlexCAN internal Free-Running Counter Time Stamp.

uint32_t bitsLength

CAN frame payload length in bytes(Range: 0~8).

uint32_t bitType

CAN Frame Type(DATA or REMOTE).

uint32_t bitFormat

CAN Frame Identifier(STD or EXT format).

uint32_t __pad0__


uint32_t bitsIdHit

CAN Rx FIFO filter hit id(This value is only used in Rx FIFO receive mode).

struct __unnamed14__

Public Members

uint32_t bitsId

CAN Frame Identifier, should be set using FLEXCAN_ID_EXT() or FLEXCAN_ID_STD() macro.

uint32_t __pad0__


union __unnamed16__

Public Members

struct _flexcan_frame
struct _flexcan_frame
struct __unnamed18__

Public Members

uint32_t u32DataWord0

CAN Frame payload word0.

uint32_t u32DataWord1

CAN Frame payload word1.

struct __unnamed20__

Public Members

uint8_t u8DataByte3

CAN Frame payload byte3.

uint8_t u8DataByte2

CAN Frame payload byte2.

uint8_t u8DataByte1

CAN Frame payload byte1.

uint8_t u8DataByte0

CAN Frame payload byte0.

uint8_t u8DataByte7

CAN Frame payload byte7.

uint8_t u8DataByte6

CAN Frame payload byte6.

uint8_t u8DataByte5

CAN Frame payload byte5.

uint8_t u8DataByte4

CAN Frame payload byte4.

struct __unnamed22__

Public Members

uint32_t bitsTimestamp

FlexCAN internal Free-Running Counter Time Stamp.

uint32_t bitsLength

CAN FD frame data length code (DLC), range see _flexcan_fd_frame_length, When the length <= 8, it equals to the data length in bytes, otherwise the number of valid frame data is not equal to the length value. User can use DLC_LENGTH_DECODE(length) macro to get the number of valid data bytes.

uint32_t bitType

CAN Frame Type(DATA or REMOTE).

uint32_t bitFormat

CAN Frame Identifier(STD or EXT format).

uint32_t bitSrr

Substitute Remote request.

uint32_t bitsCode

Message Buffer Code.

uint32_t bitEsi

Error State Indicator.

uint32_t bitBrs

Bit Rate Switch.

uint32_t bitEdl

Extended Data Length.

struct __unnamed24__

Public Members

uint32_t bitsId

CAN Frame Identifier, should be set using FLEXCAN_ID_EXT() or FLEXCAN_ID_STD() macro.

uint32_t __pad0__


union __unnamed26__

Public Members

struct _flexcan_fd_frame
struct _flexcan_fd_frame
struct __unnamed28__

Public Members

uint32_t u32DataWord[16]

CAN FD Frame payload, 16 double word maximum.

struct __unnamed30__

Public Members

uint8_t u8DataByte3

CAN Frame payload byte3.

uint8_t u8DataByte2

CAN Frame payload byte2.

uint8_t u8DataByte1

CAN Frame payload byte1.

uint8_t u8DataByte0

CAN Frame payload byte0.

uint8_t u8DataByte7

CAN Frame payload byte7.

uint8_t u8DataByte6

CAN Frame payload byte6.

uint8_t u8DataByte5

CAN Frame payload byte5.

uint8_t u8DataByte4

CAN Frame payload byte4.

The Driver Change Log

FlexCAN Peripheral and Driver Overview

ftfx adapter

ftfx controller

FTFx driver status codes.


enumerator kStatus_FTFx_Success

API is executed successfully

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument

Invalid argument

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_SizeError

Error size

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError

Parameter is not aligned with the specified baseline

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_AddressError

Address is out of range

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_AccessError

Invalid instruction codes and out-of bound addresses

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation

The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure

Run-time error during command execution.

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_UnknownProperty

Unknown property.

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_EraseKeyError

API erase key is invalid.

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_RegionExecuteOnly

The current region is execute-only.

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady

Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_PartitionStatusUpdateFailure

Failed to update partition status.

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_SetFlexramAsEepromError

Failed to set FlexRAM as EEPROM.

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_RecoverFlexramAsRamError

Failed to recover FlexRAM as RAM.

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_SetFlexramAsRamError

Failed to set FlexRAM as RAM.

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_RecoverFlexramAsEepromError

Failed to recover FlexRAM as EEPROM.

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_CommandNotSupported

Flash API is not supported.

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_SwapSystemNotInUninitialized

Swap system is not in an uninitialzed state.

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_SwapIndicatorAddressError

The swap indicator address is invalid.

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_ReadOnlyProperty

The flash property is read-only.

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_InvalidPropertyValue

The flash property value is out of range.

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_InvalidSpeculationOption

The option of flash prefetch speculation is invalid.

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_CommandOperationInProgress

The option of flash command is processing.


FTFx driver status group.

void FTFx_API_Init(ftfx_config_t *config)

Initializes the global flash properties structure members.

This function checks and initializes the Flash module for the other Flash APIs.

  • config – Pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

status_t FTFx_CMD_Erase(ftfx_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint32_t lengthInBytes, uint32_t key)

Erases the flash sectors encompassed by parameters passed into function.

This function erases the appropriate number of flash sectors based on the desired start address and length.

  • config – The pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • start – The start address of the desired flash memory to be erased. The start address does not need to be sector-aligned but must be word-aligned.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words) to be erased. Must be word-aligned.

  • key – The value used to validate all flash erase APIs.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError – The parameter is not aligned with the specified baseline.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AddressError – The address is out of range.

  • kStatus_FTFx_EraseKeyError – The API erase key is invalid.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FTFx_CMD_EraseAll(ftfx_config_t *config, uint32_t key)

Erases entire flash.

  • config – Pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • key – A value used to validate all flash erase APIs.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_EraseKeyError – API erase key is invalid.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during command execution.

  • kStatus_FTFx_PartitionStatusUpdateFailure – Failed to update the partition status.

status_t FTFx_CMD_Program(ftfx_config_t *config, uint32_t start, const uint8_t *src, uint32_t lengthInBytes)

Programs flash with data at locations passed in through parameters.

This function programs the flash memory with the desired data for a given flash area as determined by the start address and the length.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • start – The start address of the desired flash memory to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.

  • src – A pointer to the source buffer of data that is to be programmed into the flash.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words), to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError – Parameter is not aligned with the specified baseline.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AddressError – Address is out of range.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FTFx_CMD_ProgramOnce(ftfx_config_t *config, uint8_t index, const uint8_t *src, uint32_t lengthInBytes)

Programs Program Once Field through parameters.

This function programs the Program Once Field with the desired data for a given flash area as determined by the index and length.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • index – The index indicating which area of the Program Once Field to be programmed.

  • src – A pointer to the source buffer of data that is to be programmed into the Program Once Field.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words), to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FTFx_CMD_ReadOnce(ftfx_config_t *config, uint8_t index, uint8_t *dst, uint32_t lengthInBytes)

Reads the Program Once Field through parameters.

This function reads the read once feild with given index and length.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • index – The index indicating the area of program once field to be read.

  • dst – A pointer to the destination buffer of data that is used to store data to be read.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words), to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FTFx_CMD_VerifyErase(ftfx_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint32_t lengthInBytes, uint8_t margin)

Verifies an erasure of the desired flash area at a specified margin level.

This function checks the appropriate number of flash sectors based on the desired start address and length to check whether the flash is erased to the specified read margin level.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • start – The start address of the desired flash memory to be verified. The start address does not need to be sector-aligned but must be word-aligned.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words), to be verified. Must be word-aligned.

  • margin – Read margin choice.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError – Parameter is not aligned with specified baseline.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AddressError – Address is out of range.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FTFx_CMD_VerifyEraseAll(ftfx_config_t *config, uint8_t margin)

Verifies erasure of the entire flash at a specified margin level.

This function checks whether the flash is erased to the specified read margin level.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • margin – Read margin choice.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FTFx_CMD_VerifyProgram(ftfx_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint32_t lengthInBytes, const uint8_t *expectedData, uint8_t margin, uint32_t *failedAddress, uint32_t *failedData)

Verifies programming of the desired flash area at a specified margin level.

This function verifies the data programed in the flash memory using the Flash Program Check Command and compares it to the expected data for a given flash area as determined by the start address and length.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • start – The start address of the desired flash memory to be verified. Must be word-aligned.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words), to be verified. Must be word-aligned.

  • expectedData – A pointer to the expected data that is to be verified against.

  • margin – Read margin choice.

  • failedAddress – A pointer to the returned failing address.

  • failedData – A pointer to the returned failing data. Some derivatives do not include failed data as part of the FCCOBx registers. In this case, zeros are returned upon failure.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError – Parameter is not aligned with specified baseline.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AddressError – Address is out of range.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FTFx_REG_GetSecurityState(ftfx_config_t *config, ftfx_security_state_t *state)

Returns the security state via the pointer passed into the function.

This function retrieves the current flash security status, including the security enabling state and the backdoor key enabling state.

  • config – A pointer to storage for the driver runtime state.

  • state – A pointer to the value returned for the current security status code:

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

enum _ftfx_partition_flexram_load_option

Enumeration for the FlexRAM load during reset option.


enumerator kFTFx_PartitionFlexramLoadOptLoadedWithValidEepromData

FlexRAM is loaded with valid EEPROM data during reset sequence.

enumerator kFTFx_PartitionFlexramLoadOptNotLoaded

FlexRAM is not loaded during reset sequence.

enum _ftfx_security_state

Enumeration for the three possible FTFx security states.


enumerator kFTFx_SecurityStateNotSecure

Flash is not secure.

enumerator kFTFx_SecurityStateBackdoorEnabled

Flash backdoor is enabled.

enumerator kFTFx_SecurityStateBackdoorDisabled

Flash backdoor is disabled.

enum _ftfx_flexram_function_option

Enumeration for the two possilbe options of set FlexRAM function command.


enumerator kFTFx_FlexramFuncOptAvailableAsRam

An option used to make FlexRAM available as RAM

enumerator kFTFx_FlexramFuncOptAvailableForEeprom

An option used to make FlexRAM available for EEPROM

enum _ftfx_swap_state

Enumeration for the possible flash Swap status.


enumerator kFTFx_SwapStateUninitialized

Flash Swap system is in an uninitialized state.

enumerator kFTFx_SwapStateReady

Flash Swap system is in a ready state.

enumerator kFTFx_SwapStateUpdate

Flash Swap system is in an update state.

enumerator kFTFx_SwapStateUpdateErased

Flash Swap system is in an updateErased state.

enumerator kFTFx_SwapStateComplete

Flash Swap system is in a complete state.

enumerator kFTFx_SwapStateDisabled

Flash Swap system is in a disabled state.

enum _ftfx_memory_type

Enumeration for FTFx memory type.


enumerator kFTFx_MemTypePflash
enumerator kFTFx_MemTypeFlexnvm
typedef enum _ftfx_partition_flexram_load_option ftfx_partition_flexram_load_opt_t

Enumeration for the FlexRAM load during reset option.

typedef enum _ftfx_security_state ftfx_security_state_t

Enumeration for the three possible FTFx security states.

typedef enum _ftfx_flexram_function_option ftfx_flexram_func_opt_t

Enumeration for the two possilbe options of set FlexRAM function command.

typedef enum _ftfx_swap_state ftfx_swap_state_t

Enumeration for the possible flash Swap status.

typedef struct _ftfx_special_mem ftfx_spec_mem_t

ftfx special memory access information.

typedef struct _ftfx_mem_descriptor ftfx_mem_desc_t

Flash memory descriptor.

typedef struct _ftfx_ops_config ftfx_ops_config_t

Active FTFx information for the current operation.

typedef struct _ftfx_ifr_descriptor ftfx_ifr_desc_t

Flash IFR memory descriptor.

typedef struct _ftfx_config ftfx_config_t

Flash driver state information.

An instance of this structure is allocated by the user of the flash driver and passed into each of the driver APIs.


Macro for the two possible options of flash read resource command.

Select code for Program flash 0 IFR, Program flash swap 0 IFR, Data flash 0 IFR


Select code for the version ID


Macro for supported FTFx margin levels.


Apply the ‘User’ margin to the normal read-1 level.


Apply the ‘Factory’ margin to the normal read-1 level.


Not real margin level, Used to determine the range of valid margin level.

struct _ftfx_special_mem
#include <fsl_ftfx_controller.h>

ftfx special memory access information.

Public Members

uint32_t base

Base address of flash special memory.

uint32_t size

size of flash special memory.

uint32_t count

flash special memory count.

struct _ftfx_mem_descriptor
#include <fsl_ftfx_controller.h>

Flash memory descriptor.

Public Members

uint32_t blockBase

A base address of the flash block

uint32_t totalSize

The size of the flash block.

uint32_t sectorSize

The size in bytes of a sector of flash.

uint32_t blockCount

A number of flash blocks.

struct _ftfx_ops_config
#include <fsl_ftfx_controller.h>

Active FTFx information for the current operation.

Public Members

uint32_t convertedAddress

A converted address for the current flash type.

struct _ftfx_ifr_descriptor
#include <fsl_ftfx_controller.h>

Flash IFR memory descriptor.

union function_ptr_t
#include <fsl_ftfx_controller.h>

Public Members

uint32_t commadAddr
void (*callFlashCommand)(volatile uint8_t *FTMRx_fstat)
struct _ftfx_config
#include <fsl_ftfx_controller.h>

Flash driver state information.

An instance of this structure is allocated by the user of the flash driver and passed into each of the driver APIs.

Public Members

uint32_t flexramBlockBase

The base address of the FlexRAM/acceleration RAM

uint32_t flexramTotalSize

The size of the FlexRAM/acceleration RAM

uint16_t eepromTotalSize

The size of EEPROM area which was partitioned from FlexRAM

function_ptr_t runCmdFuncAddr

An buffer point to the flash execute-in-RAM function.

struct __unnamed4__

Public Members

uint8_t type

Type of flash block.

uint8_t index

Index of flash block.

struct feature
struct addrAligment
struct feature
struct resRange

Public Members

uint8_t versionIdStart

Version ID start address

uint32_t pflashIfrStart

Program Flash 0 IFR start address

uint32_t dflashIfrStart

Data Flash 0 IFR start address

uint32_t pflashSwapIfrStart

Program Flash Swap IFR start address

struct idxInfo

ftfx feature


Flash driver location.

Used for the flash resident application.


Flash Driver Export option.

Used for the MCUXpresso SDK application.


Indicates whether the secondary flash has its own protection register in flash module.


Indicates whether the secondary flash has its own Execute-Only access register in flash module.


Indicates whether the secondary flash is supported in the Flash driver.


Ftftx FLASH Driver

status_t FLASH_Init(flash_config_t *config)

Initializes the global flash properties structure members.

This function checks and initializes the Flash module for the other Flash APIs.

  • config – Pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_PartitionStatusUpdateFailure – Failed to update the partition status.

status_t FLASH_Erase(flash_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint32_t lengthInBytes, uint32_t key)

Erases the Dflash sectors encompassed by parameters passed into function.

This function erases the appropriate number of flash sectors based on the desired start address and length.

  • config – The pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • start – The start address of the desired flash memory to be erased. The start address does not need to be sector-aligned but must be word-aligned.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words) to be erased. Must be word-aligned.

  • key – The value used to validate all flash erase APIs.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the appropriate number of flash sectors based on the desired start address and length were erased successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError – The parameter is not aligned with the specified baseline.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AddressError – The address is out of range.

  • kStatus_FTFx_EraseKeyError – The API erase key is invalid.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FLASH_EraseAll(flash_config_t *config, uint32_t key)

Erases entire flexnvm.

  • config – Pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • key – A value used to validate all flash erase APIs.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the all pflash and flexnvm were erased successfully, the swap and eeprom have been reset to unconfigured state.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_EraseKeyError – API erase key is invalid.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during command execution.

  • kStatus_FTFx_PartitionStatusUpdateFailure – Failed to update the partition status.

status_t FLASH_Program(flash_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint8_t *src, uint32_t lengthInBytes)

Programs flash with data at locations passed in through parameters.

This function programs the flash memory with the desired data for a given flash area as determined by the start address and the length.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • start – The start address of the desired flash memory to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.

  • src – A pointer to the source buffer of data that is to be programmed into the flash.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words), to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the desired data were programed successfully into flash based on desired start address and length.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError – Parameter is not aligned with the specified baseline.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AddressError – Address is out of range.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FLASH_ProgramOnce(flash_config_t *config, uint8_t index, uint8_t *src, uint32_t lengthInBytes)

Program the Program-Once-Field through parameters.

This function Program the Program-once-feild with given index and length.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • index – The index indicating the area of program once field to be read.

  • src – A pointer to the source buffer of data that is used to store data to be write.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words), to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; The index indicating the area of program once field was programed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FLASH_ReadOnce(flash_config_t *config, uint8_t index, uint8_t *dst, uint32_t lengthInBytes)

Reads the Program Once Field through parameters.

This function reads the read once feild with given index and length.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • index – The index indicating the area of program once field to be read.

  • dst – A pointer to the destination buffer of data that is used to store data to be read.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words), to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the data have been successfuly read form Program flash0 IFR map and Program Once field based on index and length.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FLASH_VerifyErase(flash_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint32_t lengthInBytes, uint8_t margin)

Verifies an erasure of the desired flash area at a specified margin level.

This function checks the appropriate number of flash sectors based on the desired start address and length to check whether the flash is erased to the specified read margin level.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • start – The start address of the desired flash memory to be verified. The start address does not need to be sector-aligned but must be word-aligned.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words), to be verified. Must be word-aligned.

  • margin – Read margin choice.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the specified FLASH region has been erased.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError – Parameter is not aligned with specified baseline.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AddressError – Address is out of range.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FLASH_VerifyEraseAll(flash_config_t *config, uint8_t margin)

Verifies erasure of the entire flash at a specified margin level.

This function checks whether the flash is erased to the specified read margin level.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • margin – Read margin choice.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; all program flash and flexnvm were in erased state.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FLASH_VerifyProgram(flash_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint32_t lengthInBytes, const uint8_t *expectedData, uint8_t margin, uint32_t *failedAddress, uint32_t *failedData)

Verifies programming of the desired flash area at a specified margin level.

This function verifies the data programmed in the flash memory using the Flash Program Check Command and compares it to the expected data for a given flash area as determined by the start address and length.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • start – The start address of the desired flash memory to be verified. Must be word-aligned.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words), to be verified. Must be word-aligned.

  • expectedData – A pointer to the expected data that is to be verified against.

  • margin – Read margin choice.

  • failedAddress – A pointer to the returned failing address.

  • failedData – A pointer to the returned failing data. Some derivatives do not include failed data as part of the FCCOBx registers. In this case, zeros are returned upon failure.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the desired data have been successfully programed into specified FLASH region.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError – Parameter is not aligned with specified baseline.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AddressError – Address is out of range.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FLASH_GetSecurityState(flash_config_t *config, ftfx_security_state_t *state)

Returns the security state via the pointer passed into the function.

This function retrieves the current flash security status, including the security enabling state and the backdoor key enabling state.

  • config – A pointer to storage for the driver runtime state.

  • state – A pointer to the value returned for the current security status code:

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the security state of flash was stored to state.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

status_t FLASH_GetProperty(flash_config_t *config, flash_property_tag_t whichProperty, uint32_t *value)

Returns the desired flash property.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • whichProperty – The desired property from the list of properties in enum flash_property_tag_t

  • value – A pointer to the value returned for the desired flash property.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the flash property was stored to value.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_UnknownProperty – An unknown property tag.


Flash driver version for SDK.

Version 3.0.0.

enum _flash_protection_state

Enumeration for the three possible flash protection levels.


enumerator kFLASH_ProtectionStateUnprotected

Flash region is not protected.

enumerator kFLASH_ProtectionStateProtected

Flash region is protected.

enumerator kFLASH_ProtectionStateMixed

Flash is mixed with protected and unprotected region.

enum _flash_property_tag

Enumeration for various flash properties.


enumerator kFLASH_PropertyPflash0SectorSize

Pflash sector size property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyPflash0TotalSize

Pflash total size property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyPflash0BlockSize

Pflash block size property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyPflash0BlockCount

Pflash block count property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyPflash0BlockBaseAddr

Pflash block base address property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyPflash0FacSupport

Pflash fac support property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyPflash0AccessSegmentSize

Pflash access segment size property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyPflash0AccessSegmentCount

Pflash access segment count property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyPflash1SectorSize

Pflash sector size property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyPflash1TotalSize

Pflash total size property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyPflash1BlockSize

Pflash block size property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyPflash1BlockCount

Pflash block count property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyPflash1BlockBaseAddr

Pflash block base address property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyPflash1FacSupport

Pflash fac support property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyPflash1AccessSegmentSize

Pflash access segment size property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyPflash1AccessSegmentCount

Pflash access segment count property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyFlexRamBlockBaseAddr

FlexRam block base address property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyFlexRamTotalSize

FlexRam total size property.

typedef enum _flash_protection_state flash_prot_state_t

Enumeration for the three possible flash protection levels.

typedef union _pflash_protection_status pflash_prot_status_t

PFlash protection status.

typedef enum _flash_property_tag flash_property_tag_t

Enumeration for various flash properties.

typedef struct _flash_config flash_config_t

Flash driver state information.

An instance of this structure is allocated by the user of the flash driver and passed into each of the driver APIs.

union _pflash_protection_status
#include <fsl_ftfx_flash.h>

PFlash protection status.

Public Members

uint32_t protl

PROT[31:0] .

uint32_t proth


uint8_t protsl

PROTS[7:0] .

uint8_t protsh

PROTS[15:8] .

uint8_t reserved[2]
struct _flash_config
#include <fsl_ftfx_flash.h>

Flash driver state information.

An instance of this structure is allocated by the user of the flash driver and passed into each of the driver APIs.

ftfx utilities

MAKE_VERSION(major, minor, bugfix)

Constructs the version number for drivers.

MAKE_STATUS(group, code)

Constructs a status code value from a group and a code number.

FOUR_CHAR_CODE(a, b, c, d)

Constructs the four character code for the Flash driver API key.


Alignment(down) utility.

ALIGN_UP(x, a)

Alignment(up) utility.


bytes2word utility.

BYTE2WORD_1_3(x, y)
BYTE2WORD_2_2(x, y)
BYTE2WORD_3_1(x, y)
BYTE2WORD_1_1_2(x, y, z)
BYTE2WORD_1_2_1(x, y, z)
BYTE2WORD_2_1_1(x, y, z)
BYTE2WORD_1_1_1_1(x, y, z, w)

GPIO: General-Purpose Input/Output Driver

void GPIO_PinInit(GPIO_Type *base, gpio_pin_t ePin, const gpio_config_t *psConfig)

Initializes a GPIO pin with provided structure gpio_config_t covering all configuration fields.

To initialize the GPIO, define a pin configuration, as either input or output, in the user file. Then, call the GPIO_PinInit() function.

This is function to configure all GPIO Pin configurable fields.

 gpio_config_t sConfig = {
     .eDirection     = kGPIO_DigitalOutput,
     .eMode          = kGPIO_ModeGpio,
     .eOutMode       = kGPIO_OutputOpenDrain,
     .eSlewRate      = kGPIO_SlewRateFast,
     .eOutLevel      = kGPIO_OutputLow,
     .eDriveStrength = kGPIO_DriveStrengthLow,
     .ePull          = kGPIO_PullDisable,
     .eInterruptMode = kGPIO_InterruptDisable,
 GPIO_PinInit(GPIOA, kGPIO_Pin1, &psConfig);


If GPIO glitch is critical for your application, do not use this API instead using the API in GPIO pin configuration interfaces to do with the glitch during GPIO mode transition in accordance to your board design.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)

  • ePin – GPIO pin identifier. User enumerator provided by gpio_pin_t. Note that not all Pins existed in SoC and user need to check the data sheet.

  • psConfig – GPIO pin configuration pointer

static inline void GPIO_PinSetPeripheralMode(GPIO_Type *base, gpio_pin_t ePin, gpio_peripheral_mode_t eMode)

Configure the GPIO Pin as Peripheral mode or GPIO mode for one pin.

Configure GPIO can be configured as Peripheral mode or GPIO mode for one pin.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer

  • ePin – GPIO pin identifier. User enumerator provided by gpio_pin_t. Note that not all Pins existed in SoC and user need to check the data sheet.

  • eMode – Peripheral mode or GPIO mode for this pin. See gpio_peripheral_mode_t

static inline void GPIO_PinSetPeripheralMux(gpio_peripheral_mux_t eMux)

Configure the multiplexing of GPIO pins to different peripheral.

Configure the MUX of GPIO pins to different peripheral functionality.


User still need to call the GPIO_PinSetPeripheralMode.

  • eMux – GPIO peripheral MUX when configured as peripheral mode.

static inline void GPIO_PinSetDirection(GPIO_Type *base, gpio_pin_t ePin, gpio_direction_t eDirection)

Configure the GPIO pin as Input or Output for one pin.

Configure the GPIO pin as Input or Output for one pin.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer

  • ePin – GPIO pin identifier. User enumerator provided by gpio_pin_t. Note that not all Pins existed in SoC and user need to check the data sheet.

  • eDirection – Direction of GPIO pin. gpio_direction_t

static inline void GPIO_PinSetOutputMode(GPIO_Type *base, gpio_pin_t ePin, gpio_output_mode_t eOutMode)

Configure GPIO pin output as Push-Pull or Open-Drain for one pin.

Configure GPIO pin output as Push-Pull or Open-Drain. This function applies while pin is configured as output. See gpio_direction_t and API GPIO_PinSetDirection.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer

  • ePin – GPIO pin identifier. User enumerator provided by gpio_pin_t. Note that not all Pins existed in SoC and user need to check the data sheet.

  • eOutMode – Push-Pull/Open-Drain output mode. See gpio_output_mode_t.

static inline void GPIO_PinSetDriveStrength(GPIO_Type *base, gpio_pin_t ePin, gpio_output_drive_strength_t eDriveStrength)

Configure High/Low drive strength when Pin is configured as output for one pin.

Configure High/Low drive strength when Pin is configured as output. See gpio_direction_t and API GPIO_PinSetDirection.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer

  • ePin – GPIO pin identifier. User enumerator provided by gpio_pin_t. Note that not all Pins existed in SoC and user need to check the data sheet.

  • eDriveStrength – High/Low driver strength. See gpio_output_drive_strength_t

static inline void GPIO_PinSetSlewRate(GPIO_Type *base, gpio_pin_t ePin, gpio_output_slew_rate_t eSlewRate)

Configure GPIO pin Fast/Slow slew rate when pin is configured as output.

Configure GPIO pin Fast/Slow slew rate when pin is configured as output. See gpio_direction_t and API GPIO_PinSetDirection.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer

  • ePin – GPIO pin identifier. User enumerator provided by gpio_pin_t. Note that not all Pins existed in SoC and user need to check the data sheet.

  • eSlewRate – Fast/Slow slewrate. See gpio_output_slew_rate_t

static inline void GPIO_PinSetPullResistorMode(GPIO_Type *base, gpio_pin_t ePin, gpio_pull_mode_t ePullMode)

Configure Pull resistor for GPIO pin to Disable/Pull-Up/Pull-Down.

Configure Pull resistor for GPIO pin to Disable/Pull-Up/Pull-Down.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer

  • ePin – GPIO pin identifier. User enumerator provided by gpio_pin_t. Note that not all Pins existed in SoC and user need to check the data sheet.

  • ePullMode – Pull Mode as Disable/Pull-Up/Pull-Down. See gpio_pull_mode_t

static inline void GPIO_PinWrite(GPIO_Type *base, gpio_pin_t ePin, gpio_output_level_t eOutput)

Set GPIO Pin as High/Low voltage level on Output.

Set GPIO Pin as High/Low voltage level on Output.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer

  • ePin – GPIO pin identifier. User enumerator provided by gpio_pin_t. Note that not all Pins existed in SoC and user need to check the data sheet.

  • eOutput – Output as High level or Low Level. See gpio_output_level_t.

static inline void GPIO_PortSet(GPIO_Type *base, uint16_t u16Pins)

Set GPIO multiple pins output High voltage level without impact pins.

Set GPIO multiple pins output High voltage level without impact other pins. Multiple pins are configured by OR enumerator from gpio_pin_t

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer

  • u16Pins – GPIO pins which is ORed by gpio_pin_t. # kGPIO_Pin0 | kGPIO_Pin3 means Pin 0 and Pin 3.

static inline void GPIO_PinSet(GPIO_Type *base, gpio_pin_t ePin)

Output High voltage level for GPIO Pin when configured as Output.

Output High voltage level for GPIO Pin when configured as Output.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer

  • ePin – GPIO pin identifier. User enumerator provided by gpio_pin_t. Note that not all Pins existed in SoC and user need to check the data sheet.

static inline void GPIO_PortClear(GPIO_Type *base, uint16_t u16Pins)

Set GPIO multiple pins belong to same PORT output Low voltage level when these pins are configured as output.

Set GPIO multiple pins belong to same PORT output Low voltage level when these pins are configured as output. Multiple pins are configured by ORing enumerators from gpio_pin_t

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer

  • u16Pins – GPIO pins which is ORed by gpio_pin_t. # kGPIO_Pin0 | kGPIO_Pin3 means Pin 0 and Pin 3.

static inline void GPIO_PinClear(GPIO_Type *base, gpio_pin_t ePin)

Output Low voltage level for GPIO Pin when configured as Output.

Output Low voltage level for GPIO Pin when configured as Output.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer

  • ePin – GPIO pin identifier. User enumerator provided by gpio_pin_t. Note that not all Pins existed in SoC and user need to check the data sheet.

static inline void GPIO_PortToggle(GPIO_Type *base, uint16_t u16Pins)

Toggle GPIO multiple pins belong to same PORT when these pins are configured as output.

Toggle GPIO multiple pins belong to same PORT when these pins are configured as output. Multiple pins are configured by ORing enumerators from gpio_pin_t

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer

  • u16Pins – GPIO pins which is ORed by gpio_pin_t. # kGPIO_Pin0 | kGPIO_Pin3 means Pin 0 and Pin 3.

static inline void GPIO_PinToggle(GPIO_Type *base, gpio_pin_t ePin)

Toggle the GPIO output voltage level when configured as Output.

Toggle the GPIO output voltage level when configured as Output.


GPIO peripheral register do not get register to toggle directly. It is implemented by read back the GPIO output level and write to the register with reverted level.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer

  • ePin – GPIO pin identifier. User enumerator provided by gpio_pin_t. Note that not all Pins existed in SoC and user need to check the data sheet.

static inline uint16_t GPIO_PortRead(GPIO_Type *base)

Read High/Low voltage level for multiple GPIO pins from the pin or the data bus.

Read High/Low voltage level for multiple GPIO pins from the pin if the pin is configured as input or the data bus. When the device comes out of reset, GPIO pins are configured as inputs with internal pull disabled. As a result, the reset value of this pin is undefined. For different PORT, the available pins number is different. User need use the return value to OR with the gpio_pin_t to decide whether that pin is logic high or low.

if (GPIO_PortRead(GPIOA) & (uint16_t)kGPIO_Pin0)
    //GPIOA Pin 0 is High
    //GPIOA Pin 0 is Low

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer


Voltage level for multiple GPIO pins from the pin or the data bus.

static inline uint8_t GPIO_PinRead(GPIO_Type *base, gpio_pin_t ePin)

Read High/Low voltage level for one GPIO pin from the pin or the data bus.

Read High/Low voltage level from the pin if the pin is configured as input or the data bus.


When the device comes out of reset, GPIO pins are configured as inputs with internal pull disabled. As a result, the reset value of this pin is undefined.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer

  • ePin – GPIO pin identifier. User enumerator provided by gpio_pin_t. Note that not all Pins existed in SoC and user need to check the data sheet.

Return values:
  • 1 – Voltage level for one GPIO pin from the pin or the data bus is high.

  • 0 – Voltage level for one GPIO pin from the pin or the data bus is low.

static inline uint16_t GPIO_PortReadRawData(GPIO_Type *base)

Read Raw voltage high/low level data from the pins or peripheral bus for multiple pins belong to same PORT.

Read Raw voltage high/low level data from the pins or peripheral bus. Values are not clocked and are subject to change at any time. Read several times to ensure a stable value. The reset value of this register depends on the default PIN state. User need use the return value to OR with the gpio_pin_t to decide whether that pin is logic high or low.

if (GPIO_PortReadRawData(GPIOA) & (uint16_t)kGPIO_Pin0)
    //GPIOA Pin 0 is High
    //GPIOA Pin 0 is Low

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer


Voltage high/low level data from the pins or peripheral bus for multiple pins belong to same PORT.

static inline uint8_t GPIO_PinReadRawData(GPIO_Type *base, gpio_pin_t ePin)

Read Raw logic level data from the pins or peripheral bus for one pin.

Read Raw voltage high/low level data from the pins or peripheral bus. Values are not clocked and are subject to change at any time. Read several times to ensure a stable value. The reset value of this register depends on the default PIN state.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer

  • ePin – GPIO pin identifier. User enumerator provided by gpio_pin_t. Note that not all Pins existed in SoC and user need to check the data sheet.

Return values:
  • 1 – Raw voltage level data from the pins or peripheral bus is high.

  • 0 – Raw voltage level data from the pins or peripheral bus is low.

static inline void GPIO_PinSetInterruptConfig(GPIO_Type *base, gpio_pin_t ePin, gpio_interrupt_mode_t eIntConfig)

Configure GPIO Pin interrupt detection condition.

Configure GPIO Pin interrupt detection condition

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer

  • ePin – GPIO pin identifier. User enumerator provided by gpio_pin_t. Note that not all Pins existed in SoC and user need to check the data sheet.

  • eIntConfig – Interrupt detection condition for rising edge/down edge or no detection. See gpio_interrupt_mode_t

static inline void GPIO_PortAssertSWInterrupts(GPIO_Type *base, uint16_t u16Pins)

Assert software interrupt for multiple pins belong to same port which will generate interrupt.

This API is only for software testing of a software interrupt capability. When the software interrupt is asserted, an interrupt is generated. The interrupt is generated continually until this software interrupt is de-asserted.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer

  • u16Pins – GPIO pins which is ORed by gpio_pin_t. # kGPIO_Pin0 | kGPIO_Pin3 means Pin 0 and Pin 3.

static inline void GPIO_PortDeassertSWInterrupts(GPIO_Type *base, uint16_t u16Pins)

De-Assert software interrupt for multiple pins belong to same port which will stop generating interrupt.

This API is only for software testing of a software interrupt capability.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer

  • u16Pins – GPIO pins which is ORed by gpio_pin_t. # kGPIO_Pin0 | kGPIO_Pin3 means Pin 0 and Pin 3.

static inline void GPIO_PinAssertSWInterrupt(GPIO_Type *base, gpio_pin_t ePin)

Assert software interrupt for one pin which will generate interrupt.

This API is only for software testing of a software interrupt capability. When the software interrupt is asserted, an interrupt is generated. The interrupt is generated continually until this software interrupt is de-asserted.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer

  • ePin – GPIO pin identifier. User enumerator provided by gpio_pin_t. Note that not all Pins existed in SoC and user need to check the data sheet.

static inline void GPIO_PinDeassertSWInterrupt(GPIO_Type *base, gpio_pin_t ePin)

De-Assert software interrupt for one pin which will stop generating interrupt.

This API is only for software testing of a software interrupt capability.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer

  • ePin – GPIO pin identifier. User enumerator provided by gpio_pin_t. Note that not all Pins existed in SoC and user need to check the data sheet.

static inline void GPIO_PortEnableInterrupts(GPIO_Type *base, uint16_t u16Pins)

Enable interrupt detection for multiple pins belong to same port.

This API is to enable interrupt detection on rising edge or falling edge.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer

  • u16Pins – GPIO pins which is ORed by gpio_pin_t. # kGPIO_Pin0 | kGPIO_Pin3 means Pin 0 and Pin 3.

static inline void GPIO_PortDisableInterrupts(GPIO_Type *base, uint16_t u16Pins)

Disable interrupt detection for multiple pins belong to same port.

This API is to disable interrupt detection on rising edge or falling edge.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer

  • u16Pins – GPIO pins which is ORed by gpio_pin_t. # kGPIO_Pin0 | kGPIO_Pin3 means Pin 0 and Pin 3.

static inline void GPIO_PinEnableInterrupt(GPIO_Type *base, gpio_pin_t ePin)

Enable interrupt detection for one pin.

This API is to enable interrupt detection on rising edge or falling edge.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer

  • ePin – GPIO pin identifier. User enumerator provided by gpio_pin_t. Note that not all Pins existed in SoC and user need to check the data sheet.

static inline void GPIO_PinDisableInterrupt(GPIO_Type *base, gpio_pin_t ePin)

Disable interrupt detection for one pin.

This API is to disable interrupt detection on rising edge or falling edge.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer

  • ePin – GPIO pin identifier. User enumerator provided by gpio_pin_t. Note that not all Pins existed in SoC and user need to check the data sheet.

static inline uint16_t GPIO_PortGetInterruptPendingStatusFlags(GPIO_Type *base)

Get interrupt pending status flags all pins belong to same port.

Get interrupt pending status flags for all pins belong to same port. User need to use the gpio_pin_t to OR with the return value, if the result is not 0, this flag is set. otherwise, this flag is not set.


this flags can only be cleared by calling GPIO_PortClearEdgeDetectedStatusFlag if it is caused by edge detected or by calling GPIO_PortEnableSWInterrupt if it is caused by SW interrupt.

if (GPIO_PortGetInterruptPendingStatusFlags(GPIOA) & (uint16_t)kGPIO_Pin0)
    //Interrupt occurred on GPIOA Pin 0.
    //No Interrupt on GPIOA Pin 0.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer


Interrupt pending status flags all pins belong to same port.

static inline uint16_t GPIO_PinGetInterruptPendingStatusFlags(GPIO_Type *base, gpio_pin_t ePin)

Get interrupt pending status flags for one pin.

Get interrupt pending status flags for one pin.


this flags can only be cleared by calling GPIO_PortClearEdgeDetectedStatusFlag if it is caused by edge detected or by calling GPIO_PortEnableSWInterrupt if it is caused by SW interrupt.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer

  • ePin – GPIO pin identifier. User enumerator provided by gpio_pin_t. Note that not all Pins existed in SoC and user need to check the data sheet.

Return values:
  • 1 – Interrupt occurred.

  • 0 – No Interrupt.

static inline uint16_t GPIO_PortGetEdgeDetectedStatusFlags(GPIO_Type *base)

Get Edge detected status flags for all pins belong to same port.

Get edge detected status flags for all pins in the PORT. This status flag can only be detected when interrupt detection is enabled by GPIO_PortEnableInterrupt or GPIO_PinEnableInterrupt.

if (GPIO_PortGetEdgeDetectedStatusFlags(GPIOA) & (uint16_t)kGPIO_Pin0)
    //An edge detected on GPIOA Pin 0.
    //No edge detected on GPIOA Pin 0.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer


Detected edge status flags for all pins belong to same port.

static inline uint8_t GPIO_PinGetEdgeDetectedStatusFlag(GPIO_Type *base, gpio_pin_t ePin)

Get Edge detected status flags for one pin.

Get edge detected status flags for one pin. This status flag can only be detected when interrupt detection is enabled by GPIO_PortEnableInterrupt or GPIO_PinEnableInterrupt.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer

  • ePin – GPIO pin identifier. User enumerator provided by gpio_pin_t. Note that not all Pins existed in SoC and user need to check the data sheet.

Return values:
  • 1 – An edge detected.

  • 0 – No edge detected.

static inline void GPIO_PortClearEdgeDetectedStatusFlags(GPIO_Type *base, uint16_t u16Pins)

Clear Edge detected status flags for multiple pins belong to same port.

Clear Edge Detected status flags for multiple pins belong to same port.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer

  • u16Pins – GPIO pins which is ORed by gpio_pin_t. # kGPIO_Pin0 | kGPIO_Pin3 means Pin 0 and Pin 3.

static inline void GPIO_PinClearEdgeDetectedStatusFlags(GPIO_Type *base, gpio_pin_t ePin)

Clear Edge detected status flags for one pin.

Clear Edge Detected status flags for one pin.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer

  • ePin – GPIO pin identifier. User enumerator provided by gpio_pin_t. Note that not all Pins existed in SoC and user need to check the data sheet.


GPIO driver version.

enum _gpio_pin

GPIO Pin identifier with each pin get a unique bit thus they can be ORed.


enumerator kGPIO_Pin0


enumerator kGPIO_Pin1


enumerator kGPIO_Pin2


enumerator kGPIO_Pin3


enumerator kGPIO_Pin4


enumerator kGPIO_Pin5


enumerator kGPIO_Pin6


enumerator kGPIO_Pin7


enumerator kGPIO_Pin8


enumerator kGPIO_Pin9


enumerator kGPIO_Pin10


enumerator kGPIO_Pin11


enumerator kGPIO_Pin12


enumerator kGPIO_Pin13


enumerator kGPIO_Pin14


enumerator kGPIO_Pin15


enum _gpio_peripheral_mode

GPIO Pin peripheral/gpio mode option.


enumerator kGPIO_ModeGpio

Set GPIO pin as GPIO Mode.

enumerator kGPIO_ModePeripheral

Set GPIO pin as Peripheral Mode.

enum _gpio_direction

GPIO Pin input/output direction option.


enumerator kGPIO_DigitalInput

Set GPIO pin as digital input.

enumerator kGPIO_DigitalOutput

Set GPIO pin as digital output.

enum _gpio_pull_mode

GPIO Pin pull resistor mode option.


enumerator kGPIO_PullDown

Internal pull-down resistor is enabled.

enumerator kGPIO_PullUp

Internal pull-up resistor is enabled.

enumerator kGPIO_PullDisable

Internal pull-up/down resistor is disabled.

enum _gpio_output_mode

GPIO Pin output mode option.


enumerator kGPIO_OutputOpenDrain

Open drain output mode.

enumerator kGPIO_OutputPushPull

Push pull output mode.

enum _gpio_output_level

GPIO Pin output High/Low level option.


enumerator kGPIO_OutputLow

Set GPIO pin output low voltage level.

enumerator kGPIO_OutputHigh

Set GPIO pin output high voltage level.

enum _gpio_output_slew_rate

GPIO Pin output Fast/Slow slew rate option.


enumerator kGPIO_SlewRateFast

Set GPIO pin output Fast slew rate.

enumerator kGPIO_SlewRateSlow

Set GPIO pin output Slow slew rate.

enum _gpio_output_drive_strength

GPIO Pin output High/Low drive strength option.


enumerator kGPIO_DriveStrengthLow

Set GPIO pin output Low-drive strength.

enumerator kGPIO_DriveStrengthHigh

Set GPIO pin output High-drive strength.

enum _gpio_interrupt_mode

GPIO Pin interrupt detect option.


enumerator kGPIO_InterruptRisingEdge

Interrupt on rising edge.

enumerator kGPIO_InterruptFallingEdge

Interrupt on falling edge.

enumerator kGPIO_InterruptDisable

Interrupt is disabled.

typedef enum _gpio_pin gpio_pin_t

GPIO Pin identifier with each pin get a unique bit thus they can be ORed.

typedef enum _gpio_peripheral_mode gpio_peripheral_mode_t

GPIO Pin peripheral/gpio mode option.

typedef enum _gpio_direction gpio_direction_t

GPIO Pin input/output direction option.

typedef enum _gpio_pull_mode gpio_pull_mode_t

GPIO Pin pull resistor mode option.

typedef enum _gpio_output_mode gpio_output_mode_t

GPIO Pin output mode option.

typedef enum _gpio_output_level gpio_output_level_t

GPIO Pin output High/Low level option.

typedef enum _gpio_output_slew_rate gpio_output_slew_rate_t

GPIO Pin output Fast/Slow slew rate option.

typedef enum _gpio_output_drive_strength gpio_output_drive_strength_t

GPIO Pin output High/Low drive strength option.

typedef enum _gpio_interrupt_mode gpio_interrupt_mode_t

GPIO Pin interrupt detect option.

typedef struct _gpio_config gpio_config_t

GPIO Pin configuration covering all configurable fields when GPIO is configured in GPIO mode.


Helper MACRO function to extract Port Index. (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.) The fields located in bit 8 - bit 11.


Helper MACRO function to extract Pin Index. The fields located in bit 4 - bit 7.


Helper MACRO function to extract Pin mux config register value. The fields located in bit 0 - bit 1.


Helper MACRO function to extract Pin mux config mask.


Helper MACRO function to extract Pin mux config register value on a GPIO Pin.

struct _gpio_config
#include <fsl_gpio.h>

GPIO Pin configuration covering all configurable fields when GPIO is configured in GPIO mode.

Public Members

gpio_direction_t eDirection

GPIO direction, input or output

gpio_peripheral_mode_t eMode

GPIO mode as peripheral or GPIO

gpio_peripheral_mux_t eMux

Set the peripheral type if GPIO is configured as peripheral

gpio_output_mode_t eOutMode

GPIO Open-Drain/Push-Pull output mode.

gpio_output_slew_rate_t eSlewRate

GPIO Fast/Slow slew rate output mode.

gpio_output_level_t eOutLevel

GPIO Output High/Low level.

gpio_output_drive_strength_t eDriveStrength

GPIO output Drive strength High/Low.

gpio_pull_mode_t ePull

GPIO Pull resistor mode configuration.

gpio_interrupt_mode_t eInterruptMode

GPIO interrupt detection condition configuration.

The Driver Change Log

GPIO Peripheral and Driver Overview

I2C: Inter-Integrated Circuit Driver

void I2C_MasterGetDefaultConfig(i2c_master_config_t *psMasterConfig, uint32_t u32SrcClockHz)

Sets the I2C master configuration structure to default values.

The purpose of this API is to initialize the configuration structure to default value for I2C_MasterInit to use. Use the unchanged structure in I2C_MasterInit or modify the structure before calling I2C_MasterInit. This is an example:

i2c_master_config_t config;
I2C_MasterGetDefaultConfig(&config, 12000000U);
config.u32BaudRateBps = 100000;
I2C_MasterInit(I2C0, &config);

  • psMasterConfig – Pointer to the master configuration structure.

  • u32SrcClockHz – The clock source frequency for I2C module.

void I2C_MasterInit(I2C_Type *base, const i2c_master_config_t *psMasterConfig)

Initializes the I2C peripheral to operate as master.

This API initialize the I2C module for master operation, including the feature configuration of high drive capacity, doubble buffer, glitch filter, SCL timeout value, stop hold off enable and transfer baudrate. User can also configure whether to enable the module in the function.

The configuration structure can be filled manully or be set with default values by calling I2C_MasterGetDefaultConfig. This is an example.

I2C_MasterGetDefaultConfig(&config, 12000000U);
I2C_MasterInit(I2C0, &config);


If FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL is enbaled by user, the init function will not ungate I2C clock source before initialization, to avoid hardfault, user has to manually enable ungate the clock source before calling the API

  • base – I2C base pointer

  • psMasterConfig – Pointer to the master configuration structure

void I2C_MasterDeinit(I2C_Type *base)

De-initializes the I2C peripheral. Call this API to disable the I2C module.

  • base – I2C base pointer

void I2C_SlaveGetDefaultConfig(i2c_slave_config_t *psSlaveConfig, uint16_t u16PrimaryAddress, uint32_t u32SrcClockHz)

Sets the I2C slave configuration structure to default values.

The purpose of this API is to initialize the configuration structure for I2C_SlaveInit to use. Use the unchanged initialized structure in I2C_SlaveInit or modify the structure before calling I2C_SlaveInit. This is an example.

i2c_slave_config_t config;
I2C_SlaveGetDefaultConfig(&config, 0x23U, 12000000U);

  • psSlaveConfig – Pointer to the slave configuration structure.

  • u16PrimaryAddress – For 7-bit address low 7-bit is used, for 10-bit address low 10-bit is used.

  • u32SrcClockHz – The clock source frequency for I2C module.

void I2C_SlaveInit(I2C_Type *base, const i2c_slave_config_t *psSlaveConfig)

Initializes the I2C peripheral to operate as slave.

This API initialize the I2C module for slave operation, including the feature configuration of high drive capacity, doubble buffer, glitch filter, SCL timeout value, stop hold off enable, addressing mode, alert response/general call minitoring, auto baudrate control, low power mode wake up, SCL/SDA setup and hold time. User can also configure whether to enable the module in the function.

The configuration structure can be filled manully or be set with default values by calling I2C_SlaveGetDefaultConfig. This is an example.

i2c_slave_config_t sConfig;
I2C_SlaveGetDefaultConfig(&sConfig, 12000000U);
sConfig.u8PrimaryAddress = 0x2AU;
I2C_SlaveInit(I2C0, &sConfig);


If FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL is enbaled by user, the init function will not ungate I2C clock source before initialization, to avoid hardfault, user has to manually enable ungate the clock source before calling the API

  • base – I2C base pointer

  • psSlaveConfig – Pointer to the slave configuration structure

static inline void I2C_SlaveDeinit(I2C_Type *base)

De-initializes the I2C peripheral. Call this API to disable the I2C module.

  • base – I2C base pointer

void I2C_GetDefaultConfig(i2c_config_t *psConfig, uint16_t u16PrimaryAddress, uint32_t u32SrcClockHz)

Sets the I2C configuration structure to default values.

The purpose of this API is to initialize the configuration structure for I2C_Init to use. Use the unchanged initialized structure in I2C_Init or modify the structure before calling I2C_Init. This is an example.

i2c_config_t config;
I2C_GetDefaultConfig(&config, 0x23U, 12000000U);

  • psConfig – Pointer to the slave configuration structure.

  • u16PrimaryAddress – For 7-bit address low 7-bit is used, for 10-bit address low 10-bit is used.

  • u32SrcClockHz – The clock source frequency for I2C module.

void I2C_Init(I2C_Type *base, const i2c_config_t *psConfig)

Initializes the I2C peripheral.

This API initialize the I2C module, including the feature configuration of high drive capacity, doubble buffer, glitch filter, SCL timeout value, stop hold off enable, addressing mode, alert response/general call minitoring, auto baudrate control, low power mode wake up and baudrate. User can also configure whether to enable the module in the function.

The configuration structure can be filled manully or be set with default values by calling I2C_GetDefaultConfig. This is an example.

i2c_config_t sConfig;
I2C_GetDefaultConfig(&sConfig, 0x23U, 12000000U);
I2C_Init(I2C0, &sConfig);


If FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL is enbaled by user, the init function will not ungate I2C clock source before initialization, to avoid hardfault, user has to manually enable ungate the clock source before calling the API

  • base – I2C base pointer

  • psConfig – Pointer to the I2C configuration structure

static inline void I2C_Deinit(I2C_Type *base)

De-initializes the I2C peripheral. Call this API to disable the I2C module.

  • base – I2C base pointer

uint16_t I2C_MasterGetStatusFlags(I2C_Type *base)

Gets the I2C master hardware status flags.

  • base – I2C base pointer


the mask of status flags, can be a single flag or several flags in _i2c_status_flags ORed together.

static inline void I2C_MasterClearStatusFlags(I2C_Type *base, uint16_t u16StatusFlags)

Clears the I2C master status flags.

  • base – I2C base pointer

  • u16StatusFlags – The status flag mask, can be a single flag or several flags in _i2c_status_flags ORed together. These flags among _i2c_status_flags can be cleared:

    • kI2C_StartDetectInterruptFlag (only supported on certain SoCs)

    • kI2C_StopDetectInterruptFlag (only supported on certain SoCs)

    • kI2C_ArbitrationLostInterruptFlag

    • kI2C_InterruptPendingFlag

    • kI2C_RangeAddressMatchInterruptFlag

    • kI2C_AddressAsSlaveInterruptFlag

    • kI2C_SclLowTimeoutFlag

    • kI2C_SdaLowTimeoutInterruptFlag

static inline uint16_t I2C_SlaveGetStatusFlags(I2C_Type *base)

Gets the I2C slave hardware status flags.

  • base – I2C base pointer


the mask of status flags, can be a single flag or several flags in _i2c_status_flags ORed together.

static inline void I2C_SlaveClearStatusFlags(I2C_Type *base, uint16_t u16StatusFlags)

Clears the I2C slave status flags.

  • base – I2C base pointer

  • u16StatusFlags – The status flag mask, can be a single flag or several flags in _i2c_status_flags ORed together. These flags among _i2c_status_flags can be cleared:

    • kI2C_StartDetectInterruptFlag (only supported on certain SoCs)

    • kI2C_StopDetectInterruptFlag (only supported on certain SoCs)

    • kI2C_ArbitrationLostInterruptFlag

    • kI2C_InterruptPendingFlag

    • kI2C_RangeAddressMatchInterruptFlag

    • kI2C_AddressAsSlaveInterruptFlag

    • kI2C_SclLowTimeoutFlag

    • kI2C_SdaLowTimeoutInterruptFlag

void I2C_EnableInterrupts(I2C_Type *base, uint8_t u8Interrupts)

Enables I2C interrupt source.


Before enabling kI2C_GlobalInterruptEnable, check kI2C_RangeAddressMatchInterruptFlag and kI2C_AddressAsSlaveInterruptFlag first, because any write operation on C1 will clear these 2 bits.

  • base – I2C base pointer

  • u8Interrupts – The interrupt source mask, can be a single source or several sources in _i2c_interrupt_enable ORed together.

void I2C_DisableInterrupts(I2C_Type *base, uint8_t u8Interrupts)

Disables I2C interrupt source.


Before disabling kI2C_GlobalInterruptEnable, check kI2C_RangeAddressMatchInterruptFlag and kI2C_AddressAsSlaveInterruptFlag first, because any write operation on C1 will clear these 2 bits.

  • base – I2C base pointer

  • u8Interrupts – The interrupt source mask, can be a single source or several sources in _i2c_interrupt_enable ORed together.

uint8_t I2C_GetEnabledInterrupts(I2C_Type *base)

Get all the enabled interrupt sources.

  • base – I2C base pointer


The interrupt source mask, can be a single source or several sources in _i2c_interrupt_enable ORed together.

static inline bool I2C_IsMaster(I2C_Type *base)

Returns whether the I2C module is in master mode.

  • base – I2C base pointer


True for master mode, false for slave mode.

static inline void I2C_Reset(I2C_Type *base)

Sets the I2C register value to reset value.

  • base – I2C base pointer

static inline void I2C_Enable(I2C_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enables or disables the I2C peripheral operation.

  • base – I2C base pointer

  • bEnable – Pass true to enable and false to disable the module.

static inline void I2C_EnableFastAck(I2C_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enables/Disables fast NACK/ACK feature.

When enbled, writing 0/1 to TXAK generates an ACK/NACK after receiving a data byte, when disabled, writing 0/1 to TXAK generates an ACK/NACK on the following receiving data byte.

  • base – I2C base pointer

  • bEnable – True to enable, false to disable.

static inline void I2C_EnableHighDrive(I2C_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enables/Disables high drive.

  • base – I2C base pointer

  • bEnable – True to enable, false to disable.

static inline void I2C_EnableStopHold(I2C_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enables/Disables double buffer.

  • base – I2C base pointer

  • bEnable – True to enable, false to disable.

static inline void I2C_SetTransferDirection(I2C_Type *base, i2c_data_direction_t eDataDirection)

Sets I2C module data direction.

  • base – I2C base pointer

  • eDataDirection – kI2C_Write to write data to bus, kI2C_Read to read data from bua

void I2C_SetSclTimeoutValue(I2C_Type *base, uint16_t u16SclTimout_Ms, uint32_t u32SrcClockHz)

brief Sets the I2C SCL timeout value.

After the I2C module is initialized, user can call this function to change the timeout value.

param base I2C base pointer. param u16SclTimout_Ms The SCL timeout value in ms. param u32SrcClockHz I2C peripheral clock frequency in Hz

void I2C_SetGlitchFilter(I2C_Type *base, uint16_t u16GlitchFilter_Ns, uint32_t u32SrcClockHz)

brief Sets the I2C master glitch filter width.

After the I2C module is initialized as master, user can call this function to change the glitch filter width.

param base I2C base pointer. param u16GlitchFilter_Ns The GLitch filter length in nano seconds. param u32SrcClockHz I2C peripheral clock frequency in Hz

static inline void I2C_EnableDMA(I2C_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enables/disables the I2C DMA request.

  • base – I2C base pointer

  • bEnable – true to enable, false to disable

static inline uint32_t I2C_GetDataRegAddr(I2C_Type *base)

Gets the I2C data register address. This API is used to provide the transfer address for I2C DMA transfer.

  • base – I2C base pointer


data register address

static inline void I2C_SlaveEnableAlertResponse(I2C_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enables/Disables alert response.

When enbled, I2C slave will monitor the bus line, and when alert response address is received address match status flag will be set.

  • base – I2C base pointer

  • bEnable – True to enable, false to disable.

static inline void I2C_SlaveEnableSecondaryAddress(I2C_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enables/Disables secondary address.

  • base – I2C base pointer

  • bEnable – True to enable, false to disable.

static inline void I2C_SlaveEnableGeneralCall(I2C_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enables/Disables general call.

  • base – I2C base pointer

  • bEnable – True to enable, false to disable.

static inline void I2C_SlaveEnableWakeUp(I2C_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enables/Disables slave low power wakeup.

  • base – I2C base pointer

  • bEnable – True to enable, false to disable.

void I2C_SlaveSetAddressingMode(I2C_Type *base, i2c_slave_address_mode_t eAddressingMode, uint16_t u16Address, uint8_t u8MaxAddress)

Configure the slave addressing mode.

After the I2C module is initialized as slave, user can call this function to change the configuration of slave addressing mode.

  • base – I2C base pointer.

  • eAddressingMode – The slave addressing mode, single address or range address.

  • u16Address – I2C slave address. For 7-bit address low 7-bit is used, for 10-bit address low 10-bit is used.

  • u8MaxAddress – The maximum boundary of slave address used in a range address match.

void I2C_MasterSetBaudRate(I2C_Type *base, uint32_t u32BaudRateBps, uint32_t u32SrcClockHz)

Sets the I2C master transfer baud rate.

After the I2C module is initialized as master, user can call this function to change the transfer baud rate.

  • base – I2C base pointer.

  • u32BaudRateBps – the baud rate value in bits-per-second.

  • u32SrcClockHz – I2C peripheral clock frequency in Hz

static inline uint8_t I2C_ReadByte(I2C_Type *base)

Reads one byte from data register directly.

  • base – I2C base pointer


The data read from data register.

static inline void I2C_WriteByte(I2C_Type *base, uint8_t u8Data)

Writes one byte to the data register directly.

  • base – I2C base pointer

  • u8Data – The byte to write.

static inline void I2C_SendAck(I2C_Type *base, bool bIsAck)

Sends an acknowledge/non-acknowledge signal to the bus on the following receiving byte if SMB[FACK] is cleared, or on the current receiving byte if SMB[FACK] is set.

  • base – I2C base pointer

  • bIsAck – True to send ACK signal, false to send NACK signal

status_t I2C_MasterStart(I2C_Type *base, uint8_t u8Address, i2c_master_transfer_direction_t eDirection)

Sends a START signal on the I2C bus then the 7-bit slave address with transmit/receive bit.

This function is used to initiate a new transfer in master mode, by sending a START signal, then the slave address with transmit/receive bit to I2C bus.


The return value of this API only indicates whether the start signal is sent to bus, user has to check kI2C_ArbitrationLostInterruptFlag and kI2C_ReceiveNakFlag using I2C_MasterClearStatusFlags to see if valid slave device is avaliable or the aribitration is lost.

  • base – I2C base pointer

  • u8Address – 7-bit slave device address.

  • eDirection – Master transfer directions(transmit/receive).

Return values:
  • kStatus_I2C_Timeout – Transfer error, timeout happens when waiting for status flags to change.

  • kStatus_Success – Successfully send the start signal.

  • kStatus_I2C_Busy – Current bus is busy.

status_t I2C_MasterRepeatedStart(I2C_Type *base, uint8_t u8Address, i2c_master_transfer_direction_t eDirection)

Sends a repeated START signal, then the 7-bit slave address with transmit/receive bit to I2C bus.

  • base – I2C peripheral base pointer

  • u8Address – 7-bit slave device address.

  • eDirection – Master transfer directions(transmit/receive).

Return values:
  • kStatus_I2C_Timeout – Transfer error, timeout happens when waiting for status flags to change.

  • kStatus_Success – Successfully send the start signal.

  • kStatus_I2C_Busy – Current bus is busy but not occupied by current I2C master.

status_t I2C_MasterStop(I2C_Type *base)

Sends a STOP signal on the I2C bus.

  • base – I2C base pointer

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Successfully send the stop signal.

  • kStatus_I2C_Timeout – Send stop signal failed, timeout.

status_t I2C_MasterWriteBlocking(I2C_Type *base, const uint8_t *pu8Data, uint16_t txSize, bool bSendStop)

Sends a piece of data to I2C bus in master mode in blocking way.

Call this function when using I2C as master to send certain bytes of data to bus when start signal is already sent. User can specify whether to send a stop siganl after the data. This function uses the blocking way, which means it does not return until all the data is sent to bus and stop signal is successfully issued(if user configures the stop


  • base – I2C base pointer.

  • pu8Data – The pointer to the data to be transmitted.

  • txSize – The length in bytes of the data to be transmitted.

  • bSendStop – Whether to send stop signal after the data transfer.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Successfully complete the data transmission.

  • kStatus_I2C_ArbitrationLost – Transfer error, arbitration lost.

  • kStatus_I2C_Nak – Transfer error, receive NAK during transfer.

  • kStatus_I2C_Timeout – Transfer error, timeout happens when waiting for status flags to change.

status_t I2C_MasterReadBlocking(I2C_Type *base, uint8_t *pu8RxBuff, uint16_t rxSize, bool bSendStop)

Receives a piece of data from I2C bus in master mode in blocking way.

Call this function when using I2C as master to receive certain bytes of data from bus when start signal is already sent. User can specify whether to send a stop siganl after the data. This function uses the blocking way, which means it does not return until all the data has been received and stop signal is successfully issued(if user configures the

stop signal).


If user configures to send stop signal after the data, this function stops the bus before reading the final byte from data register. Without stopping the bus prior to the final read, the bus will issue another read, resulting in garbage data being read into the data register.

  • base – I2C base pointer.

  • pu8RxBuff – The pointer to the data to store the received data.

  • rxSize – The length in bytes of the data to be received.

  • bSendStop – Whether to send stop signal after the data transfer.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Successfully complete the data transmission.

  • kStatus_I2C_Timeout – Send stop signal failed, timeout.

status_t I2C_SlaveWriteBlocking(I2C_Type *base, const uint8_t *pu8TxBuff, uint16_t txSize)

Sends a piece of data to I2C bus in slave mode in blocking way.

Call this funtion to let I2C slave poll register status until it is addressed, then slave sends txSize of data to bus until all the data has been sent to bus or untill it is nacked.

  • base – I2C base pointer.

  • pu8TxBuff – The pointer to the data to be transferred.

  • txSize – The length in bytes of the data to be transferred.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Successfully complete the data transmission.

  • kStatus_I2C_ArbitrationLost – Transfer error, arbitration lost.

  • kStatus_I2C_Nak – Transfer error, receive NAK during transfer.

  • kStatus_I2C_Timeout – Transfer error, timeout happens when waiting for status flags to change.

status_t I2C_SlaveReadBlocking(I2C_Type *base, uint8_t *pu8RxBuff, uint16_t rxSize)

Receives a piece of data from I2C bus in slave mode in blocking way.

Call this funtion to let I2C slave poll register status until it is addressed, then slave receives rxSize of data until all the data has been received.

  • base – I2C base pointer.

  • pu8RxBuff – The pointer to the data to store the received data.

  • rxSize – The length in bytes of the data to be received.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Successfully complete data receive.

  • kStatus_I2C_Timeout – Wait status flag timeout.

status_t I2C_MasterTransferBlocking(I2C_Type *base, i2c_master_transfer_t *psTransferConfig)

Performs a master polling transfer on the I2C bus.


The API does not return until the transfer succeeds or fails due to arbitration lost or receiving a NAK.

  • base – I2C peripheral base address.

  • psTransferConfig – Pointer to the transfer configuration structure.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Successfully complete the data transmission.

  • kStatus_I2C_Busy – Previous transmission still not finished.

  • kStatus_I2C_Timeout – Transfer error, timeout happens when waiting for status flagsto change.

  • kStatus_I2C_ArbitrationLost – Transfer error, arbitration lost.

  • kStatus_I2C_Nak – Transfer error, receive NAK during transfer.

void I2C_MasterTransferCreateHandle(I2C_Type *base, i2c_master_transfer_handle_t *psHandle, i2c_master_transfer_callback_t pfCallback, void *pUserData)

Initializes the I2C master transfer in interrupt way.

This function is responsible for initializig master transfer psHandle, installing user callback, registering master IRQ handling function and opening global interrupt.

  • base – I2C base pointer.

  • psHandle – pointer to i2c_master_transfer_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.

  • pfCallback – pointer to user callback function.

  • pUserData – User configurable pointer to any data, function, structure etc that user wish to use in the callback

status_t I2C_MasterTransferNonBlocking(i2c_master_transfer_handle_t *psHandle, i2c_master_transfer_t *psTransferConfig)

Initiates a master transfer on the I2C bus in interrupt way.


Transfer in interrupt way is non-blocking which means this API returns immediately after transfer initiates. User can call I2C_MasterTransferGetCount to get the count of data that master has transmitted/received and check transfer status. If the return status is kStatus_NoTransferInProgress, the transfer is finished. Also if user installs a user callback when calling I2C_MasterTransferCreateHandle before, the callback will be invoked when transfer finishes.

  • psHandle – pointer to i2c_master_transfer_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.

  • psTransferConfig – Pointer to the transfer configuration structure.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Successfully start the data transmission.

  • kStatus_I2C_Busy – Previous transmission still not finished.

  • kStatus_I2C_Timeout – Transfer error, timeout happens when waiting for status flagsto change.

status_t I2C_MasterTransferGetCount(i2c_master_transfer_handle_t *psHandle, uint16_t *count)

Gets the master transfer count and status during a interrupt transfer.

  • psHandle – pointer to i2c_master_transfer_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.

  • count – Pointer to number of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.

Return values:
  • kStatus_InvalidArgument – count is Invalid.

  • kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – Curent no transfer is in progress.

  • kStatus_Success – Successfully obtained the count.

status_t I2C_MasterTransferAbort(i2c_master_transfer_handle_t *psHandle)

Aborts an in-process transfer in interrupt way.


This API can be called at any time after a transfer of interrupt way initiates and before it finishes to abort the transfer early.

  • psHandle – pointer to i2c_master_transfer_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state

Return values:
  • kStatus_I2C_Busy – Master lost arbitration, bus is in use by other master.

  • kStatus_I2C_Timeout – Transfer error, timeout happens when waiting for status flags to change.

  • kStatus_Success – Successfully abort the transfer.

void I2C_SlaveTransferCreateHandle(I2C_Type *base, i2c_slave_transfer_handle_t *psHandle, i2c_slave_transfer_callback_t pfCallback, void *pUserData)

Initializes the I2C slave transfer in interrupt way.

This function is responsible for initializig slave transfer handle, installing user callback, registering slave IRQ handling function and opening global interrupt.

  • base – I2C base pointer.

  • psHandle – pointer to i2c_slave_transfer_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.

  • pfCallback – pointer to user callback function.

  • pUserData – User configurable pointer to any data, function, structure etc that user wish to use in the callback

status_t I2C_SlaveTransferNonBlocking(i2c_slave_transfer_handle_t *psHandle, i2c_slave_transfer_t *psTransferConfig)

Sets I2C slave ready to process bus events.

Call this API to let I2C start monitoring bus events driven by I2C master on bus. When user specified event occurs, callback will be invoked passes event information to the callback.


When kI2C_SlaveOutofTransmitDataEvent and kI2C_SlaveOutofReceiveSpaceEvent occured, slave callback will always be revoked regardless which events user choose to enable. This means user need not configure them in the psTransferConfig. If user wants to enable all the events, use kI2C_SlaveAllEvents for convenience.

  • psHandle – Pointer to i2c_slave_transfer_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.

  • psTransferConfig – I2C transfer configuration.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – I2C slave set to standby state successfully and ready to process events.

  • kStatus_I2C_Busy – I2C slave has already been started on this handle.

status_t I2C_SlaveTransferGetCount(i2c_slave_transfer_handle_t *psHandle, uint16_t *count)

Gets how many bytes slave have transferred in curent data buffer.

  • psHandle – pointer to i2c_slave_transfer_handle_t structure.

  • count – Number of bytes slave have transferred after the last start/repeated start.

Return values:
  • kStatus_InvalidArgument – count is Invalid.

  • kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – Curent no transfer is in progress.

  • kStatus_Success – Successfully obtained the count.

void I2C_SlaveTransferAbort(i2c_slave_transfer_handle_t *psHandle)

Aborts the slave transfer.


This API can be called at any time to stop slave for handling further bus events.

  • psHandle – pointer to i2c_slave_transfer_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.


I2C driver version.

I2C API status codes, used by bus operation APIs and transactional APIs as return value to indicate the bus’s current status as the API’s execution result, or used in the callback to indicate transfer results.


enumerator kStatus_I2C_Busy

I2C bus is busy.

enumerator kStatus_I2C_Idle

I2C Bus is idle.

enumerator kStatus_I2C_Nak

I2C detected NACK on bus. When in SMBus mode, this means the receiver nacks transmitter before PEC byte.

enumerator kStatus_I2C_ArbitrationLost

I2C lost arbitration during addressing.

enumerator kStatus_I2C_Timeout

Timeout happens when waiting for status flags to change.

enumerator kStatus_I2C_Addr_Nak

NACK was detected during the address probe.

enumerator kStatus_I2C_Pec_Error

Detected NACK for the PEC byte in transmit, or the received PEC does not match with the calculated CRC.

enum _i2c_status_flags

I2C hardware status flags.

These enumerations can be ORed together to form bit masks. The masks can be used as parameter by I2C_MasterClearStatusFlags and I2C_SlaveClearStatusFlags, or as return value by I2C_MasterGetStatusFlags and I2C_SlaveGetStatusFlags.


enumerator kI2C_ReceiveNakFlag

I2C reveived none ack flag

enumerator kI2C_InterruptPendingFlag

I2C interrupt pending flag. Byte transfer complete, address match, arbitration lost, start/stop detection and SMBus timeout can all cause this status bit to set. This flag can be cleared.

enumerator kI2C_SlaveTransmitFlag

I2C slave write/read status flag

enumerator kI2C_RangeAddressMatchInterruptFlag

Received address is within address range. This flag can be cleared.

enumerator kI2C_ArbitrationLostInterruptFlag

This flag can be cleared.

enumerator kI2C_BusBusyFlag

I2C bus busy flag.

enumerator kI2C_AddressAsSlaveInterruptFlag

Addressed as slave, including general call, alert response, primary/secondary address and range address match. This flag can be cleared.

enumerator kI2C_ByteTransferCompleteInterruptFlag

I2C trasfer complete flag.

enumerator kI2C_StopDetectInterruptFlag

This flag can be cleared.

enumerator kI2C_StartDetectInterruptFlag

This flag can be cleared.

enumerator kI2C_SclLowTimeoutFlag

I2C SCL signal low timeout flag. This flag can be cleared.

enumerator kI2C_BusIdleFlag

I2C SCL and SDA both high timeout flag indicating bus idle.

enumerator kI2C_SdaLowTimeoutInterruptFlag

I2C SDA signal low timeout flag. This flag can be cleared.

enumerator kI2C_StatusAllFlags

All flags which are clearable.

enum _i2c_interrupt_enable

I2C interrupt enable/disable source.

These enumerations can be ORed together to form bit masks. The masks can be used as parameter by I2C_EnableInterrupts, I2C_DisableInterrupts, or as return value by I2C_GetEnabledInterrupts.


enumerator kI2C_GlobalInterruptEnable

I2C global interrupt.

enumerator kI2C_StartStopDetectInterruptEnable

I2C start&stop detect interrupt.

enumerator kI2C_SdaLowTimeoutInterruptEnable

I2C SDA low timeout interrupt.

enumerator kI2C_AllInterruptEnable
enum _i2c_slave_address_mode

Slave addressing mode, address match or range address match.


enumerator kI2C_AddressMatch

7-bit addressing mode.

enumerator kI2C_AddressRangeMatch

Range address match addressing mode.

enumerator kI2C_AddressMatch10bit

10-bit addressing mode.

enum _i2c_data_direction

Peripheral data direction.


enumerator kI2C_Read

I2C read data from bus.

enumerator kI2C_Write

I2C write data to bus.

enum _i2c_master_transfer_control_flags

I2C master transfer control flags.

These flags can be ORed together to form bit mask. The mask is used to configure master transfer’s start/stop condition in i2c_master_transfer_t::u8ControlFlagMask.


enumerator kI2C_TransferStartStopFlag

A transfer starts with a start signal, stops with a stop signal.

enumerator kI2C_TransferNoStartFlag

A transfer starts without a start signal, only support write only or write+read with no start flag, do not support read only with no start flag.

enumerator kI2C_TransferRepeatedStartFlag

A transfer starts with a repeated start signal.

enumerator kI2C_TransferNoStopFlag

A transfer ends without a stop signal.

enum _i2c_master_transfer_direction

Master transfer direction.


enumerator kI2C_MasterTransmit

Master transmits data to slave.

enumerator kI2C_MasterReceive

Master receives data from slave.

enum _i2c_slave_transfer_event

Set of slave transfer events.

This enumeration lists all the protocol level events that may happen during slave transfer. They can be used for two related purposes:

  1. User can select certain events and combined them by OR operation to form a mask, and use the mask to configure slave transfer configuration stucture i2c_slave_transfer_t::u8EventMask. If any of these selected events happens, driver will alert user by invoking callback.

  2. When slave callback is invoked, user has to know which specific event occured. Callback uses slave transfer configuration structure i2c_slave_transfer_t as 2nd parameter, its member i2c_slave_transfer_t::eEvent shows which event just happened.


enumerator kI2C_SlaveAddressMatchEvent

Slave detects general call or alert response address, or primary/secondary/range address is matched after a start or repeated start.

enumerator kI2C_SlaveOutofTransmitDataEvent

Slave runs out of data to transmit, request a new data buffer.

enumerator kI2C_SlaveOutofReceiveSpaceEvent

Slave runs out of space to store received data, request a new data buffer.

enumerator kI2C_SlaveStartEvent

A start/repeated start was detected.

enumerator kI2C_SlaveCompletionEvent

Slave detects a stop signal, or slave is nacked by master during master-receive, or slave has finished transmit/receive previously configured amount of data.

enumerator kI2C_SlaveGenaralcallEvent

Received the general call address after a start or repeated start.

enumerator kI2C_SlaveAllEvents

A bit mask of all available events.

typedef struct _i2c_master_config i2c_master_config_t

I2C master configuration structure.

This structure includes all the master operation needed features, user can configure these features one by one manually, or call I2C_MasterGetDefaultConfig to set the structure to default value. Then, call I2C_MasterInit to initialize I2C module. After initialization, the I2C module can only operate as master. To deinitialize I2C, call I2C_MasterDeinit.

typedef enum _i2c_slave_address_mode i2c_slave_address_mode_t

Slave addressing mode, address match or range address match.

typedef struct _i2c_slave_config i2c_slave_config_t

I2C slave configuration structure.

This structure includes all the slave operation needed features, user can configure these features one by one manually, or call I2C_SlaveGetDefaultConfig to set the structure to default value. Then, call I2C_SlaveInit to initialize I2C module. After initialization, the I2C module can only operate as slave. To deinitialize I2C, call I2C_SlaveDeinit.

typedef struct _i2c_config i2c_config_t

I2C configuration structure.

This structure includes all I2C features, user can configure user can configure these features one by one manually, or call I2C_GetDefaultConfig to set the structure to default value. Then, call I2C_Init to initialize I2C module. To deinitialize I2C, call I2C_Deinit.

typedef enum _i2c_data_direction i2c_data_direction_t

Peripheral data direction.

typedef enum _i2c_master_transfer_direction i2c_master_transfer_direction_t

Master transfer direction.

typedef struct _i2c_master_transfer i2c_master_transfer_t

I2C master transfer configuration structure.

This structure definition includes all the user configurable features, that are used to control single I2C transfer of master mode, in polling way or in interrupt way.

typedef struct _i2c_master_transfer_handle i2c_master_transfer_handle_t

Forward declaration of the I2C master transfer handle structure. .

typedef void (*i2c_master_transfer_callback_t)(i2c_master_transfer_handle_t *psHandle)

I2C master transfer callback function definition.

Defines the interface of user callback function used in master interrupt transfer. The callback function shall be defined and declared in application level by user. Before starting master transfer by calling I2C_MasterTransferNonBlocking, call I2C_MasterTransferCreateHandle to install the user callback. When master transfer ends successfully or failed due to any event like arbitration lost or nacked by slave, user callback will be invoked by driver. And then user can decide what to do next in the callback according to its parameter completionStatus which indicates how the transfer ends.

Param psHandle:

I2C transfer handle, which contains the information of base pointer, completionStatus and user data.

typedef enum _i2c_slave_transfer_event i2c_slave_transfer_event_t

Set of slave transfer events.

This enumeration lists all the protocol level events that may happen during slave transfer. They can be used for two related purposes:

  1. User can select certain events and combined them by OR operation to form a mask, and use the mask to configure slave transfer configuration stucture i2c_slave_transfer_t::u8EventMask. If any of these selected events happens, driver will alert user by invoking callback.

  2. When slave callback is invoked, user has to know which specific event occured. Callback uses slave transfer configuration structure i2c_slave_transfer_t as 2nd parameter, its member i2c_slave_transfer_t::eEvent shows which event just happened.

typedef struct _i2c_slave_transfer i2c_slave_transfer_t

I2C slave transfer configuration structure.

Covers slave transfer data buffer pointer, data size and the events user want driver to alert.


Unlike master who controls the transfer flow, slave has to monitor any bus event and change its configuration accordingly. So this slave transfer configuration structure is also used as second parameter of callback, for user to change the transfer configuration in the callback. The read-only member eEvent shows which event occured that causes the callback being invoked.

typedef struct _i2c_slave_transfer_handle i2c_slave_transfer_handle_t

Forward declaration of the I2C slave transfer handle structure. .

typedef void (*i2c_slave_transfer_callback_t)(i2c_slave_transfer_handle_t *psHandle)

I2C slave transfer callback function definition.

Defines the interface of slave user callback function. The callback function shall be defined and declared in application level by user. Before calling I2C_SlaveTransferNonBlocking to let I2C slave ready to process bus events, call I2C_SlaveTransferCreateHandle first to install the user callback to slave handle. When I2C slave meets user selected events, callback will be invoked and user can decide the following steps in the callback. All the events that can trigger callback are listed in i2c_slave_transfer_event_t.

Param psHandle:

I2C transfer handle, which contains the information of base pointer, completionStatus transfer data, data length and user data.

uint32_t I2C_GetInstance(I2C_Type *base)

Gets instance number for I2C module.

  • base – I2C base pointer.

Return values:

The – number of the instance.


Retry times when checking status flags.


Control whether to use SMBus featues.


Control whether to enable FACK for master read operation in non SMBus tranfer. This is used to lower transfer speed by clock stretch for MCU with FSL_FEATURE_I2C_HAS_DOUBLE_BUFFERING supported and enabled.

struct _i2c_master_config
#include <fsl_i2c.h>

I2C master configuration structure.

This structure includes all the master operation needed features, user can configure these features one by one manually, or call I2C_MasterGetDefaultConfig to set the structure to default value. Then, call I2C_MasterInit to initialize I2C module. After initialization, the I2C module can only operate as master. To deinitialize I2C, call I2C_MasterDeinit.

Public Members

bool bEnableModule

Enable the I2C peripheral during initialization.

bool bEnableStopHold

Control the stop hold enable. I2C_FLT_SHEN

uint8_t u8GlitchFilterWidth

Control the width of the glitch filter. I2C_FLT_FLT

uint8_t u8Interrupts

Mask of the interrupts to be enabled in the init function.

uint32_t u32BaudRateBps

Baud rate value in bits-per-second. I2C_F_MULT, I2C_F_ICR

uint32_t u32SrcClockHz

The clock source frequency for I2C module.

struct _i2c_slave_config
#include <fsl_i2c.h>

I2C slave configuration structure.

This structure includes all the slave operation needed features, user can configure these features one by one manually, or call I2C_SlaveGetDefaultConfig to set the structure to default value. Then, call I2C_SlaveInit to initialize I2C module. After initialization, the I2C module can only operate as slave. To deinitialize I2C, call I2C_SlaveDeinit.

Public Members

bool bEnableModule

Enable the I2C peripheral during initialization.

bool bEnableStopHold

Control the stop hold enable. I2C_FLT_SHEN

uint8_t u8GlitchFilterWidth

Control the width of the glitch filter. I2C_FLT_FLT

bool bEnableWakeUp

Enable/disable waking up MCU from low-power mode. I2C_C1_WUEN

bool bEnableGeneralCall

Enable the general call addressing mode, not affected by address length. General call address is 0x00. I2C_C2_GCAEN

i2c_slave_address_mode_t eAddressingMode

Addressing mode chosen from i2c_slave_address_mode_t. I2C_C2_ADEXT I2C_C2_RMEN

uint16_t bitsPrimaryAddress

Primary Slave address. I2C_A1_AD[7] I2C_C2_AD[3]

uint16_t bitsMaxAddress

The maximum boundary of slave address used in a range address match addressing. In range address match, address greater than primary address and less than or equal to upper address is marked as matched. I2C_RA_RAD[7]

uint8_t u8Interrupts

Mask of the interrupts to be enabled in the init function.

uint32_t u32SclStopHoldTime_ns

the delay from the rising edge of SCL (I2C clock) to the rising edge of SDA (I2C data) while SCL is high (stop condition), SDA hold time and SCL start hold time are also configured according to the SCL stop hold time.

uint32_t u32SrcClockHz

The clock source frequency for I2C module.

struct _i2c_config
#include <fsl_i2c.h>

I2C configuration structure.

This structure includes all I2C features, user can configure user can configure these features one by one manually, or call I2C_GetDefaultConfig to set the structure to default value. Then, call I2C_Init to initialize I2C module. To deinitialize I2C, call I2C_Deinit.

Public Members

bool bEnableModule

Enable the I2C peripheral during initialization.

bool bEnableStopHold

Control the stop hold enable. I2C_FLT_SHEN

uint8_t u8GlitchFilterWidth

Control the width of the glitch filter. I2C_FLT_FLT

bool bEnableWakeUp

Enable/disable waking up MCU from low-power mode. I2C_C1_WUEN

bool bEnableGeneralCall

Enable the general call addressing mode, not affected by address length. General call address is 0x00. I2C_C2_GCAEN

i2c_slave_address_mode_t eAddressingMode

Addressing mode chosen from i2c_slave_address_mode_t. I2C_C2_ADEXT I2C_C2_RMEN

uint16_t bitsPrimaryAddress

Primary Slave address. I2C_A1_AD[7] I2C_C2_AD[3]

uint16_t bitsMaxAddress

The maximum boundary of slave address used in a range address match addressing. In range address match, address greater than primary address and less than or equal to upper address is marked as matched. I2C_RA_RAD[7]

uint8_t u8Interrupts

Mask of the interrupts to be enabled in the init function.

uint32_t u32BaudRateBps

Baud rate value in bits-per-second. I2C_F_MULT, I2C_F_ICR

uint32_t u32SrcClockHz

The clock source frequency for I2C module.

struct _i2c_master_transfer
#include <fsl_i2c.h>

I2C master transfer configuration structure.

This structure definition includes all the user configurable features, that are used to control single I2C transfer of master mode, in polling way or in interrupt way.

Public Members

uint8_t u8ControlFlagMask

The transfer flag which controls the transfer start/stop signal, refer _i2c_master_transfer_flags.

uint8_t u8SlaveAddress

7-bit slave address.

i2c_master_transfer_direction_t eDirection

Transfer direction, kI2C_MasterTransmit or kI2C_MasterReceive.

uint8_t *pu8Command

Pointer to command code.

uint8_t u8CommandSize

Size of the command code, max value 4.

uint8_t *volatile pu8Data

Pointer to the send/receive data buffer.

volatile uint16_t u16DataSize

Transfer size.

struct _i2c_master_transfer_handle
#include <fsl_i2c.h>

I2C master transfer handle.


If user wants to use the transactional API to transfer data in interrupt way in master mode, one I2C instance should and can only be allocated one master handle.


The handle is maintained by I2C driver internally, which means the transfer state is retained and user shall not modify its state u8State in application level. If user only wish to use transactional APIs without understanding its machanism, it is not necessary to understand these members.

Public Members

I2C_Type *base

I2C base pointer to the I2C instance that assigned to this handle.

i2c_master_transfer_t sTransfer

I2C master transfer structure.

uint16_t u16TransferSize

Total bytes to be transferred.

uint8_t u8State

A transfer state maintained during transfer.

i2c_master_transfer_callback_t pfCompletionCallback

Callback function invoked when the transfer is finished.

status_t completionStatus

I2C master transfer complete status, indicating how the transfer ends.

void *pUserData

User configurable pointer to any data, function, structure etc that user wish to use in the callback

struct _i2c_slave_transfer
#include <fsl_i2c.h>

I2C slave transfer configuration structure.

Covers slave transfer data buffer pointer, data size and the events user want driver to alert.


Unlike master who controls the transfer flow, slave has to monitor any bus event and change its configuration accordingly. So this slave transfer configuration structure is also used as second parameter of callback, for user to change the transfer configuration in the callback. The read-only member eEvent shows which event occured that causes the callback being invoked.

Public Members

uint8_t u8EventMask

Mask of the events. When these enents occur during transfer driver will alert user using callback.

uint8_t *volatile pu8Data

Pointer to the buffer of data to send, or to store received data.

volatile uint16_t u16DataSize

Transfer size.

i2c_slave_transfer_event_t eEvent

The event that caused the callback being invoked. Read-only.

struct _i2c_slave_transfer_handle
#include <fsl_i2c.h>

I2C slave transfer handle.


If user wants to use the transactional API to transfer data in slave mode, one I2C instance should and can only be allocated one handle.


The handle is maintained by I2C driver internally, which means the transfer state is retained and user shall not modify its state u8State in application level. If user only wish to use transactional APIs without understanding its machanism, it is not necessary to understand these members.

Public Members

I2C_Type *base

I2C base pointer to the I2C instance that assigned to this handle.

i2c_slave_transfer_t sTransfer

I2C slave transfer structure.

uint16_t u16TransferredCount

The number of bytes actually transferred for curent data buffer.

uint8_t u8State

A transfer state maintained during transfer.

i2c_slave_transfer_callback_t pfCallback

Callback function invoked at the transfer event.

status_t completionStatus

I2C slave transfer complete status, indicating how the transfer ends, such as kStatus_I2C_Nak indicates the slave was nacked by master before all the data was sent. This parameter is only useful when eEvent is kI2C_SlaveCompletionEvent.

void *pUserData

User configurable pointer to any data, function, structure etc that user wish to use in the callback.

I2C_DMA: DMA based I2C Driver

void I2C_MasterCreateDMAHandle(I2C_Type *base, i2c_master_dma_transfer_handle_t *psHandle, i2c_master_dma_transfer_callback_t pfCallback, void *pUserData, DMA_Type *dmaBase, dma_channel_t eChannel)

Initializes the I2C handle which is used in transactional functions.

  • base – I2C peripheral base address.

  • psHandle – A pointer to the i2c_master_dma_transfer_handle_t structure.

  • pfCallback – A pointer to the user callback function.

  • pUserData – A user parameter passed to the callback function.

  • dmaBase – DMA base address.

  • eChannel – DMA channel for master transfer.

status_t I2C_MasterTransferDMA(i2c_master_dma_transfer_handle_t *psHandle, i2c_master_transfer_t *psTransfer)

Performs a master DMA non-blocking transfer on the I2C bus.

  • psHandle – A pointer to the i2c_master_dma_transfer_handle_t structure.

  • psTransfer – A pointer to the transfer structure of i2c_master_transfer_t.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Successfully completed the data transmission.

  • kStatus_I2C_Busy – A previous transmission is still not finished.

  • kStatus_I2C_Timeout – Transfer error, waits for a signal timeout.

  • kStatus_I2C_ArbitrationLost – Transfer error, arbitration lost.

  • kStataus_I2C_Nak – Transfer error, receive NAK during transfer.

status_t I2C_MasterTransferGetCountDMA(i2c_master_dma_transfer_handle_t *psHandle, uint16_t *pu16Count)

Gets a master transfer status during the DMA non-blocking transfer.

  • psHandle – A pointer to the i2c_master_dma_transfer_handle_t structure.

  • pu16Count – A number of bytes transferred by the non-blocking transaction.

void I2C_MasterTransferAbortDMA(i2c_master_dma_transfer_handle_t *psHandle)

Aborts a master DMA non-blocking transfer early.

  • psHandle – A pointer to the i2c_master_dma_transfer_handle_t structure.


I2C DMA driver version.

typedef struct _i2c_master_dma_transfer_handle i2c_master_dma_transfer_handle_t

Retry times for waiting flag.

I2C master DMA handle typedef.

typedef void (*i2c_master_dma_transfer_callback_t)(i2c_master_dma_transfer_handle_t *handle)

I2C master DMA transfer callback typedef.

struct _i2c_master_dma_transfer_handle
#include <fsl_i2c_dma.h>

I2C master DMA transfer structure.

Public Members

I2C_Type *base

I2C base pointer to the I2C instance that assigned to this handle.

i2c_master_transfer_t sTransfer

I2C master transfer structure.

uint16_t u16TransferSize

Total bytes to be transferred.

uint8_t u8State

I2C master transfer status.

dma_handle_t sDmaHandle

The DMA handler used.

status_t completionStatus

I2C master transfer complete status, indicating how the transfer ends.

i2c_master_dma_transfer_callback_t pfCallback

A callback function called after the DMA transfer is finished.

void *pUserData

User configurable pointer to any data, function, structure etc that user wish to use in the callback

The Driver Change Log

I2C Peripheral and Driver Overview

INTC: Interrupt Controller Driver

static inline void INTC_SetIRQPriorityNum(IRQn_Type eIrq, uint8_t u8PriorityNum)

Disable IRQ or Enable IRQ with priority.

There are similar function in fsl_common:

  • EnableIRQWithPriority,

  • DisableIRQ,

  • EnableIRQ,

  • IRQ_SetPriority.

This function is faster and simpler than those in fsl_common. Generally, this function and IRQ functions in fsl_common are either-or, don’t use them together for same IRQn type, but feasible that different IRQn type use them simultaneously, for example: It is OK OCCS_IRQn use INTC_SetIRQPriorityLevel, and ADC12_CC1_IRQn use EnableIRQWithPriority. It is NOT OK that OCCS_IRQn use INTC_SetIRQPriorityLevel and EnableIRQWithPriority simultaneously.


Please note a none-zero priority number does directly map to priority level, simple summary is as below, you could check RM INTC chapter for more details.

  • Some IPs have priority level 1~3, maps priority number 1 to priority 1, 2 to priority 2, 3 to priority 3.

  • Some IPs have priority level 0~2, maps priority number 1 to priority 0, 2 to priority 1, 3 to priority 2.

  • eIrq – The IRQ number.

  • u8PriorityNum – IRQ interrupt priority number.

    • 0: disable IRQ.

    • 1-3: enable IRQ and set its priority, 3 is the highest priority for this IRQ and 1 is the lowest priority.

static inline void INTC_SetVectorBaseAddress(uint32_t u32VectorBaseAddr)

Set the base address vector table. The value in INTC_VBA is used as the upper 13 bits of the interrupt vector VAB[20:0].

  • u32VectorBaseAddr – Vector table base address. The address requires 256 words (512 bytes) aligned. Take the vector table in MC56F83xxx_Vectors.c as example for how to implement this table.

static inline void INTC_SetFastIRQVectorHandler0(vector_type_t eVector, fast_irq_handler pfHandler)

Set the IRQ handler for fast IRQ0. The INTC takes the vector address from the appropriate FIVAL0 and FIVAH0 registers, instead of generating an address that is an offset from the vector base address (VBA).

  • eVector – The vector number.

  • pfHandler – Pointer to the fast IRQ handler function, see fast_irq_handler definition for more info.

static inline void INTC_SetFastIRQVectorHandler1(vector_type_t eVector, fast_irq_handler pfHandler)

Set the IRQ handler for fast IRQ1. The INTC takes the vector address from the appropriate FIVAL1 and FIVAH1 registers, instead of generating an address that is an offset from the vector base address (VBA).

  • eVector – The eVector number.

  • pfHandler – Pointer to the fast IRQ handler function, see @ ref fast_irq_handler definition for more info.

static inline uint8_t INTC_GetIRQPermittedPriorityLevel(void)

Get IRQ permitted priority levels. Interrupt exceptions may be nested to allow the servicing of an IRQ with higher priority than the current exception.

The return value indicate the priority level needed for a new IRQ to interrupt the current interrupt being sent to the Core.

Return values:
  • 0 – Required nested exception priority levels are 0, 1, 2, or 3.

  • 1 – Required nested exception priority levels are 1, 2, or 3.

  • 2 – Required nested exception priority levels are 2 or 3.

  • 3 – Required nested exception priority level is 3.

static inline bool INTC_GetPendingIRQ(vector_type_t eVector)

Check if IRQ is pending for execution. Before the ISR is entered, IRQ is pending. After the ISR is entered, the IRQ is not pending.

  • eVector – The IRQ vector number.

Return values:

True – if interrupt is pending, otherwise return false.

static inline uint16_t INTC_GetLatestRespondedVectorNumber(void)

Get the latest responded IRQ’s vector number. It shows the Vector Address Bus used at the time the last IRQ was taken.


Return value of the function call could be different according to where the function call is invoked.

  • when called in normal ISR handler, it returns current ISR’s vector number defined in vector_type_t.

  • when called in fast IRQ handler, it returns the lower address bits of the jump address.

  • when called in none ISR handler code, it returns previous responded IRQ vector number defined in vector_type_t or fast IRQ low address bits.


The latest vector number.


INTC driver version.

typedef void (*fast_irq_handler)(void)

The handle of the fast irq handler function.

Normally this function should be guarded by: #pragma interrupt fast and #pragma interrupt off.


Macro to disable the IRQ.


Helper Macro function to extract IRQ pending register index comparing to INTC_IRQP0.


Helper Macro function to extract pending IRQs bit index.


Helper Macro function to extract IRQ priority register index comparing to INTC_IRP0.


Helper Macro function to extract IRQs priority bit index.

The Driver Change Log

INTC Peripheral and Driver Overview

Common Driver

status_t EnableIRQWithPriority(IRQn_Type irq, uint8_t priNum)

Enable the IRQ, and also set the interrupt priority.

  • Some IPs maps 1 to priority 1, 2 to priority 2, 3 to priority 3

  • Some IPs maps 1 to priority 0, 2 to priority 1, 3 to priority 2

User should check chip’s RM to get its corresponding interrupt priority.

When priNum set as 0, then SDK_DSC_DEFAULT_INT_PRIO is set instead. When priNum set as number larger than 3, then only the 2 LSB take effect, for example, setting priNum to 5 is the same with setting it to 1.

This function configures INTC module, application could call the INTC driver directly for the same purpose.


The parameter priNum is range in 1~3, and its value is NOT directly map to interrupt priority.

  • irq – The IRQ to enable.

  • priNum – Priority number set to interrupt controller register. Larger number means higher priority. The allowed range is 1~3, and its value is NOT directly map to interrupt priority. In other words, the same priority number means different interrupt priority levels for different IRQ, please check reference manual for the relationship. When pass in 0, then SDK_DSC_DEFAULT_INT_PRIO is set to priority register.


Currently only returns kStatus_Success, will enhance in the future.

status_t DisableIRQ(IRQn_Type irq)

Disable specific interrupt.

This function configures INTC module, application could call the INTC driver directly for the same purpose.

  • irq – The IRQ to disable.


Currently only returns kStatus_Success, will enhance in the future.

status_t EnableIRQ(IRQn_Type irq)

Enable specific interrupt.

The recommended workflow is calling IRQ_SetPriority first, then call EnableIRQ. If IRQ_SetPriority is not called first, then the interrupt is enabled with default priority value SDK_DSC_DEFAULT_INT_PRIO.

Another recommended workflow is calling EnableIRQWithPriority directly, it is the same with calling IRQ_SetPriority + EnableIRQ.

This function configures INTC module, application could call the INTC driver directly for the same purpose.

  • irq – The IRQ to enable.


Currently only returns kStatus_Success, will enhance in the future.

status_t IRQ_SetPriority(IRQn_Type irq, uint8_t priNum)

Set the IRQ priority.

  • Some IPs maps 1 to priority 1, 2 to priority 2, 3 to priority 3

  • Some IPs maps 1 to priority 0, 2 to priority 1, 3 to priority 2

User should check chip’s RM to get its corresponding interrupt priority

When priNum set as 0, then SDK_DSC_DEFAULT_INT_PRIO is set instead. When priNum set as number larger than 3, then only the 2 LSB take effect, for example, setting priNum to 5 is the same with setting it to 1.

This function configures INTC module, application could call the INTC driver directly for the same purpose.


The parameter priNum is range in 1~3, and its value is NOT directly map to interrupt priority.

  • irq – The IRQ to set.

  • priNum – Priority number set to interrupt controller register. Larger number means higher priority, 0 means disable the interrupt. The allowed range is 0~3, and its value is NOT directly map to interrupt priority. In other words, the same priority number means different interrupt priority levels for different IRQ, please check reference manual for the relationship.


Currently only returns kStatus_Success, will enhance in the future.


common driver version.


No debug console.


Debug console based on UART.


Debug console based on LPUART.


Debug console based on LPSCI.


Debug console based on USBCDC.


Debug console based on FLEXCOMM.


Debug console based on i.MX UART.


Debug console based on LPC_VUSART.


Debug console based on LPC_USART.


Debug console based on SWO.


Debug console based on QSCI.

MIN(a, b)

Computes the minimum of a and b.

MAX(a, b)

Computes the maximum of a and b.


Max value of uint16_t type.


Max value of uint32_t type.

USEC_TO_COUNT(us, clockFreqInHz)

Macro to convert a microsecond period to raw count value

COUNT_TO_USEC(count, clockFreqInHz)

Macro to convert a raw count value to microsecond

MSEC_TO_COUNT(ms, clockFreqInHz)

Macro to convert a millisecond period to raw count value

COUNT_TO_MSEC(count, clockFreqInHz)

Macro to convert a raw count value to millisecond

SDK_ALIGN(var, alignbytes)

Macro to define a variable with alignbytes alignment

enum _status_groups

Status group numbers.


enumerator kStatusGroup_Generic

Group number for generic status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_FLASH

Group number for FLASH status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_LPSPI

Group number for LPSPI status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXIO_SPI

Group number for FLEXIO SPI status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_DSPI

Group number for DSPI status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXIO_UART

Group number for FLEXIO UART status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXIO_I2C

Group number for FLEXIO I2C status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_LPI2C

Group number for LPI2C status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_UART

Group number for UART status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_I2C

Group number for UART status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_LPSCI

Group number for LPSCI status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_LPUART

Group number for LPUART status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_SPI

Group number for SPI status code.

enumerator kStatusGroup_XRDC

Group number for XRDC status code.

enumerator kStatusGroup_SEMA42

Group number for SEMA42 status code.

enumerator kStatusGroup_SDHC

Group number for SDHC status code

enumerator kStatusGroup_SDMMC

Group number for SDMMC status code

enumerator kStatusGroup_SAI

Group number for SAI status code

enumerator kStatusGroup_MCG

Group number for MCG status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_SCG

Group number for SCG status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_SDSPI

Group number for SDSPI status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXIO_I2S

Group number for FLEXIO I2S status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXIO_MCULCD

Group number for FLEXIO LCD status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_FLASHIAP

Group number for FLASHIAP status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXCOMM_I2C

Group number for FLEXCOMM I2C status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_I2S

Group number for I2S status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_IUART

Group number for IUART status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_CSI

Group number for CSI status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_MIPI_DSI

Group number for MIPI DSI status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_SDRAMC

Group number for SDRAMC status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_POWER

Group number for POWER status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_ENET

Group number for ENET status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_PHY

Group number for PHY status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_TRGMUX

Group number for TRGMUX status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_SMARTCARD

Group number for SMARTCARD status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_LMEM

Group number for LMEM status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_QSPI

Group number for QSPI status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_DMA

Group number for DMA status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_EDMA

Group number for EDMA status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_DMAMGR

Group number for DMAMGR status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXCAN

Group number for FlexCAN status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_LTC

Group number for LTC status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXIO_CAMERA

Group number for FLEXIO CAMERA status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_LPC_SPI

Group number for LPC_SPI status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_LPC_USART

Group number for LPC_USART status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_DMIC

Group number for DMIC status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_SDIF

Group number for SDIF status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_SPIFI

Group number for SPIFI status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_OTP

Group number for OTP status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_MCAN

Group number for MCAN status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_CAAM

Group number for CAAM status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_ECSPI

Group number for ECSPI status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_USDHC

Group number for USDHC status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_LPC_I2C

Group number for LPC_I2C status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_DCP

Group number for DCP status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_MSCAN

Group number for MSCAN status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_ESAI

Group number for ESAI status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXSPI

Group number for FLEXSPI status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_MMDC

Group number for MMDC status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_PDM

Group number for MIC status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_SDMA

Group number for SDMA status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_ICS

Group number for ICS status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_SPDIF

Group number for SPDIF status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_LPC_MINISPI

Group number for LPC_MINISPI status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_HASHCRYPT

Group number for Hashcrypt status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_LPC_SPI_SSP

Group number for LPC_SPI_SSP status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_I3C

Group number for I3C status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_LPC_I2C_1

Group number for LPC_I2C_1 status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_NOTIFIER

Group number for NOTIFIER status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_DebugConsole

Group number for debug console status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_SEMC

Group number for SEMC status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_ApplicationRangeStart

Starting number for application groups.

enumerator kStatusGroup_IAP

Group number for IAP status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_SFA

Group number for SFA status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_SPC

Group number for SPC status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_PUF

Group number for PUF status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_TOUCH_PANEL

Group number for touch panel status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_VBAT

Group number for VBAT status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_XSPI

Group number for XSPI status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_PNGDEC

Group number for PNGDEC status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_JPEGDEC

Group number for JPEGDEC status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_GPIO

Group number for HAL GPIO status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_UART

Group number for HAL UART status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_TIMER

Group number for HAL TIMER status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_SPI

Group number for HAL SPI status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_I2C

Group number for HAL I2C status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_FLASH

Group number for HAL FLASH status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_PWM

Group number for HAL PWM status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_RNG

Group number for HAL RNG status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_I2S

Group number for HAL I2S status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_ADC_SENSOR

Group number for HAL ADC SENSOR status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_TIMERMANAGER

Group number for TiMER MANAGER status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_SERIALMANAGER

Group number for SERIAL MANAGER status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_LED

Group number for LED status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_BUTTON

Group number for BUTTON status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_EXTERN_EEPROM

Group number for EXTERN EEPROM status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_SHELL

Group number for SHELL status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_MEM_MANAGER

Group number for MEM MANAGER status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_LIST

Group number for List status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_OSA

Group number for OSA status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_COMMON_TASK

Group number for Common task status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_MSG

Group number for messaging status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_SDK_OCOTP

Group number for OCOTP status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_SDK_FLEXSPINOR

Group number for FLEXSPINOR status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_CODEC

Group number for codec status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_ASRC

Group number for codec status ASRC.

enumerator kStatusGroup_OTFAD

Group number for codec status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_SDIOSLV

Group number for SDIOSLV status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_MECC

Group number for MECC status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_ENET_QOS

Group number for ENET_QOS status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_LOG

Group number for LOG status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_I3CBUS

Group number for I3CBUS status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_QSCI

Group number for QSCI status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_ELEMU

Group number for ELEMU status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_QUEUEDSPI

Group number for QSPI status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_POWER_MANAGER

Group number for POWER_MANAGER status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_IPED

Group number for IPED status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_ELS_PKC

Group number for ELS PKC status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_CSS_PKC

Group number for CSS PKC status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_HOSTIF

Group number for HOSTIF status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_CLIF

Group number for CLIF status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_BMA

Group number for BMA status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_NETC

Group number for NETC status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_ELE

Group number for ELE status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_GLIKEY

Group number for GLIKEY status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_AON_POWER

Group number for AON_POWER status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_AON_COMMON

Group number for AON_COMMON status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_ENDAT3

Group number for ENDAT3 status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_HIPERFACE

Group number for HIPERFACE status codes.

Generic status return codes.


enumerator kStatus_Success

Generic status for Success.

enumerator kStatus_Fail

Generic status for Fail.

enumerator kStatus_ReadOnly

Generic status for read only failure.

enumerator kStatus_OutOfRange

Generic status for out of range access.

enumerator kStatus_InvalidArgument

Generic status for invalid argument check.

enumerator kStatus_Timeout

Generic status for timeout.

enumerator kStatus_NoTransferInProgress

Generic status for no transfer in progress.

enumerator kStatus_Busy

Generic status for module is busy.

enumerator kStatus_NoData

Generic status for no data is found for the operation.

typedef int32_t status_t

Type used for all status and error return values.

uint8_t bool
void *SDK_Malloc(size_t size, size_t alignbytes)

Allocate memory with given alignment and aligned size.

This is provided to support the dynamically allocated memory used in cache-able region.

  • size – The length required to malloc.

  • alignbytes – The alignment size.

Return values:

The – allocated memory.

void SDK_Free(void *ptr)

Free memory.

  • ptr – The memory to be release.

void SDK_DelayAtLeastUs(uint32_t delayTime_us, uint32_t coreClock_Hz)

Delay at least for some time. Please note that, this API uses while loop for delay, different run-time environments make the time not precise, if precise delay count was needed, please implement a new delay function with hardware timer.

  • delayTime_us – Delay time in unit of microsecond.

  • coreClock_Hz – Core clock frequency with Hz.

static inline uint32_t DisableGlobalIRQ(void)

Disable the global IRQ.

static inline void EnableGlobalIRQ(uint32_t irqSts)

Enable the global IRQ.

static inline bool isIRQAllowed(void)

Check if currently core is able to response IRQ.

void SDK_DelayCoreCycles(uint32_t u32Num)

Delay core cycles. Please note that, this API uses software loop for delay, the actual delayed time depends on core clock frequency, where the function is located (ram or flash), flash clock, possible interrupt.

  • u32Num – Number of core clock cycle which needs to be delayed.

uint32_t SDK_CovertUsToCount(uint32_t u32Us, uint32_t u32Hz)

Covert us to count with fixed-point calculation.


u32Us must not be greater than 4294

  • u32Us – Time in us

  • u32Hz – Clock frequency in Hz


The count value

uint32_t SDK_CovertCountToUs(uint32_t u32Count, uint32_t u32Hz)

Covert count to us with fixed-point calculation.


u32Hz must not be greater than 429496729UL(0xFFFFFFFFUL/10UL)

  • u32Count – Count value

  • u32Hz – Clock frequency in Hz


The us value

uint32_t SDK_CovertMsToCount(uint32_t u32Ms, uint32_t u32Hz)

Covert ms to count with fixed-point calculation.


u32Ms must not be greater than 42949UL @ u32Hz = 100M

  • u32Ms – Time in us

  • u32Hz – Clock frequency in Hz


The count value

uint32_t SDK_CovertCountToMs(uint32_t u32Count, uint32_t u32Hz)

Covert count to ms with fixed-point calculation.


u32Hz must not be greater than 429496729UL(0xFFFFFFFFUL/10UL)

  • u32Count – Count value

  • u32Hz – Clock frequency in Hz


The us value

void SDK_DelayAtLeastMs(uint32_t delayTime_ms, uint32_t coreClock_Hz)

Delay at least for some time in millisecond unit. Please note that, this API uses while loop for delay, different run-time environments make the time not precise, if precise delay count was needed, please implement a new delay function with hardware timer.

  • delayTime_ms – Delay time in unit of millisecond.

  • coreClock_Hz – Core clock frequency with Hz.


Macro to use the default weak IRQ handler in drivers.

MAKE_STATUS(group, code)

Construct a status code value from a group and code number.

MAKE_VERSION(major, minor, bugfix)

Construct the version number for drivers.

The driver version is a 32-bit number, for both 32-bit platforms(such as Cortex M) and 16-bit platforms(such as DSC).

| Unused    || Major Version || Minor Version ||  Bug Fix    |
31        25  24           17  16            9  8            0

Computes the number of elements in an array.


Macro to get upper 32 bits of a 64-bit value


Macro to get lower 32 bits of a 64-bit value


For switch case code block, if case section ends without “break;” statement, there wil be fallthrough warning with compiler flag -Wextra or -Wimplicit-fallthrough=n when using armgcc. To suppress this warning, “SUPPRESS_FALL_THROUGH_WARNING();” need to be added at the end of each case section which misses “break;”statement.


Default DSC interrupt priority number.


Set base core IRQ priority, that core will response the interrupt request with priority >= base IRQ priority.


Read register value.

Example: val = PeriphReadReg(OCCS->OSCTL2);

  • reg – Register name.


The value of register.

PeriphWriteReg(reg, data)

Write data to register.

Example: PeriphWriteReg(OCCS->OSCTL2, 0x278U);

  • reg – Register name.

  • data – Data wrote to register.

PeriphSetBits(reg, bitMask)

Set specified bits in register.

Example: PeriphSetBits(OCCS->OSCTL2, 0x12U);

  • reg – Register name.

  • bitMask – Bits mask, set bits will be set in the register.

PeriphClearBits(reg, bitMask)

Clear specified bits in register.

Example: PeriphClearBits(OCCS->OSCTL2, 0x12U);

  • reg – Register name.

  • bitMask – Bits mask, set bits will be cleared in the register.

PeriphInvertBits(reg, bitMask)

Invert specified bits in register.

Example: PeriphInvertBits(OCCS->OSCTL2, 0x12U);

  • reg – Register name.

  • bitMask – Bits mask, set bits will be inverted in the register.

PeriphGetBits(reg, bitMask)

Get specified bits in register.

Example: val = PeriphGetBits(OCCS->OSCTL2, 0x23U);

  • reg – Register name.

  • bitMask – Bits mask, specify the getting bits.


The value of specified bits.

PeriphWriteBitGroup(reg, bitMask, bitValue)

Write group of bits to register.


  • reg – Register name.

  • bitMask – Bits mask, mask of the group of bits.

  • bitValue – This value will be written into the bit group specified by parameter bitMask.

PeriphSafeClearFlags(reg, allFlagsMask, flagMask)

Clear (acknowledge) flags which are active-high and are cleared-by-write-one.

This macro is useful when a register is comprised by normal read-write bits and cleared-by-write-one bits. Example: PeriphSafeClearFlags(PWMA->FAULT[0].FSTS, PWM_FSTS_FFLAG_MASK, PWM_FSTS_FFLAG(2));

  • reg – Register name.

  • allFlagsMask – Mask for all flags which are active-high and are cleared-by-write-one.

  • flagMask – The selected flags(cleared-by-write-one) which are supposed to be cleared.

PeriphSafeClearBits(reg, allFlagsMask, bitMask)

Clear selected bits without modifying (acknowledge) bit flags which are active-high and are cleared-by-write-one.

This macro is useful when a register is comprised by normal read-write bits and cleared-by-write-one bits. Example: PeriphSafeClearBits(PWMA->FAULT[0].FSTS, PWM_FSTS_FFLAG_MASK, PWM_FSTS_FHALF(2));

  • reg – Register name.

  • allFlagsMask – Mask for all flags which are active-high and are cleared-by-write-one.

  • bitMask – The selected bits which are supposed to be cleared.

PeriphSafeSetBits(reg, allFlagsMask, bitMask)

Set selected bits without modifying (acknowledge) bit flags which are active-high and are cleared-by-write-one.

This macro is useful when a register is comprised by normal read-write bits and cleared-by-write-one bits. Example: PeriphSafeSetBits(PWMA->FAULT[0].FSTS, PWM_FSTS_FFLAG_MASK, PWM_FSTS_FHALF(2));

  • reg – Register name.

  • allFlagsMask – Mask for all flags which are active-high and are cleared-by-write-one.

  • bitMask – The selected bits which are supposed to be set.

PeriphSafeWriteBitGroup(reg, allFlagsMask, bitMask, bitValue)

Write group of bits without modifying (acknowledge) bit flags which are active-high and are cleared-by-write-one.

This macro is useful when a register is comprised by normal read-write bits and cleared-by-write-one bits. Example: PeriphSafeWriteBitGroup(PWMA->FAULT[0].FSTS, PWM_FSTS_FFLAG_MASK, PWM_FSTS_FHALF_MASK, PWM_FSTS_FHALF(3U)); PeriphSafeWriteBitGroup(PWMA->FAULT[0].FSTS, PWM_FSTS_FFLAG_MASK, PWM_FSTS_FHALF_MASK | PWM_FSTS_FFULL_MASK, \ PWM_FSTS_FHALF(3U) | PWM_FSTS_FFULL(2U));

  • reg – Register name.

  • allFlagsMask – Mask for all flags which are active-high and are cleared-by-write-one.

  • bitMask – Bits mask, mask of the group of bits.

  • bitValue – This value will be written into the bit group specified by parameter bitMask.

SDK_GET_REGISTER_BYTE_ADDR(ipType, ipBase, regName)

Get IP register byte address with uint32_t type.

This macro is useful when a register byte address is required, especially in SDM mode. Example: SDK_GET_REGISTER_BYTE_ADDR(ADC_Type, ADC, RSLT[0]);

  • ipType – IP register mapping struct type.

  • ipBase – IP instance base pointer, WORD address.

  • regName – Member register name of IP register mapping struct.


MCM: Miscellaneous Control Module Driver

static inline mcm_datapath_width_t MCM_GetDataPathWidth(MCM_Type *base)

Indicates if the datapath is 32 or 64 bits wide.

  • base – MCM base address.


The device’s datapath width, please refer to mcm_datapath_width_t.

static inline uint16_t MCM_GetCrossbarSwitchSlaveConfig(MCM_Type *base)

Gets crossbar switch (AXBS) slave configuration that indicates the presence/absence of bus slave connections to the device’s crossbar switch.

  • base – MCM base address.


Crossbar switch (AXBS) slave configuration, each bit in the return value indicates if there is a corresponding connection to the AXBS slave input port. For example if the result is 0x1, it means a bus slave connection to AXBS input port 0 is present.

static inline uint16_t MCM_GetCrossbarSwitchMasterConfig(MCM_Type *base)

Gets crossbar switch (AXBS) master configuration that indicates the presence/absence of bus master connections to the device’s crossbar switch.

  • base – MCM base address.


Crossbar switch (AXBS) master configuration, each bit in the return value indicates if there is a corresponding connection to the AXBS master input port. For example if the result is 0x1, it means a bus master connection to AXBS input port 0 is present.

static inline void MCM_ClearFlashControllerCache(MCM_Type *base)

Clears Flash Controller Cache, 1 cycle active.

  • base – MCM base address.

static inline void MCM_DisableFlashControllerDataCaching(MCM_Type *base, bool bDisable)

Disables/Enables flash controller data caching.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

  • bDisable – Used to enable/disable flash controller data caching.

    • true Disable flash controller data caching.

    • false Enable flash controller data caching.

static inline void MCM_DisableFlashControllerInstructionCaching(MCM_Type *base, bool bDisable)

Disables/Enables flash controller instruction caching.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

  • bDisable – Used to enable/disable flash contoller instruction caching.

    • true Disable flash controller instruction caching.

    • false Enable flash controller instruction caching.

static inline void MCM_DisableFlashControllerCache(MCM_Type *base, bool bDisable)

Disables/Enables flash controller cache.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

  • bDisable – Used to enable/disable flash controller cache.

    • true Disable flash controller cache.

    • false Enable flash controller cache.

static inline void MCM_DisableFlashControllerDataSpeculation(MCM_Type *base, bool bDisable)

Disables/Enables flash controller data speculation.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

  • bDisable – Used to enable/disable flash controller data speculation.

    • true Disable flash controller data speculation.

    • false Enable flash controller data speculation.

static inline void MCM_DisableFlashControllerSpeculation(MCM_Type *base, bool bDisable)

Disables/Enables flash controller speculation.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

  • bDisable – Used to enable/disable flash controller speculation.

    • true Disable flash controller speculation.

    • false Enable flash controller speculation.

static inline void MCM_DisableDSP56800EXCoreInstructions(MCM_Type *base, bool bDisable)

Disables/Enables the instruction support only by DSP56800EX core, the instructions supported only by the DSP56800EX core are the BPSC and 32-bit multiply and MAC instructions.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

  • bDisable – Used to enable/disable 32-bit multiply and MAC instructions.

    • true BFSC and 32-bit multiply and MAC instructions disabled.

    • false BFSC and 32-bit multiply and MAC instructions enabled.

static inline void MCM_DisableCoreReverseCarry(MCM_Type *base, bool bDisable)

Disables/Enables core reverse carry.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

  • bDisable – Used to enable/disable reverse carry.

    • true Disable bit-reverse addressing mode.

    • false Enable bit-reverse addressing mode.

static inline void MCM_DisableDSP56800EXNewShadowRegion(MCM_Type *base, bool bDisable)

Disables/Enables the additional AGU shadow registers on the DSP56800EX core.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

  • bDisable – Used to disable/enable the additional AGU shadow register on the DPS core.

    • true Only the AGU shadow registers supported by the DSP56800E core are enabled.

    • false The additional AGU shadow registers on the DSP56800EX core are also enabled.

static inline void MCM_DisableCoreInstructionBuffer(MCM_Type *base, bool bDisable)

Disables/Enables core instruction buffer.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

  • bDisable – Used to disable/enable core longword instruction buffer.

    • true Disable core longword instruction buffer.

    • false Enable core longword instruction buffer.

static inline void MCM_DisableFlashMemoryControllerStall(MCM_Type *base, bool bDisable)

Disables/Enables the flash memory controller’s ability to allow flash memory access to initiate when a flash memory command is executing.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

  • bDisable – Used to disable/enable stall logic.

    • true Stall logic is disabled. While a flash memory command is executing, an attempted flash memory access causes a bus error.

    • false Stall logic is disabled. While a flash memory command is executing, a flash memory access can occur without causing a bus error. The flash memory command completes execution, and then the flash memory access occurs.

static inline void MCM_SetAxbsDMAControllerPriority(MCM_Type *base, mcm_axbs_dma_core_priority_t ePriority)

Sets the priority of the DMA controller in the AXBS crossbar switch arbitration scheme.

  • base – MCM base address.

  • ePriority – The selected DMA controller priority in Crossbar switch arbitration scheme, please refer to mcm_axbs_dma_core_priority_t.

static inline uint32_t MCM_GetCoreFaultAddr(MCM_Type *base)

Gets the address of the last core access terminated with an error response.

  • base – MCM base address.


address of the last core access terminated with an error response.

void MCM_GetCoreFaultAttribute(MCM_Type *base, mcm_core_fault_attribute_t *psAttribute)

Gets the processor’s attributes of the last faulted core access to the system bus.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

  • psAttribute – The pointer of structure mcm_core_fault_attribute_t.

static inline mcm_last_fault_access_location_t MCM_GetCoreFaultLocation(MCM_Type *base)

Gets the location of the last captured fault.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.


The location of the last captured fault, please refer to mcm_last_fault_access_location_t.

static inline uint32_t MCM_GetCoreFaultData(MCM_Type *base)

Gets the data associated with the last faulted processor write data access from the device’s internal bus.

  • base – MCM base address.


The data associated with the last faulted processor write data access.

static inline void MCM_EnableCoreFaultInterrupt(MCM_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enables/Disables core fault error interrupt.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

  • bEnable – Used to enable/disable the core fault error interrupt.

    • true Enables core fault error interrupt, so an error interrupt will be generated to the interrupt controller on a faulted system bus cycle.

    • false Disables core fault error interrupt, so an error interrupt will not be generated to the interrupt controller on a faulted system bus cycle.

static inline uint8_t MCM_GetCoreFaultStatusFlags(MCM_Type *base)

Gets the core fault error status flags, including core fault error interrupt flag and core fault error data lost flag.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.


The current status flags, should be the OR’ed value of _mcm_status_flags.

static inline void MCM_ClearCoreFaultStatusFlags(MCM_Type *base, uint8_t u8StatusFlags)

Clears the core fault error status flags, including core fault error interrupt flag and core fault error data lost flag.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

  • u8StatusFlags – The status flags to be cleared, should be the OR’ed value of _mcm_status_flags.

static inline void MCM_EnableResourceProtection(MCM_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enables/Disables resource protection.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

  • bEnable – Used to enable/disable memory resource protection.

    • true Enable memory resource protection.

    • false Disable memory resource protection.

static inline void MCM_LockResourceProtectionRegisters(MCM_Type *base)

Locks the value of the resource protection related registers, after locked the registers’ value can not be changed until a system reset.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

status_t MCM_SetResourceProtectionConfig(MCM_Type *base, const mcm_resource_protection_config_t *psConfig)

Sets the configuration of resource protection, including flash base address, ram base address, etc.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

  • psConfig – The pointer of structure mcm_resource_protection_config_t.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Succeed to setting resource protection related options.

  • kStatus_Fail – Fail to set resource protection related options.

static inline uint32_t MCM_GetResourceProtectionIllegalFaultPC(MCM_Type *base)

Gets the 21-bit illegal faulting PC that only for a resource protection fault.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.


The resource protection illegal faulting PC.

static inline bool MCM_IsResourceProtectionIllegalFaultValid(MCM_Type *base)

Indicates whether an resource protection illegal PC fault has occurred.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

Return values:
  • true – The resource protection illegal PC fault has occurred.

  • false – The resource protection illegal PC fault has not occurred.

static inline void MCM_ClearResourceProtectionIllegalFaultValid(MCM_Type *base)

Clears the resource protection illegal fault bit.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

static inline uint32_t MCM_GetResourceProtectionMisalignedFaultPC(MCM_Type *base)

Gets the 21-bit misaligned faulting PC that only for a resource protection fault.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.


The resource protection misaligned faulting PC.

static inline bool MCM_IsResourceProtectionMisalignedFaultValid(MCM_Type *base)

Indicates whether an resource protection misaligned PC fault has occurred.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

Return values:
  • true – The resource protection misaligned PC fault has occurred.

  • false – The resource protection misaligned PC fault has not occurred.

static inline void MCM_ClearResourceProtectionMisalignedFaultValid(MCM_Type *base)

Clears the resource protection misaligned fault bit.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.


MCM driver version.

enum _mcm_status_flags

The enumeration of status flags, including core fault error interrupt flag and core fault error data lost flag.


enumerator kMCM_CoreFaultErrorInterruptFlag

A bus error has occurred.

enumerator kMCM_CoreFaultErrorDataLostFlag

A bus error has occurred before the previous error condition was cleared.

enum _mcm_datapath_width

The enumeration of datapath width, including 32 bits and 64 bits.


enumerator kMCM_Datapath32b

Datapath width is 32 bits.

enumerator kMCM_Datapath64b

Datapath width is 64 bits.

enum _mcm_axbs_dma_core_priority

The enumeration of DMA controller priority in the Crossbar switch arbitration scheme.


enumerator kMCM_AxbsPriorityCoreHigherThanDMA

Fixed-priority arbitration is selected: DSC core has a higher priority than the DMA Controller’s priority.

enumerator kMCM_AxbsPriorityCoreDMARoundRobin

Round-robin priority arbitration is selected: DMA Controller and DSC core have equal priority.

enum _mcm_last_fault_access__dir

The enumeration of last faulted core access direction.


enumerator kMCM_CoreRead

Core read access.

enumerator kMCM_CoreWrite

Core write access.

enum _mcm_last_fault_access_size

The enumeration of last faulted core access size.


enumerator kMCM_Access8b

Last faulted core access size is 8-bit.

enumerator kMCM_Access16b

Last faulted core access size is 16-bit.

enumerator kMCM_Access32b

Last faulted core access size is 32-bit.

enum _mcm_last_fault_access_type

The enumeration of last faulted core access type.


enumerator kMCM_AccessInstruction

Last faulted core access is instruction.

enumerator kMCM_AccessData

Last faulted core access is data.

enum _mcm_last_fault_access_location

The enumeration of last captured fault Location.


enumerator kMCM_ErrOnInstructionBus

Error occurred on M0 (instruction bus).

enumerator kMCM_ErrOnOperandABus

Error occurred on M1 (operand A bus).

enumerator kMCM_ErrOnOperandBBus

Error occurred on M2 (operand B bus).

typedef enum _mcm_datapath_width mcm_datapath_width_t

The enumeration of datapath width, including 32 bits and 64 bits.

typedef enum _mcm_axbs_dma_core_priority mcm_axbs_dma_core_priority_t

The enumeration of DMA controller priority in the Crossbar switch arbitration scheme.

typedef enum _mcm_last_fault_access__dir mcm_last_fault_access_dir_t

The enumeration of last faulted core access direction.

typedef enum _mcm_last_fault_access_size mcm_last_fault_access_size_t

The enumeration of last faulted core access size.

typedef enum _mcm_last_fault_access_type mcm_last_fault_access_type_t

The enumeration of last faulted core access type.

typedef enum _mcm_last_fault_access_location mcm_last_fault_access_location_t

The enumeration of last captured fault Location.

typedef struct _mcm_core_fault_attribute mcm_core_fault_attribute_t

The structure of core fault attributes, contains access type, access size, access direction, etc.

typedef struct _mcm_resource_protection_config mcm_resource_protection_config_t

The structure of the resource protection config, the set value can be used only when the resource protection is enabled, and this value can be changed only when the resource protection is disabled.

struct _mcm_core_fault_attribute
#include <fsl_mcm.h>

The structure of core fault attributes, contains access type, access size, access direction, etc.

Public Members

mcm_last_fault_access_type_t eType

Indicates the last faulted core access type, please refer to mcm_last_fault_access_type_t.

uint8_t bitReserved1

Reserved 1 bit.

bool bBufferable

Indicates if last faulted core access was bufferable.

  • true Last faulted core access is bufferable.

  • false Last faulted core access is non-bufferable.

uint8_t bitReserved2

Reserved 1 bit.

mcm_last_fault_access_size_t eSize

Indicates last faulted core access size.

mcm_last_fault_access_dir_t eDirection

Indicates the last faulted core access direction.

struct _mcm_resource_protection_config
#include <fsl_mcm.h>

The structure of the resource protection config, the set value can be used only when the resource protection is enabled, and this value can be changed only when the resource protection is disabled.

Public Members

bool bEnableResourceProtection

Enable/Disable resource protection.

  • true Enable Resource protection.

  • false Disable Resource protection.

uint8_t u8FlashBaseAddress

Flash base address for user region, supports 4 KB granularity.

uint8_t u8RamBaseAddress

Program RAM base address for user region, support 256 byte granularity.

uint32_t u32BootRomBaseAddress

Boot ROM base address for user region

uint32_t u32ResourceProtectionOtherSP

Resource protection other stack pointer.

The Driver Change Log

MCM Peripheral and Driver Overview

PDB: Programmable Delay Block

void PDB_Init(PDB_Type *base, const pdb_config_t *psConfig)

Initializes the PDB module.

This function initializes the PDB module. The operations included are as follows.

  • Enable the clock for PDB instance.

  • Configure the PDB module.

  • Enable the PDB module.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

  • psConfig – Pointer to the configuration structure. See pdb_config_t.

void PDB_Deinit(PDB_Type *base)

De-initializes the PDB module.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

void PDB_GetDefaultConfig(pdb_config_t *psConfig)

Initializes the PDB user configuration structure.

This function initializes the user configuration structure to a default value. The default values are as follows.

psConfig->bEnableContinuousMode                                = false;
psConfig->eInputTrigger                                        = kPDB_TriggerInput0;
psConfig->eLoadValueMode                                       = kPDB_LoadValueImmediately;
psConfig->ePrescalerDivider                                    = kPDB_PrescalerDivider1;
psConfig->sPdbTriggerABOutputConfig.bBypassTrigger1            = false;
psConfig->sPdbTriggerABOutputConfig.bBypassTrigger2            = false;
psConfig->sPdbTriggerABOutputConfig.bEnableTrigger1            = false;
psConfig->sPdbTriggerABOutputConfig.bEnableTrigger2            = false;
psConfig->sPdbTriggerABOutputConfig.bEnbleTriggerCombineOutput = false;
psConfig->sPdbTriggerABOutputConfig.eTriggerInitValue          = kPDB_InitValue0;
psConfig->sPdbTriggerABOutputConfig.eFaultLength               = kPDB_2IPBusClockCycles;
psConfig->sPdbTriggerABOutputConfig.eFaultPolarity             = kPDB_FaultPolarity0;
psConfig->sPdbTriggerABOutputConfig.bFaultEnable               = false;
psConfig->sPdbTriggerABOutputConfig.uDelay1                    = 0xFFFFU;
psConfig->sPdbTriggerABOutputConfig.uDelay2                    = 0xFFFFU;
psConfig->sPdbTriggerCDOutputConfig.bBypassTrigger1            = false;
psConfig->sPdbTriggerCDOutputConfig.bBypassTrigger2            = false;
psConfig->sPdbTriggerCDOutputConfig.bEnableTrigger1            = false;
psConfig->sPdbTriggerCDOutputConfig.bEnableTrigger2            = false;
psConfig->sPdbTriggerCDOutputConfig.bEnbleTriggerCombineOutput = false;
psConfig->sPdbTriggerCDOutputConfig.eTriggerInitValue          = kPDB_InitValue0;
psConfig->sPdbTriggerCDOutputConfig.eFaultLength               = kPDB_2IPBusClockCycles;
psConfig->sPdbTriggerCDOutputConfig.eFaultPolarity             = kPDB_FaultPolarity0;
psConfig->sPdbTriggerCDOutputConfig.bFaultEnable               = false;
psConfig->sPdbTriggerCDOutputConfig.uDelay1                    = 0xFFFFU;
psConfig->sPdbTriggerCDOutputConfig.uDelay2                    = 0xFFFFU;
psConfig->u16PeriodCount                                       = 0xFFFFU;
psConfig->u16EnableInterruptMask                               = 0x0u;
psConfig->bEnablePDB                                           = false;

  • psConfig – Pointer to configuration structure. See pdb_config_t.

void PDB_SetTriggerOutputLogicConfig(PDB_Type *base, pdb_logic_t eLogic, const pdb_trigger_output_logic_config_t *psConfig)

Set the PDB trigger output logic.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

  • eLogic – index for PDB trigger output logic instance. See pdb_logic_t.

  • psConfig – Pointer to the configuration structure. See pdb_trigger_output_logic_config_t.

static inline void PDB_EnableModule(PDB_Type *base, bool bEnablePDBMode)

Enable the PDB module.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

  • bEnablePDBMode – Enable the module or not.

static inline void PDB_EnableContinuousMode(PDB_Type *base, bool bEnableContinuousMode)

Enables the PDB continuous mode.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

  • bEnableContinuousMode – Enable the module or not.

static inline void PDB_DoSoftwareTrigger(PDB_Type *base)

Triggers the PDB counter by software.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

static inline void PDB_SetLoadOk(PDB_Type *base)

Loads the counter values.

This function loads the counter values from the internal buffer.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

static inline bool PDB_GetPdbLdOk(PDB_Type *base)

Get the PDB LDOK bit status.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.


Mask value for asserted flags. true: LDOK is set; false: LDOK is cleared.

static inline void PDB_EnableTriggerOutput(PDB_Type *base, pdb_trigger_output_t eTrigger, bool bEnable)

Enable the PDB trigger output.

When disabled, trigger output will be forced to 0.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

  • eTrigger – index for trigger instance. See pdb_trigger_output_t.

  • bEnable – bEnable the triggers or not.

static inline void PDB_BypassTrigger(PDB_Type *base, pdb_trigger_output_t eTrigger, bool bValue)

Bypass the PDB trigger output.

When bypass enabled, Trigger output is a single pulse created by the selected trigger source.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

  • eTrigger – index for trigger instance. See pdb_trigger_output_t.

  • bValue – The PDB bypassA mode enable or not.

static inline void PDB_EnableTriggerConbineMode(PDB_Type *base, pdb_logic_t eLogic, bool bMode)

Enable Trigger output A & B combined mode.

When enabled, Trigger A and Trigger B outputs are a function of combined DELAYA and DELAYB. Trigger A is an extended pulse and Trigger B is a dual pulse. When disabled, Trigger A is a function of DELAYA only. Trigger B is a function of DELAYB only.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

  • eLogic – index for PDB trigger output logic instance. See pdb_logic_t.

  • bMode – The trigger A output mode select.

static inline void PDB_SetTriggerInitValue(PDB_Type *base, pdb_trigger_output_t eTrigger, pdb_init_value_t eInitValue)

Initial trigger Value.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

  • eTrigger – index for trigger instance. See pdb_trigger_output_t.

  • eInitValue – set trigger init value. See pdb_init_value_t.

static inline void PDB_EnableFault(PDB_Type *base, pdb_logic_t eLogic, bool bEnable)

Enable PDB fault feature.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

  • eLogic – index for PDB trigger output logic instance. See pdb_logic_t.

  • bEnable – Enable the interrupts or not.

static inline void PDB_FaultLength(PDB_Type *base, pdb_logic_t eLogic, pdb_fault_length_t ePdbFaultLength)

Set the PDB fault length feature.

This bit is used to determine the minimum width requirement of the input fault for it to be recognized as a valid fault condition.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

  • eLogic – index for PDB trigger output logic instance. See pdb_logic_t.

  • ePdbFaultLength – Set the PDB fault length. See pdb_fault_length_t.

static inline void PDB_SetFaultPolarity(PDB_Type *base, pdb_logic_t eLogic, pdb_fault_polarity_t ePolarity)

Set fault input polarity.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

  • eLogic – index for PDB trigger output logic instance. See pdb_logic_t.

  • ePolarity – Set the PDB fault polarity. See pdb_fault_polarity_t.

static inline void PDB_EnableInterrupts(PDB_Type *base, uint16_t u16Mask)

The PDB interrupt is enabled according to the provided mask.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

  • u16Mask – The PDB interrupts to enable. Logical OR of _pdb_interrupt_enable.

static inline void PDB_DisableInterrupts(PDB_Type *base, uint16_t u16Mask)

The PDB interrupt is disabled according to the provided mask.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

  • u16Mask – The PDB interrupts to disable. Logical OR of _pdb_interrupt_enable.

static inline void PDB_ClearStatusFlags(PDB_Type *base, uint16_t u16Mask)

Clears the PDB status flags.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

  • u16Mask – The status flags to clear. This is the logical OR of _pdb_status_flags.

static inline uint16_t PDB_GetStatusFlags(PDB_Type *base)

Gets the status flags of the PDB module.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.


Mask value for asserted flags.

static inline void PDB_SetTriggerDelay(PDB_Type *base, pdb_trigger_output_t eTrigger, uint16_t u16DelayValue)

Sets the PDB trigger delay.

Write logic 1 to the MCTRL[LDMOD] bit, any value written to the DELAY register will be ignored until the value in these registers is loaded into the buffer; and this bit is 0, we need to manually set it to 1.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

  • eTrigger – index for trigger instance. See pdb_trigger_output_t.

  • u16DelayValue – Setting value for PDB counter delay event. 16-bit is available.

static inline void PDB_SetModulusValue(PDB_Type *base, uint16_t u16PeriodCount)

Specifies the counter period.

Write logic 1 to the MCTRL[LDMOD] bit, any value written to the MOD register will be ignored until the value in these registers is loaded into the buffer; and this bit is 0, we need to manually set it to 1.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

  • u16PeriodCount – Setting value for the modulus. 16-bit is available.

static inline uint16_t PDB_GetCounterValue(PDB_Type *base)

Gets the PDB counter’s current value.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.


PDB counter’s current value.


PDB driver version.

enum _pdb_prescaler_divider

Clock prescaler select.

The prescaler used for counting is selected by dividing the peripheral clock by the divisor.


enumerator kPDB_PrescalerDivider1

Divider /1.

enumerator kPDB_PrescalerDivider2

Divider /2.

enumerator kPDB_PrescalerDivider4

Divider /4.

enumerator kPDB_PrescalerDivider8

Divider /8.

enumerator kPDB_PrescalerDivider16

Divider /16.

enumerator kPDB_PrescalerDivider32

Divider /32.

enumerator kPDB_PrescalerDivider64

Divider /64.

enumerator kPDB_PrescalerDivider128

Divider /128.

enum _pdb_load_value_mode

PDB load mode select.

Choose to load the DELAY and MOD registers into a set of buffers to take effect immediately or take effect after the counter is reversed and a trigger signal is received.


enumerator kPDB_LoadValueImmediately

Load immediately after 1 is written to LDOK.

enumerator kPDB_LoadValueAfterEvent

Load when the PDB counter rolls over or a trigger signal is received after 1 is written to LDOK.

enum _pdb_input_trigger

Trigger Input Source Select.

Selects the trigger input source for the PDB. The trigger input source can be internal or the software trigger. When select kPDB_TriggerSoftware and the module is enabled, writing a one to MCTRL[SWTRIG] will trigger and software trigger. See chip configuration details for the actual PDB input trigger connections.


enumerator kPDB_TriggerInput0

PDB input trigger 0.

enumerator kPDB_TriggerInput1

PDB input trigger 1.

enumerator kPDB_TriggerInput2

PDB input trigger 2.

enumerator kPDB_TriggerInput3

PDB input trigger 3.

enumerator kPDB_TriggerInput4

PDB input trigger 4.

enumerator kPDB_TriggerInput5

PDB input trigger 5.

enumerator kPDB_TriggerInput6

PDB input trigger 6.

enumerator kPDB_TriggerSoftware

Software Trigger.

enum _pdb_fault_length

PDB fault length.

This bit is used to determine the minimum width requirement of the input fault for it to be recognized as a valid fault condition.


enumerator kPDB_2IPBusClockCycles

Fault input must be active at least 2 IPBus clock cycles.

enumerator kPDB_4IPBusClockCycles

Fault input must be active at least 4 IPBus clock cycles.

enum _pdb_fault_polarity

PDB fault polarity.


enumerator kPDB_FaultPolarity0

A logic 0 on Fault pin indicates a fault condition.

enumerator kPDB_FaultPolarity1

A logic 1 on Fault pin indicates a fault condition.

enum _pdb_trigger_output

PDB trigger output signals.


enumerator kPDB_TriggerA

Trigger A.

enumerator kPDB_TriggerB

Trigger B.

enumerator kPDB_TriggerC

Trigger C.

enumerator kPDB_TriggerD

Trigger D.

enum _pdb_logic

PDB trigger logic enumeration.

Each PDB instance has two trigger output logic and each output logic has two output signals.


enumerator kPDB_LogicA

PDB trigger output logic A, has two output signals: triggerA and triggerB.

enumerator kPDB_LogicC

PDB trigger output logic C, has two output signals: triggerC and triggerD.

enum _pdb_init_value

PDB init value enumeration.


enumerator kPDB_InitValue0

PDB init value 0.

enumerator kPDB_InitValue1

PDB init value 1.

enum _pdb_interrupt_enable

The enumeration for PDB interrupt enable.


enumerator kPDB_EnableOverflowInterrupt

PDB overflow interrupt.

enumerator kPDB_EnableDelayAInterrupt

PDB delayA interrupt.

enumerator kPDB_EnableDelayBInterrupt

PDB delayB interrupt.

enumerator kPDB_EnableDelayCInterrupt

PDB delayC interrupt.

enumerator kPDB_EnableDelayDInterrupt

PDB delayD interrupt.

enumerator kPDB_ALLInterruptEnable
enum _pdb_status_flags

The enumeration for PDB status flags.


enumerator kPDB_OverflowStatusFlag

PDB overflow interrupt.

enumerator kPDB_DelayAStatusFlag

PDB delayA interrupt.

enumerator kPDB_DelayBStatusFlag

PDB delayB interrupt.

enumerator kPDB_DelayCStatusFlag

PDB delayC interrupt.

enumerator kPDB_DelayDStatusFlag

PDB delayD interrupt.

enumerator kPDB_ALLStatusFlags
typedef enum _pdb_prescaler_divider pdb_prescaler_divider_t

Clock prescaler select.

The prescaler used for counting is selected by dividing the peripheral clock by the divisor.

typedef enum _pdb_load_value_mode pdb_load_value_mode_t

PDB load mode select.

Choose to load the DELAY and MOD registers into a set of buffers to take effect immediately or take effect after the counter is reversed and a trigger signal is received.

typedef enum _pdb_input_trigger pdb_input_trigger_t

Trigger Input Source Select.

Selects the trigger input source for the PDB. The trigger input source can be internal or the software trigger. When select kPDB_TriggerSoftware and the module is enabled, writing a one to MCTRL[SWTRIG] will trigger and software trigger. See chip configuration details for the actual PDB input trigger connections.

typedef enum _pdb_fault_length pdb_fault_length_t

PDB fault length.

This bit is used to determine the minimum width requirement of the input fault for it to be recognized as a valid fault condition.

typedef enum _pdb_fault_polarity pdb_fault_polarity_t

PDB fault polarity.

typedef enum _pdb_trigger_output pdb_trigger_output_t

PDB trigger output signals.

typedef enum _pdb_logic pdb_logic_t

PDB trigger logic enumeration.

Each PDB instance has two trigger output logic and each output logic has two output signals.

typedef enum _pdb_init_value pdb_init_value_t

PDB init value enumeration.

typedef struct _pdb_trigger_output_logic_config pdb_trigger_output_logic_config_t

configuring PDB trigger output logic.

PDB has two output logic and each output logic has two output trigger signals: trigger1 and trigger2.

typedef struct _pdb_config pdb_config_t

PDB module config structure.

struct _pdb_trigger_output_logic_config
#include <fsl_pdb.h>

configuring PDB trigger output logic.

PDB has two output logic and each output logic has two output trigger signals: trigger1 and trigger2.

Public Members

bool bFaultEnable

Set PDB fault input bit, true: PDB fault is enable; false: PDB fault is disable.

pdb_fault_polarity_t eFaultPolarity

Selected the PDB fault polarity 0 or 1.

pdb_fault_length_t eFaultLength

Selected the PDB fault length, 0: 2 IP bus clock cycles; 1: 4 IP bus clock cycles.

pdb_init_value_t eTriggerInitValue

Set fault bit forces the output from trigger logic : fault bit is enabled or trigger logic output is set and the counter is reloaded.

bool bEnbleTriggerCombineOutput

Trigger output select. true: Trigger1 and trigger2 Combine Output; false: Trigger1 and trigger2 function is only delay.

bool bEnableTrigger1

Set trigger1 in each trigger output logic of PDB. true: PDB trigger1 is enable; false: PDB trigger1 is disable.

bool bEnableTrigger2

Set trigger2 in each trigger output logic of PDB. true: PDB trigger2 is enable; false: PDB trigger2 is disable.

bool bBypassTrigger1

Set bypass trigger1 in each trigger output logic of PDB. true: PDB bypass trigger is enable; false: PDB bypass trigger is disable.

bool bBypassTrigger2

Set bypass trigger2 in each trigger output logic of PDB. true: PDB bypass trigger is enable; false: PDB bypass trigger is disable.

uint16_t uDelay1

Set the delay of trigger1 in each trigger output logic of the PDB.

uint16_t uDelay2

Set the delay of trigger2 in each trigger output logic of the PDB.

struct _pdb_config
#include <fsl_pdb.h>

PDB module config structure.

Public Members

bool bEnableContinuousMode

true: Module is in one-shot mode; false: Module is in continuous mode.

pdb_load_value_mode_t eLoadValueMode

Configures PDB load value mode.0: load immediately; 1: load after the PDB counter rolls over or receives a trigger signal.

pdb_prescaler_divider_t ePrescalerDivider

Configures PDB counter clock source prescaler.

pdb_input_trigger_t eInputTrigger

Configures PDB trigger input source.

pdb_trigger_output_logic_config_t sPdbTriggerABOutputConfig

Configure PDB trigger output logic A .

pdb_trigger_output_logic_config_t sPdbTriggerCDOutputConfig

Configure PDB trigger output logic C.

uint16_t u16PeriodCount

The period of the counter in terms of peripheral bus cycles.

bool bEnablePDB

true: PDB module id enable; false: PDB module id disable.

uint16_t u16EnableInterruptMask

PDB interrupt enable mask, logic OR of _pdb_interrupt_enable.

The Driver Change Log

PDB Peripheral and Driver Overview

PIT: Periodic Interrupt Timer (PIT) Driver

void PIT_Init(PIT_Type *base, const pit_config_t *psConfig)

Ungates the PIT clock, configures the PIT features. The configurations are:

  • Clock source selection for PIT module

  • Prescaler configuration to the input clock source

  • PIT period interval

  • PIT slave mode enable/disable

  • Interrupt enable/disable

  • PIT timer enable/disable

  • Preset Polarity positive edge/negative edge


This API should be called at the beginning of the application using the PIT driver and call PIT_StartTimer() API to start PIT timer.

  • base – PIT peripheral base address

  • psConfig – Pointer to the user’s PIT config structure

void PIT_Deinit(PIT_Type *base)

Gates the PIT clock and disables the PIT module.

  • base – PIT peripheral base address

void PIT_GetDefaultConfig(pit_config_t *psConfig)

Fill in the PIT config structure with the default settings.

This function initializes the PIT configuration structure to default values.

psConfig->eClockSource = kPIT_CountClockSource0;
psConfig->bEnableTimer = false;
psConfig->bEnableSlaveMode = false;
psConfig->ePrescaler = kPIT_PrescalerDivBy1;
psConfig->bEnableInterrupt = false;
psConfig->u32PeriodCount = 0xFFFFFFFFU;
psConfig->bEnableNegativeEdge = false;
psConfig->sPresetFilter.u16FilterSamplePeriod = 0x0U;
psConfig->sPresetFilter.u16FilterSampleCount = 0x0U;
psConfig->sPresetFilter.bFilterClock = true;
psConfig->sPresetFilter.eFilterPrescalerPeripheral = kPIT_PrescalerDivBy1;
psConfig->sSyncSource.u8StretchCount = 0x0U;
psConfig->sSyncSource.eSyncOutSel = kPIT_Syncout_Default;

  • psConfig – Pointer to user’s PIT config structure.

static inline void PIT_EnableSlaveMode(PIT_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enable/Disable PIT slave mode.

  • base – PIT peripheral base address

  • bEnable – enable/disable slave mode

static inline void PIT_SetTimerPrescaler(PIT_Type *base, pit_prescaler_value_t ePrescaler)

Sets the PIT clock prescaler.

  • base – PIT peripheral base address

  • ePrescaler – Timer prescaler value

static inline void PIT_SetTimerPeriod(PIT_Type *base, uint32_t u32PeriodCount)

Sets the timer period in units of count.

Timers begin counting from 0 until it reaches the value set by this function, then it generates an interrupt and counter resumes counting from 0 again.


Users can call the utility macros provided in fsl_common.h to convert to ticks.

  • base – PIT peripheral base address

  • u32PeriodCount – Timer period in units of ticks, use macro definition MSEC_TO_COUNT to convert value in ms to count of ticks, the PIT clock rate is source clock divide prescaler.

static inline uint32_t PIT_GetCurrentTimerCount(PIT_Type *base)

Reads the current timer counting value.

This function returns the real-time timer counting value, in a range from 0 to a timer period.


Users can call the utility macros provided in fsl_common.h to convert ticks to usec or msec.

  • base – PIT peripheral base address


Current timer counting value in ticks, use macro definition COUNT_TO_MSEC to convert value in ticks to count of millisecond, the PIT clock rate is source clock divide prescaler.

static inline void PIT_StartTimer(PIT_Type *base)

Starts the timer counting.

After calling this function, timers load period value, count down to 0 and then load the respective start value again. Each time a timer reaches 0, it generates a trigger pulse and sets the timeout interrupt flag.

  • base – PIT peripheral base address

static inline void PIT_StopTimer(PIT_Type *base)

Stops the timer counting.

This function stops timer counting, and the counter remains at or returns to a 0 value.

  • base – PIT peripheral base address

static inline void PIT_EnableInterrupt(PIT_Type *base)

Enables the PIT interrupts.

  • base – PIT peripheral base address

static inline void PIT_DisableInterrupt(PIT_Type *base)

Disables the selected PIT interrupts.

  • base – PIT peripheral base address

static inline uint16_t PIT_GetStatusFlags(PIT_Type *base)

Gets the PIT status flags.

  • base – PIT peripheral base address


The status flags. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration _pit_status_flags

static inline void PIT_ClearStatusFlags(PIT_Type *base)

Clears the PIT status flags.

  • base – PIT peripheral base address

static inline void PIT_SetPresetFiltConfig(PIT_Type *base, const pit_config_filt_t psConfig)

Set FILT configurations.

  • base – PIT peripheral base address

  • psConfig – Pointer to user’s PIT FILT config structure

static inline void PIT_SetSyncOutConfig(PIT_Type *base, const pit_config_ctrl2_t psConfig)

Set Sync configurations.

  • base – PIT peripheral base address

  • psConfig – Pointer to user’s PIT SYNC config structure


PIT driver version.

enum _pit_prescaler_value

PIT clock prescaler values.


enumerator kPIT_PrescalerDivBy1

Clock divided by 1

enumerator kPIT_PrescalerDivBy2

Clock divided by 2

enumerator kPIT_PrescalerDivBy4

Clock divided by 4

enumerator kPIT_PrescalerDivBy8

Clock divided by 8

enumerator kPIT_PrescalerDivBy16

Clock divided by 16

enumerator kPIT_PrescalerDivBy32

Clock divided by 32

enumerator kPIT_PrescalerDivBy64

Clock divided by 64

enumerator kPIT_PrescalerDivBy128

Clock divided by 128

enumerator kPIT_PrescalerDivBy256

Clock divided by 256

enumerator kPIT_PrescalerDivBy512

Clock divided by 512

enumerator kPIT_PrescalerDivBy1024

Clock divided by 1024

enumerator kPIT_PrescalerDivBy2048

Clock divided by 2048

enumerator kPIT_PrescalerDivBy4096

Clock divided by 4096

enumerator kPIT_PrescalerDivBy8192

Clock divided by 8192

enumerator kPIT_PrescalerDivBy16384

Clock divided by 16384

enumerator kPIT_PrescalerDivBy32768

Clock divided by 32768

enum _pit_status_flags

List of PIT status flags.


enumerator kPIT_Timer_RollOverFlag

Timer roll over flag

enum _pit_syncout_mode

List of SYNC_OUT output mode.


enumerator kPIT_Syncout_Default

SYNC_OUT takes affect when PIT counter equals to the MODULO value (default)

enumerator kPIT_Syncout_Toggle

SYNC_OUT is in toggle mode

typedef enum _pit_prescaler_value pit_prescaler_value_t

PIT clock prescaler values.

typedef enum _pit_syncout_mode pit_syncout_mode_t

List of SYNC_OUT output mode.

typedef struct _pit_config_filt pit_config_filt_t

PIT FILT configuration structure.

This structure holds the configuration settings for the PIT FILT register. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the PIT_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your config structure instance.

The configuration structure can be made constant so it resides in flash.

typedef struct _pit_config_ctrl2 pit_config_ctrl2_t

PIT CTRL2 configuration structure.

This structure holds the configuration settings for the PIT CTRL2 register. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the PIT_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your config structure instance.

The configuration structure can be made constant so it resides in flash.

typedef struct _pit_config pit_config_t

PIT configuration structure.

This structure holds the configuration settings for the PIT peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the PIT_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your config structure instance.

The configuration structure can be made constant so it resides in flash.

struct _pit_config_filt
#include <fsl_pit.h>

PIT FILT configuration structure.

This structure holds the configuration settings for the PIT FILT register. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the PIT_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your config structure instance.

The configuration structure can be made constant so it resides in flash.

Public Members

bool bFilterClock

Filter Clock Source selection.

pit_prescaler_value_t eFilterPrescalerPeripheral

Sets the peripheral clock prescaler.

uint8_t u16FilterSampleCount

Input Filter Sample Count.

uint8_t u16FilterSamplePeriod

Input Filter Sample Period.

struct _pit_config_ctrl2
#include <fsl_pit.h>

PIT CTRL2 configuration structure.

This structure holds the configuration settings for the PIT CTRL2 register. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the PIT_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your config structure instance.

The configuration structure can be made constant so it resides in flash.

Public Members

uint8_t u8StretchCount

The cycle number to be stretched for SYNC_OUT signal.

pit_syncout_mode_t eSyncOutSel

Select the output mode of SYNC_OUT.

struct _pit_config
#include <fsl_pit.h>

PIT configuration structure.

This structure holds the configuration settings for the PIT peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the PIT_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your config structure instance.

The configuration structure can be made constant so it resides in flash.

Public Members

pit_prescaler_value_t ePrescaler

Clock prescaler value

bool bEnableInterrupt

Enable PIT Roll-Over Interrupt

bool bEnableSlaveMode

Enable the PIT module in slave mode, in which mode the timer will be triggered by master PIT enable.

bool bEnableTimer

PIT timer enable flag, which is false by default

pit_count_clock_source_t eClockSource

Specify the PIT count clock source

uint32_t u32PeriodCount

Timer period in clock cycles, Use macro definition MSEC_TO_COUNT to convert value in ms to count of ticks, the COP clock rate is source clock divide prescaler.

bool bEnableNegativeEdge

choose the polarity of Preset input.

pit_config_filt_t sPresetFilter

Specify the PIT preset filter source

pit_config_ctrl2_t sSyncSource

Specify the PIT Sync source

The Driver Change Log

PIT Peripheral and Driver Overview

PMC: Power Management Controller Driver

static inline void PMC_SetBandgapTrim(PMC_Type *base, uint8_t u8TrimValue)

Sets the trim value of the bandgap reference in the regulator.

  • base – PMC peripheral base address.

  • u8TrimValue – The bandgap’s trim value, ranges from 0 to 15.

static inline void PMC_EnableVoltageReferenceBuffer(PMC_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enables/Disables a buffer that drivers the 1.2V bandgap reference to the ADC.

If the users want to calibrate the ADC using the 1.2V reference voltage, then the voltage reference buffer should be enabled. When ADC calibration is not being performed, the voltage reference buffer should be disabled to save power.

  • base – PMC peripheral base address.

  • bEnable – Used to control the behaviour of voltage reference buffer.

    • true Enable voltage reference buffer.

    • false Disable voltage reference buffer.

static inline void PMC_EnableInterrupts(PMC_Type *base, uint16_t u16Interrupts)

Enables the interrups, including 2.2V high voltage interrupt, 2.7V/2.65V high voltage interrupt, 2.2V low voltage interrupt, 2.7V/2.65V low voltage interrupt.

  • base – PMC peripheral base address.

  • u16Interrupts – The interupts to be enabled, should be the OR’ed value of _pmc_interrupt_enable.

static inline void PMC_DisableInterrupts(PMC_Type *base, uint16_t u16Interrupts)

Disables the interrups, including 2.2V high voltage interrupt, 2.7V/2.65V high voltage interrupt, 2.2V low voltage interrupt, 2.7V/2.65V low voltage interrupt.

  • base – PMC peripheral base address.

  • u16Interrupts – The interupts to be disabled, should be the OR’ed value of _pmc_interrupt_enable.

static inline uint16_t PMC_GetStatusFlags(PMC_Type *base)

Gets the status flags of PMC module, such as low voltage interrpt flag, small regulator 2.7 active flag, etc.

  • base – PMC peripheral base address.


The status flags of PMC module, should be the OR’ed value of _pmc_status_flags.

static inline void PMC_ClearStatusFlags(PMC_Type *base, uint16_t u16StatusFlags)

Clears the status flags of PMC module, only low voltage interrupt flag, sticky 2.7V/2.65V low voltage flag, and sticky 2.2V low voltage flag can be cleared.

  • base – PMC peripheral base address.

  • u16StatusFlags – The status flags to be cleared, should be the OR’ed value of kPMC_LowVoltageInterruptFlag, and kPMC_Sticky2P7VLowVoltageFlag/kPMC_Sticky2P65VLowVoltageFlag, and kPMC_Sticky2P2VLowVoltageFlag,

static inline void PMC_SetVrefTrim(PMC_Type *base, uint16_t u16TrimValue)

Sets the trim value of the Vref reference in the regulator.

  • base – PMC peripheral base address.

  • u16TrimValue – The Vref’s trim value, ranges from 0 to 31.

static inline void PMC_SetVcapTrim(PMC_Type *base, uint16_t u16TrimValue)

Sets the trim value of the Vacp reference in the regulator.

  • base – PMC peripheral base address.

  • u16TrimValue – The Vacp’s trim value, ranges from 0 to 15.


PMC driver version.

enum _pmc_interrupt_enable

The enumeration of PMC voltage detection interrupts.


enumerator kPMC_2P2VLowVoltageInterruptEnable

If the input supply is currently dropped below the 2.2V level, generate the low voltage interrupt.

enumerator kPMC_2P2VHighVoltageInterruptEnable

If the input supply is currently raised above the 2.2V level, generate the low voltage interrupt.

enumerator kPMC_AllInterruptsEnable
enum _pmc_status_flags

The enumeration of PMC status flags.


enumerator kPMC_SmallRegulator2P7VActiveFlag

The small regulator 2.7V supply is ready to be used.

enumerator kPMC_LowVoltageInterruptFlag

The low voltage interrupt flag, used to indicate whether the low voltage interrupt is asserted.

enumerator kPMC_Sticky2P2VLowVoltageFlag

Input supply has dropped below the 2.2V threshold. This sticky flag indicates that the input supply dropped below the 2.2V level at some point.

enumerator kPMC_2P2VLowVoltageFlag

Input supply is below the 2.2V threshold.

enumerator kPMC_AllStatusFlags

The Driver Change Log

PMC Peripheral and Driver Overview

eFlexPWM: Enhanced Flexible Pulse Width Modulator Driver

void PWM_Init(PWM_Type *base, const pwm_config_t *psConfig)

Initialization PWM module with provided structure pwm_config_t.

This function can initial one or more submodules of the PWM module.

This examples shows how only initial submodule 0 without fault protection channel.

pwm_config_t sPwmConfig = {0};
pwm_sm_config_t sPwmSm0Config;
sPwmConfig.psPwmSubmoduleConfig[0] = &sPwmSm0Config;
PWM_Init(PWM, sPwmConfig);


This API should be called at the beginning of the application using the PWM driver.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address.

  • psConfig – Pointer to PWM module configure structure. See pwm_config_t.

void PWM_Deinit(PWM_Type *base)

De-initialization a PWM module.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address

void PWM_GetSMDefaultConfig(pwm_sm_config_t *psConfig)

Gets an default PWM submodule’s configuration.

This function fills in the initialization structure member, which can make submodule generate 50% duty cycle center aligned PWM_A/B output.

The default effective values are:

psConfig->enableDebugMode = false;
psConfig->enableWaitMode = false;
psConfig->enableRun = false;
psConfig->sCounterConfig.eCountClockSource = kPWM_ClockSrcBusClock;
psConfig->sCounterConfig.eCountClockPrescale = kPWM_ClockPrescaleDivide1;
psConfig->sCounterConfig.eCountInitSource = kPWM_InitOnLocalSync;
psConfig->sReloadConfig.eReloadSignalSelect = kPWM_LocalReloadSignal;
psConfig->sReloadConfig.eLoclReloadEffectTime = kPWM_TakeEffectAtReloadOportunity;
psConfig->sReloadConfig.eLocalReloadOportunity = kPWM_LoadEveryOportunity;
psConfig->sReloadConfig.bEnableFullCycleReloadOportunity = true;
psConfig->sReloadConfig.bEnableHalfCycleReloadOportunity = false;
psConfig->sValRegisterConfig.u16CounterInitialValue = 0xFF00U;
psConfig->sValRegisterConfig.u16ValRegister0 = 0x0U;
psConfig->sValRegisterConfig.u16ValRegister1 = 0x00FFU;
psConfig->sValRegisterConfig.u16ValRegister2 = 0xFF80U;
psConfig->sValRegisterConfig.u16ValRegister3 = 0x80U;
psConfig->sValRegisterConfig.u16ValRegister4 = 0xFF80U;
psConfig->sValRegisterConfig.u16ValRegister5 = 0x80U;
psConfig->sForceConfig.eForceSignalSelect = kPWM_LocalSoftwareForce;
psConfig->sForceConfig.eSoftOutputFor23 = kPWM_SoftwareOutputLow;
psConfig->sForceConfig.eSoftOutputFor45 = kPWM_SoftwareOutputLow;
psConfig->sForceConfig.eForceOutput23 = kPWM_GeneratedPwm;
psConfig->sForceConfig.eForceOutput45 = kPWM_GeneratedPwm;
psConfig->sDeadTimeConfig.eMode = kPWM_Independent;
psConfig->sOutputConfig.ePwmXSignalSelect = kPWM_RawPwmX;
psConfig->sOutputConfig.bEnablePwmxOutput = true;
psConfig->sOutputConfig.bEnablePwmaOutput = true;
psConfig->sOutputConfig.bEnablePwmbOutput = true;
psConfig->sOutputConfig.ePwmxFaultState = kPWM_OutputLowOnFault;
psConfig->sOutputConfig.ePwmaFaultState = kPWM_OutputLowOnFault;
psConfig->sOutputConfig.ePwmbFaultState = kPWM_OutputLowOnFault;

  • psConfig – Pointer to user’s PWM submodule config structure. See pwm_sm_config_t.

void PWM_GetFaultProtectionDefaultConfig(pwm_fault_protection_config_t *psConfig)

Gets an default fault protection channel’s configuration.

The default effective values are:

psConfig->sFaultInput[i].eFaultActiveLevel = kPWM_Logic0;
psConfig->sFaultInput[i].bEnableAutoFaultClear = true;
psConfig->sFaultInput[i].bEnableFaultFullCycleRecovery = true;

  • psConfig – Pointer to user’s PWM fault protection config structure. See pwm_fault_protection_config_t.

void PWM_SetupSMConfig(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule, const pwm_sm_config_t *psConfig)

Sets up the PWM submodule configure.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address

  • eSubModule – PWM submodule number, see pwm_sm_number_t.

  • psConfig – Pointer to submodule configure structure, see pwm_sm_config_t.

static inline void PWM_SetupCounterConfig(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule, const pwm_sm_counter_config_t *psConfig)

Sets up the PWM submodule counter configure.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address

  • eSubModule – PWM submodule number, see pwm_sm_number_t.

  • psConfig – Pointer to submodule counter configure structure, see pwm_sm_counter_config_t.

static inline void PWM_SetCounterInitialValue(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule, uint16_t u16InitialValue)

Sets the PWM submodule counter initial register value.

This function set the INIT register value, the counter will start counting from INIT register value when initial signal assert or software force set. This write value will be loaded into inner set of buffered registers according to reload logic configure.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address

  • eSubModule – PWM submodule number, see pwm_sm_number_t.

  • u16InitialValue – The submodule number counter initialize value.

static inline void PWM_SetupReloadLogicConfig(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule, const pwm_sm_reload_logic_config_t *psConfig)

Sets up the PWM submodule reload logic configure.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address.

  • eSubModule – PWM submodule number, see pwm_sm_number_t.

  • psConfig – Pointer to submodule reload logic configure structure, see pwm_sm_reload_logic_config_t.

void PWM_GetValueConfig(pwm_sm_value_register_config_t *psConfig, pwm_sm_typical_output_mode_t eTypicalOutputMode, uint16_t u16PwmPeriod, uint16_t u16PwmAPulseWidth, uint16_t u16PwmBPulseWidth)

Update PWM submodule compare value configuration according to the typical output mode.

  • psConfig – See pwm_sm_config_t.

  • eTypicalOutputMode – Typical PWM_A/B output mode. See pwm_sm_typical_output_mode_t.

  • u16PwmPeriod – PWM output period value in counter ticks. This value can be got by (main counter clock in Hz) / (wanted PWM signal frequency in Hz).

  • u16PwmAPulseWidth – PWM_A pulse width value in counter ticks. Can got by (wanted PWM duty Cycle) * u16PwmPeriod.

  • u16PwmBPulseWidth – PWM_B pulse width value in counter ticks. Can got by (wanted PWM duty Cycle) * u16PwmPeriod.

static inline void PWM_SetupValRegisterConfig(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule, const pwm_sm_value_register_config_t *psConfig)

Sets up the PWM submodule VALn registers logic configure.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address.

  • eSubModule – PWM submodule number, see pwm_sm_number_t.

  • psConfig – Pointer to VALn registers configure structure, see pwm_sm_value_register_config_t.

static inline void PWM_SetValueRegister(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule, pwm_sm_val_register_t eRegister, uint16_t u16Value)

Sets the PWM submodule VALn register value.


These write value will be loaded into inner set of buffered registers according to reload logic configure.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address.

  • eSubModule – PWM submodule number, see pwm_sm_number_t.

  • eRegister – Value register index (range in 0~5), see pwm_sm_val_register_t.

  • u16Value – The value for VALn register.

static inline uint16_t PWM_GetValueRegister(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule, pwm_sm_val_register_t eRegister)

Gets the PWM submodule VALn register value.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address.

  • eSubModule – PWM submodule number, see pwm_sm_number_t.

  • eRegister – Value register index (range in 0~5), see pwm_sm_val_register_t.


The VALn register value.

static inline void PWM_SetFracvalRegister(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule, pwm_sm_fracval_register_t eRegister, uint16_t u16Value)

Sets the PWM submodule fractional value register value.


These write value will be loaded into inner set of buffered registers according to reload logic configure.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address.

  • eSubModule – PWM submodule number, see pwm_sm_number_t.

  • eRegister – Fractional value register index (range in 1~5), see pwm_sm_val_register_t.

  • u16Value – The value for FRACVALn register.

static inline uint16_t PWM_GetFracvalRegister(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule, pwm_sm_fracval_register_t eRegister)

Sets the PWM submodule fractional value register value.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address.

  • eSubModule – PWM submodule number, see pwm_sm_number_t.

  • eRegister – Fractional value register index (range in 1~5), see pwm_sm_fracval_register_t.


The VALn FRACVALn value.

static inline void PWM_SetValueAndFracRegister(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule, pwm_sm_fracval_register_t eRegister, uint32_t u32Value)

Set submodule register VALx and its FRAC value with 32bit access.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address.

  • eSubModule – Submodule ID.

  • eRegister – Fractional value register index (range in 1~5), see pwm_sm_fracval_register_t.

  • u32Value – 32bit value for VALx and its FRAC. VALx: BIT16~BIT31. FRACVALx: BIT11~BIT15. RESERVED: BIT10~BIT0.

static inline uint32_t PWM_GetValueAndFracRegister(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule, pwm_sm_fracval_register_t eRegister)

Get submodule register VALx and its FRAC value with 32bit access.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address.

  • eSubModule – Submodule ID.

  • eRegister – Fractional value register index (range in 1~5), see pwm_sm_fracval_register_t.


The value of submodule register VALx and its FRAC, combined into 32bit. VALx: BIT16~BIT31. FRACVALx: BIT11~BIT15. RESERVED: BIT10~BIT0.

static inline void PWM_SetPwmLdok(PWM_Type *base, uint16_t u16Mask)

Set the PWM LDOK bit on a single or multiple submodules.

Enable this feature can make buffered CTRL[PRSC] and the INIT, FRACVAL and VAL registers values take effect after next local load signal assert. The timing of take effect can be the next PWM reload or immediately. After loading, MCTRL[LDOK] is automatically cleared and need to enable again before the next register updated.


The VALx, FRACVALx,INIT, and CTRL[PRSC] registers of the corresponding submodule cannot be written while the the corresponding MCTRL[LDOK] bit is set.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address

  • u16Mask – PWM submodules to set the LDOK bit, Logical OR of _pwm_sm_enable.

static inline void PWM_ClearPwmLdok(PWM_Type *base, uint16_t u16Mask)

Clear the PWM LDOK bit on a single or multiple submodules.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address

  • u16Mask – PWM submodules to clear the LDOK bit, Logical OR of _pwm_sm_enable.

static inline void PWM_SetupForceLogicConfig(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule, const pwm_sm_force_logic_config_t *psConfig)

brief Sets up the PWM submodule force logic configure.

param base PWM peripheral base address. param eSubModule PWM submodule number, see pwm_sm_number_t. param psConfig Poniter to submodule force logic configure structure, see pwm_sm_force_logic_config_t.

static inline void PWM_SetSoftwareForce(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule)

Sets up the PWM Sub-Module to trigger a software FORCE_OUT event.


Only works when the CTRL2[FORCE_SEL] select kPWM_ForceOutOnLocalSoftware.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address.

  • eSubModule – PWM submodule number, see pwm_sm_number_t.

void PWM_SetupDeadtimeConfig(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule, const pwm_sm_deadtime_logic_config_t *psConfig)

Sets up the PWM submodule deadtime logic configure.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address.

  • eSubModule – PWM submodule number, see pwm_sm_number_t.

  • psConfig – Pointer to deadtime logic configure structure, see pwm_sm_deadtime_logic_config_t.

static inline uint16_t PWM_GetDeadtimeSampleValue(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule)

Get the sampled values of the PWM_X input at the end of each deadtime.

When use PWM_A/B in complementary mode and connect to transistor to controls the output voltage. Need insert deadtime to avoid overlap of conducting interval between the top and bottom transistor. And both transistors in complementary mode are off during deadtime. Then connect the PWM_X input to complementary transistors output, then it sampling input at the end of deadtime 0 for DT[0] and the end of deadtime 1 for DT[1]. Which DT value is not 0 indicates that there is a problem with the corresponding deadtime value. This can help to decide if there need do a deadtime correction for current complementary PWM output.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address

  • eSubModule – PWM submodule number, see pwm_sm_number_t.


The PWM_X input sampled values.

void PWM_SetupFractionalDelayConfig(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule, const pwm_sm_fractional_delay_logic_config_t *psConfig)

Sets up the PWM submodule fractional delay logic configure.


The fractional delay logic can only be used when the IPBus clock is running at 100 MHz.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address.

  • eSubModule – PWM submodule number, see pwm_sm_number_t.

  • psConfig – Pointer to fractional delay logic configure structure, see pwm_sm_fractional_delay_logic_config_t.

void PWM_SetupOutputConfig(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule, const pwm_sm_output_logic_config_t *psConfig)

Sets up the PWM submodule output logic configure.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address.

  • eSubModule – PWM submodule number, see pwm_sm_number_t.

  • psConfig – Pointer to output logic configure structure, see pwm_sm_output_logic_config_t.

static inline void PWM_EnableOutput(PWM_Type *base, uint16_t u16SubModules, pwm_sm_pwm_out_t eOutput)

Enables the PWM submodule pin output.

This function handles PWMX_EN/PWMA_EN/PWMB_EN bit filed of OUTEN register, whcih can enable one or more submodule pin in PWMX/A/B.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address

  • u16SubModules – The submodules that enable eOutput output, logical OR of _pwm_sm_enable.

  • eOutput – PWM output pin ID, see pwm_sm_pwm_out_t.

static inline void PWM_DisableOutput(PWM_Type *base, uint16_t u16SubModules, pwm_sm_pwm_out_t eOutput)

Disables the PWM submodule pin output.

This function handles PWMX_EN/PWMA_EN/PWMB_EN bit filed of OUTEN register, whcih can disable one or more submodule pin in PWMX/A/B.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address

  • u16SubModules – The submodules that disable eOutput output, logical OR of _pwm_sm_enable.

  • eOutput – PWM output pin ID, see pwm_sm_pwm_out_t.

static inline void PWM_EnableCombinedOutput(PWM_Type *base, uint16_t u16XSubModules, uint16_t u16ASubModules, uint16_t u16BSubModules)

Enables the PWM pin combination output.

This function handles PWMX_EN/PWMA_EN/PWMB_EN bit filed of OUTEN register at the same time.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address

  • u16XSubModules – The submodules that enable PWMX output, should be logical OR of _pwm_sm_enable.

  • u16ASubModules – The submodules that enable PWMA output, should be logical OR of _pwm_sm_enable.

  • u16BSubModules – The submodules that enable PWMB output, should be logical OR of _pwm_sm_enable.

static inline void PWM_DisableCombinedOutput(PWM_Type *base, uint16_t u16XSubModules, uint16_t u16ASubModules, uint16_t u16BSubModules)

Disables the PWM pin combination output.

This function handles PWMX_EN/PWMA_EN/PWMB_EN bit filed of OUTEN register at the same time.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address

  • u16XSubModules – The submodules that disable PWMX output, should be logical OR of _pwm_sm_enable.

  • u16ASubModules – The submodules that disable PWMA output, should be logical OR of _pwm_sm_enable.

  • u16BSubModules – The submodules that disable PWMB output, should be logical OR of _pwm_sm_enable.

static inline void PWM_MaskOutput(PWM_Type *base, uint16_t u16SubModules, pwm_sm_pwm_out_t eOutput)

Mask the PWM pin output.

This function handles MASKA/MASKB/MASKX bit filed of MASK register, which can mask one or more submodule pin in PWMX/A/B.


The mask bits is buffered and can be updated until a FORCE_OUT event occurs or a software update command.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address.

  • u16SubModules – The submodules that mask eOutput output, logical OR of _pwm_sm_enable.

  • eOutput – PWM output pin ID, see pwm_sm_pwm_out_t.

static inline void PWM_UnmaskOutput(PWM_Type *base, uint16_t u16SubModules, pwm_sm_pwm_out_t eOutput)

Unmask the PWM pin output.

This function handles MASKA/MASKB/MASKX bit filed of MASK register, which can mask one or more submodule pin in PWMX/A/B.


The mask bits is buffered and can be updated until a FORCE_OUT event occurs or a software update command.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address

  • u16SubModules – The submodules that unmask eOutput output, logical OR of _pwm_sm_enable.

  • eOutput – PWM output pin ID, see pwm_sm_pwm_out_t.

static inline void PWM_MaskCombinedOutput(PWM_Type *base, uint16_t u16XSubModules, uint16_t u16ASubModules, uint16_t u16BSubModules)

Mask the PWM pin combination output.

This function handles MASKA/MASKB/MASKX bit filed of MASK register at the same time.


The mask bits is buffered and can be updated until a FORCE_OUT event occurs or a software update command.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address

  • u16XSubModules – The submodules that mask PWMX output, should be logical OR of _pwm_sm_enable.

  • u16ASubModules – The submodules that mask PWMA output, should be logical OR of _pwm_sm_enable.

  • u16BSubModules – The submodules that mask PWMB output, should be logical OR of _pwm_sm_enable.

static inline void PWM_UnmaskCombinedOutput(PWM_Type *base, uint16_t u16XSubModules, uint16_t u16ASubModules, uint16_t u16BSubModules)

Unmask the PWM pin combination output.

This function handles MASKA/MASKB/MASKX bit filed of MASK register at the same time.


The mask bits is buffered and can be updated until a FORCE_OUT event occurs or a software update command.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address

  • u16XSubModules – The submodules that unmask PWMX output, should be logical OR of _pwm_sm_enable.

  • u16ASubModules – The submodules that unmask PWMA output, should be logical OR of _pwm_sm_enable.

  • u16BSubModules – The submodules that unmask PWMB output, should be logical OR of _pwm_sm_enable.

static inline void PWM_UpdateMask(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule)

Update PWM output mask bits immediately with a software command.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address

  • eSubModule – PWM submodule number, see pwm_sm_number_t.

static inline void PWM_EnablePwmRunInDebug(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule, bool bEnable)

Enables/Disables the PWM submodule continue to run while the chip is in DEBUG mode.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address

  • eSubModule – PWM submodule number, see pwm_sm_number_t.

  • bEnable – Enable the feature or not.

    • true Enable load feature.

    • false Disable load feature.

static inline void PWM_EnablePwmRunInWait(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule, bool bEnable)

Enables/Disables the PWM submodule continue to run while the chip is in WAIT mode.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address

  • eSubModule – PWM submodule number, see pwm_sm_number_t.

  • bEnable – Enable the feature or not.

    • true Enable load feature.

    • false Disable load feature.

static inline void PWM_EnableCounters(PWM_Type *base, uint16_t u16Mask)

Starts the PWM submodule counter for a single or multiple submodules.

Sets the Run bit which enables the clocks to the PWM submodule. This function can start multiple submodules at the same time.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address

  • u16Mask – PWM submodules to start run, Logical OR of _pwm_sm_enable.

static inline void PWM_DisableCounters(PWM_Type *base, uint16_t u16Mask)

Stops the PWM counter for a single or multiple submodules.

Clears the Run bit which resets the submodule’s counter. This function can stop multiple submodules at the same time.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address

  • u16Mask – PWM submodules to start run, Logical OR of _pwm_sm_enable.

static inline uint16_t PWM_GetCaptureValue(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule, pwm_sm_input_capture_register_t eRegister)

Reads PWM submodule input capture value register.

This function read the CVALn register value, stores the value captured from the submodule counter.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address.

  • eSubModule – PWM submodule number, see pwm_sm_number_t.

  • eRegister – PWM submodule input capture value register, see pwm_sm_input_capture_register_t.


The input capture value.

static inline uint16_t PWM_GetCaptureValueCycle(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule, pwm_sm_input_capture_register_t eRegister)

Reads PWM submodule input capture value cycle register.

This function read the CVALnCYC register value, stores the cycle number corresponding to the value captured in CVALn. This register is incremented each time the counter is loaded with the INIT value at the end of a PWM modulo cycle.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address.

  • eSubModule – PWM submodule number, see pwm_sm_number_t.

  • eRegister – PWM submodule input capture value register, see pwm_sm_input_capture_register_t.


The input capture register cycle value.

static inline uint16_t PWM_GetCaptureEdgeCounterVaule(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule, pwm_sm_input_capture_pin_t eInputPin)

Reads the PWM submodule input capture logic edge counter value.

Each input capture logic has a edge counter, which counts both the rising and falling edges of the input capture signal and it compare signal can select as input capture trigger source.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address.

  • eSubModule – PWM submodule number, see pwm_sm_number_t.

  • eInputPin – PWM submodule input capture pin number, see pwm_sm_input_capture_pin_t.

void PWM_SetupInputCaptureConfig(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule, pwm_sm_input_capture_pin_t eInputPin, const pwm_sm_input_capture_config_t *psConfig)

Sets up the PWM submodule input capture configure.

Each PWM submodule has 3 pins that can be configured for use as input capture pins. This function sets up the capture parameters for each pin and enables the input capture operation.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address.

  • eSubModule – PWM submodule number, see pwm_sm_number_t.

  • eInputPin – PWM submodule input capture pin number, see pwm_sm_input_capture_pin_t.

  • psConfig – Pointer to input capture configure structure, see pwm_sm_input_capture_config_t.

static inline void PWM_EnableInputCapture(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule, pwm_sm_input_capture_pin_t eInputPin)

Enables the PWM submodule input capture operation.

Enables input capture operation will start the input capture process. The enable bit is self-cleared when in one shot mode and one or more of the enabled capture circuits has had a capture event.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address.

  • eSubModule – PWM submodule number, see pwm_sm_number_t.

  • eInputPin – PWM submodule input capture pin number, see pwm_sm_input_capture_pin_t.

static inline void PWM_DisableInputCapture(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule, pwm_sm_input_capture_pin_t eInputPin)

Disables the PWM submodule input capture operation.

The enable bit can be cleared at any time to disable input capture operation.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address.

  • eSubModule – PWM submodule number, see pwm_sm_number_t.

  • eInputPin – PWM submodule input capture pin number, see pwm_sm_input_capture_pin_t.

static inline uint16_t PWM_GetInputValue(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule, pwm_sm_input_capture_pin_t eInputPin)

Get the logic value currently being driven into the PWM inputs.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address

  • eSubModule – PWM submodule number, see pwm_sm_number_t.

  • eInputPin – PWM submodule input capture pin number, see pwm_sm_input_capture_pin_t.


The PWM submodule input capture pin logic value.

void PWM_SetupFaultProtectionConfig(PWM_Type *base, pwm_fault_protection_channel_t eFaultProtection, const pwm_fault_protection_config_t *psConfig)

Sets up the PWM fault protection channel configure.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address.

  • eFaultProtection – PWM fault protection channel number, see pwm_fault_protection_channel_t.

  • psConfig – Pointer to fault protection channel configure structure, see pwm_fault_protection_config_t.

static inline void PWM_SetupSMFaultInputMapping(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule, pwm_sm_pwm_out_t ePwmOutput, const pwm_sm_fault_input_mapping_t *psMapping)

Mapping fault protection channel fault input status to PWM submodule output,.


Each PWM output can be mapping anyone or more fault inputs. The mapped fault protection channel inputs can disable PWM output.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address.

  • eSubModule – PWM submodule number, see pwm_sm_number_t.

  • ePwmOutput – PWM submodule output, see pwm_sm_pwm_out_t.

  • psMapping – The fault input disable mapping structure, see pwm_sm_fault_input_mapping_t.

void PWM_SetupDmaConfig(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule, const pwm_sm_dma_config_t *psConfig)

Sets up the PWM submodule DMA configure.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address.

  • eSubModule – PWM submodule number, see pwm_sm_number_t.

  • psConfig – Pointer to PWM submodule DMA configure, see pwm_sm_dma_config_t.

static inline void PWM_SetEnabledCaptureDmaSource(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule, pwm_sm_capture_dma_source_t eCaptureDmaSource)

Select the trigger source for enabled capture FIFOs DMA read request.


This function only can be used when the bEnableCaptureDMA be true.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address.

  • eSubModule – PWM submodule number, see pwm_sm_number_t.

  • eCaptureDmaSource – The PWM DMA capture source.

static inline void PWM_EnableSMInterrupts(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule, uint16_t u16Mask)

Enables the PWM submodule interrupts according to a provided mask.

This examples shows how to enable VAL 0 compare interrupt and VAL 1 compare interrupt.

PWM_EnableSMInterrupts(PWM, kPWM_SubModule0, kPWM_CompareVal0InterruptEnable |

  • base – PWM peripheral base address

  • eSubModule – PWM submodule number, see pwm_sm_number_t.

  • u16Mask – The PWM submodule interrupts to enable. Logical OR of _pwm_sm_interrupt_enable.

static inline void PWM_DisbaleSMInterrupts(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule, uint16_t u16Mask)

Disables the PWM submodule interrupts according to a provided mask.

This examples shows how to disable VAL 0 compare interrupt and VAL 1 compare interrupt.

PWM_DisbaleSMInterrupts(PWM, kPWM_SubModule0, kPWM_CompareVal0InterruptEnable |

  • base – PWM peripheral base address

  • eSubModule – PWM submodule number, see pwm_sm_number_t.

  • u16Mask – The PWM submodule interrupts to enable. Logical OR of _pwm_sm_interrupt_enable.

static inline void PWM_EnableFaultInterrupts(PWM_Type *base, pwm_fault_protection_channel_t eFaultProtection, uint16_t u16Mask)

Enables the PWM fault protection channel interrupt according to a provided mask.

This examples shows how to enable fault pin 0 interrupt and fault pin 1 interrupt.

PWM_EnableFaultInterrupts(PWM, kPWM_FaultProtection0, kPWM_Fault0InterruptEnable |

  • base – PWM peripheral base address

  • eFaultProtection – PWM fault protection channel number, see pwm_fault_protection_channel_t.

  • u16Mask – The PWM fault protection channel interrupts to enable. Logical OR of _pwm_fault_protection_interrupt_enable.

static inline void PWM_DisableFaultInterrupts(PWM_Type *base, pwm_fault_protection_channel_t eFaultProtection, uint16_t u16Mask)

Disables the PWM fault protection channel interrupt according to a provided mask.

This examples shows how to disable fault pin 0 interrupt and fault pin 1 interrupt.

PWM_DisableFaultInterrupts(PWM, kPWM_FaultProtection0, kPWM_Fault0InterruptEnable |

  • base – PWM peripheral base address

  • eFaultProtection – PWM fault protection channel number, see pwm_fault_protection_channel_t.

  • u16Mask – The PWM fault protection channel interrupts to disable. Logical OR of _pwm_fault_protection_interrupt_enable.

static inline uint16_t PWM_GetSMStatusFlags(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule)

Gets the PWM submodule status flags.

This examples shows how to check whether the submodule VAL0 compare flag set.

if((PWM_GetSMStatusFlags(PWM, kPWM_SubModule0) & kPWM_CompareVal0Flag) != 0U)

  • base – PWM peripheral base address

  • eSubModule – PWM submodule number, see pwm_sm_number_t.


The PWM submodule status flags. This is the logical OR of pwm_sm_status_flags_t.

static inline void PWM_ClearSMStatusFlags(PWM_Type *base, pwm_sm_number_t eSubModule, uint16_t u16Mask)

Clears the PWM submodule status flags.

This examples shows how to clear the submodule VAL0 compare flag.

PWM_ClearSMStatusFlags(PWM, kPWM_SubModule0, kPWM_CompareVal0Flag);


The kPWM_RegUpdatedFlag can’t be cleared by software.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address

  • eSubModule – PWM submodule number, see pwm_sm_number_t.

  • u16Mask – The status flags to clear. This is the logical OR of pwm_sm_status_flags_t.

static inline uint16_t PWM_GetFaultStatusFlags(PWM_Type *base, pwm_fault_protection_channel_t eFaultProtection)

Gets the PWM fault protection status flags.

This examples shows how to check whether the fault protection channel fault input pin 0 set.

if((PWM_GetFaultStatusFlags(PWM, kPWM_FaultProtection0) & kPWM_FaultPin0Flag) != 0U)

  • base – PWM peripheral base address

  • eFaultProtection – PWM fault protection channel number, see pwm_fault_protection_channel_t.


The PWM fault protection channel status flags. This is the logical OR of _pwm_fault_protection_status_flags.

static inline void PWM_ClearFaultStatusFlags(PWM_Type *base, pwm_fault_protection_channel_t eFaultProtection, uint16_t u16Mask)

Clears the PWM fault protection status flags according to a provided mask.

This examples shows how to clear the fault protection channel fault 0 flag.

PWM_ClearFaultStatusFlags(PWM, kPWM_FaultProtection0, kPWM_Fault0Flag);


The kPWM_FaultPin0ActiveFlag ~ kPWM_FaultPin3ActiveFlag can’t be cleared by software.

  • base – PWM peripheral base address

  • eFaultProtection – PWM fault protection channel number, see pwm_fault_protection_channel_t.

  • u16Mask – The PWM fault protection status flags to be clear. Logical OR of _pwm_fault_protection_status_flags.


PWM driver version.

enum _pwm_sm_number

The enumeration for PWM submodule number.


enumerator kPWM_SubModule0

PWM Submodule 0

enumerator kPWM_SubModule1

PWM Submodule 1

enumerator kPWM_SubModule2

PWM Submodule 2

enumerator kPWM_SubModule3

PWM Submodule 3

enum _pwm_sm_enable

The enumeration for PWM submodule enable.


enumerator kPWM_SubModule0Enable

PWM Submodule 0 enable.

enumerator kPWM_SubModule1Enable

PWM Submodule 1 enable.

enumerator kPWM_SubModule2Enable

PWM Submodule 2 enable.

enumerator kPWM_SubModule3Enable

PWM Submodule 3 enable.

enumerator kPWM_ALLSubModuleEnable
enum _pwm_sm_count_clock_source

The enumeration for PWM submodule clock source.


enumerator kPWM_ClockSrcBusClock

The IPBus clock is used as the source clock

enumerator kPWM_ClockSrcExternalClock

EXT_CLK is used as the source clock

enumerator kPWM_ClockSrcSubmodule0Clock

Clock of the submodule 0 (AUX_CLK) is used as the source clock

enum _pwm_sm_count_clock_prescaler

The enumeration for PWM submodule prescaler factor selection for clock source.


enumerator kPWM_ClockPrescaleDivide1

PWM submodule clock frequency = fclk/1

enumerator kPWM_ClockPrescaleDivide2

PWM submodule clock frequency = fclk/2

enumerator kPWM_ClockPrescaleDivide4

PWM submodule clock frequency = fclk/4

enumerator kPWM_ClockPrescaleDivide8

PWM submodule clock frequency = fclk/8

enumerator kPWM_ClockPrescaleDivide16

PWM submodule clock frequency = fclk/16

enumerator kPWM_ClockPrescaleDivide32

PWM submodule clock frequency = fclk/32

enumerator kPWM_ClockPrescaleDivide64

PWM submodule clock frequency = fclk/64

enumerator kPWM_ClockPrescaleDivide128

PWM submodule clock frequency = fclk/128

enum _pwm_sm_count_init_source

The enumeration for PWM submodule counter initialization options.


enumerator kPWM_InitOnLocalSync

Local sync causes initialization

enumerator kPWM_InitOnMasterReload

Master reload from submodule 0 causes initialization

enumerator kPWM_InitOnMasterSync

Master sync from submodule 0 causes initialization

enumerator kPWM_InitOnExtSync

EXT_SYNC causes initialization

enum _pwm_ml2_stretch_count_clock_prescaler

The enumeration for PWM stretch IPBus clock count prescaler for mux0_trig/mux1_trig/out0_trig/out1_trig/pwma_trig/pwmb_trig.


enumerator kPWM_StretchIPBusClockPrescaler1

Stretch count is zero, no stretch.

enumerator kPWM_StretchIPBusClockPrescaler2

Stretch mux0_trig/mux1_trig/out0_trig/out1_trig/pwma_trig/pwmb_trig for 2 IPBus clock period.

enumerator kPWM_StretchIPBusClockPrescaler4

Stretch mux0_trig/mux1_trig/out0_trig/out1_trig/pwma_trig/pwmb_trig for 4 IPBus clock period.

enumerator kPWM_StretchIPBusClockPrescaler8

Stretch mux0_trig/mux1_trig/out0_trig/out1_trig/pwma_trig/pwmb_trig for 8 IPBus clock period.

enum _pwm_sm_reload_signal_select

The enumeration for PWM submodule local reload take effect timing.


enumerator kPWM_LocalReloadSignal

The local RELOAD signal is used to reload buffered-registers.

enumerator kPWM_MasterReloadSignal

The master RELOAD signal (from submodule 0) is used to reload buffered-registers (should not be used in submodule 0).

enum _pwm_sm_local_reload_effect_timing

The enumeration for PWM submodule local reload take effect timing.


enumerator kPWM_TakeEffectAtReloadOportunity

Buffered-registers reload after one/more reload opportunities, and a load opportunity can generate on a PWM half or/and full cycle.

enumerator kPWM_TakeEffectImmediately

Buffered-registers reload with new values as soon as MCTRL[LDOK] bit is set when choose local reload.

enum _pwm_sm_local_reload_oportunity

The enumeration for PWM submodule reload opportunities selection under kPWM_ReloadWithLocalReloadOportunity.


enumerator kPWM_LoadEveryOportunity

Every PWM submodule reload opportunity

enumerator kPWM_LoadEvery2Oportunity

Every 2 PWM submodule reload opportunities

enumerator kPWM_LoadEvery3Oportunity

Every 3 PWM submodule reload opportunities

enumerator kPWM_LoadEvery4Oportunity

Every 4 PWM submodule reload opportunities

enumerator kPWM_LoadEvery5Oportunity

Every 5 PWM submodule reload opportunities

enumerator kPWM_LoadEvery6Oportunity

Every 6 PWM submodule reload opportunities

enumerator kPWM_LoadEvery7Oportunity

Every 7 PWM submodule reload opportunities

enumerator kPWM_LoadEvery8Oportunity

Every 8 PWM submodule reload opportunities

enumerator kPWM_LoadEvery9Oportunity

Every 9 PWM submodule reload opportunities

enumerator kPWM_LoadEvery10Oportunity

Every 10 PWM submodule reload opportunities

enumerator kPWM_LoadEvery11Oportunity

Every 11 PWM submodule reload opportunities

enumerator kPWM_LoadEvery12Oportunity

Every 12 PWM submodule reload opportunities

enumerator kPWM_LoadEvery13Oportunity

Every 13 PWM submodule reload opportunities

enumerator kPWM_LoadEvery14Oportunity

Every 14 PWM submodule reload opportunities

enumerator kPWM_LoadEvery15Oportunity

Every 15 PWM submodule reload opportunities

enumerator kPWM_LoadEvery16Oportunity

Every 16 PWM submodule reload opportunities

enum _pwm_sm_val_compare_mode

The enumeration for PWM submodule VALn register compare mode.


enumerator kPWM_CompareOnEqual

The VALn registers and the PWM counter are compared using an “equal to” method.

enumerator kPWM_CompareOnEqualOrGreater

The VALn registers and the PWM counter are compared using an “equal to or

greater than” method.

enum _pwm_sm_val_register

The enumeration for PWM submodule VAL registers.


enumerator kPWM_VAL0

PWM submodule value register 0.

enumerator kPWM_VAL1

PWM submodule value register 1.

enumerator kPWM_VAL2

PWM submodule value register 2.

enumerator kPWM_VAL3

PWM submodule value register 3.

enumerator kPWM_VAL4

PWM submodule value register 4.

enumerator kPWM_VAL5

PWM submodule value register 5.

enum _pwm_sm_force_signal_select

The enumeration for PWM submodule FORCE_OUT source which can trigger force logic output update.


enumerator kPWM_LocalSoftwareForce

The local software force signal CTRL2[FORCE] is used to force updates.

enumerator kPWM_MasterSoftwareForce

The master software force signal from submodule 0 is used to force updates.

enumerator kPWM_LocalReloadForce

The local reload signal from this submodule is used to force updates without regard to the state of LDOK.

enumerator kPWM_MasterReloadForce

The master reload signal from submodule 0 is used to force updates if LDOK is set, should not be used in submodule 0.

enumerator kPWM_LocalSyncForce

The local sync (VAL1 match event) signal from this submodule is used to force updates.

enumerator kPWM_MasterSyncForce

The master sync signal from submodule0 is used to force updates.

enumerator kPWM_ExternalForceForce

The external force signal EXT_FORCE, from outside the PWM module causes updates.

enumerator kPWM_ExternalSyncForce

The external sync signal EXT_SYNC, from outside the PWM module causes updates.

enum _pwm_sm_force_deadtime_source

The enumeration for PWM submodule force out logic output (PWM23 and PWM45) source, which will transfer to output logic when a FORCE_OUT signal is asserted.


enumerator kPWM_GeneratedPwm

Generated PWM signal is used as the deadtime logic output.

enumerator kPWM_InvertedGeneratedPwm

Inverted PWM signal is used as the deadtime logic output.

enumerator kPWM_SoftwareControlValue

Software controlled value is used as the deadtime logic output.

enumerator kPWM_UseExternal

PWM_EXTA signal is used as the deadtime logic output.

enum _pwm_sm_force_software_output_value

The enumeration for PWM submodule software controlled force out signal value.


enumerator kPWM_SoftwareOutputLow

A logic 0 is supplied to the deadtime generator when chose Software controlled value as output source.

enumerator kPWM_SoftwareOutputHigh

A logic 1 is supplied to the deadtime generator when chose Software controlled value as output source.

enum _pwm_sm_deadtime_logic_mode

The enumeration for PWM submodule deadtime logic mode, which decide how the deadtime logic process the force logic output signal.


enumerator kPWM_Independent

The PWMA (PWM23) and PWMB (PWM45) signal from force logic transfer to output logic independent.

enumerator kPWM_IndependentWithDoubleSwitchPwm

The PWMA (PWM23) and PWMB (PWM45) signals from force logic will XOR first, then the XOR signal transfer to output logic independent.

enumerator kPWM_IndependentWithSplitDoubleSwitchPwm

The PWMA (PWM23) and PWMB (PWM45) signals from force_out logic will XOR first, then the XOR signal transfer to output logic independent.

enumerator kPWM_ComplementaryWithPwmA

The PWMA (PWM23) signal from force logic will transfer to output logic with complementary mode.

enumerator kPWM_ComplementaryWithPwmB

The PWMB (PWM45) signal from force logic will transfer to output logic with complementary mode.

enumerator kPWM_ComplementaryWithDoubleSwitchPwm

The PWMA (PWM23) and PWMB (PWM45) signals from force logic will XOR first, then the XOR signal transfer to output logic with complementary mode.

enum _pwm_sm_fracval_register

The enumeration for PWM submodule FRACVAL registers.


enumerator kPWM_FRACVAL1

PWM submodule fractional value register 1.

enumerator kPWM_FRACVAL2

PWM submodule fractional value register 2.

enumerator kPWM_FRACVAL3

PWM submodule fractional value register 3.

enumerator kPWM_FRACVAL4

PWM submodule fractional value register 4.

enumerator kPWM_FRACVAL5

PWM submodule fractional value register 5.

enum _pwm_sm_mux_trigger_source

The enumeration for PWM submodule output logic final trigger output port signal.


enumerator kPWM_ActualCompareEvent

Route the PWM_OUT_TRIG signal (OR of VALx compare signal) to the mux trigger output port.

enumerator kPWM_PwmOutput

Route the PWM output (after polarity/mask/enable control) to the mux trigger output port.

enum _pwm_sm_pwm_output_on_fault

The enumeration for PWM submodule output logic PWM output fault status.


enumerator kPWM_OutputLowOnFault

The output is forced to logic 0 state prior to consideration of output polarity/mask/enable control during fault conditions and STOP mode.

enumerator kPWM_OutputHighOnFault

The output is forced to logic 1 state prior to consideration of output polarity/mask/enable control during fault conditions and STOP mode.

enumerator kPWM_OutputTristatedOnFault

The output status be tristated during fault conditions and STOP mode.

enum _pwm_sm_pwmx_signal_select

The enumeration for PWM submodule output logic PwmX signal input source (before output polarity/mask/enable control).


enumerator kPWM_RawPwmX

The PWM_X source is raw Pwm01_fractional_delay signal.

enumerator kPWM_DoubleSwitch

The PWM_X source is Pwm23_fractional_delay XOR Pwm23_fractional_delay signal.

enum _pwm_sm_pwm_out

The enumeration for PWM submodule PWM output.


enumerator kPWM_PwmX

The PWM output PWM_X.

enumerator kPWM_PwmB

The PWM output PWM_B.

enumerator kPWM_PwmA

The PWM output PWM_A.

enum _pwm_sm_input_capture_pin

The enumeration for PWM submodule input capture pins.


enumerator kPWM_InputCapturePwmX

The input capture pin PwmX, need disable PwmX output when enable input capture.

enumerator kPWM_InputCapturePwmA

The input capture pin PwmA, need disable PwmA output when enable input capture.

enumerator kPWM_InputCapturePwmB

The input capture pin PwmB, need disable PwmB output when enable input capture.

enum _pwm_sm_input_capture_source

The enumeration for PWM submodule input capture source.


enumerator kPWM_RawInput

The capture source is the raw input signal.

enumerator kPWM_InputEdgeCounter

The capture source is edge counter which counts rising and falling edges on the raw input signal.

enum _pwm_sm_input_capture_edge

The enumeration for PWM submodule input capture edge when choose raw input as capture source.


enumerator kPWM_Noedge

Disabled capture on source falling/falling edge.

enumerator kPWM_FallingEdge

Enable input capture, and capture on source falling edge when chose the raw input signal as capture source.

enumerator kPWM_RisingEdge

Enable input capture, and capture on source rising edge when chose the raw input signal as capture source.

enumerator kPWM_RiseAndFallEdge

Enable input capture, and capture on source rising or falling edge when chose the raw input signal as capture source.

enum _pwm_sm_input_capture_register

The enumeration for PWM submodule input capture value register.


enumerator kPWM_InpCaptureVal0

Stores the value captured from the submodule counter when the PWM_X circuitry 0 logic capture occurs.

enumerator kPWM_InpCaptureVal1

Stores the value captured from the submodule counter when the PWM_X circuitry 1 logic capture occurs.

enumerator kPWM_InpCaptureVal2

Stores the value captured from the submodule counter when the PWM_A circuitry 0 logic capture occurs.

enumerator kPWM_InpCaptureVal3

Stores the value captured from the submodule counter when the PWM_A circuitry 1 logic capture occurs.

enumerator kPWM_InpCaptureVal4

Stores the value captured from the submodule counter when the PWM_B circuitry 0 logic capture occurs.

enumerator kPWM_InpCaptureVal5

Stores the value captured from the submodule counter when the PWM_B circuitry 1 logic capture occurs.

enum _pwm_sm_input_capture_filter_count

The enumeration for input filter count Represent the number of consecutive samples that must agree prior to the input filter accepting an input transition.


enumerator kPWM_InputCaptureFilterCount3Samples

3 samples.

enumerator kPWM_InputCaptureFilterCount4Samples

4 samples.

enumerator kPWM_InputCaptureFilterCount5Samples

5 samples.

enumerator kPWM_InputCaptureFilterCount6Samples

6 samples.

enumerator kPWM_InputCaptureFilterCount7Samples

7 samples.

enumerator kPWM_InputCaptureFilterCount8Samples

8 samples.

enumerator kPWM_InputCaptureFilterCount9Samples

9 samples.

enumerator kPWM_InputCaptureFilterCount10Samples

10 samples.

enum _pwm_sm_capture_dma_source

The enumeration for the source which can trigger the DMA read requests for the capture FIFOs.


enumerator kPWM_FIFOWatermarksORDma

Selected FIFO watermarks are OR’ed together to sets the read DMA request.

enumerator kPWM_FIFOWatermarksANDDma

Selected FIFO watermarks are AND’ed together to sets the read DMA request.

enumerator kPWM_LocalSyncDma

A local sync (VAL1 match event) sets the read DMA request.

enumerator kPWM_LocalReloadDma

A local reload (STS[RF] being set) sets the read DMA request.

enum _pwm_sm_interrupt_enable

The enumeration for PWM submodule interrupt enable.


enumerator kPWM_CompareVal0InterruptEnable

PWM submodule VAL0 compare interrupt.

enumerator kPWM_CompareVal1InterruptEnable

PWM submodule VAL1 compare interrupt.

enumerator kPWM_CompareVal2InterruptEnable

PWM submodule VAL2 compare interrupt.

enumerator kPWM_CompareVal3InterruptEnable

PWM submodule VAL3 compare interrupt.

enumerator kPWM_CompareVal4InterruptEnable

PWM submodule VAL4 compare interrupt.

enumerator kPWM_CompareVal5InterruptEnable

PWM submodule VAL5 compare interrupt.

enumerator kPWM_CaptureX0InterruptEnable

PWM submodule capture X0 interrupt.

enumerator kPWM_CaptureX1InterruptEnable

PWM submodule capture X1 interrupt.

enumerator kPWM_CaptureB0InterruptEnable

PWM submodule capture B0 interrupt.

enumerator kPWM_CaptureB1InterruptEnable

PWM submodule capture B1 interrupt.

enumerator kPWM_CaptureA0InterruptEnable

PWM submodule capture A0 interrupt.

enumerator kPWM_CaptureA1InterruptEnable

PWM submodule capture A1 interrupt.

enumerator kPWM_ReloadInterruptEnable

PWM submodule reload interrupt.

enumerator kPWM_ReloadErrorInterruptEnable

PWM submodule reload error interrupt.

enumerator kPWM_ALLSubModuleInterruptEnable
enum _pwm_sm_status_flags

The enumeration for PWM submodule status flags.


enumerator kPWM_CompareVal0Flag

PWM submodule VAL0 compare flag.

enumerator kPWM_CompareVal1Flag

PWM submodule VAL1 compare flag.

enumerator kPWM_CompareVal2Flag

PWM submodule VAL2 compare flag.

enumerator kPWM_CompareVal3Flag

PWM submodule VAL3 compare flag.

enumerator kPWM_CompareVal4Flag

PWM submodule VAL4 compare flag.

enumerator kPWM_CompareVal5Flag

PWM submodule VAL5 compare flag.

enumerator kPWM_CaptureX0Flag

PWM submodule capture X0 flag.

enumerator kPWM_CaptureX1Flag

PWM submodule capture X1 flag.

enumerator kPWM_CaptureB0Flag

PWM submodule capture B0 flag.

enumerator kPWM_CaptureB1Flag

PWM submodule capture B1 flag.

enumerator kPWM_CaptureA0Flag

PWM submodule capture A0 flag.

enumerator kPWM_CaptureA1Flag

PWM submodule capture A1 flag.

enumerator kPWM_ReloadFlag

PWM submodule reload flag.

enumerator kPWM_ReloadErrorFlag

PWM submodule reload error flag.

enumerator kPWM_RegUpdatedFlag

PWM submodule registers updated flag.

enumerator kPWM_ALLSMStatusFlags
enum _pwm_sm_typical_output_mode

The enumeration for some PWM submodule PWM_A/B typical output mode.


enumerator kPWM_SignedCenterAligned

Center-aligned PWM with signed compare value.

enumerator kPWM_CenterAligned

Center-aligned PWM with unsigned compare value.

enumerator kPWM_SignedEdgeAligned

Edge-aligned PWM with signed compare value.

enumerator kPWM_EdgeAligned

Edge-aligned PWM with signed compare value.

enum _pwm_fault_protection_channel

The enumeration for PWM fault protection channel number.


enumerator kPWM_FaultProtection0

PWM fault protection channel 0

enum _pwm_fault_protection_interrupt_enable

The enumeration for PWM module fault protection channel interrupt enable.


enumerator kPWM_Fault0InterruptEnable

Fault protection channel fault 0 interrupt

enumerator kPWM_Fault1InterruptEnable

Fault protection channel fault 1 interrupt

enumerator kPWM_Fault2InterruptEnable

Fault protection channel fault 2 interrupt

enumerator kPWM_Fault3InterruptEnable

Fault protection channel fault 3 interrupt

enumerator kPWM_ALLfaultInterruptEnable
enum _pwm_fault_protection_status_flags

The enumeration for PWM module fault protection status flags.


enumerator kPWM_Fault0Flag

Fault protection channel fault 0 flag, set within two CPU cycles after a transition to active on the fault input pin 0.

enumerator kPWM_Fault1Flag

Fault protection channel fault 1 flag, set within two CPU cycles after a transition to active on the fault input pin 1.

enumerator kPWM_Fault2Flag

Fault protection channel fault 2 flag, set within two CPU cycles after a transition to active on the fault input pin 2.

enumerator kPWM_Fault3Flag

Fault protection channel fault 3 flag, set within two CPU cycles after a transition to active on the fault input pin 3.

enumerator kPWM_FaultPin0ActiveFlag

Fault protection channel fault input pin 0 active flag.

enumerator kPWM_FaultPin1ActiveFlag

Fault protection channel fault input pin 1 active flag.

enumerator kPWM_FaultPin2ActiveFlag

Fault protection channel fault input pin 2 active flag.

enumerator kPWM_FaultPin3ActiveFlag

Fault protection channel fault input pin 3 active flag.

enumerator kPWM_ALLFaultStatusFlags
enum _pwm_fault_active_level

The enumeration for PWM fault protection channel number.


enumerator kPWM_Logic0

A logic 0 on the fault input indicates a fault condition.

enumerator kPWM_Logic1

A logic 0 on the fault input indicates a fault condition.

typedef enum _pwm_sm_number pwm_sm_number_t

The enumeration for PWM submodule number.

typedef enum _pwm_sm_count_clock_source pwm_sm_count_clock_source_t

The enumeration for PWM submodule clock source.

typedef enum _pwm_sm_count_clock_prescaler pwm_sm_count_clock_prescaler_t

The enumeration for PWM submodule prescaler factor selection for clock source.

typedef enum _pwm_sm_count_init_source pwm_sm_count_init_source_t

The enumeration for PWM submodule counter initialization options.

typedef enum _pwm_ml2_stretch_count_clock_prescaler pwm_ml2_stretch_count_clock_prescaler_t

The enumeration for PWM stretch IPBus clock count prescaler for mux0_trig/mux1_trig/out0_trig/out1_trig/pwma_trig/pwmb_trig.

typedef struct _pwm_sm_counter_config pwm_sm_counter_config_t

The structure for configuring PWM submodule counter logic.

typedef enum _pwm_sm_reload_signal_select pwm_sm_reload_signal_select_t

The enumeration for PWM submodule local reload take effect timing.

typedef enum _pwm_sm_local_reload_effect_timing pwm_sm_local_reload_effect_timing_t

The enumeration for PWM submodule local reload take effect timing.

typedef enum _pwm_sm_local_reload_oportunity pwm_sm_local_reload_oportunity_t

The enumeration for PWM submodule reload opportunities selection under kPWM_ReloadWithLocalReloadOportunity.

typedef struct _pwm_sm_reload_logic_config pwm_sm_reload_logic_config_t

The structure for configuring PWM submodule reload logic.

typedef enum _pwm_sm_val_compare_mode pwm_sm_val_compare_mode_t

The enumeration for PWM submodule VALn register compare mode.

typedef enum _pwm_sm_val_register pwm_sm_val_register_t

The enumeration for PWM submodule VAL registers.

typedef struct _pwm_sm_value_register_config pwm_sm_value_register_config_t

The structure for configuring PWM submodule value registers.

typedef enum _pwm_sm_force_signal_select pwm_sm_force_signal_select_t

The enumeration for PWM submodule FORCE_OUT source which can trigger force logic output update.

typedef enum _pwm_sm_force_deadtime_source pwm_sm_force_deadtime_source_t

The enumeration for PWM submodule force out logic output (PWM23 and PWM45) source, which will transfer to output logic when a FORCE_OUT signal is asserted.

typedef enum _pwm_sm_force_software_output_value pwm_sm_force_software_output_value_t

The enumeration for PWM submodule software controlled force out signal value.

typedef struct _pwm_sm_force_logic_config pwm_sm_force_logic_config_t

The structure for configuring PWM submodule force logic.

typedef enum _pwm_sm_deadtime_logic_mode pwm_sm_deadtime_logic_mode_t

The enumeration for PWM submodule deadtime logic mode, which decide how the deadtime logic process the force logic output signal.

typedef struct _pwm_sm_deadtime_value pwm_sm_deadtime_value_t

The structure of the inserted dead time value, applies only to KPWM_Complementaryxxx mode.

typedef struct _pwm_sm_deadtime_logic_config pwm_sm_deadtime_logic_config_t

The structure for configuring PWM submodule force out logic, works on the deadtime logic output.

typedef enum _pwm_sm_fracval_register pwm_sm_fracval_register_t

The enumeration for PWM submodule FRACVAL registers.

typedef struct _pwm_sm_fractional_delay_logic_config pwm_sm_fractional_delay_logic_config_t

The structure for configuring PWM submodule fractional delay logic, works on the deadtime logic output.

typedef enum _pwm_sm_mux_trigger_source pwm_sm_mux_trigger_source_t

The enumeration for PWM submodule output logic final trigger output port signal.

typedef enum _pwm_sm_pwm_output_on_fault pwm_sm_pwm_output_on_fault_t

The enumeration for PWM submodule output logic PWM output fault status.

typedef enum _pwm_sm_pwmx_signal_select pwm_sm_pwmx_signal_select_t

The enumeration for PWM submodule output logic PwmX signal input source (before output polarity/mask/enable control).

typedef enum _pwm_sm_pwm_out pwm_sm_pwm_out_t

The enumeration for PWM submodule PWM output.

typedef struct _pwm_sm_output_logic_config_t pwm_sm_output_logic_config_t

The structure for configuring PWM submodule output logic.

typedef enum _pwm_sm_input_capture_pin pwm_sm_input_capture_pin_t

The enumeration for PWM submodule input capture pins.

typedef enum _pwm_sm_input_capture_source pwm_sm_input_capture_source_t

The enumeration for PWM submodule input capture source.

typedef enum _pwm_sm_input_capture_edge pwm_sm_input_capture_edge_t

The enumeration for PWM submodule input capture edge when choose raw input as capture source.

typedef enum _pwm_sm_input_capture_register pwm_sm_input_capture_register_t

The enumeration for PWM submodule input capture value register.

typedef enum _pwm_sm_input_capture_filter_count pwm_sm_input_capture_filter_count_t

The enumeration for input filter count Represent the number of consecutive samples that must agree prior to the input filter accepting an input transition.

typedef struct _pwm_sm_input_capture_config pwm_sm_input_capture_config_t

The structure for configuring PWM submodule input capture logic.


When choosing kPWM_InputEdgeCounter as circuit 0/1 capture source, the eCircuit0CaptureEdge and eCircuit1CaptureEdge selected trigger edge will be ignored, but still need place a value other than kPWM_Noedge in either or both of the eCaptureCircuit0 and/or CaptureCircuit1 fields in order to enable one or both of the capture registers.

typedef enum _pwm_sm_capture_dma_source pwm_sm_capture_dma_source_t

The enumeration for the source which can trigger the DMA read requests for the capture FIFOs.

typedef struct _pwm_sm_capture_dma_config pwm_sm_capture_dma_config_t

The structure for configuring PWM submodule read capture DMA.

typedef struct _pwm_sm_dma_config pwm_sm_dma_config_t

The structure for configuring PWM submodule DMA.

typedef struct _pwm_sm_fault_input_mapping pwm_sm_fault_input_mapping_t

The enumeration for PWM submodule output fault enable mask for one fault protection channel.

The structure for configuring PWM submodule fault input disable mapping.


The channel 0 input 0 and channel 1 input 0 are different pins.


Each PWM output can be mapping anyone or more fault inputs. The mapped fault protection channel inputs can disable PWM output.

typedef enum _pwm_sm_status_flags pwm_sm_status_flags_t

The enumeration for PWM submodule status flags.

typedef enum _pwm_sm_typical_output_mode pwm_sm_typical_output_mode_t

The enumeration for some PWM submodule PWM_A/B typical output mode.

typedef struct _pwm_sm_config pwm_sm_config_t

PWM submodule config structure.

This structure holds the configuration settings for the PWM peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the PWM_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your config structure instance.

typedef enum _pwm_fault_protection_channel pwm_fault_protection_channel_t

The enumeration for PWM fault protection channel number.

typedef enum _pwm_fault_active_level pwm_fault_input_active_level_t

The enumeration for PWM fault protection channel number.

typedef struct _pwm_fault_protection_input_config pwm_fault_protection_input_config_t
typedef struct _pwm_fault_protection_config pwm_fault_protection_config_t

The structure for configuring PWM fault protection channel, a PWM module can have multiple fault protection channels, PWM sub-module can choose to mapping any one or more fault input from fault protection channels.

typedef struct _pwm_config pwm_config_t

PWM module config structure which contain submodule config structure pointers and fault protection filter config structure pointers.


Need use submodule structure address to init the structure pointers, when the submodule or fault protection structure pointers is NULL, it will be ignored by PWM_Init API. This can save stack space when only one or two submodules are used.

struct _pwm_sm_counter_config
#include <fsl_pwm.h>

The structure for configuring PWM submodule counter logic.

Public Members

pwm_sm_count_clock_source_t eCountClockSource

Configures PWM submodule counter clock source.

pwm_sm_count_clock_prescaler_t eCountClockPrescaler

Configures PWM submodule counter clock source prescaler.

pwm_sm_count_init_source_t eCountInitSource

Configures PWM submodule counter initial source.

bool bEnableForceInitial

Enable force-controlled initialization. The assert FORCE_OUT signal can to initialize the counter without regard to the selected initial source.

uint16_t u16PhaseDelayValue

Defines the delay from the master sync signal of submodule 0 to this submodule counter (the unit of delay is the PWM clock cycle), only works when chose kPWM_InitOnMasterSync as initial source.

struct _pwm_sm_reload_logic_config
#include <fsl_pwm.h>

The structure for configuring PWM submodule reload logic.

Public Members

pwm_sm_reload_signal_select_t eReloadSignalSelect

Configures PWM submodule RELOAD signal source to be local reload signal or master reload signal.

pwm_sm_local_reload_effect_timing_t eLoclReloadEffectTime

Configures PWM submodule local reload signal effective timing when choose it as RELOAD signal source.

bool bEnableFullCycleReloadOportunity

Enable generate a reload opportunity on PWM half cycle (count from INIT value to VAL0).

bool bEnableHalfCycleReloadOportunity

Enable generate a reload opportunity on PWM full cycle (count from INIT value to VAL1).

pwm_sm_local_reload_oportunity_t eLocalReloadOportunity

Configures PWM submodule reload frequency when using local reload opportunities mode .

struct _pwm_sm_value_register_config
#include <fsl_pwm.h>

The structure for configuring PWM submodule value registers.

Public Members

uint16_t u16CounterInitialValue

Configures PWM submodule counter initial value.

uint16_t u16ValRegister0

Configures PWM submodule value register 0 (VAL0) value.

uint16_t u16ValRegister1

Configures PWM submodule value register 1 (VAL1) value.

uint16_t u16ValRegister2

Configures PWM submodule value register 2 (VAL2) value.

uint16_t u16ValRegister3

Configures PWM submodule value register 3 (VAL3) value.

uint16_t u16ValRegister4

Configures PWM submodule value register 4 (VAL4) value.

uint16_t u16ValRegister5

Configures PWM submodule value register 5 (VAL5) value.

struct _pwm_sm_force_logic_config
#include <fsl_pwm.h>

The structure for configuring PWM submodule force logic.

Public Members

uint8_t bitPWM23OutputInitialVaule

Configures PWM submodule compare output x (PwmX) initial value.

uint8_t bitPWM45OutputInitialVaule

Configures PWM submodule compare output A (PwmA) initial value.

uint8_t bitPWMXOutputInitialVaule

Configures PWM submodule compare output B (PwmB) initial value.

pwm_sm_force_signal_select_t eForceSignalSelect

Configures PWM submodule force out select update trigger source.

pwm_sm_force_software_output_value_t eSoftOutputFor23

Configures PWM submodule force out PwmA value when select software as output source.

pwm_sm_force_software_output_value_t eSoftOutputFor45

Configures PWM submodule force out PwmB value when select software as output source.

pwm_sm_force_deadtime_source_t eForceOutput23

Configures the source of Pwm23, which will be force to deadtime logic.

pwm_sm_force_deadtime_source_t eForceOutput45

Configures the source of Pwm45, which will be force to deadtime logic.

struct _pwm_sm_deadtime_value
#include <fsl_pwm.h>

The structure of the inserted dead time value, applies only to KPWM_Complementaryxxx mode.

struct _pwm_sm_deadtime_logic_config
#include <fsl_pwm.h>

The structure for configuring PWM submodule force out logic, works on the deadtime logic output.

Public Members

pwm_sm_deadtime_logic_mode_t eMode

The mode in which Deadtime logic process the force logic output signal.

pwm_sm_deadtime_value_t sDeadTimeValue0

Control the deadtime during 0 to 1 transitions of the PWM_23 output (assuming normal polarity). When disable fractional delays, the maximum value is 0x7FF which represents 2047 cycles of IP bus cycles. When enable fractional delays, the maximum value is 0xFFFF which represents 2047 31/32 cycles cycles of IP bus cycles.

pwm_sm_deadtime_value_t sDeadTimeValue1

Control the deadtime during 0 to 1 transitions of the PWM_45 output (assuming normal polarity). When disable fractional delays, the maximum value is 0x7FF which represents 2047 cycles of IP bus cycles. When enable fractional delays, the maximum value is 0xFFFF which represents 2047 31/32 cycles cycles of IP bus cycles.

struct _pwm_sm_fractional_delay_logic_config
#include <fsl_pwm.h>

The structure for configuring PWM submodule fractional delay logic, works on the deadtime logic output.

Public Members

uint8_t bitsFracValue1

Configures PWM submodule compare register VAL1 fractional delay value, the unit is 1/32 IP bus clock.

bool bEnableVal1FractionalDelay

Enable the fractional delay feature of bitsFracValue1.

uint8_t bitsFracValue2

Configures PWM submodule compare register VAL2 fractional delay value, the unit is 1/32 IP bus clock.

uint8_t bitsFracValue3

Configures PWM submodule compare register VAL3 fractional delay value, the unit is 1/32 IP bus clock.

bool bEnableVal23FractionalDelay

Enable the fractional delay feature of bitsFracValue2 and bitsFracValue3.

uint8_t bitsFracValue4

Configures PWM submodule compare register VAL4 fractional delay value, the unit is 1/32 IP bus clock.

uint8_t bitsFracValue5

Configures PWM submodule compare register VAL5 fractional delay value, the unit is 1/32 IP bus clock.

bool bEnableVal45FractionalDelay

Enable the fractional delay feature of bitsFracValue4 and bitsFracValue5.

struct _pwm_sm_output_logic_config_t
#include <fsl_pwm.h>

The structure for configuring PWM submodule output logic.

Public Members

bool bVal0TriggerEnable

Enable VAL0 register compare event trigger.

bool bVal1TriggerEnable

Enable VAL1 register compare event trigger.

bool bVal2TriggerEnable

Enable VAL2 register compare event trigger.

bool bVal3TriggerEnable

Enable VAL3 register compare event trigger.

bool bVal4TriggerEnable

Enable VAL4 register compare event trigger.

bool bVal5TriggerEnable

Enable VAL5 register compare event trigger.

bool bEnableTriggerPostScaler

True : Trigger outputs are generated only during the final PWM period prior to a reload opportunity, false : Trigger outputs are generated during every PWM period. Configures PWM submodule mux trigger output signal 0 source.

pwm_sm_mux_trigger_source_t eMuxTrigger0

Configures PWM submodule mux trigger output signal 1 source.

pwm_sm_mux_trigger_source_t eMuxTrigger1

Configures PWM submodule PWM_X output source (before polarity/mask/enable control).

bool bInvertPwmxOutput

True : invert PWM_X output, false : no invert PWM_X output.

bool bInvertPwmaOutput

True : invert PWM_A output, false : no invert PWM_A output.

bool bInvertPwmbOutput

True : invert PWM_B output, false : no invert PWM_B output.

bool bMaskPwmxOutput

True : PWM_X output masked, false : PWM_X output normal. Mask bit is buffered, and take effect until FORCE_OUT event or software update command.

bool bMaskPwmaOutput

True : PWM_A output masked, false : PWM_A output normal. Mask bit is buffered, and take effect until FORCE_OUT event or software update command.

bool bMaskPwmbOutput

True : PWM_B output masked, false : PWM_B output normal. Mask bit is buffered, and take effect until FORCE_OUT event or software update command.

bool bEnablePwmxOutput

True : Enable PWM_X output. false : PWM_X is disabled and output is tristated.

bool bEnablePwmaOutput

True : Enable PWM_A output. false : PWM_A is disabled and output is tristated.

bool bEnablePwmbOutput

True : Enable PWM_B output. false : PWM_B is disabled and output is tristated. Configures PWM submodule PWM_X output during fault status (only works when fault status enable).

pwm_sm_pwm_output_on_fault_t ePwmxFaultState

Configures PWM submodule PWM_A output during fault status (only works when fault status enable).

pwm_sm_pwm_output_on_fault_t ePwmaFaultState

Configures PWM submodule PWM_B output during fault status (only works when fault status enable).

struct _pwm_sm_input_capture_config
#include <fsl_pwm.h>

The structure for configuring PWM submodule input capture logic.


When choosing kPWM_InputEdgeCounter as circuit 0/1 capture source, the eCircuit0CaptureEdge and eCircuit1CaptureEdge selected trigger edge will be ignored, but still need place a value other than kPWM_Noedge in either or both of the eCaptureCircuit0 and/or CaptureCircuit1 fields in order to enable one or both of the capture registers.

Public Members

bool bEnableInputCapture

True: enable the input capture process, false : disable the input capture process.

pwm_sm_input_capture_source_t eInCaptureSource

Configures capture circuit 0/1 input source

pwm_sm_input_capture_edge_t eCircuit0CaptureEdge

Configures which edge causes a capture for capture circuit 0 , will be ignore when use edge counter as capture source.

pwm_sm_input_capture_edge_t eCircuit1CaptureEdge

Configures which edge causes a capture for capture circuit 1 , will be ignore when use edge counter as capture source.

bool bEnableOneShotCapture

True: Enable one-shot capture mode, the bEnableInputCapture will self-cleared when one or more of the enabled capture circuits has had a capture event; false: Capture circuit 0/1 will perform capture continue;

uint8_t bitsCaptureFifoWatermark

Watermark level for circuit 0/1 capture FIFO. The capture flags in the status register will set if the word count in the circuit 0/1 capture FIFO is greater than this watermark level

uint8_t u8EdgeCounterCompareValue

Edge counter compare value, used only if edge counter is used as capture circuit 0/1 input source

uint8_t u8FilterPeriod

Sampling period (in IPBus clock cycles) of the input filter, set to 0 to bypass the filter.

pwm_sm_input_capture_filter_count_t eFilterCount

Filter sample count.

struct _pwm_sm_capture_dma_config
#include <fsl_pwm.h>

The structure for configuring PWM submodule read capture DMA.

Public Members

bool bEnableCaptureDMA

Enables DMA read requests for the Capture FIFOs.

pwm_sm_capture_dma_source_t eCaptureDMASource

Select the source to enables DMA read requests for the Capture FIFOs. Will be ignored when bEnableCaptureDMA be false.

struct _pwm_sm_dma_config
#include <fsl_pwm.h>

The structure for configuring PWM submodule DMA.

Public Members

bool bEnableWriteValDMA

STS[RF] set enables DMA write requests for VALx and FRACVALx registers.

bool bEnableReadCaptureX0DMA

STS[CFX0] set enables DMA read requests for Capture X0 FIFO. And X0 FIFO watermark is selected for sCaptureDma pwm_sm_capture_dma_config_t.

bool bEnableReadCaptureX1DMA

STS[CFX1] set enables DMA read requests for Capture X1 FIFO. And X1 FIFO watermark is selected for sCaptureDma pwm_sm_capture_dma_config_t.

bool bEnableReadCaptureA0DMA

STS[CFA0] set enables DMA read requests for Capture A0 FIFO. And A0 FIFO watermark is selected for sCaptureDma pwm_sm_capture_dma_config_t.

bool bEnableReadCaptureA1DMA

STS[CFA1] set enables DMA read requests for Capture A1 FIFO. And A1 FIFO watermark is selected for sCaptureDma pwm_sm_capture_dma_config_t.

bool bEnableReadCaptureB0DMA

STS[CFB0] set enables DMA read requests for Capture B0 FIFO. And B0 FIFO watermark is selected for sCaptureDma pwm_sm_capture_dma_config_t.

bool bEnableReadCaptureB1DMA

STS[CFB1] set enables DMA read requests for Capture B1 FIFO. And B1 FIFO watermark is selected for sCaptureDma pwm_sm_capture_dma_config_t.

pwm_sm_capture_dma_config_t sCaptureDma

DMA read requests for the capture FIFOs configure.

struct _pwm_sm_fault_input_mapping
#include <fsl_pwm.h>

The enumeration for PWM submodule output fault enable mask for one fault protection channel.

The structure for configuring PWM submodule fault input disable mapping.


The channel 0 input 0 and channel 1 input 0 are different pins.


Each PWM output can be mapping anyone or more fault inputs. The mapped fault protection channel inputs can disable PWM output.

Public Members

bool bFaultInput0Mapping

Mapping fault input 0 (from fault protection channel 0) to PWM output.

bool bFaultInput1Mapping

Mapping fault input 1 (from fault protection channel 0) to PWM output.

bool bFaultInput2Mapping

Mapping fault input 2 (from fault protection channel 0) to PWM output.

bool bFaultInput3Mapping

Mapping fault input 3 (from fault protection channel 0) to PWM output.

bool bFaultInput4Mapping

Mapping fault input 4 (from fault protection channel 1) to PWM output.

bool bFaultInput5Mapping

Mapping fault input 5 (from fault protection channel 1) to PWM output.

bool bFaultInput6Mapping

Mapping fault input 6 (from fault protection channel 1) to PWM output.

bool bFaultInput7Mapping

Mapping fault input 7 (from fault protection channel 1) to PWM output.

struct _pwm_sm_config
#include <fsl_pwm.h>

PWM submodule config structure.

This structure holds the configuration settings for the PWM peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the PWM_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your config structure instance.

Public Members

bool enableDebugMode

true: PWM continues to run in debug mode; false: PWM is paused in debug mode.

bool enableWaitMode

true: PWM continues to run in WAIT mode; false: PWM is paused in WAIT mode.

bool enableRun

true: PWM submodule is enabled; false: PWM submodule is disabled. Configures submodule value registers compare mode, only can be written one time.

pwm_sm_counter_config_t sCounterConfig

Submodule counter logic config.

pwm_sm_reload_logic_config_t sReloadConfig

Submodule reload control logic config.

pwm_sm_value_register_config_t sValRegisterConfig

Submodule value registers config.

pwm_sm_force_logic_config_t sForceConfig

Submodule force out logic config.

pwm_sm_deadtime_logic_config_t sDeadTimeConfig

Submodule deadtime logic config.

pwm_sm_fractional_delay_logic_config_t sFracDelayConfig

Submodule fractional logic config.

pwm_sm_output_logic_config_t sOutputConfig

Submodule output logic config.

pwm_sm_input_capture_config_t sInCaptureConfig[3]

Submodule input capture config for PWM_X/A/B pins.

pwm_sm_dma_config_t sDMAConfig

Submodule DMA config. PWM_X output fault input mapping, determines which fault inputs can disable PWM_X output.

pwm_sm_fault_input_mapping_t sPwmXFaultInputMapping

PWM_A output fault input mapping, determines which fault inputs can disable PWM_A output.

pwm_sm_fault_input_mapping_t sPwmAFaultInputMapping

PWM_B output fault input mapping, determines which fault inputs can disable PWM_B output.

pwm_sm_fault_input_mapping_t sPwmBFaultInputMapping

Submodule interrupt enable mask, logic OR of _pwm_sm_interrupt_enable.

pwm_ml2_stretch_count_clock_prescaler_t eStrBusClock

PWM stretch IPBus clock count prescaler.

struct _pwm_fault_protection_input_config
#include <fsl_pwm.h>

Public Members

pwm_fault_input_active_level_t eFaultActiveLevel

Select the active logic level of the fault input.

bool bEnableAutoFaultClear

True : Enable automatic fault clearing, fault recovery (PWM outputs can re-enable) occurs when FSTS[FFPINx] is clear , false : Use manual fault clearing, fault recovery (PWM outputs can re-enable) occurs when FSTS[FFLAGx] is manual clear (and FSTS[FFPINx] is clear).

bool bEnableManualFaultClearSafeMode

True : fault recovery (PWM outputs can re-enable) occurs when FSTS[FFLAGx] is manual clear and FSTS[FFPINx] is clear, false : fault recovery (PWM outputs can re-enable) occurs when FSTS[FFLAGx] is manual clear.

bool bEnableFaultFullCycleRecovery

Enable full cycle fault recovery, which make PWM outputs are re-enabled at the start of a half cycle after fault recovery occurs.

bool bEnableFaultHalfCycleRecovery

Enable half cycle fault recovery, which make PWM outputs are re-enabled at the start of a half cycle after fault recovery occurs.

bool bEnableFaultNoCombinationalPath

True : The fault inputs are combined with the filtered and latched fault signals to disable the PWM outputs , false : the filtered and latched fault signals are used to disable the PWM outputs.

bool bEnableFaultInterrupt

Enable the fault input interrupt.

struct _pwm_fault_protection_config
#include <fsl_pwm.h>

The structure for configuring PWM fault protection channel, a PWM module can have multiple fault protection channels, PWM sub-module can choose to mapping any one or more fault input from fault protection channels.

Public Members

bool bEnableFaultGlitchStretch

Fault Glitch Stretch Enable: A logic 1 means that input fault signals will be stretched to at least 2 IPBus clock cycles.

uint8_t bitsFaultFilterCount

Configures PWM fault protection channel fault filter count.

uint8_t u8FaultFilterPeriod

Configures PWM fault protection channel fault filter period, value of 0 will bypass the filter.

struct _pwm_config
#include <fsl_pwm.h>

PWM module config structure which contain submodule config structure pointers and fault protection filter config structure pointers.


Need use submodule structure address to init the structure pointers, when the submodule or fault protection structure pointers is NULL, it will be ignored by PWM_Init API. This can save stack space when only one or two submodules are used.

Public Members

pwm_sm_config_t *psPwmSubmoduleConfig[1]

< PWM submodule config. PWM fault protection channel config, will take effect for all submodules.

The Driver Change Log

eFlexPWM Peripheral and Driver Overview

QDC: Quadrature Decoder Driver

void QDC_Init(QDC_Type *base, const qdc_config_t *psConfig)

Initializes the QDC module.

This function initializes the QDC by:

  1. Enable the IP bus clock (optional).

  2. Configure module based on the configuration structure.

  • base – QDC peripheral base address.

  • psConfig – Pointer to configuration structure.

void QDC_GetDefaultConfig(qdc_config_t *psConfig)

Gets an available pre-defined configuration.

The default value are:

psConfig->bEnableReverseDirection              = false;
psConfig->eDecoderWorkMode                     = kQDC_DecoderQuadratureMode;
psConfig->eHomeInitPosCounterMode              = kQDC_HomeInitPosCounterDisabled;
psConfig->eIndexInitPosCounterMode             = kQDC_IndexInitPosCounterDisabled;
psConfig->bEnableTriggerInitPositionCounter    = false;
psConfig->bEnableTriggerClearPositionRegisters = false;
psConfig->bEnableTriggerHoldPositionRegisters  = false;
psConfig->bEnableWatchdog                      = false;
psConfig->u16WatchdogTimeoutValue              = 0xFFFFU;
psConfig->eFilterSampleCount                   = kQDC_Filter3Samples;
psConfig->u8FilterSamplePeriod                 = 0U;
psConfig->eOutputPulseMode                     = kQDC_OutputPulseOnCounterEqualCompare;
psConfig->u32PositionCompareValue              = 0xFFFFFFFFU;
psConfig->u32PositionCompare1Value             = 0xFFFFFFFFU;
psConfig->eRevolutionCountCondition            = kQDC_RevolutionCountOnIndexPulse;
psConfig->bEnableModuloCountMode               = false;
psConfig->u32PositionModulusValue              = 0U;
psConfig->u32PositionInitialValue              = 0U;
psConfig->u32PositionCounterValue              = 0U;
psConfig->bEnablePeriodMeasurement             = false;
psConfig->ePrescaler                           = kQDC_Prescaler1;
psConfig->u16EnabledInterruptsMask             = 0U;

  • psConfig – Pointer to configuration structure.

void QDC_Deinit(QDC_Type *base)

De-initializes the QDC module.

This function deinitializes the QDC by:

  1. Disables the IP bus clock (optional).

  • base – QDC peripheral base address.

static inline void QDC_EnableWatchdog(QDC_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enable watchdog for QDC module.

  • base – QDC peripheral base address

  • bEnable – Enables or disables the watchdog

static inline void QDC_SetWatchdogTimeout(QDC_Type *base, uint16_t u16Timeout)

Set watchdog timeout value.

  • base – QDC peripheral base address

  • u16Timeout – Number of clock cycles, plus one clock cycle that the watchdog timer counts before timing out

static inline uint16_t QDC_GetStatusFlags(QDC_Type *base)

Get the status flags.

  • base – QDC peripheral base address.


Logical OR’ed value of the status flags, _qdc_status_flags.

static inline void QDC_ClearStatusFlags(QDC_Type *base, uint16_t u16Flags)

Clear the status flags.

  • base – QDC peripheral base address.

  • u16Flags – Logical OR’ed value of the flags to clear, _qdc_status_flags.

static inline uint16_t QDC_GetSignalStatusFlags(QDC_Type *base)

Get the signals’ real-time status.

  • base – QDC peripheral base address.


Logical OR’ed value of the real-time signal status, _qdc_signal_status.

static inline qdc_count_direction_flag_t QDC_GetLastCountDirection(QDC_Type *base)

Get the direction of the last count.

  • base – QDC peripheral base address.


Direction of the last count.

static inline void QDC_EnableInterrupts(QDC_Type *base, uint16_t u16Interrupts)

Enable the interrupts.

  • base – QDC peripheral base address.

  • u16Interrupts – Logical OR’ed value of the interrupts, _qdc_interrupt_enable.

static inline void QDC_DisableInterrupts(QDC_Type *base, uint16_t u16Interrupts)

Disable the interrupts.

  • base – QDC peripheral base address.

  • u16Interrupts – Logical OR’ed value of the interrupts, _qdc_interrupt_enable.

static inline void QDC_DoSoftwareLoadInitialPositionValue(QDC_Type *base)

Load the initial position value to position counter.

Software trigger to load the initial position value (UINIT and LINIT) contents to position counter (UPOS and LPOS), so that to provide the consistent operation the position counter registers.

  • base – QDC peripheral base address.

static inline void QDC_SetInitialPositionValue(QDC_Type *base, uint32_t u32PositionInitValue)

Set initial position value for QDC module.

Set the position counter initial value (INIT or UINIT, LINIT).

  • base – QDC peripheral base address

  • u32PositionInitValue – Position initial value

static inline void QDC_SetPositionCounterValue(QDC_Type *base, uint32_t u32PositionCounterValue)

Set position counter value.

Set the position counter value (POS or UPOS, LPOS).

  • base – QDC peripheral base address

  • u32PositionCounterValue – Position counter value

static inline void QDC_SetPositionModulusValue(QDC_Type *base, uint32_t u32PositionModulusValue)

Set position counter modulus value.

Set the position counter modulus value (MOD or UMOD, LMOD).

  • base – QDC peripheral base address

  • u32PositionModulusValue – Position modulus value

static inline void QDC_SetPositionCompareValue(QDC_Type *base, uint32_t u32PositionCompValue)

Set position counter compare value.

Set the position counter compare value (COMP or UCOMP, LCOMP).

  • base – QDC peripheral base address

  • u32PositionCompValue – Position modulus value

static inline void QDC_SetPositionCompare1Value(QDC_Type *base, uint32_t u32PositionComp1Value)

Set position counter compare 1 value.

Set the position counter compare 1 value (COMP1 or UCOMP1, LCOMP1).

  • base – QDC peripheral base address

  • u32PositionComp1Value – Position modulus value

static inline uint32_t QDC_GetPosition(QDC_Type *base)

Get the current position counter’s value.

  • base – QDC peripheral base address.


Current position counter’s value.

static inline uint32_t QDC_GetHoldPosition(QDC_Type *base)

Get the hold position counter’s value.

The position counter (POS or UPOS, LPOS) value is loaded to hold position (POSH or UPOSH, LPOSH) when:

  1. Position register (POS or UPOS, LPOS), or position difference register (POSD), or revolution register (REV) is read.

  2. TRIGGER happens and TRIGGER is enabled to update the hold registers.

  • base – QDC peripheral base address.


Hold position counter’s value.

static inline uint16_t QDC_GetPositionDifference(QDC_Type *base)

Get the position difference counter’s value.

  • base – QDC peripheral base address.


The position difference counter’s value.

static inline uint16_t QDC_GetHoldPositionDifference(QDC_Type *base)

Get the hold position difference counter’s value.

The position difference (POSD) value is loaded to hold position difference (POSDH) when:

  1. Position register (POS or UPOS, LPOS), or position difference register (POSD), or revolution register (REV) is read. When Period Measurement is enabled (CTRL3[PMEN] = 1), POSDH will only be udpated when reading POSD.

  2. TRIGGER happens and TRIGGER is enabled to update the hold registers.

  • base – QDC peripheral base address.


Hold position difference counter’s value.

static inline uint16_t QDC_GetRevolution(QDC_Type *base)

Get the revolution counter’s value.

Get the revolution counter (REV) value.

  • base – QDC peripheral base address.


The revolution counter’s value.

static inline uint16_t QDC_GetHoldRevolution(QDC_Type *base)

Get the hold revolution counter’s value.

The revolution counter (REV) value is loaded to hold revolution (REVH) when:

  1. Position register (POS or UPOS, LPOS), or position difference register (POSD), or revolution register (REV) is read.

  2. TRIGGER happens and TRIGGER is enabled to update the hold registers.

  • base – QDC peripheral base address.


Hold position revolution counter’s value.

static inline uint16_t QDC_GetLastEdgeTime(QDC_Type *base)

Get the last edge time.

Last edge time (LASTEDGE) is the time since the last edge occurred on PHASEA or PHASEB. The last edge time register counts up using the peripheral clock after prescaler. Any edge on PHASEA or PHASEB will reset this register to 0 and start counting. If the last edge timer count reaches 0xffff, the counting will stop in order to prevent an overflow.

  • base – QDC peripheral base address.


The last edge time.

static inline uint16_t QDC_GetHoldLastEdgeTime(QDC_Type *base)

Get the hold last edge time.

The hold of last edge time(LASTEDGEH) is update to last edge time(LASTEDGE) when the position difference register register (POSD) is read.

  • base – QDC peripheral base address.


Hold of last edge time.

static inline uint16_t QDC_GetPositionDifferencePeriod(QDC_Type *base)

Get the Position Difference Period counter value.

The Position Difference Period counter (POSDPER) counts up using the prescaled peripheral clock. When reading the position difference register(POSD), the last edge time (LASTEDGE) will be loaded to position difference period counter(POSDPER). If the POSDPER count reaches 0xffff, the counting will stop in order to prevent an overflow. Counting will continue when an edge occurs on PHASEA or PHASEB.

  • base – QDC peripheral base address.


The position difference period counter value.

static inline uint16_t QDC_GetBufferedPositionDifferencePeriod(QDC_Type *base)

Get buffered Position Difference Period counter value.

The Bufferd Position Difference Period (POSDPERBFR) value is updated with the position difference period counter(POSDPER) when any edge occurs on PHASEA or PHASEB.

  • base – QDC peripheral base address.


The buffered position difference period counter value.

static inline uint16_t QDC_GetHoldPositionDifferencePeriod(QDC_Type *base)

Get Hold Position Difference Period counter value.

The hold position difference period(POSDPERH) is updated with the value of buffered position difference period(POSDPERBFR) when the position difference(POSD) register is read.

  • base – QDC peripheral base address.


The hold position difference period counter value.


QDC driver version.

enum _qdc_status_flags

QDC status flags, these flags indicate the counter’s events. .


enumerator kQDC_HomeTransitionFlag

HOME signal transition occured.

enumerator kQDC_IndexPulseFlag

INDEX pulse occured.

enumerator kQDC_WatchdogTimeoutFlag

Watchdog timeout occured.

enumerator kQDC_PositionCompareFlag

Position counter match the COMP value.

enumerator kQDC_SimultPhaseChangeFlag

Simultaneous change of PHASEA and PHASEB occured.

enumerator kQDC_PositionRollOverFlag

Position counter rolls over from 0xFFFFFFFF to 0, or from MOD value to INIT value.

enumerator kQDC_PositionRollUnderFlag

Position register roll under from 0 to 0xFFFFFFFF, or from INIT value to MOD value.

enumerator kQDC_PositionCompare1Flag

Position counter match the COMP1 value.

enumerator kQDC_StatusAllFlags
enum _qdc_signal_status

Signal status, these flags indicate the raw and filtered input signal status. .


enumerator kQDC_SignalStatusRawHome

Raw HOME input.

enumerator kQDC_SignalStatusRawIndex

Raw INDEX input.

enumerator kQDC_SignalStatusRawPhaseB

Raw PHASEB input.

enumerator kQDC_SignalStatusRawPhaseA

Raw PHASEA input.

enumerator kQDC_SignalStatusFilteredHome

The filtered HOME input.

enumerator kQDC_SignalStatusFilteredIndex

The filtered INDEX input.

enumerator kQDC_SignalStatusFilteredPhaseB

The filtered PHASEB input.

enumerator kQDC_SignalStatusFilteredPhaseA

The filtered PHASEA input.

enumerator kQDC_SignalStatusAllFlags
enum _qdc_interrupt_enable

Interrupt enable/disable mask. .


enumerator kQDC_HomeTransitionInterruptEnable

HOME signal transition interrupt enable.

enumerator kQDC_IndexPulseInterruptEnable

INDEX pulse interrupt enable.

enumerator kQDC_WatchdogTimeoutInterruptEnable

Watchdog timeout interrupt enable.

enumerator kQDC_PositionCompareInerruptEnable

Position compare interrupt enable.

enumerator kQDC_SimultPhaseChangeInterruptEnable

Simultaneous PHASEA and PHASEB change interrupt enable.

enumerator kQDC_PositionRollOverInterruptEnable

Roll-over interrupt enable.

enumerator kQDC_PositionRollUnderInterruptEnable

Roll-under interrupt enable.

enumerator kQDC_PositionCompare1InerruptEnable

Position compare 1 interrupt enable.

enumerator kQDC_AllInterruptEnable
enum _qdc_home_init_pos_counter_mode

Define HOME signal’s trigger mode.


enumerator kQDC_HomeInitPosCounterDisabled

Don’t use HOME signal to initialize the position counter.

enumerator kQDC_HomeInitPosCounterOnRisingEdge

Use positive going edge to trigger initialization of position counters.

enumerator kQDC_HomeInitPosCounterOnFallingEdge

Use negative going edge to trigger initialization of position counters.

enum _qdc_index_init_pos_counter_mode

Define INDEX signal’s trigger mode.


enumerator kQDC_IndexInitPosCounterDisabled

INDEX pulse does not initialize the position counter.

enumerator kQDC_IndexInitPosCounterOnRisingEdge

Use INDEX pulse rising edge to initialize position counter.

enumerator kQDC_IndexInitPosCounterOnFallingEdge

Use INDEX pulse falling edge to initialize position counter.

enum _qdc_decoder_work_mode

Define type for decoder work mode.

In normal work mode uses the standard quadrature decoder with PHASEA and PHASEB. In signal phase count mode, a positive transition of the PHASEA input generates a count signal while the PHASEB input and the reverse direction control the counter direction. If the reverse direction is not enabled, PHASEB = 0 means counting up and PHASEB = 1 means counting down. If the reverse direction is enabled, PHASEB = 0 means counting down and PHASEB = 1 means counting up.


enumerator kQDC_DecoderQuadratureMode

Use standard quadrature decoder with PHASEA and PHASEB.

enumerator kQDC_DecoderSignalPhaseCountMode

PHASEA input generates a count signal while PHASEB input control the direction.

enum _qdc_output_pulse_mode

Define type for the condition of POSMATCH pulses.


enumerator kQDC_OutputPulseOnCounterEqualCompare

POSMATCH pulses when a match occurs between the position counters (POS) and the compare value (COMP, COMP1).

enumerator kQDC_OutputPulseOnReadingPositionCounter

POSMATCH pulses when reading position counter(POS), revolution counter(REV), position difference counter(POSD).

enum _qdc_revolution_count_condition

Define type for determining how the revolution counter (REV) is incremented/decremented.


enumerator kQDC_RevolutionCountOnIndexPulse

Use INDEX pulse to increment/decrement revolution counter.

enumerator kQDC_RevolutionCountOnRollOverModulus

Use modulus counting roll-over/under to increment/decrement revolution counter.

enum _qdc_filter_sample_count

Input Filter Sample Count.

The Input Filter Sample Count represents the number of consecutive samples that must agree, before the input filter accepts an input transition


enumerator kQDC_Filter3Samples

3 samples.

enumerator kQDC_Filter4Samples

4 samples.

enumerator kQDC_Filter5Samples

5 samples.

enumerator kQDC_Filter6Samples

6 samples.

enumerator kQDC_Filter7Samples

7 samples.

enumerator kQDC_Filter8Samples

8 samples.

enumerator kQDC_Filter9Samples

9 samples.

enumerator kQDC_Filter10Samples

10 samples.

enum _qdc_filter_prescaler

Prescaler Divide IPBus Clock to filter Clock.


enumerator kQDC_FilterPrescaler1

Prescaler value 1.

enumerator kQDC_FilterPrescaler2

Prescaler value 2.

enumerator kQDC_FilterPrescaler4

Prescaler value 4.

enumerator kQDC_FilterPrescaler8

Prescaler value 8.

enumerator kQDC_FilterPrescaler16

Prescaler value 16.

enumerator kQDC_FilterPrescaler32

Prescaler value 32.

enumerator kQDC_FilterPrescaler64

Prescaler value 64.

enumerator kQDC_FilterPrescaler128

Prescaler value 128.

enum _qdc_count_direction_flag

Count direction.


enumerator kQDC_CountDirectionDown

Last count was in down direction.

enumerator kQDC_CountDirectionUp

Last count was in up direction.

enum _qdc_prescaler

Prescaler used by Last Edge Time (LASTEDGE) and Position Difference Period Counter (POSDPER).


enumerator kQDC_Prescaler1

Prescaler value 1.

enumerator kQDC_Prescaler2

Prescaler value 2.

enumerator kQDC_Prescaler4

Prescaler value 4.

enumerator kQDC_Prescaler8

Prescaler value 8.

enumerator kQDC_Prescaler16

Prescaler value 16.

enumerator kQDC_Prescaler32

Prescaler value 32.

enumerator kQDC_Prescaler64

Prescaler value 64.

enumerator kQDC_Prescaler128

Prescaler value 128.

enumerator kQDC_Prescaler256

Prescaler value 256.

enumerator kQDC_Prescaler512

Prescaler value 512.

enumerator kQDC_Prescaler1024

Prescaler value 1024.

enumerator kQDC_Prescaler2048

Prescaler value 2048.

enumerator kQDC_Prescaler4096

Prescaler value 4096.

enumerator kQDC_Prescaler8192

Prescaler value 8192.

enumerator kQDC_Prescaler16384

Prescaler value 16384.

enumerator kQDC_Prescaler32768

Prescaler value 32768.

typedef enum _qdc_home_init_pos_counter_mode qdc_home_init_pos_counter_mode_t

Define HOME signal’s trigger mode.

typedef enum _qdc_index_init_pos_counter_mode qdc_index_init_pos_counter_mode_t

Define INDEX signal’s trigger mode.

typedef enum _qdc_decoder_work_mode qdc_decoder_work_mode_t

Define type for decoder work mode.

In normal work mode uses the standard quadrature decoder with PHASEA and PHASEB. In signal phase count mode, a positive transition of the PHASEA input generates a count signal while the PHASEB input and the reverse direction control the counter direction. If the reverse direction is not enabled, PHASEB = 0 means counting up and PHASEB = 1 means counting down. If the reverse direction is enabled, PHASEB = 0 means counting down and PHASEB = 1 means counting up.

typedef enum _qdc_output_pulse_mode qdc_output_pulse_mode_t

Define type for the condition of POSMATCH pulses.

typedef enum _qdc_revolution_count_condition qdc_revolution_count_condition_t

Define type for determining how the revolution counter (REV) is incremented/decremented.

typedef enum _qdc_filter_sample_count qdc_filter_sample_count_t

Input Filter Sample Count.

The Input Filter Sample Count represents the number of consecutive samples that must agree, before the input filter accepts an input transition

typedef enum _qdc_filter_prescaler qdc_filter_prescaler_t

Prescaler Divide IPBus Clock to filter Clock.

typedef enum _qdc_count_direction_flag qdc_count_direction_flag_t

Count direction.

typedef enum _qdc_prescaler qdc_prescaler_t

Prescaler used by Last Edge Time (LASTEDGE) and Position Difference Period Counter (POSDPER).

typedef struct _qdc_config qdc_config_t

Define user configuration structure for QDC module.


W1C bits in QDC CTRL registers.


W1C bits in QDC CTRL2 registers.


W1C bits in QDC CTRL3 registers.


Interrupt enable bits in QDC CTRL registers.


Interrupt enable bits in QDC CTRL2 registers.


Interrupt enable bits in QDC CTRL3 registers.


Interrupt flag bits in QDC CTRL registers.


Interrupt flag bits in QDC CTRL2 registers.


Interrupt flag bits in QDC CTRL3 registers.

struct _qdc_config
#include <fsl_qdc.h>

Define user configuration structure for QDC module.

Public Members

bool bEnableReverseDirection

Enable reverse direction counting.

qdc_decoder_work_mode_t eDecoderWorkMode

Use standard quadrature decoder mode or signal phase count mode.

qdc_home_init_pos_counter_mode_t eHomeInitPosCounterMode

Select how HOME signal used to initialize position counters.

qdc_index_init_pos_counter_mode_t eIndexInitPosCounterMode

Select how INDEX signal used to initialize position counters.

bool bEnableTriggerInitPositionCounter

Initialize position counter with initial register(UINIT, LINIT) value on TRIGGER’s rising edge.

bool bEnableTriggerClearPositionRegisters

Clear position counter(POS), revolution counter(REV), position difference counter (POSD) on TRIGGER’s rising edge.

bool bEnableTriggerHoldPositionRegisters

Load position counter(POS), revolution counter(REV), position difference counter (POSD) values to hold registers on TRIGGER’s rising edge.

bool bEnableIndexInitPositionCounter

Enables the feature that the position counter to be initialized by Index Event Edge Mark.

This option works together with eIndexInitPosCounterMode and bEnableReverseDirection. If enabled, the behavior is like this:

When PHA leads PHB (Clockwise): If eIndexInitPosCounterMode is kQDC_IndexInitPosCounterOnRisingEdge, then INDEX rising edge reset position counter. If eIndexInitPosCounterMode is kQDC_IndexInitPosCounterOnFallingEdge, then INDEX falling edge reset position counter. If bEnableReverseDirection is false, then Reset position counter to initial value. If bEnableReverseDirection is true, then reset position counter to modulus value.

When PHA lags PHB (Counter Clockwise): If eIndexInitPosCounterMode is kQDC_IndexInitPosCounterOnRisingEdge, then INDEX falling edge reset position counter. If eIndexInitPosCounterMode is kQDC_IndexInitPosCounterOnFallingEdge, then INDEX rising edge reset position counter. If bEnableReverseDirection is false, then Reset position counter to modulus value. If bEnableReverseDirection is true, then reset position counter to initial value.

bool bEnableWatchdog

Enable the watchdog to detect if the target is moving or not.

uint16_t u16WatchdogTimeoutValue

Watchdog timeout count value. It stores the timeout count for the quadrature decoder module watchdog timer.

qdc_filter_prescaler_t eFilterPrescaler

Input signal filter prescaler.

qdc_filter_sample_count_t eFilterSampleCount

Input Filter Sample Count. This value should be chosen to reduce the probability of noisy samples causing an incorrect transition to be recognized. The value represent the number of consecutive samples that must agree prior to the input filter accepting an input transition.

uint8_t u8FilterSamplePeriod

Input Filter Sample Period. This value should be set such that the sampling period is larger than the period of the expected noise. This value represents the sampling period (in IPBus clock cycles) of the decoder input signals. The available range is 0 - 255.

qdc_output_pulse_mode_t eOutputPulseMode

The condition of POSMATCH pulses.

uint32_t u32PositionCompareValue

Position compare value. The available value is a 32-bit number.

uint32_t u32PositionCompare1Value

Position compare 1 value. The available value is a 32-bit number.

qdc_revolution_count_condition_t eRevolutionCountCondition

Revolution Counter Modulus Enable.

bool bEnableModuloCountMode

Enable Modulo Counting.

uint32_t u32PositionModulusValue

Position modulus value. Only used when bEnableModuloCountMode is true. The available value is a 32-bit number.

uint32_t u32PositionInitialValue

Position initial value. The available value is a 32-bit number.

uint32_t u32PositionCounterValue

Position counter value. When Modulo mode enabled, the u32PositionCounterValue should be in the range of u32PositionInitialValue and u32PositionModulusValue.

bool bEnablePeriodMeasurement

Enable period measurement. When enabled, the position difference hold register (POSDH) is only updated when position difference register (POSD) is read.

qdc_prescaler_t ePrescaler


uint16_t u16EnabledInterruptsMask

Mask of interrupts to be enabled, should be OR’ed value of _qdc_interrupt_enable.

QDC Peripheral and Driver Overview

QSCI: Queued Serial Communications Interface Driver

void QSCI_GetDefaultConfig(qsci_config_t *psConfig, uint32_t u32BaudRateBps, uint32_t u32SrcClockHz)

Sets the QSCI configuration structure to default values.

The purpose of this API is to initialize the configuration structure to default value for QSCI_Init to use. Use the unchanged structure in QSCI_Init or modify the structure before calling QSCI_Init. This is an example:

qsci_config_t sConfig;
QSCI_GetDefaultConfig(&sConfig, 115200, 12000000U);
QSCI_Init(QSCI0, &config);

  • psConfig – Pointer to configuration structure.

  • u32BaudRateBps – Baudrate setting.

  • u32SrcClockHz – The clock source frequency for QSCI module.

status_t QSCI_Init(QSCI_Type *base, qsci_config_t *psConfig)

Initializes the QSCI instance with a user configuration structure.

This function configures the QSCI module with the customed settings. User can configure the configuration structure manually or get the default configuration by using the QSCI_GetDefaultConfig function. The example below shows how to use this API to configure QSCI.

qsci_config_t sConfig;
QSCI_GetDefaultConfig(&sConfig, 115200, 12000000U);
QSCI_Init(QSCI0, &sConfig);

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.

  • psConfig – Pointer to the user-defined configuration structure.

Return values:
  • kStatus_QSCI_BaudrateNotSupport – Baudrate is not supported in the current clock source.

  • kStatus_Success – Set baudrate succeeded.

void QSCI_Deinit(QSCI_Type *base)

Deinitializes a QSCI instance.

This function waits for transmiting complete, then disables TX and RX.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.

static inline uint16_t QSCI_GetStatusFlags(QSCI_Type *base)

Gets QSCI hardware status flags.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.


QSCI status flags, can be a single flag or several flags in _qsci_status_flags combined by OR.

void QSCI_ClearStatusFlags(QSCI_Type *base, uint16_t u16StatusFlags)

Clears QSCI status flags.

This function clears QSCI status flags. Members in kQSCI_Group0Flags can’t be cleared by this function, they are cleared or set by hardware.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.

  • u16StatusFlags – The status flag mask, can be a single flag or several flags in _qsci_status_flags combined by OR.

void QSCI_EnableInterrupts(QSCI_Type *base, uint8_t u8Interrupts)

Enables QSCI interrupts according to the provided mask.

This function enables the QSCI interrupts according to the provided mask. The mask is a logical OR of enumeration members in _qsci_interrupt_enable.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.

  • u8Interrupts – The interrupt source mask, can be a single source or several sources in _qsci_interrupt_enable combined by OR.

void QSCI_DisableInterrupts(QSCI_Type *base, uint8_t u8Interrupts)

Disables QSCI interrupts according to the provided mask.

This function disables the QSCI interrupts according to the provided mask. The mask is a logical OR of enumeration members in _qsci_interrupt_enable.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.

  • u8Interrupts – The interrupt source mask, can be a single source or several sources in _qsci_interrupt_enable combined by OR.

uint8_t QSCI_GetEnabledInterrupts(QSCI_Type *base)

Gets the enabled QSCI interrupts.

This function gets the enabled QSCI interrupts. The enabled interrupts are returned as the logical OR value of the enumerators _qsci_interrupt_enable.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.


The interrupt source mask, can be a single source or several sources in _qsci_interrupt_enable combined by OR.

static inline void QSCI_Reset(QSCI_Type *base)

Sets the QSCI register value to reset value.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.

static inline void QSCI_EnableTx(QSCI_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enables or disables the QSCI transmitter.

This function enables or disables the QSCI transmitter.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.

  • bEnable – True to enable, false to disable.

static inline void QSCI_EnableRx(QSCI_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enables or disables the QSCI receiver.

This function enables or disables the QSCI receiver.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.

  • bEnable – True to enable, false to disable.

static inline void QSCI_EnableStopInWait(QSCI_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enables/disables stop in wait.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.

  • bEnable – true to enable, QSCI stops working in wait mode, false to disable, QSCI keeps working in wait mode

static inline void QSCI_Enable9bitMode(QSCI_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enables/Disables 9-bit data mode for QSCI.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.

  • bEnable – true to enable, false to disable.

static inline void QSCI_EnableStandbyMode(QSCI_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enables/Disables standby mode.

When QSCI is in standby mode, further receiver interrupt requests are inhibited waiting to be wake up. The wakeup mode can be configured by QSCI_SetWakeupMode. Hardware wakes the receiver by automatically disabling standby.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.

  • bEnable – true to enable, false to disable.

static inline void QSCI_EnableLINSlaveMode(QSCI_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enable/Disable LIN slave mode.

If enabled QSCI is in LIN slave mode. When break is detected, the baudrate register is automatically adjusted to match the value measured from the sync character that follows.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.

  • bEnable – true to enable, false to disable.

static inline void QSCI_EnableStopHold(QSCI_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enable/Disable stop mode hold off.

When enabled, if chip level stop mode occurs and transmiter or receiver is still busy, QSCI will hold off stop mode until both transmiter and receiver are idle.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.

  • bEnable – true to enable, false to disable.

static inline void QSCI_SetTransferMode(QSCI_Type *base, qsci_transfer_mode_t eTransferMode)

Sets the QSCI transfer mode.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.

  • eTransferMode – The QSCI tx/rx loop mode, kQSCI_Normal to use normal transfer, kQSCI_LoopInternal to let internal tx feed back to rx, kQSCI_SingleWire to use single wire mode using tx pin as tx and rx.

static inline void QSCI_SetWakeupMode(QSCI_Type *base, qsci_wakeup_mode_t eWakeupMode)

Sets wakeup mode for QSCI.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.

  • eWakeupMode – Wakeup mode, kQSCI_WakeupOnIdleLine or kQSCI_WakeupOnAddressMark.

static inline void QSCI_SetPolarityMode(QSCI_Type *base, qsci_polarity_mode_t ePolarityMode)

Sets polarity mode for QSCI.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.

  • ePolarityMode – Polarity mode, kQSCI_PolarityNormal or kQSCI_PolarityInvert.

static inline void QSCI_SetParityMode(QSCI_Type *base, qsci_parity_mode_t eParityMode)

Sets parity mode for QSCI.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.

  • eParityMode – Polarity mode, kQSCI_ParityDisabled, kQSCI_ParityEven or kQSCI_ParityOdd.

status_t QSCI_SetBaudRate(QSCI_Type *base, uint32_t u32BaudRateBps, uint32_t u32SrcClockHz)

Sets the QSCI instance baud rate.

This function configures the QSCI module baud rate. This function can be used to update QSCI module baud rate after the QSCI module is initialized by the QSCI_Init.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.

  • u32BaudRateBps – QSCI baudrate to be set.

  • u32SrcClockHz – QSCI clock source frequency in Hz.

Return values:
  • kStatus_QSCI_BaudrateNotSupport – Baudrate is not supported in the current clock source.

  • kStatus_Success – Set baudrate succeeded.

static inline void QSCI_EnableFifo(QSCI_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enables/Disables transmitter/receiver FIFO.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.

  • bEnable – true to enable, false to disable.

static inline void QSCI_SetTxWaterMark(QSCI_Type *base, qsci_tx_water_t eTxFifoWatermark)

Sets transmitter watermark.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.

  • eTxFifoWatermark – Tx water mark level.

static inline void QSCI_SetRxWaterMark(QSCI_Type *base, qsci_rx_water_t eRxFifoWatermark)

Sets receiver watermark.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.

  • eRxFifoWatermark – Rx water mark level.

static inline void QSCI_EnableTxDMA(QSCI_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enables or disables the QSCI transmitter DMA request.

This function enables or disables CTRL2[TDE], to generate the DMA requests when Tx data register is empty.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.

  • bEnable – True to enable, false to disable.

static inline void QSCI_EnableRxDMA(QSCI_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enables or disables the QSCI receiver DMA request.

This function enables or disables CTRL2[RDE], to generate DMA requests when receiver data register is full.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.

  • bEnable – True to enable, false to disable.

static inline uint32_t QSCI_GetDataRegisterAddress(QSCI_Type *base)

Gets the QSCI data register byte address.

This function returns the QSCI data register address, which is mainly used by DMA/eDMA.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.


QSCI data register byte addresses which are used both by the transmitter and the receiver.

static inline void QSCI_WriteByte(QSCI_Type *base, uint8_t u8Data)

Writes to the TX register.

This function writes data to the TX register directly. The upper layer must ensure that the TX register is empty or TX FIFO has room before calling this function.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.

  • u8Data – The byte to write.

static inline void QSCI_SendAddress(QSCI_Type *base, uint8_t u8Address)

Sends an address frame in 9-bit data mode.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.

  • u8Address – QSCI slave address.

static inline uint8_t QSCI_ReadByte(QSCI_Type *base)

Reads the RX register directly.

This function reads data from the RX register directly. The upper layer must ensure that the RX register is full or that the TX FIFO has data before calling this function.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.


The byte read from QSCI data register.

void QSCI_WriteBlocking(QSCI_Type *base, const uint8_t *pu8Data, uint32_t u32Length)

Writes TX register using a blocking method.

This function polls the TX register, waits TX register to be empty or TX FIFO have room then writes data to the TX buffer.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.

  • pu8Data – Start address of the data to write.

  • u32Length – Size of the data to write.

status_t QSCI_ReadBlocking(QSCI_Type *base, uint8_t *pu8Data, uint32_t u32Length)

Reads RX data register using a blocking method.

This function polls the RX register, waits RX register to be full or RX FIFO have data, then reads data from the RX register.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.

  • pu8Data – Start address of the buffer to store the received data.

  • u32Length – Size of the buffer.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Fail – Receiver error occurred while receiving data.

  • kStatus_QSCI_RxHardwareOverrun – Receiver overrun occurred while receiving data

  • kStatus_QSCI_NoiseError – Noise error occurred while receiving data

  • kStatus_QSCI_FramingError – error occurred while receiving data

  • kStatus_QSCI_ParityError – Parity error occurred while receiving data

  • kStatus_Success – Successfully received all data.

static inline void QSCI_SendBreak(QSCI_Type *base)

Sends one break character (10 or 11 bits of zeroes).

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.

void QSCI_TransferCreateHandle(QSCI_Type *base, qsci_transfer_handle_t *psHandle, qsci_transfer_callback_t pfCallback, void *pUserData)

Initializes the QSCI handle.

This function initializes the QSCI handle which can be used for other QSCI transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified QSCI instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.

  • psHandle – QSCI handle pointer.

  • pfCallback – The callback function.

  • pUserData – The parameter of the callback function.

void QSCI_TransferStartRingBuffer(qsci_transfer_handle_t *psHandle, uint8_t *pu8RxRingBuffer, uint16_t u16RxRingBufferSize)

Sets up the RX ring buffer.

This function sets up the RX ring buffer to a specific QSCI handle.

When the RX ring buffer is used, data received are stored into the ring buffer even when the user doesn’t call the QSCI_TransferReceiveNonBlocking() API. If data is already received in the ring buffer, the user can get the received data from the ring buffer directly.


When using the RX ring buffer, one byte is reserved for internal use. In other words, if ringBufferSize is 32, only 31 bytes are used for saving data.

  • psHandle – QSCI handle pointer.

  • pu8RxRingBuffer – Start address of the ring buffer for background receiving. Pass NULL to disable the ring buffer.

  • u16RxRingBufferSize – Size of the ring buffer.

void QSCI_TransferStopRingBuffer(qsci_transfer_handle_t *psHandle)

Aborts the background transfer and uninstalls the ring buffer.

This function aborts the background transfer and uninstalls the ring buffer.

  • psHandle – QSCI handle pointer.

uint16_t QSCI_TransferGetRxRingBufferLength(qsci_transfer_handle_t *psHandle)

Get the ring buffer valid data length.

  • psHandle – QSCI handle pointer.


Valid data length in ring buffer.

status_t QSCI_TransferSendNonBlocking(qsci_transfer_handle_t *psHandle, qsci_transfer_t *psTransfer)

Transmits a buffer of data using the interrupt method.

This function sends data using an interrupt method. This is a non-blocking function, which returns directly without waiting for all data to be written to the TX register. When all data is sent out, the QSCI driver calls the callback function and passes the kStatus_QSCI_TxIdle as status parameter.

  • psHandle – QSCI handle pointer.

  • psTransfer – QSCI transfer structure. See qsci_transfer_t.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Successfully start the data transmission.

  • kStatus_QSCI_TxBusy – Previous transmission still not finished; data not all written to TX register yet.

void QSCI_TransferAbortSend(qsci_transfer_handle_t *psHandle)

Aborts the interrupt-driven data transmit.

This function aborts the interrupt-driven data sending. The user can get the remainBytes to find out how many bytes are not sent out.

  • psHandle – QSCI handle pointer.

status_t QSCI_TransferGetSendCount(qsci_transfer_handle_t *psHandle, uint32_t *pu32Count)

Gets the number of bytes sent out to bus.

This function gets the number of bytes sent out to bus by using the interrupt method.

  • psHandle – QSCI handle pointer.

  • pu32Count – Send bytes count.

Return values:
  • kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – No send in progress.

  • kStatus_Success – Get successfully through the parameter count;

status_t QSCI_TransferReceiveNonBlocking(qsci_transfer_handle_t *psHandle, qsci_transfer_t *psTransfer, uint32_t *pu32ReceivedBytes)

Receives a buffer of data using an interrupt method.

This function receives data using an interrupt method. This is a non-blocking function, which returns without waiting for all data to be received. If the RX ring buffer is used and not empty, the data in the ring buffer is copied and the parameter pu32ReceivedBytes shows how many bytes are copied from the ring buffer. After copying, if the data in the ring buffer is not enough to read, the receive request is saved by the QSCI driver. When the new data arrives, the receive request is serviced first. When all data is received, the QSCI driver notifies the upper layer through a callback function and passes the status parameter kStatus_QSCI_RxIdle. For example, the upper layer needs 10 bytes but there are only 5 bytes in the ring buffer. The 5 bytes are copied to the psTransfer->data and this function returns with the parameter pu32ReceivedBytes set to 5. For the left 5 bytes, newly arrived data is saved from the psTransfer->data[5]. When 5 bytes are received, the QSCI driver notifies the upper layer. If the RX ring buffer is not enabled, this function enables the RX and RX interrupt to receive data to the psTransfer->data. When all data is received, the upper layer is notified.

  • psHandle – QSCI handle pointer.

  • psTransfer – QSCI transfer structure, see qsci_transfer_t.

  • pu32ReceivedBytes – Bytes received from the ring buffer directly.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Successfully queue the transfer into transmit queue.

  • kStatus_QSCI_RxBusy – Previous receive request is not finished.

void QSCI_TransferAbortReceive(qsci_transfer_handle_t *psHandle)

Aborts the interrupt-driven data receiving.

This function aborts the interrupt-driven data receiving. The user can get the remainBytes to know how many bytes are not received yet.

  • psHandle – QSCI handle pointer.

status_t QSCI_TransferGetReceivedCount(qsci_transfer_handle_t *psHandle, uint32_t *pu32Count)

Gets the number of bytes that have been received.

This function gets the number of bytes that have been received.

  • psHandle – QSCI handle pointer.

  • pu32Count – Receive bytes count.

Return values:
  • kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – No receive in progress.

  • kStatus_InvalidArgument – Parameter is invalid.

  • kStatus_Success – Get successfully through the parameter pu32Count;


QSCI driver version.

Status codes for the QSCI driver.


enumerator kStatus_QSCI_TxBusy

Transmitter is busy.

enumerator kStatus_QSCI_RxBusy

Receiver is busy.

enumerator kStatus_QSCI_TxIdle

Transmitter is idle.

enumerator kStatus_QSCI_RxIdle

Receiver is idle.

enumerator kStatus_QSCI_FlagCannotClearManually

Status flag can’t be manually cleared.

enumerator kStatus_QSCI_RxRingBufferOverrun

QSCI RX software ring buffer overrun.

enumerator kStatus_QSCI_RxHardwareOverrun

QSCI receiver hardware overrun.

enumerator kStatus_QSCI_NoiseError

QSCI noise error.

enumerator kStatus_QSCI_FramingError

QSCI framing error.

enumerator kStatus_QSCI_ParityError

QSCI parity error.

enumerator kStatus_QSCI_BaudrateNotSupport

Baudrate is not supported in current clock source

enumerator kStatus_QSCI_IdleLineDetected

QSCI IDLE line detected.

enumerator kStatus_QSCI_Timeout

Timeout happens when waiting for status flags to change.

enum _qsci_status_flags

QSCI hardware status flags.

These enumerations can be ORed together to form bit masks.


enumerator kQSCI_TxDataRegEmptyFlag

TX data register empty flag.

enumerator kQSCI_TxIdleFlag

Transmission idle flag.

enumerator kQSCI_RxDataRegFullFlag

RX data register full flag.

enumerator kQSCI_RxIdleLineFlag

Rx Idle line flag.

enumerator kQSCI_RxOverrunFlag

RX overrun flag.

enumerator kQSCI_RxNoiseFlag

RX detect noise on Rx input.

enumerator kQSCI_RxFrameErrorFlag

Rx frame error flag, sets if logic 0 was detected for stop bit

enumerator kQSCI_RxParityErrorFlag

Rx parity error if parity enabled, sets upon parity error detection

enumerator kQSCI_RxInputEdgeFlag

RX pin active edge interrupt flag, sets when active edge detected

enumerator kQSCI_LINSyncErrorFlag

Only for LIN mode.

enumerator kQSCI_TxDMARequestFlag

Tx DMA request is ongoing.

enumerator kQSCI_RxDMARequestFlag

Rx DMA request is ongoing.

enumerator kQSCI_RxActiveFlag
enumerator kQSCI_Group0Flags

Members in kQSCI_Group0Flags can’t be cleared by QSCI_ClearStatusFlags, they are handled by HW.

enumerator kQSCI_Group1Flags

Whole kQSCI_Group1Flags will be cleared if trying to clear any member in kQSCI_Group1Flags or kQSCI_Group2Flags in the mask.

enumerator kQSCI_Group2Flags

Member in kQSCI_Group2Flags can be cleared individually

enumerator kQSCI_StatusAllFlags
enum _qsci_interrupt_enable

QSCI interrupt enable/disable source.

These enumerations can be ORed together to form bit masks.


enumerator kQSCI_TxEmptyInterruptEnable

Transmit data register empty interrupt.

enumerator kQSCI_TxIdleInterruptEnable

Transmission idle interrupt.

enumerator kQSCI_RxFullInterruptEnable

Receive data register full interrupt.

enumerator kQSCI_RxErrorInterruptEnable

Receive error interrupt.

enumerator kQSCI_RxInputEdgeInterruptEnable

Receive input edge interrupt.

enumerator kQSCI_RxIdleLineInterruptEnable

Receive idle interrupt.

enumerator kQSCI_AllInterruptEnable
enum _qsci_transfer_mode

QSCI transmiter/receiver loop mode.


enumerator kQSCI_Normal

Normal mode, 2 signal pins, no loop.

enumerator kQSCI_LoopInternal

Loop mode with internal TXD fed back to RXD.

enumerator kQSCI_SingleWire

Use tx pin as input and output half-duplex transfer.

enum _qsci_data_bit_mode

QSCI data bit count.


enumerator kQSCI_Data8Bit

1 start bit, 8 data bit, 1 stop bit

enumerator kQSCI_Data9Bit

1 start bit, 9 data bit, 1 stop bit. This mode actually is not supported yet in driver.

enum _qsci_wakeup_mode

QSCI wakeup mode.


enumerator kQSCI_WakeupOnIdleLine

Idle condition wakes the QSCI module.

enumerator kQSCI_WakeupOnAddressMark

Address mark wakes the QSCI module.

enum _qsci_polarity_mode

QSCI signal polarity mode.


enumerator kQSCI_PolarityNormal

Normal mode, no inversion.

enumerator kQSCI_PolarityInvert

Invert transmit and receive data bits.

enum _qsci_parity_mode

QSCI parity mode.


enumerator kQSCI_ParityDisabled

Parity disabled

enumerator kQSCI_ParityEven

Parity enabled, type even, bit setting: PE|PT = 10

enumerator kQSCI_ParityOdd

Parity enabled, type odd, bit setting: PE|PT = 11

enum _qsci_tx_water

QSCI transmitter watermark level.


enumerator kQSCI_TxWater0Word

Tx interrupt sets when tx fifo empty.

enumerator kQSCI_TxWater1Word

Tx interrupt sets when tx fifo has 1 or few word.

enumerator kQSCI_TxWater2Word

Tx interrupt sets when tx fifo has 2 or few words.

enumerator kQSCI_TxWater3Word

Tx interrupt sets when tx fifo not full.

enum _qsci_rx_water

QSCI receiver watermark level.


enumerator kQSCI_RxWater1Word

Rx interrupt sets when rx fifo not empty.

enumerator kQSCI_RxWater2Word

Rx interrupt sets when rx fifo has at least 1 word.

enumerator kQSCI_RxWater3Word

Rx interrupt sets when rx fifo has at least 2 words.

enumerator kQSCI_RxWater4Word

Rx interrupt sets when rx fifo full.

typedef enum _qsci_transfer_mode qsci_transfer_mode_t

QSCI transmiter/receiver loop mode.

typedef enum _qsci_data_bit_mode qsci_data_bit_mode_t

QSCI data bit count.

typedef enum _qsci_wakeup_mode qsci_wakeup_mode_t

QSCI wakeup mode.

typedef enum _qsci_polarity_mode qsci_polarity_mode_t

QSCI signal polarity mode.

typedef enum _qsci_parity_mode qsci_parity_mode_t

QSCI parity mode.

typedef enum _qsci_tx_water qsci_tx_water_t

QSCI transmitter watermark level.

typedef enum _qsci_rx_water qsci_rx_water_t

QSCI receiver watermark level.

typedef struct _qsci_config qsci_config_t

QSCI configuration structure.

typedef struct _qsci_transfer_handle_t qsci_transfer_handle_t

Forward declaration of the handle typedef .

typedef void (*qsci_transfer_callback_t)(qsci_transfer_handle_t *psHandle)

QSCI interrupt transfer callback function definition.

Defines the interface of user callback function used in QSCI interrupt transfer using transactional APIs. The callback function shall be defined and declared in application level by user. Before starting QSCI transmiting or receiving by calling QSCI_TransferSendNonBlocking or QSCI_TransferReceiveNonBlocking, call QSCI_TransferCreateHandle to install the user callback. When the transmiting or receiving ends or any bus error like hardware overrun occurs, user callback will be invoked by driver.

Param psHandle:

Transfer handle that contains bus status, user data.

typedef struct _qsci_transfer qsci_transfer_t

QSCI transfer structure.

typedef void (*qsci_isr_t)(void *handle)
qsci_isr_t s_pfQsciIsr
void *s_psQsciHandles[]
IRQn_Type const s_eQsciTXIdleIRQs[]
uint16_t QSCI_GetInstance(QSCI_Type *base)

Get the QSCI instance from peripheral base address.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.


QSCI instance.


Retry times when checking status flags.


Macros to be used inside user callback.

struct _qsci_config
#include <fsl_qsci.h>

QSCI configuration structure.

Public Members

qsci_transfer_mode_t eTransferMode

Transmitter/receiver loop mode.

bool bStopInWaitEnable

Enable/disable module stops working in wait mode.

qsci_data_bit_mode_t eDataBitMode

Number of data bits.

qsci_wakeup_mode_t eWakeupMode

Receiver wakeup mode, idle line or addressmark.

qsci_polarity_mode_t ePolarityMode

Polarity of transmit/receive data.

qsci_parity_mode_t eParityMode

Parity mode, disabled (default), even, odd.

bool bEnableStopHold

Control the stop hold enable.

bool bEnableTx

Enable TX

bool bEnableRx

Enable RX

bool bEnableFifo

Enable Tx/Rx FIFO

bool bEnableTxDMA

Enable Tx DMA

bool bEnableRxDMA

Enable Rx DMA

qsci_tx_water_t eTxFifoWatermark

TX FIFO watermark

qsci_rx_water_t eRxFifoWatermark

RX FIFO watermark

uint8_t u8Interrupts

Mask of QSCI interrupt sources to enable.

uint32_t u32BaudRateBps

QSCI baud rate

uint32_t u32SrcClockHz

The clock source frequency for QSCI module.

struct _qsci_transfer_handle_t
#include <fsl_qsci.h>

QSCI transfer handle.


If user wants to use the transactional API to transfer data in interrupt way, one QSCI instance should and can only be allocated one handle.


The handle is maintained by QSCI driver internally, which means the transfer state is retained and user shall not modify its state u8TxState or u8RxState in application level. If user only wish to use transactional APIs without understanding its machanism, it is not necessary to understand these members.

Public Members

QSCI_Type *base

QSCI base pointer to the instance belongs to this handle.

uint8_t *pu8TxData

Address of remaining data to send.

volatile uint32_t u32TxRemainingSize

Size of the remaining data to send.

uint32_t u32TxDataSize

Size of the data to send out.

uint8_t *pu8RxData

Address of remaining data to receive.

volatile uint32_t u32RxRemainingSize

Size of the remaining data to receive.

uint32_t u32RxDataSize

Size of the data to receive.

uint8_t *pu8RxRingBuffer

Start address of the receiver ring buffer.

uint16_t u16RxRingBufferSize

Size of the ring buffer.

volatile uint16_t u16RxRingBufferHead

Index for the driver to store received data into ring buffer.

volatile uint16_t u16RxRingBufferTail

Index for the user to get data from the ring buffer.

qsci_transfer_callback_t pfCallback

Callback function.

void *pUserData

QSCI callback function parameter.

volatile uint8_t u8TxState

TX transfer state.

volatile uint8_t u8RxState

RX transfer state

status_t busStatus

QSCI bus status.

struct _qsci_transfer
#include <fsl_qsci.h>

QSCI transfer structure.

Public Members

uint8_t *pu8Data

The buffer pointer of data to be transferred.

uint32_t u32DataSize

The byte count to be transferred.

QSCI_DMA: DMA based QSCI Driver

void QSCI_TransferCreateHandleDMA(QSCI_Type *base, qsci_dma_transfer_handle_t *psHandle, qsci_dma_transfer_callback_t pfCallback, void *pUserData, DMA_Type *dmaBase, dma_channel_t dmaTxChannel, dma_channel_t dmaRxChannel)

Initializes the QSCI dma handle.

This function initializes the QSCI dma handle which can be used for other QSCI transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified QSCI instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.

  • base – QSCI peripheral base address.

  • psHandle – Pointer to qsci_dma_transfer_handle_t structure.

  • pfCallback – Callback function.

  • pUserData – User data.

  • dmaBase – DMA base address.

  • dmaTxChannel – DMA channel for TX transfer.

  • dmaRxChannel – DMA channel for RX transfer.

status_t QSCI_TransferSendDMA(qsci_dma_transfer_handle_t *psHandle, qsci_transfer_t *psTransfer)

Initiate data transmit using DMA.

This function initiates a data transmit process using DMA. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all the data is sent, the send callback function is called.

  • psHandle – QSCI handle pointer.

  • psTransfer – QSCI DMA transfer structure. See qsci_transfer_t.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – if succeed, others failed.

  • kStatus_QSCI_TxBusy – Previous transfer on going.

  • kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.

status_t QSCI_TransferReceiveDMA(qsci_dma_transfer_handle_t *psHandle, qsci_transfer_t *psTransfer)

Initiate data receive using DMA.

This function initiates a data receive process using DMA. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all the data is received, the receive callback function is called.

  • psHandle – Pointer to qsci_dma_transfer_handle_t structure.

  • psTransfer – QSCI DMA transfer structure, see qsci_transfer_t.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – if succeed, others fail.

  • kStatus_QSCI_RxBusy – Previous transfer ongoing.

  • kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.

void QSCI_TransferAbortSendDMA(qsci_dma_transfer_handle_t *psHandle)

Aborts the data transmit process using DMA.

  • psHandle – Pointer to qsci_dma_transfer_handle_t structure.

void QSCI_TransferAbortReceiveDMA(qsci_dma_transfer_handle_t *psHandle)

Aborts the data receive process using DMA.

  • psHandle – Pointer to qsci_dma_transfer_handle_t structure.

status_t QSCI_TransferGetReceivedCountDMA(qsci_dma_transfer_handle_t *psHandle, uint32_t *pu32Count)

Gets the number of received bytes.

This function gets the number of received bytes.

  • psHandle – QSCI handle pointer.

  • pu32Count – Receive bytes count.

Return values:
  • kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – No receive in progress.

  • kStatus_Success – Get successfully through the parameter count;

status_t QSCI_TransferGetSendCountDMA(qsci_dma_transfer_handle_t *psHandle, uint32_t *pu32Count)

Gets the number of bytes written to the QSCI TX register.

This function gets the number of bytes written to the QSCI TX register by DMA.

  • psHandle – QSCI handle pointer.

  • pu32Count – Send bytes count.

Return values:
  • kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – No send in progress.

  • kStatus_Success – Get successfully through the parameter count;


QSCI DMA driver version.

typedef struct _qsci_dma_transfer_handle qsci_dma_transfer_handle_t

Forward declaration of the qsci dma handle typedef. .

typedef void (*qsci_dma_transfer_callback_t)(qsci_dma_transfer_handle_t *psHandle)

QSCI dma transfer callback function definition.

Defines the interface of user callback function used in QSCI dma transfer using transactional APIs. The callback function shall be defined and declared in application level by user. Before starting QSCI transmiting or receiving by calling QSCI_TransferSendDMA or QSCI_TransferReceiveDMA, call QSCI_TransferCreateHandleDMA to install the user callback. When the transmiting or receiving ends, user callback will be invoked by driver.

Param psHandle:

Transfer handle that contains bus status, user data.

struct _qsci_dma_transfer_handle
#include <fsl_qsci_dma.h>

QSCI dma transfer handle.

This struct address should be sizeof(dma_channel_tcd_t) aligned.


If user wants to use the transactional API to transfer data in dma way, one QSCI instance should and can only be allocated one handle.


The handle is maintained by QSCI driver internally, which means the transfer state is retained and user shall not modify its state u8TxState or u8RxState in application level. If user only wish to use transactional APIs without understanding its machanism, it is not necessary to understand these members.

Public Members

QSCI_Type *base

Pointer to the QSCI base that belongs to this handle.

qsci_dma_transfer_callback_t pfCallback

Callback function.

uint32_t u32RxDataSizeAll

Size of the data to receive.

uint32_t u32TxDataSizeAll

Size of the data to send out.

dma_handle_t sTxDmaHandle

The DMA TX channel used.

dma_handle_t sRxDmaHandle

The DMA RX channel used.

volatile uint8_t u8TxState

TX transfer state.

volatile uint8_t u8RxState

RX transfer state

status_t busStatus

QSCI bus status.

void *pUserData

User configurable pointer to any data, function, structure etc that user wish to use in the callback

The Driver Change Log

QSCI Peripheral and Driver Overview

QSPI_DMA: DMA based QSPI Driver


QSPI DMA driver version.

typedef struct _qspi_master_dma_handle qspi_master_dma_handle_t

Forward declaration of the _qspi_master_dma_handle typedefs.

typedef struct _qspi_master_dma_handle qspi_slave_dma_handle_t

Forward declaration of the _qspi_master_dma_handle typedefs.

typedef void (*qspi_dma_transfer_callback_t)(qspi_master_dma_handle_t *psHandle, status_t eCompletionStatus, void *pUserData)

Completion callback function pointer type.

Param base:

QUEUEDSPI peripheral base address.

Param psHandle:

Pointer to the handle for the QUEUEDSPI master.

Param eCompletionStatus:

Success or error code describing whether the transfer completed.

Param pUserData:

Arbitrary pointer-dataSized value passed from the application.

void QSPI_MasterTransferCreateHandleDMA(QSPI_Type *base, qspi_master_dma_handle_t *psHandle, qspi_dma_transfer_callback_t pfCallback, void *pUserData, DMA_Type *psDmaBase, dma_channel_t eDmaTxChannel, dma_channel_t eDmaRxChannel)

Initialize the QUEUEDSPI master DMA handle.

This function initializes the QUEUEDSPI DMA master handle which can be used for QUEUEDSPI DMA master transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified QUEUEDSPI instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral base address.

  • psHandle – QUEUEDSPI handle pointer to qspi_master_dma_handle_t.

  • pfCallback – QUEUEDSPI callback.

  • pUserData – callback function parameter.

  • psDmaBase – base address for the DMA

  • eDmaTxChannel – Channel of the DMA used for QSPI Tx

  • eDmaRxChannel – Channel of the DMA used for QSPI Rx

status_t QSPI_MasterTransferDMA(qspi_master_dma_handle_t *psHandle, qspi_transfer_t *psXfer)

DMA method of QUEUEDSPI master transfer.

This function transfers data using DMA. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is transferred, the callback function is called.


: The transfer data size should be even, if the transfer data width is larger than 8.

  • psHandle – pointer to qspi_master_dma_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.

  • psXfer – pointer to qspi_transfer_t structure.


status of status_t.

status_t QSPI_MasterTransferGetCountDMA(qspi_master_dma_handle_t *psHandle, uint16_t *pu16Count)

Get the master DMA transfer count.

  • psHandle – Pointer to the qspi_master_dma_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.

  • pu16Count – The number of bytes transferred by using the DMA transaction.


status of status_t.

void QSPI_MasterTransferAbortDMA(qspi_master_dma_handle_t *psHandle)

Abort a transfer that uses DMA for master.

  • psHandle – Pointer to the qspi_master_dma_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.

void QSPI_SlaveTransferCreateHandleDMA(QSPI_Type *base, qspi_slave_dma_handle_t *psHandle, qspi_dma_transfer_callback_t pfCallback, void *pUserData, DMA_Type *psDmaBase, dma_channel_t eDmaTxChannel, dma_channel_t eDmaRxChannel)

Initialize the QUEUEDSPI slave DMA handle.

This function initializes the QUEUEDSPI DMA handle which can be used for other QUEUEDSPI transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified QUEUEDSPI instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral base address.

  • psHandle – QUEUEDSPI handle pointer to qspi_slave_dma_handle_t.

  • pfCallback – QUEUEDSPI callback.

  • pUserData – callback function parameter.

  • psDmaBase – base address for the DMA

  • eDmaTxChannel – Channel of the DMA used for QSPI Tx

  • eDmaRxChannel – Channel of the DMA used for QSPI Rx

status_t QSPI_SlaveTransferDMA(qspi_slave_dma_handle_t *psHandle, qspi_transfer_t *psXfer)

DMA method of QUEUEDSPI slave transfer.

This function transfers data using DMA. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is transferred, the callback function is called.


: The transfer data size should be even if the transfer data width is larger than 8.

  • psHandle – pointer to qspi_slave_dma_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.

  • psXfer – pointer to qspi_transfer_t structure.


status of status_t.

status_t QSPI_SlaveTransferGetCountDMA(qspi_slave_dma_handle_t *psHandle, uint16_t *pu16Count)

Get the slave DMA transfer count.

  • psHandle – Pointer to the qspi_slave_dma_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.

  • pu16Count – The number of bytes transferred by using the DMA transaction.


status of status_t.

void QSPI_SlaveTransferAbortDMA(qspi_slave_dma_handle_t *psHandle)

Abort a transfer that uses DMA for slave.

  • psHandle – Pointer to the qspi_slave_dma_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.

struct _qspi_master_dma_handle
#include <fsl_queued_spi_dma.h>

QUEUEDSPI master DMA transfer handle structure used for transactional API.

Public Members

QSPI_Type *base

Base address of the QSPI Peripheral

volatile uint8_t u8State

QUEUEDSPI transfer state , defined in _qspi_transfer_state.

uint16_t u16TotalByteCount

A number of transfer bytes.

qspi_data_width_t eDataWidth

The desired number of bits per frame.

uint16_t u16TxDummyData

Used if txData is NULL.

uint16_t u16RxDummyData

Used if rxData is NULL.

dma_handle_t sTxHandle

dma_handle_t handle point used for transmitting data.

dma_handle_t sRxHandle

dma_handle_t handle point used for receiving data.

bool bIsTxInProgress

Indicates whether the transmit is in progress.

bool bIsRxInProgress

Indicates whether the receive is in progress.

qspi_dma_transfer_callback_t pfCallback

Completion callback.

void *pUserData

Callback user data.

volatile bool bIsPcsActiveAfterTransfer

Indicates whether the PCS signal is active after the last frame transfer, This is not used in slave transfer.

QSPI: Queued SPI Driver

void QSPI_MasterInit(QSPI_Type *base, const qspi_master_config_t *psConfig)

Initializes the QUEUEDSPI as Master.

Use helpher function QSPI_MasterGetDefaultConfig to get ready-to-use structure.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

  • psConfig – Pointer to the structure qspi_master_config_t.

void QSPI_MasterGetDefaultConfig(qspi_master_config_t *psConfig, uint32_t u32ClockFreqHz)

Helper function to create ready-to-user maste init structure.

The purpose of this API is to get the configuration structure initialized for the QSPI_MasterInit. Users may use the initialized structure unchanged in the QSPI_MasterInit or modify the structure before calling the QSPI_MasterInit. Example:

qspi_master_config_t sMasterConfig;
The default values are: Example:
 // Parameter provided by user
 psConfig->u32BaudRateBps = u32BaudRateBps;
 psConfig->u32ClockFrequencyHz = u32ClockFreqHz;
 psConfig->eDataWidth = eDataWidth;

 // Default configuration
 psConfig->eClkPolarity = kQSPI_ClockPolarityActiveRisingEdge;
 psConfig->eClkPhase = kQSPI_ClockPhaseSlaveSelectHighBetweenWords;
 psConfig->eShiftDirection = kQSPI_MsbFirst;
 psConfig->u16DelayBetweenFrameInCLK = 1U;
 psConfig->bEnableWiredOrMode = false;
 psConfig->bEnableModeFault = false;
 psConfig->u8DmaEnableFlags = 0U;    // Disable TX/RX Dma
 psConfig->bEnableFIFO = false;
 psConfig->bEnableStopModeHoldOff = false;
 psConfig->u8Interrupts = 0U;
 psConfig->bEnableModule = false;
@todo To be added

  • psConfig – pointer to qspi_master_config_t structure.

  • u32ClockFreqHz – Peripheral clock frequency in Hz

void QSPI_SlaveInit(QSPI_Type *base, const qspi_slave_config_t *psConfig)

Initializes the QUEUEDSPI as slave.

Use helpher function QSPI_SlaveGetDefaultConfig to get ready-to-use structure.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

  • psConfig – Pointer to the structure qspi_slave_config_t.

void QSPI_SlaveGetDefaultConfig(qspi_slave_config_t *psConfig)

Set the qspi_slave_config_t structure to default values.

The purpose of this API is to get the configuration structure initialized for the QSPI_SlaveInit. Users may use the initialized structure unchanged in the QSPI_SlaveInit or modify the structure before calling the QSPI_SlaveInit. Example:

qspi_slave_config_t slaveConfig;
The default values are: Example:

  • psConfig – Pointer to the qspi_slave_config_t structure.

void QSPI_Deinit(QSPI_Type *base)

De-initialize the QUEUEDSPI peripheral for either Master or Slave.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

static inline void QSPI_EnableInterrupts(QSPI_Type *base, uint8_t u8Interrupts)

Enable one or multiple interrupts.

This function enable one or multiple interrupts.


for TX and RX requests, while enabling the interrupt request the DMA request will be disabled as well. Do not use this API while QUEUEDSPI is in running state.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

  • u8Interrupts – The interrupt mask which is ORed by the _qspi_interrupt_enable.

static inline void QSPI_DisableInterrupts(QSPI_Type *base, uint8_t u8Interrupts)

Disable one or multiple interrupts.

This function

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

  • u8Interrupts – The interrupt mask which is ORed by the _qspi_interrupt_enable.

static inline void QSPI_EnableDMA(QSPI_Type *base, uint8_t u8DmaFlags)

Enable one or multiple DMA.

Note that if the DMA is enabled for Transmit or Receive, make sure the interurpt is disabled for Transmit or Receive.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

  • u8DmaFlags – DMA Flags ORed from _qspi_dma_enable_flags.

static inline void QSPI_DisableDMA(QSPI_Type *base, uint8_t u8DmaFlags)

Enable one or multiple DMA.

Note that if the DMA is enabled for Transmit or Receive, make sure the interurpt is disabled for Transmit or Receive.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

  • u8DmaFlags – DMA Flags ORed from _qspi_dma_enable_flags.

static inline uint32_t QSPI_GetTxRegisterAddress(QSPI_Type *base)

Get the QUEUEDSPI transmit data register address for the DMA operation.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.


The QUEUEDSPI master PUSHR data register address.

static inline uint32_t QSPI_GetRxRegisterAddress(QSPI_Type *base)

Get the QUEUEDSPI receive data register address for the DMA operation.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.


The QUEUEDSPI POPR data register address.

static inline uint16_t QSPI_GetStatusFlags(QSPI_Type *base)

Get the QUEUEDSPI status flag state.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.



static inline void QSPI_ClearStatusFlags(QSPI_Type *base, uint16_t u16StatusFlags)

Clear the status flag only for the mode fault.

Clear the status flag only for mode fault.


only kQSPI_ModeFaultFlag can be cleared by this API.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

  • u16StatusFlags – status flags ORed from _qspi_status_flags

static inline void QSPI_Enable(QSPI_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enable or disable the QUEUEDSPI peripheral.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

  • bEnable – true to enable module, otherwise disable module

uint32_t QSPI_MasterSetBaudRate(QSPI_Type *base, uint32_t u32BaudRateBps, uint32_t u32SrcClockHz)

Set the QUEUEDSPI baud rate in bits-per-second.

This function takes in the desired baud rate, calculates the nearest possible baud rate, and returns the calculated baud rate in bits-per-second.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

  • u32BaudRateBps – The desired baud rate in bits-per-second.

  • u32SrcClockHz – Module source input clock in Hertz.


The actual calculated baud rate.

static inline void QSPI_SetMasterSlaveMode(QSPI_Type *base, qspi_master_slave_mode_t eMode)

Set the QUEUEDSPI as master or slave.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

  • eMode – Mode setting of type qspi_master_slave_mode_t.

static inline bool QSPI_IsMaster(QSPI_Type *base)

Return whether the QUEUEDSPI module is in master mode.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.


Returns true if the module is in master mode or false if the module is in slave mode.

static inline void QSPI_SetDataShiftOrder(QSPI_Type *base, qspi_data_shift_direction_t eDataShiftOrder)

Set Data Shift Order as MSB first or LSB first.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

  • eDataShiftOrder – MSB or LSB first from qspi_data_shift_direction_t

static inline void QSPI_EnableModeFault(QSPI_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enable/Disable mode fault detection.

If enable, allows the kQSPI_ModeFaultFlag flag to be set. If the kQSPI_ModeFaultFlag flag is set, disable the Mod detection does not clear the flag. If the mod detection is disabled, the level of the SS_B pin does not affect the operation of an enabled SPI configured as a master. If configured as a master and mod fault detection is enabled, a transaction in progress will stop if SS_B goes low. For an enabled SPI configured as a slave, having this feature disabled only prevents the flag from being set. It does not affect any other part of SPI operation

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

  • bEnable – true to enable Mode Fault detection, false to disable

static inline void QSPI_SetClockPolarity(QSPI_Type *base, qspi_clock_polarity_t ePolarity)

Set clock polarity.


module shall be disabled before change the polarity by calling QSPI_Enable.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

  • ePolarity – clock polarity option

static inline void QSPI_SetClockPhase(QSPI_Type *base, qspi_clock_phase_t eClockPhase)

Set clock phase.

Configure whether get the Slave Select signal toggle high during 2 data frames. Get the SS toggle high between data frames will lead to SPI to be trigged with transaction for the falling edge of SS signal. Otherwise, the data transaction is started on the first active SCLK edge.


module shall be disabled before change the polarity by calling QSPI_Enable.


Do not use kQSPI_ClockPhaseSlaveSelectHighBetweenWords in DMA mode.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

  • eClockPhase – Option for clock phase

static inline void QSPI_EnableWiredORMode(QSPI_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enable/Disable Wired OR mode for SPI pins which means open-drain when enabled and push-pull when disabled.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

  • bEnable – true to configure SPI pins as open-drain, false to configure as push-pull

static inline void QSPI_SetTransactionDataSize(QSPI_Type *base, qspi_data_width_t eDataWidth)

Set the transaction data width.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

  • eDataWidth – datawidth for bits in each data frame.

static inline void QSPI_MasterSetWaitDelay(QSPI_Type *base, uint16_t u16WaitDelayInPeriClockCount)

For master mode, set wait delay in clock cycle with delay is set value + 1 peripheral bus clock.

This controls the time between data transactions in master mode. Delay will not be added if no word is waiting for transmitting.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

  • u16WaitDelayInPeriClockCount – Clock count for the delay during data frames

static inline void QSPI_EnableStopModeHoldOff(QSPI_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enable/Disable hold off entry to stop mode is a word is being transmitted/received for Master Mode.

When enabled, this bit allows the SPI module to hold off entry to chip level stop mode if a word is being transmitted or received. Stop mode will be entered after the SPI finishes transmitting/receiving. This bit does not allow the SPI to wake the chip from stop mode in any way. The SHEN bit can only delay the entry into stop mode. This bit should not be set in slave mode because the state of SS_B (which would be controlled by an external master device) may cause the logic to hold off stop mode entry forever.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

  • bEnable – true to enable hold-off entrying stop mode if there is transmitting/receiving

uint32_t QSPI_GetInstance(QSPI_Type *base)

Helper function exported for QSPI DMA driver.

Get the instance index from the base address. User need not understand this function.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.


uint32_t Index of the peripheral instance for given base address.

static inline qspi_ss_data_logic_level_t QSPI_MasterGetSlaveSelectLogicLevel(QSPI_Type *base)

For master mode, get the SS_B input logic level while true means drive High and false means drive Low.

Get the value to drive on the SS_B pin. This bit is disabled when SSB_AUTO=1 or SSB_STRB=1. Only apply for Master mode.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.


true SS_B input level High


false SS_B input level Low

static inline void QSPI_MasterSetSlaveSelectLogicLevel(QSPI_Type *base, qspi_ss_data_logic_level_t eLogicLevel)

for master mode, drive Slave Select pin logic high or low

This feature is disabled if Slave Select automatic mode is enabled or Slave Select Strobe feature is enabled

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

  • eLogicLevel – logic level

static inline void QSPI_MasterEnableSlaveSelectOpenDrainMode(QSPI_Type *base, bool bEnable)

For master mode, Enable open drain in SSB pad pin.

Enable it means SS_B is configured for high and low drive. This mode is generally used in single master systems. Disable it means SS_B is configured as an open drain pin (only drives low output level). This mode is useful for multiple master systems

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

  • bEnable – Enable/Disable option.

static inline void QSPI_MasterEnableSlaveSelectAutomaticMode(QSPI_Type *base, bool bEnable)

For master mode, Enable/Disable Slave Select pin automatic mode.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

  • bEnable – Enable/Disable option.

static inline void QSPI_SetSlaveSelectDirection(QSPI_Type *base, qspi_ss_direction_t eDirection)

Set Input/Output mode for SSB signal.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

  • eDirection – options from qspi_ss_direction_t

static inline void QSPI_MasterEnableSlaveSelectStrobe(QSPI_Type *base, bool bEnable)

For master, set strobe mode for SSB signal.

If enabled, Slave select pulse high during data frames irrespective of Clock Phase configuration

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

  • bEnable – Enable/Disable option.

static inline void QSPI_EnableSlaveSelectOverride(QSPI_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enable / Disable SSB signal from Master/Slave configuration or GPIO pin state.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

  • bEnable – Enable/Disable option.

void QSPI_SetDummyData(QSPI_Type *base, uint8_t u8DummyData)

Set up the dummy data used when there is not transmit data provided.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

  • u8DummyData – Data to be transferred when tx buffer is NULL.

uint8_t QSPI_GetDummyData(QSPI_Type *base)

Get the dummy data for each peripheral.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral base address.

static inline void QSPI_WriteData(QSPI_Type *base, uint16_t data)

Write data into the transmit data register without polling the status of shifting.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

  • data – The data to send.

static inline uint16_t QSPI_ReadData(QSPI_Type *base)

Read data from the receive data register.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.


The data from the receive data register.

static inline void QSPI_EnableFifo(QSPI_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enable or disable the QUEUEDSPI FIFOs.

This function allows the caller to disable or enable the TX and RX FIFOs together.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

  • bEnable – Pass true to enable, pass false to disable

static inline uint16_t QSPI_GetTxFIFOCount(QSPI_Type *base)

Get TX FIFO level.

This function gets how many words are in the TX FIFO.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.


TX FIFO word count.

static inline uint16_t QSPI_GetRxFIFOCount(QSPI_Type *base)

Get RX FIFO level.

This function gets how many words are in the RX FIFO.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.


RX FIFO word count.

static inline void QSPI_SetFifoWatermarks(QSPI_Type *base, uint16_t txWatermark, uint16_t rxWatermark)

Set the transmit and receive FIFO watermark values.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

  • txWatermark – The TX FIFO watermark value. Refer to qspi_txfifo_watermark_t for available values.

  • rxWatermark – The RX FIFO watermark value. Refer to qspi_rxfifo_watermark_t for available values.

static inline void QSPI_GetFifoWatermarks(QSPI_Type *base, uint8_t *pu8TxWatermark, uint8_t *pu8RxWatermark)

Get the transmit and receive FIFO watermark values.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

  • pu8TxWatermark – The TX FIFO watermark value.

  • pu8RxWatermark – The RX FIFO watermark value.

static inline void QSPI_EmptyRxFifo(QSPI_Type *base)


  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

void QSPI_MasterTransferCreateHandle(QSPI_Type *base, qspi_master_transfer_handle_t *psHandle, qspi_master_transfer_callback_t pfCallback, void *pUserData)

Initialize the QUEUEDSPI master handle.

This function initializes the QUEUEDSPI handle, which can be used for other QUEUEDSPI transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified QUEUEDSPI instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.


If only use the QSPI_MasterTransferBlocking, this API is not necessary be called.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

  • psHandle – QUEUEDSPI handle pointer to qspi_master_transfer_handle_t.

  • pfCallback – QUEUEDSPI callback.

  • pUserData – Callback function parameter.

status_t QSPI_MasterTransferBlocking(QSPI_Type *base, qspi_transfer_t *psXfer)

Polling method of QUEUEDSPI master transfer.

This function transfers data using a polling method for master. This is a blocking function, which does not return until all transfers have been completed.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

  • psXfer – Pointer to the qspi_transfer_t structure.


status of status_t.

status_t QSPI_MasterTransferNonBlocking(qspi_master_transfer_handle_t *psHandle, qspi_transfer_t *psXfer)

Interrupt method of QUEUEDSPI master transfer.

This function transfers data using interrupts for master. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is transferred, the callback function is called.

  • psHandle – QUEUEDSPI handle pointer to qspi_master_transfer_handle_t.

  • psXfer – Pointer to the qspi_transfer_t structure.


status of status_t.

status_t QSPI_MasterTransferGetCount(qspi_master_transfer_handle_t *psHandle, uint16_t *pu16Count)

Get the master transfer count.

  • psHandle – QUEUEDSPI handle pointer to qspi_master_transfer_handle_t.

  • pu16Count – The number of bytes transferred by using the non-blocking transaction.


status of status_t.

void QSPI_MasterTransferAbort(qspi_master_transfer_handle_t *psHandle)

Abort a transfer that uses interrupts for master.

  • psHandle – QUEUEDSPI handle pointer to qspi_master_transfer_handle_t.

void QSPI_MasterTransferHandleIRQ(qspi_master_transfer_handle_t *psHandle)

QUEUEDSPI Master IRQ handler function.

This function processes the QUEUEDSPI transmit and receive IRQ.

  • psHandle – QUEUEDSPI handle pointer to qspi_master_transfer_handle_t.

void QSPI_SlaveTransferCreateHandle(QSPI_Type *base, qspi_slave_transfer_handle_t *psHandle, qspi_slave_transfer_callback_t pfCallback, void *pUserData)

Initialize the QUEUEDSPI slave handle.

This function initializes the QUEUEDSPI handle, which can be used for other QUEUEDSPI transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified QUEUEDSPI instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.

  • base – QUEUEDSPI peripheral base address.

  • psHandle – QUEUEDSPI handle pointer to the qspi_slave_transfer_handle_t.

  • pfCallback – QUEUEDSPI callback.

  • pUserData – Callback function parameter.

status_t QSPI_SlaveTransferNonBlocking(qspi_slave_transfer_handle_t *psHandle, qspi_transfer_t *psXfer)

Interrupt driven method of QUEUEDSPI slave transfer with completion will be notified by registered callback.

This function transfers data using interrupts for slave. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is transferred, the callback function is called.

  • psHandle – Pointer to the qspi_slave_transfer_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.

  • psXfer – Pointer to the qspi_transfer_t structure.


status of status_t.

status_t QSPI_SlaveTransferGetCount(qspi_slave_transfer_handle_t *psHandle, uint16_t *pu16Count)

Get the slave transfer count already transmitted/received.

  • psHandle – Pointer to the qspi_slave_transfer_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.

  • pu16Count – The number of bytes transferred by using the non-blocking transaction.


status of status_t.

void QSPI_SlaveTransferAbort(qspi_slave_transfer_handle_t *psHandle)

Abort a transaction.

  • psHandle – Pointer to the qspi_slave_transfer_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.

void QSPI_SlaveTransferHandleIRQ(qspi_slave_transfer_handle_t *psHandle)

QUEUEDSPI slave IRQ handler function.

This function processes the QUEUEDSPI transmit and receive IRQ.

  • psHandle – Pointer to the qspi_slave_transfer_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.


QSPI driver version.


Extract Base Address from handle for master or slave handle.


Extract user data from handle for master or slave handle.

Status return code for the QUEUEDSPI driver. Only used in transactional layer in this driver. .


enumerator kStatus_QSPI_Busy

QUEUEDSPI transfer is busy.

enumerator kStatus_QSPI_Error

QUEUEDSPI driver error.

enumerator kStatus_QSPI_Idle

QUEUEDSPI is idle.

enumerator kStatus_QSPI_OutOfRange

QUEUEDSPI transfer out of range.

enum _qspi_status_flags

QUEUEDSPI peripheral status flags.


enumerator kQSPI_TxEmptyFlag

Transmitter Empty Flag.

enumerator kQSPI_ModeFaultFlag

Mode Fault Flag.

enumerator kQSPI_RxOverflowFlag

Receiver Overflow Flag.

enumerator kQSPI_RxFullFlag

Receiver Full Flag.

enumerator kQSPI_AllStatusFlags
enum _qspi_interrupt_enable

QUEUEDSPI interrupt source.


enumerator kQSPI_TxInterruptEnable

SPTE interrupt enable.

enumerator kQSPI_RxInterruptEnable

SPRF interrupt enable.

enumerator kQSPI_RxOverFlowInterruptEnable

Bus error interrupt enable.

enumerator kQSPI_AllInterrupts
enum _qspi_ss_direction

options for Slave Select (SSB) signal direction.


enumerator kQSPI_SlaveSelectDirectionInput

SSB signal as input for slave mode or master mode with Mode fault enabled.

enumerator kQSPI_SlaveSelectDIrectionOutput

SSB signal as output.

enum _qspi_ss_data_logic_level

logical level for Slave Select (SSB) signal data


enumerator kQSPI_SlaveSelectLogicLow

Slave select logic level low

enumerator kQSPI_SlaveSelectLogicHigh

Slave select logic level high

enum _qspi_txfifo_watermark

QUEUEDSPI Transmit FIFO watermark settings.


enumerator kQSPI_TxFifoWatermarkEmpty

Transmit interrupt active when Tx FIFO is empty

enumerator kQSPI_TxFifoWatermarkOneWord

Transmit interrupt active when Tx FIFO has one or fewer words available

enumerator kQSPI_TxFifoWatermarkTwoWord

Transmit interrupt active when Tx FIFO has two or fewer words available

enumerator kQSPI_TxFifoWatermarkThreeWord

Transmit interrupt active when Tx FIFO has three or fewer words available

enum _qspi_rxfifo_watermark

QUEUEDSPI Receive FIFO watermark settings.


enumerator kQSPI_RxFifoWatermarkOneWord

Receive interrupt active when Rx FIFO has at least one word used

enumerator kQSPI_RxFifoWatermarkTwoWord

Receive interrupt active when Rx FIFO has at least two words used

enumerator kQSPI_RxFifoWatermarkThreeWord

Receive interrupt active when Rx FIFO has at least three words used

enumerator kQSPI_RxFifowatermarkFull

Receive interrupt active when Rx FIFO is full

enum _qspi_data_width

Transfer data width in each frame.


enumerator kQSPI_Data2Bits

2 bits data width

enumerator kQSPI_Data3Bits

3 bits data width

enumerator kQSPI_Data4Bits

4 bits data width

enumerator kQSPI_Data5Bits

5 bits data width

enumerator kQSPI_Data6Bits

6 bits data width

enumerator kQSPI_Data7Bits

7 bits data width

enumerator kQSPI_Data8Bits

8 bits data width

enumerator kQSPI_Data9Bits

9 bits data width

enumerator kQSPI_Data10Bits

10 bits data width

enumerator kQSPI_Data11Bits

11 bits data width

enumerator kQSPI_Data12Bits

12 bits data width

enumerator kQSPI_Data13Bits

13 bits data width

enumerator kQSPI_Data14Bits

14 bits data width

enumerator kQSPI_Data15Bits

15 bits data width

enumerator kQSPI_Data16Bits

16 bits data width

enum _qspi_dma_enable_flags

QUEUEDSPI DMA configuration for Transmit and Receive.


enumerator kQSPI_DmaRx

Receive DMA Enable Flag.

enumerator kQSPI_DmaTx

Transmit DMA Enable Flag.

enum _qspi_master_slave_mode

QUEUEDSPI master or slave mode configuration.


enumerator kQSPI_Slave

QUEUEDSPI peripheral operates in slave mode.

enumerator kQSPI_Master

QUEUEDSPI peripheral operates in master mode.

enum _qspi_clock_polarity

QUEUEDSPI clock polarity configuration.


enumerator kQSPI_ClockPolarityActiveRisingEdge

CPOL=0. Active-high QUEUEDSPI clock (idles low), rising edge of SCLK starts transaction.

enumerator kQSPI_ClockPolarityActiveFallingEdge

CPOL=1. Active-low QUEUEDSPI clock (idles high), falling edge of SCLK starts transaction.

enum _qspi_clock_phase

QUEUEDSPI clock phase configuration.


enumerator kQSPI_ClockPhaseSlaveSelectHighBetweenWords

CPHA=0, Slave Select toggle high during data frames.

enumerator kQSPI_ClockPhaseSlaveSelectLowBetweenWords

CPHA=1, Slave Select keep low during data frames.

enum _qspi_data_shift_direction

QUEUEDSPI data shifter direction options for a given CTAR.


enumerator kQSPI_MsbFirst

Data transfers start with most significant bit.

enumerator kQSPI_LsbFirst

Data transfers start with least significant bit.

enum _qspi_pcs_polarity_config

QUEUEDSPI Peripheral Chip Select Polarity configuration.


enumerator kQSPI_PcsActiveHigh

Pcs Active High (idles low).

enumerator kQSPI_PcsActiveLow

Pcs Active Low (idles high).

enum _qspi_master_transfer_flag

transaction layer configuration options for each transaction


enumerator kQSPI_MasterPCSContinous

Indicates whether the PCS signal de-asserts during transfer between frames, note this flag should not be used when CPHA is 0.

enumerator kQSPI_MasterActiveAfterTransfer

Indicates whether the PCS signal is active after the last frame transfer, note 1. this flag should not be used when CPHA is 0, 2. this flag can only be used when kQSPI_MasterPCSContinous is used.

enum _qspi_transfer_state

QUEUEDSPI transfer state, used internally for transactional layer.


enumerator kQSPI_Idle

Nothing in the transmitter/receiver.

enumerator kQSPI_Busy

Transfer queue is not finished.

enumerator kQSPI_Error

Transfer error.

typedef enum _qspi_ss_direction qspi_ss_direction_t

options for Slave Select (SSB) signal direction.

typedef enum _qspi_ss_data_logic_level qspi_ss_data_logic_level_t

logical level for Slave Select (SSB) signal data

typedef enum _qspi_txfifo_watermark qspi_txfifo_watermark_t

QUEUEDSPI Transmit FIFO watermark settings.

typedef enum _qspi_rxfifo_watermark qspi_rxfifo_watermark_t

QUEUEDSPI Receive FIFO watermark settings.

typedef enum _qspi_data_width qspi_data_width_t

Transfer data width in each frame.

typedef enum _qspi_master_slave_mode qspi_master_slave_mode_t

QUEUEDSPI master or slave mode configuration.

typedef enum _qspi_clock_polarity qspi_clock_polarity_t

QUEUEDSPI clock polarity configuration.

typedef enum _qspi_clock_phase qspi_clock_phase_t

QUEUEDSPI clock phase configuration.

typedef enum _qspi_data_shift_direction qspi_data_shift_direction_t

QUEUEDSPI data shifter direction options for a given CTAR.

typedef struct _qspi_master_config qspi_master_config_t

QUEUEDSPI master configuration structure with all master configuration fields covered.

typedef struct _qspi_slave_config qspi_slave_config_t

QUEUEDSPI slave configuration structure with all slave configuration fields covered.

typedef enum _qspi_pcs_polarity_config qspi_pcs_polarity_config_t

QUEUEDSPI Peripheral Chip Select Polarity configuration.

typedef struct _qspi_transfer qspi_transfer_t

QUEUEDSPI master/slave transfer structure.

typedef struct _qspi_master_handle qspi_master_transfer_handle_t

Forward declaration of the _qspi_master_handle typedefs. .

typedef void (*qspi_master_transfer_callback_t)(qspi_master_transfer_handle_t *psHandle, status_t eCompletionStatus, void *pUserData)

Completion callback function pointer type.

Param base:

QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

Param psHandle:

Pointer to the handle for the QUEUEDSPI master.

Param eCompletionStatus:

Success or error code describing whether the transfer completed.

Param pUserData:

Arbitrary pointer-dataSized value passed from the application.

typedef struct _qspi_master_handle qspi_slave_transfer_handle_t

Forward declaration of the _qspi_master_handle typedefs. .

typedef void (*qspi_slave_transfer_callback_t)(qspi_slave_transfer_handle_t *psHandle, status_t eCompletionStatus, void *pUserData)

Completion callback function pointer type.

Param base:

QUEUEDSPI peripheral address.

Param handle:

Pointer to the handle for the QUEUEDSPI slave.

Param status:

Success or error code describing whether the transfer completed.

Param pUserData:

Arbitrary pointer-dataSized value passed from the application.


User Configuraiton item dummy data filled into Output signal if there is no Tx data.

Dummy data used for Tx if there is no txData.

struct _qspi_master_config
#include <fsl_queued_spi.h>

QUEUEDSPI master configuration structure with all master configuration fields covered.

Public Members

uint32_t u32BaudRateBps

Baud Rate for QUEUEDSPI.

qspi_data_width_t eDataWidth

Data width in SPI transfer

qspi_clock_polarity_t eClkPolarity

Clock polarity.

qspi_clock_phase_t eClkPhase

Clock phase.

qspi_data_shift_direction_t eShiftDirection

MSB or LSB data shift direction.

bool bEnableWiredOrMode

SPI pin configuration, when enabled the SPI pins are configured as open-drain drivers with the pull-ups disabled.

bool bEnableModeFault

Enable/Disable mode fault detect for Slave Select Signal

bool bEnableStrobe

Enable/Disable strobe between data frames irrespective of clock pahse setting

bool bEnableSlaveSelAutoMode

Enable/Disable Slave Select Auto mode.

bool bEnableSlaveSelOpenDrain

Enable the open-drain mode of SPI Pins, otherwise Push-Pull

uint16_t u16DelayBetweenFrameInCLK

The delay between frame.

bool bEnableFIFO

Enable / Disable FIFO for Transmit/Receive

qspi_txfifo_watermark_t eTxFIFOWatermark

Watermark config for Transmit FIFO

qspi_txfifo_watermark_t eRxFIFOWatermark

Watermark config for Receive FIFO

bool bEnableModule

Enable / Disable module

uint8_t u8Interrupts

Interrupt enabled ORed from _qspi_interrupt_enable

uint8_t u8DmaEnableFlags

Configure DMA Enable/Disable for Transmit/Receive

struct _qspi_slave_config
#include <fsl_queued_spi.h>

QUEUEDSPI slave configuration structure with all slave configuration fields covered.

Public Members

qspi_data_width_t eDataWidth

Data width in SPI transfer

qspi_clock_polarity_t eClkPolarity

Clock polarity.

qspi_clock_phase_t eClkPhase

Clock phase.

qspi_data_shift_direction_t eShiftDirection

MSB or LSB data shift direction.

bool bEnableWiredOrMode

SPI pin configuration, when enabled the SPI pins are configured as open-drain drivers with the pull-ups disabled.

bool bEnableModeFault

Enable/Disable mode fault detect for Slave Select Signal

bool bEnableSlaveSelOverride

Enable/Disble override Slave Select (SS) singal with Master/Slave Mode config

bool bEnableFIFO

Enable / Disable FIFO for Transmit/Receive

qspi_txfifo_watermark_t eTxFIFOWatermark

Watermark config for Transmit FIFO

qspi_txfifo_watermark_t eRxFIFOWatermark

Watermark config for Receive FIFO

bool bEnableModule

Enable/Disable Module

uint8_t u8DmaEnableFlags

Configure DMA Enable/Disable for Transmit/Receive

struct _qspi_transfer
#include <fsl_queued_spi.h>

QUEUEDSPI master/slave transfer structure.

Public Members

void *pTxData

Transmit buffer.

void *pRxData

Receive buffer.

volatile uint16_t u16DataSize

Transfer bytes.

uint8_t u8ConfigFlags

Transfer configuration flags; set from _qspi_master_transfer_flag. This is not used in slave transfer.

struct _qspi_master_handle
#include <fsl_queued_spi.h>

QUEUEDSPI master transfer handle structure used for transactional API.

Public Members

QSPI_Type *base

Base address for the QSPI peripheral

qspi_data_width_t eDataWidth

The desired number of bits per frame.

volatile bool bIsPcsActiveAfterTransfer

Indicates whether the PCS signal is active after the last frame transfer, This is not used in slave transfer.

uint8_t *volatile pu8TxData

Send buffer.

uint8_t *volatile pu8RxData

Receive buffer.

volatile uint16_t u16RemainingSendByteCount

A number of bytes remaining to send.

volatile uint16_t u16RemainingReceiveByteCount

A number of bytes remaining to receive.

uint16_t u16TotalByteCount

A number of transfer bytes

volatile uint8_t u8State

QUEUEDSPI transfer state, see _qspi_transfer_state.

qspi_master_transfer_callback_t pfCallback

Completion callback.

void *pUserData

Callback user data.

volatile uint16_t u16ErrorCount

Error count for slave transfer, this is not used in master transfer.

QSPI Peripheral and Driver Overview

QTMR: Quad Timer Driver

void QTMR_Init(TMR_Type *base, const qtmr_config_t *psConfig)

Initialization Quad Timer module with provided structure.

This function can initial one or more channels of the Quad Timer module.

This examples shows how only initial channel 0.

qtmr_config_t sConfig = {0};
qtmr_channel_config_t sChannel0Config;
sConfig.psChannelConfig[0] = &sChannel0Config;
QTMR_Init(QTMR, sConfig);


This API should be called at the beginning of the application using the Quad Timer module.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • psConfig – Pointer to user’s Quad Timer config structure. See qtmr_config_t.

void QTMR_Deinit(TMR_Type *base)

De-initialization Quad Timer module.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

void QTMR_GetChannelDefaultConfig(qtmr_channel_config_t *psConfig)

Gets an available pre-defined options for Quad Timer channel module’s configuration.

This function initializes the channel configuration structure with a free run 16bit timer work setting. The default values are:

psConfig->sInputConfig.ePrimarySource = kQTMR_PrimarySrcIPBusClockDivide2;
psConfig->sInputConfig.eSecondarySource = kQTMR_SecondarySrcInputPin0;
psConfig->sInputConfig.eSecondarySourceCaptureMode = kQTMR_SecondarySrcCaptureNoCapture;
psConfig->sInputConfig.bEnableSecondarySrcFaultFunction = false;
psConfig->sInputConfig.eEnableInputInvert = false;
psConfig->sCountConfig.eCountMode = kQTMR_CountPrimarySrcRiseEdge;
psConfig->sCountConfig.eCountLength = kQTMR_CountLengthUntilRollOver;
psConfig->sCountConfig.eCountDir = kQTMR_CountDirectionUp;
psConfig->sCountConfig.eCountTimes = kQTMR_CountTimesRepeat;
psConfig->sCountConfig.eCountLoadMode = kQTMR_CountLoadNormal;
psConfig->sCountConfig.eCountPreload1 = kQTMR_CountPreloadNoLoad;
psConfig->sCountConfig.eCountPreload2 = kQTMR_CountPreloadNoLoad;
psConfig->sOutputConfig.eOutputMode = kQTMR_OutputAssertWhenCountActive;
psConfig->sOutputConfig.eOutputValueOnForce = kQTMR_OutputValueClearOnForce;
psConfig->sOutputConfig.bEnableOutputInvert = false;
psConfig->sOutputConfig.bEnableSwForceOutput = false;
psConfig->sOutputConfig.bEnableOutputPin = false;
psConfig->sCooperationConfig.bEnableMasterReInit = false;
psConfig->sCooperationConfig.bEnableMasterForceOFLAG = false;
psConfig->sCooperationConfig.bEnableMasterMode = false;
psConfig->eDebugMode = kQTMR_DebugRunNormal;
psConfig->u16EnabledInterruptMask = 0x0U;
psConfig->u16EnabledDMAMask = 0x0U;
psConfig->u16Comp1 = 0x0U;
psConfig->u16Comp2 = 0x0U;
psConfig->u16Comp1Preload = 0x0U;
psConfig->u16Comp1Preload = 0x0U;
psConfig->u16Load = 0x0U;
psConfig->u16Count = 0x0U;
psConfig->bEnableChannel = false;

  • psConfig – Pointer to user’s Quad Timer channel config structure. See qtmr_channel_config_t.

void QTMR_SetupChannleConfig(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, const qtmr_channel_config_t *psConfig)

Setup a Quad Timer channel with provided structure.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.

  • psConfig – Pointer to user’s Quad Timer channel config structure. See qtmr_channel_config_t.

static inline void QTMR_SetPrimaryCountSource(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, qtmr_channel_primary_count_source_t ePrimarySource)

Sets primary input source.

This function select the primary input source, it can select from “input pin 0~3”, “channel output

0~3” and “IP bus clock prescaler”.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.

  • ePrimarySource – The primary input source. See qtmr_channel_primary_count_source_t.

static inline void QTMR_SetSecondaryCountSource(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, qtmr_channel_secondary_count_source_t source)

Sets secondary input source.

This function select the secondary input source, it can select from “input pin 0~3”.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.

  • source – The Secondary input source. See qtmr_channel_secondary_count_source_t.

void QTMR_SetSecondarySourceInputCaptureMode(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, qtmr_channel_secondary_source_capture_mode_t eCaptureMode)

Sets secondary input capture mode.

This function select the capture mode for secondary input, it can select from “disable capture”, “capture on

rising/falling edge” and “capture on both edges”. Need enable capture mode when input edge interrupt is needed.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.

  • eCaptureMode – The capture mode of secondary input. See qtmr_channel_secondary_source_capture_mode_t.

static inline void QTMR_EnableSecondarySourceFault(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, bool bEnable)

Enables/Disables secondary input source signal fault feature.

Enable fault feature will make secondary input acts as a fault signal so that the channel output signal (OFLAG) is cleared when the secondary input is set.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.

  • bEnable – Enable the feature or not.

    • true Enable secondary source fault feature.

    • false Disable secondary source fault feature.

static inline void QTMR_EnableInputInvert(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, bool bEnable)

Enables/Disables input pin signal polarity invert feature.

This function enables/disables input pin signal polarity invert feature.


Invert feature only affects “input pin 0~3”, and acts on the channel input node, not the input pin, so it only affect current channel and not share by other channel

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.

  • bEnable – Enable the feature or not.

    • true Invert input pin signal polarity.

    • false No invert for input pin signal polarity.

static inline void QTMR_SetInputFilter(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_input_pin_t ePin, uint8_t u8Count, uint8_t u8Period)

Sets input filter for one input pin.

Sets input filter if the input signal is noisy.


The input filter acts on the input pin directly, so the input filter config will affect all channels that select this input pin as source. Turning on the input filter(setting FILT_PER to a non-zero value) introduces a latency of (((u8Count + 3) x u8Period) + 2) IP bus clock periods.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • ePin – Quad Timer input pin number. See qtmr_input_pin_t.

  • u8Count – Range is 0~7, represent the number of consecutive samples that must agree prior to the input filter accepting an input transition. Actual consecutive samples numbers is (u8Count + 3).

  • u8Period – Represent the sampling period (in IP bus clock cycles) of the input pin signals. Each input is sampled multiple times at the rate specified by this field. If u8Period is 0, then the input pin filter is bypassed.

static inline uint16_t QTMR_GetInputPinValueInSecondarySource(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber)

Gets the external input signal value selected via the secondary input source.

This function read the value of the secondary input source, the input pin IPS and filtering have been applied to the read back value.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.


The state of the current state of the external input pin selected via the secondary count source after application of IPS and filtering.

void QTMR_SetCountMode(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, qtmr_channel_count_mode_t eCountMode)

Sets channel count mode.

This function select channel basic count mode which trigger by primary input or/and secondary input events.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.

  • eCountMode – The mode of operation for the count. See qtmr_channel_count_mode_t.

static inline void QTMR_SetCountLength(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, qtmr_channel_count_length_t eLength)

Sets channel count length.

This function select channel single count length from “until roll over” or “until compare”. “until roll over” means count until 0xFFFF, “until compare” means count until reach COMP1 (for count up) or COMP2 (for count up) value (unless the output signal is in alternating compare mode, this mode make channel use COMP1 and COMP2 alternately).

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.

  • eLength – The channel count length. See qtmr_channel_count_length_t.

static inline void QTMR_SetCountDirection(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, qtmr_channel_count_direction_t eDirection)

Sets channel count direction.

This function select channel count direction from “count up” or “count down”. Under normal count mode, this function decide the count direction directly, when chose “secondary specifies direction” count mode, count direction decide by “the secondary input level” XOR with “the function selection”.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.

  • eDirection – The channel count direction. See qtmr_channel_count_direction_t.

static inline qtmr_channel_count_direction_t QTMR_GetCountDirection(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber)

Gets channel count direction.

This function read the channel count direction of the last count during quadrature encoded count mode.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.


The direction of the last count. Value see qtmr_channel_count_direction_t.

static inline void QTMR_SetCountTimes(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, qtmr_channel_count_times_t eTimes)

Sets channel count times.

This function select channel count times from “once” or “repeatedly”. If select “once” with “until compare”, channel will stop when reach COMP1 (for count up) or COMP2 (for count up) (unless the output signal is in alternating compare mode, this mode will make channel reaching COMP1, re-initializes then count reaching COMP2, and then stops).

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.

  • eTimes – The channel count times. See qtmr_channel_count_times_t.

static inline void QTMR_SetCountLoadMode(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, qtmr_channel_count_load_mode_t eLoadMode)

Sets channel count load mode.

This function select channel count re-initialized load mode from “normal” or “alternative”. “normal” means channel counter re-initialized from LOAD register when compare event, “alternative” means channel counter can re-initialized from LOAD (count up) or CMPLD2 (count down) when compare event.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.

  • eLoadMode – The channel count load mode. See qtmr_channel_count_load_mode_t.

static inline void QTMR_SetCompare1PreloadControl(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, qtmr_channel_count_preload_mode_t ePreloadMode)

Sets channel preload mode for compare register 1.

This function select channel preload mode for compare register 1. Default the COMP1 register never preload, when enabled, the COMP1 can preload from CMPLD1 register when COMP1 or COMP2 compare event.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.

  • ePreloadMode – The compare register 1 preload mode. See qtmr_channel_count_preload_mode_t.

static inline void QTMR_SetCompare2PreloadControl(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, qtmr_channel_count_preload_mode_t ePreloadMode)

Sets channel preload mode for compare register 2.

This function select channel preload mode for compare register 2. Default the COMP2 register never preload, when enabled, the COMP2 can preload from CMPLD2 register when COMP1 or COMP2 compare event.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.

  • ePreloadMode – The compare register 2 preload mode. See qtmr_channel_count_preload_mode_t.

static inline void QTMR_SetCompare1PreloadValue(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, uint16_t u16Comp1Preload)

Sets channel compare register 1 preload register value.

This function set the CMPLD1 register value. The COMP1 can preload from CMPLD1 register when preload mode is not “never preload”.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.

  • u16Comp1Preload – Value for Channel compare register 1 preload register.

static inline void QTMR_SetCompare2PreloadValue(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, uint16_t u16Comp2Preload)

Sets channel compare register 2 preload register value.

This function set the CMPLD2 register value. The COMP2 can preload from CMPLD2 register when preload mode is not “never preload”.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.

  • u16Comp2Preload – Value for Channel compare register 2 preload register.

static inline void QTMR_SetLoadValue(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, uint16_t u16Load)

Sets channel load register value.

This function set the LOAD register value. The channel will re-initialize the counter value with this register after counter compare or overflow event.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.

  • u16Load – Value used to initialize the counter after counter compare or overflow event.

static inline void QTMR_SetCompare1Value(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, uint16_t u16Comp1)

Sets channel count compare register 1.

This function set the COMP1 register value. It use to trigger compare event in count up mode or alternating compare mode.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.

  • u16Comp1 – Value for Channel compare register 1.

static inline void QTMR_SetCompare2Value(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, uint16_t u16Comp2)

Sets channel count compare register 2.

This function set the COMP2 register value. It use to trigger compare event in count down mode or alternating compare mode.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.

  • u16Comp2 – Value for Channel compare register 2.

static inline uint16_t QTMR_ReadCaptureValue(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber)

Gets channel capture register value.

This function read the CAPT register value, which store the real-time channel counter value when input capture event.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.


The value captured from the channel counter.

static inline uint16_t QTMR_GetHoldValue(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber)

Gets channel hold register value.

This function read the HOLD register value, which stores the channel counter’s values of specific channels whenever any of the four channels within a module is read.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.


The channel counter value when any read operation occurs.

static inline void QTMR_SetCounterValue(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, uint16_t u16Count)

Sets channel counter register value.

This function set the CNTR register value, the channel will start counting based on this value.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.

  • u16Count – The channel counter initialize value.

static inline uint16_t QTMR_GetCounterValue(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber)

Reads channel counter register value.

This function read the CNTR register value, which stores the channel real-time channel counting value. This read operation will trigger HOLD register update.


User can call the utility macros provided in fsl_common.h to convert ticks to usec or msec.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.


The real-time channel counter value.

static inline void QTMR_SetOutputMode(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, qtmr_channel_output_mode_t eOutputMode)

Sets Channel output signal (OFLAG) work mode.

This function select channel output signal (OFLAG) work mode base on different channel event.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.

  • eOutputMode – The mode of operation for the OFLAG output signal. See qtmr_channel_output_mode_t.

static inline void QTMR_SetOutputValueOnForce(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, qtmr_channel_output_value_on_force_t eValue)

Sets the value of output signal when a force event occurs.

This function config the value of output signal when a force event occurs. Force events can be a software command or compare event from a master channel.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.

  • eValue – The value of output signal when force event occur. See qtmr_channel_output_value_on_force_t.

static inline void QTMR_EnableOutputInvert(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, bool bEnable)

Enables/Disables output signal polarity invert feature.

This function enables/disables the invert feature of output signal (OFLAG).

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.

  • bEnable – Enable the feature or not.

    • true Invert output signal polarity.

    • false No invert for output signal polarity.

static inline void QTMR_EnableSwForceOutput(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber)

Enables software triggers a FORCE command to output signal.

This function uses a software command to trigger force event, which can force the current value of SCTRL[VAL] bit to be written to the OFLAG output.


This function can be called only if the counter is disabled.

QTMR_SetOutputValueOnForce(QTMR, kQTMR_Channel0, kQTMR_OutputValueSetOnForce);
QTMR_EnableSwForceOutput(QTMR, kQTMR_Channel0);

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.

static inline void QTMR_EnableOutputPin(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, bool bEnable)

Enables/Disables output signal (OFLAG) drive on the external pin feature.

This function enables/disables output signal (OFLAG) drive on the external pin feature.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.

  • bEnable – Enable the feature or not.

    • true The output signal is driven on the external pin.

    • false The external pin is configured as an input.

static inline void QTMR_EnableMasterMode(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, bool bEnable)

Enables/Disables channel master mode.

This function enables/disables channel master mode.


Master channel can broadcast compare event to all channels within the module to re-initialize channel and/or force channel output signal.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.

  • bEnable – Enable the feature or not.

    • true Enables channel master mode.

    • false Disables channel master mode.

static inline void QTMR_EnableMasterForceOFLAG(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, bool bEnable)

Enables/Disables force the channel output signal (OFLAG) state by master channel compare event.

This function enables/disables the compare event from master channel within the same module to force the state of this channel OFLAG output signal.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.

  • bEnable – Enable the feature or not.

    • true Enables OFLAG state to be forced by master channel compare event.

    • false Disables OFLAG state to be forced by master channel compare event.

static inline void QTMR_EnableMasterReInit(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, bool bEnable)

Enables/Disables channel be re-initialized by master channel compare event feature.

This function enables/disables the compare event from master channel within the same module to force the re-initialization of this channel.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.

  • bEnable – Enable the feature or not.

    • true Enables channel be re-initialized by master channel compare event.

    • false Disables channel be re-initialized by master channel compare event.

static inline void QTMR_EnableDma(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, uint16_t u16Mask)

Enables the Quad Timer DMA request according to a provided mask.

This function enables the Quad Timer DMA request according to a provided mask. The mask is a logical OR of enumerators members. See _qtmr_channel_dma_enable. This examples shows how to enable compare 1 register preload DMA request and compare 2 register preload DMA request.

QTMR_EnableDma((QTMR, kQTMR_Channel0,kQTMR_Compare1PreloadDmaEnable | kQTMR_Compare2PreloadDmaEnable);

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.

  • u16Mask – The QTMR DMA requests to enable. Logical OR of _qtmr_channel_dma_enable.

static inline void QTMR_DisableDma(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, uint16_t u16Mask)

Disables the Quad Timer DMA request according to a provided mask.

This function disables the Quad Timer DMA request according to a provided mask. The mask is a logical OR of enumerators members. See _qtmr_channel_dma_enable. This examples shows how to disable compare 1 register preload DMA request and compare 2 register preload DMA request.

QTMR_DisableDma((QTMR, kQTMR_Channel0, kQTMR_Compare1PreloadDmaEnable | kQTMR_Compare2PreloadDmaEnable);

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.

  • u16Mask – The QTMR DMA requests to disable. Logical OR of _qtmr_channel_dma_enable.

static inline void QTMR_EnableInterrupts(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, uint16_t u16Mask)

Enables the Quad Timer interrupts according to a provided mask.

This function enables the Quad Timer interrupts according to a provided mask. The mask is a logical OR of enumerators members. See _qtmr_channel_interrupt_enable. This examples shows how to enable compare 1 interrupt and compare 2 interrupt.

QTMR_EnableInterrupts((QTMR, kQTMR_Channel0, kQTMR_Compare1InterruptEnable | kQTMR_Compare2InterruptEnable);

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.

  • u16Mask – The QTMR DMA interrupts to enable. Logical OR of _qtmr_channel_interrupt_enable.

static inline void QTMR_DisableInterrupts(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, uint16_t u16Mask)

Disables the Quad Timer interrupts according to a provided mask.

This function disables the Quad Timer interrupts according to a provided mask. The mask is a logical OR of enumerators members. See _qtmr_channel_interrupt_enable. This examples shows how to disable compare 1 interrupt and compare 2 interrupt.

QTMR_DisableInterrupts((QTMR, kQTMR_Channel0, kQTMR_Compare1InterruptEnable | kQTMR_Compare2InterruptEnable);

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.

  • u16Mask – The QTMR DMA interrupts to disable. Logical OR of _qtmr_channel_interrupt_enable.

static inline uint16_t QTMR_GetStatusFlags(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber)

Gets the Quad Timer status flags.

This function gets all QTMR channel status flags. The flags are returned as the logical OR value of the enumerators _qtmr_channel_status_flags. To check for a specific status, compare the return value with enumerators in the _qtmr_channel_status_flags. For example, to check whether the compare flag set.

if((QTMR_GetStatusFlags(QTMR, kQTMR_Channel0) & kQTMR_CompareFlag) != 0U)

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.


The QTMR status flags which is the logical OR of the enumerators _qtmr_channel_status_flags.

static inline void QTMR_ClearStatusFlags(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, uint16_t u16Mask)

Clears the Quad Timer status flags.

This function clears QTMR channel status flags with a provide mask. The mask is a logical OR of enumerators _qtmr_channel_status_flags. This examples shows how to clear compare 1 flag and compare 2 flag.

QTMR_ClearStatusFlags((QTMR, kQTMR_Channel0, kQTMR_Compare1Flag | kQTMR_Compare2Flag);

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t

  • u16Mask – The QTMR status flags to clear. Logical OR of _qtmr_channel_status_flags

static inline void QTMR_SetDebugActions(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, qtmr_channel_debug_action_t eDebugMode)

Sets channel debug actions.

This function selects the certain actions which will perform when the chip entering debug mode.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • eChannelNumber – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.

  • eDebugMode – The Quad Timer channel actions in response to the chip entering debug mode. See qtmr_channel_debug_action_t.

static inline void QTMR_EnableChannels(TMR_Type *base, uint16_t u16Mask)

Enables the Quad Timer channels according to a provided mask.

This function enables the Quad Timer channels according to a provided mask. The mask is a logical OR of enumerators _qtmr_channel_enable. This examples shows how to enable channel 0 and channel 1.

QTMR_EnableChannels(QTMR, kQTMR_Channel0Enable | kQTMR_Channel1Enable);


If one channel has effective count mode, it will start its counter as soon as the channel be enabled.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • u16Mask – The QTMR channels to enable. Logical OR of _qtmr_channel_enable.

static inline void QTMR_DisableChannels(TMR_Type *base, uint16_t u16Mask)

Disables the Quad Timer channels according to a provided mask.

This function disables the Quad Timer channels according to a provided mask. The mask is a logical OR of enumerators _qtmr_channel_enable. This examples shows how to disable channel 0 and channel 1.

QTMR_DisableChannels(QTMR, kQTMR_Channel0Enable | kQTMR_Channel1Enable);

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address.

  • u16Mask – The QTMR channels to enable. Logical OR of _qtmr_channel_enable.

static inline uint32_t TMR_GetCaptureRegAddr(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_channel_number_t nChannel)

Gets the TMR capture register address. This API is used to provide the transfer address for TMR capture transfer.

  • base – TMR base pointer

  • nChannel – Quad Timer channel number. See qtmr_channel_number_t.


capture register address


QTMR driver version.

enum _qtmr_input_pin

The enumeration for Quad Timer module input pin source.


enumerator kQTMR_InputPin0

Quad Timer input pin 0.

enumerator kQTMR_InputPin1

Quad Timer input pin 1.

enumerator kQTMR_InputPin2

Quad Timer input pin 2.

enumerator kQTMR_InputPin3

Quad Timer input pin 3.

enum _qtmr_channel_number

The enumeration for Quad Timer module channel number.


enumerator kQTMR_Channel0

Quad Timer Channel 0.

enumerator kQTMR_Channel1

Quad Timer Channel 1.

enumerator kQTMR_Channel2

Quad Timer Channel 2.

enumerator kQTMR_Channel3

Quad Timer Channel 3.

enum _qtmr_channel_primary_count_source

The enumeration for Quad Timer channel primary input source.


enumerator kQTMR_PrimarySrcInputPin0

Quad Timer input pin 0.

enumerator kQTMR_PrimarySrcInputPin1

Quad Timer input pin 1.

enumerator kQTMR_PrimarySrcInputPin2

Quad Timer input pin 2.

enumerator kQTMR_PrimarySrcInputPin3

Quad Timer input pin 3.

enumerator kQTMR_PrimarySrcChannel0Output

Quad Timer channel 0 output.

enumerator kQTMR_PrimarySrcChannel1Output

Quad Timer channel 1 output.

enumerator kQTMR_PrimarySrcChannel2Output

Quad Timer channel 2 output.

enumerator kQTMR_PrimarySrcChannel3Output

Quad Timer channel 3 output.

enumerator kQTMR_PrimarySrcIPBusClockDivide1

IP bus clock divide by 1.

enumerator kQTMR_PrimarySrcIPBusClockDivide2

IP bus clock divide by 2.

enumerator kQTMR_PrimarySrcIPBusClockDivide4

IP bus clock divide by 4.

enumerator kQTMR_PrimarySrcIPBusClockDivide8

IP bus clock divide by 8.

enumerator kQTMR_PrimarySrcIPBusClockDivide16

IP bus clock divide by 16.

enumerator kQTMR_PrimarySrcIPBusClockDivide32

IP bus clock divide by 32.

enumerator kQTMR_PrimarySrcIPBusClockDivide64

IP bus clock divide by 64.

enumerator kQTMR_PrimarySrcIPBusClockDivide128

IP bus clock divide by 128.

enum _qtmr_channel_secondary_count_source

The enumeration for Quad Timer channel secondary input source.


enumerator kQTMR_SecondarySrcInputPin0

Quad Timer input pin 0.

enumerator kQTMR_SecondarySrcInputPin1

Quad Timer input pin 1.

enumerator kQTMR_SecondarySrcInputPin2

Quad Timer input pin 2.

enumerator kQTMR_SecondarySrcInputPin3

Quad Timer input pin 3.

enum _qtmr_channel_secondary_source_capture_mode

The enumeration for Quad Timer channel secondary input source capture mode.


enumerator kQTMR_SecondarySrcCaptureNoCapture

Secondary source capture is disabled.

enumerator kQTMR_SecondarySrcCaptureRisingEdge

Secondary source capture on rising edge.

enumerator kQTMR_SecondarySrcCaptureFallingEdge

Secondary source capture on falling edge.

enumerator kQTMR_SecondarySrcCaptureRisingAndFallingEdge

Secondary source capture on both edges.

enumerator kQTMR_SecondarySrcCaptureRisingEdgeWithReload

Secondary source capture on rising edge while cause the channel to be reloaded.

enumerator kQTMR_SecondarySrcCaptureFallingEdgeWithReload

Secondary source capture on falling edge while cause the channel to be reloaded.

enumerator kQTMR_SecondarySrcCaptureRisingAndFallingEdgeWithReload

Secondary source capture on both edges while cause the channel to be reloaded.

enum _qtmr_channel_count_mode

The enumeration for Quad Timer channel count mode.

When “channel output 0~3” or “IP bus clock prescaler” is chosen, active edge is the rising edge. When “input pin 0~3” is chosen, active edge and active level is determined by input invert feature (IPS). Disable input invert feature means active edge is rising edge, active level is high level, enable input invert feature means active edge is falling edge, active level is low level.


enumerator kQTMR_CountNoOperation

No operation.

enumerator kQTMR_CountPrimarySrcRiseEdge

Count active edge of primary input source.

enumerator kQTMR_CountPrimarySrcRiseAndFallEdge

Count rising and falling edges of primary input source.

enumerator kQTMR_CountPrimarySrcRiseEdgeSecondarySrcInHigh

Count active edge of primary input source when secondary input is at a active level.

enumerator kQTMR_CountPrimarySecondarySrcInQuadDecode

Quadrature count mode, uses primary and secondary sources.

enumerator kQTMR_CountPrimarySrcRiseEdgeSecondarySrcDir

Count active edge of primary input source; secondary input source specifies count direction.

enumerator kQTMR_CountPrimarySrcRiseEdgeSecondarySrcRiseEdgeTrig

The active edge of secondary input source triggers count active edge of primary input source, and the channel counter will stop upon receiving a second trigger event while it’s still counting from the first trigger event.

enumerator kQTMR_CountCascadeWithOtherChannel

Cascaded count mode, the channel will count as compare events occur in the selected source chennel (use a special high-speed signal path rather than the OFLAG output signal). The active edge of secondary input source triggers count active edge of primary input source, and the channel counter will re-initialized upon receiving a second trigger event while it’s still counting from the first trigger event.

enumerator kQTMR_CountPrimarySrcRiseEdgeSecondarySrcRiseEdgeTrigWithReInit
enum _qtmr_channel_count_length

The enumeration for Quad Timer channel count length.


enumerator kQTMR_CountLengthUntilRollOver

Count until roll over at $FFFF.

enumerator kQTMR_CountLengthUntilCompare

Count until compare.

enum _qtmr_channel_count_direction

The enumeration for Quad Timer channel count direction.


enumerator kQTMR_CountDirectionUp

Count direction up.

enumerator kQTMR_CountDirectionDown

Count direction down.

enum _qtmr_channel_count_times

The enumeration for Quad Timer channel count times.


enumerator kQTMR_CountTimesRepeat

Count repeatedly.

enumerator kQTMR_CountTimesOnce

Count time once.

enum _qtmr_channel_count_load_mode

The enumeration for Quad Timer channel count load mode.


enumerator kQTMR_CountLoadNormal

Count can be re-initialized only with the LOAD register when match event occurs.

enumerator kQTMR_CountLoadAlternative

Channel can be re-initialized with the LOAD register when count up and a match with COMP1 occurs, or with CMPLD2 register when count down and a match with COMP2 occurs.

enum _qtmr_channel_count_preload_mode

The enumeration for Quad Timer channel COMP1 & COMP2 preload mode.


enumerator kQTMR_CountPreloadNoLoad

Not load CMPLDn into COMPn register when compare event occurs.

enumerator kQTMR_CountPreloadOnComp1CompareEvent

Load CMPLDn register into COMPn when occurs a successful comparison of channel counter value and the COMP1 register.

enumerator kQTMR_CountPreloadOnComp2CompareEvent

Load CMPLDn register into COMPn when occurs a successful comparison of channel counter value and the COMP2 register.

enum _qtmr_channel_output_mode

The enumeration for Quad Timer channel output signal (OFLAG signal) work mode.


enumerator kQTMR_OutputAssertWhenCountActive

OFLAG output assert while counter is active.

enumerator kQTMR_OutputClearOnCompare

OFLAG output clear on successful compare.

enumerator kQTMR_OutputSetOnCompare

OFLAG output set on successful compare.

enumerator kQTMR_OutputToggleOnCompare

OFLAG output toggle on successful compare.

enumerator kQTMR_OutputToggleOnAltCompareReg

OFLAG output toggle using alternating compare registers.

enumerator kQTMR_OutputSetOnComareClearOnSecSrcActiveEdge

OFLAG output set on compare, clear on secondary source input edge.

enumerator kQTMR_OutputSetOnCompareClearOnCountRoll

OFLAG output set on compare, clear on counter rollover.

enumerator kQTMR_OutputGateClockOutWhenCountActive

OFLAG output gated while count is active.

enum _qtmr_qtmr_channel_output_value_on_force

The enumeration for Quad Timer channel output signal (OFLAG) value on force event occur.


enumerator kQTMR_OutputValueClearOnForce

OFLAG output clear (low) when software triggers a FORCE command or master channel force the OFLAG (EEOF need set).

enumerator kQTMR_OutputValueSetOnForce

OFLAG output set (high) when software triggers a FORCE command or master channel force the OFLAG (EEOF need set).

enum _qtmr_channel_debug_action

The enumeration for Quad Timer channel run options when the chip entering debug mode.


enumerator kQTMR_DebugRunNormal

Continue with normal operation.

enumerator kQTMR_DebugHaltCounter

Halt counter.

enumerator kQTMR_DebugForceOutToZero

Force output to logic 0.

enumerator kQTMR_DebugHaltCountForceOutZero

Halt counter and force output to logic 0.

enum _qtmr_channel_interrupt_enable

The enumeration for Quad Timer channel interrupts.


enumerator kQTMR_CompareInterruptEnable

Compare interrupt.

enumerator kQTMR_Compare1InterruptEnable

Compare 1 interrupt.

enumerator kQTMR_Compare2InterruptEnable

Compare 2 interrupt.

enumerator kQTMR_OverflowInterruptEnable

Timer overflow interrupt.

enumerator kQTMR_EdgeInterruptEnable

Input edge interrupt.

enumerator kQTMR_ALLInterruptEnable
enum _qtmr_channel_status_flags

The enumeration for Quad Timer channel work status.


enumerator kQTMR_CompareFlag

Compare flag.

enumerator kQTMR_Compare1Flag

Compare 1 flag.

enumerator kQTMR_Compare2Flag

Compare 2 flag.

enumerator kQTMR_OverflowFlag

Timer overflow flag.

enumerator kQTMR_EdgeFlag

Input edge flag.

enumerator kQTMR_StatusAllFlags
enum _qtmr_channel_enable

The enumeration for Quad Timer channel enable.


enumerator kQTMR_Channel0Enable

Channel 0 enable.

enumerator kQTMR_Channel1Enable

Channel 1 enable.

enumerator kQTMR_Channel2Enable

Channel 2 enable.

enumerator kQTMR_Channel3Enable

Channel 3 enable.

enumerator kQTMR_ALLChannelEnable
enum _qtmr_channel_dma_enable

The enumeration for Quad Timer channel DMA trigger source.


enumerator kQTMR_InputEdgeFlagDmaEnable

Input edge flag setting will trigger DMA read request for CAPT register.

enumerator kQTMR_Compare1PreloadDmaEnable

Channel load CMPLD1 register into COMP1 will trigger DMA write request for CMPLD1.

enumerator kQTMR_Compare2PreloadDmaEnable

Channel load CMPLD2 register into COMP2 will trigger DMA write request for CMPLD2.

enumerator kQTMR_AllDMAEnable
typedef enum _qtmr_input_pin qtmr_input_pin_t

The enumeration for Quad Timer module input pin source.

typedef enum _qtmr_channel_number qtmr_channel_number_t

The enumeration for Quad Timer module channel number.

typedef enum _qtmr_channel_primary_count_source qtmr_channel_primary_count_source_t

The enumeration for Quad Timer channel primary input source.

typedef enum _qtmr_channel_secondary_count_source qtmr_channel_secondary_count_source_t

The enumeration for Quad Timer channel secondary input source.

typedef enum _qtmr_channel_secondary_source_capture_mode qtmr_channel_secondary_source_capture_mode_t

The enumeration for Quad Timer channel secondary input source capture mode.

typedef enum _qtmr_channel_count_mode qtmr_channel_count_mode_t

The enumeration for Quad Timer channel count mode.

When “channel output 0~3” or “IP bus clock prescaler” is chosen, active edge is the rising edge. When “input pin 0~3” is chosen, active edge and active level is determined by input invert feature (IPS). Disable input invert feature means active edge is rising edge, active level is high level, enable input invert feature means active edge is falling edge, active level is low level.

typedef enum _qtmr_channel_count_length qtmr_channel_count_length_t

The enumeration for Quad Timer channel count length.

typedef enum _qtmr_channel_count_direction qtmr_channel_count_direction_t

The enumeration for Quad Timer channel count direction.

typedef enum _qtmr_channel_count_times qtmr_channel_count_times_t

The enumeration for Quad Timer channel count times.

typedef enum _qtmr_channel_count_load_mode qtmr_channel_count_load_mode_t

The enumeration for Quad Timer channel count load mode.

typedef enum _qtmr_channel_count_preload_mode qtmr_channel_count_preload_mode_t

The enumeration for Quad Timer channel COMP1 & COMP2 preload mode.

typedef enum _qtmr_channel_output_mode qtmr_channel_output_mode_t

The enumeration for Quad Timer channel output signal (OFLAG signal) work mode.

typedef enum _qtmr_qtmr_channel_output_value_on_force qtmr_channel_output_value_on_force_t

The enumeration for Quad Timer channel output signal (OFLAG) value on force event occur.

typedef enum _qtmr_channel_debug_action qtmr_channel_debug_action_t

The enumeration for Quad Timer channel run options when the chip entering debug mode.

typedef struct _qtmr_channel_input_config qtmr_channel_input_config_t

The structure for configuring Quad Timer channel input signal.

typedef struct _qtmr_channel_count_config qtmr_channel_count_config_t

The structure for configuring Quad Timer channel counting behaviors.

typedef struct _qtmr_channel_output_config qtmr_channel_output_config_t

The structure for configuring Quad Timer channel output signal (OFLAG).

typedef struct _qtmr_channel_cooperation_config qtmr_channel_cooperation_config_t

The structure for configuring Quad Timer channel cooperation mode with other channels.

typedef struct _qtmr_channel_config qtmr_channel_config_t

Quad Timer channel configuration covering all channel configurable fields.

typedef struct _qtmr_input_pin_filter_config qtmr_input_pin_filter_config_t

The structure for configuring Quad Timer module input pin filter.

typedef struct _qtmr_config qtmr_config_t

Quad Timer module configuration which contain channel config structure pointers and input pin filter config structure pointers.


Need use channel structure address to init the structure pointers, when the channel or input pin structure pointers is NULL, it will be ignored by QTMR_Init API. This can save stack space when only one or two channels are used.

struct _qtmr_channel_input_config
#include <fsl_qtmr.h>

The structure for configuring Quad Timer channel input signal.

Public Members

qtmr_channel_primary_count_source_t ePrimarySource

Specify the primary input source.

qtmr_channel_secondary_count_source_t eSecondarySource

Specify the secondary input source.

bool bEnableSecondarySrcFaultFunction

true: The selected secondary input acts as a fault signal which can clear the channel output signal when it is set, false: Fault function disabled.

bool eEnableInputInvert

true: Invert input signal value when select input pin as primary or/and secondary input source false: no operation.

struct _qtmr_channel_count_config
#include <fsl_qtmr.h>

The structure for configuring Quad Timer channel counting behaviors.

Public Members

qtmr_channel_count_mode_t eCountMode

Configures channel count mode.

qtmr_channel_count_length_t eCountLength

Configures channel count length.

qtmr_channel_count_direction_t eCountDir

Configures channel count direction.

qtmr_channel_count_times_t eCountTimes

Configures channel count times.

qtmr_channel_count_load_mode_t eCountLoadMode

Configures channel count load mode.

struct _qtmr_channel_output_config
#include <fsl_qtmr.h>

The structure for configuring Quad Timer channel output signal (OFLAG).

Public Members

qtmr_channel_output_mode_t eOutputMode

Configures channel output signal work mode.

qtmr_channel_output_value_on_force_t eOutputValueOnForce

The value of output signal when force event occur.

bool bEnableOutputInvert

True: the polarity of output signal will be inverted, false: The output signal is not inverted.

bool bEnableSwForceOutput

True: forces the current value of eOFLAGValueOnForce to output signal. false: no operation.

bool bEnableOutputPin

True: the output signal is driven on the external pin. false: the external pin is configured as an input.

struct _qtmr_channel_cooperation_config
#include <fsl_qtmr.h>

The structure for configuring Quad Timer channel cooperation mode with other channels.

Public Members

bool bEnableMasterReInit

true: Master channel within the module can re-initialize this channel when it has a compare event, false: no operation.

bool bEnableMasterForceOFLAG

true: Master channel within the module can force this channel OFLAG signal when it has a compare event, false: no operation.

bool bEnableMasterMode

true: This channel is configured as mater channel, it can broadcast compare event to all channels within the module to re-initialize channel and/or force channel output signal, false: no operation.

struct _qtmr_channel_config
#include <fsl_qtmr.h>

Quad Timer channel configuration covering all channel configurable fields.

Public Members

qtmr_channel_input_config_t sInputConfig

Configures channel input signal.

qtmr_channel_count_config_t sCountConfig

Configures channel count work mode.

qtmr_channel_output_config_t sOutputConfig

Configures channel output signal (OFLAG) work mode.

qtmr_channel_debug_action_t eDebugMode

Configures channel operation in chip debug mode.

uint16_t u16EnabledInterruptMask

The mask of the interrupts to be enabled, should be the OR’ed of _qtmr_channel_interrupt_enable.

uint16_t u16EnabledDMAMask

The mask of the interrupts to be enabled, should be the OR’ed of _qtmr_channel_dma_enable.

uint16_t u16Comp1

Value for Channel compare register 1.

uint16_t u16Comp2

Value for Channel compare register 2.

uint16_t u16Comp1Preload

Value for Channel compare 1 preload register.

uint16_t u16Comp2Preload

Value for Channel compare 2 preload register.

uint16_t u16Load

Value for Channel load register.

uint16_t u16Count

Value for Channel counter value register.

bool bEnableChannel

True: enable the channel prescaler (if it is being used) and counter false: disable channel.

struct _qtmr_input_pin_filter_config
#include <fsl_qtmr.h>

The structure for configuring Quad Timer module input pin filter.

Public Members

uint8_t u8Period

Value for input filter sample period.

uint8_t u8Count

Value for input filter sample count (sample count = count +3).

struct _qtmr_config
#include <fsl_qtmr.h>

Quad Timer module configuration which contain channel config structure pointers and input pin filter config structure pointers.


Need use channel structure address to init the structure pointers, when the channel or input pin structure pointers is NULL, it will be ignored by QTMR_Init API. This can save stack space when only one or two channels are used.

The Driver Change Log

QTMR Peripheral and Driver Overview

The Driver Change Log

SIM: System Integration Module Driver

static inline void SIM_SetWaitModeOperation(SIM_Type *base, sim_wait_mode_operation_t eOperation)

Sets the operation of wait mode, enable/disable the entry of wait mode.

  • base – SIM peripheral base address.

  • eOperation – Used to enable/disable the wait mode, please refer to sim_wait_mode_operation_t.

static inline void SIM_SetStopModeOperation(SIM_Type *base, sim_stop_mode_operation_t eOperation)

Sets the operation of stop mode, enable/disable the entry of stop mode.

  • base – SIM peripheral base address.

  • eOperation – Used to enable/disable the stop mode, please refer to sim_stop_mode_operation_t.

static inline void SIM_EnterLPMode(SIM_Type *base)

Enters into LPMode when the advanced power mode is enabled(register FOPT[1] bit is set).


Please make sure the power mode register is not set as write protected before invoking this function.


This function is useful only when the FTFE module’s FOPT[0] bit is set(advanced power mode is enabled).

  • base – SIM peripheral base address.

static inline void SIM_ExitLPMode(SIM_Type *base)

Exits from LPMode when the advanced power mode is enabled(register FOPT[1] bit is set).


Please make sure the power mode register is not set as write protected before invoking this function.


This function is useful only when the FTFE module’s FOPT[0] bit is set(advanced power mode is enabled).

  • base – SIM peripheral base address.

static inline void SIM_EnterVLPMode(SIM_Type *base)

Enters into VLPMode when the advanced power mode is enabled(register FOPT[1] bit is set).


Please make sure the power mode register is not set as write protected before invoking this function. If both set to enter LPMode and VLPMode, the VLPMode has higher priority.


This function is useful only when the FTFE module’s FOPT[0] bit is set(advanced power mode is enabled).

  • base – SIM peripheral base address.

static inline void SIM_ExitVLPMode(SIM_Type *base)

Exits from VLPMode when the advanced power mode is enabled(register FOPT[1] bit is set).


Please make sure the power mode register is not set as write protected before invoking this function.


This function is useful only when the FTFE module’s FOPT[0] bit is set(advanced power mode is enabled).

  • base – SIM peripheral base address.

static inline bool SIM_IsInLPMode(SIM_Type *base)

Indicates whether the chip is in LPMode when the advanced power mode is enabled(register FOPT[1] bit is set).


This function is useful only when the FTFE module’s FOPT[0] bit is set(advanced power mode is enabled).

  • base – SIM peripheral base address.

Return values:
  • true – The chip is in LPMode.

  • false – The chip is not in LPMode.

static inline bool SIM_IsInVLPMode(SIM_Type *base)

Indicates whether the chip is in VLPMode when the advanced power mode is enabled(register FOPT[1] bit is set).


This function is useful only when the FTFE module’s FOPT[0] bit is set(advanced power mode is enabled).

  • base – SIM peripheral base address.

Return values:
  • true – The chip is in VLPMode.

  • false – The chip is not in VLPMode.

static inline void SIM_TriggerSoftwareReset(SIM_Type *base)

Triggers the software reset for device.

  • base – SIM base address.

static inline uint16_t SIM_GetResetStatusFlags(SIM_Type *base)

Gets the cause of the most recent reset.


At any given time, the only one reset source is indicated. When multiple reset source assert simultaneously, the reset source with the highest precedence is indicated. The precedence from highest to lowest is POR, external reset, COP loss of reference reset, COP CPU time-out reset, software reset, COP window time-out reset. The POR is always set during a power-on reset. However, POR is cleared and the external reset is set if the external reset pin is asserted or remains asserted after the power-on reset has de-asserted.

  • base – SIM peripheral base address.


The current reset status flags, should be the OR’ed value of _sim_reset_status_flags.

static inline void SIM_TriggerPeripheralSoftwareReset(SIM_Type *base, sim_swReset_peri_index_t ePeriIndex)

Triggers the software reset of specific peripheral.

  • base – SIM peripheral base address.

  • ePeriIndex – The index of the peripheral to be reset.

static inline void SIM_EnableResetPadCellInputFilter(SIM_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enables/Disables the input filter on external reset padcell.

If the input filter is enabled, the filter will remove transient signals on the input at the expense of an increased input delay.


If the input filter is enabled, the filter will affect all input functions supported by that padcell, including GPIO.

  • base – SIM peripheral base address.

  • bEnable – Used to control the behaviour of input filter.

    • true Enable the input filter on external input padcell.

    • false Disable the input filter on external input padcell.

static inline void SIM_SetInternalPeriInput(SIM_Type *base, sim_internal_peri_index_t eIndex, sim_internal_peri_input_t eInput)

Sets internal peripheral inputs, some peripheral inputs have the ability to be connected to either XBAR outputs or GPIO.

  • base – SIM base address.

  • eIndex – The internal peripherals that supply multi-inputs.

  • eInput – The specific input that connected to the selected internal peripheral.

static inline void SIM_SetXbarInputPWMSelection(SIM_Type *base, sim_xbar_input_pwm_index_t eIndex, sim_xbar_input_pwm_selection_t eSelection)

Selects the Xbar input from PWMA and PWMB.

  • base – SIM base address.

  • eIndex – SIM PWM select register field index.

  • eSelection – Xbar input pwm selection.

static inline void SIM_SetXbarInputAdcTmrSelection(SIM_Type *base, sim_xbar_input_adc_tmr_index_t eIndex, sim_xbar_input_adc_tmr_selection_t eSelection)

Selects the Xbar input from ADC and TMR A/B.

  • base – SIM base address.

  • eIndex – SIM ADC and TMR select register field index.

  • eSelection – Xbar input ADC and TMR selection.

static inline void SIM_SetSmallRegulator1P2VControlMode(SIM_Type *base, sim_small_regulator_1P2V_control_mode_t eControlMode)

Sets the control mode of small regulator 1.2V supply, the available control modes are normal mode, standby mode, etc.


This function is useful only when the flash module’s FOPT[0] bit is 0.

  • base – SIM peripheral base address.

  • eControlMode – The control mode to be set, please refer to sim_small_regulator_1P2V_control_mode_t.

static inline void SIM_SetSmallRegulator2P7VControlMode(SIM_Type *base, sim_small_regulator_2P7V_control_mode_t eControlMode)

Sets the control mode of small regulator 2.7 supply, the available control modes are normal mode, standby mode, etc.


This function is useful only when the flash module’s FOPT[0] bit is 0.

  • base – SIM peripheral base address.

  • eControlMode – THe control mode to be set, please refer to sim_small_regulator_2P7V_control_mode_t.

static inline void SIM_SetLargeRegulatorControlMode(SIM_Type *base, sim_large_regulator_control_mode_t eControlMode)

Sets the control mode of large regulator, the available control mode are normal mode, standby mode, etc.


This function is useful only when the flash module’s FOPT[0] bit is 0.

  • base – SIM peripheral base address.

  • eControlMode – The control mode to be set, please refer to sim_large_regulator_control_mode_t.

static inline void SIM_SetRegisterProtectionMode(SIM_Type *base, sim_write_protection_module_t eModule, sim_write_protection_mode_t eMode)

Sets the write protection mode of the selected register.

  • base – SIM peripheral base address.

  • eModule – The module to be set, please refer to sim_write_protection_module_t.

  • eMode – The specific write protection mode to be set, please refer to sim_write_protection_mode_t.

static inline uint32_t SIM_GetJTAGID(SIM_Type *base)

Gets JTAG ID, the JTAG ID is 32bits width.

  • base – SIM base address.


The 32bits width JTAG ID.

static inline uint8_t SIM_GetPMCBandgapTrim(SIM_Type *base)

Gets the trim vlaue of the bandgap inside the PMC module, the available range is 0 to 15.

  • base – SIM peripheral base address.


The trim value of PMC’s bandgap, ranges from 0 to 15.

static inline uint16_t SIM_Get200KHzROSCFreqTrim(SIM_Type *base)

Gets the trim value of 200KHz Relaxation Osillator Frequency, the available range is 0 to 511.

  • base – SIM peripheral base address.


The trim value of 200 khz Relaxation Oscillator frequency, ranges from 0 to 511.

static inline uint8_t SIM_Get8MHzROSCTempTrim(SIM_Type *base)

Gets the trim value of 8 MHz Relaxation Oscillator Temperature.

  • base – SIM peripheral base address.


The trim value of 8 MHz Relaxation Oscillator Temperature.

static inline uint16_t SIM_Get8MHzROSCFreqTrim(SIM_Type *base)

Gets the trim value of 8 MHz Relaxation Oscillator Frequency Trim.

  • base – SIM peripheral base address.


The trim value of 8 MHz Relaxation Oscillator Frequency Trim.

static inline uint16_t SIM_Get32KHzROSCFreqTrim(SIM_Type *base)

Gets the trim value of 32KHz Relaxation Osillator Frequency.

  • base – SIM peripheral base address.


The trim value of 32 khz Relaxation Oscillator frequency.

static inline uint16_t SIM_GetSarAdcBandgapRefCap(SIM_Type *base)

Gets the SAR ADC Bandgap Reference Capture.

  • base – SIM peripheral base address.


The SAR ADC Bandgap Reference Capture.

static inline void SIM_SetIOShortAddressValue(SIM_Type *base, uint32_t u32IOShortAddressValue)

Sets the I/O short address location value which specifies the memory referenced through the I/O short address mode.

The I/O short address mode allows the instrution to specify the lower 6 bits of the address. And the upper 18 bits of the address can be controlled by invoking this function.


The pipeline delay between setting the related register set and using short I/O addrssing with the new value is five cycles.

  • base – SIM base address.

  • u32IOShortAddressValue – The value of I/O short address location, this address value should be 24 bits width.

static inline uint16_t SIM_GetSoftwareControlData(SIM_Type *base, sim_software_contrl_register_index_t eIndex)

Gets the software control data by the software control register index.

  • base – SIM base address.

  • eIndex – SIM software control register index.


Software control registers value.

static inline void SIM_SetSoftwareControlData(SIM_Type *base, sim_software_contrl_register_index_t eIndex, uint16_t u16Value)

Sets the software control data by the software contorl register index, the data is for general-purpose use by software.

  • base – SIM base address.

  • eIndex – SIM software control register index.

  • u16Value – Software control registers value.

static inline void SIM_SetOnCEClockOperationMode(SIM_Type *base, sim_onceclk_operation_mode_t eOperationMode)

Sets the operation mode of the OnCE clock, the available operation modes are always enabled and enabled when the core TAP is enabled.

  • base – SIM peripheral base address.

  • eOperationMode – The operation mode of OnCE clock, please refer to sim_onceclk_operation_mode_t.

static inline void SIM_SetDMAOperationMode(SIM_Type *base, sim_dma_operation_mode_t eOperationMode)

Sets the operation mode of DMA, such as disabled, enabled in run mode only, etc.

  • base – SIM peripheral base address.

  • eOperationMode – The operation mode to be set, please refer to sim_dma_operation_mode_t.

static inline sim_boot_mode_t SIM_GetBootMode(SIM_Type *base)

Gets the device’s boot mode, the available boot modes are ROM boot and NVM flash boot.

  • base – SIM peripheral base address.


The device’s boot mode, please refer to sim_boot_mode_t.

static inline void SIM_SetLPI2C1TriggerSelection(SIM_Type *base, sim_lpi2c_trigger_selection_t eTriggerSelection)

Sets the trigger selection of lpi2c1, the available selections are master trigger and slave trigger.

This function can be used to selection the LPI2C1 output trigger. If selected as master trigger, the LPI2C1 master will generate an output trigger that can be connected to other peripherals on the device. If selected as slave trigger, the LPI2C1 slave will generate an output trigger that can be connected to other peripherals on the device.

  • base – SIM peripheral base address.

  • eTriggerSelection – The trigger selection to set, please refer to sim_lpi2c_trigger_selection_t.

static inline void SIM_SetLPI2C0TriggerSelection(SIM_Type *base, sim_lpi2c_trigger_selection_t eTriggerSelection)

Sets the trigger selection of lpi2c0, the available selections are master trigger and slave trigger.

This function can be used to selection the LPI2C0 output trigger. If selected as master trigger, the LPI2C0 master will generate an output trigger that can be connected to other peripherals on the device. If selected as slave trigger, the LPI2C0 slave will generate an output trigger that can be connected to other peripherals on the device.

  • base – SIM peripheral base address.

  • eTriggerSelection – The trigger selection to set, please refer to sim_lpi2c_trigger_selection_t.

static inline sim_device_operate_mode_t SIM_GetDeviceOperateMode(SIM_Type *base)

Gets device currently operate mode, the possible result is normal operate mode or fast operate mode.

  • base – SIM peripheral base address.


Current device’s operate mode.

static inline void SIM_SetDeviceOperateMode(SIM_Type *base, sim_device_operate_mode_t eOperateMode)

Sets device operate mode, including normal operate mode and fast operate mode.


The setting by invoking this function is valid after executing the software reset. To change the device operation mode, the clock-related settings also need to be changed. Please use this API with caution.

  • base – SIM peripheral base address.

  • eOperateMode – The operate mode to be set, please refer to sim_device_operate_mode_t.

static inline void SIM_EnableADCScanControlReorder(SIM_Type *base, bool bEnable)

Enables/Disables the ADC scan control register reorder feature.

  • base – SIM peripheral base address.

  • bEnable – Used to control the ADC scan control register reorder feature.

    • true Enable the re-ordering of ADC scan control bits.

    • false ADC scan control register works in normal order.

static inline void SIM_SetMasterPIT(SIM_Type *base, sim_master_pit_selection_t eMasterPit)

Sets master programmable interval timer.

  • base – SIM peripheral base address.

  • eMasterPit – The master PIT to be selected, please refer to sim_master_pit_selection_t.

static inline void SIM_SetBootOverRide(SIM_Type *base, sim_boot_override_mode_t eMode)

Sets the boot over ride mode, this API can be used to determine the boot option in the next reset excluding POR.

  • base – SIM peripheral base address.

  • eMode – THe boot over ride mode.


SIM driver version.

enum _sim_reset_status_flags

The enumeration of system reset status flags, such as power on reset, software reset, etc.


enumerator kSIM_PowerONResetFlag

The Power on reset caused the most recent reset.

enumerator kSIM_ExternalResetFlag

The external reset caused the most recent reset, that means the external reset pin was asserted or remained asserted after the power-on reset de-asserted.

enumerator kSIM_COPLossOfReferenceResetFlag

The computer operating properly module signaled a PLL loss of reference clock reset caused the most recent reset.

enumerator kSIM_COPCPUTimeOutResetFlag

The computer operating properly module signaled a CPU time-out reset caused the most recent reset.

enumerator kSIM_SofwareResetFlag

The previous system reset occurred as a result of a software reset

enumerator kSIM_COPWindowTimeOutResetFlag

The previous system reset occurred as a result of a cop_window reset.

enum _sim_stop_mode_operation

The enumeration of stop mode operation can be used to enable/disable stop mode enter.


enumerator kSIM_STOPInstrutionEnterStopMode

Stop mode is entered when the DSC core executes a STOP instruction.

enumerator kSIM_STOPInstrutionNotEnterStopMode

The DSC core STOP instruction does not cause entry into stop mode.

enumerator kSIM_STOPInstrutionEnterStopModeWriteProtect

Stop mode is entered when the DSC core executes a STOP instruction, and the realted register bit field is write protected until the next reset.

enumerator kSIM_STOPInstructionNotEnterStopModeWriteProtect

The DSC core STOP instruction does not cause entry into stop mode, and the related register bit field is write protected until the next reset.

enum _sim_wait_mode_operation

The enumeration of wait mode operation can be used to enable/disable wait mode enter.


enumerator kSIM_WAITInstrutionEnterWaitMode

Wait mode is entered when the DSC core executes a WAIT instruction.

enumerator kSIM_WAITInstrutionNotEnterWaitMode

The DSC core WAIT instruction does not cause entry into wait mode.

enumerator kSIM_WAITInstrutionEnterWaitModeWriteProtect

Wait mode is entered when the DSC core executes a WAIT instruction, and the realted register bit field is write protected until the next reset.

enumerator kSIM_WAITInstructionNotEnterWaitModeWriteProtect

The DSC core WAIT instruction does not cause entry into wait mode, and the related register bit field is write protected until the next reset.

enum _sim_onceclk_operation_mode

The enumeration of OnCE clock operation mode, such as enabled when core TAP is enabled and always enabled.


enumerator kSIM_OnCEClkEnabledWhenCoreTapEnabled

The OnCE clock to the DSC core is enabled when the core TAP is enabled.

enumerator kSIM_OnCEClkAlwaysEnabled

The OnCE clock to the DSC core is always enabled.

enum _sim_dma_operation_mode

The enumeration of dma operation mode, this enumeration can be used to disable/enable DMA module in different power modes.


enumerator kSIM_DMADisable

DMA module is disabled.

enumerator kSIM_DMAEnableAtRunModeOnly

DMA module is enabled in run mode only.

enumerator kSIM_DMAEnableAtRunModeWaitMode

DMA module is enabled in run and wait modes only.

enumerator kSIM_DMAEnableAtAllPowerModes

DMA module is enabled in all power modes.

enumerator kSIM_DMADisableWriteProtect

DMA module is disabled and the related register bit field is write protected until the next reset.

enumerator kSIM_DMAEnableAtRunModeOnlyWriteProtect

DMA module is enabled in run mode only and the related bit field is write protected until the next reset.

enumerator kSIM_DMAEnableAtRunModeWaitModeWriteProtect

DMA module is enabled in run and wait modes only and the related register bit field is write protected until the next reset.

enumerator kSIM_DMAEnableAtAllPowerModesWriteProtect

DMA module is enabled in all low power modes and the related register bit field is write protected until the next reset.

enum _sim_boot_mode

The enumeration of device’s boot mode, including ROM boot and NVM flash boot.


enumerator kSIM_BootFromNVMFlash

Indicates the chip is boot from NVM Flash.

enumerator kSIM_BootFromROM

Indicates the chip is boot from ROM.

enum _sim_small_regulator_1P2V_control_mode

The enumeration of small regualtor 1P2V control mode, such as normal mode and standby mode.


enumerator kSIM_SmallRegulator1P2VInNormalMode

Small regulator 1.2V supply placed in normal mode.

enumerator kSIM_SmallRegulator1P2VInStandbyMode

Small regulator 1.2V supply placed in standby mode.

enumerator kSIM_SmallRegulator1P2VInNormalModeWriteProtect

Small regulator 1.2V supply placed in nomal mode, and the related register bit field is write protected until the next reset.

enumerator kSIM_SmallRegulator1P2VInStandbyModeWriteProtect

Small regulator 1.2V supply placed in standby mode, and the related register bit field is write protected until the next reset.

enum _sim_small_regulator_2P7V_control_mode

The enumeration of small regulator 2P7V control mode, such as normal mode, standby mode, powerdown mode, etc.


enumerator kSIM_SmallRegulator2P7VInNormalMode

Small regulator 2.7V supply placed in normal mode.

enumerator kSIM_SmallRegulator2P7VInStandbyMode

Small regulator 2.7V supply placed in standby mode.

enumerator kSIM_SmallRegulator2P7VInPowerdownMode

Small regulator 2.7V supply placed in powerdown mode.

enumerator kSIM_SmallRegulator2P7VInNormalModeWriteProtect

Small regulator 2.7V supply placed in normal mode and the related bit field is write protected until chip reset.

enumerator kSIM_SmallRegulator2P7VInStandbyModeWriteProtect

Small regulator 2.7V supply placed in standby mode and the related bit field is write protected until chip reset.

enumerator kSIM_SmallRegulator2P7VInPowerdownModeWriteProtect

Small regulator placed in powerdown mode and the related bit field is write protected until chip reset.

enum _sim_large_regulator_control_mode

The enumeration of large regulator contorl mode, such as normal mode, standby mode.


enumerator kSIM_LargeRegulatorInNormalMode

Large regulator placed in normal mode.

enumerator kSIM_LargeRegulatorInStandbyMode

Large regulator placed in standby mode.

enumerator kSIM_LargeRegulatorInNormalModeWriteProtect

Large regulator placed in normal mode, and the related register bit field is write protected until chip reset.

enumerator kSIM_LargeRegulatorInStandbyModeWriteProtect

Large regulator placed in standby mode, and the related register bit field is write protected until chip reset.

enum _sim_write_protection_module

The enumeration of modules that support various protection mode.


enumerator kSIM_GPIOInternalPeripheralSelectProtection

Used to control the protection mode GPSn and IPSn registers in the SIM, all XBAR, EVTG, GPIOn_PER, GPIOn_PPMODE, GPIOn_DRIVE.

enumerator kSIM_PeripheralClockEnableProtection

Used to control the protection mode of PCEn, SDn, PSWRn, and PCR register.

enumerator kSIM_GPIOPortDProtection

Used to control the protection mode of GPIO_D_PER, GPIO_D_PPMODE, and GPIO_D_DRIVE register.

enumerator kSIM_PowerModeControlWriteProtection

Used to control the protection mode of the PWRMODE register.

enum _sim_write_protection_mode

The enumeration of write protection mode, such as write protection off, write protection on, etc.


enumerator kSIM_WriteProtectionOff

Write protection off.

enumerator kSIM_WriteProtectionOn

Write protection on.

enumerator kSIM_WriteProtectionOffAndLocked

Write protection off and locked until chip reset.

enumerator kSIM_WriteProtectionOnAndLocked

Write protection on and locked until chip reset.

enum _sim_lpi2c_trigger_selection

The enumeration of lpi2c trigger selection, including slave trigger and master trigger.


enumerator kSIM_Lpi2cSlaveTrigger

Selects slave trigger.

enumerator kSIM_Lpi2cMasterTrigger

Selects master trigger.

enum _sim_device_operate_mode

The enumeration of device operate mode, including normal mode and fast mode.


enumerator kSIM_NormalOperateMode

Device in normal operating mode, core:bus frequency as 1:1

enumerator kSIM_FastOperateMode

Device in fast operate mode, core:bus frequency as 2:1

enum _sim_master_pit_selection

The enumeration of master pit.


enumerator kSIM_PIT0MasterPIT1Slave

PIT0 is master PIT and PIT1 is slave PIT.

enumerator kSIM_PIT1MasterPIT0Slave

PIT0 is master PIT and PIT1 is slave PIT.

typedef enum _sim_stop_mode_operation sim_stop_mode_operation_t

The enumeration of stop mode operation can be used to enable/disable stop mode enter.

typedef enum _sim_wait_mode_operation sim_wait_mode_operation_t

The enumeration of wait mode operation can be used to enable/disable wait mode enter.

typedef enum _sim_onceclk_operation_mode sim_onceclk_operation_mode_t

The enumeration of OnCE clock operation mode, such as enabled when core TAP is enabled and always enabled.

typedef enum _sim_dma_operation_mode sim_dma_operation_mode_t

The enumeration of dma operation mode, this enumeration can be used to disable/enable DMA module in different power modes.

typedef enum _sim_boot_mode sim_boot_mode_t

The enumeration of device’s boot mode, including ROM boot and NVM flash boot.

typedef enum _sim_small_regulator_1P2V_control_mode sim_small_regulator_1P2V_control_mode_t

The enumeration of small regualtor 1P2V control mode, such as normal mode and standby mode.

typedef enum _sim_small_regulator_2P7V_control_mode sim_small_regulator_2P7V_control_mode_t

The enumeration of small regulator 2P7V control mode, such as normal mode, standby mode, powerdown mode, etc.

typedef enum _sim_large_regulator_control_mode sim_large_regulator_control_mode_t

The enumeration of large regulator contorl mode, such as normal mode, standby mode.

typedef enum _sim_write_protection_module sim_write_protection_module_t

The enumeration of modules that support various protection mode.

typedef enum _sim_write_protection_mode sim_write_protection_mode_t

The enumeration of write protection mode, such as write protection off, write protection on, etc.

typedef enum _sim_lpi2c_trigger_selection sim_lpi2c_trigger_selection_t

The enumeration of lpi2c trigger selection, including slave trigger and master trigger.

typedef enum _sim_device_operate_mode sim_device_operate_mode_t

The enumeration of device operate mode, including normal mode and fast mode.

typedef enum _sim_master_pit_selection sim_master_pit_selection_t

The enumeration of master pit.


The macro of REST status bit field mask.


The definition of the short regulator control mode bit field mask.


The definition of the short regulator control mode bit field shift.


The macro that can be used to set the bit field of PWR register’s short regulator bit field.


The definition of the PORT register bit filed mask.

SIM_PORT_SET_MODE_PROTECTION_MODE(moduleName, protectionMode)

The macro that can be used to set module’s protection mode.

The Driver Change Log

SIM Peripheral and Driver Overview

XBAR: Inter-Peripheral Crossbar Switch Driver

void XBARA_Init(XBARA_Type *base)

Initializes the XBARA module.

This function un-gates the XBARA clock.

  • base – XBARA peripheral address.

void XBARA_Deinit(XBARA_Type *base)

Shuts down the XBARA module.

This function disables XBARA clock.

  • base – XBARA peripheral address.

static inline void XBARA_SetSignalsConnection(XBARA_Type *base, xbar_input_signal_t eInput, xbar_output_signal_t eOutput)

Sets a connection between the selected XBARA_IN[*] input and the XBARA_OUT[*] output signal.

This function connects the XBARA input to the selected XBARA output. If more than one XBARA module is available, only the inputs and outputs from the same module can be connected.


XBARA_SetSignalsConnection(XBARA, kXBARA_InputPIT_TRG0, kXBARA_OutputDMAMUX18);

  • base – XBARA peripheral address.

  • eInput – XBARA input signal.

  • eOutput – XBARA output signal.

static inline void XBARA_SetActiveEdgeDetectMode(XBARA_Type *base, xbar_output_signal_t eOutput, xbara_active_edge_t eActiveEdgeMode)

Sets active edge detection mode for the XBARA_OUT[*] output signal.

  • base – XBARA peripheral address.

  • eOutput – XBARA output signal.

  • eActiveEdgeMode – Active edge mode.

static inline void XBARA_SetInterruptDMARequestMode(XBARA_Type *base, xbar_output_signal_t eOutput, xbara_request_t eRequest)

Sets DMA, Interrupt or disabled request generation mode for the XBARA_OUT[*] output signal.

  • base – XBARA peripheral address.

  • eOutput – XBARA output signal.

  • eRequest – Request type.

void XBARA_SetOutputSignalConfig(XBARA_Type *base, xbar_output_signal_t eOutput, const xbara_control_config_t *psControlConfig)

Configures the XBARA output signal edge detection and interrupt/dma featues.

This function configures an XBARA control register. The active edge detection and the DMA/IRQ function on the corresponding XBARA output can be set.


xbara_control_config_t userConfig;
userConfig.activeEdge = kXBARA_EdgeRising;
userConfig.requestType = kXBARA_RequestInterruptEnable;
XBARA_SetOutputSignalConfig(XBARA, kXBARA_OutputDMAMUX18, &userConfig);


Only a subset of the XBARA output signal can be called with this API. On debug mode code will check whether the output signal eOutput satisfy the requirement.

  • base – XBARA peripheral address.

  • eOutput – XBARA output number.

  • psControlConfig – Pointer to structure that keeps configuration of control register.

uint16_t XBARA_GetStatusFlags(XBARA_Type *base)

Gets the active edge detection status for all XBAR output signal supporting this feature.

This function gets the active edge detect status of all XBARA_OUTs. If the active edge occurs, the return value is asserted. When the interrupt or the DMA functionality is enabled for the XBARA_OUTx, this field is 1 when the interrupt or DMA request is asserted and 0 when the interrupt or DMA request has been cleared.

  • base – XBARA peripheral address.


ORed value from all status flag from xbara_status_flag_t.

static inline void XBARA_ClearStatusFlags(XBARA_Type *base, uint16_t u16Flags)

Clear the edge detection status flags of relative mask.

  • base – XBARA peripheral address.

  • u16Flags – status flags composed from ORed xbara_status_flag_t indicating flags to be cleared.


XBAR driver version.

enum _xbara_active_edge

XBARA active edge for detection.


enumerator kXBARA_EdgeNone

Edge detection status bit never asserts.

enumerator kXBARA_EdgeRising

Edge detection status bit asserts on rising edges.

enumerator kXBARA_EdgeFalling

Edge detection status bit asserts on falling edges.

enumerator kXBARA_EdgeRisingAndFalling

Edge detection status bit asserts on rising and falling edges.

enum _xbara_request

XBARA DMA and interrupt configurations. Note it only apply for a subset of XBARA output signal.


enumerator kXBARA_RequestDisable

Interrupt and DMA are disabled.

enumerator kXBARA_RequestDMAEnable

DMA enabled, interrupt disabled.

enumerator kXBARA_RequestInterruptEnable

Interrupt enabled, DMA disabled.

enum _xbara_status_flag

XBARA status flags.

This provides constants for the XBARA status flags for use in the XBARA functions. The enumerator value is designed to make sure Flags in same register can be created with register value to write/read register.


enumerator kXBARA_EdgeDetectionOut0Flag

XBAR_OUT0 active edge interrupt flag, sets when active edge detected.

enumerator kXBARA_EdgeDetectionOut1Flag

XBAR_OUT1 active edge interrupt flag, sets when active edge detected.

enumerator kXBARA_EdgeDetectionOut2Flag

XBAR_OUT2 active edge interrupt flag, sets when active edge detected.

enumerator kXBARA_EdgeDetectionOut3Flag

XBAR_OUT3 active edge interrupt flag, sets when active edge detected.

enumerator kXBARA_AllStatusFlags
typedef enum _xbara_active_edge xbara_active_edge_t

XBARA active edge for detection.

typedef enum _xbara_request xbara_request_t

XBARA DMA and interrupt configurations. Note it only apply for a subset of XBARA output signal.

typedef enum _xbara_status_flag xbara_status_flag_t

XBARA status flags.

This provides constants for the XBARA status flags for use in the XBARA functions. The enumerator value is designed to make sure Flags in same register can be created with register value to write/read register.

typedef struct _xbara_control_config xbara_control_config_t

Defines the configuration structure of the XBARA control register.

This structure keeps the configuration of XBARA control register for one output. Control registers are available only for a few outputs. Not every XBARA module has control registers.

XBARA_SELx(base, output)

Macro function to extract the XBAR select register address for a given xbar output signal.

XBARA_CTRLx(base, output)

Macro function to extract the XBAR Ctrl register address for a given xbar output signal.


Macro function to get SELn field shift in XBARA_SELx register for a given output signal.


Macro function to get SELn field mask in XBARA_SELx register for a given output signal.

XBARA_SELx_SELn(output, input_signal)

Macro function to create SELn field value in XBARA_SELx register for given output signal and input signal value input_signal, see xbar_input_signal_t.


Macro function to get DIENn field mask in XBARA_CTRLx register for a given output signal.


Macro function to get DIENn field shift in XBARA_CTRLx register for a given output signal.

XBARA_CTRLx_DIENn(output, x)

Macro function to create DIENn field value in XBARA_CTRLx register for given output signal and DMA/Interrupt mode x, see xbara_request_t.


Macro function to get EDGEn field mask in XBARA_CTRLx register for a given output signal.


Macro function to get EDGEn field shift in XBARA_CTRLx register for a given output signal.

XBARA_CTRLx_EDGEn(output, x)

Macro function to create EDGEn field value in XBARA_CTRLx register for given output signal and edge mode x, see xbara_active_edge_t.


Macro value for the Status bits in CTRL register.

struct _xbara_control_config
#include <fsl_xbara.h>

Defines the configuration structure of the XBARA control register.

This structure keeps the configuration of XBARA control register for one output. Control registers are available only for a few outputs. Not every XBARA module has control registers.

Public Members

xbara_active_edge_t eActiveEdge

Active edge to be detected.

xbara_request_t eRequestType

Selects DMA/Interrupt request.

The Driver Change Log

XBAR Peripheral and Driver Overview

XBARB: Inter-Peripheral Crossbar Switch Driver

void XBARB_Init(XBARB_Type *base)

Initializes an XBARB instance for operation.

Reserved function, enable clock preparation.

  • base – XBARB peripheral address.

void XBARB_Deinit(XBARB_Type *base)

Deinitializes an XBARB instance for operation.

Reserved function, disable clock preparation.

  • base – XBARB peripheral address.

void XBARB_SetSignalsConnection(XBARB_Type *base, xbar_input_signal_t eInput, xbar_output_signal_t eOutput)

brief Configures a connection between the selected XBARB_IN[*] input and the XBARB_OUT[*] output signal.

This function configures which XBARB input is connected to the selected XBARB output. If more than one XBARB module is available, only the inputs and outputs from the same module can be connected.

param base XBARB peripheral address. param eInput XBARB input signal. param eOutput XBARB output signal.


XBARB driver version.

XBARB_SELx(base, output)

Macro function to extract the XBAR select register address for a given xbar output signal.


Macro function to get SELn field shift in XBARB_SELx register for a given output signal.


Macro function to get SELn field mask in XBARB_SELx register for a given output signal.

XBARB_SELx_SELn(output, input_signal)

Macro function to create SELn field value in XBARB_SELx register for given output signal and input signal value input_signal, see xbar_input_signal_t.

The Driver Change Log

XBARB Peripheral and Driver Overview