ADC16: 16-bit SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter Driver

void ADC16_Init(ADC_Type *base, const adc16_config_t *config)

Initializes the ADC16 module.

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address.

  • config – Pointer to configuration structure. See “adc16_config_t”.

void ADC16_Deinit(ADC_Type *base)

De-initializes the ADC16 module.

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address.

void ADC16_GetDefaultConfig(adc16_config_t *config)

Gets an available pre-defined settings for the converter’s configuration.

This function initializes the converter configuration structure with available settings. The default values are as follows.

config->referenceVoltageSource     = kADC16_ReferenceVoltageSourceVref;
config->clockSource                = kADC16_ClockSourceAsynchronousClock;
config->enableAsynchronousClock    = false;
config->clockDivider               = kADC16_ClockDivider8;
config->resolution                 = kADC16_ResolutionSE12Bit;
config->longSampleMode             = kADC16_LongSampleDisabled;
config->enableHighSpeed            = false;
config->enableLowPower             = false;
config->enableContinuousConversion = false;

  • config – Pointer to the configuration structure.

status_t ADC16_DoAutoCalibration(ADC_Type *base)

Automates the hardware calibration.

This auto calibration helps to adjust the plus/minus side gain automatically. Execute the calibration before using the converter. Note that the hardware trigger should be used during the calibration.

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Calibration is done successfully.

  • kStatus_Fail – Calibration has failed.


Execution status.

static inline void ADC16_SetOffsetValue(ADC_Type *base, int16_t value)

Sets the offset value for the conversion result.

This offset value takes effect on the conversion result. If the offset value is not zero, the reading result is subtracted by it. Note, the hardware calibration fills the offset value automatically.

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address.

  • value – Setting offset value.

static inline void ADC16_EnableDMA(ADC_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables generating the DMA trigger when the conversion is complete.

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address.

  • enable – Switcher of the DMA feature. “true” means enabled, “false” means not enabled.

static inline void ADC16_EnableHardwareTrigger(ADC_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables the hardware trigger mode.

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address.

  • enable – Switcher of the hardware trigger feature. “true” means enabled, “false” means not enabled.

void ADC16_SetChannelMuxMode(ADC_Type *base, adc16_channel_mux_mode_t mode)

Sets the channel mux mode.

Some sample pins share the same channel index. The channel mux mode decides which pin is used for an indicated channel.

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address.

  • mode – Setting channel mux mode. See “adc16_channel_mux_mode_t”.

void ADC16_SetHardwareCompareConfig(ADC_Type *base, const adc16_hardware_compare_config_t *config)

Configures the hardware compare mode.

The hardware compare mode provides a way to process the conversion result automatically by using hardware. Only the result in the compare range is available. To compare the range, see “adc16_hardware_compare_mode_t” or the appopriate reference manual for more information.

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address.

  • config – Pointer to the “adc16_hardware_compare_config_t” structure. Passing “NULL” disables the feature.

void ADC16_SetHardwareAverage(ADC_Type *base, adc16_hardware_average_mode_t mode)

Sets the hardware average mode.

The hardware average mode provides a way to process the conversion result automatically by using hardware. The multiple conversion results are accumulated and averaged internally making them easier to read.

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address.

  • mode – Setting the hardware average mode. See “adc16_hardware_average_mode_t”.

void ADC16_SetPGAConfig(ADC_Type *base, const adc16_pga_config_t *config)

Configures the PGA for the converter’s front end.

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address.

  • config – Pointer to the “adc16_pga_config_t” structure. Passing “NULL” disables the feature.

uint32_t ADC16_GetStatusFlags(ADC_Type *base)

Gets the status flags of the converter.

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address.


Flags’ mask if indicated flags are asserted. See “_adc16_status_flags”.

void ADC16_ClearStatusFlags(ADC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Clears the status flags of the converter.

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address.

  • mask – Mask value for the cleared flags. See “_adc16_status_flags”.

static inline void ADC16_EnableAsynchronousClockOutput(ADC_Type *base, bool enable)

Enable/disable ADC Asynchronous clock output to other modules.

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address.

  • enable – Used to enable/disable ADC ADACK output.

    • true Asynchronous clock and clock output is enabled regardless of the state of the ADC.

    • false Asynchronous clock output disabled, asynchronous clock is enabled only if it is selected as input clock and a conversion is active.

void ADC16_SetChannelConfig(ADC_Type *base, uint32_t channelGroup, const adc16_channel_config_t *config)

Configures the conversion channel.

This operation triggers the conversion when in software trigger mode. When in hardware trigger mode, this API configures the channel while the external trigger source helps to trigger the conversion.

Note that the “Channel Group” has a detailed description. To allow sequential conversions of the ADC to be triggered by internal peripherals, the ADC has more than one group of status and control registers, one for each conversion. The channel group parameter indicates which group of registers are used, for example, channel group 0 is for Group A registers and channel group 1 is for Group B registers. The channel groups are used in a “ping-pong” approach to control the ADC operation. At any point, only one of the channel groups is actively controlling ADC conversions. The channel group 0 is used for both software and hardware trigger modes. Channel group 1 and greater indicates multiple channel group registers for use only in hardware trigger mode. See the chip configuration information in the appropriate MCU reference manual for the number of SC1n registers (channel groups) specific to this device. Channel group 1 or greater are not used for software trigger operation. Therefore, writing to these channel groups does not initiate a new conversion. Updating the channel group 0 while a different channel group is actively controlling a conversion is allowed and vice versa. Writing any of the channel group registers while that specific channel group is actively controlling a conversion aborts the current conversion.

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address.

  • channelGroup – Channel group index.

  • config – Pointer to the “adc16_channel_config_t” structure for the conversion channel.

static inline uint32_t ADC16_GetChannelConversionValue(ADC_Type *base, uint32_t channelGroup)

Gets the conversion value.

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address.

  • channelGroup – Channel group index.


Conversion value.

uint32_t ADC16_GetChannelStatusFlags(ADC_Type *base, uint32_t channelGroup)

Gets the status flags of channel.

  • base – ADC16 peripheral base address.

  • channelGroup – Channel group index.


Flags’ mask if indicated flags are asserted. See “_adc16_channel_status_flags”.


ADC16 driver version 2.3.0.

enum _adc16_channel_status_flags

Channel status flags.


enumerator kADC16_ChannelConversionDoneFlag

Conversion done.

enum _adc16_status_flags

Converter status flags.


enumerator kADC16_ActiveFlag

Converter is active.

enumerator kADC16_CalibrationFailedFlag

Calibration is failed.

enum _adc_channel_mux_mode

Channel multiplexer mode for each channel.

For some ADC16 channels, there are two pin selections in channel multiplexer. For example, ADC0_SE4a and ADC0_SE4b are the different channels that share the same channel number.


enumerator kADC16_ChannelMuxA

For channel with channel mux a.

enumerator kADC16_ChannelMuxB

For channel with channel mux b.

enum _adc16_clock_divider

Clock divider for the converter.


enumerator kADC16_ClockDivider1

For divider 1 from the input clock to the module.

enumerator kADC16_ClockDivider2

For divider 2 from the input clock to the module.

enumerator kADC16_ClockDivider4

For divider 4 from the input clock to the module.

enumerator kADC16_ClockDivider8

For divider 8 from the input clock to the module.

enum _adc16_resolution

Converter’s resolution.


enumerator kADC16_Resolution8or9Bit

Single End 8-bit or Differential Sample 9-bit.

enumerator kADC16_Resolution12or13Bit

Single End 12-bit or Differential Sample 13-bit.

enumerator kADC16_Resolution10or11Bit

Single End 10-bit or Differential Sample 11-bit.

enumerator kADC16_ResolutionSE8Bit

Single End 8-bit.

enumerator kADC16_ResolutionSE12Bit

Single End 12-bit.

enumerator kADC16_ResolutionSE10Bit

Single End 10-bit.

enumerator kADC16_ResolutionDF9Bit

Differential Sample 9-bit.

enumerator kADC16_ResolutionDF13Bit

Differential Sample 13-bit.

enumerator kADC16_ResolutionDF11Bit

Differential Sample 11-bit.

enum _adc16_clock_source

Clock source.


enumerator kADC16_ClockSourceAlt0

Selection 0 of the clock source.

enumerator kADC16_ClockSourceAlt1

Selection 1 of the clock source.

enumerator kADC16_ClockSourceAlt2

Selection 2 of the clock source.

enumerator kADC16_ClockSourceAlt3

Selection 3 of the clock source.

enumerator kADC16_ClockSourceAsynchronousClock

Using internal asynchronous clock.

enum _adc16_long_sample_mode

Long sample mode.


enumerator kADC16_LongSampleCycle24

20 extra ADCK cycles, 24 ADCK cycles total.

enumerator kADC16_LongSampleCycle16

12 extra ADCK cycles, 16 ADCK cycles total.

enumerator kADC16_LongSampleCycle10

6 extra ADCK cycles, 10 ADCK cycles total.

enumerator kADC16_LongSampleCycle6

2 extra ADCK cycles, 6 ADCK cycles total.

enumerator kADC16_LongSampleDisabled

Disable the long sample feature.

enum _adc16_reference_voltage_source

Reference voltage source.


enumerator kADC16_ReferenceVoltageSourceVref

For external pins pair of VrefH and VrefL.

enumerator kADC16_ReferenceVoltageSourceValt

For alternate reference pair of ValtH and ValtL.

enumerator kADC16_ReferenceVoltageSourceBandgap

For bandgap voltage from PMC.

enum _adc16_hardware_average_mode

Hardware average mode.


enumerator kADC16_HardwareAverageCount4

For hardware average with 4 samples.

enumerator kADC16_HardwareAverageCount8

For hardware average with 8 samples.

enumerator kADC16_HardwareAverageCount16

For hardware average with 16 samples.

enumerator kADC16_HardwareAverageCount32

For hardware average with 32 samples.

enumerator kADC16_HardwareAverageDisabled

Disable the hardware average feature.

enum _adc16_hardware_compare_mode

Hardware compare mode.


enumerator kADC16_HardwareCompareMode0

x < value1.

enumerator kADC16_HardwareCompareMode1

x > value1.

enumerator kADC16_HardwareCompareMode2

if value1 <= value2, then x < value1 || x > value2; else, value1 > x > value2.

enumerator kADC16_HardwareCompareMode3

if value1 <= value2, then value1 <= x <= value2; else x >= value1 || x <= value2.

enum _adc16_pga_gain

PGA’s Gain mode.


enumerator kADC16_PGAGainValueOf1

For amplifier gain of 1.

enumerator kADC16_PGAGainValueOf2

For amplifier gain of 2.

enumerator kADC16_PGAGainValueOf4

For amplifier gain of 4.

enumerator kADC16_PGAGainValueOf8

For amplifier gain of 8.

enumerator kADC16_PGAGainValueOf16

For amplifier gain of 16.

enumerator kADC16_PGAGainValueOf32

For amplifier gain of 32.

enumerator kADC16_PGAGainValueOf64

For amplifier gain of 64.

typedef enum _adc_channel_mux_mode adc16_channel_mux_mode_t

Channel multiplexer mode for each channel.

For some ADC16 channels, there are two pin selections in channel multiplexer. For example, ADC0_SE4a and ADC0_SE4b are the different channels that share the same channel number.

typedef enum _adc16_clock_divider adc16_clock_divider_t

Clock divider for the converter.

typedef enum _adc16_resolution adc16_resolution_t

Converter’s resolution.

typedef enum _adc16_clock_source adc16_clock_source_t

Clock source.

typedef enum _adc16_long_sample_mode adc16_long_sample_mode_t

Long sample mode.

typedef enum _adc16_reference_voltage_source adc16_reference_voltage_source_t

Reference voltage source.

typedef enum _adc16_hardware_average_mode adc16_hardware_average_mode_t

Hardware average mode.

typedef enum _adc16_hardware_compare_mode adc16_hardware_compare_mode_t

Hardware compare mode.

typedef enum _adc16_pga_gain adc16_pga_gain_t

PGA’s Gain mode.

typedef struct _adc16_config adc16_config_t

ADC16 converter configuration.

typedef struct _adc16_hardware_compare_config adc16_hardware_compare_config_t

ADC16 Hardware comparison configuration.

typedef struct _adc16_channel_config adc16_channel_config_t

ADC16 channel conversion configuration.

typedef struct _adc16_pga_config adc16_pga_config_t

ADC16 programmable gain amplifier configuration.

struct _adc16_config
#include <fsl_adc16.h>

ADC16 converter configuration.

Public Members

adc16_reference_voltage_source_t referenceVoltageSource

Select the reference voltage source.

adc16_clock_source_t clockSource

Select the input clock source to converter.

bool enableAsynchronousClock

Enable the asynchronous clock output.

adc16_clock_divider_t clockDivider

Select the divider of input clock source.

adc16_resolution_t resolution

Select the sample resolution mode.

adc16_long_sample_mode_t longSampleMode

Select the long sample mode.

bool enableHighSpeed

Enable the high-speed mode.

bool enableLowPower

Enable low power.

bool enableContinuousConversion

Enable continuous conversion mode.

adc16_hardware_average_mode_t hardwareAverageMode

Set hardware average mode.

struct _adc16_hardware_compare_config
#include <fsl_adc16.h>

ADC16 Hardware comparison configuration.

Public Members

adc16_hardware_compare_mode_t hardwareCompareMode

Select the hardware compare mode. See “adc16_hardware_compare_mode_t”.

int16_t value1

Setting value1 for hardware compare mode.

int16_t value2

Setting value2 for hardware compare mode.

struct _adc16_channel_config
#include <fsl_adc16.h>

ADC16 channel conversion configuration.

Public Members

uint32_t channelNumber

Setting the conversion channel number. The available range is 0-31. See channel connection information for each chip in Reference Manual document.

bool enableInterruptOnConversionCompleted

Generate an interrupt request once the conversion is completed.

bool enableDifferentialConversion

Using Differential sample mode.

struct _adc16_pga_config
#include <fsl_adc16.h>

ADC16 programmable gain amplifier configuration.

Public Members

adc16_pga_gain_t pgaGain

Setting PGA gain.

bool enableRunInNormalMode

Enable PGA working in normal mode, or low power mode by default.

bool disablePgaChopping

Disable the PGA chopping function. The PGA employs chopping to remove/reduce offset and 1/f noise and offers an offset measurement configuration that aids the offset calibration.

bool enableRunInOffsetMeasurement

Enable the PGA working in offset measurement mode. When this feature is enabled, the PGA disconnects itself from the external inputs and auto-configures into offset measurement mode. With this field set, run the ADC in the recommended settings and enable the maximum hardware averaging to get the PGA offset number. The output is the (PGA offset * (64+1)) for the given PGA setting.

AFE: Analog Front End Driver

void AFE_Init(AFE_Type *base, const afe_config_t *config)

Initialization for the AFE module.

This function configures the AFE module for the configuration which are shared by all channels.

  • base – AFE peripheral base address.

  • config – Pointer to structure of “afe_config_t”.

void AFE_Deinit(AFE_Type *base)

De-Initialization for the AFE module.

This function disables clock.

  • base – AFE peripheral base address.

void AFE_GetDefaultConfig(afe_config_t *config)

Fills the user configure structure.

This function fills the afe_config_t structure with default settings. Defaut value are:

config->enableLowPower   = false;
config->resultFormat     = kAFE_ResultFormatRight;
config->clockDivider     = kAFE_ClockDivider2;
config->clockSource      = kAFE_ClockSource1;
config->startupCount     = 2U;

  • config – Pointer to structure of “afe_config_t”.

static inline void AFE_SoftwareReset(AFE_Type *base, bool enable)

Software reset the AFE module.

This function is to reset all the ADCs, PGAs, decimation filters and clock configuration bits. When asserted as “false”, all ADCs, PGAs and decimation filters are disabled. Clock Configuration bits are reset. When asserted as “true”, all ADCs, PGAs and decimation filters are enabled.

  • base – AFE peripheral base address.

  • enable – Assert the reset command.

static inline void AFE_Enable(AFE_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables all configured AFE channels.

This function enables AFE and filter.

  • base – AFE peripheral base address.

  • enable – Enable the AFE module or not.

void AFE_SetChannelConfig(AFE_Type *base, uint32_t channel, const afe_channel_config_t *config)

Configure the selected AFE channel.

This function configures the selected AFE channel.

  • base – AFE peripheral base address.

  • channel – AFE channel index.

  • config – Pointer to structure of “afe_channel_config_t”.

void AFE_GetDefaultChannelConfig(afe_channel_config_t *config)

Fills the channel configuration structure.

This function fills the afe_channel_config_t structure with default settings. Default value are:

config->enableHardwareTrigger      = false;
config->enableContinuousConversion = false;
config->channelMode                = kAFE_Normal;
config->decimatorOversampleRatio   = kAFE_DecimatorOversampleRatio64;
config->pgaGainSelect              = kAFE_PgaGain1;

  • config – Pointer to structure of “afe_channel_config_t”.

uint32_t AFE_GetChannelConversionValue(AFE_Type *base, uint32_t channel)

Reads the raw conversion value.

This function returns the raw conversion value of the selected channel.


The returned value could be left or right adjusted according to the AFE module configuration.

  • base – AFE peripheral base address.

  • channel – AFE channel index.


Conversion value.

static inline void AFE_DoSoftwareTriggerChannel(AFE_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Triggers the AFE conversion by software.

This function triggers the AFE conversion by executing a software command. It starts the conversion on selected channels if the software trigger option is selected for the channels.

  • base – AFE peripheral base address.

  • mask – AFE channel mask software trigger. The parameter can be combination of the following source if defined:

    • kAFE_Channel0Trigger

    • kAFE_Channel1Trigger

    • kAFE_Channel2Trigger

    • kAFE_Channel3Trigger

static inline uint32_t AFE_GetChannelStatusFlags(AFE_Type *base)

Gets the AFE status flag state.

This function gets all AFE status.

  • base – AFE peripheral base address.


the mask of these status flag bits.

void AFE_SetChannelPhaseDelayValue(AFE_Type *base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t value)

Sets phase delays value.

This function sets the phase delays for channels. This delay is inserted before the trigger response of the decimation filters. The delay is used to provide a phase compensation between AFE channels in step of prescaled modulator clock periods.

  • base – AFE peripheral base address.

  • channel – AFE channel index.

  • value – delay time value.

static inline void AFE_SetChannelPhasetDelayOk(AFE_Type *base)

Asserts the phase delay setting.

This function should be called after all desired channel’s delay registers are loaded. Values in channel’s delay registers are active after calling this function and after the conversation starts.

  • base – AFE peripheral base address.

static inline void AFE_EnableChannelInterrupts(AFE_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Enables AFE interrupt.

This function enables one channel interrupt.

  • base – AFE peripheral base address.

  • mask – AFE channel interrupt mask. The parameter can be combination of the following source if defined:

    • kAFE_Channel0InterruptEnable

    • kAFE_Channel1InterruptEnable

    • kAFE_Channel2InterruptEnable

    • kAFE_Channel3InterruptEnable

static inline void AFE_DisableChannelInterrupts(AFE_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Disables AFE interrupt.

This function disables one channel interrupt.

  • base – AFE peripheral base address.

  • mask – AFE channel interrupt mask. The parameter can be combination of the following source if defined:

    • kAFE_Channel0InterruptEnable

    • kAFE_Channel1InterruptEnable

    • kAFE_Channel2InterruptEnable

    • kAFE_Channel3InterruptEnable

static inline uint32_t AFE_GetEnabledChannelInterrupts(AFE_Type *base)

Returns mask of all enabled AFE interrupts.

  • base – AFE peripheral base address.


Return the mask of these interrupt enable/disable bits.

void AFE_EnableChannelDMA(AFE_Type *base, uint32_t mask, bool enable)

Enables/Disables AFE DMA.

This function enables/disables one channel DMA request.

  • base – AFE peripheral base address.

  • mask – AFE channel dma mask.

  • enable – Pass true to enable interrupt, false to disable. The parameter can be combination of the following source if defined:

    • kAFE_Channel0DMAEnable

    • kAFE_Channel1DMAEnable

    • kAFE_Channel2DMAEnable

    • kAFE_Channel3DMAEnable


Version 2.0.2.

enum _afe_channel_status_flag

Defines the type of status flags.


enumerator kAFE_Channel0OverflowFlag

Channel 0 previous conversion result has not been read and new data has already arrived.

enumerator kAFE_Channel1OverflowFlag

Channel 1 previous conversion result has not been read and new data has already arrived.

enumerator kAFE_Channel2OverflowFlag

Channel 2 previous conversion result has not been read and new data has already arrived.

enumerator kAFE_Channel0ReadyFlag

Channel 0 is ready to conversion.

enumerator kAFE_Channel1ReadyFlag

Channel 1 is ready to conversion.

enumerator kAFE_Channel2ReadyFlag

Channel 2 is ready to conversion.

enumerator kAFE_Channel0ConversionCompleteFlag

Channel 0 conversion is complete.

enumerator kAFE_Channel1ConversionCompleteFlag

Channel 1 conversion is complete.

enumerator kAFE_Channel2ConversionCompleteFlag

Channel 2 conversion is complete.

enumerator kAFE_Channel3OverflowFlag

Channel 3 previous conversion result has not been read and new data has already arrived.

enumerator kAFE_Channel3ReadyFlag

Channel 3 is ready to conversion.

enumerator kAFE_Channel3ConversionCompleteFlag

Channel 3 conversion is complete.

Defines AFE interrupt enable.


enumerator kAFE_Channel0InterruptEnable

Channel 0 Interrupt.

enumerator kAFE_Channel1InterruptEnable

Channel 1 Interrupt.

enumerator kAFE_Channel2InterruptEnable

Channel 2 Interrupt.

enumerator kAFE_Channel3InterruptEnable

Channel 3 Interrupt.

Defines AFE DMA enable.


enumerator kAFE_Channel0DMAEnable

Channel 0 DMA.

enumerator kAFE_Channel1DMAEnable

Channel 1 DMA.

enumerator kAFE_Channel2DMAEnable

Channel 2 DMA.

enumerator kAFE_Channel3DMAEnable

Channel 3 DMA

Defines AFE channel trigger flag.


enumerator kAFE_Channel0Trigger

Channel 0 software trigger.

enumerator kAFE_Channel1Trigger

Channel 1 software trigger.

enumerator kAFE_Channel2Trigger

Channel 2 software trigger.

enumerator kAFE_Channel3Trigger

Channel 3 software trigger.

enum _afe_decimator_oversampling_ratio

AFE OSR modes.


enumerator kAFE_DecimatorOversampleRatio64

Decimator over sample ratio is 64.

enumerator kAFE_DecimatorOversampleRatio128

Decimator over sample ratio is 128.

enumerator kAFE_DecimatorOversampleRatio256

Decimator over sample ratio is 256.

enumerator kAFE_DecimatorOversampleRatio512

Decimator over sample ratio is 512.

enumerator kAFE_DecimatorOversampleRatio1024

Decimator over sample ratio is 1024.

enumerator kAFE_DecimatorOversampleRatio2048

Decimator over sample ratio is 2048.

enum _afe_result_format

Defines the AFE result format modes.


enumerator kAFE_ResultFormatLeft

Left justified result format.

enumerator kAFE_ResultFormatRight

Right justified result format.

enum _afe_clock_divider

Defines the AFE clock divider modes.


enumerator kAFE_ClockDivider1

Clock divided by 1.

enumerator kAFE_ClockDivider2

Clock divided by 2.

enumerator kAFE_ClockDivider4

Clock divided by 4.

enumerator kAFE_ClockDivider8

Clock divided by 8.

enumerator kAFE_ClockDivider16

Clock divided by 16.

enumerator kAFE_ClockDivider32

Clock divided by 32.

enumerator kAFE_ClockDivider64

Clock divided by 64.

enumerator kAFE_ClockDivider128

Clock divided by 128.

enumerator kAFE_ClockDivider256

Clock divided by 256.

enum _afe_clock_source

Defines the AFE clock source modes.


enumerator kAFE_ClockSource0

Modulator clock source 0.

enumerator kAFE_ClockSource1

Modulator clock source 1.

enumerator kAFE_ClockSource2

Modulator clock source 2.

enumerator kAFE_ClockSource3

Modulator clock source 3.

enum _afe_pga_gain

Defines the PGA’s values.


enumerator kAFE_PgaDisable

PGA disabled.

enumerator kAFE_PgaGain1

Input gained by 1.

enumerator kAFE_PgaGain2

Input gained by 2.

enumerator kAFE_PgaGain4

Input gained by 4.

enumerator kAFE_PgaGain8

Input gained by 8.

enumerator kAFE_PgaGain16

Input gained by 16.

enumerator kAFE_PgaGain32

Input gained by 32.

enum _afe_bypass_mode

Defines the bypass modes.


enumerator kAFE_BypassInternalClockPositiveEdge

Bypassed channel mode - internal clock selected, positive edge for registering data by the decimation filter

enumerator kAFE_BypassExternalClockPositiveEdge

Bypassed channel mode - external clock selected, positive edge for registering data by the decimation filter

enumerator kAFE_BypassInternalClockNegativeEdge

Bypassed channel mode - internal clock selected, negative edge for registering data by the decimation filter

enumerator kAFE_BypassExternalClockNegativeEdge

Bypassed channel mode - external clock selected, negative edge for registering data by the decimation filter

enumerator kAFE_BypassDisable

Normal channel mode.

typedef enum _afe_decimator_oversampling_ratio afe_decimator_oversample_ratio_t

AFE OSR modes.

typedef enum _afe_result_format afe_result_format_t

Defines the AFE result format modes.

typedef enum _afe_clock_divider afe_clock_divider_t

Defines the AFE clock divider modes.

typedef enum _afe_clock_source afe_clock_source_t

Defines the AFE clock source modes.

typedef enum _afe_pga_gain afe_pga_gain_t

Defines the PGA’s values.

typedef enum _afe_bypass_mode afe_bypass_mode_t

Defines the bypass modes.

typedef struct _afe_channel_config afe_channel_config_t

Defines the structure to initialize the AFE channel.

This structure keeps the configuration for the AFE channel.

typedef struct _afe_config afe_config_t

Defines the structure to initialize the AFE module.

This structure keeps the configuration for the AFE module.

struct _afe_channel_config
#include <fsl_afe.h>

Defines the structure to initialize the AFE channel.

This structure keeps the configuration for the AFE channel.

Public Members

bool enableHardwareTrigger

Enable triggering by hardware.

bool enableContinuousConversion

Enable continuous conversion mode.

afe_bypass_mode_t channelMode

Select if channel is in bypassed mode.

afe_pga_gain_t pgaGainSelect

Select the analog gain applied to the input signal.

afe_decimator_oversample_ratio_t decimatorOversampleRatio

Select the over sampling ration.

struct _afe_config
#include <fsl_afe.h>

Defines the structure to initialize the AFE module.

This structure keeps the configuration for the AFE module.

Public Members

bool enableLowPower

Enable low power mode.

afe_result_format_t resultFormat

Select the result format.

afe_clock_divider_t clockDivider

Select the clock divider ration for the modulator clock.

afe_clock_source_t clockSource

Select clock source for modulator clock.

uint8_t startupCount

Select the start up delay of modulators.

Clock Driver

enum _clock_name

Clock name used to get clock frequency.


enumerator kCLOCK_CoreSysClk

Core/system clock

enumerator kCLOCK_PlatClk

Platform clock

enumerator kCLOCK_BusClk

Bus clock

enumerator kCLOCK_FlashClk

Flash clock

enumerator kCLOCK_PllFllSelClk

The clock after SIM[PLLFLLSEL].

enumerator kCLOCK_Er32kClk

External reference 32K clock (ERCLK32K)

enumerator kCLOCK_Osc0ErClk

OSC0 external reference clock (OSC0ERCLK)

enumerator kCLOCK_McgFixedFreqClk

MCG fixed frequency clock (MCGFFCLK)

enumerator kCLOCK_McgInternalRefClk

MCG internal reference clock (MCGIRCLK)

enumerator kCLOCK_McgFllClk


enumerator kCLOCK_McgPll0Clk


enumerator kCLOCK_McgExtPllClk


enumerator kCLOCK_McgPeriphClk

MCG peripheral clock (MCGPCLK)

enumerator kCLOCK_LpoClk

LPO clock

enum _clock_ip_name

Clock gate name used for CLOCK_EnableClock/CLOCK_DisableClock.


enumerator kCLOCK_IpInvalid
enumerator kCLOCK_Ewm0
enumerator kCLOCK_I2c0
enumerator kCLOCK_I2c1
enumerator kCLOCK_Uart0
enumerator kCLOCK_Uart1
enumerator kCLOCK_Uart2
enumerator kCLOCK_Uart3
enumerator kCLOCK_Vref0
enumerator kCLOCK_Cmp0
enumerator kCLOCK_Cmp1
enumerator kCLOCK_Cmp2
enumerator kCLOCK_Spi0
enumerator kCLOCK_Spi1
enumerator kCLOCK_Slcd0
enumerator kCLOCK_PortA
enumerator kCLOCK_PortB
enumerator kCLOCK_PortC
enumerator kCLOCK_PortD
enumerator kCLOCK_PortE
enumerator kCLOCK_PortF
enumerator kCLOCK_PortG
enumerator kCLOCK_PortH
enumerator kCLOCK_PortI
enumerator kCLOCK_Rtc0
enumerator kCLOCK_Rtcreg
enumerator kCLOCK_Xbar
enumerator kCLOCK_Tmr0
enumerator kCLOCK_Tmr1
enumerator kCLOCK_Tmr2
enumerator kCLOCK_Tmr3
enumerator kCLOCK_Ftf0
enumerator kCLOCK_Dmamux0
enumerator kCLOCK_Rnga0
enumerator kCLOCK_Lpuart0
enumerator kCLOCK_Adc0
enumerator kCLOCK_Pit0
enumerator kCLOCK_Pit1
enumerator kCLOCK_Afe0
enumerator kCLOCK_Crc0
enumerator kCLOCK_Pdb0
enumerator kCLOCK_PortJ
enumerator kCLOCK_PortK
enumerator kCLOCK_PortL
enumerator kCLOCK_PortM
enumerator kCLOCK_Lptmr0
enumerator kCLOCK_Sysmpu0
enumerator kCLOCK_Dma0
enumerator kCLOCK_Cau0
enum _osc_mode

OSC work mode.


enumerator kOSC_ModeExt

Use an external clock.

enumerator kOSC_ModeOscLowPower

Oscillator low power.

enumerator kOSC_ModeOscHighGain

Oscillator high gain.

enum _osc_cap_load

Oscillator capacitor load setting.


enumerator kOSC_Cap2P

2 pF capacitor load

enumerator kOSC_Cap4P

4 pF capacitor load

enumerator kOSC_Cap8P

8 pF capacitor load

enumerator kOSC_Cap16P

16 pF capacitor load

enum _oscer_enable_mode

OSCERCLK enable mode.


enumerator kOSC_ErClkEnable


enumerator kOSC_ErClkEnableInStop

Enable in stop mode.

enum _mcg_fll_src

MCG FLL reference clock source select.


enumerator kMCG_FllSrcExternal

External reference clock is selected

enumerator kMCG_FllSrcInternal

The slow internal reference clock is selected

enum _mcg_irc_mode

MCG internal reference clock select.


enumerator kMCG_IrcSlow

Slow internal reference clock selected

enumerator kMCG_IrcFast

Fast internal reference clock selected

enum _mcg_dmx32

MCG DCO Maximum Frequency with 32.768 kHz Reference.


enumerator kMCG_Dmx32Default

DCO has a default range of 25%

enumerator kMCG_Dmx32Fine

DCO is fine-tuned for maximum frequency with 32.768 kHz reference

enum _mcg_drs

MCG DCO range select.


enumerator kMCG_DrsLow

Low frequency range

enumerator kMCG_DrsMid

Mid frequency range

enumerator kMCG_DrsMidHigh

Mid-High frequency range

enumerator kMCG_DrsHigh

High frequency range

enum _mcg_pll_ref_src

MCG PLL reference clock select.


enumerator kMCG_PllRefRtc

Selects 32k RTC oscillator.

enumerator kMCG_PllRefIrc

Selects 32k IRC.

enumerator kMCG_PllRefFllRef

Selects FLL reference clock, the clock after FRDIV.

enum _mcg_clkout_src

MCGOUT clock source.


enumerator kMCG_ClkOutSrcOut

Output of the FLL is selected (reset default)

enumerator kMCG_ClkOutSrcInternal

Internal reference clock is selected

enumerator kMCG_ClkOutSrcExternal

External reference clock is selected

enum _mcg_atm_select

MCG Automatic Trim Machine Select.


enumerator kMCG_AtmSel32k

32 kHz Internal Reference Clock selected

enumerator kMCG_AtmSel4m

4 MHz Internal Reference Clock selected

enum _mcg_oscsel

MCG OSC Clock Select.


enumerator kMCG_OscselOsc

Selects System Oscillator (OSCCLK)

enumerator kMCG_OscselRtc

Selects 32 kHz RTC Oscillator

enum _mcg_pll_clk_select

MCG PLLCS select.


enumerator kMCG_PllClkSelPll0

PLL0 output clock is selected

enumerator kMCG_PllClkSelPll1
enum _mcg_monitor_mode

MCG clock monitor mode.


enumerator kMCG_MonitorNone

Clock monitor is disabled.

enumerator kMCG_MonitorInt

Trigger interrupt when clock lost.

enumerator kMCG_MonitorReset

System reset when clock lost.

enum _mcg_status

MCG status.


enumerator kStatus_MCG_ModeUnreachable

Can’t switch to target mode.

enumerator kStatus_MCG_ModeInvalid

Current mode invalid for the specific function.

enumerator kStatus_MCG_AtmBusClockInvalid

Invalid bus clock for ATM.

enumerator kStatus_MCG_AtmDesiredFreqInvalid

Invalid desired frequency for ATM.

enumerator kStatus_MCG_AtmIrcUsed

IRC is used when using ATM.

enumerator kStatus_MCG_AtmHardwareFail

Hardware fail occurs during ATM.

enumerator kStatus_MCG_SourceUsed

Can’t change the clock source because it is in use.

enum _mcg_status_flags_t

MCG status flags.


enumerator kMCG_Osc0LostFlag

OSC0 lost.

enumerator kMCG_Osc0InitFlag

OSC0 crystal initialized.

enumerator kMCG_RtcOscLostFlag

RTC OSC lost.

enumerator kMCG_Pll0LostFlag

PLL0 lost.

enumerator kMCG_Pll0LockFlag

PLL0 locked.

enum _mcg_irclk_enable_mode

MCG internal reference clock (MCGIRCLK) enable mode definition.


enumerator kMCG_IrclkEnable

MCGIRCLK enable.

enumerator kMCG_IrclkEnableInStop

MCGIRCLK enable in stop mode.

enum _mcg_pll_enable_mode

MCG PLL clock enable mode definition.


enumerator kMCG_PllEnableIndependent

MCGPLLCLK enable independent of the MCG clock mode. Generally, the PLL is disabled in FLL modes (FEI/FBI/FEE/FBE). Setting the PLL clock enable independent, enables the PLL in the FLL modes.

enumerator kMCG_PllEnableInStop

MCGPLLCLK enable in STOP mode.

enum _mcg_mode

MCG mode definitions.


enumerator kMCG_ModeFEI

FEI - FLL Engaged Internal

enumerator kMCG_ModeFBI

FBI - FLL Bypassed Internal

enumerator kMCG_ModeBLPI

BLPI - Bypassed Low Power Internal

enumerator kMCG_ModeFEE

FEE - FLL Engaged External

enumerator kMCG_ModeFBE

FBE - FLL Bypassed External

enumerator kMCG_ModeBLPE

BLPE - Bypassed Low Power External

enumerator kMCG_ModePBE

PBE - PLL Bypassed External

enumerator kMCG_ModePEE

PEE - PLL Engaged External

enumerator kMCG_ModePEI

PEI - PLL Engaged Internal

enumerator kMCG_ModePBI

PBI - PLL Bypassed Internal

enumerator kMCG_ModeError

Unknown mode

typedef enum _clock_name clock_name_t

Clock name used to get clock frequency.

typedef enum _clock_ip_name clock_ip_name_t

Clock gate name used for CLOCK_EnableClock/CLOCK_DisableClock.

typedef struct _sim_clock_config sim_clock_config_t

SIM configuration structure for clock setting.

typedef enum _osc_mode osc_mode_t

OSC work mode.

typedef struct _oscer_config oscer_config_t

OSC configuration for OSCERCLK.

typedef struct _osc_config osc_config_t

OSC Initialization Configuration Structure.

Defines the configuration data structure to initialize the OSC. When porting to a new board, set the following members according to the board setting:

  1. freq: The external frequency.

  2. workMode: The OSC module mode.

typedef enum _mcg_fll_src mcg_fll_src_t

MCG FLL reference clock source select.

typedef enum _mcg_irc_mode mcg_irc_mode_t

MCG internal reference clock select.

typedef enum _mcg_dmx32 mcg_dmx32_t

MCG DCO Maximum Frequency with 32.768 kHz Reference.

typedef enum _mcg_drs mcg_drs_t

MCG DCO range select.

typedef enum _mcg_pll_ref_src mcg_pll_ref_src_t

MCG PLL reference clock select.

typedef enum _mcg_clkout_src mcg_clkout_src_t

MCGOUT clock source.

typedef enum _mcg_atm_select mcg_atm_select_t

MCG Automatic Trim Machine Select.

typedef enum _mcg_oscsel mcg_oscsel_t

MCG OSC Clock Select.

typedef enum _mcg_pll_clk_select mcg_pll_clk_select_t

MCG PLLCS select.

typedef enum _mcg_monitor_mode mcg_monitor_mode_t

MCG clock monitor mode.

typedef enum _mcg_mode mcg_mode_t

MCG mode definitions.

typedef struct _mcg_pll_config mcg_pll_config_t

MCG PLL configuration.

typedef struct _mcg_config mcg_config_t

MCG mode change configuration structure.

When porting to a new board, set the following members according to the board setting:

  1. frdiv: If the FLL uses the external reference clock, set this value to ensure that the external reference clock divided by frdiv is in the 31.25 kHz to 39.0625 kHz range.

  2. The PLL reference clock divider PRDIV: PLL reference clock frequency after PRDIV should be in the FSL_FEATURE_MCG_PLL_REF_MIN to FSL_FEATURE_MCG_PLL_REF_MAX range.

volatile uint32_t g_xtal0Freq

External XTAL0 (OSC0) clock frequency.

The XTAL0/EXTAL0 (OSC0) clock frequency in Hz. When the clock is set up, use the function CLOCK_SetXtal0Freq to set the value in the clock driver. For example, if XTAL0 is 8 MHz:

Set up the OSC0
Set the XTAL0 value to the clock driver.

This is important for the multicore platforms where only one core needs to set up the OSC0 using the CLOCK_InitOsc0. All other cores need to call the CLOCK_SetXtal0Freq to get a valid clock frequency.

volatile uint32_t g_xtal32Freq

External XTAL32/EXTAL32/RTC_CLKIN clock frequency.

The XTAL32/EXTAL32/RTC_CLKIN clock frequency in Hz. When the clock is set up, use the function CLOCK_SetXtal32Freq to set the value in the clock driver.

This is important for the multicore platforms where only one core needs to set up the clock. All other cores need to call the CLOCK_SetXtal32Freq to get a valid clock frequency.

static inline void CLOCK_EnableClock(clock_ip_name_t name)

Enable the clock for specific IP.

  • name – Which clock to enable, see clock_ip_name_t.

static inline void CLOCK_DisableClock(clock_ip_name_t name)

Disable the clock for specific IP.

  • name – Which clock to disable, see clock_ip_name_t.

static inline void CLOCK_SetEr32kClock(uint32_t src)

Set ERCLK32K source.

  • src – The value to set ERCLK32K clock source.

static inline void CLOCK_SetLpuartClock(uint32_t src)

Set LPUART clock source.

  • src – The value to set LPUART clock source.

static inline void CLOCK_SetXbarClock(uint32_t src)

Set XBAR clock source.

  • src – The value to set XBAR clock source.

static inline void CLOCK_SetAfeClkSrc(uint32_t src)

Set the clock selection of AFECLKSEL.

  • src – The value to set AFECLKSEL clock source.

static inline void CLOCK_SetPllFllSelClock(uint32_t src)

Set PLLFLLSEL clock source.

  • src – The value to set PLLFLLSEL clock source.

static inline void CLOCK_SetClkOutClock(uint32_t src)

Set CLKOUT source.

  • src – The value to set CLKOUT source.

static inline void CLOCK_SetAdcTriggerClock(uint32_t src)

Set ADC trigger clock source.

  • src – The value to set ADC trigger clock source.

static inline void CLOCK_SetOutDiv(uint32_t sysClk, uint32_t busClk, uint32_t flashClk)

System clock divider.


  • sysClk – System clock divider value.

  • busClk – Bus clock divider value.

  • flashClk – Flash clock mode value.

uint32_t CLOCK_GetAfeFreq(void)

Gets the clock frequency for AFE module.

This function checks the current mode configurations in MISC_CTL register.


Clock frequency value in Hertz

uint32_t CLOCK_GetFreq(clock_name_t clockName)

Gets the clock frequency for a specific clock name.

This function checks the current clock configurations and then calculates the clock frequency for a specific clock name defined in clock_name_t. The MCG must be properly configured before using this function.

  • clockName – Clock names defined in clock_name_t


Clock frequency value in Hertz

uint32_t CLOCK_GetCoreSysClkFreq(void)

Get the core clock or system clock frequency.


Clock frequency in Hz.

uint32_t CLOCK_GetPlatClkFreq(void)

Get the platform clock frequency.


Clock frequency in Hz.

uint32_t CLOCK_GetBusClkFreq(void)

Get the bus clock frequency.


Clock frequency in Hz.

uint32_t CLOCK_GetFlashClkFreq(void)

Get the flash clock frequency.


Clock frequency in Hz.

uint32_t CLOCK_GetPllFllSelClkFreq(void)

Get the output clock frequency selected by SIM[PLLFLLSEL].


Clock frequency in Hz.

uint32_t CLOCK_GetEr32kClkFreq(void)

Get the external reference 32K clock frequency (ERCLK32K).


Clock frequency in Hz.

uint32_t CLOCK_GetOsc0ErClkFreq(void)

Get the OSC0 external reference clock frequency (OSC0ERCLK).


Clock frequency in Hz.

void CLOCK_SetSimConfig(sim_clock_config_t const *config)

Set the clock configure in SIM module.

This function sets system layer clock settings in SIM module.

  • config – Pointer to the configure structure.

static inline void CLOCK_SetSimSafeDivs(void)

Set the system clock dividers in SIM to safe value.

The system level clocks (core clock, bus clock, flexbus clock and flash clock) must be in allowed ranges. During MCG clock mode switch, the MCG output clock changes then the system level clocks may be out of range. This function could be used before MCG mode change, to make sure system level clocks are in allowed range.


CLOCK driver version 2.5.1.


Clock ip name array for DMAMUX.


Clock ip name array for RTC.


Clock ip name array for SPI.


Clock ip name array for SLCD.


Clock ip name array for EWM.


Clock ip name array for AFE.


Clock ip name array for LPUART.


Clock ip name array for ADC16.


Clock ip name array for XBAR.


Clock ip name array for MPU.


Clock ip name array for VREF.


Clock ip name array for DMA.


Clock ip name array for PORT.


Clock ip name array for UART.


Clock ip name array for PIT.


Clock ip name array for RNGA.


Clock ip name array for CRC.


Clock ip name array for I2C.


Clock ip name array for LPTMR.


Clock ip name array for TMR.


Clock ip name array for PDB.


Clock ip name array for FTF.


Clock ip name array for CMP.


LPO clock frequency.


Peripherals clock source definition.

CLK_GATE_DEFINE(reg_offset, bit_shift)
uint32_t CLOCK_GetOutClkFreq(void)

Gets the MCG output clock (MCGOUTCLK) frequency.

This function gets the MCG output clock frequency in Hz based on the current MCG register value.


The frequency of MCGOUTCLK.

uint32_t CLOCK_GetFllFreq(void)

Gets the MCG FLL clock (MCGFLLCLK) frequency.

This function gets the MCG FLL clock frequency in Hz based on the current MCG register value. The FLL is enabled in FEI/FBI/FEE/FBE mode and disabled in low power state in other modes.


The frequency of MCGFLLCLK.

uint32_t CLOCK_GetInternalRefClkFreq(void)

Gets the MCG internal reference clock (MCGIRCLK) frequency.

This function gets the MCG internal reference clock frequency in Hz based on the current MCG register value.


The frequency of MCGIRCLK.

uint32_t CLOCK_GetFixedFreqClkFreq(void)

Gets the MCG fixed frequency clock (MCGFFCLK) frequency.

This function gets the MCG fixed frequency clock frequency in Hz based on the current MCG register value.


The frequency of MCGFFCLK.

uint32_t CLOCK_GetPll0Freq(void)

Gets the MCG PLL0 clock (MCGPLL0CLK) frequency.

This function gets the MCG PLL0 clock frequency in Hz based on the current MCG register value.


The frequency of MCGPLL0CLK.

static inline void CLOCK_SetLowPowerEnable(bool enable)

Enables or disables the MCG low power.

Enabling the MCG low power disables the PLL and FLL in bypass modes. In other words, in FBE and PBE modes, enabling low power sets the MCG to BLPE mode. In FBI and PBI modes, enabling low power sets the MCG to BLPI mode. When disabling the MCG low power, the PLL or FLL are enabled based on MCG settings.

  • enable – True to enable MCG low power, false to disable MCG low power.

status_t CLOCK_SetInternalRefClkConfig(uint8_t enableMode, mcg_irc_mode_t ircs, uint8_t fcrdiv)

Configures the Internal Reference clock (MCGIRCLK).

This function sets the MCGIRCLK base on parameters. It also selects the IRC source. If the fast IRC is used, this function sets the fast IRC divider. This function also sets whether the MCGIRCLK is enabled in stop mode. Calling this function in FBI/PBI/BLPI modes may change the system clock. As a result, using the function in these modes it is not allowed.

  • enableMode – MCGIRCLK enable mode, OR’ed value of _mcg_irclk_enable_mode.

  • ircs – MCGIRCLK clock source, choose fast or slow.

  • fcrdiv – Fast IRC divider setting (FCRDIV).

Return values:
  • kStatus_MCG_SourceUsed – Because the internal reference clock is used as a clock source, the configuration should not be changed. Otherwise, a glitch occurs.

  • kStatus_Success – MCGIRCLK configuration finished successfully.

status_t CLOCK_SetExternalRefClkConfig(mcg_oscsel_t oscsel)

Selects the MCG external reference clock.

Selects the MCG external reference clock source, changes the MCG_C7[OSCSEL], and waits for the clock source to be stable. Because the external reference clock should not be changed in FEE/FBE/BLPE/PBE/PEE modes, do not call this function in these modes.

  • oscsel – MCG external reference clock source, MCG_C7[OSCSEL].

Return values:
  • kStatus_MCG_SourceUsed – Because the external reference clock is used as a clock source, the configuration should not be changed. Otherwise, a glitch occurs.

  • kStatus_Success – External reference clock set successfully.

static inline void CLOCK_SetFllExtRefDiv(uint8_t frdiv)

Set the FLL external reference clock divider value.

Sets the FLL external reference clock divider value, the register MCG_C1[FRDIV].

  • frdiv – The FLL external reference clock divider value, MCG_C1[FRDIV].

void CLOCK_EnablePll0(mcg_pll_config_t const *config)

Enables the PLL0 in FLL mode.

This function sets us the PLL0 in FLL mode and reconfigures the PLL0. Ensure that the PLL reference clock is enabled before calling this function and that the PLL0 is not used as a clock source. The function CLOCK_CalcPllDiv gets the correct PLL divider values.

  • config – Pointer to the configuration structure.

static inline void CLOCK_DisablePll0(void)

Disables the PLL0 in FLL mode.

This function disables the PLL0 in FLL mode. It should be used together with the CLOCK_EnablePll0.

void CLOCK_SetOsc0MonitorMode(mcg_monitor_mode_t mode)

Sets the OSC0 clock monitor mode.

This function sets the OSC0 clock monitor mode. See mcg_monitor_mode_t for details.

  • mode – Monitor mode to set.

void CLOCK_SetRtcOscMonitorMode(mcg_monitor_mode_t mode)

Sets the RTC OSC clock monitor mode.

This function sets the RTC OSC clock monitor mode. See mcg_monitor_mode_t for details.

  • mode – Monitor mode to set.

void CLOCK_SetPll0MonitorMode(mcg_monitor_mode_t mode)

Sets the PLL0 clock monitor mode.

This function sets the PLL0 clock monitor mode. See mcg_monitor_mode_t for details.

  • mode – Monitor mode to set.

uint32_t CLOCK_GetStatusFlags(void)

Gets the MCG status flags.

This function gets the MCG clock status flags. All status flags are returned as a logical OR of the enumeration _mcg_status_flags_t. To check a specific flag, compare the return value with the flag.


To check the clock lost lock status of OSC0 and PLL0.
uint32_t mcgFlags;

mcgFlags = CLOCK_GetStatusFlags();

if (mcgFlags & kMCG_Osc0LostFlag)
    OSC0 clock lock lost. Do something.
if (mcgFlags & kMCG_Pll0LostFlag)
    PLL0 clock lock lost. Do something.


Logical OR value of the _mcg_status_flags_t.

void CLOCK_ClearStatusFlags(uint32_t mask)

Clears the MCG status flags.

This function clears the MCG clock lock lost status. The parameter is a logical OR value of the flags to clear. See _mcg_status_flags_t.


To clear the clock lost lock status flags of OSC0 and PLL0.

CLOCK_ClearStatusFlags(kMCG_Osc0LostFlag | kMCG_Pll0LostFlag);

  • mask – The status flags to clear. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration _mcg_status_flags_t.

static inline void OSC_SetExtRefClkConfig(OSC_Type *base, oscer_config_t const *config)

Configures the OSC external reference clock (OSCERCLK).

This function configures the OSC external reference clock (OSCERCLK). This is an example to enable the OSCERCLK in normal and stop modes and also set the output divider to 1:

oscer_config_t config =
    .enableMode = kOSC_ErClkEnable | kOSC_ErClkEnableInStop,
    .erclkDiv   = 1U,

OSC_SetExtRefClkConfig(OSC, &config);
  • base – OSC peripheral address.

  • config – Pointer to the configuration structure.

static inline void OSC_SetCapLoad(OSC_Type *base, uint8_t capLoad)

Sets the capacitor load configuration for the oscillator.

This function sets the specified capacitors configuration for the oscillator. This should be done in the early system level initialization function call based on the system configuration.


To enable only 2 pF and 8 pF capacitor load, please use like this.
OSC_SetCapLoad(OSC, kOSC_Cap2P | kOSC_Cap8P);

  • base – OSC peripheral address.

  • capLoad – OR’ed value for the capacitor load option, see _osc_cap_load.

void CLOCK_InitOsc0(osc_config_t const *config)

Initializes the OSC0.

This function initializes the OSC0 according to the board configuration.

  • config – Pointer to the OSC0 configuration structure.

void CLOCK_DeinitOsc0(void)

Deinitializes the OSC0.

This function deinitializes the OSC0.

static inline void CLOCK_SetXtal0Freq(uint32_t freq)

Sets the XTAL0 frequency based on board settings.

  • freq – The XTAL0/EXTAL0 input clock frequency in Hz.

static inline void CLOCK_SetXtal32Freq(uint32_t freq)

Sets the XTAL32/RTC_CLKIN frequency based on board settings.

  • freq – The XTAL32/EXTAL32/RTC_CLKIN input clock frequency in Hz.

void CLOCK_SetSlowIrcFreq(uint32_t freq)

Set the Slow IRC frequency based on the trimmed value.

  • freq – The Slow IRC frequency input clock frequency in Hz.

void CLOCK_SetFastIrcFreq(uint32_t freq)

Set the Fast IRC frequency based on the trimmed value.

  • freq – The Fast IRC frequency input clock frequency in Hz.

status_t CLOCK_TrimInternalRefClk(uint32_t extFreq, uint32_t desireFreq, uint32_t *actualFreq, mcg_atm_select_t atms)

Auto trims the internal reference clock.

This function trims the internal reference clock by using the external clock. If successful, it returns the kStatus_Success and the frequency after trimming is received in the parameter actualFreq. If an error occurs, the error code is returned.

  • extFreq – External clock frequency, which should be a bus clock.

  • desireFreq – Frequency to trim to.

  • actualFreq – Actual frequency after trimming.

  • atms – Trim fast or slow internal reference clock.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – ATM success.

  • kStatus_MCG_AtmBusClockInvalid – The bus clock is not in allowed range for the ATM.

  • kStatus_MCG_AtmDesiredFreqInvalid – MCGIRCLK could not be trimmed to the desired frequency.

  • kStatus_MCG_AtmIrcUsed – Could not trim because MCGIRCLK is used as a bus clock source.

  • kStatus_MCG_AtmHardwareFail – Hardware fails while trimming.

mcg_mode_t CLOCK_GetMode(void)

Gets the current MCG mode.

This function checks the MCG registers and determines the current MCG mode.


Current MCG mode or error code; See mcg_mode_t.

status_t CLOCK_SetFeiMode(mcg_dmx32_t dmx32, mcg_drs_t drs, void (*fllStableDelay)(void))

Sets the MCG to FEI mode.

This function sets the MCG to FEI mode. If setting to FEI mode fails from the current mode, this function returns an error.


If dmx32 is set to kMCG_Dmx32Fine, the slow IRC must not be trimmed to a frequency above 32768 Hz.

  • dmx32 – DMX32 in FEI mode.

  • drs – The DCO range selection.

  • fllStableDelay – Delay function to ensure that the FLL is stable. Passing NULL does not cause a delay.

Return values:
  • kStatus_MCG_ModeUnreachable – Could not switch to the target mode.

  • kStatus_Success – Switched to the target mode successfully.

status_t CLOCK_SetFeeMode(uint8_t frdiv, mcg_dmx32_t dmx32, mcg_drs_t drs, void (*fllStableDelay)(void))

Sets the MCG to FEE mode.

This function sets the MCG to FEE mode. If setting to FEE mode fails from the current mode, this function returns an error.

  • frdiv – FLL reference clock divider setting, FRDIV.

  • dmx32 – DMX32 in FEE mode.

  • drs – The DCO range selection.

  • fllStableDelay – Delay function to make sure FLL is stable. Passing NULL does not cause a delay.

Return values:
  • kStatus_MCG_ModeUnreachable – Could not switch to the target mode.

  • kStatus_Success – Switched to the target mode successfully.

status_t CLOCK_SetFbiMode(mcg_dmx32_t dmx32, mcg_drs_t drs, void (*fllStableDelay)(void))

Sets the MCG to FBI mode.

This function sets the MCG to FBI mode. If setting to FBI mode fails from the current mode, this function returns an error.


If dmx32 is set to kMCG_Dmx32Fine, the slow IRC must not be trimmed to frequency above 32768 Hz.

  • dmx32 – DMX32 in FBI mode.

  • drs – The DCO range selection.

  • fllStableDelay – Delay function to make sure FLL is stable. If the FLL is not used in FBI mode, this parameter can be NULL. Passing NULL does not cause a delay.

Return values:
  • kStatus_MCG_ModeUnreachable – Could not switch to the target mode.

  • kStatus_Success – Switched to the target mode successfully.

status_t CLOCK_SetFbeMode(uint8_t frdiv, mcg_dmx32_t dmx32, mcg_drs_t drs, void (*fllStableDelay)(void))

Sets the MCG to FBE mode.

This function sets the MCG to FBE mode. If setting to FBE mode fails from the current mode, this function returns an error.

  • frdiv – FLL reference clock divider setting, FRDIV.

  • dmx32 – DMX32 in FBE mode.

  • drs – The DCO range selection.

  • fllStableDelay – Delay function to make sure FLL is stable. If the FLL is not used in FBE mode, this parameter can be NULL. Passing NULL does not cause a delay.

Return values:
  • kStatus_MCG_ModeUnreachable – Could not switch to the target mode.

  • kStatus_Success – Switched to the target mode successfully.

status_t CLOCK_SetBlpiMode(void)

Sets the MCG to BLPI mode.

This function sets the MCG to BLPI mode. If setting to BLPI mode fails from the current mode, this function returns an error.

Return values:
  • kStatus_MCG_ModeUnreachable – Could not switch to the target mode.

  • kStatus_Success – Switched to the target mode successfully.

status_t CLOCK_SetBlpeMode(void)

Sets the MCG to BLPE mode.

This function sets the MCG to BLPE mode. If setting to BLPE mode fails from the current mode, this function returns an error.

Return values:
  • kStatus_MCG_ModeUnreachable – Could not switch to the target mode.

  • kStatus_Success – Switched to the target mode successfully.

status_t CLOCK_SetPbeMode(mcg_pll_clk_select_t pllcs, mcg_pll_config_t const *config)

Sets the MCG to PBE mode.

This function sets the MCG to PBE mode. If setting to PBE mode fails from the current mode, this function returns an error.


  1. The parameter pllcs selects the PLL. For platforms with only one PLL, the parameter pllcs is kept for interface compatibility.

  2. The parameter config is the PLL configuration structure. On some platforms, it is possible to choose the external PLL directly, which renders the configuration structure not necessary. In this case, pass in NULL. For example: CLOCK_SetPbeMode(kMCG_OscselOsc, kMCG_PllClkSelExtPll, NULL);

  • pllcs – The PLL selection, PLLCS.

  • config – Pointer to the PLL configuration.

Return values:
  • kStatus_MCG_ModeUnreachable – Could not switch to the target mode.

  • kStatus_Success – Switched to the target mode successfully.

status_t CLOCK_SetPeeMode(void)

Sets the MCG to PEE mode.

This function sets the MCG to PEE mode.


This function only changes the CLKS to use the PLL/FLL output. If the PRDIV/VDIV are different than in the PBE mode, set them up in PBE mode and wait. When the clock is stable, switch to PEE mode.

Return values:
  • kStatus_MCG_ModeUnreachable – Could not switch to the target mode.

  • kStatus_Success – Switched to the target mode successfully.

status_t CLOCK_SetPbiMode(void)

Sets the MCG to PBI mode.

This function sets the MCG to PBI mode.

Return values:
  • kStatus_MCG_ModeUnreachable – Could not switch to the target mode.

  • kStatus_Success – Switched to the target mode successfully.

status_t CLOCK_SetPeiMode(void)

Sets the MCG to PEI mode.

This function sets the MCG to PEI mode.

Return values:
  • kStatus_MCG_ModeUnreachable – Could not switch to the target mode.

  • kStatus_Success – Switched to the target mode successfully.

status_t CLOCK_ExternalModeToFbeModeQuick(void)

Switches the MCG to FBE mode from the external mode.

This function switches the MCG from external modes (PEE/PBE/BLPE/FEE) to the FBE mode quickly. The external clock is used as the system clock source and PLL is disabled. However, the FLL settings are not configured. This is a lite function with a small code size, which is useful during the mode switch. For example, to switch from PEE mode to FEI mode:

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Switched successfully.

  • kStatus_MCG_ModeInvalid – If the current mode is not an external mode, do not call this function.

status_t CLOCK_InternalModeToFbiModeQuick(void)

Switches the MCG to FBI mode from internal modes.

This function switches the MCG from internal modes (PEI/PBI/BLPI/FEI) to the FBI mode quickly. The MCGIRCLK is used as the system clock source and PLL is disabled. However, FLL settings are not configured. This is a lite function with a small code size, which is useful during the mode switch. For example, to switch from PEI mode to FEE mode:

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Switched successfully.

  • kStatus_MCG_ModeInvalid – If the current mode is not an internal mode, do not call this function.

status_t CLOCK_BootToFeiMode(mcg_dmx32_t dmx32, mcg_drs_t drs, void (*fllStableDelay)(void))

Sets the MCG to FEI mode during system boot up.

This function sets the MCG to FEI mode from the reset mode. It can also be used to set up MCG during system boot up.


If dmx32 is set to kMCG_Dmx32Fine, the slow IRC must not be trimmed to frequency above 32768 Hz.

  • dmx32 – DMX32 in FEI mode.

  • drs – The DCO range selection.

  • fllStableDelay – Delay function to ensure that the FLL is stable.

Return values:
  • kStatus_MCG_ModeUnreachable – Could not switch to the target mode.

  • kStatus_Success – Switched to the target mode successfully.

status_t CLOCK_BootToFeeMode(mcg_oscsel_t oscsel, uint8_t frdiv, mcg_dmx32_t dmx32, mcg_drs_t drs, void (*fllStableDelay)(void))

Sets the MCG to FEE mode during system bootup.

This function sets MCG to FEE mode from the reset mode. It can also be used to set up the MCG during system boot up.

  • oscsel – OSC clock select, OSCSEL.

  • frdiv – FLL reference clock divider setting, FRDIV.

  • dmx32 – DMX32 in FEE mode.

  • drs – The DCO range selection.

  • fllStableDelay – Delay function to ensure that the FLL is stable.

Return values:
  • kStatus_MCG_ModeUnreachable – Could not switch to the target mode.

  • kStatus_Success – Switched to the target mode successfully.

status_t CLOCK_BootToBlpiMode(uint8_t fcrdiv, mcg_irc_mode_t ircs, uint8_t ircEnableMode)

Sets the MCG to BLPI mode during system boot up.

This function sets the MCG to BLPI mode from the reset mode. It can also be used to set up the MCG during system boot up.

  • fcrdiv – Fast IRC divider, FCRDIV.

  • ircs – The internal reference clock to select, IRCS.

  • ircEnableMode – The MCGIRCLK enable mode, OR’ed value of _mcg_irclk_enable_mode.

Return values:
  • kStatus_MCG_SourceUsed – Could not change MCGIRCLK setting.

  • kStatus_Success – Switched to the target mode successfully.

status_t CLOCK_BootToBlpeMode(mcg_oscsel_t oscsel)

Sets the MCG to BLPE mode during system boot up.

This function sets the MCG to BLPE mode from the reset mode. It can also be used to set up the MCG during system boot up.

  • oscsel – OSC clock select, MCG_C7[OSCSEL].

Return values:
  • kStatus_MCG_ModeUnreachable – Could not switch to the target mode.

  • kStatus_Success – Switched to the target mode successfully.

status_t CLOCK_BootToPeeMode(mcg_oscsel_t oscsel, mcg_pll_clk_select_t pllcs, mcg_pll_config_t const *config)

Sets the MCG to PEE mode during system boot up.

This function sets the MCG to PEE mode from reset mode. It can also be used to set up the MCG during system boot up.

  • oscsel – OSC clock select, MCG_C7[OSCSEL].

  • pllcs – The PLL selection, PLLCS.

  • config – Pointer to the PLL configuration.

Return values:
  • kStatus_MCG_ModeUnreachable – Could not switch to the target mode.

  • kStatus_Success – Switched to the target mode successfully.

status_t CLOCK_BootToPeiMode(void)

Sets the MCG to PEI mode during system boot up.

This function sets the MCG to PEI mode from the reset mode. It can be used to set up the MCG during system boot up.

Return values:
  • kStatus_MCG_ModeUnreachable – Could not switch to the target mode.

  • kStatus_Success – Switched to the target mode successfully.

status_t CLOCK_SetMcgConfig(mcg_config_t const *config)

Sets the MCG to a target mode.

This function sets MCG to a target mode defined by the configuration structure. If switching to the target mode fails, this function chooses the correct path.


If the external clock is used in the target mode, ensure that it is enabled. For example, if the OSC0 is used, set up OSC0 correctly before calling this function.

  • config – Pointer to the target MCG mode configuration structure.


Return kStatus_Success if switched successfully; Otherwise, it returns an error code _mcg_status.

uint8_t pllFllSel

PLL/FLL/IRC48M selection.

uint8_t er32kSrc

ERCLK32K source selection.

uint32_t clkdiv1


uint8_t enableMode

OSCERCLK enable mode. OR’ed value of _oscer_enable_mode.

uint32_t freq

External clock frequency.

uint8_t capLoad

Capacitor load setting.

osc_mode_t workMode

OSC work mode setting.

oscer_config_t oscerConfig

Configuration for OSCERCLK.

uint8_t enableMode

Enable mode. OR’ed value of _mcg_pll_enable_mode.

mcg_pll_ref_src_t refSrc

PLL reference clock source.

uint8_t frdiv

FLL reference clock divider.

mcg_mode_t mcgMode

MCG mode.

uint8_t irclkEnableMode

MCGIRCLK enable mode.

mcg_irc_mode_t ircs

Source, MCG_C2[IRCS].

uint8_t fcrdiv

Divider, MCG_SC[FCRDIV].

uint8_t frdiv

Divider MCG_C1[FRDIV].

mcg_drs_t drs


mcg_dmx32_t dmx32


mcg_oscsel_t oscsel

OSC select MCG_C7[OSCSEL].

mcg_pll_config_t pll0Config

MCGPLL0CLK configuration.


Configures whether to check a parameter in a function.

Some MCG settings must be changed with conditions, for example:

  1. MCGIRCLK settings, such as the source, divider, and the trim value should not change when MCGIRCLK is used as a system clock source.

  2. MCG_C7[OSCSEL] should not be changed when the external reference clock is used as a system clock source. For example, in FBE/BLPE/PBE modes.

  3. The users should only switch between the supported clock modes.

MCG functions check the parameter and MCG status before setting, if not allowed to change, the functions return error. The parameter checking increases code size, if code size is a critical requirement, change MCG_CONFIG_CHECK_PARAM to 0 to disable parameter checking.


Configure whether driver controls clock.

When set to 0, peripheral drivers will enable clock in initialize function and disable clock in de-initialize function. When set to 1, peripheral driver will not control the clock, application could control the clock out of the driver.


All drivers share this feature switcher. If it is set to 1, application should handle clock enable and disable for all drivers.

struct _sim_clock_config
#include <fsl_clock.h>

SIM configuration structure for clock setting.

struct _oscer_config
#include <fsl_clock.h>

OSC configuration for OSCERCLK.

struct _osc_config
#include <fsl_clock.h>

OSC Initialization Configuration Structure.

Defines the configuration data structure to initialize the OSC. When porting to a new board, set the following members according to the board setting:

  1. freq: The external frequency.

  2. workMode: The OSC module mode.

struct _mcg_pll_config
#include <fsl_clock.h>

MCG PLL configuration.

struct _mcg_config
#include <fsl_clock.h>

MCG mode change configuration structure.

When porting to a new board, set the following members according to the board setting:

  1. frdiv: If the FLL uses the external reference clock, set this value to ensure that the external reference clock divided by frdiv is in the 31.25 kHz to 39.0625 kHz range.

  2. The PLL reference clock divider PRDIV: PLL reference clock frequency after PRDIV should be in the FSL_FEATURE_MCG_PLL_REF_MIN to FSL_FEATURE_MCG_PLL_REF_MAX range.

CMP: Analog Comparator Driver

void CMP_Init(CMP_Type *base, const cmp_config_t *config)

Initializes the CMP.

This function initializes the CMP module. The operations included are as follows.

  • Enabling the clock for CMP module.

  • Configuring the comparator.

  • Enabling the CMP module. Note that for some devices, multiple CMP instances share the same clock gate. In this case, to enable the clock for any instance enables all CMPs. See the appropriate MCU reference manual for the clock assignment of the CMP.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

  • config – Pointer to the configuration structure.

void CMP_Deinit(CMP_Type *base)

De-initializes the CMP module.

This function de-initializes the CMP module. The operations included are as follows.

  • Disabling the CMP module.

  • Disabling the clock for CMP module.

This function disables the clock for the CMP. Note that for some devices, multiple CMP instances share the same clock gate. In this case, before disabling the clock for the CMP, ensure that all the CMP instances are not used.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

static inline void CMP_Enable(CMP_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables/disables the CMP module.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

  • enable – Enables or disables the module.

void CMP_GetDefaultConfig(cmp_config_t *config)

Initializes the CMP user configuration structure.

This function initializes the user configuration structure to these default values.

config->enableCmp           = true;
config->hysteresisMode      = kCMP_HysteresisLevel0;
config->enableHighSpeed     = false;
config->enableInvertOutput  = false;
config->useUnfilteredOutput = false;
config->enablePinOut        = false;
config->enableTriggerMode   = false;

  • config – Pointer to the configuration structure.

void CMP_SetInputChannels(CMP_Type *base, uint8_t positiveChannel, uint8_t negativeChannel)

Sets the input channels for the comparator.

This function sets the input channels for the comparator. Note that two input channels cannot be set the same way in the application. When the user selects the same input from the analog mux to the positive and negative port, the comparator is disabled automatically.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

  • positiveChannel – Positive side input channel number. Available range is 0-7.

  • negativeChannel – Negative side input channel number. Available range is 0-7.

void CMP_EnableDMA(CMP_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables/disables the DMA request for rising/falling events.

This function enables/disables the DMA request for rising/falling events. Either event triggers the generation of the DMA request from CMP if the DMA feature is enabled. Both events are ignored for generating the DMA request from the CMP if the DMA is disabled.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

  • enable – Enables or disables the feature.

static inline void CMP_EnableWindowMode(CMP_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables/disables the window mode.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

  • enable – Enables or disables the feature.

static inline void CMP_EnablePassThroughMode(CMP_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables/disables the pass through mode.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

  • enable – Enables or disables the feature.

void CMP_SetFilterConfig(CMP_Type *base, const cmp_filter_config_t *config)

Configures the filter.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

  • config – Pointer to the configuration structure.

void CMP_SetDACConfig(CMP_Type *base, const cmp_dac_config_t *config)

Configures the internal DAC.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

  • config – Pointer to the configuration structure. “NULL” disables the feature.

void CMP_EnableInterrupts(CMP_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Enables the interrupts.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

  • mask – Mask value for interrupts. See “_cmp_interrupt_enable”.

void CMP_DisableInterrupts(CMP_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Disables the interrupts.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

  • mask – Mask value for interrupts. See “_cmp_interrupt_enable”.

uint32_t CMP_GetStatusFlags(CMP_Type *base)

Gets the status flags.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.


Mask value for the asserted flags. See “_cmp_status_flags”.

void CMP_ClearStatusFlags(CMP_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Clears the status flags.

  • base – CMP peripheral base address.

  • mask – Mask value for the flags. See “_cmp_status_flags”.


CMP driver version 2.0.3.

enum _cmp_interrupt_enable

Interrupt enable/disable mask.


enumerator kCMP_OutputRisingInterruptEnable

Comparator interrupt enable rising.

enumerator kCMP_OutputFallingInterruptEnable

Comparator interrupt enable falling.

enum _cmp_status_flags

Status flags’ mask.


enumerator kCMP_OutputRisingEventFlag

Rising-edge on the comparison output has occurred.

enumerator kCMP_OutputFallingEventFlag

Falling-edge on the comparison output has occurred.

enumerator kCMP_OutputAssertEventFlag

Return the current value of the analog comparator output.

enum _cmp_hysteresis_mode

CMP Hysteresis mode.


enumerator kCMP_HysteresisLevel0

Hysteresis level 0.

enumerator kCMP_HysteresisLevel1

Hysteresis level 1.

enumerator kCMP_HysteresisLevel2

Hysteresis level 2.

enumerator kCMP_HysteresisLevel3

Hysteresis level 3.

enum _cmp_reference_voltage_source

CMP Voltage Reference source.


enumerator kCMP_VrefSourceVin1

Vin1 is selected as a resistor ladder network supply reference Vin.

enumerator kCMP_VrefSourceVin2

Vin2 is selected as a resistor ladder network supply reference Vin.

typedef enum _cmp_hysteresis_mode cmp_hysteresis_mode_t

CMP Hysteresis mode.

typedef enum _cmp_reference_voltage_source cmp_reference_voltage_source_t

CMP Voltage Reference source.

typedef struct _cmp_config cmp_config_t

Configures the comparator.

typedef struct _cmp_filter_config cmp_filter_config_t

Configures the filter.

typedef struct _cmp_dac_config cmp_dac_config_t

Configures the internal DAC.

struct _cmp_config
#include <fsl_cmp.h>

Configures the comparator.

Public Members

bool enableCmp

Enable the CMP module.

cmp_hysteresis_mode_t hysteresisMode

CMP Hysteresis mode.

bool enableHighSpeed

Enable High-speed (HS) comparison mode.

bool enableInvertOutput

Enable the inverted comparator output.

bool useUnfilteredOutput

Set the compare output(COUT) to equal COUTA(true) or COUT(false).

bool enablePinOut

The comparator output is available on the associated pin.

bool enableTriggerMode

Enable the trigger mode.

struct _cmp_filter_config
#include <fsl_cmp.h>

Configures the filter.

Public Members

bool enableSample

Using the external SAMPLE as a sampling clock input or using a divided bus clock.

uint8_t filterCount

Filter Sample Count. Available range is 1-7; 0 disables the filter.

uint8_t filterPeriod

Filter Sample Period. The divider to the bus clock. Available range is 0-255.

struct _cmp_dac_config
#include <fsl_cmp.h>

Configures the internal DAC.

Public Members

cmp_reference_voltage_source_t referenceVoltageSource

Supply voltage reference source.

uint8_t DACValue

Value for the DAC Output Voltage. Available range is 0-63.

CRC: Cyclic Redundancy Check Driver


CRC driver version. Version 2.0.4.

Current version: 2.0.4

Change log:

  • Version 2.0.4

    • Release peripheral from reset if necessary in init function.

  • Version 2.0.3

    • Fix MISRA issues

  • Version 2.0.2

    • Fix MISRA issues

  • Version 2.0.1

    • move DATA and DATALL macro definition from header file to source file

enum _crc_bits

CRC bit width.


enumerator kCrcBits16

Generate 16-bit CRC code

enumerator kCrcBits32

Generate 32-bit CRC code

enum _crc_result

CRC result type.


enumerator kCrcFinalChecksum

CRC data register read value is the final checksum. Reflect out and final xor protocol features are applied.

enumerator kCrcIntermediateChecksum

CRC data register read value is intermediate checksum (raw value). Reflect out and final xor protocol feature are not applied. Intermediate checksum can be used as a seed for CRC_Init() to continue adding data to this checksum.

typedef enum _crc_bits crc_bits_t

CRC bit width.

typedef enum _crc_result crc_result_t

CRC result type.

typedef struct _crc_config crc_config_t

CRC protocol configuration.

This structure holds the configuration for the CRC protocol.

void CRC_Init(CRC_Type *base, const crc_config_t *config)

Enables and configures the CRC peripheral module.

This function enables the clock gate in the SIM module for the CRC peripheral. It also configures the CRC module and starts a checksum computation by writing the seed.

  • base – CRC peripheral address.

  • config – CRC module configuration structure.

static inline void CRC_Deinit(CRC_Type *base)

Disables the CRC peripheral module.

This function disables the clock gate in the SIM module for the CRC peripheral.

  • base – CRC peripheral address.

void CRC_GetDefaultConfig(crc_config_t *config)

Loads default values to the CRC protocol configuration structure.

Loads default values to the CRC protocol configuration structure. The default values are as follows.

config->polynomial = 0x1021;
config->seed = 0xFFFF;
config->reflectIn = false;
config->reflectOut = false;
config->complementChecksum = false;
config->crcBits = kCrcBits16;
config->crcResult = kCrcFinalChecksum;

  • config – CRC protocol configuration structure.

void CRC_WriteData(CRC_Type *base, const uint8_t *data, size_t dataSize)

Writes data to the CRC module.

Writes input data buffer bytes to the CRC data register. The configured type of transpose is applied.

  • base – CRC peripheral address.

  • data – Input data stream, MSByte in data[0].

  • dataSize – Size in bytes of the input data buffer.

uint32_t CRC_Get32bitResult(CRC_Type *base)

Reads the 32-bit checksum from the CRC module.

Reads the CRC data register (either an intermediate or the final checksum). The configured type of transpose and complement is applied.

  • base – CRC peripheral address.


An intermediate or the final 32-bit checksum, after configured transpose and complement operations.

uint16_t CRC_Get16bitResult(CRC_Type *base)

Reads a 16-bit checksum from the CRC module.

Reads the CRC data register (either an intermediate or the final checksum). The configured type of transpose and complement is applied.

  • base – CRC peripheral address.


An intermediate or the final 16-bit checksum, after configured transpose and complement operations.


Default configuration structure filled by CRC_GetDefaultConfig(). Use CRC16-CCIT-FALSE as defeault.

struct _crc_config
#include <fsl_crc.h>

CRC protocol configuration.

This structure holds the configuration for the CRC protocol.

Public Members

uint32_t polynomial

CRC Polynomial, MSBit first. Example polynomial: 0x1021 = 1_0000_0010_0001 = x^12+x^5+1

uint32_t seed

Starting checksum value

bool reflectIn

Reflect bits on input.

bool reflectOut

Reflect bits on output.

bool complementChecksum

True if the result shall be complement of the actual checksum.

crc_bits_t crcBits

Selects 16- or 32- bit CRC protocol.

crc_result_t crcResult

Selects final or intermediate checksum return from CRC_Get16bitResult() or CRC_Get32bitResult()

DMA: Direct Memory Access Controller Driver

void DMA_Init(DMA_Type *base)

Initializes the DMA peripheral.

This function ungates the DMA clock.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

void DMA_Deinit(DMA_Type *base)

Deinitializes the DMA peripheral.

This function gates the DMA clock.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

void DMA_ResetChannel(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)

Resets the DMA channel.

Sets all register values to reset values and enables the cycle steal and auto stop channel request features.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • channel – DMA channel number.

void DMA_SetTransferConfig(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, const dma_transfer_config_t *config)

Configures the DMA transfer attribute.

This function configures the transfer attribute including the source address, destination address, transfer size, and so on. This example shows how to set up the dma_transfer_config_t parameters and how to call the DMA_ConfigBasicTransfer function.

dma_transfer_config_t transferConfig;
memset(&transferConfig, 0, sizeof(transferConfig));
transferConfig.srcAddr = (uint32_t)srcAddr;
transferConfig.destAddr = (uint32_t)destAddr;
transferConfig.enbaleSrcIncrement = true;
transferConfig.enableDestIncrement = true;
transferConfig.srcSize = kDMA_Transfersize32bits;
transferConfig.destSize = kDMA_Transfersize32bits;
transferConfig.transferSize = sizeof(uint32_t) * BUFF_LENGTH;
DMA_SetTransferConfig(DMA0, 0, &transferConfig);

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • channel – DMA channel number.

  • config – Pointer to the DMA transfer configuration structure.

void DMA_SetChannelLinkConfig(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, const dma_channel_link_config_t *config)

Configures the DMA channel link feature.

This function allows DMA channels to have their transfers linked. The current DMA channel triggers a DMA request to the linked channels (LCH1 or LCH2) depending on the channel link type. Perform a link to channel LCH1 after each cycle-steal transfer followed by a link to LCH2 after the BCR decrements to 0 if the type is kDMA_ChannelLinkChannel1AndChannel2. Perform a link to LCH1 after each cycle-steal transfer if the type is kDMA_ChannelLinkChannel1. Perform a link to LCH1 after the BCR decrements to 0 if the type is kDMA_ChannelLinkChannel1AfterBCR0.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • channel – DMA channel number.

  • config – Pointer to the channel link configuration structure.

static inline void DMA_SetSourceAddress(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t srcAddr)

Sets the DMA source address for the DMA transfer.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • channel – DMA channel number.

  • srcAddr – DMA source address.

static inline void DMA_SetDestinationAddress(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t destAddr)

Sets the DMA destination address for the DMA transfer.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • channel – DMA channel number.

  • destAddr – DMA destination address.

static inline void DMA_SetTransferSize(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t size)

Sets the DMA transfer size for the DMA transfer.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • channel – DMA channel number.

  • size – The number of bytes to be transferred.

void DMA_SetModulo(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, dma_modulo_t srcModulo, dma_modulo_t destModulo)

Sets the DMA modulo for the DMA transfer.

This function defines a specific address range specified to be the value after (SAR + SSIZE)/(DAR + DSIZE) calculation is performed or the original register value. It provides the ability to implement a circular data queue easily.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • channel – DMA channel number.

  • srcModulo – source address modulo.

  • destModulo – destination address modulo.

static inline void DMA_EnableCycleSteal(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, bool enable)

Enables the DMA cycle steal for the DMA transfer.

If the cycle steal feature is enabled (true), the DMA controller forces a single read/write transfer per request, or it continuously makes read/write transfers until the BCR decrements to 0.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • channel – DMA channel number.

  • enable – The command for enable (true) or disable (false).

static inline void DMA_EnableAutoAlign(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, bool enable)

Enables the DMA auto align for the DMA transfer.

If the auto align feature is enabled (true), the appropriate address register increments regardless of DINC or SINC.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • channel – DMA channel number.

  • enable – The command for enable (true) or disable (false).

static inline void DMA_EnableAsyncRequest(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, bool enable)

Enables the DMA async request for the DMA transfer.

If the async request feature is enabled (true), the DMA supports asynchronous DREQs while the MCU is in stop mode.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • channel – DMA channel number.

  • enable – The command for enable (true) or disable (false).

static inline void DMA_EnableInterrupts(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)

Enables an interrupt for the DMA transfer.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • channel – DMA channel number.

static inline void DMA_DisableInterrupts(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)

Disables an interrupt for the DMA transfer.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • channel – DMA channel number.

static inline void DMA_EnableChannelRequest(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)

Enables the DMA hardware channel request.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • channel – The DMA channel number.

static inline void DMA_DisableChannelRequest(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)

Disables the DMA hardware channel request.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • channel – DMA channel number.

static inline void DMA_TriggerChannelStart(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)

Starts the DMA transfer with a software trigger.

This function starts only one read/write iteration.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • channel – The DMA channel number.

static inline void DMA_EnableAutoStopRequest(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, bool enable)

Starts the DMA enable/disable auto disable request.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • channel – The DMA channel number.

  • enable – true is enable, false is disable.

static inline uint32_t DMA_GetRemainingBytes(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)

Gets the remaining bytes of the current DMA transfer.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • channel – DMA channel number.


The number of bytes which have not been transferred yet.

static inline uint32_t DMA_GetChannelStatusFlags(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)

Gets the DMA channel status flags.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • channel – DMA channel number.


The mask of the channel status. Use the _dma_channel_status_flags type to decode the return 32 bit variables.

static inline void DMA_ClearChannelStatusFlags(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t mask)

Clears the DMA channel status flags.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • channel – DMA channel number.

  • mask – The mask of the channel status to be cleared. Use the defined _dma_channel_status_flags type.

void DMA_CreateHandle(dma_handle_t *handle, DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)

Creates the DMA handle.

This function is called first if using the transactional API for the DMA. This function initializes the internal state of the DMA handle.

  • handle – DMA handle pointer. The DMA handle stores callback function and parameters.

  • base – DMA peripheral base address.

  • channel – DMA channel number.

void DMA_SetCallback(dma_handle_t *handle, dma_callback callback, void *userData)

Sets the DMA callback function.

This callback is called in the DMA IRQ handler. Use the callback to do something after the current transfer complete.

  • handle – DMA handle pointer.

  • callback – DMA callback function pointer.

  • userData – Parameter for callback function. If it is not needed, just set to NULL.

void DMA_PrepareTransferConfig(dma_transfer_config_t *config, void *srcAddr, uint32_t srcWidth, void *destAddr, uint32_t destWidth, uint32_t transferBytes, dma_addr_increment_t srcIncrement, dma_addr_increment_t destIncrement)

Prepares the DMA transfer configuration structure.

This function prepares the transfer configuration structure according to the user input. The difference between this function and DMA_PrepareTransfer is that this function expose the address increment parameter to application, but in DMA_PrepareTransfer, only parts of the address increment option can be selected by dma_transfer_type_t.

  • config – Pointer to the user configuration structure of type dma_transfer_config_t.

  • srcAddr – DMA transfer source address.

  • srcWidth – DMA transfer source address width (byte).

  • destAddr – DMA transfer destination address.

  • destWidth – DMA transfer destination address width (byte).

  • transferBytes – DMA transfer bytes to be transferred.

  • srcIncrement – source address increment type.

  • destIncrement – dest address increment type.

void DMA_PrepareTransfer(dma_transfer_config_t *config, void *srcAddr, uint32_t srcWidth, void *destAddr, uint32_t destWidth, uint32_t transferBytes, dma_transfer_type_t type)

Prepares the DMA transfer configuration structure.

This function prepares the transfer configuration structure according to the user input.

  • config – Pointer to the user configuration structure of type dma_transfer_config_t.

  • srcAddr – DMA transfer source address.

  • srcWidth – DMA transfer source address width (byte).

  • destAddr – DMA transfer destination address.

  • destWidth – DMA transfer destination address width (byte).

  • transferBytes – DMA transfer bytes to be transferred.

  • type – DMA transfer type.

status_t DMA_SubmitTransfer(dma_handle_t *handle, const dma_transfer_config_t *config, uint32_t options)

Submits the DMA transfer request.

This function submits the DMA transfer request according to the transfer configuration structure.


This function can’t process multi transfer request.

  • handle – DMA handle pointer.

  • config – Pointer to DMA transfer configuration structure.

  • options – Additional configurations for transfer. Use the defined dma_transfer_options_t type.

Return values:
  • kStatus_DMA_Success – It indicates that the DMA submit transfer request succeeded.

  • kStatus_DMA_Busy – It indicates that the DMA is busy. Submit transfer request is not allowed.

static inline void DMA_StartTransfer(dma_handle_t *handle)

DMA starts a transfer.

This function enables the channel request. Call this function after submitting a transfer request.

  • handle – DMA handle pointer.

Return values:
  • kStatus_DMA_Success – It indicates that the DMA start transfer succeed.

  • kStatus_DMA_Busy – It indicates that the DMA has started a transfer.

static inline void DMA_StopTransfer(dma_handle_t *handle)

DMA stops a transfer.

This function disables the channel request to stop a DMA transfer. The transfer can be resumed by calling the DMA_StartTransfer.

  • handle – DMA handle pointer.

void DMA_AbortTransfer(dma_handle_t *handle)

DMA aborts a transfer.

This function disables the channel request and clears all status bits. Submit another transfer after calling this API.

  • handle – DMA handle pointer.

void DMA_HandleIRQ(dma_handle_t *handle)

DMA IRQ handler for current transfer complete.

This function clears the channel interrupt flag and calls the callback function if it is not NULL.

  • handle – DMA handle pointer.


DMA driver version 2.1.2.

_dma_channel_status_flags status flag for the DMA driver.


enumerator kDMA_TransactionsBCRFlag

Contains the number of bytes yet to be transferred for a given block

enumerator kDMA_TransactionsDoneFlag

Transactions Done

enumerator kDMA_TransactionsBusyFlag

Transactions Busy

enumerator kDMA_TransactionsRequestFlag

Transactions Request

enumerator kDMA_BusErrorOnDestinationFlag

Bus Error on Destination

enumerator kDMA_BusErrorOnSourceFlag

Bus Error on Source

enumerator kDMA_ConfigurationErrorFlag

Configuration Error

enum _dma_transfer_size

DMA transfer size type.


enumerator kDMA_Transfersize32bits

32 bits are transferred for every read/write

enumerator kDMA_Transfersize8bits

8 bits are transferred for every read/write

enumerator kDMA_Transfersize16bits

16b its are transferred for every read/write

enum _dma_modulo

Configuration type for the DMA modulo.


enumerator kDMA_ModuloDisable

Buffer disabled

enumerator kDMA_Modulo16Bytes

Circular buffer size is 16 bytes.

enumerator kDMA_Modulo32Bytes

Circular buffer size is 32 bytes.

enumerator kDMA_Modulo64Bytes

Circular buffer size is 64 bytes.

enumerator kDMA_Modulo128Bytes

Circular buffer size is 128 bytes.

enumerator kDMA_Modulo256Bytes

Circular buffer size is 256 bytes.

enumerator kDMA_Modulo512Bytes

Circular buffer size is 512 bytes.

enumerator kDMA_Modulo1KBytes

Circular buffer size is 1 KB.

enumerator kDMA_Modulo2KBytes

Circular buffer size is 2 KB.

enumerator kDMA_Modulo4KBytes

Circular buffer size is 4 KB.

enumerator kDMA_Modulo8KBytes

Circular buffer size is 8 KB.

enumerator kDMA_Modulo16KBytes

Circular buffer size is 16 KB.

enumerator kDMA_Modulo32KBytes

Circular buffer size is 32 KB.

enumerator kDMA_Modulo64KBytes

Circular buffer size is 64 KB.

enumerator kDMA_Modulo128KBytes

Circular buffer size is 128 KB.

enumerator kDMA_Modulo256KBytes

Circular buffer size is 256 KB.

enum _dma_channel_link_type

DMA channel link type.


enumerator kDMA_ChannelLinkDisable

No channel link.

enumerator kDMA_ChannelLinkChannel1AndChannel2

Perform a link to channel LCH1 after each cycle-steal transfer. followed by a link to LCH2 after the BCR decrements to 0.

enumerator kDMA_ChannelLinkChannel1

Perform a link to LCH1 after each cycle-steal transfer.

enumerator kDMA_ChannelLinkChannel1AfterBCR0

Perform a link to LCH1 after the BCR decrements.

enum _dma_transfer_type

DMA transfer type.


enumerator kDMA_MemoryToMemory

Memory to Memory transfer.

enumerator kDMA_PeripheralToMemory

Peripheral to Memory transfer.

enumerator kDMA_MemoryToPeripheral

Memory to Peripheral transfer.

enum _dma_transfer_options

DMA transfer options.


enumerator kDMA_NoOptions

Transfer without options.

enumerator kDMA_EnableInterrupt

Enable interrupt while transfer complete.

enum _dma_addr_increment

dma addre increment type


enumerator kDMA_AddrNoIncrement

Transfer address not increment.

enumerator kDMA_AddrIncrementPerTransferWidth

Transfer address increment per transfer width

_dma_transfer_status DMA transfer status


enumerator kStatus_DMA_Busy

DMA is busy.

typedef enum _dma_transfer_size dma_transfer_size_t

DMA transfer size type.

typedef enum _dma_modulo dma_modulo_t

Configuration type for the DMA modulo.

typedef enum _dma_channel_link_type dma_channel_link_type_t

DMA channel link type.

typedef enum _dma_transfer_type dma_transfer_type_t

DMA transfer type.

typedef enum _dma_transfer_options dma_transfer_options_t

DMA transfer options.

typedef enum _dma_addr_increment dma_addr_increment_t

dma addre increment type

typedef struct _dma_transfer_config dma_transfer_config_t

DMA transfer configuration structure.

typedef struct _dma_channel_link_config dma_channel_link_config_t

DMA transfer configuration structure.

typedef void (*dma_callback)(struct _dma_handle *handle, void *userData)

Callback function prototype for the DMA driver.

typedef struct _dma_handle dma_handle_t

DMA DMA handle structure.

struct _dma_transfer_config
#include <fsl_dma.h>

DMA transfer configuration structure.

Public Members

uint32_t srcAddr

DMA transfer source address.

uint32_t destAddr

DMA destination address.

bool enableSrcIncrement

Source address increase after each transfer.

dma_transfer_size_t srcSize

Source transfer size unit.

bool enableDestIncrement

Destination address increase after each transfer.

dma_transfer_size_t destSize

Destination transfer unit.

uint32_t transferSize

The number of bytes to be transferred.

struct _dma_channel_link_config
#include <fsl_dma.h>

DMA transfer configuration structure.

Public Members

dma_channel_link_type_t linkType

Channel link type.

uint32_t channel1

The index of channel 1.

uint32_t channel2

The index of channel 2.

struct _dma_handle
#include <fsl_dma.h>

DMA DMA handle structure.

Public Members

DMA_Type *base

DMA peripheral address.

uint8_t channel

DMA channel used.

dma_callback callback

DMA callback function.

void *userData

Callback parameter.

DMAMUX: Direct Memory Access Multiplexer Driver

void DMAMUX_Init(DMAMUX_Type *base)

Initializes the DMAMUX peripheral.

This function ungates the DMAMUX clock.

  • base – DMAMUX peripheral base address.

void DMAMUX_Deinit(DMAMUX_Type *base)

Deinitializes the DMAMUX peripheral.

This function gates the DMAMUX clock.

  • base – DMAMUX peripheral base address.

static inline void DMAMUX_EnableChannel(DMAMUX_Type *base, uint32_t channel)

Enables the DMAMUX channel.

This function enables the DMAMUX channel.

  • base – DMAMUX peripheral base address.

  • channel – DMAMUX channel number.

static inline void DMAMUX_DisableChannel(DMAMUX_Type *base, uint32_t channel)

Disables the DMAMUX channel.

This function disables the DMAMUX channel.


The user must disable the DMAMUX channel before configuring it.

  • base – DMAMUX peripheral base address.

  • channel – DMAMUX channel number.

static inline void DMAMUX_SetSource(DMAMUX_Type *base, uint32_t channel, int32_t source)

Configures the DMAMUX channel source.

  • base – DMAMUX peripheral base address.

  • channel – DMAMUX channel number.

  • source – Channel source, which is used to trigger the DMA transfer.User need to use the dma_request_source_t type as the input parameter.

static inline void DMAMUX_EnablePeriodTrigger(DMAMUX_Type *base, uint32_t channel)

Enables the DMAMUX period trigger.

This function enables the DMAMUX period trigger feature.

  • base – DMAMUX peripheral base address.

  • channel – DMAMUX channel number.

static inline void DMAMUX_DisablePeriodTrigger(DMAMUX_Type *base, uint32_t channel)

Disables the DMAMUX period trigger.

This function disables the DMAMUX period trigger.

  • base – DMAMUX peripheral base address.

  • channel – DMAMUX channel number.


DMAMUX driver version 2.1.0.

EWM: External Watchdog Monitor Driver

void EWM_Init(EWM_Type *base, const ewm_config_t *config)

Initializes the EWM peripheral.

This function is used to initialize the EWM. After calling, the EWM runs immediately according to the configuration. Note that, except for the interrupt enable control bit, other control bits and registers are write once after a CPU reset. Modifying them more than once generates a bus transfer error.

This is an example.

ewm_config_t config;
config.compareHighValue = 0xAAU;

  • base – EWM peripheral base address

  • config – The configuration of the EWM

void EWM_Deinit(EWM_Type *base)

Deinitializes the EWM peripheral.

This function is used to shut down the EWM.

  • base – EWM peripheral base address

void EWM_GetDefaultConfig(ewm_config_t *config)

Initializes the EWM configuration structure.

This function initializes the EWM configuration structure to default values. The default values are as follows.

ewmConfig->enableEwm = true;
ewmConfig->enableEwmInput = false;
ewmConfig->setInputAssertLogic = false;
ewmConfig->enableInterrupt = false;
ewmConfig->ewm_lpo_clock_source_t = kEWM_LpoClockSource0;
ewmConfig->prescaler = 0;
ewmConfig->compareLowValue = 0;
ewmConfig->compareHighValue = 0xFEU;

See also


  • config – Pointer to the EWM configuration structure.

static inline void EWM_EnableInterrupts(EWM_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Enables the EWM interrupt.

This function enables the EWM interrupt.

  • base – EWM peripheral base address

  • mask – The interrupts to enable The parameter can be combination of the following source if defined

    • kEWM_InterruptEnable

static inline void EWM_DisableInterrupts(EWM_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Disables the EWM interrupt.

This function enables the EWM interrupt.

  • base – EWM peripheral base address

  • mask – The interrupts to disable The parameter can be combination of the following source if defined

    • kEWM_InterruptEnable

static inline uint32_t EWM_GetStatusFlags(EWM_Type *base)

Gets all status flags.

This function gets all status flags.

This is an example for getting the running flag.

uint32_t status;
status = EWM_GetStatusFlags(ewm_base) & kEWM_RunningFlag;

See also


  • True: a related status flag has been set.

  • False: a related status flag is not set.

  • base – EWM peripheral base address


State of the status flag: asserted (true) or not-asserted (false).

void EWM_Refresh(EWM_Type *base)

Services the EWM.

This function resets the EWM counter to zero.

  • base – EWM peripheral base address


EWM driver version 2.0.3.

enum _ewm_lpo_clock_source

Describes EWM clock source.


enumerator kEWM_LpoClockSource0

EWM clock sourced from lpo_clk[0]

enumerator kEWM_LpoClockSource1

EWM clock sourced from lpo_clk[1]

enumerator kEWM_LpoClockSource2

EWM clock sourced from lpo_clk[2]

enumerator kEWM_LpoClockSource3

EWM clock sourced from lpo_clk[3]

enum _ewm_interrupt_enable_t

EWM interrupt configuration structure with default settings all disabled.

This structure contains the settings for all of EWM interrupt configurations.


enumerator kEWM_InterruptEnable

Enable the EWM to generate an interrupt

enum _ewm_status_flags_t

EWM status flags.

This structure contains the constants for the EWM status flags for use in the EWM functions.


enumerator kEWM_RunningFlag

Running flag, set when EWM is enabled

typedef enum _ewm_lpo_clock_source ewm_lpo_clock_source_t

Describes EWM clock source.

typedef struct _ewm_config ewm_config_t

Data structure for EWM configuration.

This structure is used to configure the EWM.

struct _ewm_config
#include <fsl_ewm.h>

Data structure for EWM configuration.

This structure is used to configure the EWM.

Public Members

bool enableEwm

Enable EWM module

bool enableEwmInput

Enable EWM_in input

bool setInputAssertLogic

EWM_in signal assertion state

bool enableInterrupt

Enable EWM interrupt

ewm_lpo_clock_source_t clockSource

Clock source select

uint8_t prescaler

Clock prescaler value

uint8_t compareLowValue

Compare low-register value

uint8_t compareHighValue

Compare high-register value

FGPIO Driver

void FGPIO_PinInit(FGPIO_Type *base, uint32_t pin, const gpio_pin_config_t *config)

Initializes a FGPIO pin used by the board.

To initialize the FGPIO driver, define a pin configuration, as either input or output, in the user file. Then, call the FGPIO_PinInit() function.

This is an example to define an input pin or an output pin configuration:

Define a digital input pin configuration,
gpio_pin_config_t config =
Define a digital output pin configuration,
gpio_pin_config_t config =

  • base – FGPIO peripheral base pointer (FGPIOA, FGPIOB, FGPIOC, and so on.)

  • pin – FGPIO port pin number

  • config – FGPIO pin configuration pointer

static inline void FGPIO_PinWrite(FGPIO_Type *base, uint32_t pin, uint8_t output)

Sets the output level of the multiple FGPIO pins to the logic 1 or 0.

  • base – FGPIO peripheral base pointer (FGPIOA, FGPIOB, FGPIOC, and so on.)

  • pin – FGPIO pin number

  • output – FGPIOpin output logic level.

    • 0: corresponding pin output low-logic level.

    • 1: corresponding pin output high-logic level.

static inline void FGPIO_PortSet(FGPIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Sets the output level of the multiple FGPIO pins to the logic 1.

  • base – FGPIO peripheral base pointer (FGPIOA, FGPIOB, FGPIOC, and so on.)

  • mask – FGPIO pin number macro

static inline void FGPIO_PortClear(FGPIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Sets the output level of the multiple FGPIO pins to the logic 0.

  • base – FGPIO peripheral base pointer (FGPIOA, FGPIOB, FGPIOC, and so on.)

  • mask – FGPIO pin number macro

static inline void FGPIO_PortToggle(FGPIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Reverses the current output logic of the multiple FGPIO pins.

  • base – FGPIO peripheral base pointer (FGPIOA, FGPIOB, FGPIOC, and so on.)

  • mask – FGPIO pin number macro

static inline uint32_t FGPIO_PinRead(FGPIO_Type *base, uint32_t pin)

Reads the current input value of the FGPIO port.

  • base – FGPIO peripheral base pointer (FGPIOA, FGPIOB, FGPIOC, and so on.)

  • pin – FGPIO pin number

Return values:

FGPIO – port input value

  • 0: corresponding pin input low-logic level.

  • 1: corresponding pin input high-logic level.

uint32_t FGPIO_PortGetInterruptFlags(FGPIO_Type *base)

Reads the FGPIO port interrupt status flag.

If a pin is configured to generate the DMA request, the corresponding flag is cleared automatically at the completion of the requested DMA transfer. Otherwise, the flag remains set until a logic one is written to that flag. If configured for a level-sensitive interrupt that remains asserted, the flag is set again immediately.

  • base – FGPIO peripheral base pointer (FGPIOA, FGPIOB, FGPIOC, and so on.)

Return values:

The – current FGPIO port interrupt status flags, for example, 0x00010001 means the pin 0 and 17 have the interrupt.

void FGPIO_PortClearInterruptFlags(FGPIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Clears the multiple FGPIO pin interrupt status flag.

  • base – FGPIO peripheral base pointer (FGPIOA, FGPIOB, FGPIOC, and so on.)

  • mask – FGPIO pin number macro

void FGPIO_CheckAttributeBytes(FGPIO_Type *base, gpio_checker_attribute_t attribute)

The FGPIO module supports a device-specific number of data ports, organized as 32-bit words. Each 32-bit data port includes a GACR register, which defines the byte-level attributes required for a successful access to the GPIO programming model. The attribute controls for the 4 data bytes in the GACR follow a standard little endian data convention.

  • base – FGPIO peripheral base pointer (FGPIOA, FGPIOB, FGPIOC, and so on.)

  • attribute – FGPIO checker attribute

C90TFS Flash Driver

ftfx adapter

Ftftx CACHE Driver

enum _ftfx_cache_ram_func_constants

Constants for execute-in-RAM flash function.


enumerator kFTFx_CACHE_RamFuncMaxSizeInWords

The maximum size of execute-in-RAM function.

typedef struct _flash_prefetch_speculation_status ftfx_prefetch_speculation_status_t

FTFx prefetch speculation status.

typedef struct _ftfx_cache_config ftfx_cache_config_t

FTFx cache driver state information.

An instance of this structure is allocated by the user of the flash driver and passed into each of the driver APIs.

status_t FTFx_CACHE_Init(ftfx_cache_config_t *config)

Initializes the global FTFx cache structure members.

This function checks and initializes the Flash module for the other FTFx cache APIs.

  • config – Pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

status_t FTFx_CACHE_ClearCachePrefetchSpeculation(ftfx_cache_config_t *config, bool isPreProcess)

Process the cache/prefetch/speculation to the flash.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • isPreProcess – The possible option used to control flash cache/prefetch/speculation

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

status_t FTFx_CACHE_PflashSetPrefetchSpeculation(ftfx_prefetch_speculation_status_t *speculationStatus)

Sets the PFlash prefetch speculation to the intended speculation status.

  • speculationStatus – The expected protect status to set to the PFlash protection register. Each bit is

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidSpeculationOption – An invalid speculation option argument is provided.

status_t FTFx_CACHE_PflashGetPrefetchSpeculation(ftfx_prefetch_speculation_status_t *speculationStatus)

Gets the PFlash prefetch speculation status.

  • speculationStatus – Speculation status returned by the PFlash IP.

Return values:

kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

struct _flash_prefetch_speculation_status
#include <fsl_ftfx_cache.h>

FTFx prefetch speculation status.

Public Members

bool instructionOff

Instruction speculation.

bool dataOff

Data speculation.

union function_bit_operation_ptr_t
#include <fsl_ftfx_cache.h>

Public Members

uint32_t commadAddr
void (*callFlashCommand)(volatile uint32_t *base, uint32_t bitMask, uint32_t bitShift, uint32_t bitValue)
struct _ftfx_cache_config
#include <fsl_ftfx_cache.h>

FTFx cache driver state information.

An instance of this structure is allocated by the user of the flash driver and passed into each of the driver APIs.

Public Members

uint8_t flashMemoryIndex

0 - primary flash; 1 - secondary flash

function_bit_operation_ptr_t bitOperFuncAddr

An buffer point to the flash execute-in-RAM function.

ftfx controller

FTFx driver status codes.


enumerator kStatus_FTFx_Success

API is executed successfully

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument

Invalid argument

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_SizeError

Error size

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError

Parameter is not aligned with the specified baseline

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_AddressError

Address is out of range

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_AccessError

Invalid instruction codes and out-of bound addresses

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation

The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure

Run-time error during command execution.

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_UnknownProperty

Unknown property.

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_EraseKeyError

API erase key is invalid.

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_RegionExecuteOnly

The current region is execute-only.

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady

Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_PartitionStatusUpdateFailure

Failed to update partition status.

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_SetFlexramAsEepromError

Failed to set FlexRAM as EEPROM.

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_RecoverFlexramAsRamError

Failed to recover FlexRAM as RAM.

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_SetFlexramAsRamError

Failed to set FlexRAM as RAM.

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_RecoverFlexramAsEepromError

Failed to recover FlexRAM as EEPROM.

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_CommandNotSupported

Flash API is not supported.

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_SwapSystemNotInUninitialized

Swap system is not in an uninitialzed state.

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_SwapIndicatorAddressError

The swap indicator address is invalid.

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_ReadOnlyProperty

The flash property is read-only.

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_InvalidPropertyValue

The flash property value is out of range.

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_InvalidSpeculationOption

The option of flash prefetch speculation is invalid.

enumerator kStatus_FTFx_CommandOperationInProgress

The option of flash command is processing.

enum _ftfx_driver_api_keys

Enumeration for FTFx driver API keys.


The resulting value is built with a byte order such that the string being readable in expected order when viewed in a hex editor, if the value is treated as a 32-bit little endian value.


enumerator kFTFx_ApiEraseKey

Key value used to validate all FTFx erase APIs.

void FTFx_API_Init(ftfx_config_t *config)

Initializes the global flash properties structure members.

This function checks and initializes the Flash module for the other Flash APIs.

  • config – Pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

status_t FTFx_API_UpdateFlexnvmPartitionStatus(ftfx_config_t *config)

Updates FlexNVM memory partition status according to data flash 0 IFR.

This function updates FlexNVM memory partition status.

  • config – Pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_PartitionStatusUpdateFailure – Failed to update the partition status.

status_t FTFx_CMD_Erase(ftfx_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint32_t lengthInBytes, uint32_t key)

Erases the flash sectors encompassed by parameters passed into function.

This function erases the appropriate number of flash sectors based on the desired start address and length.

  • config – The pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • start – The start address of the desired flash memory to be erased. The start address does not need to be sector-aligned but must be word-aligned.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words) to be erased. Must be word-aligned.

  • key – The value used to validate all flash erase APIs.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError – The parameter is not aligned with the specified baseline.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AddressError – The address is out of range.

  • kStatus_FTFx_EraseKeyError – The API erase key is invalid.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FTFx_CMD_EraseSectorNonBlocking(ftfx_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint32_t key)

Erases the flash sectors encompassed by parameters passed into function.

This function erases one flash sector size based on the start address.

  • config – The pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • start – The start address of the desired flash memory to be erased. The start address does not need to be sector-aligned but must be word-aligned.

  • key – The value used to validate all flash erase APIs.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError – The parameter is not aligned with the specified baseline.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AddressError – The address is out of range.

  • kStatus_FTFx_EraseKeyError – The API erase key is invalid.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

status_t FTFx_CMD_EraseAll(ftfx_config_t *config, uint32_t key)

Erases entire flash.

  • config – Pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • key – A value used to validate all flash erase APIs.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_EraseKeyError – API erase key is invalid.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during command execution.

  • kStatus_FTFx_PartitionStatusUpdateFailure – Failed to update the partition status.

status_t FTFx_CMD_EraseAllUnsecure(ftfx_config_t *config, uint32_t key)

Erases the entire flash, including protected sectors.

  • config – Pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • key – A value used to validate all flash erase APIs.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_EraseKeyError – API erase key is invalid.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during command execution.

  • kStatus_FTFx_PartitionStatusUpdateFailure – Failed to update the partition status.

status_t FTFx_CMD_EraseAllExecuteOnlySegments(ftfx_config_t *config, uint32_t key)

Erases all program flash execute-only segments defined by the FXACC registers.

  • config – Pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • key – A value used to validate all flash erase APIs.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_EraseKeyError – API erase key is invalid.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FTFx_CMD_Program(ftfx_config_t *config, uint32_t start, const uint8_t *src, uint32_t lengthInBytes)

Programs flash with data at locations passed in through parameters.

This function programs the flash memory with the desired data for a given flash area as determined by the start address and the length.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • start – The start address of the desired flash memory to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.

  • src – A pointer to the source buffer of data that is to be programmed into the flash.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words), to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError – Parameter is not aligned with the specified baseline.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AddressError – Address is out of range.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FTFx_CMD_ProgramOnce(ftfx_config_t *config, uint32_t index, const uint8_t *src, uint32_t lengthInBytes)

Programs Program Once Field through parameters.

This function programs the Program Once Field with the desired data for a given flash area as determined by the index and length.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • index – The index indicating which area of the Program Once Field to be programmed.

  • src – A pointer to the source buffer of data that is to be programmed into the Program Once Field.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words), to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FTFx_CMD_ProgramSection(ftfx_config_t *config, uint32_t start, const uint8_t *src, uint32_t lengthInBytes)

Programs flash with data at locations passed in through parameters via the Program Section command.

This function programs the flash memory with the desired data for a given flash area as determined by the start address and length.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • start – The start address of the desired flash memory to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.

  • src – A pointer to the source buffer of data that is to be programmed into the flash.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words), to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError – Parameter is not aligned with specified baseline.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AddressError – Address is out of range.

  • kStatus_FTFx_SetFlexramAsRamError – Failed to set flexram as RAM.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during command execution.

  • kStatus_FTFx_RecoverFlexramAsEepromError – Failed to recover FlexRAM as EEPROM.

status_t FTFx_CMD_ProgramPartition(ftfx_config_t *config, ftfx_partition_flexram_load_opt_t option, uint32_t eepromDataSizeCode, uint32_t flexnvmPartitionCode)

Prepares the FlexNVM block for use as data flash, EEPROM backup, or a combination of both and initializes the FlexRAM.

  • config – Pointer to storage for the driver runtime state.

  • option – The option used to set FlexRAM load behavior during reset.

  • eepromDataSizeCode – Determines the amount of FlexRAM used in each of the available EEPROM subsystems.

  • flexnvmPartitionCode – Specifies how to split the FlexNVM block between data flash memory and EEPROM backup memory supporting EEPROM functions.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during command execution.

status_t FTFx_CMD_ReadOnce(ftfx_config_t *config, uint32_t index, uint8_t *dst, uint32_t lengthInBytes)

Reads the Program Once Field through parameters.

This function reads the read once feild with given index and length.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • index – The index indicating the area of program once field to be read.

  • dst – A pointer to the destination buffer of data that is used to store data to be read.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words), to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FTFx_CMD_ReadResource(ftfx_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint8_t *dst, uint32_t lengthInBytes, ftfx_read_resource_opt_t option)

Reads the resource with data at locations passed in through parameters.

This function reads the flash memory with the desired location for a given flash area as determined by the start address and length.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • start – The start address of the desired flash memory to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.

  • dst – A pointer to the destination buffer of data that is used to store data to be read.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words), to be read. Must be word-aligned.

  • option – The resource option which indicates which area should be read back.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError – Parameter is not aligned with the specified baseline.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FTFx_CMD_VerifyErase(ftfx_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint32_t lengthInBytes, ftfx_margin_value_t margin)

Verifies an erasure of the desired flash area at a specified margin level.

This function checks the appropriate number of flash sectors based on the desired start address and length to check whether the flash is erased to the specified read margin level.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • start – The start address of the desired flash memory to be verified. The start address does not need to be sector-aligned but must be word-aligned.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words), to be verified. Must be word-aligned.

  • margin – Read margin choice.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError – Parameter is not aligned with specified baseline.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AddressError – Address is out of range.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FTFx_CMD_VerifyEraseAll(ftfx_config_t *config, ftfx_margin_value_t margin)

Verifies erasure of the entire flash at a specified margin level.

This function checks whether the flash is erased to the specified read margin level.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • margin – Read margin choice.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FTFx_CMD_VerifyEraseAllExecuteOnlySegments(ftfx_config_t *config, ftfx_margin_value_t margin)

Verifies whether the program flash execute-only segments have been erased to the specified read margin level.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • margin – Read margin choice.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FTFx_CMD_VerifyProgram(ftfx_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint32_t lengthInBytes, const uint8_t *expectedData, ftfx_margin_value_t margin, uint32_t *failedAddress, uint32_t *failedData)

Verifies programming of the desired flash area at a specified margin level.

This function verifies the data programed in the flash memory using the Flash Program Check Command and compares it to the expected data for a given flash area as determined by the start address and length.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • start – The start address of the desired flash memory to be verified. Must be word-aligned.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words), to be verified. Must be word-aligned.

  • expectedData – A pointer to the expected data that is to be verified against.

  • margin – Read margin choice.

  • failedAddress – A pointer to the returned failing address.

  • failedData – A pointer to the returned failing data. Some derivatives do not include failed data as part of the FCCOBx registers. In this case, zeros are returned upon failure.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError – Parameter is not aligned with specified baseline.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AddressError – Address is out of range.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FTFx_REG_GetSecurityState(ftfx_config_t *config, ftfx_security_state_t *state)

Returns the security state via the pointer passed into the function.

This function retrieves the current flash security status, including the security enabling state and the backdoor key enabling state.

  • config – A pointer to storage for the driver runtime state.

  • state – A pointer to the value returned for the current security status code:

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

status_t FTFx_CMD_SecurityBypass(ftfx_config_t *config, const uint8_t *backdoorKey)

Allows users to bypass security with a backdoor key.

If the MCU is in secured state, this function unsecures the MCU by comparing the provided backdoor key with ones in the flash configuration field.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • backdoorKey – A pointer to the user buffer containing the backdoor key.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FTFx_CMD_SetFlexramFunction(ftfx_config_t *config, ftfx_flexram_func_opt_t option)

Sets the FlexRAM function command.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • option – The option used to set the work mode of FlexRAM.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FTFx_CMD_SwapControl(ftfx_config_t *config, uint32_t address, ftfx_swap_control_opt_t option, ftfx_swap_state_config_t *returnInfo)

Configures the Swap function or checks the swap state of the Flash module.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • address – Address used to configure the flash Swap function.

  • option – The possible option used to configure Flash Swap function or check the flash Swap status

  • returnInfo – A pointer to the data which is used to return the information of flash Swap.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError – Parameter is not aligned with specified baseline.

  • kStatus_FTFx_SwapIndicatorAddressError – Swap indicator address is invalid.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

enum _ftfx_partition_flexram_load_option

Enumeration for the FlexRAM load during reset option.


enumerator kFTFx_PartitionFlexramLoadOptLoadedWithValidEepromData

FlexRAM is loaded with valid EEPROM data during reset sequence.

enumerator kFTFx_PartitionFlexramLoadOptNotLoaded

FlexRAM is not loaded during reset sequence.

enum _ftfx_read_resource_opt

Enumeration for the two possible options of flash read resource command.


enumerator kFTFx_ResourceOptionFlashIfr

Select code for Program flash 0 IFR, Program flash swap 0 IFR, Data flash 0 IFR

enumerator kFTFx_ResourceOptionVersionId

Select code for the version ID

enum _ftfx_margin_value

Enumeration for supported FTFx margin levels.


enumerator kFTFx_MarginValueNormal

Use the ‘normal’ read level for 1s.

enumerator kFTFx_MarginValueUser

Apply the ‘User’ margin to the normal read-1 level.

enumerator kFTFx_MarginValueFactory

Apply the ‘Factory’ margin to the normal read-1 level.

enumerator kFTFx_MarginValueInvalid

Not real margin level, Used to determine the range of valid margin level.

enum _ftfx_security_state

Enumeration for the three possible FTFx security states.


enumerator kFTFx_SecurityStateNotSecure

Flash is not secure.

enumerator kFTFx_SecurityStateBackdoorEnabled

Flash backdoor is enabled.

enumerator kFTFx_SecurityStateBackdoorDisabled

Flash backdoor is disabled.

enum _ftfx_flexram_function_option

Enumeration for the two possilbe options of set FlexRAM function command.


enumerator kFTFx_FlexramFuncOptAvailableAsRam

An option used to make FlexRAM available as RAM

enumerator kFTFx_FlexramFuncOptAvailableForEeprom

An option used to make FlexRAM available for EEPROM

enum _flash_acceleration_ram_property

Enumeration for acceleration ram property.


enumerator kFLASH_AccelerationRamSize
enum _ftfx_swap_control_option

Enumeration for the possible options of Swap control commands.


enumerator kFTFx_SwapControlOptionIntializeSystem

An option used to initialize the Swap system

enumerator kFTFx_SwapControlOptionSetInUpdateState

An option used to set the Swap in an update state

enumerator kFTFx_SwapControlOptionSetInCompleteState

An option used to set the Swap in a complete state

enumerator kFTFx_SwapControlOptionReportStatus

An option used to report the Swap status

enumerator kFTFx_SwapControlOptionDisableSystem

An option used to disable the Swap status

enum _ftfx_swap_state

Enumeration for the possible flash Swap status.


enumerator kFTFx_SwapStateUninitialized

Flash Swap system is in an uninitialized state.

enumerator kFTFx_SwapStateReady

Flash Swap system is in a ready state.

enumerator kFTFx_SwapStateUpdate

Flash Swap system is in an update state.

enumerator kFTFx_SwapStateUpdateErased

Flash Swap system is in an updateErased state.

enumerator kFTFx_SwapStateComplete

Flash Swap system is in a complete state.

enumerator kFTFx_SwapStateDisabled

Flash Swap system is in a disabled state.

enum _ftfx_swap_block_status

Enumeration for the possible flash Swap block status.


enumerator kFTFx_SwapBlockStatusLowerHalfProgramBlocksAtZero

Swap block status is that lower half program block at zero.

enumerator kFTFx_SwapBlockStatusUpperHalfProgramBlocksAtZero

Swap block status is that upper half program block at zero.

enum _ftfx_memory_type

Enumeration for FTFx memory type.


enumerator kFTFx_MemTypePflash
enumerator kFTFx_MemTypeFlexnvm
typedef enum _ftfx_partition_flexram_load_option ftfx_partition_flexram_load_opt_t

Enumeration for the FlexRAM load during reset option.

typedef enum _ftfx_read_resource_opt ftfx_read_resource_opt_t

Enumeration for the two possible options of flash read resource command.

typedef enum _ftfx_margin_value ftfx_margin_value_t

Enumeration for supported FTFx margin levels.

typedef enum _ftfx_security_state ftfx_security_state_t

Enumeration for the three possible FTFx security states.

typedef enum _ftfx_flexram_function_option ftfx_flexram_func_opt_t

Enumeration for the two possilbe options of set FlexRAM function command.

typedef enum _ftfx_swap_control_option ftfx_swap_control_opt_t

Enumeration for the possible options of Swap control commands.

typedef enum _ftfx_swap_state ftfx_swap_state_t

Enumeration for the possible flash Swap status.

typedef enum _ftfx_swap_block_status ftfx_swap_block_status_t

Enumeration for the possible flash Swap block status.

typedef struct _ftfx_swap_state_config ftfx_swap_state_config_t

Flash Swap information.

typedef struct _ftfx_special_mem ftfx_spec_mem_t

ftfx special memory access information.

typedef struct _ftfx_mem_descriptor ftfx_mem_desc_t

Flash memory descriptor.

typedef struct _ftfx_ops_config ftfx_ops_config_t

Active FTFx information for the current operation.

typedef struct _ftfx_ifr_descriptor ftfx_ifr_desc_t

Flash IFR memory descriptor.

typedef struct _ftfx_config ftfx_config_t

Flash driver state information.

An instance of this structure is allocated by the user of the flash driver and passed into each of the driver APIs.

struct _ftfx_swap_state_config
#include <fsl_ftfx_controller.h>

Flash Swap information.

Public Members

ftfx_swap_state_t flashSwapState

The current Swap system status.

ftfx_swap_block_status_t currentSwapBlockStatus

The current Swap block status.

ftfx_swap_block_status_t nextSwapBlockStatus

The next Swap block status.

struct _ftfx_special_mem
#include <fsl_ftfx_controller.h>

ftfx special memory access information.

Public Members

uint32_t base

Base address of flash special memory.

uint32_t size

size of flash special memory.

uint32_t count

flash special memory count.

struct _ftfx_mem_descriptor
#include <fsl_ftfx_controller.h>

Flash memory descriptor.

Public Members

uint32_t blockBase

A base address of the flash block

uint32_t aliasBlockBase

A base address of the alias flash block

uint32_t totalSize

The size of the flash block.

uint32_t sectorSize

The size in bytes of a sector of flash.

uint32_t blockCount

A number of flash blocks.

struct _ftfx_ops_config
#include <fsl_ftfx_controller.h>

Active FTFx information for the current operation.

Public Members

uint32_t convertedAddress

A converted address for the current flash type.

struct _ftfx_ifr_descriptor
#include <fsl_ftfx_controller.h>

Flash IFR memory descriptor.

union function_ptr_t
#include <fsl_ftfx_controller.h>

Public Members

uint32_t commadAddr
void (*callFlashCommand)(volatile uint8_t *FTMRx_fstat)
struct _ftfx_config
#include <fsl_ftfx_controller.h>

Flash driver state information.

An instance of this structure is allocated by the user of the flash driver and passed into each of the driver APIs.

Public Members

uint32_t flexramBlockBase

The base address of the FlexRAM/acceleration RAM

uint32_t flexramTotalSize

The size of the FlexRAM/acceleration RAM

uint16_t eepromTotalSize

The size of EEPROM area which was partitioned from FlexRAM

function_ptr_t runCmdFuncAddr

An buffer point to the flash execute-in-RAM function.

struct __unnamed8__

Public Members

uint8_t type

Type of flash block.

uint8_t index

Index of flash block.

struct feature
struct addrAligment
struct feature
struct resRange

Public Members

uint8_t versionIdStart

Version ID start address

uint32_t pflashIfrStart

Program Flash 0 IFR start address

uint32_t dflashIfrStart

Data Flash 0 IFR start address

uint32_t pflashSwapIfrStart

Program Flash Swap IFR start address

struct idxInfo

ftfx feature


Flash driver location.

Used for the flash resident application.


Flash Driver Export option.

Used for the MCUXpresso SDK application.


Indicates whether the secondary flash has its own protection register in flash module.


Indicates whether the secondary flash has its own Execute-Only access register in flash module.


Indicates whether the secondary flash is supported in the Flash driver.


Ftftx FLASH Driver

status_t FLASH_Init(flash_config_t *config)

Initializes the global flash properties structure members.

This function checks and initializes the Flash module for the other Flash APIs.

  • config – Pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_PartitionStatusUpdateFailure – Failed to update the partition status.

status_t FLASH_Erase(flash_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint32_t lengthInBytes, uint32_t key)

Erases the Dflash sectors encompassed by parameters passed into function.

This function erases the appropriate number of flash sectors based on the desired start address and length.

  • config – The pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • start – The start address of the desired flash memory to be erased. The start address does not need to be sector-aligned but must be word-aligned.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words) to be erased. Must be word-aligned.

  • key – The value used to validate all flash erase APIs.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the appropriate number of flash sectors based on the desired start address and length were erased successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError – The parameter is not aligned with the specified baseline.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AddressError – The address is out of range.

  • kStatus_FTFx_EraseKeyError – The API erase key is invalid.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FLASH_EraseSectorNonBlocking(flash_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint32_t key)

Erases the Dflash sectors encompassed by parameters passed into function.

This function erases one flash sector size based on the start address, and it is executed asynchronously.

NOTE: This function can only erase one flash sector at a time, and the other commands can be executed after the previous command has been completed.

  • config – The pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • start – The start address of the desired flash memory to be erased. The start address does not need to be sector-aligned but must be word-aligned.

  • key – The value used to validate all flash erase APIs.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError – The parameter is not aligned with the specified baseline.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AddressError – The address is out of range.

  • kStatus_FTFx_EraseKeyError – The API erase key is invalid.

status_t FLASH_EraseAll(flash_config_t *config, uint32_t key)

Erases entire flexnvm.

  • config – Pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • key – A value used to validate all flash erase APIs.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the all pflash and flexnvm were erased successfully, the swap and eeprom have been reset to unconfigured state.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_EraseKeyError – API erase key is invalid.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during command execution.

  • kStatus_FTFx_PartitionStatusUpdateFailure – Failed to update the partition status.

status_t FLASH_EraseAllUnsecure(flash_config_t *config, uint32_t key)

Erases the entire flexnvm, including protected sectors.

  • config – Pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • key – A value used to validate all flash erase APIs.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the protected sectors of flash were reset to unprotected status.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_EraseKeyError – API erase key is invalid.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during command execution.

  • kStatus_FTFx_PartitionStatusUpdateFailure – Failed to update the partition status.

status_t FLASH_Program(flash_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint8_t *src, uint32_t lengthInBytes)

Programs flash with data at locations passed in through parameters.

This function programs the flash memory with the desired data for a given flash area as determined by the start address and the length.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • start – The start address of the desired flash memory to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.

  • src – A pointer to the source buffer of data that is to be programmed into the flash.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words), to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the desired data were programed successfully into flash based on desired start address and length.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError – Parameter is not aligned with the specified baseline.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AddressError – Address is out of range.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FLASH_ProgramOnce(flash_config_t *config, uint32_t index, uint8_t *src, uint32_t lengthInBytes)

Program the Program-Once-Field through parameters.

This function Program the Program-once-feild with given index and length.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • index – The index indicating the area of program once field to be read.

  • src – A pointer to the source buffer of data that is used to store data to be write.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words), to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; The index indicating the area of program once field was programed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FLASH_ProgramSection(flash_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint8_t *src, uint32_t lengthInBytes)

Programs flash with data at locations passed in through parameters via the Program Section command.

This function programs the flash memory with the desired data for a given flash area as determined by the start address and length.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • start – The start address of the desired flash memory to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.

  • src – A pointer to the source buffer of data that is to be programmed into the flash.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words), to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the desired data have been programed successfully into flash based on start address and length.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError – Parameter is not aligned with specified baseline.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AddressError – Address is out of range.

  • kStatus_FTFx_SetFlexramAsRamError – Failed to set flexram as RAM.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during command execution.

  • kStatus_FTFx_RecoverFlexramAsEepromError – Failed to recover FlexRAM as EEPROM.

status_t FLASH_ReadResource(flash_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint8_t *dst, uint32_t lengthInBytes, ftfx_read_resource_opt_t option)

Reads the resource with data at locations passed in through parameters.

This function reads the flash memory with the desired location for a given flash area as determined by the start address and length.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • start – The start address of the desired flash memory to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.

  • dst – A pointer to the destination buffer of data that is used to store data to be read.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words), to be read. Must be word-aligned.

  • option – The resource option which indicates which area should be read back.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the data have been read successfully from program flash IFR, data flash IFR space, and the Version ID field.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError – Parameter is not aligned with the specified baseline.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FLASH_ReadOnce(flash_config_t *config, uint32_t index, uint8_t *dst, uint32_t lengthInBytes)

Reads the Program Once Field through parameters.

This function reads the read once feild with given index and length.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • index – The index indicating the area of program once field to be read.

  • dst – A pointer to the destination buffer of data that is used to store data to be read.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words), to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the data have been successfuly read form Program flash0 IFR map and Program Once field based on index and length.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FLASH_VerifyErase(flash_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint32_t lengthInBytes, ftfx_margin_value_t margin)

Verifies an erasure of the desired flash area at a specified margin level.

This function checks the appropriate number of flash sectors based on the desired start address and length to check whether the flash is erased to the specified read margin level.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • start – The start address of the desired flash memory to be verified. The start address does not need to be sector-aligned but must be word-aligned.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words), to be verified. Must be word-aligned.

  • margin – Read margin choice.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the specified FLASH region has been erased.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError – Parameter is not aligned with specified baseline.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AddressError – Address is out of range.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FLASH_VerifyEraseAll(flash_config_t *config, ftfx_margin_value_t margin)

Verifies erasure of the entire flash at a specified margin level.

This function checks whether the flash is erased to the specified read margin level.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • margin – Read margin choice.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; all program flash and flexnvm were in erased state.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FLASH_VerifyProgram(flash_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint32_t lengthInBytes, const uint8_t *expectedData, ftfx_margin_value_t margin, uint32_t *failedAddress, uint32_t *failedData)

Verifies programming of the desired flash area at a specified margin level.

This function verifies the data programmed in the flash memory using the Flash Program Check Command and compares it to the expected data for a given flash area as determined by the start address and length.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • start – The start address of the desired flash memory to be verified. Must be word-aligned.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words), to be verified. Must be word-aligned.

  • expectedData – A pointer to the expected data that is to be verified against.

  • margin – Read margin choice.

  • failedAddress – A pointer to the returned failing address.

  • failedData – A pointer to the returned failing data. Some derivatives do not include failed data as part of the FCCOBx registers. In this case, zeros are returned upon failure.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the desired data have been successfully programed into specified FLASH region.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError – Parameter is not aligned with specified baseline.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AddressError – Address is out of range.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FLASH_GetSecurityState(flash_config_t *config, ftfx_security_state_t *state)

Returns the security state via the pointer passed into the function.

This function retrieves the current flash security status, including the security enabling state and the backdoor key enabling state.

  • config – A pointer to storage for the driver runtime state.

  • state – A pointer to the value returned for the current security status code:

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the security state of flash was stored to state.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

status_t FLASH_SecurityBypass(flash_config_t *config, const uint8_t *backdoorKey)

Allows users to bypass security with a backdoor key.

If the MCU is in secured state, this function unsecures the MCU by comparing the provided backdoor key with ones in the flash configuration field.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • backdoorKey – A pointer to the user buffer containing the backdoor key.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FLASH_SetFlexramFunction(flash_config_t *config, ftfx_flexram_func_opt_t option)

Sets the FlexRAM function command.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • option – The option used to set the work mode of FlexRAM.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the FlexRAM has been successfully configured as RAM or EEPROM.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FLASH_Swap(flash_config_t *config, uint32_t address, bool isSetEnable)

Swaps the lower half flash with the higher half flash.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • address – Address used to configure the flash swap function

  • isSetEnable – The possible option used to configure the Flash Swap function or check the flash Swap status.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the lower half flash and higher half flash have been swaped.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError – Parameter is not aligned with specified baseline.

  • kStatus_FTFx_SwapIndicatorAddressError – Swap indicator address is invalid.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during command execution.

  • kStatus_FTFx_SwapSystemNotInUninitialized – Swap system is not in an uninitialized state.

status_t FLASH_IsProtected(flash_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint32_t lengthInBytes, flash_prot_state_t *protection_state)

Returns the protection state of the desired flash area via the pointer passed into the function.

This function retrieves the current flash protect status for a given flash area as determined by the start address and length.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • start – The start address of the desired flash memory to be checked. Must be word-aligned.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words) to be checked. Must be word-aligned.

  • protection_state – A pointer to the value returned for the current protection status code for the desired flash area.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the protection state of specified FLASH region was stored to protection_state.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError – Parameter is not aligned with specified baseline.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AddressError – The address is out of range.

status_t FLASH_IsExecuteOnly(flash_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint32_t lengthInBytes, flash_xacc_state_t *access_state)

Returns the access state of the desired flash area via the pointer passed into the function.

This function retrieves the current flash access status for a given flash area as determined by the start address and length.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • start – The start address of the desired flash memory to be checked. Must be word-aligned.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words), to be checked. Must be word-aligned.

  • access_state – A pointer to the value returned for the current access status code for the desired flash area.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the executeOnly state of specified FLASH region was stored to access_state.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError – The parameter is not aligned to the specified baseline.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AddressError – The address is out of range.

status_t FLASH_PflashSetProtection(flash_config_t *config, pflash_prot_status_t *protectStatus)

Sets the PFlash Protection to the intended protection status.

  • config – A pointer to storage for the driver runtime state.

  • protectStatus – The expected protect status to set to the PFlash protection register. Each bit is corresponding to protection of 1/32(64) of the total PFlash. The least significant bit is corresponding to the lowest address area of PFlash. The most significant bit is corresponding to the highest address area of PFlash. There are two possible cases as shown below: 0: this area is protected. 1: this area is unprotected.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the specified FLASH region is protected.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during command execution.

status_t FLASH_PflashGetProtection(flash_config_t *config, pflash_prot_status_t *protectStatus)

Gets the PFlash protection status.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • protectStatus – Protect status returned by the PFlash IP. Each bit is corresponding to the protection of 1/32(64) of the total PFlash. The least significant bit corresponds to the lowest address area of the PFlash. The most significant bit corresponds to the highest address area of PFlash. There are two possible cases as shown below: 0: this area is protected. 1: this area is unprotected.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the Protection state was stored to protectStatus;

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

status_t FLASH_GetProperty(flash_config_t *config, flash_property_tag_t whichProperty, uint32_t *value)

Returns the desired flash property.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • whichProperty – The desired property from the list of properties in enum flash_property_tag_t

  • value – A pointer to the value returned for the desired flash property.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the flash property was stored to value.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_UnknownProperty – An unknown property tag.

status_t FLASH_GetCommandState(void)

Get previous command status.

This function is used to obtain the execution status of the previous command.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – The previous command is executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.


Flash driver version for SDK.

Version 3.1.3.


Flash driver version for ROM.

Version 3.0.0.

enum _flash_protection_state

Enumeration for the three possible flash protection levels.


enumerator kFLASH_ProtectionStateUnprotected

Flash region is not protected.

enumerator kFLASH_ProtectionStateProtected

Flash region is protected.

enumerator kFLASH_ProtectionStateMixed

Flash is mixed with protected and unprotected region.

enum _flash_execute_only_access_state

Enumeration for the three possible flash execute access levels.


enumerator kFLASH_AccessStateUnLimited

Flash region is unlimited.

enumerator kFLASH_AccessStateExecuteOnly

Flash region is execute only.

enumerator kFLASH_AccessStateMixed

Flash is mixed with unlimited and execute only region.

enum _flash_property_tag

Enumeration for various flash properties.


enumerator kFLASH_PropertyPflash0SectorSize

Pflash sector size property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyPflash0TotalSize

Pflash total size property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyPflash0BlockSize

Pflash block size property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyPflash0BlockCount

Pflash block count property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyPflash0BlockBaseAddr

Pflash block base address property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyPflash0FacSupport

Pflash fac support property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyPflash0AccessSegmentSize

Pflash access segment size property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyPflash0AccessSegmentCount

Pflash access segment count property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyPflash1SectorSize

Pflash sector size property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyPflash1TotalSize

Pflash total size property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyPflash1BlockSize

Pflash block size property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyPflash1BlockCount

Pflash block count property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyPflash1BlockBaseAddr

Pflash block base address property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyPflash1FacSupport

Pflash fac support property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyPflash1AccessSegmentSize

Pflash access segment size property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyPflash1AccessSegmentCount

Pflash access segment count property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyFlexRamBlockBaseAddr

FlexRam block base address property.

enumerator kFLASH_PropertyFlexRamTotalSize

FlexRam total size property.

typedef enum _flash_protection_state flash_prot_state_t

Enumeration for the three possible flash protection levels.

typedef union _pflash_protection_status pflash_prot_status_t

PFlash protection status.

typedef enum _flash_execute_only_access_state flash_xacc_state_t

Enumeration for the three possible flash execute access levels.

typedef enum _flash_property_tag flash_property_tag_t

Enumeration for various flash properties.

typedef struct _flash_config flash_config_t

Flash driver state information.

An instance of this structure is allocated by the user of the flash driver and passed into each of the driver APIs.

union _pflash_protection_status
#include <fsl_ftfx_flash.h>

PFlash protection status.

Public Members

uint32_t protl

PROT[31:0] .

uint32_t proth


uint8_t protsl

PROTS[7:0] .

uint8_t protsh

PROTS[15:8] .

uint8_t reserved[2]
struct _flash_config
#include <fsl_ftfx_flash.h>

Flash driver state information.

An instance of this structure is allocated by the user of the flash driver and passed into each of the driver APIs.

Ftftx FLEXNVM Driver

status_t FLEXNVM_Init(flexnvm_config_t *config)

Initializes the global flash properties structure members.

This function checks and initializes the Flash module for the other Flash APIs.

  • config – Pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_PartitionStatusUpdateFailure – Failed to update the partition status.

status_t FLEXNVM_DflashErase(flexnvm_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint32_t lengthInBytes, uint32_t key)

Erases the Dflash sectors encompassed by parameters passed into function.

This function erases the appropriate number of flash sectors based on the desired start address and length.

  • config – The pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • start – The start address of the desired flash memory to be erased. The start address does not need to be sector-aligned but must be word-aligned.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words) to be erased. Must be word-aligned.

  • key – The value used to validate all flash erase APIs.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the appropriate number of date flash sectors based on the desired start address and length were erased successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError – The parameter is not aligned with the specified baseline.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AddressError – The address is out of range.

  • kStatus_FTFx_EraseKeyError – The API erase key is invalid.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FLEXNVM_EraseAll(flexnvm_config_t *config, uint32_t key)

Erases entire flexnvm.

  • config – Pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • key – A value used to validate all flash erase APIs.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the entire flexnvm has been erased successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_EraseKeyError – API erase key is invalid.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during command execution.

  • kStatus_FTFx_PartitionStatusUpdateFailure – Failed to update the partition status.

status_t FLEXNVM_EraseAllUnsecure(flexnvm_config_t *config, uint32_t key)

Erases the entire flexnvm, including protected sectors.

  • config – Pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • key – A value used to validate all flash erase APIs.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the flexnvm is not in securityi state.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_EraseKeyError – API erase key is invalid.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during command execution.

  • kStatus_FTFx_PartitionStatusUpdateFailure – Failed to update the partition status.

status_t FLEXNVM_DflashProgram(flexnvm_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint8_t *src, uint32_t lengthInBytes)

Programs flash with data at locations passed in through parameters.

This function programs the flash memory with the desired data for a given flash area as determined by the start address and the length.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • start – The start address of the desired flash memory to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.

  • src – A pointer to the source buffer of data that is to be programmed into the flash.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words), to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the desired date have been successfully programed into specified date flash region.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError – Parameter is not aligned with the specified baseline.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AddressError – Address is out of range.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FLEXNVM_DflashProgramSection(flexnvm_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint8_t *src, uint32_t lengthInBytes)

Programs flash with data at locations passed in through parameters via the Program Section command.

This function programs the flash memory with the desired data for a given flash area as determined by the start address and length.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • start – The start address of the desired flash memory to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.

  • src – A pointer to the source buffer of data that is to be programmed into the flash.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words), to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the desired date have been successfully programed into specified date flash area.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError – Parameter is not aligned with specified baseline.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AddressError – Address is out of range.

  • kStatus_FTFx_SetFlexramAsRamError – Failed to set flexram as RAM.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during command execution.

  • kStatus_FTFx_RecoverFlexramAsEepromError – Failed to recover FlexRAM as EEPROM.

status_t FLEXNVM_ProgramPartition(flexnvm_config_t *config, ftfx_partition_flexram_load_opt_t option, uint32_t eepromDataSizeCode, uint32_t flexnvmPartitionCode)

Prepares the FlexNVM block for use as data flash, EEPROM backup, or a combination of both and initializes the FlexRAM.

  • config – Pointer to storage for the driver runtime state.

  • option – The option used to set FlexRAM load behavior during reset.

  • eepromDataSizeCode – Determines the amount of FlexRAM used in each of the available EEPROM subsystems.

  • flexnvmPartitionCode – Specifies how to split the FlexNVM block between data flash memory and EEPROM backup memory supporting EEPROM functions.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the FlexNVM block for use as data flash, EEPROM backup, or a combination of both have been Prepared.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during command execution.

status_t FLEXNVM_ReadResource(flexnvm_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint8_t *dst, uint32_t lengthInBytes, ftfx_read_resource_opt_t option)

Reads the resource with data at locations passed in through parameters.

This function reads the flash memory with the desired location for a given flash area as determined by the start address and length.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • start – The start address of the desired flash memory to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.

  • dst – A pointer to the destination buffer of data that is used to store data to be read.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words), to be read. Must be word-aligned.

  • option – The resource option which indicates which area should be read back.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the data have been read successfully from program flash IFR, data flash IFR space, and the Version ID field

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError – Parameter is not aligned with the specified baseline.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FLEXNVM_DflashVerifyErase(flexnvm_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint32_t lengthInBytes, ftfx_margin_value_t margin)

Verifies an erasure of the desired flash area at a specified margin level.

This function checks the appropriate number of flash sectors based on the desired start address and length to check whether the flash is erased to the specified read margin level.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • start – The start address of the desired flash memory to be verified. The start address does not need to be sector-aligned but must be word-aligned.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words), to be verified. Must be word-aligned.

  • margin – Read margin choice.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the specified data flash region is in erased state.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError – Parameter is not aligned with specified baseline.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AddressError – Address is out of range.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FLEXNVM_VerifyEraseAll(flexnvm_config_t *config, ftfx_margin_value_t margin)

Verifies erasure of the entire flash at a specified margin level.

This function checks whether the flash is erased to the specified read margin level.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • margin – Read margin choice.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the entire flexnvm region is in erased state.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FLEXNVM_DflashVerifyProgram(flexnvm_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint32_t lengthInBytes, const uint8_t *expectedData, ftfx_margin_value_t margin, uint32_t *failedAddress, uint32_t *failedData)

Verifies programming of the desired flash area at a specified margin level.

This function verifies the data programmed in the flash memory using the Flash Program Check Command and compares it to the expected data for a given flash area as determined by the start address and length.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • start – The start address of the desired flash memory to be verified. Must be word-aligned.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words), to be verified. Must be word-aligned.

  • expectedData – A pointer to the expected data that is to be verified against.

  • margin – Read margin choice.

  • failedAddress – A pointer to the returned failing address.

  • failedData – A pointer to the returned failing data. Some derivatives do not include failed data as part of the FCCOBx registers. In this case, zeros are returned upon failure.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the desired data hve been programed successfully into specified data flash region.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AlignmentError – Parameter is not aligned with specified baseline.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AddressError – Address is out of range.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FLEXNVM_GetSecurityState(flexnvm_config_t *config, ftfx_security_state_t *state)

Returns the security state via the pointer passed into the function.

This function retrieves the current flash security status, including the security enabling state and the backdoor key enabling state.

  • config – A pointer to storage for the driver runtime state.

  • state – A pointer to the value returned for the current security status code:

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the security state of flexnvm was stored to state.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

status_t FLEXNVM_SecurityBypass(flexnvm_config_t *config, const uint8_t *backdoorKey)

Allows users to bypass security with a backdoor key.

If the MCU is in secured state, this function unsecures the MCU by comparing the provided backdoor key with ones in the flash configuration field.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • backdoorKey – A pointer to the user buffer containing the backdoor key.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FLEXNVM_SetFlexramFunction(flexnvm_config_t *config, ftfx_flexram_func_opt_t option)

Sets the FlexRAM function command.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • option – The option used to set the work mode of FlexRAM.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the FlexRAM has been successfully configured as RAM or EEPROM

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ExecuteInRamFunctionNotReady – Execute-in-RAM function is not available.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AccessError – Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during the command execution.

status_t FLEXNVM_DflashSetProtection(flexnvm_config_t *config, uint8_t protectStatus)

Sets the DFlash protection to the intended protection status.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • protectStatus – The expected protect status to set to the DFlash protection register. Each bit corresponds to the protection of the 1/8 of the total DFlash. The least significant bit corresponds to the lowest address area of the DFlash. The most significant bit corresponds to the highest address area of the DFlash. There are two possible cases as shown below: 0: this area is protected. 1: this area is unprotected.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the specified DFlash region is protected.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandNotSupported – Flash API is not supported.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during command execution.

status_t FLEXNVM_DflashGetProtection(flexnvm_config_t *config, uint8_t *protectStatus)

Gets the DFlash protection status.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • protectStatus – DFlash Protect status returned by the PFlash IP. Each bit corresponds to the protection of the 1/8 of the total DFlash. The least significant bit corresponds to the lowest address area of the DFlash. The most significant bit corresponds to the highest address area of the DFlash, and so on. There are two possible cases as below: 0: this area is protected. 1: this area is unprotected.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandNotSupported – Flash API is not supported.

status_t FLEXNVM_EepromSetProtection(flexnvm_config_t *config, uint8_t protectStatus)

Sets the EEPROM protection to the intended protection status.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • protectStatus – The expected protect status to set to the EEPROM protection register. Each bit corresponds to the protection of the 1/8 of the total EEPROM. The least significant bit corresponds to the lowest address area of the EEPROM. The most significant bit corresponds to the highest address area of EEPROM, and so on. There are two possible cases as shown below: 0: this area is protected. 1: this area is unprotected.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandNotSupported – Flash API is not supported.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandFailure – Run-time error during command execution.

status_t FLEXNVM_EepromGetProtection(flexnvm_config_t *config, uint8_t *protectStatus)

Gets the EEPROM protection status.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • protectStatus – DFlash Protect status returned by the PFlash IP. Each bit corresponds to the protection of the 1/8 of the total EEPROM. The least significant bit corresponds to the lowest address area of the EEPROM. The most significant bit corresponds to the highest address area of the EEPROM. There are two possible cases as below: 0: this area is protected. 1: this area is unprotected.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_CommandNotSupported – Flash API is not supported.

status_t FLEXNVM_GetProperty(flexnvm_config_t *config, flexnvm_property_tag_t whichProperty, uint32_t *value)

Returns the desired flexnvm property.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • whichProperty – The desired property from the list of properties in enum flexnvm_property_tag_t

  • value – A pointer to the value returned for the desired flexnvm property.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_UnknownProperty – An unknown property tag.

enum _flexnvm_property_tag

Enumeration for various flexnvm properties.


enumerator kFLEXNVM_PropertyDflashSectorSize

Dflash sector size property.

enumerator kFLEXNVM_PropertyDflashTotalSize

Dflash total size property.

enumerator kFLEXNVM_PropertyDflashBlockSize

Dflash block size property.

enumerator kFLEXNVM_PropertyDflashBlockCount

Dflash block count property.

enumerator kFLEXNVM_PropertyDflashBlockBaseAddr

Dflash block base address property.

enumerator kFLEXNVM_PropertyAliasDflashBlockBaseAddr

Dflash block base address Alias property.

enumerator kFLEXNVM_PropertyFlexRamBlockBaseAddr

FlexRam block base address property.

enumerator kFLEXNVM_PropertyFlexRamTotalSize

FlexRam total size property.

enumerator kFLEXNVM_PropertyEepromTotalSize

EEPROM total size property.

typedef enum _flexnvm_property_tag flexnvm_property_tag_t

Enumeration for various flexnvm properties.

typedef struct _flexnvm_config flexnvm_config_t

Flexnvm driver state information.

An instance of this structure is allocated by the user of the Flexnvm driver and passed into each of the driver APIs.

status_t FLEXNVM_EepromWrite(flexnvm_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint8_t *src, uint32_t lengthInBytes)

Programs the EEPROM with data at locations passed in through parameters.

This function programs the emulated EEPROM with the desired data for a given flash area as determined by the start address and length.

  • config – A pointer to the storage for the driver runtime state.

  • start – The start address of the desired flash memory to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.

  • src – A pointer to the source buffer of data that is to be programmed into the flash.

  • lengthInBytes – The length, given in bytes (not words or long-words), to be programmed. Must be word-aligned.

Return values:
  • kStatus_FTFx_Success – API was executed successfully; the desires data have been successfully programed into specified eeprom region.

  • kStatus_FTFx_InvalidArgument – An invalid argument is provided.

  • kStatus_FTFx_AddressError – Address is out of range.

  • kStatus_FTFx_SetFlexramAsEepromError – Failed to set flexram as eeprom.

  • kStatus_FTFx_ProtectionViolation – The program/erase operation is requested to execute on protected areas.

  • kStatus_FTFx_RecoverFlexramAsRamError – Failed to recover the FlexRAM as RAM.

struct _flexnvm_config
#include <fsl_ftfx_flexnvm.h>

Flexnvm driver state information.

An instance of this structure is allocated by the user of the Flexnvm driver and passed into each of the driver APIs.

ftfx utilities


Alignment(down) utility.

ALIGN_UP(x, a)

Alignment(up) utility.

MAKE_VERSION(major, minor, bugfix)

Constructs the version number for drivers.

MAKE_STATUS(group, code)

Constructs a status code value from a group and a code number.

FOUR_CHAR_CODE(a, b, c, d)

Constructs the four character code for the Flash driver API key.


bytes2word utility.

BYTE2WORD_1_3(x, y)
BYTE2WORD_2_2(x, y)
BYTE2WORD_3_1(x, y)
BYTE2WORD_1_1_2(x, y, z)
BYTE2WORD_1_2_1(x, y, z)
BYTE2WORD_2_1_1(x, y, z)
BYTE2WORD_1_1_1_1(x, y, z, w)

GPIO: General-Purpose Input/Output Driver


GPIO driver version.

enum _gpio_pin_direction

GPIO direction definition.


enumerator kGPIO_DigitalInput

Set current pin as digital input

enumerator kGPIO_DigitalOutput

Set current pin as digital output

enum _gpio_checker_attribute

GPIO checker attribute.


enumerator kGPIO_UsernonsecureRWUsersecureRWPrivilegedsecureRW

User nonsecure:Read+Write; User Secure:Read+Write; Privileged Secure:Read+Write

enumerator kGPIO_UsernonsecureRUsersecureRWPrivilegedsecureRW

User nonsecure:Read; User Secure:Read+Write; Privileged Secure:Read+Write

enumerator kGPIO_UsernonsecureNUsersecureRWPrivilegedsecureRW

User nonsecure:None; User Secure:Read+Write; Privileged Secure:Read+Write

enumerator kGPIO_UsernonsecureRUsersecureRPrivilegedsecureRW

User nonsecure:Read; User Secure:Read; Privileged Secure:Read+Write

enumerator kGPIO_UsernonsecureNUsersecureRPrivilegedsecureRW

User nonsecure:None; User Secure:Read; Privileged Secure:Read+Write

enumerator kGPIO_UsernonsecureNUsersecureNPrivilegedsecureRW

User nonsecure:None; User Secure:None; Privileged Secure:Read+Write

enumerator kGPIO_UsernonsecureNUsersecureNPrivilegedsecureR

User nonsecure:None; User Secure:None; Privileged Secure:Read

enumerator kGPIO_UsernonsecureNUsersecureNPrivilegedsecureN

User nonsecure:None; User Secure:None; Privileged Secure:None

enumerator kGPIO_IgnoreAttributeCheck

Ignores the attribute check

typedef enum _gpio_pin_direction gpio_pin_direction_t

GPIO direction definition.

typedef enum _gpio_checker_attribute gpio_checker_attribute_t

GPIO checker attribute.

typedef struct _gpio_pin_config gpio_pin_config_t

The GPIO pin configuration structure.

Each pin can only be configured as either an output pin or an input pin at a time. If configured as an input pin, leave the outputConfig unused. Note that in some use cases, the corresponding port property should be configured in advance with the PORT_SetPinConfig().

struct _gpio_pin_config
#include <fsl_gpio.h>

The GPIO pin configuration structure.

Each pin can only be configured as either an output pin or an input pin at a time. If configured as an input pin, leave the outputConfig unused. Note that in some use cases, the corresponding port property should be configured in advance with the PORT_SetPinConfig().

Public Members

gpio_pin_direction_t pinDirection

GPIO direction, input or output

uint8_t outputLogic

Set a default output logic, which has no use in input

GPIO Driver

void GPIO_PortInit(GPIO_Type *base)

Initializes the GPIO peripheral.

This function ungates the GPIO clock.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer.

void GPIO_PortDenit(GPIO_Type *base)

Denitializes the GPIO peripheral.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer.

void GPIO_PinInit(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t pin, const gpio_pin_config_t *config)

Initializes a GPIO pin used by the board.

To initialize the GPIO, define a pin configuration, as either input or output, in the user file. Then, call the GPIO_PinInit() function.

This is an example to define an input pin or an output pin configuration.

Define a digital input pin configuration,
gpio_pin_config_t config =
Define a digital output pin configuration,
gpio_pin_config_t config =

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)

  • pin – GPIO port pin number

  • config – GPIO pin configuration pointer

static inline void GPIO_PinWrite(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t pin, uint8_t output)

Sets the output level of the multiple GPIO pins to the logic 1 or 0.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)

  • pin – GPIO pin number

  • output – GPIO pin output logic level.

    • 0: corresponding pin output low-logic level.

    • 1: corresponding pin output high-logic level.

static inline void GPIO_PortSet(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Sets the output level of the multiple GPIO pins to the logic 1.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)

  • mask – GPIO pin number macro

static inline void GPIO_PortClear(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Sets the output level of the multiple GPIO pins to the logic 0.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)

  • mask – GPIO pin number macro

static inline void GPIO_PortToggle(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Reverses the current output logic of the multiple GPIO pins.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)

  • mask – GPIO pin number macro

static inline uint32_t GPIO_PinRead(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t pin)

Reads the current input value of the GPIO port.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)

  • pin – GPIO pin number

Return values:

GPIO – port input value

  • 0: corresponding pin input low-logic level.

  • 1: corresponding pin input high-logic level.

uint32_t GPIO_PortGetInterruptFlags(GPIO_Type *base)

Reads the GPIO port interrupt status flag.

If a pin is configured to generate the DMA request, the corresponding flag is cleared automatically at the completion of the requested DMA transfer. Otherwise, the flag remains set until a logic one is written to that flag. If configured for a level sensitive interrupt that remains asserted, the flag is set again immediately.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)

Return values:

The – current GPIO port interrupt status flag, for example, 0x00010001 means the pin 0 and 17 have the interrupt.

void GPIO_PortClearInterruptFlags(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Clears multiple GPIO pin interrupt status flags.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)

  • mask – GPIO pin number macro

void GPIO_CheckAttributeBytes(GPIO_Type *base, gpio_checker_attribute_t attribute)

brief The GPIO module supports a device-specific number of data ports, organized as 32-bit words/8-bit Bytes. Each 32-bit/8-bit data port includes a GACR register, which defines the byte-level attributes required for a successful access to the GPIO programming model. If the GPIO module’s GACR register organized as 32-bit words, the attribute controls for the 4 data bytes in the GACR follow a standard little endian data convention.

  • base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)

  • attribute – GPIO checker attribute

I2C: Inter-Integrated Circuit Driver

I2C DMA Driver

void I2C_MasterTransferCreateHandleDMA(I2C_Type *base, i2c_master_dma_handle_t *handle, i2c_master_dma_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData, dma_handle_t *dmaHandle)

Initializes the I2C handle which is used in transactional functions.

  • base – I2C peripheral base address

  • handle – Pointer to the i2c_master_dma_handle_t structure

  • callback – Pointer to the user callback function

  • userData – A user parameter passed to the callback function

  • dmaHandle – DMA handle pointer

status_t I2C_MasterTransferDMA(I2C_Type *base, i2c_master_dma_handle_t *handle, i2c_master_transfer_t *xfer)

Performs a master DMA non-blocking transfer on the I2C bus.

  • base – I2C peripheral base address

  • handle – A pointer to the i2c_master_dma_handle_t structure

  • xfer – A pointer to the transfer structure of the i2c_master_transfer_t

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Successfully completes the data transmission.

  • kStatus_I2C_Busy – A previous transmission is still not finished.

  • kStatus_I2C_Timeout – A transfer error, waits for the signal timeout.

  • kStatus_I2C_ArbitrationLost – A transfer error, arbitration lost.

  • kStataus_I2C_Nak – A transfer error, receives NAK during transfer.

status_t I2C_MasterTransferGetCountDMA(I2C_Type *base, i2c_master_dma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)

Gets a master transfer status during a DMA non-blocking transfer.

  • base – I2C peripheral base address

  • handle – A pointer to the i2c_master_dma_handle_t structure

  • count – A number of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.

void I2C_MasterTransferAbortDMA(I2C_Type *base, i2c_master_dma_handle_t *handle)

Aborts a master DMA non-blocking transfer early.

  • base – I2C peripheral base address

  • handle – A pointer to the i2c_master_dma_handle_t structure.


I2C DMA driver version.

typedef struct _i2c_master_dma_handle i2c_master_dma_handle_t

Retry times for waiting flag.

I2C master DMA handle typedef.

typedef void (*i2c_master_dma_transfer_callback_t)(I2C_Type *base, i2c_master_dma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)

I2C master DMA transfer callback typedef.

struct _i2c_master_dma_handle
#include <fsl_i2c_dma.h>

I2C master DMA transfer structure.

Public Members

i2c_master_transfer_t transfer

I2C master transfer struct.

size_t transferSize

Total bytes to be transferred.

uint8_t state

I2C master transfer status.

dma_handle_t *dmaHandle

The DMA handler used.

i2c_master_dma_transfer_callback_t completionCallback

A callback function called after the DMA transfer finished.

void *userData

A callback parameter passed to the callback function.

I2C Driver

void I2C_MasterInit(I2C_Type *base, const i2c_master_config_t *masterConfig, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)

Initializes the I2C peripheral. Call this API to ungate the I2C clock and configure the I2C with master configuration.


This API should be called at the beginning of the application. Otherwise, any operation to the I2C module can cause a hard fault because the clock is not enabled. The configuration structure can be custom filled or it can be set with default values by using the I2C_MasterGetDefaultConfig(). After calling this API, the master is ready to transfer. This is an example.

i2c_master_config_t config = {
.enableMaster = true,
.enableStopHold = false,
.highDrive = false,
.baudRate_Bps = 100000,
.glitchFilterWidth = 0
I2C_MasterInit(I2C0, &config, 12000000U);

  • base – I2C base pointer

  • masterConfig – A pointer to the master configuration structure

  • srcClock_Hz – I2C peripheral clock frequency in Hz

void I2C_SlaveInit(I2C_Type *base, const i2c_slave_config_t *slaveConfig, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)

Initializes the I2C peripheral. Call this API to ungate the I2C clock and initialize the I2C with the slave configuration.


This API should be called at the beginning of the application. Otherwise, any operation to the I2C module can cause a hard fault because the clock is not enabled. The configuration structure can partly be set with default values by I2C_SlaveGetDefaultConfig() or it can be custom filled by the user. This is an example.

i2c_slave_config_t config = {
.enableSlave = true,
.enableGeneralCall = false,
.addressingMode = kI2C_Address7bit,
.slaveAddress = 0x1DU,
.enableWakeUp = false,
.enablehighDrive = false,
.enableBaudRateCtl = false,
.sclStopHoldTime_ns = 4000
I2C_SlaveInit(I2C0, &config, 12000000U);

  • base – I2C base pointer

  • slaveConfig – A pointer to the slave configuration structure

  • srcClock_Hz – I2C peripheral clock frequency in Hz

void I2C_MasterDeinit(I2C_Type *base)

De-initializes the I2C master peripheral. Call this API to gate the I2C clock. The I2C master module can’t work unless the I2C_MasterInit is called.

  • base – I2C base pointer

void I2C_SlaveDeinit(I2C_Type *base)

De-initializes the I2C slave peripheral. Calling this API gates the I2C clock. The I2C slave module can’t work unless the I2C_SlaveInit is called to enable the clock.

  • base – I2C base pointer

uint32_t I2C_GetInstance(I2C_Type *base)

Get instance number for I2C module.

  • base – I2C peripheral base address.

void I2C_MasterGetDefaultConfig(i2c_master_config_t *masterConfig)

Sets the I2C master configuration structure to default values.

The purpose of this API is to get the configuration structure initialized for use in the I2C_MasterConfigure(). Use the initialized structure unchanged in the I2C_MasterConfigure() or modify the structure before calling the I2C_MasterConfigure(). This is an example.

i2c_master_config_t config;

  • masterConfig – A pointer to the master configuration structure.

void I2C_SlaveGetDefaultConfig(i2c_slave_config_t *slaveConfig)

Sets the I2C slave configuration structure to default values.

The purpose of this API is to get the configuration structure initialized for use in the I2C_SlaveConfigure(). Modify fields of the structure before calling the I2C_SlaveConfigure(). This is an example.

i2c_slave_config_t config;

  • slaveConfig – A pointer to the slave configuration structure.

static inline void I2C_Enable(I2C_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables or disables the I2C peripheral operation.

  • base – I2C base pointer

  • enable – Pass true to enable and false to disable the module.

uint32_t I2C_MasterGetStatusFlags(I2C_Type *base)

Gets the I2C status flags.

  • base – I2C base pointer


status flag, use status flag to AND _i2c_flags to get the related status.

static inline uint32_t I2C_SlaveGetStatusFlags(I2C_Type *base)

Gets the I2C status flags.

  • base – I2C base pointer


status flag, use status flag to AND _i2c_flags to get the related status.

static inline void I2C_MasterClearStatusFlags(I2C_Type *base, uint32_t statusMask)

Clears the I2C status flag state.

The following status register flags can be cleared kI2C_ArbitrationLostFlag and kI2C_IntPendingFlag.

  • base – I2C base pointer

  • statusMask – The status flag mask, defined in type i2c_status_flag_t. The parameter can be any combination of the following values:

    • kI2C_StartDetectFlag (if available)

    • kI2C_StopDetectFlag (if available)

    • kI2C_ArbitrationLostFlag

    • kI2C_IntPendingFlagFlag

static inline void I2C_SlaveClearStatusFlags(I2C_Type *base, uint32_t statusMask)

Clears the I2C status flag state.

The following status register flags can be cleared kI2C_ArbitrationLostFlag and kI2C_IntPendingFlag

  • base – I2C base pointer

  • statusMask – The status flag mask, defined in type i2c_status_flag_t. The parameter can be any combination of the following values:

    • kI2C_StartDetectFlag (if available)

    • kI2C_StopDetectFlag (if available)

    • kI2C_ArbitrationLostFlag

    • kI2C_IntPendingFlagFlag

void I2C_EnableInterrupts(I2C_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Enables I2C interrupt requests.

  • base – I2C base pointer

  • mask – interrupt source The parameter can be combination of the following source if defined:

    • kI2C_GlobalInterruptEnable

    • kI2C_StopDetectInterruptEnable/kI2C_StartDetectInterruptEnable

    • kI2C_SdaTimeoutInterruptEnable

void I2C_DisableInterrupts(I2C_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Disables I2C interrupt requests.

  • base – I2C base pointer

  • mask – interrupt source The parameter can be combination of the following source if defined:

    • kI2C_GlobalInterruptEnable

    • kI2C_StopDetectInterruptEnable/kI2C_StartDetectInterruptEnable

    • kI2C_SdaTimeoutInterruptEnable

static inline void I2C_EnableDMA(I2C_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables/disables the I2C DMA interrupt.

  • base – I2C base pointer

  • enable – true to enable, false to disable

static inline uint32_t I2C_GetDataRegAddr(I2C_Type *base)

Gets the I2C tx/rx data register address. This API is used to provide a transfer address for I2C DMA transfer configuration.

  • base – I2C base pointer


data register address

void I2C_MasterSetBaudRate(I2C_Type *base, uint32_t baudRate_Bps, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)

Sets the I2C master transfer baud rate.

  • base – I2C base pointer

  • baudRate_Bps – the baud rate value in bps

  • srcClock_Hz – Source clock

status_t I2C_MasterStart(I2C_Type *base, uint8_t address, i2c_direction_t direction)

Sends a START on the I2C bus.

This function is used to initiate a new master mode transfer by sending the START signal. The slave address is sent following the I2C START signal.

  • base – I2C peripheral base pointer

  • address – 7-bit slave device address.

  • direction – Master transfer directions(transmit/receive).

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Successfully send the start signal.

  • kStatus_I2C_Busy – Current bus is busy.

status_t I2C_MasterStop(I2C_Type *base)

Sends a STOP signal on the I2C bus.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Successfully send the stop signal.

  • kStatus_I2C_Timeout – Send stop signal failed, timeout.

status_t I2C_MasterRepeatedStart(I2C_Type *base, uint8_t address, i2c_direction_t direction)

Sends a REPEATED START on the I2C bus.

  • base – I2C peripheral base pointer

  • address – 7-bit slave device address.

  • direction – Master transfer directions(transmit/receive).

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Successfully send the start signal.

  • kStatus_I2C_Busy – Current bus is busy but not occupied by current I2C master.

status_t I2C_MasterWriteBlocking(I2C_Type *base, const uint8_t *txBuff, size_t txSize, uint32_t flags)

Performs a polling send transaction on the I2C bus.

  • base – The I2C peripheral base pointer.

  • txBuff – The pointer to the data to be transferred.

  • txSize – The length in bytes of the data to be transferred.

  • flags – Transfer control flag to decide whether need to send a stop, use kI2C_TransferDefaultFlag to issue a stop and kI2C_TransferNoStop to not send a stop.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Successfully complete the data transmission.

  • kStatus_I2C_ArbitrationLost – Transfer error, arbitration lost.

  • kStataus_I2C_Nak – Transfer error, receive NAK during transfer.

status_t I2C_MasterReadBlocking(I2C_Type *base, uint8_t *rxBuff, size_t rxSize, uint32_t flags)

Performs a polling receive transaction on the I2C bus.


The I2C_MasterReadBlocking function stops the bus before reading the final byte. Without stopping the bus prior for the final read, the bus issues another read, resulting in garbage data being read into the data register.

  • base – I2C peripheral base pointer.

  • rxBuff – The pointer to the data to store the received data.

  • rxSize – The length in bytes of the data to be received.

  • flags – Transfer control flag to decide whether need to send a stop, use kI2C_TransferDefaultFlag to issue a stop and kI2C_TransferNoStop to not send a stop.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Successfully complete the data transmission.

  • kStatus_I2C_Timeout – Send stop signal failed, timeout.

status_t I2C_SlaveWriteBlocking(I2C_Type *base, const uint8_t *txBuff, size_t txSize)

Performs a polling send transaction on the I2C bus.

  • base – The I2C peripheral base pointer.

  • txBuff – The pointer to the data to be transferred.

  • txSize – The length in bytes of the data to be transferred.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Successfully complete the data transmission.

  • kStatus_I2C_ArbitrationLost – Transfer error, arbitration lost.

  • kStataus_I2C_Nak – Transfer error, receive NAK during transfer.

status_t I2C_SlaveReadBlocking(I2C_Type *base, uint8_t *rxBuff, size_t rxSize)

Performs a polling receive transaction on the I2C bus.

  • base – I2C peripheral base pointer.

  • rxBuff – The pointer to the data to store the received data.

  • rxSize – The length in bytes of the data to be received.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Successfully complete data receive.

  • kStatus_I2C_Timeout – Wait status flag timeout.

status_t I2C_MasterTransferBlocking(I2C_Type *base, i2c_master_transfer_t *xfer)

Performs a master polling transfer on the I2C bus.


The API does not return until the transfer succeeds or fails due to arbitration lost or receiving a NAK.

  • base – I2C peripheral base address.

  • xfer – Pointer to the transfer structure.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Successfully complete the data transmission.

  • kStatus_I2C_Busy – Previous transmission still not finished.

  • kStatus_I2C_Timeout – Transfer error, wait signal timeout.

  • kStatus_I2C_ArbitrationLost – Transfer error, arbitration lost.

  • kStataus_I2C_Nak – Transfer error, receive NAK during transfer.

void I2C_MasterTransferCreateHandle(I2C_Type *base, i2c_master_handle_t *handle, i2c_master_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)

Initializes the I2C handle which is used in transactional functions.

  • base – I2C base pointer.

  • handle – pointer to i2c_master_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.

  • callback – pointer to user callback function.

  • userData – user parameter passed to the callback function.

status_t I2C_MasterTransferNonBlocking(I2C_Type *base, i2c_master_handle_t *handle, i2c_master_transfer_t *xfer)

Performs a master interrupt non-blocking transfer on the I2C bus.


Calling the API returns immediately after transfer initiates. The user needs to call I2C_MasterGetTransferCount to poll the transfer status to check whether the transfer is finished. If the return status is not kStatus_I2C_Busy, the transfer is finished.

  • base – I2C base pointer.

  • handle – pointer to i2c_master_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.

  • xfer – pointer to i2c_master_transfer_t structure.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Successfully start the data transmission.

  • kStatus_I2C_Busy – Previous transmission still not finished.

  • kStatus_I2C_Timeout – Transfer error, wait signal timeout.

status_t I2C_MasterTransferGetCount(I2C_Type *base, i2c_master_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)

Gets the master transfer status during a interrupt non-blocking transfer.

  • base – I2C base pointer.

  • handle – pointer to i2c_master_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.

  • count – Number of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.

Return values:
  • kStatus_InvalidArgument – count is Invalid.

  • kStatus_Success – Successfully return the count.

status_t I2C_MasterTransferAbort(I2C_Type *base, i2c_master_handle_t *handle)

Aborts an interrupt non-blocking transfer early.


This API can be called at any time when an interrupt non-blocking transfer initiates to abort the transfer early.

  • base – I2C base pointer.

  • handle – pointer to i2c_master_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state

Return values:
  • kStatus_I2C_Timeout – Timeout during polling flag.

  • kStatus_Success – Successfully abort the transfer.

void I2C_MasterTransferHandleIRQ(I2C_Type *base, void *i2cHandle)

Master interrupt handler.

  • base – I2C base pointer.

  • i2cHandle – pointer to i2c_master_handle_t structure.

void I2C_SlaveTransferCreateHandle(I2C_Type *base, i2c_slave_handle_t *handle, i2c_slave_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)

Initializes the I2C handle which is used in transactional functions.

  • base – I2C base pointer.

  • handle – pointer to i2c_slave_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.

  • callback – pointer to user callback function.

  • userData – user parameter passed to the callback function.

status_t I2C_SlaveTransferNonBlocking(I2C_Type *base, i2c_slave_handle_t *handle, uint32_t eventMask)

Starts accepting slave transfers.

Call this API after calling the I2C_SlaveInit() and I2C_SlaveTransferCreateHandle() to start processing transactions driven by an I2C master. The slave monitors the I2C bus and passes events to the callback that was passed into the call to I2C_SlaveTransferCreateHandle(). The callback is always invoked from the interrupt context.

The set of events received by the callback is customizable. To do so, set the eventMask parameter to the OR’d combination of i2c_slave_transfer_event_t enumerators for the events you wish to receive. The kI2C_SlaveTransmitEvent and kLPI2C_SlaveReceiveEvent events are always enabled and do not need to be included in the mask. Alternatively, pass 0 to get a default set of only the transmit and receive events that are always enabled. In addition, the kI2C_SlaveAllEvents constant is provided as a convenient way to enable all events.

  • base – The I2C peripheral base address.

  • handle – Pointer to i2c_slave_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.

  • eventMask – Bit mask formed by OR’ing together i2c_slave_transfer_event_t enumerators to specify which events to send to the callback. Other accepted values are 0 to get a default set of only the transmit and receive events, and kI2C_SlaveAllEvents to enable all events.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Slave transfers were successfully started.

  • kStatus_I2C_Busy – Slave transfers have already been started on this handle.

void I2C_SlaveTransferAbort(I2C_Type *base, i2c_slave_handle_t *handle)

Aborts the slave transfer.


This API can be called at any time to stop slave for handling the bus events.

  • base – I2C base pointer.

  • handle – pointer to i2c_slave_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.

status_t I2C_SlaveTransferGetCount(I2C_Type *base, i2c_slave_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)

Gets the slave transfer remaining bytes during a interrupt non-blocking transfer.

  • base – I2C base pointer.

  • handle – pointer to i2c_slave_handle_t structure.

  • count – Number of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.

Return values:
  • kStatus_InvalidArgument – count is Invalid.

  • kStatus_Success – Successfully return the count.

void I2C_SlaveTransferHandleIRQ(I2C_Type *base, void *i2cHandle)

Slave interrupt handler.

  • base – I2C base pointer.

  • i2cHandle – pointer to i2c_slave_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state


I2C driver version.

I2C status return codes.


enumerator kStatus_I2C_Busy

I2C is busy with current transfer.

enumerator kStatus_I2C_Idle

Bus is Idle.

enumerator kStatus_I2C_Nak

NAK received during transfer.

enumerator kStatus_I2C_ArbitrationLost

Arbitration lost during transfer.

enumerator kStatus_I2C_Timeout

Timeout polling status flags.

enumerator kStatus_I2C_Addr_Nak

NAK received during the address probe.

enum _i2c_flags

I2C peripheral flags.


These enumerations are meant to be OR’d together to form a bit mask.


enumerator kI2C_ReceiveNakFlag

I2C receive NAK flag.

enumerator kI2C_IntPendingFlag

I2C interrupt pending flag. This flag can be cleared.

enumerator kI2C_TransferDirectionFlag

I2C transfer direction flag.

enumerator kI2C_RangeAddressMatchFlag

I2C range address match flag.

enumerator kI2C_ArbitrationLostFlag

I2C arbitration lost flag. This flag can be cleared.

enumerator kI2C_BusBusyFlag

I2C bus busy flag.

enumerator kI2C_AddressMatchFlag

I2C address match flag.

enumerator kI2C_TransferCompleteFlag

I2C transfer complete flag.

enumerator kI2C_StopDetectFlag

I2C stop detect flag. This flag can be cleared.

enumerator kI2C_StartDetectFlag

I2C start detect flag. This flag can be cleared.

enum _i2c_interrupt_enable

I2C feature interrupt source.


enumerator kI2C_GlobalInterruptEnable

I2C global interrupt.

enumerator kI2C_StopDetectInterruptEnable

I2C stop detect interrupt.

enumerator kI2C_StartStopDetectInterruptEnable

I2C start&stop detect interrupt.

enum _i2c_direction

The direction of master and slave transfers.


enumerator kI2C_Write

Master transmits to the slave.

enumerator kI2C_Read

Master receives from the slave.

enum _i2c_slave_address_mode

Addressing mode.


enumerator kI2C_Address7bit

7-bit addressing mode.

enumerator kI2C_RangeMatch

Range address match addressing mode.

enum _i2c_master_transfer_flags

I2C transfer control flag.


enumerator kI2C_TransferDefaultFlag

A transfer starts with a start signal, stops with a stop signal.

enumerator kI2C_TransferNoStartFlag

A transfer starts without a start signal, only support write only or write+read with no start flag, do not support read only with no start flag.

enumerator kI2C_TransferRepeatedStartFlag

A transfer starts with a repeated start signal.

enumerator kI2C_TransferNoStopFlag

A transfer ends without a stop signal.

enum _i2c_slave_transfer_event

Set of events sent to the callback for nonblocking slave transfers.

These event enumerations are used for two related purposes. First, a bit mask created by OR’ing together events is passed to I2C_SlaveTransferNonBlocking() to specify which events to enable. Then, when the slave callback is invoked, it is passed the current event through its transfer parameter.


These enumerations are meant to be OR’d together to form a bit mask of events.


enumerator kI2C_SlaveAddressMatchEvent

Received the slave address after a start or repeated start.

enumerator kI2C_SlaveTransmitEvent

A callback is requested to provide data to transmit (slave-transmitter role).

enumerator kI2C_SlaveReceiveEvent

A callback is requested to provide a buffer in which to place received data (slave-receiver role).

enumerator kI2C_SlaveTransmitAckEvent

A callback needs to either transmit an ACK or NACK.

enumerator kI2C_SlaveStartEvent

A start/repeated start was detected.

enumerator kI2C_SlaveCompletionEvent

A stop was detected or finished transfer, completing the transfer.

enumerator kI2C_SlaveGenaralcallEvent

Received the general call address after a start or repeated start.

enumerator kI2C_SlaveAllEvents

A bit mask of all available events.

Common sets of flags used by the driver.


enumerator kClearFlags

All flags which are cleared by the driver upon starting a transfer.

enumerator kIrqFlags
typedef enum _i2c_direction i2c_direction_t

The direction of master and slave transfers.

typedef enum _i2c_slave_address_mode i2c_slave_address_mode_t

Addressing mode.

typedef enum _i2c_slave_transfer_event i2c_slave_transfer_event_t

Set of events sent to the callback for nonblocking slave transfers.

These event enumerations are used for two related purposes. First, a bit mask created by OR’ing together events is passed to I2C_SlaveTransferNonBlocking() to specify which events to enable. Then, when the slave callback is invoked, it is passed the current event through its transfer parameter.


These enumerations are meant to be OR’d together to form a bit mask of events.

typedef struct _i2c_master_config i2c_master_config_t

I2C master user configuration.

typedef struct _i2c_slave_config i2c_slave_config_t

I2C slave user configuration.

typedef struct _i2c_master_handle i2c_master_handle_t

I2C master handle typedef.

typedef void (*i2c_master_transfer_callback_t)(I2C_Type *base, i2c_master_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)

I2C master transfer callback typedef.

typedef struct _i2c_slave_handle i2c_slave_handle_t

I2C slave handle typedef.

typedef struct _i2c_master_transfer i2c_master_transfer_t

I2C master transfer structure.

typedef struct _i2c_slave_transfer i2c_slave_transfer_t

I2C slave transfer structure.

typedef void (*i2c_slave_transfer_callback_t)(I2C_Type *base, i2c_slave_transfer_t *xfer, void *userData)

I2C slave transfer callback typedef.


Retry times for waiting flag.


Mater Fast ack control, control if master needs to manually write ack, this is used to low the speed of transfer for SoCs with feature FSL_FEATURE_I2C_HAS_DOUBLE_BUFFERING.

struct _i2c_master_config
#include <fsl_i2c.h>

I2C master user configuration.

Public Members

bool enableMaster

Enables the I2C peripheral at initialization time.

bool enableStopHold

Controls the stop hold enable.

bool enableDoubleBuffering

Controls double buffer enable; notice that enabling the double buffer disables the clock stretch.

uint32_t baudRate_Bps

Baud rate configuration of I2C peripheral.

uint8_t glitchFilterWidth

Controls the width of the glitch.

struct _i2c_slave_config
#include <fsl_i2c.h>

I2C slave user configuration.

Public Members

bool enableSlave

Enables the I2C peripheral at initialization time.

bool enableGeneralCall

Enables the general call addressing mode.

bool enableWakeUp

Enables/disables waking up MCU from low-power mode.

bool enableDoubleBuffering

Controls a double buffer enable; notice that enabling the double buffer disables the clock stretch.

bool enableBaudRateCtl

Enables/disables independent slave baud rate on SCL in very fast I2C modes.

uint16_t slaveAddress

A slave address configuration.

uint16_t upperAddress

A maximum boundary slave address used in a range matching mode.

i2c_slave_address_mode_t addressingMode

An addressing mode configuration of i2c_slave_address_mode_config_t.

uint32_t sclStopHoldTime_ns

the delay from the rising edge of SCL (I2C clock) to the rising edge of SDA (I2C data) while SCL is high (stop condition), SDA hold time and SCL start hold time are also configured according to the SCL stop hold time.

struct _i2c_master_transfer
#include <fsl_i2c.h>

I2C master transfer structure.

Public Members

uint32_t flags

A transfer flag which controls the transfer.

uint8_t slaveAddress

7-bit slave address.

i2c_direction_t direction

A transfer direction, read or write.

uint32_t subaddress

A sub address. Transferred MSB first.

uint8_t subaddressSize

A size of the command buffer.

uint8_t *volatile data

A transfer buffer.

volatile size_t dataSize

A transfer size.

struct _i2c_master_handle
#include <fsl_i2c.h>

I2C master handle structure.

Public Members

i2c_master_transfer_t transfer

I2C master transfer copy.

size_t transferSize

Total bytes to be transferred.

uint8_t state

A transfer state maintained during transfer.

i2c_master_transfer_callback_t completionCallback

A callback function called when the transfer is finished.

void *userData

A callback parameter passed to the callback function.

struct _i2c_slave_transfer
#include <fsl_i2c.h>

I2C slave transfer structure.

Public Members

i2c_slave_transfer_event_t event

A reason that the callback is invoked.

uint8_t *volatile data

A transfer buffer.

volatile size_t dataSize

A transfer size.

status_t completionStatus

Success or error code describing how the transfer completed. Only applies for kI2C_SlaveCompletionEvent.

size_t transferredCount

A number of bytes actually transferred since the start or since the last repeated start.

struct _i2c_slave_handle
#include <fsl_i2c.h>

I2C slave handle structure.

Public Members

volatile bool isBusy

Indicates whether a transfer is busy.

i2c_slave_transfer_t transfer

I2C slave transfer copy.

uint32_t eventMask

A mask of enabled events.

i2c_slave_transfer_callback_t callback

A callback function called at the transfer event.

void *userData

A callback parameter passed to the callback.


status_t IRTC_Init(RTC_Type *base, const irtc_config_t *config)

Ungates the IRTC clock and configures the peripheral for basic operation.

This function initiates a soft-reset of the IRTC module, this has not effect on DST, calendaring, standby time and tamper detect registers.


This API should be called at the beginning of the application using the IRTC driver.

  • base – IRTC peripheral base address

  • config – Pointer to user’s IRTC config structure.


kStatus_Success If the driver is initialized successfully.


kStatus_Fail if we cannot disable register write protection


kStatus_InvalidArgument If the input parameters are wrong.

status_t IRTC_Deinit(RTC_Type *base)

Gate the IRTC clock.

  • base – IRTC peripheral base address


kStatus_Success If the driver is initialized successfully.


kStatus_InvalidArgument If the input parameters are wrong.

void IRTC_GetDefaultConfig(irtc_config_t *config)

Fill in the IRTC config struct with the default settings.

The default values are:

config->wakeupSelect = true;
config->timerStdMask = false;
config->alrmMatch = kRTC_MatchSecMinHr;

  • config – Pointer to user’s IRTC config structure.

status_t IRTC_SetDatetime(RTC_Type *base, const irtc_datetime_t *datetime)

Sets the IRTC date and time according to the given time structure.

The IRTC counter is started after the time is set.

  • base – IRTC peripheral base address

  • datetime – Pointer to structure where the date and time details to set are stored


kStatus_Success: success in setting the time and starting the IRTC kStatus_InvalidArgument: failure. An error occurs because the datetime format is incorrect.

void IRTC_GetDatetime(RTC_Type *base, irtc_datetime_t *datetime)

Gets the IRTC time and stores it in the given time structure.

  • base – IRTC peripheral base address

  • datetime – Pointer to structure where the date and time details are stored.

status_t IRTC_SetAlarm(RTC_Type *base, const irtc_datetime_t *alarmTime)

Sets the IRTC alarm time.


weekDay field of alarmTime is not used during alarm match and should be set to 0

  • base – RTC peripheral base address

  • alarmTime – Pointer to structure where the alarm time is stored.


kStatus_Success: success in setting the alarm kStatus_InvalidArgument: error in setting the alarm. Error occurs because the alarm datetime format is incorrect.

void IRTC_GetAlarm(RTC_Type *base, irtc_datetime_t *datetime)

Returns the IRTC alarm time.

  • base – RTC peripheral base address

  • datetime – Pointer to structure where the alarm date and time details are stored.

static inline void IRTC_EnableInterrupts(RTC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Enables the selected IRTC interrupts.

  • base – IRTC peripheral base address

  • mask – The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration irtc_interrupt_enable_t

static inline void IRTC_DisableInterrupts(RTC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Disables the selected IRTC interrupts.

  • base – IRTC peripheral base address

  • mask – The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration irtc_interrupt_enable_t

static inline uint32_t IRTC_GetEnabledInterrupts(RTC_Type *base)

Gets the enabled IRTC interrupts.

  • base – IRTC peripheral base address


The enabled interrupts. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration irtc_interrupt_enable_t

static inline uint32_t IRTC_GetStatusFlags(RTC_Type *base)

Gets the IRTC status flags.

  • base – IRTC peripheral base address


The status flags. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration irtc_status_flags_t

static inline void IRTC_ClearStatusFlags(RTC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Clears the IRTC status flags.

  • base – IRTC peripheral base address

  • mask – The status flags to clear. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration irtc_status_flags_t

void IRTC_SetDaylightTime(RTC_Type *base, const irtc_daylight_time_t *datetime)

Sets the IRTC daylight savings start and stop date and time.

It also enables the daylight saving bit in the IRTC control register

  • base – IRTC peripheral base address

  • datetime – Pointer to a structure where the date and time details are stored.

void IRTC_GetDaylightTime(RTC_Type *base, irtc_daylight_time_t *datetime)

Gets the IRTC daylight savings time and stores it in the given time structure.

  • base – IRTC peripheral base address

  • datetime – Pointer to a structure where the date and time details are stored.

void IRTC_SetCoarseCompensation(RTC_Type *base, uint8_t compensationValue, uint8_t compensationInterval)

Enables the coarse compensation and sets the value in the IRTC compensation register.

  • base – IRTC peripheral base address

  • compensationValue – Compensation value is a 2’s complement value.

  • compensationInterval – Compensation interval.

void IRTC_SetFineCompensation(RTC_Type *base, uint8_t integralValue, uint8_t fractionValue, bool accumulateFractional)

Enables the fine compensation and sets the value in the IRTC compensation register.

  • base – The IRTC peripheral base address

  • integralValue – Compensation integral value; twos complement value of the integer part

  • fractionValue – Compensation fraction value expressed as number of clock cycles of a fixed 4.194304Mhz clock that have to be added.

  • accumulateFractional – Flag indicating if we want to add to previous fractional part; true: Add to previously accumulated fractional part, false: Start afresh and overwrite current value

void IRTC_SetTamperParams(RTC_Type *base, irtc_tamper_pins_t tamperNumber, const irtc_tamper_config_t *tamperConfig)

This function allows configuring the four tamper inputs.

The function configures the filter properties for the three external tampers. It also sets up active/passive and direction of the tamper bits, which are not available on all platforms.


This function programs the tamper filter parameters. The user must gate the 32K clock to the RTC before calling this function. It is assumed that the time and date are set after this and the tamper parameters do not require to be changed again later.

  • base – The IRTC peripheral base address

  • tamperNumber – The IRTC tamper input to configure

  • tamperConfig – The IRTC tamper properties

uint8_t IRTC_ReadTamperQueue(RTC_Type *base, irtc_datetime_t *tamperTimestamp)

This function reads the tamper timestamp and returns the associated tamper pin.

The tamper timestamp has month, day, hour, minutes, and seconds. Ignore the year field as this information is not available in the tamper queue. The user should look at the RTC_YEARMON register for this because the expectation is that the queue is read at least once a year. Return the tamper pin number associated with the timestamp.

  • base – The IRTC peripheral base address

  • tamperTimestamp – The tamper timestamp


The tamper pin number

static inline bool IRTC_GetTamperQueueFullStatus(RTC_Type *base)

Gets the IRTC Tamper queue full status.

  • base – IRTC peripheral base address

Return values:
  • true – Tamper queue is full.

  • false – Tamper queue is not full.

static inline void IRTC_ClearTamperQueueFullStatus(RTC_Type *base)

Clear the IRTC Tamper queue full status.

  • base – IRTC peripheral base address

enum _irtc_filter_clock_source

IRTC filter clock source options.


enumerator kIRTC_32K

Use 32 kHz clock source for the tamper filter.

enumerator kIRTC_512

Use 512 Hz clock source for the tamper filter.

enumerator kIRTC_128

Use 128 Hz clock source for the tamper filter.

enumerator kIRTC_64

Use 64 Hz clock source for the tamper filter.

enumerator kIRTC_16

Use 16 Hz clock source for the tamper filter.

enumerator kIRTC_8

Use 8 Hz clock source for the tamper filter.

enumerator kIRTC_4

Use 4 Hz clock source for the tamper filter.

enumerator kIRTC_2

Use 2 Hz clock source for the tamper filter.

enum _irtc_tamper_pins

IRTC Tamper pins.


enumerator kIRTC_Tamper_0

External Tamper 0

enumerator kIRTC_Tamper_1

External Tamper 1

enumerator kIRTC_Tamper_2

External Tamper 2

enumerator kIRTC_Tamper_3

Internal tamper, does not have filter configuration

enum _irtc_interrupt_enable

List of IRTC interrupts.


enumerator kIRTC_TamperInterruptEnable

Tamper Interrupt Enable

enumerator kIRTC_AlarmInterruptEnable

Alarm Interrupt Enable

enumerator kIRTC_DayInterruptEnable

Days Interrupt Enable

enumerator kIRTC_HourInterruptEnable

Hours Interrupt Enable

enumerator kIRTC_MinInterruptEnable

Minutes Interrupt Enable

enumerator kIRTC_1hzInterruptEnable

1 Hz interval Interrupt Enable

enumerator kIRTC_2hzInterruptEnable

2 Hz interval Interrupt Enable

enumerator kIRTC_4hzInterruptEnable

4 Hz interval Interrupt Enable

enumerator kIRTC_8hzInterruptEnable

8 Hz interval Interrupt Enable

enumerator kIRTC_16hzInterruptEnable

16 Hz interval Interrupt Enable

enumerator kIRTC_32hzInterruptEnable

32 Hz interval Interrupt Enable

enumerator kIRTC_64hzInterruptEnable

64 Hz interval Interrupt Enable

enumerator kIRTC_128hzInterruptEnable

128 Hz interval Interrupt Enable

enumerator kIRTC_256hzInterruptEnable

256 Hz interval Interrupt Enable

enumerator kIRTC_512hzInterruptEnable

512 Hz interval Interrupt Enable

enumerator kIRTC_TamperQueueFullInterruptEnable

Tamper queue full Interrupt Enable

enum _irtc_status_flags

List of IRTC flags.


enumerator kIRTC_TamperFlag

Tamper Status flag

enumerator kIRTC_AlarmFlag

Alarm Status flag

enumerator kIRTC_DayFlag

Days Status flag

enumerator kIRTC_HourFlag

Hour Status flag

enumerator kIRTC_MinFlag

Minutes Status flag

enumerator kIRTC_1hzFlag

1 Hz interval status flag

enumerator kIRTC_2hzFlag

2 Hz interval status flag

enumerator kIRTC_4hzFlag

4 Hz interval status flag

enumerator kIRTC_8hzFlag

8 Hz interval status flag

enumerator kIRTC_16hzFlag

16 Hz interval status flag

enumerator kIRTC_32hzFlag

32 Hz interval status flag

enumerator kIRTC_64hzFlag

64 Hz interval status flag

enumerator kIRTC_128hzFlag

128 Hz interval status flag

enumerator kIRTC_256hzFlag

256 Hz interval status flag

enumerator kIRTC_512hzFlag

512 Hz interval status flag

enumerator kIRTC_InvalidFlag

Indicates if time/date counters are invalid

enumerator kIRTC_WriteProtFlag

Write protect enable status flag

enumerator kIRTC_CpuLowVoltFlag

CPU low voltage warning flag

enumerator kIRTC_ResetSrcFlag

Reset source flag

enumerator kIRTC_CmpIntFlag

Compensation interval status flag

enumerator kIRTC_CmpDoneFlag

Compensation done flag

enumerator kIRTC_BusErrFlag

Bus error flag

enum _irtc_alarm_match

IRTC alarm match options.


enumerator kRTC_MatchSecMinHr

Only match second, minute and hour

enumerator kRTC_MatchSecMinHrDay

Only match second, minute, hour and day

enumerator kRTC_MatchSecMinHrDayMnth

Only match second, minute, hour, day and month

enumerator kRTC_MatchSecMinHrDayMnthYr

Only match second, minute, hour, day, month and year

enum _irtc_osc_cap_load

List of RTC Oscillator capacitor load settings.


enumerator kIRTC_Capacitor2p

2pF capacitor load

enumerator kIRTC_Capacitor4p

4pF capacitor load

enumerator kIRTC_Capacitor8p

8pF capacitor load

enumerator kIRTC_Capacitor16p

16pF capacitor load

enum _irtc_clockout_sel

IRTC clockout select.


enumerator kIRTC_ClkoutNo

No clock out

enumerator kIRTC_ClkoutFine1Hz

clock out fine 1Hz

enumerator kIRTC_Clkout32kHz

clock out 32.768kHz

enumerator kIRTC_ClkoutCoarse1Hz

clock out coarse 1Hz

typedef enum _irtc_filter_clock_source irtc_filter_clock_source_t

IRTC filter clock source options.

typedef enum _irtc_tamper_pins irtc_tamper_pins_t

IRTC Tamper pins.

typedef enum _irtc_interrupt_enable irtc_interrupt_enable_t

List of IRTC interrupts.

typedef enum _irtc_status_flags irtc_status_flags_t

List of IRTC flags.

typedef enum _irtc_alarm_match irtc_alarm_match_t

IRTC alarm match options.

typedef enum _irtc_osc_cap_load irtc_osc_cap_load_t

List of RTC Oscillator capacitor load settings.

typedef enum _irtc_clockout_sel irtc_clockout_sel_t

IRTC clockout select.

typedef struct _irtc_datetime irtc_datetime_t

Structure is used to hold the date and time.

typedef struct _irtc_daylight_time irtc_daylight_time_t

Structure is used to hold the daylight saving time.

typedef struct _irtc_tamper_config irtc_tamper_config_t

Structure is used to define the parameters to configure a RTC tamper event.

typedef struct _irtc_config irtc_config_t

RTC config structure.

This structure holds the configuration settings for the RTC peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the IRTC_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your config structure instance.

The config struct can be made const so it resides in flash

static inline void IRTC_SetOscCapLoad(RTC_Type *base, uint16_t capLoad)

This function sets the specified capacitor configuration for the RTC oscillator.

  • base – IRTC peripheral base address

  • capLoad – Oscillator loads to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration irtc_osc_cap_load_t

status_t IRTC_SetWriteProtection(RTC_Type *base, bool lock)

Locks or unlocks IRTC registers for write access.


When the registers are unlocked, they remain in unlocked state for 2 seconds, after which they are locked automatically. After power-on-reset, the registers come out unlocked and they are locked automatically 15 seconds after power on.

  • base – IRTC peripheral base address

  • lock – true: Lock IRTC registers; false: Unlock IRTC registers.


kStatus_Success: if lock or unlock operation is successful kStatus_Fail: if lock or unlock operation fails even after multiple retry attempts

static inline void IRTC_Reset(RTC_Type *base)

Performs a software reset on the IRTC module.

Clears contents of alarm, interrupt (status and enable except tamper interrupt enable bit) registers, STATUS[CMP_DONE] and STATUS[BUS_ERR]. This has no effect on DST, calendaring, standby time and tamper detect registers.

  • base – IRTC peripheral base address

static inline void IRTC_Enable32kClkDuringRegisterWrite(RTC_Type *base, bool enable)

Enable/disable 32 kHz RTC OSC clock during RTC register write.

  • base – IRTC peripheral base address

  • enable – Enable/disable 32 kHz RTC OSC clock.

    • true: Enables the oscillator.

    • false: Disables the oscillator.

void IRTC_ConfigClockOut(RTC_Type *base, irtc_clockout_sel_t clkOut)

Select which clock to output from RTC.

Select which clock to output from RTC for other modules to use inside SoC, for example, RTC subsystem needs RTC to output 1HZ clock for sub-second counter.

  • base – IRTC peripheral base address

  • clkOut – select clock to use for output,

static inline uint8_t IRTC_GetTamperStatusFlag(RTC_Type *base)

Gets the IRTC Tamper status flags.

  • base – IRTC peripheral base address


The Tamper status value.

static inline void IRTC_ClearTamperStatusFlag(RTC_Type *base)

Gets the IRTC Tamper status flags.

  • base – IRTC peripheral base address

static inline void IRTC_SetTamperConfigurationOver(RTC_Type *base)

Set tamper configuration over.

Note that this API is neeeded after call IRTC_SetTamperParams to configure tamper events to notify IRTC module that tamper configuration process is over.

  • base – IRTC peripheral base address

struct _irtc_datetime
#include <fsl_irtc.h>

Structure is used to hold the date and time.

Public Members

uint16_t year

Range from 1984 to 2239.

uint8_t month

Range from 1 to 12.

uint8_t day

Range from 1 to 31 (depending on month).

uint8_t weekDay

Range from 0(Sunday) to 6(Saturday).

uint8_t hour

Range from 0 to 23.

uint8_t minute

Range from 0 to 59.

uint8_t second

Range from 0 to 59.

struct _irtc_daylight_time
#include <fsl_irtc.h>

Structure is used to hold the daylight saving time.

Public Members

uint8_t startMonth

Range from 1 to 12

uint8_t endMonth

Range from 1 to 12

uint8_t startDay

Range from 1 to 31 (depending on month)

uint8_t endDay

Range from 1 to 31 (depending on month)

uint8_t startHour

Range from 0 to 23

uint8_t endHour

Range from 0 to 23

struct _irtc_tamper_config
#include <fsl_irtc.h>

Structure is used to define the parameters to configure a RTC tamper event.

Public Members

bool activePassive

true: configure tamper as active; false: passive tamper

bool direction

true: configure tamper direction as output; false: configure as input; this is only used if a tamper pin is defined as active

bool pinPolarity

true: tamper has active low polarity; false: active high polarity

irtc_filter_clock_source_t filterClk

Clock source for the tamper filter

uint8_t filterDuration

Tamper filter duration.

struct _irtc_config
#include <fsl_irtc.h>

RTC config structure.

This structure holds the configuration settings for the RTC peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the IRTC_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your config structure instance.

The config struct can be made const so it resides in flash

Public Members

bool wakeupSelect

true: Tamper pin 0 is used to wakeup the chip; false: Tamper pin 0 is used as the tamper pin

bool timerStdMask

true: Sampling clocks gated in standby mode; false: Sampling clocks not gated

irtc_alarm_match_t alrmMatch

Pick one option from enumeration :: irtc_alarm_match_t

Common Driver


common driver version.


No debug console.


Debug console based on UART.


Debug console based on LPUART.


Debug console based on LPSCI.


Debug console based on USBCDC.


Debug console based on FLEXCOMM.


Debug console based on i.MX UART.


Debug console based on LPC_VUSART.


Debug console based on LPC_USART.


Debug console based on SWO.


Debug console based on QSCI.

MIN(a, b)

Computes the minimum of a and b.

MAX(a, b)

Computes the maximum of a and b.


Max value of uint16_t type.


Max value of uint32_t type.


Add value val from the variable at address address.


Subtract value val to the variable at address address.


Set the bits specifiled by bits to the variable at address address.


Clear the bits specifiled by bits to the variable at address address.


Toggle the bits specifiled by bits to the variable at address address.

SDK_ATOMIC_LOCAL_CLEAR_AND_SET(addr, clearBits, setBits)

For the variable at address address, clear the bits specifiled by clearBits and set the bits specifiled by setBits.

SDK_ATOMIC_LOCAL_COMPARE_AND_SET(addr, expected, newValue)

For the variable at address address, check whether the value equal to expected. If value same as expected then update newValue to address and return true , else return false .


For the variable at address address, set as newValue value and return old value.

USEC_TO_COUNT(us, clockFreqInHz)

Macro to convert a microsecond period to raw count value

COUNT_TO_USEC(count, clockFreqInHz)

Macro to convert a raw count value to microsecond

MSEC_TO_COUNT(ms, clockFreqInHz)

Macro to convert a millisecond period to raw count value

COUNT_TO_MSEC(count, clockFreqInHz)

Macro to convert a raw count value to millisecond

SDK_SIZEALIGN(var, alignbytes)

Macro to define a variable with L1 d-cache line size alignment

Macro to define a variable with L2 cache line size alignment

Macro to change a value to a given size aligned value


Define a variable var, and place it in non-cacheable section.


Define a variable var, and place it in non-cacheable section, the start address of the variable is aligned to alignbytes.


Define a variable var with initial value, and place it in non-cacheable section.


Define a variable var with initial value, and place it in non-cacheable section, the start address of the variable is aligned to alignbytes.

enum _status_groups

Status group numbers.


enumerator kStatusGroup_Generic

Group number for generic status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_FLASH

Group number for FLASH status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_LPSPI

Group number for LPSPI status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXIO_SPI

Group number for FLEXIO SPI status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_DSPI

Group number for DSPI status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXIO_UART

Group number for FLEXIO UART status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXIO_I2C

Group number for FLEXIO I2C status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_LPI2C

Group number for LPI2C status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_UART

Group number for UART status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_I2C

Group number for UART status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_LPSCI

Group number for LPSCI status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_LPUART

Group number for LPUART status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_SPI

Group number for SPI status code.

enumerator kStatusGroup_XRDC

Group number for XRDC status code.

enumerator kStatusGroup_SEMA42

Group number for SEMA42 status code.

enumerator kStatusGroup_SDHC

Group number for SDHC status code

enumerator kStatusGroup_SDMMC

Group number for SDMMC status code

enumerator kStatusGroup_SAI

Group number for SAI status code

enumerator kStatusGroup_MCG

Group number for MCG status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_SCG

Group number for SCG status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_SDSPI

Group number for SDSPI status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXIO_I2S

Group number for FLEXIO I2S status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXIO_MCULCD

Group number for FLEXIO LCD status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_FLASHIAP

Group number for FLASHIAP status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXCOMM_I2C

Group number for FLEXCOMM I2C status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_I2S

Group number for I2S status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_IUART

Group number for IUART status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_CSI

Group number for CSI status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_MIPI_DSI

Group number for MIPI DSI status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_SDRAMC

Group number for SDRAMC status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_POWER

Group number for POWER status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_ENET

Group number for ENET status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_PHY

Group number for PHY status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_TRGMUX

Group number for TRGMUX status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_SMARTCARD

Group number for SMARTCARD status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_LMEM

Group number for LMEM status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_QSPI

Group number for QSPI status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_DMA

Group number for DMA status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_EDMA

Group number for EDMA status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_DMAMGR

Group number for DMAMGR status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXCAN

Group number for FlexCAN status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_LTC

Group number for LTC status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXIO_CAMERA

Group number for FLEXIO CAMERA status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_LPC_SPI

Group number for LPC_SPI status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_LPC_USART

Group number for LPC_USART status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_DMIC

Group number for DMIC status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_SDIF

Group number for SDIF status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_SPIFI

Group number for SPIFI status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_OTP

Group number for OTP status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_MCAN

Group number for MCAN status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_CAAM

Group number for CAAM status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_ECSPI

Group number for ECSPI status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_USDHC

Group number for USDHC status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_LPC_I2C

Group number for LPC_I2C status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_DCP

Group number for DCP status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_MSCAN

Group number for MSCAN status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_ESAI

Group number for ESAI status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXSPI

Group number for FLEXSPI status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_MMDC

Group number for MMDC status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_PDM

Group number for MIC status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_SDMA

Group number for SDMA status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_ICS

Group number for ICS status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_SPDIF

Group number for SPDIF status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_LPC_MINISPI

Group number for LPC_MINISPI status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_HASHCRYPT

Group number for Hashcrypt status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_LPC_SPI_SSP

Group number for LPC_SPI_SSP status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_I3C

Group number for I3C status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_LPC_I2C_1

Group number for LPC_I2C_1 status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_NOTIFIER

Group number for NOTIFIER status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_DebugConsole

Group number for debug console status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_SEMC

Group number for SEMC status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_ApplicationRangeStart

Starting number for application groups.

enumerator kStatusGroup_IAP

Group number for IAP status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_SFA

Group number for SFA status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_SPC

Group number for SPC status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_PUF

Group number for PUF status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_TOUCH_PANEL

Group number for touch panel status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_VBAT

Group number for VBAT status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_XSPI

Group number for XSPI status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_PNGDEC

Group number for PNGDEC status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_JPEGDEC

Group number for JPEGDEC status codes

enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_GPIO

Group number for HAL GPIO status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_UART

Group number for HAL UART status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_TIMER

Group number for HAL TIMER status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_SPI

Group number for HAL SPI status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_I2C

Group number for HAL I2C status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_FLASH

Group number for HAL FLASH status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_PWM

Group number for HAL PWM status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_RNG

Group number for HAL RNG status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_I2S

Group number for HAL I2S status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_ADC_SENSOR

Group number for HAL ADC SENSOR status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_TIMERMANAGER

Group number for TiMER MANAGER status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_SERIALMANAGER

Group number for SERIAL MANAGER status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_LED

Group number for LED status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_BUTTON

Group number for BUTTON status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_EXTERN_EEPROM

Group number for EXTERN EEPROM status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_SHELL

Group number for SHELL status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_MEM_MANAGER

Group number for MEM MANAGER status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_LIST

Group number for List status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_OSA

Group number for OSA status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_COMMON_TASK

Group number for Common task status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_MSG

Group number for messaging status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_SDK_OCOTP

Group number for OCOTP status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_SDK_FLEXSPINOR

Group number for FLEXSPINOR status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_CODEC

Group number for codec status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_ASRC

Group number for codec status ASRC.

enumerator kStatusGroup_OTFAD

Group number for codec status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_SDIOSLV

Group number for SDIOSLV status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_MECC

Group number for MECC status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_ENET_QOS

Group number for ENET_QOS status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_LOG

Group number for LOG status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_I3CBUS

Group number for I3CBUS status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_QSCI

Group number for QSCI status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_ELEMU

Group number for ELEMU status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_QUEUEDSPI

Group number for QSPI status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_POWER_MANAGER

Group number for POWER_MANAGER status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_IPED

Group number for IPED status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_ELS_PKC

Group number for ELS PKC status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_CSS_PKC

Group number for CSS PKC status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_HOSTIF

Group number for HOSTIF status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_CLIF

Group number for CLIF status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_BMA

Group number for BMA status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_NETC

Group number for NETC status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_ELE

Group number for ELE status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_GLIKEY

Group number for GLIKEY status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_AON_POWER

Group number for AON_POWER status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_AON_COMMON

Group number for AON_COMMON status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_ENDAT3

Group number for ENDAT3 status codes.

enumerator kStatusGroup_HIPERFACE

Group number for HIPERFACE status codes.

Generic status return codes.


enumerator kStatus_Success

Generic status for Success.

enumerator kStatus_Fail

Generic status for Fail.

enumerator kStatus_ReadOnly

Generic status for read only failure.

enumerator kStatus_OutOfRange

Generic status for out of range access.

enumerator kStatus_InvalidArgument

Generic status for invalid argument check.

enumerator kStatus_Timeout

Generic status for timeout.

enumerator kStatus_NoTransferInProgress

Generic status for no transfer in progress.

enumerator kStatus_Busy

Generic status for module is busy.

enumerator kStatus_NoData

Generic status for no data is found for the operation.

typedef int32_t status_t

Type used for all status and error return values.

void *SDK_Malloc(size_t size, size_t alignbytes)

Allocate memory with given alignment and aligned size.

This is provided to support the dynamically allocated memory used in cache-able region.

  • size – The length required to malloc.

  • alignbytes – The alignment size.

Return values:

The – allocated memory.

void SDK_Free(void *ptr)

Free memory.

  • ptr – The memory to be release.

void SDK_DelayAtLeastUs(uint32_t delayTime_us, uint32_t coreClock_Hz)

Delay at least for some time. Please note that, this API uses while loop for delay, different run-time environments make the time not precise, if precise delay count was needed, please implement a new delay function with hardware timer.

  • delayTime_us – Delay time in unit of microsecond.

  • coreClock_Hz – Core clock frequency with Hz.

static inline status_t EnableIRQ(IRQn_Type interrupt)

Enable specific interrupt.

Enable LEVEL1 interrupt. For some devices, there might be multiple interrupt levels. For example, there are NVIC and intmux. Here the interrupts connected to NVIC are the LEVEL1 interrupts, because they are routed to the core directly. The interrupts connected to intmux are the LEVEL2 interrupts, they are routed to NVIC first then routed to core.

This function only enables the LEVEL1 interrupts. The number of LEVEL1 interrupts is indicated by the feature macro FSL_FEATURE_NUMBER_OF_LEVEL1_INT_VECTORS.

  • interrupt – The IRQ number.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Interrupt enabled successfully

  • kStatus_Fail – Failed to enable the interrupt

static inline status_t DisableIRQ(IRQn_Type interrupt)

Disable specific interrupt.

Disable LEVEL1 interrupt. For some devices, there might be multiple interrupt levels. For example, there are NVIC and intmux. Here the interrupts connected to NVIC are the LEVEL1 interrupts, because they are routed to the core directly. The interrupts connected to intmux are the LEVEL2 interrupts, they are routed to NVIC first then routed to core.

This function only disables the LEVEL1 interrupts. The number of LEVEL1 interrupts is indicated by the feature macro FSL_FEATURE_NUMBER_OF_LEVEL1_INT_VECTORS.

  • interrupt – The IRQ number.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Interrupt disabled successfully

  • kStatus_Fail – Failed to disable the interrupt

static inline status_t EnableIRQWithPriority(IRQn_Type interrupt, uint8_t priNum)

Enable the IRQ, and also set the interrupt priority.

Only handle LEVEL1 interrupt. For some devices, there might be multiple interrupt levels. For example, there are NVIC and intmux. Here the interrupts connected to NVIC are the LEVEL1 interrupts, because they are routed to the core directly. The interrupts connected to intmux are the LEVEL2 interrupts, they are routed to NVIC first then routed to core.

This function only handles the LEVEL1 interrupts. The number of LEVEL1 interrupts is indicated by the feature macro FSL_FEATURE_NUMBER_OF_LEVEL1_INT_VECTORS.

  • interrupt – The IRQ to Enable.

  • priNum – Priority number set to interrupt controller register.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Interrupt priority set successfully

  • kStatus_Fail – Failed to set the interrupt priority.

static inline status_t IRQ_SetPriority(IRQn_Type interrupt, uint8_t priNum)

Set the IRQ priority.

Only handle LEVEL1 interrupt. For some devices, there might be multiple interrupt levels. For example, there are NVIC and intmux. Here the interrupts connected to NVIC are the LEVEL1 interrupts, because they are routed to the core directly. The interrupts connected to intmux are the LEVEL2 interrupts, they are routed to NVIC first then routed to core.

This function only handles the LEVEL1 interrupts. The number of LEVEL1 interrupts is indicated by the feature macro FSL_FEATURE_NUMBER_OF_LEVEL1_INT_VECTORS.

  • interrupt – The IRQ to set.

  • priNum – Priority number set to interrupt controller register.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Interrupt priority set successfully

  • kStatus_Fail – Failed to set the interrupt priority.

static inline status_t IRQ_ClearPendingIRQ(IRQn_Type interrupt)

Clear the pending IRQ flag.

Only handle LEVEL1 interrupt. For some devices, there might be multiple interrupt levels. For example, there are NVIC and intmux. Here the interrupts connected to NVIC are the LEVEL1 interrupts, because they are routed to the core directly. The interrupts connected to intmux are the LEVEL2 interrupts, they are routed to NVIC first then routed to core.

This function only handles the LEVEL1 interrupts. The number of LEVEL1 interrupts is indicated by the feature macro FSL_FEATURE_NUMBER_OF_LEVEL1_INT_VECTORS.

  • interrupt – The flag which IRQ to clear.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Interrupt priority set successfully

  • kStatus_Fail – Failed to set the interrupt priority.

static inline uint32_t DisableGlobalIRQ(void)

Disable the global IRQ.

Disable the global interrupt and return the current primask register. User is required to provided the primask register for the EnableGlobalIRQ().


Current primask value.

static inline void EnableGlobalIRQ(uint32_t primask)

Enable the global IRQ.

Set the primask register with the provided primask value but not just enable the primask. The idea is for the convenience of integration of RTOS. some RTOS get its own management mechanism of primask. User is required to use the EnableGlobalIRQ() and DisableGlobalIRQ() in pair.

  • primask – value of primask register to be restored. The primask value is supposed to be provided by the DisableGlobalIRQ().

static inline bool _SDK_AtomicLocalCompareAndSet(uint32_t *addr, uint32_t expected, uint32_t newValue)
static inline uint32_t _SDK_AtomicTestAndSet(uint32_t *addr, uint32_t newValue)

Macro to use the default weak IRQ handler in drivers.

MAKE_STATUS(group, code)

Construct a status code value from a group and code number.

MAKE_VERSION(major, minor, bugfix)

Construct the version number for drivers.

The driver version is a 32-bit number, for both 32-bit platforms(such as Cortex M) and 16-bit platforms(such as DSC).

| Unused    || Major Version || Minor Version ||  Bug Fix    |
31        25  24           17  16            9  8            0

Computes the number of elements in an array.


Macro to get upper 32 bits of a 64-bit value


Macro to get lower 32 bits of a 64-bit value


For switch case code block, if case section ends without “break;” statement, there wil be fallthrough warning with compiler flag -Wextra or -Wimplicit-fallthrough=n when using armgcc. To suppress this warning, “SUPPRESS_FALL_THROUGH_WARNING();” need to be added at the end of each case section which misses “break;”statement.


Convert the register address to the one used in secure mode.


Convert the register address to the one used in non-secure mode.



LIN LPUART driver version.

enum _lin_lpuart_stop_bit_count


enumerator kLPUART_OneStopBit

One stop bit

enumerator kLPUART_TwoStopBit

Two stop bits

enum _lin_lpuart_flags


enumerator kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyFlag

Transmit data register empty flag, sets when transmit buffer is empty

enumerator kLPUART_TransmissionCompleteFlag

Transmission complete flag, sets when transmission activity complete

enumerator kLPUART_RxDataRegFullFlag

Receive data register full flag, sets when the receive data buffer is full

enumerator kLPUART_IdleLineFlag

Idle line detect flag, sets when idle line detected

enumerator kLPUART_RxOverrunFlag

Receive Overrun, sets when new data is received before data is read from receive register

enumerator kLPUART_NoiseErrorFlag

Receive takes 3 samples of each received bit. If any of these samples differ, noise flag sets

enumerator kLPUART_FramingErrorFlag

Frame error flag, sets if logic 0 was detected where stop bit expected

enumerator kLPUART_ParityErrorFlag

If parity enabled, sets upon parity error detection

enumerator kLPUART_LinBreakFlag

LIN break detect interrupt flag, sets when LIN break char detected and LIN circuit enabled

enumerator kLPUART_RxActiveEdgeFlag

Receive pin active edge interrupt flag, sets when active edge detected

enumerator kLPUART_RxActiveFlag

Receiver Active Flag (RAF), sets at beginning of valid start bit

enumerator kLPUART_DataMatch1Flag

The next character to be read from LPUART_DATA matches MA1

enumerator kLPUART_DataMatch2Flag

The next character to be read from LPUART_DATA matches MA2

enumerator kLPUART_NoiseErrorInRxDataRegFlag

NOISY bit, sets if noise detected in current data word

enumerator kLPUART_ParityErrorInRxDataRegFlag

PARITY bit, sets if noise detected in current data word

enumerator kLPUART_TxFifoEmptyFlag

TXEMPT bit, sets if transmit buffer is empty

enumerator kLPUART_RxFifoEmptyFlag

RXEMPT bit, sets if receive buffer is empty

enumerator kLPUART_TxFifoOverflowFlag

TXOF bit, sets if transmit buffer overflow occurred

enumerator kLPUART_RxFifoUnderflowFlag

RXUF bit, sets if receive buffer underflow occurred

enum _lin_lpuart_interrupt_enable


enumerator kLPUART_LinBreakInterruptEnable

LIN break detect.

enumerator kLPUART_RxActiveEdgeInterruptEnable

Receive Active Edge.

enumerator kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyInterruptEnable

Transmit data register empty.

enumerator kLPUART_TransmissionCompleteInterruptEnable

Transmission complete.

enumerator kLPUART_RxDataRegFullInterruptEnable

Receiver data register full.

enumerator kLPUART_IdleLineInterruptEnable

Idle line.

enumerator kLPUART_RxOverrunInterruptEnable

Receiver Overrun.

enumerator kLPUART_NoiseErrorInterruptEnable

Noise error flag.

enumerator kLPUART_FramingErrorInterruptEnable

Framing error flag.

enumerator kLPUART_ParityErrorInterruptEnable

Parity error flag.

enumerator kLPUART_TxFifoOverflowInterruptEnable

Transmit FIFO Overflow.

enumerator kLPUART_RxFifoUnderflowInterruptEnable

Receive FIFO Underflow.

enum _lin_lpuart_status


enumerator kStatus_LPUART_TxBusy

TX busy

enumerator kStatus_LPUART_RxBusy

RX busy

enumerator kStatus_LPUART_TxIdle

LPUART transmitter is idle.

enumerator kStatus_LPUART_RxIdle

LPUART receiver is idle.

enumerator kStatus_LPUART_TxWatermarkTooLarge

TX FIFO watermark too large

enumerator kStatus_LPUART_RxWatermarkTooLarge

RX FIFO watermark too large

enumerator kStatus_LPUART_FlagCannotClearManually

Some flag can’t manually clear

enumerator kStatus_LPUART_Error

Error happens on LPUART.

enumerator kStatus_LPUART_RxRingBufferOverrun

LPUART RX software ring buffer overrun.

enumerator kStatus_LPUART_RxHardwareOverrun

LPUART RX receiver overrun.

enumerator kStatus_LPUART_NoiseError

LPUART noise error.

enumerator kStatus_LPUART_FramingError

LPUART framing error.

enumerator kStatus_LPUART_ParityError

LPUART parity error.

enum lin_lpuart_bit_count_per_char_t



8-bit data characters


9-bit data characters

enumerator LPUART_10_BITS_PER_CHAR

10-bit data characters

typedef enum _lin_lpuart_stop_bit_count lin_lpuart_stop_bit_count_t
static inline bool LIN_LPUART_GetRxDataPolarity(const LPUART_Type *base)
static inline void LIN_LPUART_SetRxDataPolarity(LPUART_Type *base, bool polarity)
static inline void LIN_LPUART_WriteByte(LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t data)
static inline void LIN_LPUART_ReadByte(const LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t *readData)
status_t LIN_LPUART_CalculateBaudRate(LPUART_Type *base, uint32_t baudRate_Bps, uint32_t srcClock_Hz, uint32_t *osr, uint16_t *sbr)

Calculates the best osr and sbr value for configured baudrate.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address

  • baudRate_Bps – user configuration structure of type #lin_user_config_t

  • srcClock_Hz – pointer to the LIN_LPUART driver state structure

  • osr – pointer to osr value

  • sbr – pointer to sbr value


An error code or lin_status_t

void LIN_LPUART_SetBaudRate(LPUART_Type *base, uint32_t *osr, uint16_t *sbr)

Configure baudrate according to osr and sbr value.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address

  • osr – pointer to osr value

  • sbr – pointer to sbr value

lin_status_t LIN_LPUART_Init(LPUART_Type *base, lin_user_config_t *linUserConfig, lin_state_t *linCurrentState, uint32_t linSourceClockFreq)

Initializes an LIN_LPUART instance for LIN Network.

The caller provides memory for the driver state structures during initialization. The user must select the LIN_LPUART clock source in the application to initialize the LIN_LPUART. This function initializes a LPUART instance for operation. This function will initialize the run-time state structure to keep track of the on-going transfers, initialize the module to user defined settings and default settings, set break field length to be 13 bit times minimum, enable the break detect interrupt, Rx complete interrupt, frame error detect interrupt, and enable the LPUART module transmitter and receiver

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address

  • linUserConfig – user configuration structure of type #lin_user_config_t

  • linCurrentState – pointer to the LIN_LPUART driver state structure


An error code or lin_status_t

lin_status_t LIN_LPUART_Deinit(LPUART_Type *base)

Shuts down the LIN_LPUART by disabling interrupts and transmitter/receiver.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address


An error code or lin_status_t

lin_status_t LIN_LPUART_SendFrameDataBlocking(LPUART_Type *base, const uint8_t *txBuff, uint8_t txSize, uint32_t timeoutMSec)

Sends Frame data out through the LIN_LPUART module using blocking method. This function will calculate the checksum byte and send it with the frame data. Blocking means that the function does not return until the transmission is complete.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address

  • txBuff – source buffer containing 8-bit data chars to send

  • txSize – the number of bytes to send

  • timeoutMSec – timeout value in milli seconds


An error code or lin_status_t

lin_status_t LIN_LPUART_SendFrameData(LPUART_Type *base, const uint8_t *txBuff, uint8_t txSize)

Sends frame data out through the LIN_LPUART module using non-blocking method. This enables an a-sync method for transmitting data. Non-blocking means that the function returns immediately. The application has to get the transmit status to know when the transmit is complete. This function will calculate the checksum byte and send it with the frame data.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address

  • txBuff – source buffer containing 8-bit data chars to send

  • txSize – the number of bytes to send


An error code or lin_status_t

lin_status_t LIN_LPUART_GetTransmitStatus(LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t *bytesRemaining)

Get status of an on-going non-blocking transmission While sending frame data using non-blocking method, users can use this function to get status of that transmission. This function return LIN_TX_BUSY while sending, or LIN_TIMEOUT if timeout has occurred, or return LIN_SUCCESS when the transmission is complete. The bytesRemaining shows number of bytes that still needed to transmit.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address

  • bytesRemaining – Number of bytes still needed to transmit



lin_status_t LIN_LPUART_RecvFrmDataBlocking(LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t *rxBuff, uint8_t rxSize, uint32_t timeoutMSec)

Receives frame data through the LIN_LPUART module using blocking method. This function will check the checksum byte. If the checksum is correct, it will receive the frame data. Blocking means that the function does not return until the reception is complete.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address

  • rxBuff – buffer containing 8-bit received data

  • rxSize – the number of bytes to receive

  • timeoutMSec – timeout value in milli seconds


An error code or lin_status_t

lin_status_t LIN_LPUART_RecvFrmData(LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t *rxBuff, uint8_t rxSize)

Receives frame data through the LIN_LPUART module using non-blocking method. This function will check the checksum byte. If the checksum is correct, it will receive it with the frame data. Non-blocking means that the function returns immediately. The application has to get the receive status to know when the reception is complete.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address

  • rxBuff – buffer containing 8-bit received data

  • rxSize – the number of bytes to receive


An error code or lin_status_t

lin_status_t LIN_LPUART_AbortTransferData(LPUART_Type *base)

Aborts an on-going non-blocking transmission/reception. While performing a non-blocking transferring data, users can call this function to terminate immediately the transferring.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address


An error code or lin_status_t

lin_status_t LIN_LPUART_GetReceiveStatus(LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t *bytesRemaining)

Get status of an on-going non-blocking reception While receiving frame data using non-blocking method, users can use this function to get status of that receiving. This function return the current event ID, LIN_RX_BUSY while receiving and return LIN_SUCCESS, or timeout (LIN_TIMEOUT) when the reception is complete. The bytesRemaining shows number of bytes that still needed to receive.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address

  • bytesRemaining – Number of bytes still needed to receive



lin_status_t LIN_LPUART_GoToSleepMode(LPUART_Type *base)

This function puts current node to sleep mode This function changes current node state to LIN_NODE_STATE_SLEEP_MODE.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address


An error code or lin_status_t

lin_status_t LIN_LPUART_GotoIdleState(LPUART_Type *base)

Puts current LIN node to Idle state This function changes current node state to LIN_NODE_STATE_IDLE.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address


An error code or lin_status_t

lin_status_t LIN_LPUART_SendWakeupSignal(LPUART_Type *base)

Sends a wakeup signal through the LIN_LPUART interface.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address


An error code or lin_status_t

lin_status_t LIN_LPUART_MasterSendHeader(LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t id)

Sends frame header out through the LIN_LPUART module using a non-blocking method. This function sends LIN Break field, sync field then the ID with correct parity.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address

  • id – Frame Identifier


An error code or lin_status_t

lin_status_t LIN_LPUART_EnableIRQ(LPUART_Type *base)

Enables LIN_LPUART hardware interrupts.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address


An error code or lin_status_t

lin_status_t LIN_LPUART_DisableIRQ(LPUART_Type *base)

Disables LIN_LPUART hardware interrupts.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address


An error code or lin_status_t

lin_status_t LIN_LPUART_AutoBaudCapture(uint32_t instance)

This function capture bits time to detect break char, calculate baudrate from sync bits and enable transceiver if autobaud successful. This function should only be used in Slave. The timer should be in mode input capture of both rising and falling edges. The timer input capture pin should be externally connected to RXD pin.

  • instance – LPUART instance



void LIN_LPUART_IRQHandler(LPUART_Type *base)

LIN_LPUART RX TX interrupt handler.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address




LLWU: Low-Leakage Wakeup Unit Driver

static inline void LLWU_GetVersionId(LLWU_Type *base, llwu_version_id_t *versionId)

Gets the LLWU version ID.

This function gets the LLWU version ID, including the major version number, the minor version number, and the feature specification number.

  • base – LLWU peripheral base address.

  • versionId – A pointer to the version ID structure.

static inline void LLWU_GetParam(LLWU_Type *base, llwu_param_t *param)

Gets the LLWU parameter.

This function gets the LLWU parameter, including a wakeup pin number, a module number, a DMA number, and a pin filter number.

  • base – LLWU peripheral base address.

  • param – A pointer to the LLWU parameter structure.

void LLWU_SetExternalWakeupPinMode(LLWU_Type *base, uint32_t pinIndex, llwu_external_pin_mode_t pinMode)

Sets the external input pin source mode.

This function sets the external input pin source mode that is used as a wake up source.

  • base – LLWU peripheral base address.

  • pinIndex – A pin index to be enabled as an external wakeup source starting from 1.

  • pinMode – A pin configuration mode defined in the llwu_external_pin_modes_t.

bool LLWU_GetExternalWakeupPinFlag(LLWU_Type *base, uint32_t pinIndex)

Gets the external wakeup source flag.

This function checks the external pin flag to detect whether the MCU is woken up by the specific pin.

  • base – LLWU peripheral base address.

  • pinIndex – A pin index, which starts from 1.


True if the specific pin is a wakeup source.

void LLWU_ClearExternalWakeupPinFlag(LLWU_Type *base, uint32_t pinIndex)

Clears the external wakeup source flag.

This function clears the external wakeup source flag for a specific pin.

  • base – LLWU peripheral base address.

  • pinIndex – A pin index, which starts from 1.

static inline void LLWU_EnableInternalModuleInterruptWakup(LLWU_Type *base, uint32_t moduleIndex, bool enable)

Enables/disables the internal module source.

This function enables/disables the internal module source mode that is used as a wake up source.

  • base – LLWU peripheral base address.

  • moduleIndex – A module index to be enabled as an internal wakeup source starting from 1.

  • enable – An enable or a disable setting

static inline void LLWU_EnableInternalModuleDmaRequestWakup(LLWU_Type *base, uint32_t moduleIndex, bool enable)

Enables/disables the internal module DMA wakeup source.

This function enables/disables the internal DMA that is used as a wake up source.

  • base – LLWU peripheral base address.

  • moduleIndex – An internal module index which is used as a DMA request source, starting from 1.

  • enable – Enable or disable the DMA request source

void LLWU_SetPinFilterMode(LLWU_Type *base, uint32_t filterIndex, llwu_external_pin_filter_mode_t filterMode)

Sets the pin filter configuration.

This function sets the pin filter configuration.

  • base – LLWU peripheral base address.

  • filterIndex – A pin filter index used to enable/disable the digital filter, starting from 1.

  • filterMode – A filter mode configuration

bool LLWU_GetPinFilterFlag(LLWU_Type *base, uint32_t filterIndex)

Gets the pin filter configuration.

This function gets the pin filter flag.

  • base – LLWU peripheral base address.

  • filterIndex – A pin filter index, which starts from 1.


True if the flag is a source of the existing low-leakage power mode.

void LLWU_ClearPinFilterFlag(LLWU_Type *base, uint32_t filterIndex)

Clears the pin filter configuration.

This function clears the pin filter flag.

  • base – LLWU peripheral base address.

  • filterIndex – A pin filter index to clear the flag, starting from 1.

void LLWU_SetResetPinMode(LLWU_Type *base, bool pinEnable, bool pinFilterEnable)

Sets the reset pin mode.

This function determines how the reset pin is used as a low leakage mode exit source.

  • base – LLWU peripheral base address.

  • pinEnable – Enable reset the pin filter

  • pinFilterEnable – Specify whether the pin filter is enabled in Low-Leakage power mode.


LLWU driver version.

enum _llwu_external_pin_mode

External input pin control modes.


enumerator kLLWU_ExternalPinDisable

Pin disabled as a wakeup input.

enumerator kLLWU_ExternalPinRisingEdge

Pin enabled with the rising edge detection.

enumerator kLLWU_ExternalPinFallingEdge

Pin enabled with the falling edge detection.

enumerator kLLWU_ExternalPinAnyEdge

Pin enabled with any change detection.

enum _llwu_pin_filter_mode

Digital filter control modes.


enumerator kLLWU_PinFilterDisable

Filter disabled.

enumerator kLLWU_PinFilterRisingEdge

Filter positive edge detection.

enumerator kLLWU_PinFilterFallingEdge

Filter negative edge detection.

enumerator kLLWU_PinFilterAnyEdge

Filter any edge detection.

typedef enum _llwu_external_pin_mode llwu_external_pin_mode_t

External input pin control modes.

typedef enum _llwu_pin_filter_mode llwu_pin_filter_mode_t

Digital filter control modes.

typedef struct _llwu_version_id llwu_version_id_t

IP version ID definition.

typedef struct _llwu_param llwu_param_t

IP parameter definition.

typedef struct _llwu_external_pin_filter_mode llwu_external_pin_filter_mode_t

An external input pin filter control structure.

struct _llwu_version_id
#include <fsl_llwu.h>

IP version ID definition.

Public Members

uint16_t feature

A feature specification number.

uint8_t minor

The minor version number.

uint8_t major

The major version number.

struct _llwu_param
#include <fsl_llwu.h>

IP parameter definition.

Public Members

uint8_t filters

A number of the pin filter.

uint8_t dmas

A number of the wakeup DMA.

uint8_t modules

A number of the wakeup module.

uint8_t pins

A number of the wake up pin.

struct _llwu_external_pin_filter_mode
#include <fsl_llwu.h>

An external input pin filter control structure.

Public Members

uint32_t pinIndex

A pin number

llwu_pin_filter_mode_t filterMode

Filter mode

LPTMR: Low-Power Timer

void LPTMR_Init(LPTMR_Type *base, const lptmr_config_t *config)

Ungates the LPTMR clock and configures the peripheral for a basic operation.


This API should be called at the beginning of the application using the LPTMR driver.

  • base – LPTMR peripheral base address

  • config – A pointer to the LPTMR configuration structure.

void LPTMR_Deinit(LPTMR_Type *base)

Gates the LPTMR clock.

  • base – LPTMR peripheral base address

void LPTMR_GetDefaultConfig(lptmr_config_t *config)

Fills in the LPTMR configuration structure with default settings.

The default values are as follows.

config->timerMode = kLPTMR_TimerModeTimeCounter;
config->pinSelect = kLPTMR_PinSelectInput_0;
config->pinPolarity = kLPTMR_PinPolarityActiveHigh;
config->enableFreeRunning = false;
config->bypassPrescaler = true;
config->prescalerClockSource = kLPTMR_PrescalerClock_1;
config->value = kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_0;

  • config – A pointer to the LPTMR configuration structure.

static inline void LPTMR_EnableInterrupts(LPTMR_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Enables the selected LPTMR interrupts.

  • base – LPTMR peripheral base address

  • mask – The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration lptmr_interrupt_enable_t

static inline void LPTMR_DisableInterrupts(LPTMR_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Disables the selected LPTMR interrupts.

  • base – LPTMR peripheral base address

  • mask – The interrupts to disable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration lptmr_interrupt_enable_t.

static inline uint32_t LPTMR_GetEnabledInterrupts(LPTMR_Type *base)

Gets the enabled LPTMR interrupts.

  • base – LPTMR peripheral base address


The enabled interrupts. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration lptmr_interrupt_enable_t

static inline uint32_t LPTMR_GetStatusFlags(LPTMR_Type *base)

Gets the LPTMR status flags.

  • base – LPTMR peripheral base address


The status flags. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration lptmr_status_flags_t

static inline void LPTMR_ClearStatusFlags(LPTMR_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Clears the LPTMR status flags.

  • base – LPTMR peripheral base address

  • mask – The status flags to clear. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration lptmr_status_flags_t.

static inline void LPTMR_SetTimerPeriod(LPTMR_Type *base, uint32_t ticks)

Sets the timer period in units of count.

Timers counts from 0 until it equals the count value set here. The count value is written to the CMR register.


  1. The TCF flag is set with the CNR equals the count provided here and then increments.

  2. Call the utility macros provided in the fsl_common.h to convert to ticks.

  • base – LPTMR peripheral base address

  • ticks – A timer period in units of ticks, which should be equal or greater than 1.

static inline uint32_t LPTMR_GetCurrentTimerCount(LPTMR_Type *base)

Reads the current timer counting value.

This function returns the real-time timer counting value in a range from 0 to a timer period.


Call the utility macros provided in the fsl_common.h to convert ticks to usec or msec.

  • base – LPTMR peripheral base address


The current counter value in ticks

static inline void LPTMR_StartTimer(LPTMR_Type *base)

Starts the timer.

After calling this function, the timer counts up to the CMR register value. Each time the timer reaches the CMR value and then increments, it generates a trigger pulse and sets the timeout interrupt flag. An interrupt is also triggered if the timer interrupt is enabled.

  • base – LPTMR peripheral base address

static inline void LPTMR_StopTimer(LPTMR_Type *base)

Stops the timer.

This function stops the timer and resets the timer’s counter register.

  • base – LPTMR peripheral base address


Driver Version

enum _lptmr_pin_select

LPTMR pin selection used in pulse counter mode.


enumerator kLPTMR_PinSelectInput_0

Pulse counter input 0 is selected

enumerator kLPTMR_PinSelectInput_1

Pulse counter input 1 is selected

enumerator kLPTMR_PinSelectInput_2

Pulse counter input 2 is selected

enumerator kLPTMR_PinSelectInput_3

Pulse counter input 3 is selected

enum _lptmr_pin_polarity

LPTMR pin polarity used in pulse counter mode.


enumerator kLPTMR_PinPolarityActiveHigh

Pulse Counter input source is active-high

enumerator kLPTMR_PinPolarityActiveLow

Pulse Counter input source is active-low

enum _lptmr_timer_mode

LPTMR timer mode selection.


enumerator kLPTMR_TimerModeTimeCounter

Time Counter mode

enumerator kLPTMR_TimerModePulseCounter

Pulse Counter mode

enum _lptmr_prescaler_glitch_value

LPTMR prescaler/glitch filter values.


enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_0

Prescaler divide 2, glitch filter does not support this setting

enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_1

Prescaler divide 4, glitch filter 2

enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_2

Prescaler divide 8, glitch filter 4

enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_3

Prescaler divide 16, glitch filter 8

enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_4

Prescaler divide 32, glitch filter 16

enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_5

Prescaler divide 64, glitch filter 32

enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_6

Prescaler divide 128, glitch filter 64

enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_7

Prescaler divide 256, glitch filter 128

enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_8

Prescaler divide 512, glitch filter 256

enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_9

Prescaler divide 1024, glitch filter 512

enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_10

Prescaler divide 2048 glitch filter 1024

enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_11

Prescaler divide 4096, glitch filter 2048

enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_12

Prescaler divide 8192, glitch filter 4096

enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_13

Prescaler divide 16384, glitch filter 8192

enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_14

Prescaler divide 32768, glitch filter 16384

enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_15

Prescaler divide 65536, glitch filter 32768

enum _lptmr_prescaler_clock_select

LPTMR prescaler/glitch filter clock select.


Clock connections are SoC-specific


enumerator kLPTMR_PrescalerClock_0

Prescaler/glitch filter clock 0 selected.

enumerator kLPTMR_PrescalerClock_1

Prescaler/glitch filter clock 1 selected.

enumerator kLPTMR_PrescalerClock_2

Prescaler/glitch filter clock 2 selected.

enumerator kLPTMR_PrescalerClock_3

Prescaler/glitch filter clock 3 selected.

enum _lptmr_interrupt_enable

List of the LPTMR interrupts.


enumerator kLPTMR_TimerInterruptEnable

Timer interrupt enable

enum _lptmr_status_flags

List of the LPTMR status flags.


enumerator kLPTMR_TimerCompareFlag

Timer compare flag

typedef enum _lptmr_pin_select lptmr_pin_select_t

LPTMR pin selection used in pulse counter mode.

typedef enum _lptmr_pin_polarity lptmr_pin_polarity_t

LPTMR pin polarity used in pulse counter mode.

typedef enum _lptmr_timer_mode lptmr_timer_mode_t

LPTMR timer mode selection.

typedef enum _lptmr_prescaler_glitch_value lptmr_prescaler_glitch_value_t

LPTMR prescaler/glitch filter values.

typedef enum _lptmr_prescaler_clock_select lptmr_prescaler_clock_select_t

LPTMR prescaler/glitch filter clock select.


Clock connections are SoC-specific

typedef enum _lptmr_interrupt_enable lptmr_interrupt_enable_t

List of the LPTMR interrupts.

typedef enum _lptmr_status_flags lptmr_status_flags_t

List of the LPTMR status flags.

typedef struct _lptmr_config lptmr_config_t

LPTMR config structure.

This structure holds the configuration settings for the LPTMR peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the LPTMR_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your configuration structure instance.

The configuration struct can be made constant so it resides in flash.

static inline void LPTMR_EnableTimerDMA(LPTMR_Type *base, bool enable)

Enable or disable timer DMA request.

  • base – base LPTMR peripheral base address

  • enable – Switcher of timer DMA feature. “true” means to enable, “false” means to disable.

struct _lptmr_config
#include <fsl_lptmr.h>

LPTMR config structure.

This structure holds the configuration settings for the LPTMR peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the LPTMR_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your configuration structure instance.

The configuration struct can be made constant so it resides in flash.

Public Members

lptmr_timer_mode_t timerMode

Time counter mode or pulse counter mode

lptmr_pin_select_t pinSelect

LPTMR pulse input pin select; used only in pulse counter mode

lptmr_pin_polarity_t pinPolarity

LPTMR pulse input pin polarity; used only in pulse counter mode

bool enableFreeRunning

True: enable free running, counter is reset on overflow False: counter is reset when the compare flag is set

bool bypassPrescaler

True: bypass prescaler; false: use clock from prescaler

lptmr_prescaler_clock_select_t prescalerClockSource

LPTMR clock source

lptmr_prescaler_glitch_value_t value

Prescaler or glitch filter value

LPUART: Low Power Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter Driver


void LPUART_TransferCreateHandleDMA(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_dma_handle_t *handle, lpuart_dma_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData, dma_handle_t *txDmaHandle, dma_handle_t *rxDmaHandle)

Initializes the LPUART handle which is used in transactional functions.


This function disables all LPUART interrupts.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • handle – Pointer to lpuart_dma_handle_t structure.

  • callback – Callback function.

  • userData – User data.

  • txDmaHandle – User-requested DMA handle for TX DMA transfer.

  • rxDmaHandle – User-requested DMA handle for RX DMA transfer.

status_t LPUART_TransferSendDMA(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_dma_handle_t *handle, lpuart_transfer_t *xfer)

Sends data using DMA.

This function sends data using DMA. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is sent, the send callback function is called.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • handle – LPUART handle pointer.

  • xfer – LPUART DMA transfer structure. See lpuart_transfer_t.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – if succeed, others failed.

  • kStatus_LPUART_TxBusy – Previous transfer on going.

  • kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.

status_t LPUART_TransferReceiveDMA(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_dma_handle_t *handle, lpuart_transfer_t *xfer)

Receives data using DMA.

This function receives data using DMA. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is received, the receive callback function is called.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • handle – Pointer to lpuart_dma_handle_t structure.

  • xfer – LPUART DMA transfer structure. See lpuart_transfer_t.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – if succeed, others failed.

  • kStatus_LPUART_RxBusy – Previous transfer on going.

  • kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.

void LPUART_TransferAbortSendDMA(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_dma_handle_t *handle)

Aborts the sent data using DMA.

This function aborts send data using DMA.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address

  • handle – Pointer to lpuart_dma_handle_t structure

void LPUART_TransferAbortReceiveDMA(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_dma_handle_t *handle)

Aborts the received data using DMA.

This function aborts the received data using DMA.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address

  • handle – Pointer to lpuart_dma_handle_t structure

status_t LPUART_TransferGetSendCountDMA(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_dma_handle_t *handle, uint32_t *count)

Gets the number of bytes written to the LPUART TX register.

This function gets the number of bytes that have been written to LPUART TX register by DMA.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • handle – LPUART handle pointer.

  • count – Send bytes count.

Return values:
  • kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – No send in progress.

  • kStatus_InvalidArgument – Parameter is invalid.

  • kStatus_Success – Get successfully through the parameter count;

status_t LPUART_TransferGetReceiveCountDMA(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_dma_handle_t *handle, uint32_t *count)

Gets the number of received bytes.

This function gets the number of received bytes.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • handle – LPUART handle pointer.

  • count – Receive bytes count.

Return values:
  • kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – No receive in progress.

  • kStatus_InvalidArgument – Parameter is invalid.

  • kStatus_Success – Get successfully through the parameter count;

void LPUART_TransferDMAHandleIRQ(LPUART_Type *base, void *lpuartDmaHandle)

LPUART DMA IRQ handle function.

This function handles the LPUART tx complete IRQ request and invoke user callback.


This function is used as default IRQ handler by double weak mechanism. If user’s specific IRQ handler is implemented, make sure this function is invoked in the handler.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • lpuartDmaHandle – LPUART handle pointer.


LPUART DMA driver version.

typedef struct _lpuart_dma_handle lpuart_dma_handle_t
typedef void (*lpuart_dma_transfer_callback_t)(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_dma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)

LPUART transfer callback function.

struct _lpuart_dma_handle
#include <fsl_lpuart_dma.h>

LPUART DMA handle.

Public Members

lpuart_dma_transfer_callback_t callback

Callback function.

void *userData

LPUART callback function parameter.

size_t rxDataSizeAll

Size of the data to receive.

size_t txDataSizeAll

Size of the data to send out.

dma_handle_t *txDmaHandle

The DMA TX channel used.

dma_handle_t *rxDmaHandle

The DMA RX channel used.

volatile uint8_t txState

TX transfer state.

volatile uint8_t rxState

RX transfer state


static inline void LPUART_SoftwareReset(LPUART_Type *base)

Resets the LPUART using software.

This function resets all internal logic and registers except the Global Register. Remains set until cleared by software.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

status_t LPUART_Init(LPUART_Type *base, const lpuart_config_t *config, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)

Initializes an LPUART instance with the user configuration structure and the peripheral clock.

This function configures the LPUART module with user-defined settings. Call the LPUART_GetDefaultConfig() function to configure the configuration structure and get the default configuration. The example below shows how to use this API to configure the LPUART.

lpuart_config_t lpuartConfig;
lpuartConfig.baudRate_Bps = 115200U;
lpuartConfig.parityMode = kLPUART_ParityDisabled;
lpuartConfig.dataBitsCount = kLPUART_EightDataBits;
lpuartConfig.isMsb = false;
lpuartConfig.stopBitCount = kLPUART_OneStopBit;
lpuartConfig.txFifoWatermark = 0;
lpuartConfig.rxFifoWatermark = 1;
LPUART_Init(LPUART1, &lpuartConfig, 20000000U);

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • config – Pointer to a user-defined configuration structure.

  • srcClock_Hz – LPUART clock source frequency in HZ.

Return values:
  • kStatus_LPUART_BaudrateNotSupport – Baudrate is not support in current clock source.

  • kStatus_Success – LPUART initialize succeed

void LPUART_Deinit(LPUART_Type *base)

Deinitializes a LPUART instance.

This function waits for transmit to complete, disables TX and RX, and disables the LPUART clock.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

void LPUART_GetDefaultConfig(lpuart_config_t *config)

Gets the default configuration structure.

This function initializes the LPUART configuration structure to a default value. The default values are: lpuartConfig->baudRate_Bps = 115200U; lpuartConfig->parityMode = kLPUART_ParityDisabled; lpuartConfig->dataBitsCount = kLPUART_EightDataBits; lpuartConfig->isMsb = false; lpuartConfig->stopBitCount = kLPUART_OneStopBit; lpuartConfig->txFifoWatermark = 0; lpuartConfig->rxFifoWatermark = 1; lpuartConfig->rxIdleType = kLPUART_IdleTypeStartBit; lpuartConfig->rxIdleConfig = kLPUART_IdleCharacter1; lpuartConfig->enableTx = false; lpuartConfig->enableRx = false;

  • config – Pointer to a configuration structure.

status_t LPUART_SetBaudRate(LPUART_Type *base, uint32_t baudRate_Bps, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)

Sets the LPUART instance baudrate.

This function configures the LPUART module baudrate. This function is used to update the LPUART module baudrate after the LPUART module is initialized by the LPUART_Init.

LPUART_SetBaudRate(LPUART1, 115200U, 20000000U);

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • baudRate_Bps – LPUART baudrate to be set.

  • srcClock_Hz – LPUART clock source frequency in HZ.

Return values:
  • kStatus_LPUART_BaudrateNotSupport – Baudrate is not supported in the current clock source.

  • kStatus_Success – Set baudrate succeeded.

void LPUART_Enable9bitMode(LPUART_Type *base, bool enable)

Enable 9-bit data mode for LPUART.

This function set the 9-bit mode for LPUART module. The 9th bit is not used for parity thus can be modified by user.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • enable – true to enable, flase to disable.

static inline void LPUART_SetMatchAddress(LPUART_Type *base, uint16_t address1, uint16_t address2)

Set the LPUART address.

This function configures the address for LPUART module that works as slave in 9-bit data mode. One or two address fields can be configured. When the address field’s match enable bit is set, the frame it receices with MSB being 1 is considered as an address frame, otherwise it is considered as data frame. Once the address frame matches one of slave’s own addresses, this slave is addressed. This address frame and its following data frames are stored in the receive buffer, otherwise the frames will be discarded. To un-address a slave, just send an address frame with unmatched address.


Any LPUART instance joined in the multi-slave system can work as slave. The position of the address mark is the same as the parity bit when parity is enabled for 8 bit and 9 bit data formats.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • address1 – LPUART slave address1.

  • address2 – LPUART slave address2.

static inline void LPUART_EnableMatchAddress(LPUART_Type *base, bool match1, bool match2)

Enable the LPUART match address feature.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • match1 – true to enable match address1, false to disable.

  • match2 – true to enable match address2, false to disable.

static inline void LPUART_SetRxFifoWatermark(LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t water)

Sets the rx FIFO watermark.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • water – Rx FIFO watermark.

static inline void LPUART_SetTxFifoWatermark(LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t water)

Sets the tx FIFO watermark.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • water – Tx FIFO watermark.

static inline void LPUART_TransferEnable16Bit(lpuart_handle_t *handle, bool enable)

Sets the LPUART using 16bit transmit, only for 9bit or 10bit mode.

This function Enable 16bit Data transmit in lpuart_handle_t.

  • handle – LPUART handle pointer.

  • enable – true to enable, false to disable.

uint32_t LPUART_GetStatusFlags(LPUART_Type *base)

Gets LPUART status flags.

This function gets all LPUART status flags. The flags are returned as the logical OR value of the enumerators _lpuart_flags. To check for a specific status, compare the return value with enumerators in the _lpuart_flags. For example, to check whether the TX is empty:

if (kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyFlag & LPUART_GetStatusFlags(LPUART1))

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.


LPUART status flags which are ORed by the enumerators in the _lpuart_flags.

status_t LPUART_ClearStatusFlags(LPUART_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Clears status flags with a provided mask.

This function clears LPUART status flags with a provided mask. Automatically cleared flags can’t be cleared by this function. Flags that can only cleared or set by hardware are: kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyFlag, kLPUART_TransmissionCompleteFlag, kLPUART_RxDataRegFullFlag, kLPUART_RxActiveFlag, kLPUART_NoiseErrorFlag, kLPUART_ParityErrorFlag, kLPUART_TxFifoEmptyFlag,kLPUART_RxFifoEmptyFlag Note: This API should be called when the Tx/Rx is idle, otherwise it takes no effects.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • mask – the status flags to be cleared. The user can use the enumerators in the _lpuart_status_flag_t to do the OR operation and get the mask.

Return values:
  • kStatus_LPUART_FlagCannotClearManually – The flag can’t be cleared by this function but it is cleared automatically by hardware.

  • kStatus_Success – Status in the mask are cleared.


0 succeed, others failed.

void LPUART_EnableInterrupts(LPUART_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Enables LPUART interrupts according to a provided mask.

This function enables the LPUART interrupts according to a provided mask. The mask is a logical OR of enumeration members. See the _lpuart_interrupt_enable. This examples shows how to enable TX empty interrupt and RX full interrupt:

LPUART_EnableInterrupts(LPUART1,kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyInterruptEnable | kLPUART_RxDataRegFullInterruptEnable);

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • mask – The interrupts to enable. Logical OR of _lpuart_interrupt_enable.

void LPUART_DisableInterrupts(LPUART_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Disables LPUART interrupts according to a provided mask.

This function disables the LPUART interrupts according to a provided mask. The mask is a logical OR of enumeration members. See _lpuart_interrupt_enable. This example shows how to disable the TX empty interrupt and RX full interrupt:

LPUART_DisableInterrupts(LPUART1,kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyInterruptEnable | kLPUART_RxDataRegFullInterruptEnable);

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • mask – The interrupts to disable. Logical OR of _lpuart_interrupt_enable.

uint32_t LPUART_GetEnabledInterrupts(LPUART_Type *base)

Gets enabled LPUART interrupts.

This function gets the enabled LPUART interrupts. The enabled interrupts are returned as the logical OR value of the enumerators _lpuart_interrupt_enable. To check a specific interrupt enable status, compare the return value with enumerators in _lpuart_interrupt_enable. For example, to check whether the TX empty interrupt is enabled:

uint32_t enabledInterrupts = LPUART_GetEnabledInterrupts(LPUART1);

if (kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyInterruptEnable & enabledInterrupts)

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.


LPUART interrupt flags which are logical OR of the enumerators in _lpuart_interrupt_enable.

static inline uintptr_t LPUART_GetDataRegisterAddress(LPUART_Type *base)

Gets the LPUART data register address.

This function returns the LPUART data register address, which is mainly used by the DMA/eDMA.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.


LPUART data register addresses which are used both by the transmitter and receiver.

static inline void LPUART_EnableTxDMA(LPUART_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables or disables the LPUART transmitter DMA request.

This function enables or disables the transmit data register empty flag, STAT[TDRE], to generate DMA requests.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • enable – True to enable, false to disable.

static inline void LPUART_EnableRxDMA(LPUART_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables or disables the LPUART receiver DMA.

This function enables or disables the receiver data register full flag, STAT[RDRF], to generate DMA requests.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • enable – True to enable, false to disable.

uint32_t LPUART_GetInstance(LPUART_Type *base)

Get the LPUART instance from peripheral base address.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.


LPUART instance.

static inline void LPUART_EnableTx(LPUART_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables or disables the LPUART transmitter.

This function enables or disables the LPUART transmitter.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • enable – True to enable, false to disable.

static inline void LPUART_EnableRx(LPUART_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables or disables the LPUART receiver.

This function enables or disables the LPUART receiver.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • enable – True to enable, false to disable.

static inline void LPUART_WriteByte(LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t data)

Writes to the transmitter register.

This function writes data to the transmitter register directly. The upper layer must ensure that the TX register is empty or that the TX FIFO has room before calling this function.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • data – Data write to the TX register.

static inline uint8_t LPUART_ReadByte(LPUART_Type *base)

Reads the receiver register.

This function reads data from the receiver register directly. The upper layer must ensure that the receiver register is full or that the RX FIFO has data before calling this function.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.


Data read from data register.

static inline uint8_t LPUART_GetRxFifoCount(LPUART_Type *base)

Gets the rx FIFO data count.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.


rx FIFO data count.

static inline uint8_t LPUART_GetTxFifoCount(LPUART_Type *base)

Gets the tx FIFO data count.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.


tx FIFO data count.

void LPUART_SendAddress(LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t address)

Transmit an address frame in 9-bit data mode.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • address – LPUART slave address.

status_t LPUART_WriteBlocking(LPUART_Type *base, const uint8_t *data, size_t length)

Writes to the transmitter register using a blocking method.

This function polls the transmitter register, first waits for the register to be empty or TX FIFO to have room, and writes data to the transmitter buffer, then waits for the dat to be sent out to the bus.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • data – Start address of the data to write.

  • length – Size of the data to write.

Return values:
  • kStatus_LPUART_Timeout – Transmission timed out and was aborted.

  • kStatus_Success – Successfully wrote all data.

status_t LPUART_WriteBlocking16bit(LPUART_Type *base, const uint16_t *data, size_t length)

Writes to the transmitter register using a blocking method in 9bit or 10bit mode.


This function only support 9bit or 10bit transfer. Please make sure only 10bit of data is valid and other bits are 0.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • data – Start address of the data to write.

  • length – Size of the data to write.

Return values:
  • kStatus_LPUART_Timeout – Transmission timed out and was aborted.

  • kStatus_Success – Successfully wrote all data.

status_t LPUART_ReadBlocking(LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t *data, size_t length)

Reads the receiver data register using a blocking method.

This function polls the receiver register, waits for the receiver register full or receiver FIFO has data, and reads data from the TX register.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • data – Start address of the buffer to store the received data.

  • length – Size of the buffer.

Return values:
  • kStatus_LPUART_RxHardwareOverrun – Receiver overrun happened while receiving data.

  • kStatus_LPUART_NoiseError – Noise error happened while receiving data.

  • kStatus_LPUART_FramingError – Framing error happened while receiving data.

  • kStatus_LPUART_ParityError – Parity error happened while receiving data.

  • kStatus_LPUART_Timeout – Transmission timed out and was aborted.

  • kStatus_Success – Successfully received all data.

status_t LPUART_ReadBlocking16bit(LPUART_Type *base, uint16_t *data, size_t length)

Reads the receiver data register in 9bit or 10bit mode.


This function only support 9bit or 10bit transfer.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • data – Start address of the buffer to store the received data by 16bit, only 10bit is valid.

  • length – Size of the buffer.

Return values:
  • kStatus_LPUART_RxHardwareOverrun – Receiver overrun happened while receiving data.

  • kStatus_LPUART_NoiseError – Noise error happened while receiving data.

  • kStatus_LPUART_FramingError – Framing error happened while receiving data.

  • kStatus_LPUART_ParityError – Parity error happened while receiving data.

  • kStatus_LPUART_Timeout – Transmission timed out and was aborted.

  • kStatus_Success – Successfully received all data.

void LPUART_TransferCreateHandle(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle, lpuart_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)

Initializes the LPUART handle.

This function initializes the LPUART handle, which can be used for other LPUART transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified LPUART instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.

The LPUART driver supports the “background” receiving, which means that user can set up an RX ring buffer optionally. Data received is stored into the ring buffer even when the user doesn’t call the LPUART_TransferReceiveNonBlocking() API. If there is already data received in the ring buffer, the user can get the received data from the ring buffer directly. The ring buffer is disabled if passing NULL as ringBuffer.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • handle – LPUART handle pointer.

  • callback – Callback function.

  • userData – User data.

status_t LPUART_TransferSendNonBlocking(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle, lpuart_transfer_t *xfer)

Transmits a buffer of data using the interrupt method.

This function send data using an interrupt method. This is a non-blocking function, which returns directly without waiting for all data written to the transmitter register. When all data is written to the TX register in the ISR, the LPUART driver calls the callback function and passes the kStatus_LPUART_TxIdle as status parameter.


The kStatus_LPUART_TxIdle is passed to the upper layer when all data are written to the TX register. However, there is no check to ensure that all the data sent out. Before disabling the TX, check the kLPUART_TransmissionCompleteFlag to ensure that the transmit is finished.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • handle – LPUART handle pointer.

  • xfer – LPUART transfer structure, see lpuart_transfer_t.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Successfully start the data transmission.

  • kStatus_LPUART_TxBusy – Previous transmission still not finished, data not all written to the TX register.

  • kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.

void LPUART_TransferStartRingBuffer(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle, uint8_t *ringBuffer, size_t ringBufferSize)

Sets up the RX ring buffer.

This function sets up the RX ring buffer to a specific UART handle.

When the RX ring buffer is used, data received is stored into the ring buffer even when the user doesn’t call the UART_TransferReceiveNonBlocking() API. If there is already data received in the ring buffer, the user can get the received data from the ring buffer directly.


When using RX ring buffer, one byte is reserved for internal use. In other words, if ringBufferSize is 32, then only 31 bytes are used for saving data.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • handle – LPUART handle pointer.

  • ringBuffer – Start address of ring buffer for background receiving. Pass NULL to disable the ring buffer.

  • ringBufferSize – size of the ring buffer.

void LPUART_TransferStopRingBuffer(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle)

Aborts the background transfer and uninstalls the ring buffer.

This function aborts the background transfer and uninstalls the ring buffer.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • handle – LPUART handle pointer.

size_t LPUART_TransferGetRxRingBufferLength(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle)

Get the length of received data in RX ring buffer.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • handle – LPUART handle pointer.


Length of received data in RX ring buffer.

void LPUART_TransferAbortSend(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle)

Aborts the interrupt-driven data transmit.

This function aborts the interrupt driven data sending. The user can get the remainBtyes to find out how many bytes are not sent out.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • handle – LPUART handle pointer.

status_t LPUART_TransferGetSendCount(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle, uint32_t *count)

Gets the number of bytes that have been sent out to bus.

This function gets the number of bytes that have been sent out to bus by an interrupt method.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • handle – LPUART handle pointer.

  • count – Send bytes count.

Return values:
  • kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – No send in progress.

  • kStatus_InvalidArgument – Parameter is invalid.

  • kStatus_Success – Get successfully through the parameter count;

status_t LPUART_TransferReceiveNonBlocking(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle, lpuart_transfer_t *xfer, size_t *receivedBytes)

Receives a buffer of data using the interrupt method.

This function receives data using an interrupt method. This is a non-blocking function which returns without waiting to ensure that all data are received. If the RX ring buffer is used and not empty, the data in the ring buffer is copied and the parameter receivedBytes shows how many bytes are copied from the ring buffer. After copying, if the data in the ring buffer is not enough for read, the receive request is saved by the LPUART driver. When the new data arrives, the receive request is serviced first. When all data is received, the LPUART driver notifies the upper layer through a callback function and passes a status parameter kStatus_UART_RxIdle. For example, the upper layer needs 10 bytes but there are only 5 bytes in ring buffer. The 5 bytes are copied to xfer->data, which returns with the parameter receivedBytes set to 5. For the remaining 5 bytes, the newly arrived data is saved from xfer->data[5]. When 5 bytes are received, the LPUART driver notifies the upper layer. If the RX ring buffer is not enabled, this function enables the RX and RX interrupt to receive data to xfer->data. When all data is received, the upper layer is notified.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • handle – LPUART handle pointer.

  • xfer – LPUART transfer structure, see uart_transfer_t.

  • receivedBytes – Bytes received from the ring buffer directly.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Successfully queue the transfer into the transmit queue.

  • kStatus_LPUART_RxBusy – Previous receive request is not finished.

  • kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.

void LPUART_TransferAbortReceive(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle)

Aborts the interrupt-driven data receiving.

This function aborts the interrupt-driven data receiving. The user can get the remainBytes to find out how many bytes not received yet.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • handle – LPUART handle pointer.

status_t LPUART_TransferGetReceiveCount(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle, uint32_t *count)

Gets the number of bytes that have been received.

This function gets the number of bytes that have been received.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • handle – LPUART handle pointer.

  • count – Receive bytes count.

Return values:
  • kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – No receive in progress.

  • kStatus_InvalidArgument – Parameter is invalid.

  • kStatus_Success – Get successfully through the parameter count;

void LPUART_TransferHandleIRQ(LPUART_Type *base, void *irqHandle)

LPUART IRQ handle function.

This function handles the LPUART transmit and receive IRQ request.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • irqHandle – LPUART handle pointer.

void LPUART_TransferHandleErrorIRQ(LPUART_Type *base, void *irqHandle)

LPUART Error IRQ handle function.

This function handles the LPUART error IRQ request.

  • base – LPUART peripheral base address.

  • irqHandle – LPUART handle pointer.


LPUART driver version.

Error codes for the LPUART driver.


enumerator kStatus_LPUART_TxBusy

TX busy

enumerator kStatus_LPUART_RxBusy

RX busy

enumerator kStatus_LPUART_TxIdle

LPUART transmitter is idle.

enumerator kStatus_LPUART_RxIdle

LPUART receiver is idle.

enumerator kStatus_LPUART_TxWatermarkTooLarge

TX FIFO watermark too large

enumerator kStatus_LPUART_RxWatermarkTooLarge

RX FIFO watermark too large

enumerator kStatus_LPUART_FlagCannotClearManually

Some flag can’t manually clear

enumerator kStatus_LPUART_Error

Error happens on LPUART.

enumerator kStatus_LPUART_RxRingBufferOverrun

LPUART RX software ring buffer overrun.

enumerator kStatus_LPUART_RxHardwareOverrun

LPUART RX receiver overrun.

enumerator kStatus_LPUART_NoiseError

LPUART noise error.

enumerator kStatus_LPUART_FramingError

LPUART framing error.

enumerator kStatus_LPUART_ParityError

LPUART parity error.

enumerator kStatus_LPUART_BaudrateNotSupport

Baudrate is not support in current clock source

enumerator kStatus_LPUART_IdleLineDetected

IDLE flag.

enumerator kStatus_LPUART_Timeout

LPUART times out.

enum _lpuart_parity_mode

LPUART parity mode.


enumerator kLPUART_ParityDisabled

Parity disabled

enumerator kLPUART_ParityEven

Parity enabled, type even, bit setting: PE|PT = 10

enumerator kLPUART_ParityOdd

Parity enabled, type odd, bit setting: PE|PT = 11

enum _lpuart_data_bits

LPUART data bits count.


enumerator kLPUART_EightDataBits

Eight data bit

enumerator kLPUART_SevenDataBits

Seven data bit

enum _lpuart_stop_bit_count

LPUART stop bit count.


enumerator kLPUART_OneStopBit

One stop bit

enumerator kLPUART_TwoStopBit

Two stop bits

enum _lpuart_transmit_cts_source

LPUART transmit CTS source.


enumerator kLPUART_CtsSourcePin

CTS resource is the LPUART_CTS pin.

enumerator kLPUART_CtsSourceMatchResult

CTS resource is the match result.

enum _lpuart_transmit_cts_config

LPUART transmit CTS configure.


enumerator kLPUART_CtsSampleAtStart

CTS input is sampled at the start of each character.

enumerator kLPUART_CtsSampleAtIdle

CTS input is sampled when the transmitter is idle

enum _lpuart_idle_type_select

LPUART idle flag type defines when the receiver starts counting.


enumerator kLPUART_IdleTypeStartBit

Start counting after a valid start bit.

enumerator kLPUART_IdleTypeStopBit

Start counting after a stop bit.

enum _lpuart_idle_config

LPUART idle detected configuration. This structure defines the number of idle characters that must be received before the IDLE flag is set.


enumerator kLPUART_IdleCharacter1

the number of idle characters.

enumerator kLPUART_IdleCharacter2

the number of idle characters.

enumerator kLPUART_IdleCharacter4

the number of idle characters.

enumerator kLPUART_IdleCharacter8

the number of idle characters.

enumerator kLPUART_IdleCharacter16

the number of idle characters.

enumerator kLPUART_IdleCharacter32

the number of idle characters.

enumerator kLPUART_IdleCharacter64

the number of idle characters.

enumerator kLPUART_IdleCharacter128

the number of idle characters.

enum _lpuart_interrupt_enable

LPUART interrupt configuration structure, default settings all disabled.

This structure contains the settings for all LPUART interrupt configurations.


enumerator kLPUART_LinBreakInterruptEnable

LIN break detect. bit 7

enumerator kLPUART_RxActiveEdgeInterruptEnable

Receive Active Edge. bit 6

enumerator kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyInterruptEnable

Transmit data register empty. bit 23

enumerator kLPUART_TransmissionCompleteInterruptEnable

Transmission complete. bit 22

enumerator kLPUART_RxDataRegFullInterruptEnable

Receiver data register full. bit 21

enumerator kLPUART_IdleLineInterruptEnable

Idle line. bit 20

enumerator kLPUART_RxOverrunInterruptEnable

Receiver Overrun. bit 27

enumerator kLPUART_NoiseErrorInterruptEnable

Noise error flag. bit 26

enumerator kLPUART_FramingErrorInterruptEnable

Framing error flag. bit 25

enumerator kLPUART_ParityErrorInterruptEnable

Parity error flag. bit 24

enumerator kLPUART_Match1InterruptEnable

Parity error flag. bit 15

enumerator kLPUART_Match2InterruptEnable

Parity error flag. bit 14

enumerator kLPUART_TxFifoOverflowInterruptEnable

Transmit FIFO Overflow. bit 9

enumerator kLPUART_RxFifoUnderflowInterruptEnable

Receive FIFO Underflow. bit 8

enumerator kLPUART_AllInterruptEnable
enum _lpuart_flags

LPUART status flags.

This provides constants for the LPUART status flags for use in the LPUART functions.


enumerator kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyFlag

Transmit data register empty flag, sets when transmit buffer is empty. bit 23

enumerator kLPUART_TransmissionCompleteFlag

Transmission complete flag, sets when transmission activity complete. bit 22

enumerator kLPUART_RxDataRegFullFlag

Receive data register full flag, sets when the receive data buffer is full. bit 21

enumerator kLPUART_IdleLineFlag

Idle line detect flag, sets when idle line detected. bit 20

enumerator kLPUART_RxOverrunFlag

Receive Overrun, sets when new data is received before data is read from receive register. bit 19

enumerator kLPUART_NoiseErrorFlag

Receive takes 3 samples of each received bit. If any of these samples differ, noise flag sets. bit 18

enumerator kLPUART_FramingErrorFlag

Frame error flag, sets if logic 0 was detected where stop bit expected. bit 17

enumerator kLPUART_ParityErrorFlag

If parity enabled, sets upon parity error detection. bit 16

enumerator kLPUART_LinBreakFlag

LIN break detect interrupt flag, sets when LIN break char detected and LIN circuit enabled. bit 31

enumerator kLPUART_RxActiveEdgeFlag

Receive pin active edge interrupt flag, sets when active edge detected. bit 30

enumerator kLPUART_RxActiveFlag

Receiver Active Flag (RAF), sets at beginning of valid start. bit 24

enumerator kLPUART_DataMatch1Flag

The next character to be read from LPUART_DATA matches MA1. bit 15

enumerator kLPUART_DataMatch2Flag

The next character to be read from LPUART_DATA matches MA2. bit 14

enumerator kLPUART_TxFifoEmptyFlag

TXEMPT bit, sets if transmit buffer is empty. bit 7

enumerator kLPUART_RxFifoEmptyFlag

RXEMPT bit, sets if receive buffer is empty. bit 6

enumerator kLPUART_TxFifoOverflowFlag

TXOF bit, sets if transmit buffer overflow occurred. bit 1

enumerator kLPUART_RxFifoUnderflowFlag

RXUF bit, sets if receive buffer underflow occurred. bit 0

enumerator kLPUART_AllClearFlags
enumerator kLPUART_AllFlags
typedef enum _lpuart_parity_mode lpuart_parity_mode_t

LPUART parity mode.

typedef enum _lpuart_data_bits lpuart_data_bits_t

LPUART data bits count.

typedef enum _lpuart_stop_bit_count lpuart_stop_bit_count_t

LPUART stop bit count.

typedef enum _lpuart_transmit_cts_source lpuart_transmit_cts_source_t

LPUART transmit CTS source.

typedef enum _lpuart_transmit_cts_config lpuart_transmit_cts_config_t

LPUART transmit CTS configure.

typedef enum _lpuart_idle_type_select lpuart_idle_type_select_t

LPUART idle flag type defines when the receiver starts counting.

typedef enum _lpuart_idle_config lpuart_idle_config_t

LPUART idle detected configuration. This structure defines the number of idle characters that must be received before the IDLE flag is set.

typedef struct _lpuart_config lpuart_config_t

LPUART configuration structure.

typedef struct _lpuart_transfer lpuart_transfer_t

LPUART transfer structure.

typedef struct _lpuart_handle lpuart_handle_t
typedef void (*lpuart_transfer_callback_t)(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)

LPUART transfer callback function.

typedef void (*lpuart_isr_t)(LPUART_Type *base, void *handle)
void *s_lpuartHandle[]
const IRQn_Type s_lpuartTxIRQ[]
lpuart_isr_t s_lpuartIsr[]

Retry times for waiting flag.

struct _lpuart_config
#include <fsl_lpuart.h>

LPUART configuration structure.

Public Members

uint32_t baudRate_Bps

LPUART baud rate

lpuart_parity_mode_t parityMode

Parity mode, disabled (default), even, odd

lpuart_data_bits_t dataBitsCount

Data bits count, eight (default), seven

bool isMsb

Data bits order, LSB (default), MSB

lpuart_stop_bit_count_t stopBitCount

Number of stop bits, 1 stop bit (default) or 2 stop bits

uint8_t txFifoWatermark

TX FIFO watermark

uint8_t rxFifoWatermark

RX FIFO watermark

bool enableRxRTS

RX RTS enable

bool enableTxCTS

TX CTS enable

lpuart_transmit_cts_source_t txCtsSource

TX CTS source

lpuart_transmit_cts_config_t txCtsConfig

TX CTS configure

lpuart_idle_type_select_t rxIdleType

RX IDLE type.

lpuart_idle_config_t rxIdleConfig

RX IDLE configuration.

bool enableTx

Enable TX

bool enableRx

Enable RX

struct _lpuart_transfer
#include <fsl_lpuart.h>

LPUART transfer structure.

Public Members

size_t dataSize

The byte count to be transfer.

struct _lpuart_handle
#include <fsl_lpuart.h>

LPUART handle structure.

Public Members

volatile size_t txDataSize

Size of the remaining data to send.

size_t txDataSizeAll

Size of the data to send out.

volatile size_t rxDataSize

Size of the remaining data to receive.

size_t rxDataSizeAll

Size of the data to receive.

size_t rxRingBufferSize

Size of the ring buffer.

volatile uint16_t rxRingBufferHead

Index for the driver to store received data into ring buffer.

volatile uint16_t rxRingBufferTail

Index for the user to get data from the ring buffer.

lpuart_transfer_callback_t callback

Callback function.

void *userData

LPUART callback function parameter.

volatile uint8_t txState

TX transfer state.

volatile uint8_t rxState

RX transfer state.

bool isSevenDataBits

Seven data bits flag.

bool is16bitData

16bit data bits flag, only used for 9bit or 10bit data

union __unnamed18__

Public Members

uint8_t *data

The buffer of data to be transfer.

uint8_t *rxData

The buffer to receive data.

uint16_t *rxData16

The buffer to receive data.

const uint8_t *txData

The buffer of data to be sent.

const uint16_t *txData16

The buffer of data to be sent.

union __unnamed20__

Public Members

const uint8_t *volatile txData

Address of remaining data to send.

const uint16_t *volatile txData16

Address of remaining data to send.

union __unnamed22__

Public Members

uint8_t *volatile rxData

Address of remaining data to receive.

uint16_t *volatile rxData16

Address of remaining data to receive.

union __unnamed24__

Public Members

uint8_t *rxRingBuffer

Start address of the receiver ring buffer.

uint16_t *rxRingBuffer16

Start address of the receiver ring buffer.

MCM: Miscellaneous Control Module


MCM driver version.

Enum _mcm_interrupt_flag. Interrupt status flag mask. .


enumerator kMCM_CacheWriteBuffer

Cache Write Buffer Error Enable.

enumerator kMCM_ParityError

Cache Parity Error Enable.

enumerator kMCM_FPUInvalidOperation

FPU Invalid Operation Interrupt Enable.

enumerator kMCM_FPUDivideByZero

FPU Divide-by-zero Interrupt Enable.

enumerator kMCM_FPUOverflow

FPU Overflow Interrupt Enable.

enumerator kMCM_FPUUnderflow

FPU Underflow Interrupt Enable.

enumerator kMCM_FPUInexact

FPU Inexact Interrupt Enable.

enumerator kMCM_FPUInputDenormalInterrupt

FPU Input Denormal Interrupt Enable.

typedef union _mcm_buffer_fault_attribute mcm_buffer_fault_attribute_t

The union of buffer fault attribute.

typedef union _mcm_lmem_fault_attribute mcm_lmem_fault_attribute_t

The union of LMEM fault attribute.

static inline void MCM_EnableCrossbarRoundRobin(MCM_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables/Disables crossbar round robin.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

  • enable – Used to enable/disable crossbar round robin.

    • true Enable crossbar round robin.

    • false disable crossbar round robin.

static inline void MCM_EnableInterruptStatus(MCM_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Enables the interrupt.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

  • mask – Interrupt status flags mask(_mcm_interrupt_flag).

static inline void MCM_DisableInterruptStatus(MCM_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Disables the interrupt.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

  • mask – Interrupt status flags mask(_mcm_interrupt_flag).

static inline uint16_t MCM_GetInterruptStatus(MCM_Type *base)

Gets the Interrupt status .

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

static inline void MCM_ClearCacheWriteBufferErroStatus(MCM_Type *base)

Clears the Interrupt status .

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

static inline uint32_t MCM_GetBufferFaultAddress(MCM_Type *base)

Gets buffer fault address.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

static inline void MCM_GetBufferFaultAttribute(MCM_Type *base, mcm_buffer_fault_attribute_t *bufferfault)

Gets buffer fault attributes.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

static inline uint32_t MCM_GetBufferFaultData(MCM_Type *base)

Gets buffer fault data.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

static inline void MCM_LimitCodeCachePeripheralWriteBuffering(MCM_Type *base, bool enable)

Limit code cache peripheral write buffering.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

  • enable – Used to enable/disable limit code cache peripheral write buffering.

    • true Enable limit code cache peripheral write buffering.

    • false disable limit code cache peripheral write buffering.

static inline void MCM_BypassFixedCodeCacheMap(MCM_Type *base, bool enable)

Bypass fixed code cache map.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

  • enable – Used to enable/disable bypass fixed code cache map.

    • true Enable bypass fixed code cache map.

    • false disable bypass fixed code cache map.

static inline void MCM_EnableCodeBusCache(MCM_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables/Disables code bus cache.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

  • enable – Used to disable/enable code bus cache.

    • true Enable code bus cache.

    • false disable code bus cache.

static inline void MCM_ForceCodeCacheToNoAllocation(MCM_Type *base, bool enable)

Force code cache to no allocation.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

  • enable – Used to force code cache to allocation or no allocation.

    • true Force code cache to no allocation.

    • false Force code cache to allocation.

static inline void MCM_EnableCodeCacheWriteBuffer(MCM_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables/Disables code cache write buffer.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

  • enable – Used to enable/disable code cache write buffer.

    • true Enable code cache write buffer.

    • false Disable code cache write buffer.

static inline void MCM_ClearCodeBusCache(MCM_Type *base)

Clear code bus cache.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

static inline void MCM_EnablePcParityFaultReport(MCM_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables/Disables PC Parity Fault Report.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

  • enable – Used to enable/disable PC Parity Fault Report.

    • true Enable PC Parity Fault Report.

    • false disable PC Parity Fault Report.

static inline void MCM_EnablePcParity(MCM_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables/Disables PC Parity.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

  • enable – Used to enable/disable PC Parity.

    • true Enable PC Parity.

    • false disable PC Parity.

static inline void MCM_LockConfigState(MCM_Type *base)

Lock the configuration state.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

static inline void MCM_EnableCacheParityReporting(MCM_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables/Disables cache parity reporting.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

  • enable – Used to enable/disable cache parity reporting.

    • true Enable cache parity reporting.

    • false disable cache parity reporting.

static inline uint32_t MCM_GetLmemFaultAddress(MCM_Type *base)

Gets LMEM fault address.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

static inline void MCM_GetLmemFaultAttribute(MCM_Type *base, mcm_lmem_fault_attribute_t *lmemFault)

Get LMEM fault attributes.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

static inline uint64_t MCM_GetLmemFaultData(MCM_Type *base)

Gets LMEM fault data.

  • base – MCM peripheral base address.

union _mcm_buffer_fault_attribute
#include <fsl_mcm.h>

The union of buffer fault attribute.

Public Members

uint32_t attribute

Indicates the faulting attributes, when a properly-enabled cache write buffer error interrupt event is detected.

struct _mcm_buffer_fault_attribute._mcm_buffer_fault_attribut attribute_memory
struct _mcm_buffer_fault_attribut
#include <fsl_mcm.h>

Public Members

uint32_t busErrorDataAccessType

Indicates the type of cache write buffer access.

uint32_t busErrorPrivilegeLevel

Indicates the privilege level of the cache write buffer access.

uint32_t busErrorSize

Indicates the size of the cache write buffer access.

uint32_t busErrorAccess

Indicates the type of system bus access.

uint32_t busErrorMasterID

Indicates the crossbar switch bus master number of the captured cache write buffer bus error.

uint32_t busErrorOverrun

Indicates if another cache write buffer bus error is detected.

union _mcm_lmem_fault_attribute
#include <fsl_mcm.h>

The union of LMEM fault attribute.

Public Members

uint32_t attribute

Indicates the attributes of the LMEM fault detected.

struct _mcm_lmem_fault_attribute._mcm_lmem_fault_attribut attribute_memory
struct _mcm_lmem_fault_attribut
#include <fsl_mcm.h>

Public Members

uint32_t parityFaultProtectionSignal

Indicates the features of parity fault protection signal.

uint32_t parityFaultMasterSize

Indicates the parity fault master size.

uint32_t parityFaultWrite

Indicates the parity fault is caused by read or write.

uint32_t backdoorAccess

Indicates the LMEM access fault is initiated by core access or backdoor access.

uint32_t parityFaultSyndrome

Indicates the parity fault syndrome.

uint32_t overrun

Indicates the number of faultss.

MMAU: Memory Mapped Arithmetic Unit

typedef short int frac16_t

Q0.15 fractional

typedef long frac24_t

Q8.23 fractional

typedef long frac32_t

Q0.31 fractional

typedef long long frac48_t

Q16.47 fractional

typedef long long frac64_t

Q0.63 fractional

static inline void MMAU_EnableDMA(MMAU_Type *base, bool enable)

Enable DMA for MMAU module.

  • base – MMAU peripheral address.

  • enable – Mode of DMA access

    • true Enable DMA access

    • false Disable DMA access

static inline void MMAU_EnableSupervisorOnly(MMAU_Type *base, bool enable)

Enable supervisor only for MMAU module.

  • base – MMAU peripheral address.

  • enable – Mode of MMAU module can be access

    • true MMAU registers can only be access in Supervisor Mode.

    • false MMAU registers can be access in both User Mode or Supervisor Mode.

void MMAU_Reset(MMAU_Type *base)

Set control/status register into reset state.

This function sets control/status register to a known state. This state is defined in Reference Manual, which is power on reset value. This function must execute in a Supervisor Mode

  • base – MMAU peripheral address.

static inline void MMAU_EnableInterrupts(MMAU_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Enable MMAU interrupts.

This function enables the interrupts related to the mask. Example:

MMAU_EnableInterrupts(MMAU, kMMAU_AccumOverflowInterruptEnable | kMMAU_DivideByZeroInterruptEnable);

  • base – MMAU peripheral address.

  • mask – Mask of the interrupt enable to be written (kMMAU_AccumOverflowInterruptEnable|kMMAU_OverflowInterruptEnable|kMMAU_DivideByZeroInterruptEnable).

static inline void MMAU_DisableInterrupts(MMAU_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Disable MMAU interrupts.

This function disables the interrupt related to the mask. Example:

MMAU_DisableInterrupts(MMAU, kMMAU_AccumOverflowInterruptEnable | kMMAU_DivideByZeroInterruptEnable);

  • base – MMAU peripheral address.

  • mask – Mask of the interrupt enable to be written (kMMAU_AccumOverflowInterruptEnable|kMMAU_OverflowInterruptEnable|kMMAU_DivideByZeroInterruptEnable).

static inline uint32_t MMAU_GetEnabledInterrupts(MMAU_Type *base)

Gets enabled interrupts.

This function gets all interrupt values. Example:

uint32_t flags = 0;
flags = MMAU_GetEnabledInterrupts(MMAU);
if (flags & kMMAU_AccumOverflowInterruptEnable)

  • base – MMAU peripheral address.


Combination of enabled interrupt

static inline uint32_t MMAU_GetInterruptFlags(MMAU_Type *base)

Get interrupt flags.

This function gets interrupt flags.

  • base – MMAU peripheral address.


the mask of these interrupt flag bits.

void MMAU_ClearInterruptFlags(MMAU_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Clears interrupt flags.

This function clears the interrupt flags. Example, if you want to clear Overflow and DivideByZero interrupt flags:

MMAU_ClearInterruptFlags(MMAU, kMMAU_OverflowInterruptFlag|kMMAU_DivideByZeroInterruptFlag);

  • base – MMAU peripheral address.

  • mask – Mask of the asserted interrupt flags (kMMAU_AccumOverflowInterruptFlag|kMMAU_OverflowInterruptFlag|kMMAU_DivideByZeroInterruptFlag).

static inline uint32_t MMAU_GetInstructionFlags(MMAU_Type *base)

Gets the instruction flags.

This function gets the instruction flag. Instruction flags are updated by the MMAU after computation of each instruction. Example:

uint32_t flags;
flags = MMAU_GetInstructionFlags(MMAU);
if (flags & kMMAU_OverflowInstructionFlag)

  • base – MMAU peripheral address.


Combination of all instruction flags.

void MMAU_SetInstructionFlags(MMAU_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Sets the instruction flags.

This function sets the instruction flags. Example:

MMAU_SetInstructionFlags(MMAU, kMMAU_AccumOverflowInstructionFlag | kMMAU_NegativeInstructionFlag);
MMAU_SetInstructionFlags(MMAU, kMMAU_OverflowInstructionFlag | kMMAU_DivideByZeroInstructionFlag);


  • base – MMAU peripheral address.

  • mask – Mask of the instruction flags to be written

void MMAU_ClearInstructionFlags(MMAU_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Clears instruction flags.

This function clears the instruction flags. Example, if you want to clear Overflow and DivideByZero instruction flags:

MMAU_ClearInstructionFlags(MMAU, kMMAU_OverflowInstructionFlag|kMMAU_DivideByZeroInstructionFlag);


  • base – MMAU peripheral address.

  • mask – Mask of the asserted instruction flags

static inline void MMAU_ulda_d (register uint64_t dval)

Load A10 accumulator register of the MMAU by 64-bit unsigned value.

The ulda_d function loads A10 accumulator register of the MMAU by 64-bit unsigned value.

  • dval – uint64_t unsigned load value.

static inline uint64_t MMAU_d_umul_ll (register uint32_t lval1, register uint32_t lval2)

Multiply two 32-bit unsigned values returning a 64-bit unsigned product.

The MMAU_d_umul_ll function multiplies two 32-bit unsigned values returning a 64-bit unsigned product.


Product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • lval1 – uint32_t unsigned value.

  • lval2 – uint32_t unsigned value.


uint64_t unsigned value after multiply.

static inline uint64_t MMAU_d_umul_dl (register uint64_t dval, register uint32_t lval)

Multiply 64-bit unsigned value with 32-bit unsigned value returning a 64-bit unsigned product.

The MMAU_d_umul_dl function multiplies 64-bit unsigned value with 32-bit unsigned value returning a 64-bit unsigned product.


Product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • dval – uint64_t unsigned value.

  • lval – uint32_t unsigned value.


uint64_t unsigned value after multiply.

static inline uint64_t MMAU_d_umuls_dl (register uint64_t dval, register uint32_t lval)

Saturating multiply 64-bit unsigned value with 32-bit unsigned value returning saturated 64-bit unsigned product.

The MMAU_d_umuls_dl function multiplies 64-bit unsigned value with 32-bit unsigned value returning saturated 64-bit unsigned product.


Saturated product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • dval – uint64_t unsigned value.

  • lval – uint32_t unsigned value.


uint64_t unsigned value after multiply.

static inline uint64_t MMAU_d_umula_l (register uint32_t lval)

Multiply 32-bit unsigned value with 64-bit unsigned value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning a 64-bit unsigned product.

The MMAU_d_umula_l function multiplies 32-bit unsigned value with 64-bit unsigned value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning a 64-bit unsigned product.


Product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • lval – uint32_t unsigned value.


uint64_t unsigned value after multiply.

static inline uint64_t MMAU_d_umulas_l (register uint32_t lval)

Saturating multiply 32-bit unsigned value with 64-bit unsigned value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning saturated 64-bit unsigned product.

The MMAU_d_umulas_l function multiplies 32-bit unsigned value with 64-bit unsigned value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning saturated 64-bit unsigned product.


Saturated product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • lval – uint32_t unsigned value.


uint64_t unsigned value after multiply.

static inline uint64_t MMAU_d_umac_ll (register uint32_t lval1, register uint32_t lval2)

Multiply two 32-bit unsigned values and add product with value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning a 64-bit unsigned A10 register value.

The MMAU_d_umac_ll function multiplies two 32-bit unsigned values and add product with value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning a 64-bit unsigned A10 register value.


Product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • lval1 – uint32_t unsigned value.

  • lval2 – uint32_t unsigned value.


uint64_t unsigned value after multiply.

static inline uint64_t MMAU_d_umacs_ll (register uint32_t lval1, register uint32_t lval2)

Saturating multiply two 32-bit unsigned values and add product with value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning a 64-bit unsigned A10 register value.

The MMAU_d_umacs_ll function multiplies two 32-bit unsigned values and add product with value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning saturated 64-bit unsigned A10 register value.


Saturated product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • lval1 – uint32_t unsigned value.

  • lval2 – uint32_t unsigned value.


uint64_t unsigned value after multiply.

static inline uint64_t MMAU_d_umac_dl (register uint64_t dval, register uint32_t lval)

Multiply 64-bit unsigned value with 32-bit unsigned value and add product with value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning a 64-bit unsigned A10 register value.

The MMAU_d_umac_dl function multiplies 64-bit unsigned value with 32-bit unsigned value and add product with value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning a 64-bit unsigned A10 register value.


Product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • dval – uint64_t unsigned value.

  • lval – uint32_t unsigned value.


uint64_t unsigned value after multiply.

static inline uint64_t MMAU_d_umacs_dl (register uint64_t dval, register uint32_t lval)

Saturating multiply 64-bit unsigned value with 32-bit unsigned value and add product with value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning saturated 64-bit unsigned A10 register value.

The MMAU_d_umacs_dl function multiplies 64-bit unsigned value with 32-bit unsigned value and add product with value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning saturated 64-bit unsigned A10 register value.


Saturated product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • dval – uint64_t unsigned value.

  • lval – uint32_t unsigned value.


uint64_t unsigned value after multiply.

static inline uint64_t MMAU_d_umaca_dl (register uint64_t dval, register uint32_t lval)

Multiply 32-bit unsigned value by value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU and add product with 64-bit unsigned value returning a 64-bit unsigned A10 register value.

The MMAU_d_umaca_dl function multiplies 32-bit unsigned value by value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU and add product with 64-bit unsigned value returning a 64-bit unsigned A10 register value.


Product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • dval – uint64_t unsigned value.

  • lval – uint32_t unsigned value.


uint64_t unsigned value after multiply.

static inline uint64_t MMAU_d_umacas_dl (register uint64_t dval, register uint32_t lval)

Saturating multiply 32-bit unsigned value by value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU and add product with 64-bit unsigned value returning a saturated 64-bit unsigned A10 register value.

The MMAU_d_umacas_dl function multiplies 32-bit unsigned value by value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU and add product with 64-bit unsigned value returning saturated 64-bit unsigned A10 register value.


Saturated product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • dval – uint64_t unsigned value.

  • lval – uint32_t unsigned value.


uint64_t unsigned value after multiply.

static inline uint32_t MMAU_l_udiv_ll (register uint32_t lnum, register uint32_t lden)

Divide two 32-bit unsigned values returning a 32-bit unsigned quotient.

The MMAU_l_udiv_ll function divides two 32-bit unsigned values returning a 32-bit unsigned quotient.


Quotient is stored in A0 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • lnum – uint32_t unsigned divisor value.

  • lden – uint32_t unsigned dividend value.


uint32_t unsigned quotient value.

static inline uint64_t MMAU_d_udiv_dl (register uint64_t dnum, register uint32_t lden)

Divide 64-bit unsigned value by 32-bit unsigned value returning a 64-bit unsigned quotient.

The MMAU_d_udiv_dl function divides 64-bit unsigned value by 32-bit unsigned value returning a 64-bit unsigned quotient.


Quotient is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • dnum – uint64_t unsigned divisor value.

  • lden – uint32_t unsigned dividend value.


uint64_t unsigned quotient value.

static inline uint64_t MMAU_d_udiv_dd (register uint64_t dnum, register uint64_t dden)

Divide two 64-bit unsigned values returning a 64-bit unsigned quotient.

The MMAU_d_udiv_dd function divides two 64-bit unsigned values returning a 64-bit unsigned quotient.


Quotient is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • dnum – uint64_t unsigned divisor value.

  • dden – uint64_t unsigned dividend value.


uint64_t unsigned quotient value.

static inline uint64_t MMAU_d_udiva_l (register uint32_t lden1)

Divide 32-bit unsigned value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU by 32-bit unsigned value returning a 64-bit unsigned quotient.

The MMAU_d_udiva_l function divides 64-bit unsigned value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU by 32-bit unsigned value returning a 64-bit unsigned quotient.


Quotient is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • lden1 – uint32_t unsigned dividend value.


uint64_t unsigned quotient value.

static inline uint64_t MMAU_d_udiva_d (register uint64_t dden1)

Divide 64-bit unsigned value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU by 64-bit unsigned value returning a 64-bit unsigned quotient.

The MMAU_d_udiva_d function divides 64-bit unsigned value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU by 64-bit unsigned value returning a 64-bit unsigned quotient.


Quotient is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • dden1 – uint64_t unsigned dividend value.


uint64_t unsigned quotient value.

static inline uint32_t MMAU_l_usqr_l (register uint32_t lrad)

Compute and return a 32-bit unsigned square root of the 32-bit unsigned radicand.

The MMAU_l_usqr_l function computes and returns a 32-bit unsigned square root of the 32-bit unsigned radicand.


Quotient is stored in A0 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • lrad – uint32_t unsigned radicand.


uint32_t unsigned square root.

static inline uint32_t MMAU_l_usqr_d (register uint64_t drad)

Compute and return a 32-bit unsigned square root of the 64-bit unsigned radicand.

The MMAU_l_usqr_d function computes and returns a 32-bit unsigned square root of the 64-bit unsigned radicand.


Quotient is stored in A0 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • drad – uint64_t unsigned radicand.


uint32_t unsigned square root.

static inline uint16_t MMAU_s_usqr_l (register uint32_t lrad)

Compute and return a 16-bit unsigned square root of the 32-bit unsigned radicand.

The MMAU_s_usqr_l function computes and returns a 16-bit unsigned square root of the 32-bit unsigned radicand.


Square root is stored in A0 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • lrad – uint32 unsigned radicand.


uint16 unsigned square root.

static inline uint32_t MMAU_l_usqra(void)

Compute and return a 32-bit unsigned square root of the radicand stored in the A10 register of the MMAU.

The MMAU_l_usqra function computes and returns a 32-bit unsigned square root of the radicand stored in the A10 register of the MMAU.


Quotient is stored in A0 register of the MMAU for next computation.


uint32_t unsigned square root.

static inline void MMAU_slda_d (register int64_t dval)

Load A10 accumulator register of the MMAU by 64-bit integer value.

The MMAU_slda_d function loads A10 accumulator register of the MMAU by 64-bit integer value.

  • dval – int64_t integer value.

static inline int64_t MMAU_d_smul_ll (register int32_t lval1, register int32_t lval2)

Multiply two 32-bit integer values returning a 64-bit integer product.

The MMAU_d_smul_ll function multiplies two 32-bit integer values returning a 64-bit integer product.


Product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • lval1 – int32_t integer value.

  • lval2 – int32_t integer value.


int64_t integer value after multiply.

static inline int64_t MMAU_d_smul_dl (register int64_t dval, register int32_t lval)

Multiply 64-bit integer value with 32-bit integer value returning a 64-bit integer product.

The MMAU_d_smul_dl function multiplies 64-bit integer value with 32-bit integer value returning a 64-bit integer product.


Product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • dval – int64_t integer value.

  • lval – int32_t integer value.


int64_t integer value after multiply.

static inline int64_t MMAU_d_smuls_dl (register int64_t dval, register int32_t lval)

Saturating multiply 64-bit integer value with 32-bit integer value returning saturated 64-bit integer product.

The MMAU_d_smuls_dl function multiplies 64-bit integer value with 32-bit integer value returning saturated 64-bit integer product.


Saturated product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • dval – int64_t integer value.

  • lval – int32_t integer value.


int64_t integer value after multiply.

static inline int64_t MMAU_d_smula_l (register int32_t lval)

Multiply 32-bit integer value with 64-bit integer value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning a 64-bit integer product.

The MMAU_d_smula_l function multiplies 32-bit integer value with 64-bit integer value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning a 64-bit integer product.


Product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • lval – int32_t integer value.


int64_t integer value after multiply.

static inline int64_t MMAU_d_smulas_l (register int32_t lval)

Saturating multiply 32-bit integer value with 64-bit integer value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning saturated 64-bit integer product.

The MMAU_d_smulas_l function multiplies 32-bit integer value with 64-bit integer value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning saturated 64-bit integer product.


Saturated product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • lval – int32_t integer value.


int64_t integer value after multiply.

static inline int64_t MMAU_d_smac_ll (register int32_t lval1, register int32_t lval2)

Multiply two 32-bit integer values and add product with value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning a 64-bit integer A10 register value.

The MMAU_d_smac_ll function multiplies two 32-bit integer values and add product with value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning a 64-bit integer A10 register value.


Product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • lval1 – int32_t integer value.

  • lval2 – int32_t integer value.


int64_t integer value after multiply.

static inline int64_t MMAU_d_smacs_ll (register int32_t lval1, register int32_t lval2)

Saturating multiply two 32-bit integer values and add product with value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning a 64-bit integer A10 register value.

The MMAU_d_smacs_ll function multiplies two 32-bit integer values and add product with value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning saturated 64-bit integer A10 register value.


Saturated product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • lval1 – int32_t integer value.

  • lval2 – int32_t integer value.


int64_t integer value after multiply.

static inline int64_t MMAU_d_smac_dl (register int64_t dval, register int32_t lval)

Multiply 64-bit integer value with 32-bit integer value and add product with value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning a 64-bit integer A10 register value.

The MMAU_d_smac_dl function multiplies 64-bit integer value with 32-bit integer value and add product with value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning a 64-bit integer A10 register value.


Product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • dval – int64_t integer value.

  • lval – int32_t integer value.


int64_t integer value after multiply.

static inline int64_t MMAU_d_smacs_dl (register int64_t dval, register int32_t lval)

Saturating multiply 64-bit integer value with 32-bit integer value and add product with value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning saturated 64-bit integer A10 register value.

The MMAU_d_smacs_dl function multiplies 64-bit integer value with 32-bit integer value and add product with value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning saturated 64-bit integer A10 register value.


Saturated product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation. If saturation occurs, the instruction sets the accumulation overflow (Q) and multiply or divide overflow (V) flags to 1 in the CSR. Otherwise, it clears the Q and V flags.

  • dval – int64_t integer value.

  • lval – int32_t integer value.


int64_t integer value after multiply.

static inline int64_t MMAU_d_smaca_dl (register int64_t dval, register int32_t lval)

Multiply 32-bit integer value by value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU and add product with 64-bit integer value returning a 64-bit integer A10 register value.

The MMAU_d_smaca_dl function multiplies 32-bit integer value by value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU and add product with 64-bit integer value returning a 64-bit integer A10 register value.


Product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • dval – int64_t integer value.

  • lval – int32_t integer value.


int64_t integer value after multiply.

static inline int64_t MMAU_d_smacas_dl (register int64_t dval, register int32_t lval)

Saturating multiply 32-bit integer value by value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU and add product with 64-bit integer value returning a saturated 64-bit integer A10 register value.

The MMAU_d_smacas_dl function multiplies 32-bit integer value by value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU and add product with 64-bit integer value returning saturated 64-bit integer A10 register value.


Saturated product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation. If saturation occurs, the instruction sets the accumulation overflow (Q) and multiply or divide overflow (V) flags to 1 in the CSR. Otherwise, it clears the Q and V flags.

  • dval – int64_t integer value.

  • lval – int32_t integer value.


int64_t integer value after multiply.

static inline int32_t MMAU_l_sdiv_ll (register int32_t lnum, register int32_t lden)

Divide two 32-bit integer values returning a 32-bit integer quotient.

The MMAU_l_sdiv_ll function divides two 32-bit integer values returning a 32-bit integer quotient.


Quotient is stored in A0 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • lnum – int32_t integer divisor value.

  • lden – int32_t integer dividend value.


int32_t integer quotient value.

static inline int32_t MMAU_l_sdivs_ll (register int32_t lnum, register int32_t lden)

Divide two 32-bit integer values returning a 32-bit integer quotient.

The MMAU_l_sdivs_ll function divides two 32-bit integer values returning a 32-bit integer quotient.


Saturated quotient is stored in A0 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • lnum – int32_t integer divisor value.

  • lden – int32_t integer dividend value.


int32_t integer quotient value.

static inline int64_t MMAU_d_sdiv_dl (register int64_t dnum, register int32_t lden)

Divide 64-bit integer value by 32-bit integer value returning a 64-bit integer quotient.

The MMAU_d_sdiv_dl function divides 64-bit integer value by 32-bit integer value returning a 64-bit integer quotient.


Quotient is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • dnum – int64_t integer divisor value.

  • lden – int32_t integer dividend value.


int64_t integer quotient value.

static inline int64_t MMAU_d_sdivs_dl (register int64_t dnum, register int32_t lden)

Divide 64-bit integer value by 32-bit integer value returning a 64-bit integer quotient.

The MMAU_d_sdivs_dl function divides 64-bit integer value by 32-bit integer value returning a 64-bit integer quotient.


Saturated quotient is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • dnum – int64_t integer divisor value.

  • lden – int32_t integer dividend value.


int64_t integer quotient value.

static inline int64_t MMAU_d_sdiv_dd (register int64_t dnum, register int64_t dden)

Divide two 64-bit integer values returning a 64-bit integer quotient.

The MMAU_d_sdiv_dd function divides two 64-bit integer values returning a 64-bit integer quotient.


Quotient is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • dnum – int64_t integer divisor value.

  • dden – int64_t integer dividend value.


int64_t integer quotient value.

static inline int64_t MMAU_d_sdivs_dd (register int64_t dnum, register int64_t dden)

Divide two 64-bit integer values returning a 64-bit integer quotient.

The MMAU_d_sdivs_dd function divides two 64-bit integer values returning a 64-bit integer quotient.


Saturated quotient is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • dnum – int64_t integer divisor value.

  • dden – int64_t integer dividend value.


int64_t integer quotient value.

static inline int64_t MMAU_d_sdiva_l (register int32_t lden1)

Divide 32-bit integer value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU by 32-bit integer value returning a 64-bit integer quotient.

The MMAU_d_sdiva_l function divides 32-bit integer value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU by 32-bit integer value returning a 64-bit integer quotient.


Quotient is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • lden1 – int32_t integer dividend value.


int64_t integer quotient value.

static inline int64_t MMAU_d_sdivas_l (register int32_t lden1)

Divide 32-bit integer value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU by 32-bit integer value returning saturated 64-bit integer quotient.

The MMAU_d_sdivas_l function divides 32-bit integer value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU by 32-bit integer value returning a saturated 64-bit integer quotient.


Saturated quotient is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • lden1 – int32_t integer dividend value.


int64_t integer quotient value.

static inline int64_t MMAU_d_sdiva_d (register int64_t dden1)

Divide 64-bit integer value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU by 64-bit integer value returning a 64-bit integer quotient.

The MMAU_d_sdiva_d function divides 64-bit integer value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU by 64-bit integer value returning a 64-bit integer quotient.


Quotient is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • dden1 – int64_t integer dividend value.


int64_t integer quotient value.

static inline int64_t MMAU_d_sdivas_d (register int64_t dden1)

Divide 64-bit integer value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU by 64-bit integer value returning saturated 64-bit integer quotient.

The MMAU_d_sdivas_d function divides 64-bit integer value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU by 64-bit integer value returning a saturated 64-bit integer quotient.


Saturated quotient is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • dden1 – int64_t integer dividend value.


int64_t integer quotient value.

static inline void MMAU_lda_d (register frac64_t dval)

Load A10 accumulator register of the MMAU by 64-bit fractional value.

The MMAU_lda_d function loads A10 accumulator register of the MMAU by 64-bit fractional value.

  • dval – frac64_t fractional value.

static inline frac32_t MMAU_l_mul_ll (register frac32_t lval1, register frac32_t lval2)

Multiply two 32-bit fractional values returning a 32-bit fractional product.

The MMAU_l_mul_ll function multiplies two 32-bit fractional values returning a 32-bit fractional product.


Product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • lval1 – frac32_t fractional value.

  • lval2 – frac32_t fractional value.


frac32_t fractional value after multiply.

static inline frac32_t MMAU_l_muls_ll (register frac32_t lval1, register frac32_t lval2)

Saturating multiply two 32-bit fractional values returning saturated 32-bit fractional product.

The MMAU_l_muls_ll function multiplies two 32-bit fractional values returning saturated 32-bit fractional product.


Saturated product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • lval1 – frac32_t fractional value.

  • lval2 – frac32_t fractional value.


frac32_t fractional value after multiply.

static inline frac64_t MMAU_d_mul_ll (register frac32_t lval1, register frac32_t lval2)

Multiply two 32-bit fractional values returning a 64-bit fractional product.

The MMAU_d_mul_ll function multiplies two 32-bit fractional values returning a 64-bit fractional product.


Product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • lval1 – frac32_t fractional value.

  • lval2 – frac32_t fractional value.


frac64_t fractional value after multiply.

static inline frac64_t MMAU_d_muls_ll (register frac32_t lval1, register frac32_t lval2)

Saturating multiply two 32-bit fractional values returning saturated 64-bit fractional product.

The MMAU_d_muls_ll function multiplies two 32-bit fractional values returning saturated 64-bit fractional product.


Saturated product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation. If saturation occurs, the instruction sets the accumulation overflow (Q) and multiply or divide overflow (V) flags to 1 in the CSR. Otherwise, it clears the Q and V flags.

  • lval1 – frac32_t fractional value.

  • lval2 – frac32_t fractional value.


frac64_t fractional value after multiply.

static inline frac64_t MMAU_d_mul_dl (register frac64_t dval, register frac32_t lval)

Multiply 64-bit fractional value with 32-bit fractional value returning a 64-bit fractional product.

The MMAU_d_mul_dl function multiplies 64-bit fractional value with 32-bit fractional value returning a 64-bit fractional product.


Product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • dval – frac64_t fractional value.

  • lval – frac32_t fractional value.


frac64_t fractional value after multiply.

static inline frac64_t MMAU_d_muls_dl (register frac64_t dval, register frac32_t lval)

Saturating multiply 64-bit fractional value with 32-bit fractional value returning saturated 64-bit fractional product.

The MMAU_d_muls_dl function multiplies 64-bit fractional value with 32-bit fractional value returning saturated 64-bit fractional product.


Saturated product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation. If saturation occurs, the instruction sets the accumulation overflow (Q) and multiply or divide overflow (V) flags to 1 in the CSR. Otherwise, it clears the Q and V flags.

  • dval – frac64_t fractional value.

  • lval – frac32_t fractional value.


frac64_t fractional value after multiply.

static inline frac64_t MMAU_d_mula_l (register frac32_t lval)

Multiply 32-bit fractional value with 64-bit fractional value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning a 64-bit fractional product.

The MMAU_d_mula_l function multiplies 32-bit fractional value with 64-bit fractional value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning a 64-bit fractional product.


Product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • lval – frac32_t fractional value.


frac64_t fractional value after multiply.

static inline frac64_t MMAU_d_mulas_l (register frac32_t lval)

Saturating multiply 32-bit fractional value with 64-bit fractional value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning saturated 64-bit fractional product.

The MMAU_d_mulas_l function multiplies 32-bit fractional value with 64-bit fractional value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning saturated 64-bit fractional product.


Saturated product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation. If saturation occurs, the instruction sets the accumulation overflow (Q) and multiply or divide overflow (V) flags to 1 in the CSR. Otherwise, it clears the Q and V flags.

  • lval – frac32_t fractional value.


frac64_t fractional value after multiply.

static inline frac32_t MMAU_l_mul_dl (register frac64_t dval, register frac32_t lval)

Multiply 64-bit fractional value with 32-bit fractional value returning a 32-bit fractional product.

The MMAU_l_mul_dl function multiplies 64-bit fractional value with 32-bit fractional value returning a 32-bit fractional product.


Product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • dval – frac64_t fractional value.

  • lval – frac32_t fractional value.


frac32_t fractional value after multiply.

static inline frac32_t MMAU_l_muls_dl (register frac64_t dval, register frac32_t lval)

Saturating multiply 64-bit fractional value with 32-bit fractional value returning saturated 32-bit fractional product.

The MMAU_l_muls_dl function multiplies 64-bit fractional value with 32-bit fractional value returning saturated 32-bit fractional product.


Saturated product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • dval – frac64_t fractional value.

  • lval – frac32_t fractional value.


frac32_t fractional value after multiply.

static inline frac32_t MMAU_l_mula_l (register frac32_t lval)

Multiply 32-bit fractional value with 64-bit fractional value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning a 32-bit fractional product.

The MMAU_l_mula_l function multiplies 32-bit fractional value with 64-bit fractional value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning a 32-bit fractional product.


Product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • lval – frac32_t fractional value.


frac32_t fractional value after multiply.

static inline frac32_t MMAU_l_mulas_l (register frac32_t lval)

Saturating multiply 32-bit fractional value with 64-bit fractional value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning saturated 32-bit fractional product.

The MMAU_l_mulas_l function multiplies 32-bit fractional value with 64-bit fractional value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning saturated 32-bit fractional product.


Saturated product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • lval – frac32_t fractional value.


frac32_t fractional value after multiply.

static inline frac64_t MMAU_d_mac_ll (register frac32_t lval1, register frac32_t lval2)

Multiply two 32-bit fractional values and add product with value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning a 64-bit fractional A10 register value.

The MMAU_d_mac_ll function multiplies two 32-bit fractional values and add product with value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning a 64-bit fractional A10 register value.


Product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • lval1 – frac32_t fractional value.

  • lval2 – frac32_t fractional value.


frac64_t fractional value after multiply.

static inline frac64_t MMAU_d_macs_ll (register frac32_t lval1, register frac32_t lval2)

Saturating multiply two 32-bit fractional values and add product with value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning a 64-bit fractional A10 register value.

The MMAU_d_macs_ll function multiplies two 32-bit fractional values and add product with value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning saturated 64-bit fractional A10 register value.


Saturated product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation. If saturation occurs, the instruction sets the accumulation overflow (Q) and multiply or divide overflow (V) flags to 1 in the CSR. Otherwise, it clears the Q and V flags.

  • lval1 – frac32_t fractional value.

  • lval2 – frac32_t fractional value.


frac64_t fractional value after multiply.

static inline frac64_t MMAU_d_mac_dl (register frac64_t dval, register frac32_t lval)

Multiply 64-bit fractional value with 32-bit fractional value and add product with value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning a 64-bit fractional A10 register value.

The MMAU_d_mac_dl function multiplies 64-bit fractional value with 32-bit fractional value and add product with value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning a 64-bit fractional A10 register value.


Product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • dval – frac64_t fractional value.

  • lval – frac32_t fractional value.


frac64_t fractional value after multiply.

static inline frac64_t MMAU_d_macs_dl (register frac64_t dval, register frac32_t lval)

Saturating multiply 64-bit fractional value with 32-bit fractional value and add product with value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning saturated 64-bit fractional A10 register value.

The MMAU_d_macs_dl function multiplies 64-bit fractional value with 32-bit fractional value and add product with value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning saturated 64-bit fractional A10 register value.


Saturated product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation. If saturation occurs, the instruction sets the accumulation overflow (Q) and multiply or divide overflow (V) flags to 1 in the CSR. Otherwise, it clears the Q and V flags.

  • dval – frac64_t fractional value.

  • lval – frac32_t fractional value.


frac64_t fractional value after multiply.

static inline frac64_t MMAU_d_maca_dl (register frac64_t dval, register frac32_t lval)

Multiply 32-bit fractional value by value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU and add product with 64-bit fractional value returning a 64-bit fractional A10 register value.

The MMAU_d_maca_dl function multiplies 32-bit fractional value by value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU and add product with 64-bit fractional value returning a 64-bit fractional A10 register value.


Product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • dval – frac64_t fractional value.

  • lval – frac32_t fractional value.


frac64_t fractional value after multiply.

static inline frac64_t MMAU_d_macas_dl (register frac64_t dval, register frac32_t lval)

Saturating multiply 32-bit fractional value by value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU and add product with 64-bit fractional value returning a saturated 64-bit fractional A10 register value.

The MMAU_d_macas_dl function multiplies 32-bit fractional value by value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU and add product with 64-bit fractional value returning saturated 64-bit fractional A10 register value.


Saturated product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation. If saturation occurs, the instruction sets the accumulation overflow (Q) and multiply or divide overflow (V) flags to 1 in the CSR. Otherwise, it clears the Q and V flags.

  • dval – frac64_t fractional value.

  • lval – frac32_t fractional value.


frac64_t fractional value after multiply.

static inline frac32_t MMAU_l_mac_ll (register frac32_t lval1, register frac32_t lval2)

Multiply two 32-bit fractional values and add product with value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning a 32-bit fractional A10 register value.

The MMAU_l_mac_ll function multiplies two 32-bit fractional values and add product with value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning a 32-bit fractional A1 register value.


Product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • lval1 – frac32_t fractional value.

  • lval2 – frac32_t fractional value.


frac32_t fractional value after multiply.

static inline frac32_t MMAU_l_macs_ll (register frac32_t lval1, register frac32_t lval2)

Saturating multiply two 32-bit fractional values and add product with value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning a 32-bit fractional A10 register value.

The MMAU_l_macs_ll function multiplies two 32-bit fractional values and add product with value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning saturated 32-bit fractional A1 register value.


Saturated product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • lval1 – frac32_t fractional value.

  • lval2 – frac32_t fractional value.


frac32_t fractional value after multiply.

static inline frac32_t MMAU_l_mac_dl (register frac64_t dval, register frac32_t lval)

Multiply 64-bit fractional value with 32-bit fractional value and add product with value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning a 32-bit fractional A10 register value.

The MMAU_l_mac_dl function multiplies 64-bit fractional value with 32-bit fractional value and add product with value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning a 32-bit fractional A1 register value.


Product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • dval – frac64_t fractional value.

  • lval – frac32_t fractional value.


frac32_t fractional value after multiply.

static inline frac32_t MMAU_l_macs_dl (register frac64_t dval, register frac32_t lval)

Saturating multiply 64-bit fractional value with 32-bit fractional value and add product with value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning saturated 32-bit fractional A10 register value.

The MMAU_l_macs_dl function multiplies 64-bit fractional value with 32-bit fractional value and add product with value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU returning saturated 32-bit fractional A1 register value.


Saturated product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • dval – frac64_t fractional value.

  • lval – frac32_t fractional value.


frac32_t fractional value after multiply.

static inline frac32_t MMAU_l_maca_dl (register frac64_t dval, register frac32_t lval)

Multiply 32-bit fractional value by value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU and add product with 64-bit fractional value returning a 32-bit fractional A10 register value.

The MMAU_l_maca_dl function multiplies 32-bit fractional value by value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU and add product with 64-bit fractional value returning a 32-bit fractional A1 register value.


Product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • dval – frac64_t fractional value.

  • lval – frac32_t fractional value.


frac32_t fractional value after multiply.

static inline frac32_t MMAU_l_macas_dl (register frac64_t dval, register frac32_t lval)

Saturating multiply 32-bit fractional value by value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU and add product with 64-bit fractional value returning a saturated 32-bit fractional A10 register value.

The MMAU_l_macas_dl function multiplies 32-bit fractional value by value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU and add product with 64-bit fractional value returning saturated 32-bit fractional A1 register value.


Saturated product is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • dval – frac64_t fractional value.

  • lval – frac32_t fractional value.


frac32_t fractional value after multiply.

static inline frac32_t MMAU_l_div_ll (register frac32_t lnum, register frac32_t lden)

Divide two 32-bit fractional values returning a 32-bit fractional quotient.

The MMAU_l_div_ll function divides two 32-bit fractional values returning a 32-bit fractional quotient.


Quotient is stored in A1 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • lnum – frac32_t fractional divisor value.

  • lden – frac32_t fractional dividend value.


frac32_t fractional quotient value.

static inline frac32_t MMAU_l_divs_ll (register frac32_t lnum, register frac32_t lden)

Divide two 32-bit fractional values returning a 32-bit fractional quotient.

The MMAU_l_divs_ll function divides two 32-bit fractional values returning a 32-bit fractional quotient.


Saturated quotient is stored in A1 register of the MMAU for next computation. If saturation occurs, the instruction sets the accumulation overflow (Q) and multiply or divide overflow (V) flags to 1 in the CSR. Otherwise, it clears the Q and V flags.

  • lnum – frac32_t fractional divisor value.

  • lden – frac32_t fractional dividend value.


frac32_t fractional quotient value.

static inline frac32_t MMAU_l_divas_l (register frac32_t lden)

Divide 64-bit fractional value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU by 32-bit fractional value returning saturated 32-bit fractional quotient.

The MMAU_l_divas_l function divides 64-bit fractional value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU by 32-bit fractional value returning a saturated 32-bit fractional quotient.


Saturated quotient is stored in A1 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • lden – frac32_t fractional dividend value.


frac32_t fractional quotient value.

static inline frac64_t MMAU_d_div_dl (register frac64_t dnum, register frac32_t lden)

Divide 64-bit fractional value by 32-bit fractional value returning a 64-bit fractional quotient.

The MMAU_d_div_dl function divides 64-bit fractional value by 32-bit fractional value returning a 64-bit fractional quotient.


Quotient is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • dnum – frac64_t fractional divisor value.

  • lden – frac32_t fractional dividend value.


frac64_t fractional quotient value.

static inline frac64_t MMAU_d_divs_dl (register frac64_t dnum, register frac32_t lden)

Divide 64-bit fractional value by 32-bit fractional value returning a 64-bit fractional quotient.

The MMAU_d_divs_dl function divides 64-bit fractional value by 32-bit fractional value returning a 64-bit fractional quotient.


Saturated quotient is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation. If saturation occurs, the instruction sets the accumulation overflow (Q) and multiply or divide overflow (V) flags to 1 in the CSR. Otherwise, it clears the Q and V flags.

  • dnum – frac64_t fractional divisor value.

  • lden – frac32_t fractional dividend value.


frac64_t fractional quotient value.

static inline frac64_t MMAU_d_diva_l (register frac32_t lden1)

Divide 32-bit fractional value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU by 32-bit fractional value returning a 64-bit fractional quotient.

The MMAU_d_diva_l function divides 32-bit fractional value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU by 32-bit fractional value returning a 64-bit fractional quotient.


Quotient is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • lden1 – frac32_t fractional dividend value.


frac64_t fractional quotient value.

static inline frac64_t MMAU_d_divas_l (register frac32_t lden1)

Divide 32-bit fractional value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU by 32-bit fractional value returning saturated 64-bit fractional quotient.

The MMAU_d_divas_l function divides 32-bit fractional value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU by 32-bit fractional value returning a saturated 64-bit fractional quotient.


Saturated quotient is stored in A10 register of the MMAU for next computation. If saturation occurs, the instruction sets the accumulation overflow (Q) and multiply or divide overflow (V) flags to 1 in the CSR. Otherwise, it clears the Q and V flags.

  • lden1 – frac32_t fractional dividend value.


frac64_t fractional quotient value.

static inline frac32_t MMAU_l_diva_l (register frac32_t lden)

Divide 64-bit fractional value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU by 32-bit fractional value returning a 32-bit fractional quotient.

The MMAU_l_diva_l function divides 64-bit fractional value stored in the A10 register of the MMAU by 32-bit fractional value returning a 32-bit fractional quotient.


Quotient is stored in A1 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • lden – frac32_t fractional dividend value.


frac32_t fractional quotient value.

static inline frac32_t MMAU_l_sqr_l (register frac32_t lrad)

Compute and return a 32-bit fractional square root of the 32-bit fractional radicand.

The MMAU_l_sqr_l function computes and returns a 32-bit fractional square root of the 32-bit fractional radicand.


Square root is stored in A1 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • lrad – frac32_t fractional radicand.


frac32_t fractional square root.

static inline frac32_t MMAU_l_sqr_d (register frac64_t drad)

Compute and return a 32-bit fractional square root of the 64-bit fractional radicand.

The MMAU_l_sqr_d function computes and returns a 32-bit fractional square root of the 64-bit fractional radicand.


Quotient is stored in A1 register of the MMAU for next computation.

  • drad – frac64_t fractional radicand.


frac32_t fractional square root.

static inline frac32_t MMAU_l_sqra(void)

Compute and return a 32-bit fractional square root of the radicand stored in the A10 register of the MMAU.

The MMAU_l_sqra function computes and returns a 32-bit fractional square root of the radicand stored in the A10 register of the MMAU.


Quotient is stored in A1 register of the MMAU for next computation.


frac32_t fractional square root.


Version 2.0.1


Accumulator register X0


Accumulator register X1


Accumulator register X2


Accumulator register X3


Accumulator register A0


Accumulator register A1


Accumulator register pair A10


Registers RW













































































enum _mmau_interrupt_enable

MMAU interrupt configuration structure, default settings all disabled.

This structure contains the settings for all of the MMAU interrupt configurations.


enumerator kMMAU_AccumOverflowInterruptEnable

Accumulation Overflow Enable

enumerator kMMAU_OverflowInterruptEnable

Multiply or Divide overflow Enable

enumerator kMMAU_DivideByZeroInterruptEnable

Divide by Zero Enable

enum _mmau_interrupt_flag

MMAU interrupt and instruction flags.


enumerator kMMAU_AccumOverflowInterruptFlag

Accumulation Overflow Interrupt Flag

enumerator kMMAU_OverflowInterruptFlag

Multiply or Divide overflow Interrupt Flag

enumerator kMMAU_DivideByZeroInterruptFlag

Divide by Zero Interrupt Flag

enum _mmau_instruction_flag

MMAU interrupt and instruction flags.


enumerator kMMAU_AccumOverflowInstructionFlag

Accumulation Overflow

enumerator kMMAU_OverflowInstructionFlag

Multiply or Divide overflow

enumerator kMMAU_DivideByZeroInstructionFlag

Divide by Zero

enumerator kMMAU_NegativeInstructionFlag

Signed calculation result is negative

typedef enum _mmau_interrupt_enable mmau_interrupt_enable_t

MMAU interrupt configuration structure, default settings all disabled.

This structure contains the settings for all of the MMAU interrupt configurations.

typedef enum _mmau_interrupt_flag mmau_interrupt_flag_t

MMAU interrupt and instruction flags.

typedef enum _mmau_instruction_flag mmau_instruction_flag_t

MMAU interrupt and instruction flags.

static inline uint32_t MMAU_GetHwRevCmd(MMAU_Type *base)

Gets hardware revision level.

This function gets the hardware revision level of the MMAU. It returns HDR field of the control/status register.

  • base – MMAU peripheral address.


uint32_t hardware revision level.

PDB: Programmable Delay Block

void PDB_Init(PDB_Type *base, const pdb_config_t *config)

Initializes the PDB module.

This function initializes the PDB module. The operations included are as follows.

  • Enable the clock for PDB instance.

  • Configure the PDB module.

  • Enable the PDB module.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

  • config – Pointer to the configuration structure. See “pdb_config_t”.

void PDB_Deinit(PDB_Type *base)

De-initializes the PDB module.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

void PDB_GetDefaultConfig(pdb_config_t *config)

Initializes the PDB user configuration structure.

This function initializes the user configuration structure to a default value. The default values are as follows.

config->loadValueMode = kPDB_LoadValueImmediately;
config->prescalerDivider = kPDB_PrescalerDivider1;
config->dividerMultiplicationFactor = kPDB_DividerMultiplicationFactor1;
config->triggerInputSource = kPDB_TriggerSoftware;
config->enableContinuousMode = false;

  • config – Pointer to configuration structure. See “pdb_config_t”.

static inline void PDB_Enable(PDB_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables the PDB module.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

  • enable – Enable the module or not.

static inline void PDB_DoSoftwareTrigger(PDB_Type *base)

Triggers the PDB counter by software.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

static inline void PDB_DoLoadValues(PDB_Type *base)

Loads the counter values.

This function loads the counter values from the internal buffer. See “pdb_load_value_mode_t” about PDB’s load mode.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

static inline void PDB_EnableDMA(PDB_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables the DMA for the PDB module.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

  • enable – Enable the feature or not.

static inline void PDB_EnableInterrupts(PDB_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Enables the interrupts for the PDB module.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

  • mask – Mask value for interrupts. See “_pdb_interrupt_enable”.

static inline void PDB_DisableInterrupts(PDB_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Disables the interrupts for the PDB module.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

  • mask – Mask value for interrupts. See “_pdb_interrupt_enable”.

static inline uint32_t PDB_GetStatusFlags(PDB_Type *base)

Gets the status flags of the PDB module.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.


Mask value for asserted flags. See “_pdb_status_flags”.

static inline void PDB_ClearStatusFlags(PDB_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Clears the status flags of the PDB module.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

  • mask – Mask value of flags. See “_pdb_status_flags”.

static inline void PDB_SetModulusValue(PDB_Type *base, uint32_t value)

Specifies the counter period.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

  • value – Setting value for the modulus. 16-bit is available.

static inline uint32_t PDB_GetCounterValue(PDB_Type *base)

Gets the PDB counter’s current value.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.


PDB counter’s current value.

static inline void PDB_SetCounterDelayValue(PDB_Type *base, uint32_t value)

Sets the value for the PDB counter delay event.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

  • value – Setting value for PDB counter delay event. 16-bit is available.

static inline void PDB_SetADCPreTriggerConfig(PDB_Type *base, pdb_adc_trigger_channel_t channel, pdb_adc_pretrigger_config_t *config)

Configures the ADC pre-trigger in the PDB module.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

  • channel – Channel index for ADC instance.

  • config – Pointer to the configuration structure. See “pdb_adc_pretrigger_config_t”.

static inline void PDB_SetADCPreTriggerDelayValue(PDB_Type *base, pdb_adc_trigger_channel_t channel, pdb_adc_pretrigger_t pretriggerNumber, uint32_t value)

Sets the value for the ADC pre-trigger delay event.

This function sets the value for ADC pre-trigger delay event. It specifies the delay value for the channel’s corresponding pre-trigger. The pre-trigger asserts when the PDB counter is equal to the set value.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

  • channel – Channel index for ADC instance.

  • pretriggerNumber – Channel group index for ADC instance.

  • value – Setting value for ADC pre-trigger delay event. 16-bit is available.

static inline uint32_t PDB_GetADCPreTriggerStatusFlags(PDB_Type *base, pdb_adc_trigger_channel_t channel)

Gets the ADC pre-trigger’s status flags.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

  • channel – Channel index for ADC instance.


Mask value for asserted flags. See “_pdb_adc_pretrigger_flags”.

static inline void PDB_ClearADCPreTriggerStatusFlags(PDB_Type *base, pdb_adc_trigger_channel_t channel, uint32_t mask)

Clears the ADC pre-trigger status flags.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

  • channel – Channel index for ADC instance.

  • mask – Mask value for flags. See “_pdb_adc_pretrigger_flags”.

void PDB_SetDACTriggerConfig(PDB_Type *base, pdb_dac_trigger_channel_t channel, pdb_dac_trigger_config_t *config)

Configures the DAC trigger in the PDB module.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

  • channel – Channel index for DAC instance.

  • config – Pointer to the configuration structure. See “pdb_dac_trigger_config_t”.

static inline void PDB_SetDACTriggerIntervalValue(PDB_Type *base, pdb_dac_trigger_channel_t channel, uint32_t value)

Sets the value for the DAC interval event.

This function sets the value for DAC interval event. DAC interval trigger triggers the DAC module to update the buffer when the DAC interval counter is equal to the set value.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

  • channel – Channel index for DAC instance.

  • value – Setting value for the DAC interval event.

static inline void PDB_EnablePulseOutTrigger(PDB_Type *base, pdb_pulse_out_channel_mask_t channelMask, bool enable)

Enables the pulse out trigger channels.

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

  • channelMask – Channel mask value for multiple pulse out trigger channel.

  • enable – Whether the feature is enabled or not.

static inline void PDB_SetPulseOutTriggerDelayValue(PDB_Type *base, pdb_pulse_out_trigger_channel_t channel, uint32_t value1, uint32_t value2)

Sets event values for the pulse out trigger.

This function is used to set event values for the pulse output trigger. These pulse output trigger delay values specify the delay for the PDB Pulse-out. Pulse-out goes high when the PDB counter is equal to the pulse output high value (value1). Pulse-out goes low when the PDB counter is equal to the pulse output low value (value2).

  • base – PDB peripheral base address.

  • channel – Channel index for pulse out trigger channel.

  • value1 – Setting value for pulse out high.

  • value2 – Setting value for pulse out low.


PDB driver version 2.0.4.

enum _pdb_status_flags

PDB flags.


enumerator kPDB_LoadOKFlag

This flag is automatically cleared when the values in buffers are loaded into the internal registers after the LDOK bit is set or the PDBEN is cleared.

enumerator kPDB_DelayEventFlag

PDB timer delay event flag.

enum _pdb_adc_pretrigger_flags

PDB ADC PreTrigger channel flags.


enumerator kPDB_ADCPreTriggerChannel0Flag

Pre-trigger 0 flag.

enumerator kPDB_ADCPreTriggerChannel1Flag

Pre-trigger 1 flag.

enumerator kPDB_ADCPreTriggerChannel0ErrorFlag

Pre-trigger 0 Error.

enumerator kPDB_ADCPreTriggerChannel1ErrorFlag

Pre-trigger 1 Error.

enum _pdb_interrupt_enable

PDB buffer interrupts.


enumerator kPDB_SequenceErrorInterruptEnable

PDB sequence error interrupt enable.

enumerator kPDB_DelayInterruptEnable

PDB delay interrupt enable.

enum _pdb_load_value_mode

PDB load value mode.

Selects the mode to load the internal values after doing the load operation (write 1 to PDBx_SC[LDOK]). These values are for the following operations.

  • PDB counter (PDBx_MOD, PDBx_IDLY)

  • ADC trigger (PDBx_CHnDLYm)

  • DAC trigger (PDBx_DACINTx)

  • CMP trigger (PDBx_POyDLY)


enumerator kPDB_LoadValueImmediately

Load immediately after 1 is written to LDOK.

enumerator kPDB_LoadValueOnCounterOverflow

Load when the PDB counter overflows (reaches the MOD register value).

enumerator kPDB_LoadValueOnTriggerInput

Load a trigger input event is detected.

enumerator kPDB_LoadValueOnCounterOverflowOrTriggerInput

Load either when the PDB counter overflows or a trigger input is detected.

enum _pdb_prescaler_divider

Prescaler divider.

Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by multiplication factor selected by times of MULT.


enumerator kPDB_PrescalerDivider1

Divider x1.

enumerator kPDB_PrescalerDivider2

Divider x2.

enumerator kPDB_PrescalerDivider4

Divider x4.

enumerator kPDB_PrescalerDivider8

Divider x8.

enumerator kPDB_PrescalerDivider16

Divider x16.

enumerator kPDB_PrescalerDivider32

Divider x32.

enumerator kPDB_PrescalerDivider64

Divider x64.

enumerator kPDB_PrescalerDivider128

Divider x128.

enum _pdb_divider_multiplication_factor

Multiplication factor select for prescaler.

Selects the multiplication factor of the prescaler divider for the counter clock.


enumerator kPDB_DividerMultiplicationFactor1

Multiplication factor is 1.

enumerator kPDB_DividerMultiplicationFactor10

Multiplication factor is 10.

enumerator kPDB_DividerMultiplicationFactor20

Multiplication factor is 20.

enumerator kPDB_DividerMultiplicationFactor40

Multiplication factor is 40.

enum _pdb_trigger_input_source

Trigger input source.

Selects the trigger input source for the PDB. The trigger input source can be internal or external (EXTRG pin), or the software trigger. See chip configuration details for the actual PDB input trigger connections.


enumerator kPDB_TriggerInput0

Trigger-In 0.

enumerator kPDB_TriggerInput1

Trigger-In 1.

enumerator kPDB_TriggerInput2

Trigger-In 2.

enumerator kPDB_TriggerInput3

Trigger-In 3.

enumerator kPDB_TriggerInput4

Trigger-In 4.

enumerator kPDB_TriggerInput5

Trigger-In 5.

enumerator kPDB_TriggerInput6

Trigger-In 6.

enumerator kPDB_TriggerInput7

Trigger-In 7.

enumerator kPDB_TriggerInput8

Trigger-In 8.

enumerator kPDB_TriggerInput9

Trigger-In 9.

enumerator kPDB_TriggerInput10

Trigger-In 10.

enumerator kPDB_TriggerInput11

Trigger-In 11.

enumerator kPDB_TriggerInput12

Trigger-In 12.

enumerator kPDB_TriggerInput13

Trigger-In 13.

enumerator kPDB_TriggerInput14

Trigger-In 14.

enumerator kPDB_TriggerSoftware

Trigger-In 15, software trigger.

enum _pdb_adc_trigger_channel

List of PDB ADC trigger channels.


Actual number of available channels is SoC dependent


enumerator kPDB_ADCTriggerChannel0

PDB ADC trigger channel number 0

enumerator kPDB_ADCTriggerChannel1

PDB ADC trigger channel number 1

enumerator kPDB_ADCTriggerChannel2

PDB ADC trigger channel number 2

enumerator kPDB_ADCTriggerChannel3

PDB ADC trigger channel number 3

enum _pdb_adc_pretrigger

List of PDB ADC pretrigger.


Actual number of available pretrigger channels is SoC dependent


enumerator kPDB_ADCPreTrigger0

PDB ADC pretrigger number 0

enumerator kPDB_ADCPreTrigger1

PDB ADC pretrigger number 1

enumerator kPDB_ADCPreTrigger2

PDB ADC pretrigger number 2

enumerator kPDB_ADCPreTrigger3

PDB ADC pretrigger number 3

enumerator kPDB_ADCPreTrigger4

PDB ADC pretrigger number 4

enumerator kPDB_ADCPreTrigger5

PDB ADC pretrigger number 5

enumerator kPDB_ADCPreTrigger6

PDB ADC pretrigger number 6

enumerator kPDB_ADCPreTrigger7

PDB ADC pretrigger number 7

enum _pdb_dac_trigger_channel

List of PDB DAC trigger channels.


Actual number of available channels is SoC dependent


enumerator kPDB_DACTriggerChannel0

PDB DAC trigger channel number 0

enumerator kPDB_DACTriggerChannel1

PDB DAC trigger channel number 1

enum _pdb_pulse_out_trigger_channel

List of PDB pulse out trigger channels.


Actual number of available channels is SoC dependent


enumerator kPDB_PulseOutTriggerChannel0

PDB pulse out trigger channel number 0

enumerator kPDB_PulseOutTriggerChannel1

PDB pulse out trigger channel number 1

enumerator kPDB_PulseOutTriggerChannel2

PDB pulse out trigger channel number 2

enumerator kPDB_PulseOutTriggerChannel3

PDB pulse out trigger channel number 3

enum _pdb_pulse_out_channel_mask

List of PDB pulse out trigger channels mask.


Actual number of available channels mask is SoC dependent


enumerator kPDB_PulseOutChannel0Mask

PDB pulse out trigger channel number 0 mask

enumerator kPDB_PulseOutChannel1Mask

PDB pulse out trigger channel number 1 mask

enumerator kPDB_PulseOutChannel2Mask

PDB pulse out trigger channel number 2 mask

enumerator kPDB_PulseOutChannel3Mask

PDB pulse out trigger channel number 3 mask

typedef enum _pdb_load_value_mode pdb_load_value_mode_t

PDB load value mode.

Selects the mode to load the internal values after doing the load operation (write 1 to PDBx_SC[LDOK]). These values are for the following operations.

  • PDB counter (PDBx_MOD, PDBx_IDLY)

  • ADC trigger (PDBx_CHnDLYm)

  • DAC trigger (PDBx_DACINTx)

  • CMP trigger (PDBx_POyDLY)

typedef enum _pdb_prescaler_divider pdb_prescaler_divider_t

Prescaler divider.

Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by multiplication factor selected by times of MULT.

typedef enum _pdb_divider_multiplication_factor pdb_divider_multiplication_factor_t

Multiplication factor select for prescaler.

Selects the multiplication factor of the prescaler divider for the counter clock.

typedef enum _pdb_trigger_input_source pdb_trigger_input_source_t

Trigger input source.

Selects the trigger input source for the PDB. The trigger input source can be internal or external (EXTRG pin), or the software trigger. See chip configuration details for the actual PDB input trigger connections.

typedef enum _pdb_adc_trigger_channel pdb_adc_trigger_channel_t

List of PDB ADC trigger channels.


Actual number of available channels is SoC dependent

typedef enum _pdb_adc_pretrigger pdb_adc_pretrigger_t

List of PDB ADC pretrigger.


Actual number of available pretrigger channels is SoC dependent

typedef enum _pdb_dac_trigger_channel pdb_dac_trigger_channel_t

List of PDB DAC trigger channels.


Actual number of available channels is SoC dependent

typedef enum _pdb_pulse_out_trigger_channel pdb_pulse_out_trigger_channel_t

List of PDB pulse out trigger channels.


Actual number of available channels is SoC dependent

typedef enum _pdb_pulse_out_channel_mask pdb_pulse_out_channel_mask_t

List of PDB pulse out trigger channels mask.


Actual number of available channels mask is SoC dependent

typedef struct _pdb_config pdb_config_t

PDB module configuration.

typedef struct _pdb_adc_pretrigger_config pdb_adc_pretrigger_config_t

PDB ADC Pre-trigger configuration.

typedef struct _pdb_dac_trigger_config pdb_dac_trigger_config_t

PDB DAC trigger configuration.

struct _pdb_config
#include <fsl_pdb.h>

PDB module configuration.

Public Members

pdb_load_value_mode_t loadValueMode

Select the load value mode.

pdb_prescaler_divider_t prescalerDivider

Select the prescaler divider.

pdb_divider_multiplication_factor_t dividerMultiplicationFactor

Multiplication factor select for prescaler.

pdb_trigger_input_source_t triggerInputSource

Select the trigger input source.

bool enableContinuousMode

Enable the PDB operation in Continuous mode.

struct _pdb_adc_pretrigger_config
#include <fsl_pdb.h>

PDB ADC Pre-trigger configuration.

Public Members

uint32_t enablePreTriggerMask

PDB Channel Pre-trigger Enable.

uint32_t enableOutputMask

PDB Channel Pre-trigger Output Select. PDB channel’s corresponding pre-trigger asserts when the counter reaches the channel delay register.

uint32_t enableBackToBackOperationMask

PDB Channel pre-trigger Back-to-Back Operation Enable. Back-to-back operation enables the ADC conversions complete to trigger the next PDB channel pre-trigger and trigger output, so that the ADC conversions can be triggered on next set of configuration and results registers.

struct _pdb_dac_trigger_config
#include <fsl_pdb.h>

PDB DAC trigger configuration.

Public Members

bool enableExternalTriggerInput

Enables the external trigger for DAC interval counter.

bool enableIntervalTrigger

Enables the DAC interval trigger.

PIT: Periodic Interrupt Timer

void PIT_Init(PIT_Type *base, const pit_config_t *config)

Ungates the PIT clock, enables the PIT module, and configures the peripheral for basic operations.


This API should be called at the beginning of the application using the PIT driver.

  • base – PIT peripheral base address

  • config – Pointer to the user’s PIT config structure

void PIT_Deinit(PIT_Type *base)

Gates the PIT clock and disables the PIT module.

  • base – PIT peripheral base address

static inline void PIT_GetDefaultConfig(pit_config_t *config)

Fills in the PIT configuration structure with the default settings.

The default values are as follows.

config->enableRunInDebug = false;

  • config – Pointer to the configuration structure.

static inline void PIT_SetTimerChainMode(PIT_Type *base, pit_chnl_t channel, bool enable)

Enables or disables chaining a timer with the previous timer.

When a timer has a chain mode enabled, it only counts after the previous timer has expired. If the timer n-1 has counted down to 0, counter n decrements the value by one. Each timer is 32-bits, which allows the developers to chain timers together and form a longer timer (64-bits and larger). The first timer (timer 0) can’t be chained to any other timer.

  • base – PIT peripheral base address

  • channel – Timer channel number which is chained with the previous timer

  • enable – Enable or disable chain. true: Current timer is chained with the previous timer. false: Timer doesn’t chain with other timers.

static inline void PIT_EnableInterrupts(PIT_Type *base, pit_chnl_t channel, uint32_t mask)

Enables the selected PIT interrupts.

  • base – PIT peripheral base address

  • channel – Timer channel number

  • mask – The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration pit_interrupt_enable_t

static inline void PIT_DisableInterrupts(PIT_Type *base, pit_chnl_t channel, uint32_t mask)

Disables the selected PIT interrupts.

  • base – PIT peripheral base address

  • channel – Timer channel number

  • mask – The interrupts to disable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration pit_interrupt_enable_t

static inline uint32_t PIT_GetEnabledInterrupts(PIT_Type *base, pit_chnl_t channel)

Gets the enabled PIT interrupts.

  • base – PIT peripheral base address

  • channel – Timer channel number


The enabled interrupts. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration pit_interrupt_enable_t

static inline uint32_t PIT_GetStatusFlags(PIT_Type *base, pit_chnl_t channel)

Gets the PIT status flags.

  • base – PIT peripheral base address

  • channel – Timer channel number


The status flags. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration pit_status_flags_t

static inline void PIT_ClearStatusFlags(PIT_Type *base, pit_chnl_t channel, uint32_t mask)

Clears the PIT status flags.

  • base – PIT peripheral base address

  • channel – Timer channel number

  • mask – The status flags to clear. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration pit_status_flags_t

static inline void PIT_SetTimerPeriod(PIT_Type *base, pit_chnl_t channel, uint32_t count)

Sets the timer period in units of count.

Timers begin counting from the value set by this function until it reaches 0, then it generates an interrupt and load this register value again. Writing a new value to this register does not restart the timer. Instead, the value is loaded after the timer expires.


Users can call the utility macros provided in fsl_common.h to convert to ticks.

  • base – PIT peripheral base address

  • channel – Timer channel number

  • count – Timer period in units of ticks

static inline uint32_t PIT_GetCurrentTimerCount(PIT_Type *base, pit_chnl_t channel)

Reads the current timer counting value.

This function returns the real-time timer counting value, in a range from 0 to a timer period.


Users can call the utility macros provided in fsl_common.h to convert ticks to usec or msec.

  • base – PIT peripheral base address

  • channel – Timer channel number


Current timer counting value in ticks

static inline void PIT_StartTimer(PIT_Type *base, pit_chnl_t channel)

Starts the timer counting.

After calling this function, timers load period value, count down to 0 and then load the respective start value again. Each time a timer reaches 0, it generates a trigger pulse and sets the timeout interrupt flag.

  • base – PIT peripheral base address

  • channel – Timer channel number.

static inline void PIT_StopTimer(PIT_Type *base, pit_chnl_t channel)

Stops the timer counting.

This function stops every timer counting. Timers reload their periods respectively after the next time they call the PIT_DRV_StartTimer.

  • base – PIT peripheral base address

  • channel – Timer channel number.


PIT Driver Version 2.0.5.

enum _pit_chnl

List of PIT channels.


Actual number of available channels is SoC dependent


enumerator kPIT_Chnl_0

PIT channel number 0

enumerator kPIT_Chnl_1

PIT channel number 1

enumerator kPIT_Chnl_2

PIT channel number 2

enumerator kPIT_Chnl_3

PIT channel number 3

enum _pit_interrupt_enable

List of PIT interrupts.


enumerator kPIT_TimerInterruptEnable

Timer interrupt enable

enum _pit_status_flags

List of PIT status flags.


enumerator kPIT_TimerFlag

Timer flag

typedef enum _pit_chnl pit_chnl_t

List of PIT channels.


Actual number of available channels is SoC dependent

typedef enum _pit_interrupt_enable pit_interrupt_enable_t

List of PIT interrupts.

typedef enum _pit_status_flags pit_status_flags_t

List of PIT status flags.

typedef struct _pit_config pit_config_t

PIT configuration structure.

This structure holds the configuration settings for the PIT peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the PIT_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your config structure instance.

The configuration structure can be made constant so it resides in flash.

uint64_t PIT_GetLifetimeTimerCount(PIT_Type *base)

Reads the current lifetime counter value.

The lifetime timer is a 64-bit timer which chains timer 0 and timer 1 together. Timer 0 and 1 are chained by calling the PIT_SetTimerChainMode before using this timer. The period of lifetime timer is equal to the “period of timer 0 * period of timer 1”. For the 64-bit value, the higher 32-bit has the value of timer 1, and the lower 32-bit has the value of timer 0.

  • base – PIT peripheral base address


Current lifetime timer value

struct _pit_config
#include <fsl_pit.h>

PIT configuration structure.

This structure holds the configuration settings for the PIT peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the PIT_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your config structure instance.

The configuration structure can be made constant so it resides in flash.

Public Members

bool enableRunInDebug

true: Timers run in debug mode; false: Timers stop in debug mode

PMC: Power Management Controller

static inline void PMC_GetVersionId(PMC_Type *base, pmc_version_id_t *versionId)

Gets the PMC version ID.

This function gets the PMC version ID, including major version number, minor version number, and a feature specification number.

  • base – PMC peripheral base address.

  • versionId – Pointer to version ID structure.

void PMC_GetParam(PMC_Type *base, pmc_param_t *param)

Gets the PMC parameter.

This function gets the PMC parameter including the VLPO enable and the HVD enable.

  • base – PMC peripheral base address.

  • param – Pointer to PMC param structure.

void PMC_ConfigureLowVoltDetect(PMC_Type *base, const pmc_low_volt_detect_config_t *config)

Configures the low-voltage detect setting.

This function configures the low-voltage detect setting, including the trip point voltage setting, enables or disables the interrupt, enables or disables the system reset.

  • base – PMC peripheral base address.

  • config – Low-voltage detect configuration structure.

static inline bool PMC_GetLowVoltDetectFlag(PMC_Type *base)

Gets the Low-voltage Detect Flag status.

This function reads the current LVDF status. If it returns 1, a low-voltage event is detected.

  • base – PMC peripheral base address.


Current low-voltage detect flag

  • true: Low-voltage detected

  • false: Low-voltage not detected

static inline void PMC_ClearLowVoltDetectFlag(PMC_Type *base)

Acknowledges clearing the Low-voltage Detect flag.

This function acknowledges the low-voltage detection errors (write 1 to clear LVDF).

  • base – PMC peripheral base address.

void PMC_ConfigureLowVoltWarning(PMC_Type *base, const pmc_low_volt_warning_config_t *config)

Configures the low-voltage warning setting.

This function configures the low-voltage warning setting, including the trip point voltage setting and enabling or disabling the interrupt.

  • base – PMC peripheral base address.

  • config – Low-voltage warning configuration structure.

static inline bool PMC_GetLowVoltWarningFlag(PMC_Type *base)

Gets the Low-voltage Warning Flag status.

This function polls the current LVWF status. When 1 is returned, it indicates a low-voltage warning event. LVWF is set when V Supply transitions below the trip point or after reset and V Supply is already below the V LVW.

  • base – PMC peripheral base address.


Current LVWF status

  • true: Low-voltage Warning Flag is set.

  • false: the Low-voltage Warning does not happen.

static inline void PMC_ClearLowVoltWarningFlag(PMC_Type *base)

Acknowledges the Low-voltage Warning flag.

This function acknowledges the low voltage warning errors (write 1 to clear LVWF).

  • base – PMC peripheral base address.

void PMC_ConfigureHighVoltDetect(PMC_Type *base, const pmc_high_volt_detect_config_t *config)

Configures the high-voltage detect setting.

This function configures the high-voltage detect setting, including the trip point voltage setting, enabling or disabling the interrupt, enabling or disabling the system reset.

  • base – PMC peripheral base address.

  • config – High-voltage detect configuration structure.

static inline bool PMC_GetHighVoltDetectFlag(PMC_Type *base)

Gets the High-voltage Detect Flag status.

This function reads the current HVDF status. If it returns 1, a low voltage event is detected.

  • base – PMC peripheral base address.


Current high-voltage detect flag

  • true: High-voltage detected

  • false: High-voltage not detected

static inline void PMC_ClearHighVoltDetectFlag(PMC_Type *base)

Acknowledges clearing the High-voltage Detect flag.

This function acknowledges the high-voltage detection errors (write 1 to clear HVDF).

  • base – PMC peripheral base address.

void PMC_ConfigureBandgapBuffer(PMC_Type *base, const pmc_bandgap_buffer_config_t *config)

Configures the PMC bandgap.

This function configures the PMC bandgap, including the drive select and behavior in low-power mode.

  • base – PMC peripheral base address.

  • config – Pointer to the configuration structure

static inline bool PMC_GetPeriphIOIsolationFlag(PMC_Type *base)

Gets the acknowledge Peripherals and I/O pads isolation flag.

This function reads the Acknowledge Isolation setting that indicates whether certain peripherals and the I/O pads are in a latched state as a result of having been in the VLLS mode.

  • base – PMC peripheral base address.

  • base – Base address for current PMC instance.


ACK isolation 0 - Peripherals and I/O pads are in a normal run state. 1 - Certain peripherals and I/O pads are in an isolated and latched state.

static inline void PMC_ClearPeriphIOIsolationFlag(PMC_Type *base)

Acknowledges the isolation flag to Peripherals and I/O pads.

This function clears the ACK Isolation flag. Writing one to this setting when it is set releases the I/O pads and certain peripherals to their normal run mode state.

  • base – PMC peripheral base address.

static inline bool PMC_IsRegulatorInRunRegulation(PMC_Type *base)

Gets the regulator regulation status.

This function returns the regulator to run a regulation status. It provides the current status of the internal voltage regulator.

  • base – PMC peripheral base address.

  • base – Base address for current PMC instance.


Regulation status 0 - Regulator is in a stop regulation or in transition to/from the regulation. 1 - Regulator is in a run regulation.


PMC driver version.

Version 2.0.3.

enum _pmc_low_volt_detect_volt_select

Low-voltage Detect Voltage Select.


enumerator kPMC_LowVoltDetectLowTrip

Low-trip point selected (VLVD = VLVDL )

enumerator kPMC_LowVoltDetectHighTrip

High-trip point selected (VLVD = VLVDH )

enum _pmc_low_volt_warning_volt_select

Low-voltage Warning Voltage Select.


enumerator kPMC_LowVoltWarningLowTrip

Low-trip point selected (VLVW = VLVW1)

enumerator kPMC_LowVoltWarningMid1Trip

Mid 1 trip point selected (VLVW = VLVW2)

enumerator kPMC_LowVoltWarningMid2Trip

Mid 2 trip point selected (VLVW = VLVW3)

enumerator kPMC_LowVoltWarningHighTrip

High-trip point selected (VLVW = VLVW4)

enum _pmc_high_volt_detect_volt_select

High-voltage Detect Voltage Select.


enumerator kPMC_HighVoltDetectLowTrip

Low-trip point selected (VHVD = VHVDL )

enumerator kPMC_HighVoltDetectHighTrip

High-trip point selected (VHVD = VHVDH )

enum _pmc_bandgap_buffer_drive_select

Bandgap Buffer Drive Select.


enumerator kPMC_BandgapBufferDriveLow


enumerator kPMC_BandgapBufferDriveHigh


enum _pmc_vlp_freq_option

VLPx Option.


enumerator kPMC_FreqRestrict

Frequency is restricted in VLPx mode.

enumerator kPMC_FreqUnrestrict

Frequency is unrestricted in VLPx mode.

typedef enum _pmc_low_volt_detect_volt_select pmc_low_volt_detect_volt_select_t

Low-voltage Detect Voltage Select.

typedef enum _pmc_low_volt_warning_volt_select pmc_low_volt_warning_volt_select_t

Low-voltage Warning Voltage Select.

typedef enum _pmc_high_volt_detect_volt_select pmc_high_volt_detect_volt_select_t

High-voltage Detect Voltage Select.

typedef enum _pmc_bandgap_buffer_drive_select pmc_bandgap_buffer_drive_select_t

Bandgap Buffer Drive Select.

typedef enum _pmc_vlp_freq_option pmc_vlp_freq_mode_t

VLPx Option.

typedef struct _pmc_version_id pmc_version_id_t

IP version ID definition.

typedef struct _pmc_param pmc_param_t

IP parameter definition.

typedef struct _pmc_low_volt_detect_config pmc_low_volt_detect_config_t

Low-voltage Detect Configuration Structure.

typedef struct _pmc_low_volt_warning_config pmc_low_volt_warning_config_t

Low-voltage Warning Configuration Structure.

typedef struct _pmc_high_volt_detect_config pmc_high_volt_detect_config_t

High-voltage Detect Configuration Structure.

typedef struct _pmc_bandgap_buffer_config pmc_bandgap_buffer_config_t

Bandgap Buffer configuration.

struct _pmc_version_id
#include <fsl_pmc.h>

IP version ID definition.

Public Members

uint16_t feature

Feature Specification Number.

uint8_t minor

Minor version number.

uint8_t major

Major version number.

struct _pmc_param
#include <fsl_pmc.h>

IP parameter definition.

Public Members

bool vlpoEnable

VLPO enable.

bool hvdEnable

HVD enable.

struct _pmc_low_volt_detect_config
#include <fsl_pmc.h>

Low-voltage Detect Configuration Structure.

Public Members

bool enableInt

Enable interrupt when Low-voltage detect

bool enableReset

Enable system reset when Low-voltage detect

pmc_low_volt_detect_volt_select_t voltSelect

Low-voltage detect trip point voltage selection

struct _pmc_low_volt_warning_config
#include <fsl_pmc.h>

Low-voltage Warning Configuration Structure.

Public Members

bool enableInt

Enable interrupt when low-voltage warning

pmc_low_volt_warning_volt_select_t voltSelect

Low-voltage warning trip point voltage selection

struct _pmc_high_volt_detect_config
#include <fsl_pmc.h>

High-voltage Detect Configuration Structure.

Public Members

bool enableInt

Enable interrupt when high-voltage detect

bool enableReset

Enable system reset when high-voltage detect

pmc_high_volt_detect_volt_select_t voltSelect

High-voltage detect trip point voltage selection

struct _pmc_bandgap_buffer_config
#include <fsl_pmc.h>

Bandgap Buffer configuration.

Public Members

bool enable

Enable bandgap buffer.

bool enableInLowPowerMode

Enable bandgap buffer in low-power mode.

pmc_bandgap_buffer_drive_select_t drive

Bandgap buffer drive select.

PORT: Port Control and Interrupts

static inline void PORT_SetPinConfig(PORT_Type *base, uint32_t pin, const port_pin_config_t *config)

Sets the port PCR register.

This is an example to define an input pin or output pin PCR configuration.

// Define a digital input pin PCR configuration
port_pin_config_t config = {

  • base – PORT peripheral base pointer.

  • pin – PORT pin number.

  • config – PORT PCR register configuration structure.

static inline void PORT_SetMultiplePinsConfig(PORT_Type *base, uint32_t mask, const port_pin_config_t *config)

Sets the port PCR register for multiple pins.

This is an example to define input pins or output pins PCR configuration.

Define a digital input pin PCR configuration
port_pin_config_t config = {
     kPORT_PullUp ,

  • base – PORT peripheral base pointer.

  • mask – PORT pin number macro.

  • config – PORT PCR register configuration structure.

static inline void PORT_SetMultipleInterruptPinsConfig(PORT_Type *base, uint32_t mask, port_interrupt_t config)

Sets the port interrupt configuration in PCR register for multiple pins.

  • base – PORT peripheral base pointer.

  • mask – PORT pin number macro.

  • config – PORT pin interrupt configuration.

    • kPORT_InterruptOrDMADisabled: Interrupt/DMA request disabled.

    • kPORT_DMARisingEdge : DMA request on rising edge(if the DMA requests exit).

    • kPORT_DMAFallingEdge: DMA request on falling edge(if the DMA requests exit).

    • kPORT_DMAEitherEdge : DMA request on either edge(if the DMA requests exit).

    • kPORT_FlagRisingEdge : Flag sets on rising edge(if the Flag states exit).

    • kPORT_FlagFallingEdge : Flag sets on falling edge(if the Flag states exit).

    • kPORT_FlagEitherEdge : Flag sets on either edge(if the Flag states exit).

    • kPORT_InterruptLogicZero : Interrupt when logic zero.

    • kPORT_InterruptRisingEdge : Interrupt on rising edge.

    • kPORT_InterruptFallingEdge: Interrupt on falling edge.

    • kPORT_InterruptEitherEdge : Interrupt on either edge.

    • kPORT_InterruptLogicOne : Interrupt when logic one.

    • kPORT_ActiveHighTriggerOutputEnable : Enable active high-trigger output (if the trigger states exit).

    • kPORT_ActiveLowTriggerOutputEnable : Enable active low-trigger output (if the trigger states exit)..

static inline void PORT_SetPinMux(PORT_Type *base, uint32_t pin, port_mux_t mux)

Configures the pin muxing.


: This function is NOT recommended to use together with the PORT_SetPinsConfig, because the PORT_SetPinsConfig need to configure the pin mux anyway (Otherwise the pin mux is reset to zero : kPORT_PinDisabledOrAnalog). This function is recommended to use to reset the pin mux

  • base – PORT peripheral base pointer.

  • pin – PORT pin number.

  • mux – pin muxing slot selection.

    • kPORT_PinDisabledOrAnalog: Pin disabled or work in analog function.

    • kPORT_MuxAsGpio : Set as GPIO.

    • kPORT_MuxAlt2 : chip-specific.

    • kPORT_MuxAlt3 : chip-specific.

    • kPORT_MuxAlt4 : chip-specific.

    • kPORT_MuxAlt5 : chip-specific.

    • kPORT_MuxAlt6 : chip-specific.

    • kPORT_MuxAlt7 : chip-specific.

static inline void PORT_EnablePinsDigitalFilter(PORT_Type *base, uint32_t mask, bool enable)

Enables the digital filter in one port, each bit of the 32-bit register represents one pin.

  • base – PORT peripheral base pointer.

  • mask – PORT pin number macro.

  • enable – PORT digital filter configuration.

static inline void PORT_SetDigitalFilterConfig(PORT_Type *base, const port_digital_filter_config_t *config)

Sets the digital filter in one port, each bit of the 32-bit register represents one pin.

  • base – PORT peripheral base pointer.

  • config – PORT digital filter configuration structure.

static inline void PORT_SetPinInterruptConfig(PORT_Type *base, uint32_t pin, port_interrupt_t config)

Configures the port pin interrupt/DMA request.

  • base – PORT peripheral base pointer.

  • pin – PORT pin number.

  • config – PORT pin interrupt configuration.

    • kPORT_InterruptOrDMADisabled: Interrupt/DMA request disabled.

    • kPORT_DMARisingEdge : DMA request on rising edge(if the DMA requests exit).

    • kPORT_DMAFallingEdge: DMA request on falling edge(if the DMA requests exit).

    • kPORT_DMAEitherEdge : DMA request on either edge(if the DMA requests exit).

    • kPORT_FlagRisingEdge : Flag sets on rising edge(if the Flag states exit).

    • kPORT_FlagFallingEdge : Flag sets on falling edge(if the Flag states exit).

    • kPORT_FlagEitherEdge : Flag sets on either edge(if the Flag states exit).

    • kPORT_InterruptLogicZero : Interrupt when logic zero.

    • kPORT_InterruptRisingEdge : Interrupt on rising edge.

    • kPORT_InterruptFallingEdge: Interrupt on falling edge.

    • kPORT_InterruptEitherEdge : Interrupt on either edge.

    • kPORT_InterruptLogicOne : Interrupt when logic one.

    • kPORT_ActiveHighTriggerOutputEnable : Enable active high-trigger output (if the trigger states exit).

    • kPORT_ActiveLowTriggerOutputEnable : Enable active low-trigger output (if the trigger states exit).

static inline void PORT_SetPinDriveStrength(PORT_Type *base, uint32_t pin, uint8_t strength)

Configures the port pin drive strength.

  • base – PORT peripheral base pointer.

  • pin – PORT pin number.

  • strength – PORT pin drive strength

    • kPORT_LowDriveStrength = 0U - Low-drive strength is configured.

    • kPORT_HighDriveStrength = 1U - High-drive strength is configured.

static inline uint32_t PORT_GetPinsInterruptFlags(PORT_Type *base)

Reads the whole port status flag.

If a pin is configured to generate the DMA request, the corresponding flag is cleared automatically at the completion of the requested DMA transfer. Otherwise, the flag remains set until a logic one is written to that flag. If configured for a level sensitive interrupt that remains asserted, the flag is set again immediately.

  • base – PORT peripheral base pointer.


Current port interrupt status flags, for example, 0x00010001 means the pin 0 and 16 have the interrupt.

static inline void PORT_ClearPinsInterruptFlags(PORT_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Clears the multiple pin interrupt status flag.

  • base – PORT peripheral base pointer.

  • mask – PORT pin number macro.


PORT driver version.

enum _port_pull

Internal resistor pull feature selection.


enumerator kPORT_PullDisable

Internal pull-up/down resistor is disabled.

enumerator kPORT_PullDown

Internal pull-down resistor is enabled.

enumerator kPORT_PullUp

Internal pull-up resistor is enabled.

enum _port_slew_rate

Slew rate selection.


enumerator kPORT_FastSlewRate

Fast slew rate is configured.

enumerator kPORT_SlowSlewRate

Slow slew rate is configured.

enum _port_open_drain_enable

Open Drain feature enable/disable.


enumerator kPORT_OpenDrainDisable

Open drain output is disabled.

enumerator kPORT_OpenDrainEnable

Open drain output is enabled.

enum _port_passive_filter_enable

Passive filter feature enable/disable.


enumerator kPORT_PassiveFilterDisable

Passive input filter is disabled.

enumerator kPORT_PassiveFilterEnable

Passive input filter is enabled.

enum _port_drive_strength

Configures the drive strength.


enumerator kPORT_LowDriveStrength

Low-drive strength is configured.

enumerator kPORT_HighDriveStrength

High-drive strength is configured.

enum _port_lock_register

Unlock/lock the pin control register field[15:0].


enumerator kPORT_UnlockRegister

Pin Control Register fields [15:0] are not locked.

enumerator kPORT_LockRegister

Pin Control Register fields [15:0] are locked.

enum _port_mux

Pin mux selection.


enumerator kPORT_PinDisabledOrAnalog

Corresponding pin is disabled, but is used as an analog pin.

enumerator kPORT_MuxAsGpio

Corresponding pin is configured as GPIO.

enumerator kPORT_MuxAlt0


enumerator kPORT_MuxAlt1


enumerator kPORT_MuxAlt2


enumerator kPORT_MuxAlt3


enumerator kPORT_MuxAlt4


enumerator kPORT_MuxAlt5


enumerator kPORT_MuxAlt6


enumerator kPORT_MuxAlt7


enumerator kPORT_MuxAlt8


enumerator kPORT_MuxAlt9


enumerator kPORT_MuxAlt10


enumerator kPORT_MuxAlt11


enumerator kPORT_MuxAlt12


enumerator kPORT_MuxAlt13


enumerator kPORT_MuxAlt14


enumerator kPORT_MuxAlt15


enum _port_interrupt

Configures the interrupt generation condition.


enumerator kPORT_InterruptOrDMADisabled

Interrupt/DMA request is disabled.

enumerator kPORT_DMARisingEdge

DMA request on rising edge.

enumerator kPORT_DMAFallingEdge

DMA request on falling edge.

enumerator kPORT_DMAEitherEdge

DMA request on either edge.

enumerator kPORT_FlagRisingEdge

Flag sets on rising edge.

enumerator kPORT_FlagFallingEdge

Flag sets on falling edge.

enumerator kPORT_FlagEitherEdge

Flag sets on either edge.

enumerator kPORT_InterruptLogicZero

Interrupt when logic zero.

enumerator kPORT_InterruptRisingEdge

Interrupt on rising edge.

enumerator kPORT_InterruptFallingEdge

Interrupt on falling edge.

enumerator kPORT_InterruptEitherEdge

Interrupt on either edge.

enumerator kPORT_InterruptLogicOne

Interrupt when logic one.

enumerator kPORT_ActiveHighTriggerOutputEnable

Enable active high-trigger output.

enumerator kPORT_ActiveLowTriggerOutputEnable

Enable active low-trigger output.

enum _port_digital_filter_clock_source

Digital filter clock source selection.


enumerator kPORT_BusClock

Digital filters are clocked by the bus clock.

enumerator kPORT_LpoClock

Digital filters are clocked by the 1 kHz LPO clock.

typedef enum _port_mux port_mux_t

Pin mux selection.

typedef enum _port_interrupt port_interrupt_t

Configures the interrupt generation condition.

typedef enum _port_digital_filter_clock_source port_digital_filter_clock_source_t

Digital filter clock source selection.

typedef struct _port_digital_filter_config port_digital_filter_config_t

PORT digital filter feature configuration definition.

typedef struct _port_pin_config port_pin_config_t

PORT pin configuration structure.

struct _port_digital_filter_config
#include <fsl_port.h>

PORT digital filter feature configuration definition.

Public Members

uint32_t digitalFilterWidth

Set digital filter width

port_digital_filter_clock_source_t clockSource

Set digital filter clockSource

struct _port_pin_config
#include <fsl_port.h>

PORT pin configuration structure.

Public Members

uint16_t pullSelect

No-pull/pull-down/pull-up select

uint16_t slewRate

Fast/slow slew rate Configure

uint16_t passiveFilterEnable

Passive filter enable/disable

uint16_t openDrainEnable

Open drain enable/disable

uint16_t driveStrength

Fast/slow drive strength configure

uint16_t lockRegister

Lock/unlock the PCR field[15:0]

QTMR: Quad Timer Driver

void QTMR_Init(TMR_Type *base, const qtmr_config_t *config)

Ungates the Quad Timer clock and configures the peripheral for basic operation.


This API should be called at the beginning of the application using the Quad Timer driver.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address

  • config – Pointer to user’s Quad Timer config structure

void QTMR_Deinit(TMR_Type *base)

Stops the counter and gates the Quad Timer clock.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address

void QTMR_GetDefaultConfig(qtmr_config_t *config)

Fill in the Quad Timer config struct with the default settings.

The default values are:

config->debugMode = kQTMR_RunNormalInDebug;
config->enableExternalForce = false;
config->enableMasterMode = false;
config->faultFilterCount = 0;
config->faultFilterPeriod = 0;
config->primarySource = kQTMR_ClockDivide_2;
config->secondarySource = kQTMR_Counter0InputPin;

  • config – Pointer to user’s Quad Timer config structure.

void QTMR_EnableInterrupts(TMR_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Enables the selected Quad Timer interrupts.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address

  • mask – The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration qtmr_interrupt_enable_t

void QTMR_DisableInterrupts(TMR_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Disables the selected Quad Timer interrupts.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address

  • mask – The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration qtmr_interrupt_enable_t

uint32_t QTMR_GetEnabledInterrupts(TMR_Type *base)

Gets the enabled Quad Timer interrupts.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address


The enabled interrupts. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration qtmr_interrupt_enable_t

uint32_t QTMR_GetStatus(TMR_Type *base)

Gets the Quad Timer status flags.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address


The status flags. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration qtmr_status_flags_t

void QTMR_ClearStatusFlags(TMR_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Clears the Quad Timer status flags.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address

  • mask – The status flags to clear. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration qtmr_status_flags_t

void QTMR_SetTimerPeriod(TMR_Type *base, uint16_t ticks)

Sets the timer period in ticks.

Timers counts from initial value till it equals the count value set here. The counter will then reinitialize to the value specified in the Load register.


  1. This function will write the time period in ticks to COMP1 or COMP2 register depending on the count direction

  2. User can call the utility macros provided in fsl_common.h to convert to ticks

  3. This function supports cases, providing only primary source clock without secondary source clock.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address

  • ticks – Timer period in units of ticks

static inline uint16_t QTMR_GetCurrentTimerCount(TMR_Type *base)

Reads the current timer counting value.

This function returns the real-time timer counting value, in a range from 0 to a timer period.


User can call the utility macros provided in fsl_common.h to convert ticks to usec or msec

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address


Current counter value in ticks

static inline void QTMR_StartTimer(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_counting_mode_t clockSource)

Starts the Quad Timer counter.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address

  • clockSource – Quad Timer clock source

static inline void QTMR_StopTimer(TMR_Type *base)

Stops the Quad Timer counter.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address



enum _qtmr_primary_count_source

Quad Timer primary clock source selection.


enumerator kQTMR_ClockCounter0InputPin

Use counter 0 input pin

enumerator kQTMR_ClockCounter1InputPin

Use counter 1 input pin

enumerator kQTMR_ClockCounter2InputPin

Use counter 2 input pin

enumerator kQTMR_ClockCounter3InputPin

Use counter 3 input pin

enumerator kQTMR_ClockCounter0Output

Use counter 0 output

enumerator kQTMR_ClockCounter1Output

Use counter 1 output

enumerator kQTMR_ClockCounter2Output

Use counter 2 output

enumerator kQTMR_ClockCounter3Output

Use counter 3 output

enumerator kQTMR_ClockDivide_1

IP bus clock divide by 1 prescaler

enumerator kQTMR_ClockDivide_2

IP bus clock divide by 2 prescaler

enumerator kQTMR_ClockDivide_4

IP bus clock divide by 4 prescaler

enumerator kQTMR_ClockDivide_8

IP bus clock divide by 8 prescaler

enumerator kQTMR_ClockDivide_16

IP bus clock divide by 16 prescaler

enumerator kQTMR_ClockDivide_32

IP bus clock divide by 32 prescaler

enumerator kQTMR_ClockDivide_64

IP bus clock divide by 64 prescaler

enumerator kQTMR_ClockDivide_128

IP bus clock divide by 128 prescaler

enum _qtmr_input_source

Quad Timer input sources selection.


enumerator kQTMR_Counter0InputPin

Use counter 0 input pin

enumerator kQTMR_Counter1InputPin

Use counter 1 input pin

enumerator kQTMR_Counter2InputPin

Use counter 2 input pin

enumerator kQTMR_Counter3InputPin

Use counter 3 input pin

enum _qtmr_counting_mode

Quad Timer counting mode selection.


enumerator kQTMR_NoOperation

No operation

enumerator kQTMR_PriSrcRiseEdge

Count rising edges of primary source

enumerator kQTMR_PriSrcRiseAndFallEdge

Count rising and falling edges of primary source

enumerator kQTMR_PriSrcRiseEdgeSecInpHigh

Count rise edges of pri SRC while sec inp high active

enumerator kQTMR_QuadCountMode

Quadrature count mode, uses pri and sec sources

enumerator kQTMR_PriSrcRiseEdgeSecDir

Count rising edges of pri SRC; sec SRC specifies dir

enumerator kQTMR_SecSrcTrigPriCnt

Edge of sec SRC trigger primary count until compare

enumerator kQTMR_CascadeCount

Cascaded count mode (up/down)

enum _qtmr_output_mode

Quad Timer output mode selection.


enumerator kQTMR_AssertWhenCountActive

Assert OFLAG while counter is active

enumerator kQTMR_ClearOnCompare

Clear OFLAG on successful compare

enumerator kQTMR_SetOnCompare

Set OFLAG on successful compare

enumerator kQTMR_ToggleOnCompare

Toggle OFLAG on successful compare

enumerator kQTMR_ToggleOnAltCompareReg

Toggle OFLAG using alternating compare registers

enumerator kQTMR_SetOnCompareClearOnSecSrcInp

Set OFLAG on compare, clear on sec SRC input edge

enumerator kQTMR_SetOnCompareClearOnCountRoll

Set OFLAG on compare, clear on counter rollover

enumerator kQTMR_EnableGateClock

Enable gated clock output while count is active

enum _qtmr_input_capture_edge

Quad Timer input capture edge mode, rising edge, or falling edge.


enumerator kQTMR_NoCapture

Capture is disabled

enumerator kQTMR_RisingEdge

Capture on rising edge (IPS=0) or falling edge (IPS=1)

enumerator kQTMR_FallingEdge

Capture on falling edge (IPS=0) or rising edge (IPS=1)

enumerator kQTMR_RisingAndFallingEdge

Capture on both edges

enum _qtmr_preload_control

Quad Timer input capture edge mode, rising edge, or falling edge.


enumerator kQTMR_NoPreload

Never preload

enumerator kQTMR_LoadOnComp1

Load upon successful compare with value in COMP1

enumerator kQTMR_LoadOnComp2

Load upon successful compare with value in COMP2

enum _qtmr_debug_action

List of Quad Timer run options when in Debug mode.


enumerator kQTMR_RunNormalInDebug

Continue with normal operation

enumerator kQTMR_HaltCounter

Halt counter

enumerator kQTMR_ForceOutToZero

Force output to logic 0

enumerator kQTMR_HaltCountForceOutZero

Halt counter and force output to logic 0

enum _qtmr_interrupt_enable

List of Quad Timer interrupts.


enumerator kQTMR_CompareInterruptEnable

Compare interrupt.

enumerator kQTMR_Compare1InterruptEnable

Compare 1 interrupt.

enumerator kQTMR_Compare2InterruptEnable

Compare 2 interrupt.

enumerator kQTMR_OverflowInterruptEnable

Timer overflow interrupt.

enumerator kQTMR_EdgeInterruptEnable

Input edge interrupt.

enum _qtmr_status_flags

List of Quad Timer flags.


enumerator kQTMR_CompareFlag

Compare flag

enumerator kQTMR_Compare1Flag

Compare 1 flag

enumerator kQTMR_Compare2Flag

Compare 2 flag

enumerator kQTMR_OverflowFlag

Timer overflow flag

enumerator kQTMR_EdgeFlag

Input edge flag

typedef enum _qtmr_primary_count_source qtmr_primary_count_source_t

Quad Timer primary clock source selection.

typedef enum _qtmr_input_source qtmr_input_source_t

Quad Timer input sources selection.

typedef enum _qtmr_counting_mode qtmr_counting_mode_t

Quad Timer counting mode selection.

typedef enum _qtmr_output_mode qtmr_output_mode_t

Quad Timer output mode selection.

typedef enum _qtmr_input_capture_edge qtmr_input_capture_edge_t

Quad Timer input capture edge mode, rising edge, or falling edge.

typedef enum _qtmr_preload_control qtmr_preload_control_t

Quad Timer input capture edge mode, rising edge, or falling edge.

typedef enum _qtmr_debug_action qtmr_debug_action_t

List of Quad Timer run options when in Debug mode.

typedef enum _qtmr_interrupt_enable qtmr_interrupt_enable_t

List of Quad Timer interrupts.

typedef enum _qtmr_status_flags qtmr_status_flags_t

List of Quad Timer flags.

typedef struct _qtmr_config qtmr_config_t

Quad Timer config structure.

This structure holds the configuration settings for the Quad Timer peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the QTMR_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your config structure instance.

The config struct can be made const so it resides in flash

status_t QTMR_SetupPwm(TMR_Type *base, uint32_t pwmFreqHz, uint8_t dutyCyclePercent, bool outputPolarity, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)

Sets up Quad timer module for PWM signal output.

The function initializes the timer module according to the parameters passed in by the user. The function also sets up the value compare registers to match the PWM signal requirements.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address

  • pwmFreqHz – PWM signal frequency in Hz

  • dutyCyclePercent – PWM pulse width, value should be between 0 to 100 0=inactive signal(0% duty cycle)… 100=active signal (100% duty cycle)

  • outputPolarity – true: invert polarity of the output signal, false: no inversion

  • srcClock_Hz – Main counter clock in Hz.


Returns an error if there was error setting up the signal.

void QTMR_SetupInputCapture(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_input_source_t capturePin, bool inputPolarity, bool reloadOnCapture, qtmr_input_capture_edge_t captureMode)

Allows the user to count the source clock cycles until a capture event arrives.

The count is stored in the capture register.

  • base – Quad Timer peripheral base address

  • capturePin – Pin through which we receive the input signal to trigger the capture

  • inputPolarity – true: invert polarity of the input signal, false: no inversion

  • reloadOnCapture – true: reload the counter when an input capture occurs, false: no reload

  • captureMode – Specifies which edge of the input signal triggers a capture

struct _qtmr_config
#include <fsl_qtmr.h>

Quad Timer config structure.

This structure holds the configuration settings for the Quad Timer peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the QTMR_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your config structure instance.

The config struct can be made const so it resides in flash

Public Members

qtmr_primary_count_source_t primarySource

Specify the primary count source

qtmr_input_source_t secondarySource

Specify the secondary count source

bool enableMasterMode

true: Broadcast compare function output to other counters; false no broadcast

bool enableExternalForce

true: Compare from another counter force state of OFLAG signal false: OFLAG controlled by local counter

uint8_t faultFilterCount

Fault filter count

uint8_t faultFilterPeriod

Fault filter period;value of 0 will bypass the filter

qtmr_debug_action_t debugMode

Operation in Debug mode

RCM: Reset Control Module Driver

static inline void RCM_GetVersionId(RCM_Type *base, rcm_version_id_t *versionId)

Gets the RCM version ID.

This function gets the RCM version ID including the major version number, the minor version number, and the feature specification number.

  • base – RCM peripheral base address.

  • versionId – Pointer to the version ID structure.

static inline uint32_t RCM_GetResetSourceImplementedStatus(RCM_Type *base)

Gets the reset source implemented status.

This function gets the RCM parameter that indicates whether the corresponding reset source is implemented. Use source masks defined in the rcm_reset_source_t to get the desired source status.

This is an example.

uint32_t status;

To test whether the MCU is reset using Watchdog.
status = RCM_GetResetSourceImplementedStatus(RCM) & (kRCM_SourceWdog | kRCM_SourcePin);

  • base – RCM peripheral base address.


All reset source implemented status bit map.

static inline uint32_t RCM_GetPreviousResetSources(RCM_Type *base)

Gets the reset source status which caused a previous reset.

This function gets the current reset source status. Use source masks defined in the rcm_reset_source_t to get the desired source status.

This is an example.

uint32_t resetStatus;

To get all reset source statuses.
resetStatus = RCM_GetPreviousResetSources(RCM) & kRCM_SourceAll;

To test whether the MCU is reset using Watchdog.
resetStatus = RCM_GetPreviousResetSources(RCM) & kRCM_SourceWdog;

To test multiple reset sources.
resetStatus = RCM_GetPreviousResetSources(RCM) & (kRCM_SourceWdog | kRCM_SourcePin);

  • base – RCM peripheral base address.


All reset source status bit map.

static inline uint32_t RCM_GetStickyResetSources(RCM_Type *base)

Gets the sticky reset source status.

This function gets the current reset source status that has not been cleared by software for a specific source.

This is an example.

uint32_t resetStatus;

To get all reset source statuses.
resetStatus = RCM_GetStickyResetSources(RCM) & kRCM_SourceAll;

To test whether the MCU is reset using Watchdog.
resetStatus = RCM_GetStickyResetSources(RCM) & kRCM_SourceWdog;

To test multiple reset sources.
resetStatus = RCM_GetStickyResetSources(RCM) & (kRCM_SourceWdog | kRCM_SourcePin);

  • base – RCM peripheral base address.


All reset source status bit map.

static inline void RCM_ClearStickyResetSources(RCM_Type *base, uint32_t sourceMasks)

Clears the sticky reset source status.

This function clears the sticky system reset flags indicated by source masks.

This is an example.

Clears multiple reset sources.
RCM_ClearStickyResetSources(kRCM_SourceWdog | kRCM_SourcePin);

  • base – RCM peripheral base address.

  • sourceMasks – reset source status bit map

void RCM_ConfigureResetPinFilter(RCM_Type *base, const rcm_reset_pin_filter_config_t *config)

Configures the reset pin filter.

This function sets the reset pin filter including the filter source, filter width, and so on.

  • base – RCM peripheral base address.

  • config – Pointer to the configuration structure.

static inline bool RCM_GetEasyPortModePinStatus(RCM_Type *base)

Gets the EZP_MS_B pin assert status.

This function gets the easy port mode status (EZP_MS_B) pin assert status.

  • base – RCM peripheral base address.


status true - asserted, false - reasserted

static inline rcm_boot_rom_config_t RCM_GetBootRomSource(RCM_Type *base)

Gets the ROM boot source.

This function gets the ROM boot source during the last chip reset.

  • base – RCM peripheral base address.


The ROM boot source.

static inline void RCM_ClearBootRomSource(RCM_Type *base)

Clears the ROM boot source flag.

This function clears the ROM boot source flag.

  • base – Register base address of RCM

void RCM_SetForceBootRomSource(RCM_Type *base, rcm_boot_rom_config_t config)

Forces the boot from ROM.

This function forces booting from ROM during all subsequent system resets.

  • base – RCM peripheral base address.

  • config – Boot configuration.

static inline void RCM_SetSystemResetInterruptConfig(RCM_Type *base, uint32_t intMask, rcm_reset_delay_t delay)

Sets the system reset interrupt configuration.

For a graceful shut down, the RCM supports delaying the assertion of the system reset for a period of time when the reset interrupt is generated. This function can be used to enable the interrupt and the delay period. The interrupts are passed in as bit mask. See rcm_int_t for details. For example, to delay a reset for 512 LPO cycles after the WDOG timeout or loss-of-clock occurs, configure as follows: RCM_SetSystemResetInterruptConfig(kRCM_IntWatchDog | kRCM_IntLossOfClk, kRCM_ResetDelay512Lpo);

  • base – RCM peripheral base address.

  • intMask – Bit mask of the system reset interrupts to enable. See rcm_interrupt_enable_t for details.

  • delay – Bit mask of the system reset interrupts to enable.


RCM driver version 2.0.4.

enum _rcm_reset_source

System Reset Source Name definitions.


enumerator kRCM_SourceWakeup

Low-leakage wakeup reset

enumerator kRCM_SourceLvd

Low-voltage detect reset

enumerator kRCM_SourceLoc

Loss of clock reset

enumerator kRCM_SourceLol

Loss of lock reset

enumerator kRCM_SourceWdog

Watchdog reset

enumerator kRCM_SourcePin

External pin reset

enumerator kRCM_SourcePor

Power on reset

enumerator kRCM_SourceJtag

JTAG generated reset

enumerator kRCM_SourceLockup

Core lock up reset

enumerator kRCM_SourceSw

Software reset

enumerator kRCM_SourceMdmap

MDM-AP system reset

enumerator kRCM_SourceEzpt

EzPort reset

enumerator kRCM_SourceSackerr

Parameter could get all reset flags

enumerator kRCM_SourceAll
enum _rcm_run_wait_filter_mode

Reset pin filter select in Run and Wait modes.


enumerator kRCM_FilterDisable

All filtering disabled

enumerator kRCM_FilterBusClock

Bus clock filter enabled

enumerator kRCM_FilterLpoClock

LPO clock filter enabled

enum _rcm_boot_rom_config

Boot from ROM configuration.


enumerator kRCM_BootFlash

Boot from flash

enumerator kRCM_BootRomCfg0

Boot from boot ROM due to BOOTCFG0

enumerator kRCM_BootRomFopt

Boot from boot ROM due to FOPT[7]

enumerator kRCM_BootRomBoth

Boot from boot ROM due to both BOOTCFG0 and FOPT[7]

enum _rcm_reset_delay

Maximum delay time from interrupt asserts to system reset.


enumerator kRCM_ResetDelay8Lpo

Delay 8 LPO cycles.

enumerator kRCM_ResetDelay32Lpo

Delay 32 LPO cycles.

enumerator kRCM_ResetDelay128Lpo

Delay 128 LPO cycles.

enumerator kRCM_ResetDelay512Lpo

Delay 512 LPO cycles.

enum _rcm_interrupt_enable

System reset interrupt enable bit definitions.


enumerator kRCM_IntNone

No interrupt enabled.

enumerator kRCM_IntLossOfClk

Loss of clock interrupt.

enumerator kRCM_IntLossOfLock

Loss of lock interrupt.

enumerator kRCM_IntWatchDog

Watch dog interrupt.

enumerator kRCM_IntExternalPin

External pin interrupt.

enumerator kRCM_IntGlobal

Global interrupts.

enumerator kRCM_IntCoreLockup

Core lock up interrupt

enumerator kRCM_IntSoftware

software interrupt

enumerator kRCM_IntStopModeAckErr

Stop mode ACK error interrupt.

enumerator kRCM_IntCore1

Core 1 interrupt.

enumerator kRCM_IntAll

Enable all interrupts.

typedef enum _rcm_reset_source rcm_reset_source_t

System Reset Source Name definitions.

typedef enum _rcm_run_wait_filter_mode rcm_run_wait_filter_mode_t

Reset pin filter select in Run and Wait modes.

typedef enum _rcm_boot_rom_config rcm_boot_rom_config_t

Boot from ROM configuration.

typedef enum _rcm_reset_delay rcm_reset_delay_t

Maximum delay time from interrupt asserts to system reset.

typedef enum _rcm_interrupt_enable rcm_interrupt_enable_t

System reset interrupt enable bit definitions.

typedef struct _rcm_version_id rcm_version_id_t

IP version ID definition.

typedef struct _rcm_reset_pin_filter_config rcm_reset_pin_filter_config_t

Reset pin filter configuration.

struct _rcm_version_id
#include <fsl_rcm.h>

IP version ID definition.

Public Members

uint16_t feature

Feature Specification Number.

uint8_t minor

Minor version number.

uint8_t major

Major version number.

struct _rcm_reset_pin_filter_config
#include <fsl_rcm.h>

Reset pin filter configuration.

Public Members

bool enableFilterInStop

Reset pin filter select in stop mode.

rcm_run_wait_filter_mode_t filterInRunWait

Reset pin filter in run/wait mode.

uint8_t busClockFilterCount

Reset pin bus clock filter width.

RNGA: Random Number Generator Accelerator Driver


RNGA driver version 2.0.2.

enum _rnga_mode

RNGA working mode.


enumerator kRNGA_ModeNormal

Normal Mode. The ring-oscillator clocks are active; RNGA generates entropy (randomness) from the clocks and stores it in shift registers.

enumerator kRNGA_ModeSleep

Sleep Mode. The ring-oscillator clocks are inactive; RNGA does not generate entropy.

typedef enum _rnga_mode rnga_mode_t

RNGA working mode.

void RNGA_Init(RNG_Type *base)

Initializes the RNGA.

This function initializes the RNGA. When called, the RNGA entropy generation starts immediately.

  • base – RNGA base address

void RNGA_Deinit(RNG_Type *base)

Shuts down the RNGA.

This function shuts down the RNGA.

  • base – RNGA base address

status_t RNGA_GetRandomData(RNG_Type *base, void *data, size_t data_size)

Gets random data.

This function gets random data from the RNGA.

  • base – RNGA base address

  • data – pointer to user buffer to be filled by random data

  • data_size – size of data in bytes


RNGA status

void RNGA_Seed(RNG_Type *base, uint32_t seed)

Feeds the RNGA module.

This function inputs an entropy value that the RNGA uses to seed its pseudo-random algorithm.

  • base – RNGA base address

  • seed – input seed value

void RNGA_SetMode(RNG_Type *base, rnga_mode_t mode)

Sets the RNGA in normal mode or sleep mode.

This function sets the RNGA in sleep mode or normal mode.

  • base – RNGA base address

  • mode – normal mode or sleep mode

rnga_mode_t RNGA_GetMode(RNG_Type *base)

Gets the RNGA working mode.

This function gets the RNGA working mode.

  • base – RNGA base address


normal mode or sleep mode

SIM: System Integration Module Driver


Driver version.

enum _sim_usb_volt_reg_enable_mode

USB voltage regulator enable setting.


enumerator kSIM_UsbVoltRegEnable

Enable voltage regulator.

enumerator kSIM_UsbVoltRegEnableInLowPower

Enable voltage regulator in VLPR/VLPW modes.

enumerator kSIM_UsbVoltRegEnableInStop

Enable voltage regulator in STOP/VLPS/LLS/VLLS modes.

enumerator kSIM_UsbVoltRegEnableInAllModes

Enable voltage regulator in all power modes.

enum _sim_flash_mode

Flash enable mode.


enumerator kSIM_FlashDisableInWait

Disable flash in wait mode.

enumerator kSIM_FlashDisable

Disable flash in normal mode.

typedef struct _sim_uid sim_uid_t

Unique ID.

void SIM_SetUsbVoltRegulatorEnableMode(uint32_t mask)

Sets the USB voltage regulator setting.

This function configures whether the USB voltage regulator is enabled in normal RUN mode, STOP/VLPS/LLS/VLLS modes, and VLPR/VLPW modes. The configurations are passed in as mask value of _sim_usb_volt_reg_enable_mode. For example, to enable USB voltage regulator in RUN/VLPR/VLPW modes and disable in STOP/VLPS/LLS/VLLS mode, use:

SIM_SetUsbVoltRegulatorEnableMode(kSIM_UsbVoltRegEnable | kSIM_UsbVoltRegEnableInLowPower);

  • mask – USB voltage regulator enable setting.

void SIM_GetUniqueId(sim_uid_t *uid)

Gets the unique identification register value.

  • uid – Pointer to the structure to save the UID value.

static inline void SIM_SetFlashMode(uint8_t mode)

Sets the flash enable mode.

  • mode – The mode to set; see _sim_flash_mode for mode details.

struct _sim_uid
#include <fsl_sim.h>

Unique ID.

Public Members

uint32_t H


uint32_t M


uint32_t L


SLCD: Segment LCD Driver

void SLCD_Init(LCD_Type *base, slcd_config_t *configure)

Initializes the SLCD, ungates the module clock, initializes the power setting, enables all used plane pins, and sets with interrupt and work mode with the configuration.

  • base – SLCD peripheral base address.

  • configure – SLCD configuration pointer. For the configuration structure, many parameters have the default setting and the SLCD_Getdefaultconfig() is provided to get them. Use it verified for their applications. The others have no default settings, such as “clkConfig”, and must be provided by the application before calling the SLCD_Init() API.

void SLCD_Deinit(LCD_Type *base)

Deinitializes the SLCD module, gates the module clock, disables an interrupt, and displays the SLCD.

  • base – SLCD peripheral base address.

void SLCD_GetDefaultConfig(slcd_config_t *configure)

Gets the SLCD default configuration structure. The purpose of this API is to get default parameters of the configuration structure for the SLCD_Init(). Use these initialized parameters unchanged in SLCD_Init() or modify fields of the structure before the calling SLCD_Init(). All default parameters of the configure structuration are listed.

config.displayMode        = kSLCD_NormalMode;
config.powerSupply        = kSLCD_InternalVll3UseChargePump;
config.voltageTrim        = kSLCD_RegulatedVolatgeTrim00;
config.lowPowerBehavior   = kSLCD_EnabledInWaitStop;
config.interruptSrc       = 0;
config.faultConfig        = NULL;
config.frameFreqIntEnable =  false;

  • configure – The SLCD configuration structure pointer.

static inline void SLCD_StartDisplay(LCD_Type *base)

Enables the SLCD controller, starts generation, and displays the front plane and back plane waveform.

  • base – SLCD peripheral base address.

static inline void SLCD_StopDisplay(LCD_Type *base)

Stops the SLCD controller. There is no waveform generator and all enabled pins only output a low value.

  • base – SLCD peripheral base address.

void SLCD_StartBlinkMode(LCD_Type *base, slcd_blink_mode_t mode, slcd_blink_rate_t rate)

Starts the SLCD blink mode.

  • base – SLCD peripheral base address.

  • mode – SLCD blink mode.

  • rate – SLCD blink rate.

static inline void SLCD_StopBlinkMode(LCD_Type *base)

Stops the SLCD blink mode.

  • base – SLCD peripheral base address.

static inline void SLCD_SetBackPlanePhase(LCD_Type *base, uint32_t pinIndx, slcd_phase_type_t phase)

Sets the SLCD back plane pin phase.

This function sets the SLCD back plane pin phase. “kSLCD_PhaseXActivate” setting means the phase X is active for the back plane pin. “kSLCD_NoPhaseActivate” setting means there is no phase active for the back plane pin. For example, set the back plane pin 20 for phase A.

SLCD_SetBackPlanePhase(LCD, 20, kSLCD_PhaseAActivate);

  • base – SLCD peripheral base address.

  • pinIndx – SLCD back plane pin index. Range from 0 to 63.

  • phase – The phase activates for the back plane pin.

static inline void SLCD_SetFrontPlaneSegments(LCD_Type *base, uint32_t pinIndx, uint8_t operation)

Sets the SLCD front plane segment operation for a front plane pin.

This function sets the SLCD front plane segment on or off operation. Each bit turns on or off the segments associated with the front plane pin in the following pattern: HGFEDCBA (most significant bit controls segment H and least significant bit controls segment A). For example, turn on the front plane pin 20 for phase B and phase C.

SLCD_SetFrontPlaneSegments(LCD, 20, (kSLCD_PhaseBActivate | kSLCD_PhaseCActivate));

  • base – SLCD peripheral base address.

  • pinIndx – SLCD back plane pin index. Range from 0 to 63.

  • operation – The operation for the segment on the front plane pin. This is a logical OR of the enumeration :: slcd_phase_type_t.

static inline void SLCD_SetFrontPlaneOnePhase(LCD_Type *base, uint32_t pinIndx, slcd_phase_index_t phaseIndx, bool enable)

Sets one SLCD front plane pin for one phase.

This function can be used to set one phase on or off for the front plane pin. It can be call many times to set the plane pin for different phase indexes. For example, turn on the front plane pin 20 for phase B and phase C.

SLCD_SetFrontPlaneOnePhase(LCD, 20, kSLCD_PhaseBIndex, true);
SLCD_SetFrontPlaneOnePhase(LCD, 20, kSLCD_PhaseCIndex, true);

  • base – SLCD peripheral base address.

  • pinIndx – SLCD back plane pin index. Range from 0 to 63.

  • phaseIndx – The phase bit index slcd_phase_index_t.

  • enable – True to turn on the segment for phaseIndx phase false to turn off the segment for phaseIndx phase.

static inline void SLCD_EnablePadSafeState(LCD_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables/disables the SLCD pad safe state.

Forces the safe state on the LCD pad controls. All LCD front plane and backplane functions are disabled.

  • base – SLCD peripheral base address.

  • enable – True enable, false disable.

static inline uint32_t SLCD_GetFaultDetectCounter(LCD_Type *base)

Gets the SLCD fault detect counter.

This function gets the number of samples inside the fault detection sample window.

  • base – SLCD peripheral base address.


The fault detect counter. The maximum return value is 255. If the maximum 255 returns, the overflow may happen. Reconfigure the fault detect sample window and fault detect clock prescaler for proper sampling.

void SLCD_EnableInterrupts(LCD_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Enables the SLCD interrupt. For example, to enable fault detect complete interrupt and frame frequency interrupt, for FSL_FEATURE_SLCD_HAS_FRAME_FREQUENCY_INTERRUPT enabled case, do the following.

SLCD_EnableInterrupts(LCD,kSLCD_FaultDetectCompleteInterrupt | kSLCD_FrameFreqInterrupt);
  • base – SLCD peripheral base address.

  • mask – SLCD interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of the enumeration :: slcd_interrupt_enable_t.

void SLCD_DisableInterrupts(LCD_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Disables the SLCD interrupt. For example, to disable fault detect complete interrupt and frame frequency interrupt, for FSL_FEATURE_SLCD_HAS_FRAME_FREQUENCY_INTERRUPT enabled case, do the following.

SLCD_DisableInterrupts(LCD,kSLCD_FaultDetectCompleteInterrupt | kSLCD_FrameFreqInterrupt);
  • base – SLCD peripheral base address.

  • mask – SLCD interrupts to disable. This is a logical OR of the enumeration :: slcd_interrupt_enable_t.

uint32_t SLCD_GetInterruptStatus(LCD_Type *base)

Gets the SLCD interrupt status flag.

  • base – SLCD peripheral base address.


The event status of the interrupt source. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration :: slcd_interrupt_enable_t.

void SLCD_ClearInterruptStatus(LCD_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Clears the SLCD interrupt events status flag.

  • base – SLCD peripheral base address.

  • mask – SLCD interrupt source to be cleared. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration :: slcd_interrupt_enable_t.


SLCD driver version.

enum _slcd_power_supply_option

SLCD power supply option.


enumerator kSLCD_InternalVll3UseChargePump

VLL3 connected to VDD internally, charge pump is used to generate VLL1 and VLL2.

enumerator kSLCD_ExternalVll3UseResistorBiasNetwork

VLL3 is driven externally and resistor bias network is used to generate VLL1 and VLL2.

enumerator kSLCD_ExteranlVll3UseChargePump

VLL3 is driven externally and charge pump is used to generate VLL1 and VLL2.

enumerator kSLCD_InternalVll1UseChargePump

VIREG is connected to VLL1 internally and charge pump is used to generate VLL2 and VLL3.

enum _slcd_regulated_voltage_trim

SLCD regulated voltage trim parameter, be used to meet the desired contrast.


enumerator kSLCD_RegulatedVolatgeTrim00

Increase the voltage to 0.91 V.

enumerator kSLCD_RegulatedVolatgeTrim01

Increase the voltage to 1.01 V.

enumerator kSLCD_RegulatedVolatgeTrim02

Increase the voltage to 0.96 V.

enumerator kSLCD_RegulatedVolatgeTrim03

Increase the voltage to 1.06 V.

enumerator kSLCD_RegulatedVolatgeTrim04

Increase the voltage to 0.93 V.

enumerator kSLCD_RegulatedVolatgeTrim05

Increase the voltage to 1.03 V.

enumerator kSLCD_RegulatedVolatgeTrim06

Increase the voltage to 0.98 V.

enumerator kSLCD_RegulatedVolatgeTrim07

Increase the voltage to 1.07 V.

enumerator kSLCD_RegulatedVolatgeTrim08

Increase the voltage to 0.92 V.

enumerator kSLCD_RegulatedVolatgeTrim09

Increase the voltage to 1.02 V.

enumerator kSLCD_RegulatedVolatgeTrim10

Increase the voltage to 0.97 V.

enumerator kSLCD_RegulatedVolatgeTrim11

Increase the voltage to 1.08 V.

enumerator kSLCD_RegulatedVolatgeTrim12

Increase the voltage to 0.94 V.

enumerator kSLCD_RegulatedVolatgeTrim13

Increase the voltage to 1.05 V.

enumerator kSLCD_RegulatedVolatgeTrim14

Increase the voltage to 0.99 V.

enumerator kSLCD_RegulatedVolatgeTrim15

Increase the voltage to 1.09 V.

enum _slcd_load_adjust

SLCD load adjust to handle different LCD glass capacitance or configure the LCD charge pump clock source. Adjust the LCD glass capacitance if resistor bias network is enabled: kSLCD_LowLoadOrFastestClkSrc - Low load (LCD glass capacitance 2000pF or lower. LCD or GPIO function can be used on VLL1,VLL2,Vcap1 and Vcap2 pins) kSLCD_LowLoadOrIntermediateClkSrc - low load (LCD glass capacitance 2000pF or lower. LCD or GPIO function can be used on VLL1,VLL2,Vcap1 and Vcap2 pins) kSLCD_HighLoadOrIntermediateClkSrc - high load (LCD glass capacitance 8000pF or lower. LCD or GPIO function can be used on Vcap1 and Vcap2 pins) kSLCD_HighLoadOrSlowestClkSrc - high load (LCD glass capacitance 8000pF or lower LCD or GPIO function can be used on Vcap1 and Vcap2 pins) Adjust clock for charge pump if charge pump is enabled: kSLCD_LowLoadOrFastestClkSrc - Fasten clock source (LCD glass capacitance 8000pF or 4000pF or lower if Fast Frame Rate is set) kSLCD_LowLoadOrIntermediateClkSrc - Intermediate clock source (LCD glass capacitance 4000pF or 2000pF or lower if Fast Frame Rate is set) kSLCD_HighLoadOrIntermediateClkSrc - Intermediate clock source (LCD glass capacitance 2000pF or 1000pF or lower if Fast Frame Rate is set) kSLCD_HighLoadOrSlowestClkSrc - slowest clock source (LCD glass capacitance 1000pF or 500pF or lower if Fast Frame Rate is set)


enumerator kSLCD_LowLoadOrFastestClkSrc

Adjust in low load or selects fastest clock.

enumerator kSLCD_LowLoadOrIntermediateClkSrc

Adjust in low load or selects intermediate clock.

enumerator kSLCD_HighLoadOrIntermediateClkSrc

Adjust in high load or selects intermediate clock.

enumerator kSLCD_HighLoadOrSlowestClkSrc

Adjust in high load or selects slowest clock.

enum _slcd_clock_src

SLCD clock source.


enumerator kSLCD_DefaultClk

Select default clock ERCLK32K.

enumerator kSLCD_AlternateClk1

Select alternate clock source 1 : MCGIRCLK.

enumerator kSLCD_AlternateClk2

Select alternate clock source 2 : OSCERCLK.

enum _slcd_alt_clock_div

SLCD alternate clock divider.


enumerator kSLCD_AltClkDivFactor1

No divide for alternate clock.

enumerator kSLCD_AltClkDivFactor64

Divide alternate clock with factor 64.

enumerator kSLCD_AltClkDivFactor256

Divide alternate clock with factor 256.

enumerator kSLCD_AltClkDivFactor512

Divide alternate clock with factor 512.

enum _slcd_clock_prescaler

SLCD clock prescaler to generate frame frequency.


enumerator kSLCD_ClkPrescaler00

Prescaler 0.

enumerator kSLCD_ClkPrescaler01

Prescaler 1.

enumerator kSLCD_ClkPrescaler02

Prescaler 2.

enumerator kSLCD_ClkPrescaler03

Prescaler 3.

enumerator kSLCD_ClkPrescaler04

Prescaler 4.

enumerator kSLCD_ClkPrescaler05

Prescaler 5.

enumerator kSLCD_ClkPrescaler06

Prescaler 6.

enumerator kSLCD_ClkPrescaler07

Prescaler 7.

enum _slcd_duty_cycle

SLCD duty cycle.


enumerator kSLCD_1Div1DutyCycle

LCD use 1 BP 1/1 duty cycle.

enumerator kSLCD_1Div2DutyCycle

LCD use 2 BP 1/2 duty cycle.

enumerator kSLCD_1Div3DutyCycle

LCD use 3 BP 1/3 duty cycle.

enumerator kSLCD_1Div4DutyCycle

LCD use 4 BP 1/4 duty cycle.

enumerator kSLCD_1Div5DutyCycle

LCD use 5 BP 1/5 duty cycle.

enumerator kSLCD_1Div6DutyCycle

LCD use 6 BP 1/6 duty cycle.

enumerator kSLCD_1Div7DutyCycle

LCD use 7 BP 1/7 duty cycle.

enumerator kSLCD_1Div8DutyCycle

LCD use 8 BP 1/8 duty cycle.

enum _slcd_phase_type

SLCD segment phase type.


enumerator kSLCD_NoPhaseActivate

LCD wareform no phase activates.

enumerator kSLCD_PhaseAActivate

LCD waveform phase A activates.

enumerator kSLCD_PhaseBActivate

LCD waveform phase B activates.

enumerator kSLCD_PhaseCActivate

LCD waveform phase C activates.

enumerator kSLCD_PhaseDActivate

LCD waveform phase D activates.

enumerator kSLCD_PhaseEActivate

LCD waveform phase E activates.

enumerator kSLCD_PhaseFActivate

LCD waveform phase F activates.

enumerator kSLCD_PhaseGActivate

LCD waveform phase G activates.

enumerator kSLCD_PhaseHActivate

LCD waveform phase H activates.

enum _slcd_phase_index

SLCD segment phase bit index.


enumerator kSLCD_PhaseAIndex

LCD phase A bit index.

enumerator kSLCD_PhaseBIndex

LCD phase B bit index.

enumerator kSLCD_PhaseCIndex

LCD phase C bit index.

enumerator kSLCD_PhaseDIndex

LCD phase D bit index.

enumerator kSLCD_PhaseEIndex

LCD phase E bit index.

enumerator kSLCD_PhaseFIndex

LCD phase F bit index.

enumerator kSLCD_PhaseGIndex

LCD phase G bit index.

enumerator kSLCD_PhaseHIndex

LCD phase H bit index.

enum _slcd_display_mode

SLCD display mode.


enumerator kSLCD_NormalMode

LCD Normal display mode.

enumerator kSLCD_AlternateMode

LCD Alternate display mode. For four back planes or less.

enumerator kSLCD_BlankMode

LCD Blank display mode.

enum _slcd_blink_mode

SLCD blink mode.


enumerator kSLCD_BlankDisplayBlink

Display blank during the blink period.

enumerator kSLCD_AltDisplayBlink

Display alternate display during the blink period if duty cycle is lower than 5.

enum _slcd_blink_rate

SLCD blink rate.


enumerator kSLCD_BlinkRate00

SLCD blink rate is LCD clock/((2^12)).

enumerator kSLCD_BlinkRate01

SLCD blink rate is LCD clock/((2^13)).

enumerator kSLCD_BlinkRate02

SLCD blink rate is LCD clock/((2^14)).

enumerator kSLCD_BlinkRate03

SLCD blink rate is LCD clock/((2^15)).

enumerator kSLCD_BlinkRate04

SLCD blink rate is LCD clock/((2^16)).

enumerator kSLCD_BlinkRate05

SLCD blink rate is LCD clock/((2^17)).

enumerator kSLCD_BlinkRate06

SLCD blink rate is LCD clock/((2^18)).

enumerator kSLCD_BlinkRate07

SLCD blink rate is LCD clock/((2^19)).

enum _slcd_fault_detect_clock_prescaler

SLCD fault detect clock prescaler.


enumerator kSLCD_FaultSampleFreqDivider1

Fault detect sample clock frequency is 1/1 bus clock.

enumerator kSLCD_FaultSampleFreqDivider2

Fault detect sample clock frequency is 1/2 bus clock.

enumerator kSLCD_FaultSampleFreqDivider4

Fault detect sample clock frequency is 1/4 bus clock.

enumerator kSLCD_FaultSampleFreqDivider8

Fault detect sample clock frequency is 1/8 bus clock.

enumerator kSLCD_FaultSampleFreqDivider16

Fault detect sample clock frequency is 1/16 bus clock.

enumerator kSLCD_FaultSampleFreqDivider32

Fault detect sample clock frequency is 1/32 bus clock.

enumerator kSLCD_FaultSampleFreqDivider64

Fault detect sample clock frequency is 1/64 bus clock.

enumerator kSLCD_FaultSampleFreqDivider128

Fault detect sample clock frequency is 1/128 bus clock.

enum _slcd_fault_detect_sample_window_width

SLCD fault detect sample window width.


enumerator kSLCD_FaultDetectWindowWidth4SampleClk

Sample window width is 4 sample clock cycles.

enumerator kSLCD_FaultDetectWindowWidth8SampleClk

Sample window width is 8 sample clock cycles.

enumerator kSLCD_FaultDetectWindowWidth16SampleClk

Sample window width is 16 sample clock cycles.

enumerator kSLCD_FaultDetectWindowWidth32SampleClk

Sample window width is 32 sample clock cycles.

enumerator kSLCD_FaultDetectWindowWidth64SampleClk

Sample window width is 64 sample clock cycles.

enumerator kSLCD_FaultDetectWindowWidth128SampleClk

Sample window width is 128 sample clock cycles.

enumerator kSLCD_FaultDetectWindowWidth256SampleClk

Sample window width is 256 sample clock cycles.

enumerator kSLCD_FaultDetectWindowWidth512SampleClk

Sample window width is 512 sample clock cycles.

enum _slcd_interrupt_enable

SLCD interrupt source.


enumerator kSLCD_FaultDetectCompleteInterrupt

SLCD fault detection complete interrupt source.

enumerator kSLCD_FrameFreqInterrupt

SLCD frame frequency interrupt source. Not available in all low-power modes.

enum _slcd_lowpower_behavior

SLCD behavior in low power mode.


enumerator kSLCD_EnabledInWaitStop

SLCD works in wait and stop mode.

enumerator kSLCD_EnabledInWaitOnly

SLCD works in wait mode and is disabled in stop mode.

enumerator kSLCD_EnabledInStopOnly

SLCD works in stop mode and is disabled in wait mode.

enumerator kSLCD_DisabledInWaitStop

SLCD is disabled in stop mode and wait mode.

typedef enum _slcd_power_supply_option slcd_power_supply_option_t

SLCD power supply option.

typedef enum _slcd_regulated_voltage_trim slcd_regulated_voltage_trim_t

SLCD regulated voltage trim parameter, be used to meet the desired contrast.

typedef enum _slcd_load_adjust slcd_load_adjust_t

SLCD load adjust to handle different LCD glass capacitance or configure the LCD charge pump clock source. Adjust the LCD glass capacitance if resistor bias network is enabled: kSLCD_LowLoadOrFastestClkSrc - Low load (LCD glass capacitance 2000pF or lower. LCD or GPIO function can be used on VLL1,VLL2,Vcap1 and Vcap2 pins) kSLCD_LowLoadOrIntermediateClkSrc - low load (LCD glass capacitance 2000pF or lower. LCD or GPIO function can be used on VLL1,VLL2,Vcap1 and Vcap2 pins) kSLCD_HighLoadOrIntermediateClkSrc - high load (LCD glass capacitance 8000pF or lower. LCD or GPIO function can be used on Vcap1 and Vcap2 pins) kSLCD_HighLoadOrSlowestClkSrc - high load (LCD glass capacitance 8000pF or lower LCD or GPIO function can be used on Vcap1 and Vcap2 pins) Adjust clock for charge pump if charge pump is enabled: kSLCD_LowLoadOrFastestClkSrc - Fasten clock source (LCD glass capacitance 8000pF or 4000pF or lower if Fast Frame Rate is set) kSLCD_LowLoadOrIntermediateClkSrc - Intermediate clock source (LCD glass capacitance 4000pF or 2000pF or lower if Fast Frame Rate is set) kSLCD_HighLoadOrIntermediateClkSrc - Intermediate clock source (LCD glass capacitance 2000pF or 1000pF or lower if Fast Frame Rate is set) kSLCD_HighLoadOrSlowestClkSrc - slowest clock source (LCD glass capacitance 1000pF or 500pF or lower if Fast Frame Rate is set)

typedef enum _slcd_clock_src slcd_clock_src_t

SLCD clock source.

typedef enum _slcd_alt_clock_div slcd_alt_clock_div_t

SLCD alternate clock divider.

typedef enum _slcd_clock_prescaler slcd_clock_prescaler_t

SLCD clock prescaler to generate frame frequency.

typedef enum _slcd_duty_cycle slcd_duty_cycle_t

SLCD duty cycle.

typedef enum _slcd_phase_type slcd_phase_type_t

SLCD segment phase type.

typedef enum _slcd_phase_index slcd_phase_index_t

SLCD segment phase bit index.

typedef enum _slcd_display_mode slcd_display_mode_t

SLCD display mode.

typedef enum _slcd_blink_mode slcd_blink_mode_t

SLCD blink mode.

typedef enum _slcd_blink_rate slcd_blink_rate_t

SLCD blink rate.

typedef enum _slcd_fault_detect_clock_prescaler slcd_fault_detect_clock_prescaler_t

SLCD fault detect clock prescaler.

typedef enum _slcd_fault_detect_sample_window_width slcd_fault_detect_sample_window_width_t

SLCD fault detect sample window width.

typedef enum _slcd_interrupt_enable slcd_interrupt_enable_t

SLCD interrupt source.

typedef enum _slcd_lowpower_behavior slcd_lowpower_behavior

SLCD behavior in low power mode.

typedef struct _slcd_fault_detect_config slcd_fault_detect_config_t

SLCD fault frame detection configuration structure.

typedef struct _slcd_clock_config slcd_clock_config_t

SLCD clock configuration structure.

typedef struct _slcd_config slcd_config_t

SLCD configuration structure.

struct _slcd_fault_detect_config
#include <fsl_slcd.h>

SLCD fault frame detection configuration structure.

Public Members

bool faultDetectIntEnable

Fault frame detection interrupt enable flag.

bool faultDetectBackPlaneEnable

True means the pin id fault detected is back plane otherwise front plane.

uint8_t faultDetectPinIndex

Fault detected pin id from 0 to 63.

slcd_fault_detect_clock_prescaler_t faultPrescaler

Fault detect clock prescaler.

slcd_fault_detect_sample_window_width_t width

Fault detect sample window width.

struct _slcd_clock_config
#include <fsl_slcd.h>

SLCD clock configuration structure.

Public Members

slcd_clock_src_t clkSource

Clock source. “slcd_clock_src_t” is recommended to be used. The SLCD is optimized to operate using a 32.768kHz clock input.

slcd_alt_clock_div_t altClkDivider

The divider to divide the alternate clock used for alternate clock source.

slcd_clock_prescaler_t clkPrescaler

Clock prescaler.

bool fastFrameRateEnable

Fast frame rate enable flag.

struct _slcd_config
#include <fsl_slcd.h>

SLCD configuration structure.

Public Members

slcd_power_supply_option_t powerSupply

Power supply option.

slcd_regulated_voltage_trim_t voltageTrim

Regulated voltage trim used for the internal regulator VIREG to adjust to facilitate contrast control.

slcd_clock_config_t *clkConfig

Clock configure.

slcd_display_mode_t displayMode

SLCD display mode.

slcd_load_adjust_t loadAdjust

Load adjust to handle glass capacitance.

slcd_duty_cycle_t dutyCycle

Duty cycle.

slcd_lowpower_behavior lowPowerBehavior

SLCD behavior in low power mode.

bool frameFreqIntEnable

Frame frequency interrupt enable flag.

uint32_t slcdLowPinEnabled

Setting enabled SLCD pin 0 ~ pin 31. Setting bit n to 1 means enable pin n.

uint32_t slcdHighPinEnabled

Setting enabled SLCD pin 32 ~ pin 63. Setting bit n to 1 means enable pin (n + 32).

uint32_t backPlaneLowPin

Setting back plane pin 0 ~ pin 31. Setting bit n to 1 means setting pin n as back plane. It should never have the same bit setting as the frontPlane Pin.

uint32_t backPlaneHighPin

Setting back plane pin 32 ~ pin 63. Setting bit n to 1 means setting pin (n + 32) as back plane. It should never have the same bit setting as the frontPlane Pin.

slcd_fault_detect_config_t *faultConfig

Fault frame detection configure. If not requirement, set to NULL.



Smart card driver version 2.3.0.

Smart card Error codes.


enumerator kStatus_SMARTCARD_Success

Transfer ends successfully

enumerator kStatus_SMARTCARD_TxBusy

Transmit in progress

enumerator kStatus_SMARTCARD_RxBusy

Receiving in progress

enumerator kStatus_SMARTCARD_NoTransferInProgress

No transfer in progress

enumerator kStatus_SMARTCARD_Timeout

Transfer ends with time-out

enumerator kStatus_SMARTCARD_Initialized

Smart card driver is already initialized

enumerator kStatus_SMARTCARD_PhyInitialized

Smart card PHY drive is already initialized

enumerator kStatus_SMARTCARD_CardNotActivated

Smart card is not activated

enumerator kStatus_SMARTCARD_InvalidInput

Function called with invalid input arguments

enumerator kStatus_SMARTCARD_OtherError

Some other error occur

enum _smartcard_control

Control codes for the Smart card protocol timers and misc.


enumerator kSMARTCARD_EnableADT
enumerator kSMARTCARD_DisableADT
enumerator kSMARTCARD_EnableGTV
enumerator kSMARTCARD_DisableGTV
enumerator kSMARTCARD_ResetWWT
enumerator kSMARTCARD_EnableWWT
enumerator kSMARTCARD_DisableWWT
enumerator kSMARTCARD_ResetCWT
enumerator kSMARTCARD_EnableCWT
enumerator kSMARTCARD_DisableCWT
enumerator kSMARTCARD_ResetBWT
enumerator kSMARTCARD_EnableBWT
enumerator kSMARTCARD_DisableBWT
enumerator kSMARTCARD_EnableInitDetect
enumerator kSMARTCARD_EnableAnack
enumerator kSMARTCARD_DisableAnack
enumerator kSMARTCARD_ConfigureBaudrate
enumerator kSMARTCARD_SetupATRMode
enumerator kSMARTCARD_SetupT0Mode
enumerator kSMARTCARD_SetupT1Mode
enumerator kSMARTCARD_EnableReceiverMode
enumerator kSMARTCARD_DisableReceiverMode
enumerator kSMARTCARD_EnableTransmitterMode
enumerator kSMARTCARD_DisableTransmitterMode
enumerator kSMARTCARD_ResetWaitTimeMultiplier
enum _smartcard_card_voltage_class

Defines Smart card interface voltage class values.


enumerator kSMARTCARD_VoltageClassUnknown
enumerator kSMARTCARD_VoltageClassA5_0V
enumerator kSMARTCARD_VoltageClassB3_3V
enumerator kSMARTCARD_VoltageClassC1_8V
enum _smartcard_transfer_state

Defines Smart card I/O transfer states.


enumerator kSMARTCARD_IdleState
enumerator kSMARTCARD_WaitingForTSState
enumerator kSMARTCARD_InvalidTSDetecetedState
enumerator kSMARTCARD_ReceivingState
enumerator kSMARTCARD_TransmittingState
enum _smartcard_reset_type

Defines Smart card reset types.


enumerator kSMARTCARD_ColdReset
enumerator kSMARTCARD_WarmReset
enumerator kSMARTCARD_NoColdReset
enumerator kSMARTCARD_NoWarmReset
enum _smartcard_transport_type

Defines Smart card transport protocol types.


enumerator kSMARTCARD_T0Transport
enumerator kSMARTCARD_T1Transport
enum _smartcard_parity_type

Defines Smart card data parity types.


enumerator kSMARTCARD_EvenParity
enumerator kSMARTCARD_OddParity
enum _smartcard_card_convention

Defines data Convention format.


enumerator kSMARTCARD_DirectConvention
enumerator kSMARTCARD_InverseConvention
enum _smartcard_interface_control

Defines Smart card interface IC control types.


enumerator kSMARTCARD_InterfaceSetVcc
enumerator kSMARTCARD_InterfaceSetClockToResetDelay
enumerator kSMARTCARD_InterfaceReadStatus
enum _smartcard_direction

Defines transfer direction.


enumerator kSMARTCARD_Receive
enumerator kSMARTCARD_Transmit
typedef enum _smartcard_control smartcard_control_t

Control codes for the Smart card protocol timers and misc.

typedef enum _smartcard_card_voltage_class smartcard_card_voltage_class_t

Defines Smart card interface voltage class values.

typedef enum _smartcard_transfer_state smartcard_transfer_state_t

Defines Smart card I/O transfer states.

typedef enum _smartcard_reset_type smartcard_reset_type_t

Defines Smart card reset types.

typedef enum _smartcard_transport_type smartcard_transport_type_t

Defines Smart card transport protocol types.

typedef enum _smartcard_parity_type smartcard_parity_type_t

Defines Smart card data parity types.

typedef enum _smartcard_card_convention smartcard_card_convention_t

Defines data Convention format.

typedef enum _smartcard_interface_control smartcard_interface_control_t

Defines Smart card interface IC control types.

typedef enum _smartcard_direction smartcard_direction_t

Defines transfer direction.

typedef void (*smartcard_interface_callback_t)(void *smartcardContext, void *param)

Smart card interface interrupt callback function type.

typedef void (*smartcard_transfer_callback_t)(void *smartcardContext, void *param)

Smart card transfer interrupt callback function type.

typedef void (*smartcard_time_delay_t)(uint32_t us)

Time Delay function used to passive waiting using RTOS [us].

typedef struct _smartcard_card_params smartcard_card_params_t

Defines card-specific parameters for Smart card driver.

typedef struct _smartcard_timers_state smartcard_timers_state_t

Smart card defines the state of the EMV timers in the Smart card driver.

typedef struct _smartcard_interface_config smartcard_interface_config_t

Defines user specified configuration of Smart card interface.

typedef struct _smartcard_xfer smartcard_xfer_t

Defines user transfer structure used to initialize transfer.

typedef struct _smartcard_context smartcard_context_t

Runtime state of the Smart card driver.


Smart card global define which specify number of clock cycles until initial ‘TS’ character has to be received.


Smart card global define which specify number of clock cycles during which ATR string has to be received.


Smart card specification initial TS character definition of direct convention.


Smart card specification initial TS character definition of inverse convention.

struct _smartcard_card_params
#include <fsl_smartcard.h>

Defines card-specific parameters for Smart card driver.

Public Members

uint16_t Fi

4 bits Fi - clock rate conversion integer

uint8_t fMax

Maximum Smart card frequency in MHz

uint8_t WI

8 bits WI - work wait time integer

uint8_t Di

4 bits DI - baud rate divisor

uint8_t BWI

4 bits BWI - block wait time integer

uint8_t CWI

4 bits CWI - character wait time integer

uint8_t BGI

4 bits BGI - block guard time integer

uint8_t GTN

8 bits GTN - extended guard time integer

uint8_t IFSC

Indicates IFSC value of the card

uint8_t modeNegotiable

Indicates if the card acts in negotiable or a specific mode.

uint8_t currentD

4 bits DI - current baud rate divisor

uint8_t status

Indicates smart card status

bool t0Indicated

Indicates ff T=0 indicated in TD1 byte

bool t1Indicated

Indicates if T=1 indicated in TD2 byte

bool atrComplete

Indicates whether the ATR received from the card was complete or not

bool atrValid

Indicates whether the ATR received from the card was valid or not

bool present

Indicates if a smart card is present

bool active

Indicates if the smart card is activated

bool faulty

Indicates whether smart card/interface is faulty

smartcard_card_convention_t convention

Card convention, kSMARTCARD_DirectConvention for direct convention, kSMARTCARD_InverseConvention for inverse convention

struct _smartcard_timers_state
#include <fsl_smartcard.h>

Smart card defines the state of the EMV timers in the Smart card driver.

Public Members

volatile bool adtExpired

Indicates whether ADT timer expired

volatile bool wwtExpired

Indicates whether WWT timer expired

volatile bool cwtExpired

Indicates whether CWT timer expired

volatile bool bwtExpired

Indicates whether BWT timer expired

volatile bool initCharTimerExpired

Indicates whether reception timer for initialization character (TS) after the RST has expired

struct _smartcard_interface_config
#include <fsl_smartcard.h>

Defines user specified configuration of Smart card interface.

Public Members

uint32_t smartCardClock

Smart card interface clock [Hz]

uint32_t clockToResetDelay

Indicates clock to RST apply delay [smart card clock cycles]

uint8_t clockModule

Smart card clock module number

uint8_t clockModuleChannel

Smart card clock module channel number

uint8_t clockModuleSourceClock

Smart card clock module source clock [e.g., BusClk]

smartcard_card_voltage_class_t vcc

Smart card voltage class

uint8_t controlPort

Smart card PHY control port instance

uint8_t controlPin

Smart card PHY control pin instance

uint8_t irqPort

Smart card PHY Interrupt port instance

uint8_t irqPin

Smart card PHY Interrupt pin instance

uint8_t resetPort

Smart card reset port instance

uint8_t resetPin

Smart card reset pin instance

uint8_t vsel0Port

Smart card PHY Vsel0 control port instance

uint8_t vsel0Pin

Smart card PHY Vsel0 control pin instance

uint8_t vsel1Port

Smart card PHY Vsel1 control port instance

uint8_t vsel1Pin

Smart card PHY Vsel1 control pin instance

uint8_t dataPort

Smart card PHY data port instance

uint8_t dataPin

Smart card PHY data pin instance

uint8_t dataPinMux

Smart card PHY data pin mux option

uint8_t tsTimerId

Numerical identifier of the External HW timer for Initial character detection

struct _smartcard_xfer
#include <fsl_smartcard.h>

Defines user transfer structure used to initialize transfer.

Public Members

smartcard_direction_t direction

Direction of communication. (RX/TX)

uint8_t *buff

The buffer of data.

size_t size

The number of transferred units.

struct _smartcard_context
#include <fsl_smartcard.h>

Runtime state of the Smart card driver.

Public Members

void *base

Smart card module base address

smartcard_direction_t direction

Direction of communication. (RX/TX)

uint8_t *xBuff

The buffer of data being transferred.

volatile size_t xSize

The number of bytes to be transferred.

volatile bool xIsBusy

True if there is an active transfer.

uint8_t txFifoEntryCount

Number of data word entries in transmit FIFO.

uint8_t rxFifoThreshold

The max value of the receiver FIFO threshold.

smartcard_interface_callback_t interfaceCallback

Callback to invoke after interface IC raised interrupt.

smartcard_transfer_callback_t transferCallback

Callback to invoke after transfer event occur.

void *interfaceCallbackParam

Interface callback parameter pointer.

void *transferCallbackParam

Transfer callback parameter pointer.

smartcard_time_delay_t timeDelay

Function which handles time delay defined by user or RTOS.

smartcard_reset_type_t resetType

Indicates whether a Cold reset or Warm reset was requested.

smartcard_transport_type_t tType

Indicates current transfer protocol (T0 or T1)

volatile smartcard_transfer_state_t transferState

Indicates the current transfer state

smartcard_timers_state_t timersState

Indicates the state of different protocol timers used in driver

smartcard_card_params_t cardParams

Smart card parameters(ATR and current) and interface slots states(ATR and current)

uint8_t IFSD

Indicates the terminal IFSD

smartcard_parity_type_t parity

Indicates current parity even/odd

volatile bool rxtCrossed

Indicates whether RXT thresholds has been crossed

volatile bool txtCrossed

Indicates whether TXT thresholds has been crossed

volatile bool wtxRequested

Indicates whether WTX has been requested or not

volatile bool parityError

Indicates whether a parity error has been detected

uint8_t statusBytes[2]

Used to store Status bytes SW1, SW2 of the last executed card command response

smartcard_interface_config_t interfaceConfig

Smart card interface configuration structure

bool abortTransfer

Used to abort transfer.

Smart Card UART Driver

void SMARTCARD_UART_GetDefaultConfig(smartcard_card_params_t *cardParams)

Fills in the smartcard_card_params structure with default values according to the EMV 4.3 specification.

  • cardParams – The configuration structure of type smartcard_interface_config_t. Function fill in members: Fi = 372; Di = 1; currentD = 1; WI = 0x0A; GTN = 0x00; with default values.

status_t SMARTCARD_UART_Init(UART_Type *base, smartcard_context_t *context, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)

Initializes a UART peripheral for the Smart card/ISO-7816 operation.

This function un-gates the UART clock, initializes the module to EMV default settings, configures the IRQ, enables the module-level interrupt to the core, and initializes the driver context.

  • base – The UART peripheral base address.

  • context – A pointer to a smart card driver context structure.

  • srcClock_Hz – Smart card clock generation module source clock.


An error code or kStatus_SMARTCARD_Success.

void SMARTCARD_UART_Deinit(UART_Type *base)

This function disables the UART interrupts, disables the transmitter and receiver, and flushes the FIFOs (for modules that support FIFOs) and gates UART clock in SIM.

  • base – The UART peripheral base address.

int32_t SMARTCARD_UART_GetTransferRemainingBytes(UART_Type *base, smartcard_context_t *context)

Returns whether the previous UART transfer has finished.

When performing an async transfer, call this function to ascertain the context of the current transfer: in progress (or busy) or complete (success). If the transfer is still in progress, the user can obtain the number of words that have not been transferred by reading xSize of smart card context structure.

  • base – The UART peripheral base address.

  • context – A pointer to a Smart card driver context structure.


The number of bytes not transferred.

status_t SMARTCARD_UART_AbortTransfer(UART_Type *base, smartcard_context_t *context)

Terminates an asynchronous UART transfer early.

During an async UART transfer, the user can terminate the transfer early if the transfer is still in progress.

  • base – The UART peripheral base address.

  • context – A pointer to a Smart card driver context structure.

Return values:
  • kStatus_SMARTCARD_Success – The transfer abort was successful.

  • kStatus_SMARTCARD_NoTransmitInProgress – No transmission is currently in progress.

status_t SMARTCARD_UART_TransferNonBlocking(UART_Type *base, smartcard_context_t *context, smartcard_xfer_t *xfer)

Transfers data using interrupts.

A non-blocking (also known as asynchronous) function means that the function returns immediately after initiating the transfer function. The application has to get the transfer status to see when the transfer is complete. In other words, after calling non-blocking (asynchronous) transfer function, the application must get the transfer status to check if transmit is completed or not.

  • base – The UART peripheral base address.

  • context – A pointer to a Smart card driver context structure.

  • xfer – A pointer to Smart card transfer structure where the linked buffers and sizes are stored.


An error code or kStatus_SMARTCARD_Success.

status_t SMARTCARD_UART_Control(UART_Type *base, smartcard_context_t *context, smartcard_control_t control, uint32_t param)

Controls the UART module per different user requests.

return An kStatus_SMARTCARD_OtherError in case of error return kStatus_SMARTCARD_Success in success

  • base – The UART peripheral base address.

  • context – A pointer to a smart card driver context structure.

  • control – Smart card command type.

  • param – Integer value specific to a control command.

void SMARTCARD_UART_IRQHandler(UART_Type *base, smartcard_context_t *context)

Interrupt handler for UART.

This handler uses the buffers stored in the smartcard_context_t structures to transfer data. The Smart card driver requires this function to call when the UART interrupt occurs.

  • base – The UART peripheral base address.

  • context – A pointer to a Smart card driver context structure.

void SMARTCARD_UART_ErrIRQHandler(UART_Type *base, smartcard_context_t *context)

Error interrupt handler for UART.

This function handles error conditions during a transfer.

  • base – The UART peripheral base address.

  • context – A pointer to a Smart card driver context structure.

void SMARTCARD_UART_TSExpiryCallback(UART_Type *base, smartcard_context_t *context)

Handles initial TS character timer time-out event.

  • base – The UART peripheral base address.

  • context – A pointer to a Smart card driver context structure.

void smartcard_uart_TimerStart(uint8_t channel, uint32_t time)

Initializes timer specific channel with input period, enable channel interrupt and start counter.

  • channel – The timer channel.

  • time – The time period.


EMV RX NACK interrupt generation threshold.


EMV TX NACK interrupt generation threshold.


EMV TX & RX GUART TIME default value.


SMC: System Mode Controller Driver

static inline void SMC_GetVersionId(SMC_Type *base, smc_version_id_t *versionId)

Gets the SMC version ID.

This function gets the SMC version ID, including major version number, minor version number, and feature specification number.

  • base – SMC peripheral base address.

  • versionId – Pointer to the version ID structure.

void SMC_GetParam(SMC_Type *base, smc_param_t *param)

Gets the SMC parameter.

This function gets the SMC parameter including the enabled power mdoes.

  • base – SMC peripheral base address.

  • param – Pointer to the SMC param structure.

static inline void SMC_SetPowerModeProtection(SMC_Type *base, uint8_t allowedModes)

Configures all power mode protection settings.

This function configures the power mode protection settings for supported power modes in the specified chip family. The available power modes are defined in the smc_power_mode_protection_t. This should be done at an early system level initialization stage. See the reference manual for details. This register can only write once after the power reset.

The allowed modes are passed as bit map. For example, to allow LLS and VLLS, use SMC_SetPowerModeProtection(kSMC_AllowPowerModeVlls | kSMC_AllowPowerModeVlps). To allow all modes, use SMC_SetPowerModeProtection(kSMC_AllowPowerModeAll).

  • base – SMC peripheral base address.

  • allowedModes – Bitmap of the allowed power modes.

static inline smc_power_state_t SMC_GetPowerModeState(SMC_Type *base)

Gets the current power mode status.

This function returns the current power mode status. After the application switches the power mode, it should always check the status to check whether it runs into the specified mode or not. The application should check this mode before switching to a different mode. The system requires that only certain modes can switch to other specific modes. See the reference manual for details and the smc_power_state_t for information about the power status.

  • base – SMC peripheral base address.


Current power mode status.

void SMC_PreEnterStopModes(void)

Prepares to enter stop modes.

This function should be called before entering STOP/VLPS/LLS/VLLS modes.

void SMC_PostExitStopModes(void)

Recovers after wake up from stop modes.

This function should be called after wake up from STOP/VLPS/LLS/VLLS modes. It is used with SMC_PreEnterStopModes.

void SMC_PreEnterWaitModes(void)

Prepares to enter wait modes.

This function should be called before entering WAIT/VLPW modes.

void SMC_PostExitWaitModes(void)

Recovers after wake up from stop modes.

This function should be called after wake up from WAIT/VLPW modes. It is used with SMC_PreEnterWaitModes.

status_t SMC_SetPowerModeRun(SMC_Type *base)

Configures the system to RUN power mode.

  • base – SMC peripheral base address.


SMC configuration error code.

status_t SMC_SetPowerModeHsrun(SMC_Type *base)

Configures the system to HSRUN power mode.

  • base – SMC peripheral base address.


SMC configuration error code.

status_t SMC_SetPowerModeWait(SMC_Type *base)

Configures the system to WAIT power mode.

  • base – SMC peripheral base address.


SMC configuration error code.

status_t SMC_SetPowerModeStop(SMC_Type *base, smc_partial_stop_option_t option)

Configures the system to Stop power mode.

  • base – SMC peripheral base address.

  • option – Partial Stop mode option.


SMC configuration error code.

status_t SMC_SetPowerModeVlpr(SMC_Type *base, bool wakeupMode)

Configures the system to VLPR power mode.

  • base – SMC peripheral base address.

  • wakeupMode – Enter Normal Run mode if true, else stay in VLPR mode.


SMC configuration error code.

status_t SMC_SetPowerModeVlpw(SMC_Type *base)

Configures the system to VLPW power mode.

  • base – SMC peripheral base address.


SMC configuration error code.

status_t SMC_SetPowerModeVlps(SMC_Type *base)

Configures the system to VLPS power mode.

  • base – SMC peripheral base address.


SMC configuration error code.

status_t SMC_SetPowerModeLls(SMC_Type *base, const smc_power_mode_lls_config_t *config)

Configures the system to LLS power mode.

  • base – SMC peripheral base address.

  • config – The LLS power mode configuration structure


SMC configuration error code.

status_t SMC_SetPowerModeVlls(SMC_Type *base, const smc_power_mode_vlls_config_t *config)

Configures the system to VLLS power mode.

  • base – SMC peripheral base address.

  • config – The VLLS power mode configuration structure.


SMC configuration error code.


SMC driver version.

enum _smc_power_mode_protection

Power Modes Protection.


enumerator kSMC_AllowPowerModeVlls

Allow Very-low-leakage Stop Mode.

enumerator kSMC_AllowPowerModeLls

Allow Low-leakage Stop Mode.

enumerator kSMC_AllowPowerModeVlp

Allow Very-Low-power Mode.

enumerator kSMC_AllowPowerModeHsrun

Allow High-speed Run mode.

enumerator kSMC_AllowPowerModeAll

Allow all power mode.

enum _smc_power_state

Power Modes in PMSTAT.


enumerator kSMC_PowerStateRun

0000_0001 - Current power mode is RUN

enumerator kSMC_PowerStateStop

0000_0010 - Current power mode is STOP

enumerator kSMC_PowerStateVlpr

0000_0100 - Current power mode is VLPR

enumerator kSMC_PowerStateVlpw

0000_1000 - Current power mode is VLPW

enumerator kSMC_PowerStateVlps

0001_0000 - Current power mode is VLPS

enumerator kSMC_PowerStateLls

0010_0000 - Current power mode is LLS

enumerator kSMC_PowerStateVlls

0100_0000 - Current power mode is VLLS

enumerator kSMC_PowerStateHsrun

1000_0000 - Current power mode is HSRUN

enum _smc_run_mode

Run mode definition.


enumerator kSMC_RunNormal

Normal RUN mode.

enumerator kSMC_RunVlpr

Very-low-power RUN mode.

enumerator kSMC_Hsrun

High-speed Run mode (HSRUN).

enum _smc_stop_mode

Stop mode definition.


enumerator kSMC_StopNormal

Normal STOP mode.

enumerator kSMC_StopVlps

Very-low-power STOP mode.

enumerator kSMC_StopLls

Low-leakage Stop mode.

enumerator kSMC_StopVlls

Very-low-leakage Stop mode.

enum _smc_stop_submode

VLLS/LLS stop sub mode definition.


enumerator kSMC_StopSub0

Stop submode 0, for VLLS0/LLS0.

enumerator kSMC_StopSub1

Stop submode 1, for VLLS1/LLS1.

enumerator kSMC_StopSub2

Stop submode 2, for VLLS2/LLS2.

enumerator kSMC_StopSub3

Stop submode 3, for VLLS3/LLS3.

enum _smc_partial_stop_mode

Partial STOP option.


enumerator kSMC_PartialStop

STOP - Normal Stop mode

enumerator kSMC_PartialStop1

Partial Stop with both system and bus clocks disabled

enumerator kSMC_PartialStop2

Partial Stop with system clock disabled and bus clock enabled

_smc_status, SMC configuration status.


enumerator kStatus_SMC_StopAbort

Entering Stop mode is abort

typedef enum _smc_power_mode_protection smc_power_mode_protection_t

Power Modes Protection.

typedef enum _smc_power_state smc_power_state_t

Power Modes in PMSTAT.

typedef enum _smc_run_mode smc_run_mode_t

Run mode definition.

typedef enum _smc_stop_mode smc_stop_mode_t

Stop mode definition.

typedef enum _smc_stop_submode smc_stop_submode_t

VLLS/LLS stop sub mode definition.

typedef enum _smc_partial_stop_mode smc_partial_stop_option_t

Partial STOP option.

typedef struct _smc_version_id smc_version_id_t

IP version ID definition.

typedef struct _smc_param smc_param_t

IP parameter definition.

typedef struct _smc_power_mode_lls_config smc_power_mode_lls_config_t

SMC Low-Leakage Stop power mode configuration.

typedef struct _smc_power_mode_vlls_config smc_power_mode_vlls_config_t

SMC Very Low-Leakage Stop power mode configuration.

struct _smc_version_id
#include <fsl_smc.h>

IP version ID definition.

Public Members

uint16_t feature

Feature Specification Number.

uint8_t minor

Minor version number.

uint8_t major

Major version number.

struct _smc_param
#include <fsl_smc.h>

IP parameter definition.

Public Members

bool hsrunEnable

HSRUN mode enable.

bool llsEnable

LLS mode enable.

bool lls2Enable

LLS2 mode enable.

bool vlls0Enable

VLLS0 mode enable.

struct _smc_power_mode_lls_config
#include <fsl_smc.h>

SMC Low-Leakage Stop power mode configuration.

Public Members

smc_stop_submode_t subMode

Low-leakage Stop sub-mode

bool enableLpoClock

Enable LPO clock in LLS mode

struct _smc_power_mode_vlls_config
#include <fsl_smc.h>

SMC Very Low-Leakage Stop power mode configuration.

Public Members

smc_stop_submode_t subMode

Very Low-leakage Stop sub-mode

bool enablePorDetectInVlls0

Enable Power on reset detect in VLLS mode

bool enableRam2InVlls2

Enable RAM2 power in VLLS2

bool enableLpoClock

Enable LPO clock in VLLS mode

SPI: Serial Peripheral Interface Driver

SPI DMA Driver

void SPI_MasterTransferCreateHandleDMA(SPI_Type *base, spi_dma_handle_t *handle, spi_dma_callback_t callback, void *userData, dma_handle_t *txHandle, dma_handle_t *rxHandle)

Initialize the SPI master DMA handle.

This function initializes the SPI master DMA handle which can be used for other SPI master transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified SPI instance, user need only call this API once to get the initialized handle.

  • base – SPI peripheral base address.

  • handle – SPI handle pointer.

  • callback – User callback function called at the end of a transfer.

  • userData – User data for callback.

  • txHandle – DMA handle pointer for SPI Tx, the handle shall be static allocated by users.

  • rxHandle – DMA handle pointer for SPI Rx, the handle shall be static allocated by users.

status_t SPI_MasterTransferDMA(SPI_Type *base, spi_dma_handle_t *handle, spi_transfer_t *xfer)

Perform a non-blocking SPI transfer using DMA.


This interface returned immediately after transfer initiates, users should call SPI_GetTransferStatus to poll the transfer status to check whether SPI transfer finished.

  • base – SPI peripheral base address.

  • handle – SPI DMA handle pointer.

  • xfer – Pointer to dma transfer structure.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Successfully start a transfer.

  • kStatus_InvalidArgument – Input argument is invalid.

  • kStatus_SPI_Busy – SPI is not idle, is running another transfer.

void SPI_MasterTransferAbortDMA(SPI_Type *base, spi_dma_handle_t *handle)

Abort a SPI transfer using DMA.

  • base – SPI peripheral base address.

  • handle – SPI DMA handle pointer.

status_t SPI_MasterTransferGetCountDMA(SPI_Type *base, spi_dma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)

Get the transferred bytes for SPI slave DMA.

  • base – SPI peripheral base address.

  • handle – SPI DMA handle pointer.

  • count – Transferred bytes.

Return values:
  • kStatus_SPI_Success – Succeed get the transfer count.

  • kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – There is not a non-blocking transaction currently in progress.

static inline void SPI_SlaveTransferCreateHandleDMA(SPI_Type *base, spi_dma_handle_t *handle, spi_dma_callback_t callback, void *userData, dma_handle_t *txHandle, dma_handle_t *rxHandle)

Initialize the SPI slave DMA handle.

This function initializes the SPI slave DMA handle which can be used for other SPI master transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified SPI instance, user need only call this API once to get the initialized handle.

  • base – SPI peripheral base address.

  • handle – SPI handle pointer.

  • callback – User callback function called at the end of a transfer.

  • userData – User data for callback.

  • txHandle – DMA handle pointer for SPI Tx, the handle shall be static allocated by users.

  • rxHandle – DMA handle pointer for SPI Rx, the handle shall be static allocated by users.

static inline status_t SPI_SlaveTransferDMA(SPI_Type *base, spi_dma_handle_t *handle, spi_transfer_t *xfer)

Perform a non-blocking SPI transfer using DMA.


This interface returned immediately after transfer initiates, users should call SPI_GetTransferStatus to poll the transfer status to check whether SPI transfer finished.

  • base – SPI peripheral base address.

  • handle – SPI DMA handle pointer.

  • xfer – Pointer to dma transfer structure.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Successfully start a transfer.

  • kStatus_InvalidArgument – Input argument is invalid.

  • kStatus_SPI_Busy – SPI is not idle, is running another transfer.

static inline void SPI_SlaveTransferAbortDMA(SPI_Type *base, spi_dma_handle_t *handle)

Abort a SPI transfer using DMA.

  • base – SPI peripheral base address.

  • handle – SPI DMA handle pointer.

static inline status_t SPI_SlaveTransferGetCountDMA(SPI_Type *base, spi_dma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)

Get the transferred bytes for SPI slave DMA.

  • base – SPI peripheral base address.

  • handle – SPI DMA handle pointer.

  • count – Transferred bytes.

Return values:
  • kStatus_SPI_Success – Succeed get the transfer count.

  • kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – There is not a non-blocking transaction currently in progress.


SPI DMA driver version.

typedef struct _spi_dma_handle spi_dma_handle_t
typedef void (*spi_dma_callback_t)(SPI_Type *base, spi_dma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)

SPI DMA callback called at the end of transfer.

struct _spi_dma_handle
#include <fsl_spi_dma.h>

SPI DMA transfer handle, users should not touch the content of the handle.

Public Members

bool txInProgress

Send transfer finished

bool rxInProgress

Receive transfer finished

dma_handle_t *txHandle

DMA handler for SPI send

dma_handle_t *rxHandle

DMA handler for SPI receive

uint8_t bytesPerFrame

Bytes in a frame for SPI transfer

spi_dma_callback_t callback

Callback for SPI DMA transfer

void *userData

User Data for SPI DMA callback

uint32_t state

Internal state of SPI DMA transfer

size_t transferSize

Bytes need to be transfer

SPI Driver

void SPI_MasterGetDefaultConfig(spi_master_config_t *config)

Sets the SPI master configuration structure to default values.

The purpose of this API is to get the configuration structure initialized for use in SPI_MasterInit(). User may use the initialized structure unchanged in SPI_MasterInit(), or modify some fields of the structure before calling SPI_MasterInit(). After calling this API, the master is ready to transfer. Example:

spi_master_config_t config;

  • config – pointer to master config structure

void SPI_MasterInit(SPI_Type *base, const spi_master_config_t *config, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)

Initializes the SPI with master configuration.

The configuration structure can be filled by user from scratch, or be set with default values by SPI_MasterGetDefaultConfig(). After calling this API, the slave is ready to transfer. Example

spi_master_config_t config = {
.baudRate_Bps = 400000,
SPI_MasterInit(SPI0, &config);

  • base – SPI base pointer

  • config – pointer to master configuration structure

  • srcClock_Hz – Source clock frequency.

void SPI_SlaveGetDefaultConfig(spi_slave_config_t *config)

Sets the SPI slave configuration structure to default values.

The purpose of this API is to get the configuration structure initialized for use in SPI_SlaveInit(). Modify some fields of the structure before calling SPI_SlaveInit(). Example:

spi_slave_config_t config;

  • config – pointer to slave configuration structure

void SPI_SlaveInit(SPI_Type *base, const spi_slave_config_t *config)

Initializes the SPI with slave configuration.

The configuration structure can be filled by user from scratch or be set with default values by SPI_SlaveGetDefaultConfig(). After calling this API, the slave is ready to transfer. Example

spi_slave_config_t config = {
.polarity = kSPIClockPolarity_ActiveHigh;
.phase = kSPIClockPhase_FirstEdge;
.direction = kSPIMsbFirst;
SPI_MasterInit(SPI0, &config);

  • base – SPI base pointer

  • config – pointer to master configuration structure

void SPI_Deinit(SPI_Type *base)

De-initializes the SPI.

Calling this API resets the SPI module, gates the SPI clock. The SPI module can’t work unless calling the SPI_MasterInit/SPI_SlaveInit to initialize module.

  • base – SPI base pointer

static inline void SPI_Enable(SPI_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables or disables the SPI.

  • base – SPI base pointer

  • enable – pass true to enable module, false to disable module

uint32_t SPI_GetStatusFlags(SPI_Type *base)

Gets the status flag.

  • base – SPI base pointer


SPI Status, use status flag to AND _spi_flags could get the related status.

static inline void SPI_ClearInterrupt(SPI_Type *base, uint8_t mask)

Clear the interrupt if enable INCTLR.

  • base – SPI base pointer

  • mask – Interrupt need to be cleared The parameter could be any combination of the following values:

    • kSPI_RxFullAndModfInterruptEnable

    • kSPI_TxEmptyInterruptEnable

    • kSPI_MatchInterruptEnable

    • kSPI_RxFifoNearFullInterruptEnable

    • kSPI_TxFifoNearEmptyInterruptEnable

void SPI_EnableInterrupts(SPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Enables the interrupt for the SPI.

  • base – SPI base pointer

  • mask – SPI interrupt source. The parameter can be any combination of the following values:

    • kSPI_RxFullAndModfInterruptEnable

    • kSPI_TxEmptyInterruptEnable

    • kSPI_MatchInterruptEnable

    • kSPI_RxFifoNearFullInterruptEnable

    • kSPI_TxFifoNearEmptyInterruptEnable

void SPI_DisableInterrupts(SPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Disables the interrupt for the SPI.

  • base – SPI base pointer

  • mask – SPI interrupt source. The parameter can be any combination of the following values:

    • kSPI_RxFullAndModfInterruptEnable

    • kSPI_TxEmptyInterruptEnable

    • kSPI_MatchInterruptEnable

    • kSPI_RxFifoNearFullInterruptEnable

    • kSPI_TxFifoNearEmptyInterruptEnable

static inline void SPI_EnableDMA(SPI_Type *base, uint8_t mask, bool enable)

Enables the DMA source for SPI.

  • base – SPI base pointer

  • mask – SPI DMA source.

  • enable – True means enable DMA, false means disable DMA

static inline uint32_t SPI_GetDataRegisterAddress(SPI_Type *base)

Gets the SPI tx/rx data register address.

This API is used to provide a transfer address for the SPI DMA transfer configuration.

  • base – SPI base pointer


data register address

uint32_t SPI_GetInstance(SPI_Type *base)

Get the instance for SPI module.

  • base – SPI base address

static inline void SPI_SetPinMode(SPI_Type *base, spi_pin_mode_t pinMode)

Sets the pin mode for transfer.

  • base – SPI base pointer

  • pinMode – pin mode for transfer AND _spi_pin_mode could get the related configuration.

void SPI_MasterSetBaudRate(SPI_Type *base, uint32_t baudRate_Bps, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)

Sets the baud rate for SPI transfer. This is only used in master.

  • base – SPI base pointer

  • baudRate_Bps – baud rate needed in Hz.

  • srcClock_Hz – SPI source clock frequency in Hz.

static inline void SPI_SetMatchData(SPI_Type *base, uint32_t matchData)

Sets the match data for SPI.

The match data is a hardware comparison value. When the value received in the SPI receive data buffer equals the hardware comparison value, the SPI Match Flag in the S register (S[SPMF]) sets. This can also generate an interrupt if the enable bit sets.

  • base – SPI base pointer

  • matchData – Match data.

void SPI_EnableFIFO(SPI_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables or disables the FIFO if there is a FIFO.

  • base – SPI base pointer

  • enable – True means enable FIFO, false means disable FIFO.

status_t SPI_WriteBlocking(SPI_Type *base, uint8_t *buffer, size_t size)

Sends a buffer of data bytes using a blocking method.


This function blocks via polling until all bytes have been sent.

  • base – SPI base pointer

  • buffer – The data bytes to send

  • size – The number of data bytes to send


kStatus_SPI_Timeout The transfer timed out and was aborted.

void SPI_WriteData(SPI_Type *base, uint16_t data)

Writes a data into the SPI data register.

  • base – SPI base pointer

  • data – needs to be write.

uint16_t SPI_ReadData(SPI_Type *base)

Gets a data from the SPI data register.

  • base – SPI base pointer


Data in the register.

void SPI_SetDummyData(SPI_Type *base, uint8_t dummyData)

Set up the dummy data.

  • base – SPI peripheral address.

  • dummyData – Data to be transferred when tx buffer is NULL.

void SPI_MasterTransferCreateHandle(SPI_Type *base, spi_master_handle_t *handle, spi_master_callback_t callback, void *userData)

Initializes the SPI master handle.

This function initializes the SPI master handle which can be used for other SPI master transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified SPI instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.

  • base – SPI peripheral base address.

  • handle – SPI handle pointer.

  • callback – Callback function.

  • userData – User data.

status_t SPI_MasterTransferBlocking(SPI_Type *base, spi_transfer_t *xfer)

Transfers a block of data using a polling method.

  • base – SPI base pointer

  • xfer – pointer to spi_xfer_config_t structure

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Successfully start a transfer.

  • kStatus_InvalidArgument – Input argument is invalid.

status_t SPI_MasterTransferNonBlocking(SPI_Type *base, spi_master_handle_t *handle, spi_transfer_t *xfer)

Performs a non-blocking SPI interrupt transfer.


The API immediately returns after transfer initialization is finished. Call SPI_GetStatusIRQ() to get the transfer status.


If SPI transfer data frame size is 16 bits, the transfer size cannot be an odd number.

  • base – SPI peripheral base address.

  • handle – pointer to spi_master_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state

  • xfer – pointer to spi_xfer_config_t structure

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Successfully start a transfer.

  • kStatus_InvalidArgument – Input argument is invalid.

  • kStatus_SPI_Busy – SPI is not idle, is running another transfer.

status_t SPI_MasterTransferGetCount(SPI_Type *base, spi_master_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)

Gets the bytes of the SPI interrupt transferred.

  • base – SPI peripheral base address.

  • handle – Pointer to SPI transfer handle, this should be a static variable.

  • count – Transferred bytes of SPI master.

Return values:
  • kStatus_SPI_Success – Succeed get the transfer count.

  • kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – There is not a non-blocking transaction currently in progress.

void SPI_MasterTransferAbort(SPI_Type *base, spi_master_handle_t *handle)

Aborts an SPI transfer using interrupt.

  • base – SPI peripheral base address.

  • handle – Pointer to SPI transfer handle, this should be a static variable.

void SPI_MasterTransferHandleIRQ(SPI_Type *base, spi_master_handle_t *handle)

Interrupts the handler for the SPI.

  • base – SPI peripheral base address.

  • handle – pointer to spi_master_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.

void SPI_SlaveTransferCreateHandle(SPI_Type *base, spi_slave_handle_t *handle, spi_slave_callback_t callback, void *userData)

Initializes the SPI slave handle.

This function initializes the SPI slave handle which can be used for other SPI slave transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified SPI instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.

  • base – SPI peripheral base address.

  • handle – SPI handle pointer.

  • callback – Callback function.

  • userData – User data.

status_t SPI_SlaveTransferNonBlocking(SPI_Type *base, spi_slave_handle_t *handle, spi_transfer_t *xfer)

Performs a non-blocking SPI slave interrupt transfer.


The API returns immediately after the transfer initialization is finished. Call SPI_GetStatusIRQ() to get the transfer status.


If SPI transfer data frame size is 16 bits, the transfer size cannot be an odd number.

  • base – SPI peripheral base address.

  • handle – pointer to spi_slave_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state

  • xfer – pointer to spi_xfer_config_t structure

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Successfully start a transfer.

  • kStatus_InvalidArgument – Input argument is invalid.

  • kStatus_SPI_Busy – SPI is not idle, is running another transfer.

static inline status_t SPI_SlaveTransferGetCount(SPI_Type *base, spi_slave_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)

Gets the bytes of the SPI interrupt transferred.

  • base – SPI peripheral base address.

  • handle – Pointer to SPI transfer handle, this should be a static variable.

  • count – Transferred bytes of SPI slave.

Return values:
  • kStatus_SPI_Success – Succeed get the transfer count.

  • kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – There is not a non-blocking transaction currently in progress.

static inline void SPI_SlaveTransferAbort(SPI_Type *base, spi_slave_handle_t *handle)

Aborts an SPI slave transfer using interrupt.

  • base – SPI peripheral base address.

  • handle – Pointer to SPI transfer handle, this should be a static variable.

void SPI_SlaveTransferHandleIRQ(SPI_Type *base, spi_slave_handle_t *handle)

Interrupts a handler for the SPI slave.

  • base – SPI peripheral base address.

  • handle – pointer to spi_slave_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state


SPI driver version.

Return status for the SPI driver.


enumerator kStatus_SPI_Busy

SPI bus is busy

enumerator kStatus_SPI_Idle

SPI is idle

enumerator kStatus_SPI_Error

SPI error

enumerator kStatus_SPI_Timeout

SPI timeout polling status flags.

enum _spi_clock_polarity

SPI clock polarity configuration.


enumerator kSPI_ClockPolarityActiveHigh

Active-high SPI clock (idles low).

enumerator kSPI_ClockPolarityActiveLow

Active-low SPI clock (idles high).

enum _spi_clock_phase

SPI clock phase configuration.


enumerator kSPI_ClockPhaseFirstEdge

First edge on SPSCK occurs at the middle of the first cycle of a data transfer.

enumerator kSPI_ClockPhaseSecondEdge

First edge on SPSCK occurs at the start of the first cycle of a data transfer.

enum _spi_shift_direction

SPI data shifter direction options.


enumerator kSPI_MsbFirst

Data transfers start with most significant bit.

enumerator kSPI_LsbFirst

Data transfers start with least significant bit.

enum _spi_ss_output_mode

SPI slave select output mode options.


enumerator kSPI_SlaveSelectAsGpio

Slave select pin configured as GPIO.

enumerator kSPI_SlaveSelectFaultInput

Slave select pin configured for fault detection.

enumerator kSPI_SlaveSelectAutomaticOutput

Slave select pin configured for automatic SPI output.

enum _spi_pin_mode

SPI pin mode options.


enumerator kSPI_PinModeNormal

Pins operate in normal, single-direction mode.

enumerator kSPI_PinModeInput

Bidirectional mode. Master: MOSI pin is input; Slave: MISO pin is input.

enumerator kSPI_PinModeOutput

Bidirectional mode. Master: MOSI pin is output; Slave: MISO pin is output.

enum _spi_data_bitcount_mode

SPI data length mode options.


enumerator kSPI_8BitMode

8-bit data transmission mode

enumerator kSPI_16BitMode

16-bit data transmission mode

enum _spi_interrupt_enable

SPI interrupt sources.


enumerator kSPI_RxFullAndModfInterruptEnable

Receive buffer full (SPRF) and mode fault (MODF) interrupt

enumerator kSPI_TxEmptyInterruptEnable

Transmit buffer empty interrupt

enumerator kSPI_MatchInterruptEnable

Match interrupt

enumerator kSPI_RxFifoNearFullInterruptEnable

Receive FIFO nearly full interrupt

enumerator kSPI_TxFifoNearEmptyInterruptEnable

Transmit FIFO nearly empty interrupt

enum _spi_flags

SPI status flags.


enumerator kSPI_RxBufferFullFlag

Read buffer full flag

enumerator kSPI_MatchFlag

Match flag

enumerator kSPI_TxBufferEmptyFlag

Transmit buffer empty flag

enumerator kSPI_ModeFaultFlag

Mode fault flag

enumerator kSPI_RxFifoNearFullFlag

Rx FIFO near full

enumerator kSPI_TxFifoNearEmptyFlag

Tx FIFO near empty

enumerator kSPI_TxFifoFullFlag

Tx FIFO full

enumerator kSPI_RxFifoEmptyFlag

Rx FIFO empty

enumerator kSPI_TxFifoError

Tx FIFO error

enumerator kSPI_RxFifoError

Rx FIFO error

enumerator kSPI_TxOverflow

Tx FIFO Overflow

enumerator kSPI_RxOverflow

Rx FIFO Overflow

enum _spi_w1c_interrupt

SPI FIFO write-1-to-clear interrupt flags.


enumerator kSPI_RxFifoFullClearInterrupt

Receive FIFO full interrupt

enumerator kSPI_TxFifoEmptyClearInterrupt

Transmit FIFO empty interrupt

enumerator kSPI_RxNearFullClearInterrupt

Receive FIFO nearly full interrupt

enumerator kSPI_TxNearEmptyClearInterrupt

Transmit FIFO nearly empty interrupt

enum _spi_txfifo_watermark

SPI TX FIFO watermark settings.


enumerator kSPI_TxFifoOneFourthEmpty

SPI tx watermark at 1/4 FIFO size

enumerator kSPI_TxFifoOneHalfEmpty

SPI tx watermark at 1/2 FIFO size

enum _spi_rxfifo_watermark

SPI RX FIFO watermark settings.


enumerator kSPI_RxFifoThreeFourthsFull

SPI rx watermark at 3/4 FIFO size

enumerator kSPI_RxFifoOneHalfFull

SPI rx watermark at 1/2 FIFO size

enum _spi_dma_enable_t

SPI DMA source.


enumerator kSPI_TxDmaEnable

Tx DMA request source

enumerator kSPI_RxDmaEnable

Rx DMA request source

enumerator kSPI_DmaAllEnable

All DMA request source

typedef enum _spi_clock_polarity spi_clock_polarity_t

SPI clock polarity configuration.

typedef enum _spi_clock_phase spi_clock_phase_t

SPI clock phase configuration.

typedef enum _spi_shift_direction spi_shift_direction_t

SPI data shifter direction options.

typedef enum _spi_ss_output_mode spi_ss_output_mode_t

SPI slave select output mode options.

typedef enum _spi_pin_mode spi_pin_mode_t

SPI pin mode options.

typedef enum _spi_data_bitcount_mode spi_data_bitcount_mode_t

SPI data length mode options.

typedef enum _spi_w1c_interrupt spi_w1c_interrupt_t

SPI FIFO write-1-to-clear interrupt flags.

typedef enum _spi_txfifo_watermark spi_txfifo_watermark_t

SPI TX FIFO watermark settings.

typedef enum _spi_rxfifo_watermark spi_rxfifo_watermark_t

SPI RX FIFO watermark settings.

typedef struct _spi_master_config spi_master_config_t

SPI master user configure structure.

typedef struct _spi_slave_config spi_slave_config_t

SPI slave user configure structure.

typedef struct _spi_transfer spi_transfer_t

SPI transfer structure.

typedef struct _spi_master_handle spi_master_handle_t
typedef spi_master_handle_t spi_slave_handle_t

Slave handle is the same with master handle

typedef void (*spi_master_callback_t)(SPI_Type *base, spi_master_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)

SPI master callback for finished transmit.

typedef void (*spi_slave_callback_t)(SPI_Type *base, spi_slave_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)

SPI master callback for finished transmit.

volatile uint8_t g_spiDummyData[]

Global variable for dummy data value setting.


SPI dummy transfer data, the data is sent while txBuff is NULL.


Retry times for waiting flag.

struct _spi_master_config
#include <fsl_spi.h>

SPI master user configure structure.

Public Members

bool enableMaster

Enable SPI at initialization time

bool enableStopInWaitMode

SPI stop in wait mode

spi_clock_polarity_t polarity

Clock polarity

spi_clock_phase_t phase

Clock phase

spi_shift_direction_t direction


spi_data_bitcount_mode_t dataMode

8bit or 16bit mode

spi_txfifo_watermark_t txWatermark

Tx watermark settings

spi_rxfifo_watermark_t rxWatermark

Rx watermark settings

spi_ss_output_mode_t outputMode

SS pin setting

spi_pin_mode_t pinMode

SPI pin mode select

uint32_t baudRate_Bps

Baud Rate for SPI in Hz

struct _spi_slave_config
#include <fsl_spi.h>

SPI slave user configure structure.

Public Members

bool enableSlave

Enable SPI at initialization time

bool enableStopInWaitMode

SPI stop in wait mode

spi_clock_polarity_t polarity

Clock polarity

spi_clock_phase_t phase

Clock phase

spi_shift_direction_t direction


spi_data_bitcount_mode_t dataMode

8bit or 16bit mode

spi_txfifo_watermark_t txWatermark

Tx watermark settings

spi_rxfifo_watermark_t rxWatermark

Rx watermark settings

spi_pin_mode_t pinMode

SPI pin mode select

struct _spi_transfer
#include <fsl_spi.h>

SPI transfer structure.

Public Members

const uint8_t *txData

Send buffer

uint8_t *rxData

Receive buffer

size_t dataSize

Transfer bytes

uint32_t flags

SPI control flag, useless to SPI.

struct _spi_master_handle
#include <fsl_spi.h>

SPI transfer handle structure.

Public Members

const uint8_t *volatile txData

Transfer buffer

uint8_t *volatile rxData

Receive buffer

volatile size_t txRemainingBytes

Send data remaining in bytes

volatile size_t rxRemainingBytes

Receive data remaining in bytes

volatile uint32_t state

SPI internal state

size_t transferSize

Bytes to be transferred

uint8_t bytePerFrame

SPI mode, 2bytes or 1byte in a frame

uint8_t watermark

Watermark value for SPI transfer

spi_master_callback_t callback

SPI callback

void *userData

Callback parameter

SYSMPU: System Memory Protection Unit

void SYSMPU_Init(SYSMPU_Type *base, const sysmpu_config_t *config)

Initializes the SYSMPU with the user configuration structure.

This function configures the SYSMPU module with the user-defined configuration.

  • base – SYSMPU peripheral base address.

  • config – The pointer to the configuration structure.

void SYSMPU_Deinit(SYSMPU_Type *base)

Deinitializes the SYSMPU regions.

  • base – SYSMPU peripheral base address.

static inline void SYSMPU_Enable(SYSMPU_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables/disables the SYSMPU globally.

Call this API to enable or disable the SYSMPU module.

  • base – SYSMPU peripheral base address.

  • enable – True enable SYSMPU, false disable SYSMPU.

static inline void SYSMPU_RegionEnable(SYSMPU_Type *base, uint32_t number, bool enable)

Enables/disables the SYSMPU for a special region.

When SYSMPU is enabled, call this API to disable an unused region of an enabled SYSMPU. Call this API to minimize the power dissipation.

  • base – SYSMPU peripheral base address.

  • number – SYSMPU region number.

  • enable – True enable the special region SYSMPU, false disable the special region SYSMPU.

void SYSMPU_GetHardwareInfo(SYSMPU_Type *base, sysmpu_hardware_info_t *hardwareInform)

Gets the SYSMPU basic hardware information.

  • base – SYSMPU peripheral base address.

  • hardwareInform – The pointer to the SYSMPU hardware information structure. See “sysmpu_hardware_info_t”.

void SYSMPU_SetRegionConfig(SYSMPU_Type *base, const sysmpu_region_config_t *regionConfig)

Sets the SYSMPU region.

Note: Due to the SYSMPU protection, the region number 0 does not allow writes from core to affect the start and end address nor the permissions associated with the debugger. It can only write the permission fields associated with the other masters.

  • base – SYSMPU peripheral base address.

  • regionConfig – The pointer to the SYSMPU user configuration structure. See “sysmpu_region_config_t”.

void SYSMPU_SetRegionAddr(SYSMPU_Type *base, uint32_t regionNum, uint32_t startAddr, uint32_t endAddr)

Sets the region start and end address.

Memory region start address. Note: bit0 ~ bit4 is always marked as 0 by SYSMPU. The actual start address by SYSMPU is 0-modulo-32 byte address. Memory region end address. Note: bit0 ~ bit4 always be marked as 1 by SYSMPU. The end address used by the SYSMPU is 31-modulo-32 byte address. Note: Due to the SYSMPU protection, the startAddr and endAddr can’t be changed by the core when regionNum is 0.

  • base – SYSMPU peripheral base address.

  • regionNum – SYSMPU region number. The range is from 0 to FSL_FEATURE_SYSMPU_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT - 1.

  • startAddr – Region start address.

  • endAddr – Region end address.

void SYSMPU_SetRegionRwxMasterAccessRights(SYSMPU_Type *base, uint32_t regionNum, uint32_t masterNum, const sysmpu_rwxrights_master_access_control_t *accessRights)

Sets the SYSMPU region access rights for masters with read, write, and execute rights. The SYSMPU access rights depend on two board classifications of bus masters. The privilege rights masters and the normal rights masters. The privilege rights masters have the read, write, and execute access rights. Except the normal read and write rights, the execute rights are also allowed for these masters. The privilege rights masters normally range from bus masters 0 - 3. However, the maximum master number is device-specific. See the “SYSMPU_PRIVILEGED_RIGHTS_MASTER_MAX_INDEX”. The normal rights masters access rights control see “SYSMPU_SetRegionRwMasterAccessRights()”.

  • base – SYSMPU peripheral base address.

  • regionNum – SYSMPU region number. Should range from 0 to FSL_FEATURE_SYSMPU_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT - 1.

  • masterNum – SYSMPU bus master number. Should range from 0 to SYSMPU_PRIVILEGED_RIGHTS_MASTER_MAX_INDEX.

  • accessRights – The pointer to the SYSMPU access rights configuration. See “sysmpu_rwxrights_master_access_control_t”.

bool SYSMPU_GetSlavePortErrorStatus(SYSMPU_Type *base, sysmpu_slave_t slaveNum)

Gets the numbers of slave ports where errors occur.

  • base – SYSMPU peripheral base address.

  • slaveNum – SYSMPU slave port number.


The slave ports error status. true - error happens in this slave port. false - error didn’t happen in this slave port.

void SYSMPU_GetDetailErrorAccessInfo(SYSMPU_Type *base, sysmpu_slave_t slaveNum, sysmpu_access_err_info_t *errInform)

Gets the SYSMPU detailed error access information.

  • base – SYSMPU peripheral base address.

  • slaveNum – SYSMPU slave port number.

  • errInform – The pointer to the SYSMPU access error information. See “sysmpu_access_err_info_t”.


SYSMPU driver version 2.2.3.

enum _sysmpu_region_total_num

Describes the number of SYSMPU regions.


enumerator kSYSMPU_8Regions

SYSMPU supports 8 regions.

enumerator kSYSMPU_12Regions

SYSMPU supports 12 regions.

enumerator kSYSMPU_16Regions

SYSMPU supports 16 regions.

enum _sysmpu_slave

SYSMPU slave port number.


enumerator kSYSMPU_Slave0

SYSMPU slave port 0.

enumerator kSYSMPU_Slave1

SYSMPU slave port 1.

enumerator kSYSMPU_Slave2

SYSMPU slave port 2.

enumerator kSYSMPU_Slave3

SYSMPU slave port 3.

enumerator kSYSMPU_Slave4

SYSMPU slave port 4.

enum _sysmpu_err_access_control

SYSMPU error access control detail.


enumerator kSYSMPU_NoRegionHit

No region hit error.

enumerator kSYSMPU_NoneOverlappRegion

Access single region error.

enumerator kSYSMPU_OverlappRegion

Access overlapping region error.

enum _sysmpu_err_access_type

SYSMPU error access type.


enumerator kSYSMPU_ErrTypeRead

SYSMPU error access type &#8212; read.

enumerator kSYSMPU_ErrTypeWrite

SYSMPU error access type &#8212; write.

enum _sysmpu_err_attributes

SYSMPU access error attributes.


enumerator kSYSMPU_InstructionAccessInUserMode

Access instruction error in user mode.

enumerator kSYSMPU_DataAccessInUserMode

Access data error in user mode.

enumerator kSYSMPU_InstructionAccessInSupervisorMode

Access instruction error in supervisor mode.

enumerator kSYSMPU_DataAccessInSupervisorMode

Access data error in supervisor mode.

enum _sysmpu_supervisor_access_rights

SYSMPU access rights in supervisor mode for bus master 0 ~ 3.


enumerator kSYSMPU_SupervisorReadWriteExecute

Read write and execute operations are allowed in supervisor mode.

enumerator kSYSMPU_SupervisorReadExecute

Read and execute operations are allowed in supervisor mode.

enumerator kSYSMPU_SupervisorReadWrite

Read write operations are allowed in supervisor mode.

enumerator kSYSMPU_SupervisorEqualToUsermode

Access permission equal to user mode.

enum _sysmpu_user_access_rights

SYSMPU access rights in user mode for bus master 0 ~ 3.


enumerator kSYSMPU_UserNoAccessRights

No access allowed in user mode.

enumerator kSYSMPU_UserExecute

Execute operation is allowed in user mode.

enumerator kSYSMPU_UserWrite

Write operation is allowed in user mode.

enumerator kSYSMPU_UserWriteExecute

Write and execute operations are allowed in user mode.

enumerator kSYSMPU_UserRead

Read is allowed in user mode.

enumerator kSYSMPU_UserReadExecute

Read and execute operations are allowed in user mode.

enumerator kSYSMPU_UserReadWrite

Read and write operations are allowed in user mode.

enumerator kSYSMPU_UserReadWriteExecute

Read write and execute operations are allowed in user mode.

typedef enum _sysmpu_region_total_num sysmpu_region_total_num_t

Describes the number of SYSMPU regions.

typedef enum _sysmpu_slave sysmpu_slave_t

SYSMPU slave port number.

typedef enum _sysmpu_err_access_control sysmpu_err_access_control_t

SYSMPU error access control detail.

typedef enum _sysmpu_err_access_type sysmpu_err_access_type_t

SYSMPU error access type.

typedef enum _sysmpu_err_attributes sysmpu_err_attributes_t

SYSMPU access error attributes.

typedef enum _sysmpu_supervisor_access_rights sysmpu_supervisor_access_rights_t

SYSMPU access rights in supervisor mode for bus master 0 ~ 3.

typedef enum _sysmpu_user_access_rights sysmpu_user_access_rights_t

SYSMPU access rights in user mode for bus master 0 ~ 3.

typedef struct _sysmpu_hardware_info sysmpu_hardware_info_t

SYSMPU hardware basic information.

typedef struct _sysmpu_access_err_info sysmpu_access_err_info_t

SYSMPU detail error access information.

typedef struct _sysmpu_rwxrights_master_access_control sysmpu_rwxrights_master_access_control_t

SYSMPU read/write/execute rights control for bus master 0 ~ 3.

typedef struct _sysmpu_rwrights_master_access_control sysmpu_rwrights_master_access_control_t

SYSMPU read/write access control for bus master 4 ~ 7.

typedef struct _sysmpu_region_config sysmpu_region_config_t

SYSMPU region configuration structure.

This structure is used to configure the regionNum region. The accessRights1[0] ~ accessRights1[3] are used to configure the bus master 0 ~ 3 with the privilege rights setting. The accessRights2[0] ~ accessRights2[3] are used to configure the high master 4 ~ 7 with the normal read write permission. The master port assignment is the chip configuration. Normally, the core is the master 0, debugger is the master 1. Note that the SYSMPU assigns a priority scheme where the debugger is treated as the highest priority master followed by the core and then all the remaining masters. SYSMPU protection does not allow writes from the core to affect the “regionNum 0” start and end address nor the permissions associated with the debugger. It can only write the permission fields associated with the other masters. This protection guarantees that the debugger always has access to the entire address space and those rights can’t be changed by the core or any other bus master. Prepare the region configuration when regionNum is 0.

typedef struct _sysmpu_config sysmpu_config_t

The configuration structure for the SYSMPU initialization.

This structure is used when calling the SYSMPU_Init function.


define the start master port with read and write attributes.


SYSMPU the bit shift for masters with privilege rights: read write and execute.


SYSMPU masters with read, write and execute rights bit mask.


SYSMPU masters with read, write and execute rights bit width.


SYSMPU masters with read, write and execute rights priority setting.


SYSMPU masters with read, write and execute rights process enable bit shift.


SYSMPU masters with read, write and execute rights process enable bit mask.


SYSMPU masters with read, write and execute rights process enable setting.


SYSMPU masters with normal read write permission bit shift.


SYSMPU masters with normal read write rights bit mask.


SYSMPU masters with normal read write rights priority setting.

struct _sysmpu_hardware_info
#include <fsl_sysmpu.h>

SYSMPU hardware basic information.

Public Members

uint8_t hardwareRevisionLevel

Specifies the SYSMPU’s hardware and definition reversion level.

uint8_t slavePortsNumbers

Specifies the number of slave ports connected to SYSMPU.

sysmpu_region_total_num_t regionsNumbers

Indicates the number of region descriptors implemented.

struct _sysmpu_access_err_info
#include <fsl_sysmpu.h>

SYSMPU detail error access information.

Public Members

uint32_t master

Access error master.

sysmpu_err_attributes_t attributes

Access error attributes.

sysmpu_err_access_type_t accessType

Access error type.

sysmpu_err_access_control_t accessControl

Access error control.

uint32_t address

Access error address.

uint8_t processorIdentification

Access error processor identification.

struct _sysmpu_rwxrights_master_access_control
#include <fsl_sysmpu.h>

SYSMPU read/write/execute rights control for bus master 0 ~ 3.

Public Members

sysmpu_supervisor_access_rights_t superAccessRights

Master access rights in supervisor mode.

sysmpu_user_access_rights_t userAccessRights

Master access rights in user mode.

bool processIdentifierEnable

Enables or disables process identifier.

struct _sysmpu_rwrights_master_access_control
#include <fsl_sysmpu.h>

SYSMPU read/write access control for bus master 4 ~ 7.

Public Members

bool writeEnable

Enables or disables write permission.

bool readEnable

Enables or disables read permission.

struct _sysmpu_region_config
#include <fsl_sysmpu.h>

SYSMPU region configuration structure.

This structure is used to configure the regionNum region. The accessRights1[0] ~ accessRights1[3] are used to configure the bus master 0 ~ 3 with the privilege rights setting. The accessRights2[0] ~ accessRights2[3] are used to configure the high master 4 ~ 7 with the normal read write permission. The master port assignment is the chip configuration. Normally, the core is the master 0, debugger is the master 1. Note that the SYSMPU assigns a priority scheme where the debugger is treated as the highest priority master followed by the core and then all the remaining masters. SYSMPU protection does not allow writes from the core to affect the “regionNum 0” start and end address nor the permissions associated with the debugger. It can only write the permission fields associated with the other masters. This protection guarantees that the debugger always has access to the entire address space and those rights can’t be changed by the core or any other bus master. Prepare the region configuration when regionNum is 0.

Public Members

uint32_t regionNum

SYSMPU region number, range form 0 ~ FSL_FEATURE_SYSMPU_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT - 1.

uint32_t startAddress

Memory region start address. Note: bit0 ~ bit4 always be marked as 0 by SYSMPU. The actual start address is 0-modulo-32 byte address.

uint32_t endAddress

Memory region end address. Note: bit0 ~ bit4 always be marked as 1 by SYSMPU. The actual end address is 31-modulo-32 byte address.

sysmpu_rwxrights_master_access_control_t accessRights1[4]

Masters with read, write and execute rights setting.

sysmpu_rwrights_master_access_control_t accessRights2[4]

Masters with normal read write rights setting.

uint8_t processIdentifier

Process identifier used when “processIdentifierEnable” set with true.

uint8_t processIdMask

Process identifier mask. The setting bit will ignore the same bit in process identifier.

struct _sysmpu_config
#include <fsl_sysmpu.h>

The configuration structure for the SYSMPU initialization.

This structure is used when calling the SYSMPU_Init function.

Public Members

sysmpu_region_config_t regionConfig

Region access permission.

struct _sysmpu_config *next

Pointer to the next structure.

UART: Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter Driver


void UART_TransferCreateHandleDMA(UART_Type *base, uart_dma_handle_t *handle, uart_dma_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData, dma_handle_t *txDmaHandle, dma_handle_t *rxDmaHandle)

Initializes the UART handle which is used in transactional functions and sets the callback.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • handle – Pointer to the uart_dma_handle_t structure.

  • callback – UART callback, NULL means no callback.

  • userData – User callback function data.

  • rxDmaHandle – User requested DMA handle for the RX DMA transfer.

  • txDmaHandle – User requested DMA handle for the TX DMA transfer.

status_t UART_TransferSendDMA(UART_Type *base, uart_dma_handle_t *handle, uart_transfer_t *xfer)

Sends data using DMA.

This function sends data using DMA. This is non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is sent, the send callback function is called.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • handle – UART handle pointer.

  • xfer – UART DMA transfer structure. See uart_transfer_t.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – if succeeded; otherwise failed.

  • kStatus_UART_TxBusy – Previous transfer ongoing.

  • kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.

status_t UART_TransferReceiveDMA(UART_Type *base, uart_dma_handle_t *handle, uart_transfer_t *xfer)

Receives data using DMA.

This function receives data using DMA. This is non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is received, the receive callback function is called.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • handle – Pointer to the uart_dma_handle_t structure.

  • xfer – UART DMA transfer structure. See uart_transfer_t.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – if succeeded; otherwise failed.

  • kStatus_UART_RxBusy – Previous transfer on going.

  • kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.

void UART_TransferAbortSendDMA(UART_Type *base, uart_dma_handle_t *handle)

Aborts the send data using DMA.

This function aborts the sent data using DMA.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • handle – Pointer to uart_dma_handle_t structure.

void UART_TransferAbortReceiveDMA(UART_Type *base, uart_dma_handle_t *handle)

Aborts the received data using DMA.

This function abort receive data which using DMA.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • handle – Pointer to uart_dma_handle_t structure.

status_t UART_TransferGetSendCountDMA(UART_Type *base, uart_dma_handle_t *handle, uint32_t *count)

Gets the number of bytes written to UART TX register.

This function gets the number of bytes written to UART TX register by DMA.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • handle – UART handle pointer.

  • count – Send bytes count.

Return values:
  • kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – No send in progress.

  • kStatus_InvalidArgument – Parameter is invalid.

  • kStatus_Success – Get successfully through the parameter count;

status_t UART_TransferGetReceiveCountDMA(UART_Type *base, uart_dma_handle_t *handle, uint32_t *count)

Gets the number of bytes that have been received.

This function gets the number of bytes that have been received.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • handle – UART handle pointer.

  • count – Receive bytes count.

Return values:
  • kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – No receive in progress.

  • kStatus_InvalidArgument – Parameter is invalid.

  • kStatus_Success – Get successfully through the parameter count;

void UART_TransferDMAHandleIRQ(UART_Type *base, void *uartDmaHandle)

UART DMA IRQ handle function.

This function handles the UART transmit complete IRQ request and invoke user callback.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • uartDmaHandle – UART handle pointer.


UART DMA driver version.

typedef struct _uart_dma_handle uart_dma_handle_t
typedef void (*uart_dma_transfer_callback_t)(UART_Type *base, uart_dma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)

UART transfer callback function.

struct _uart_dma_handle
#include <fsl_uart_dma.h>

UART DMA handle.

Public Members

UART_Type *base

UART peripheral base address.

uart_dma_transfer_callback_t callback

Callback function.

void *userData

UART callback function parameter.

size_t rxDataSizeAll

Size of the data to receive.

size_t txDataSizeAll

Size of the data to send out.

dma_handle_t *txDmaHandle

The DMA TX channel used.

dma_handle_t *rxDmaHandle

The DMA RX channel used.

volatile uint8_t txState

TX transfer state.

volatile uint8_t rxState

RX transfer state

UART Driver

status_t UART_Init(UART_Type *base, const uart_config_t *config, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)

Initializes a UART instance with a user configuration structure and peripheral clock.

This function configures the UART module with the user-defined settings. The user can configure the configuration structure and also get the default configuration by using the UART_GetDefaultConfig() function. The example below shows how to use this API to configure UART.

uart_config_t uartConfig;
uartConfig.baudRate_Bps = 115200U;
uartConfig.parityMode = kUART_ParityDisabled;
uartConfig.stopBitCount = kUART_OneStopBit;
uartConfig.txFifoWatermark = 0;
uartConfig.rxFifoWatermark = 1;
UART_Init(UART1, &uartConfig, 20000000U);

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • config – Pointer to the user-defined configuration structure.

  • srcClock_Hz – UART clock source frequency in HZ.

Return values:
  • kStatus_UART_BaudrateNotSupport – Baudrate is not support in current clock source.

  • kStatus_Success – Status UART initialize succeed

void UART_Deinit(UART_Type *base)

Deinitializes a UART instance.

This function waits for TX complete, disables TX and RX, and disables the UART clock.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

void UART_GetDefaultConfig(uart_config_t *config)

Gets the default configuration structure.

This function initializes the UART configuration structure to a default value. The default values are as follows. uartConfig->baudRate_Bps = 115200U; uartConfig->bitCountPerChar = kUART_8BitsPerChar; uartConfig->parityMode = kUART_ParityDisabled; uartConfig->stopBitCount = kUART_OneStopBit; uartConfig->txFifoWatermark = 0; uartConfig->rxFifoWatermark = 1; uartConfig->idleType = kUART_IdleTypeStartBit; uartConfig->enableTx = false; uartConfig->enableRx = false;

  • config – Pointer to configuration structure.

status_t UART_SetBaudRate(UART_Type *base, uint32_t baudRate_Bps, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)

Sets the UART instance baud rate.

This function configures the UART module baud rate. This function is used to update the UART module baud rate after the UART module is initialized by the UART_Init.

UART_SetBaudRate(UART1, 115200U, 20000000U);

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • baudRate_Bps – UART baudrate to be set.

  • srcClock_Hz – UART clock source frequency in Hz.

Return values:
  • kStatus_UART_BaudrateNotSupport – Baudrate is not support in the current clock source.

  • kStatus_Success – Set baudrate succeeded.

void UART_Enable9bitMode(UART_Type *base, bool enable)

Enable 9-bit data mode for UART.

This function set the 9-bit mode for UART module. The 9th bit is not used for parity thus can be modified by user.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • enable – true to enable, flase to disable.

static inline void UART_SetMatchAddress(UART_Type *base, uint8_t address1, uint8_t address2)

Set the UART slave address.

This function configures the address for UART module that works as slave in 9-bit data mode. One or two address fields can be configured. When the address field’s match enable bit is set, the frame it receices with MSB being 1 is considered as an address frame, otherwise it is considered as data frame. Once the address frame matches one of slave’s own addresses, this slave is addressed. This address frame and its following data frames are stored in the receive buffer, otherwise the frames will be discarded. To un-address a slave, just send an address frame with unmatched address.


Any UART instance joined in the multi-slave system can work as slave. The position of the address mark is the same as the parity bit when parity is enabled for 8 bit and 9 bit data formats.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • address1 – UART slave address 1.

  • address2 – UART slave address 2.

static inline void UART_EnableMatchAddress(UART_Type *base, bool match1, bool match2)

Enable the UART match address feature.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • match1 – true to enable match address1, false to disable.

  • match2 – true to enable match address2, false to disable.

static inline void UART_Set9thTransmitBit(UART_Type *base)

Set UART 9th transmit bit.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

static inline void UART_Clear9thTransmitBit(UART_Type *base)

Clear UART 9th transmit bit.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

uint32_t UART_GetStatusFlags(UART_Type *base)

Gets UART status flags.

This function gets all UART status flags. The flags are returned as the logical OR value of the enumerators _uart_flags. To check a specific status, compare the return value with enumerators in _uart_flags. For example, to check whether the TX is empty, do the following.

if (kUART_TxDataRegEmptyFlag & UART_GetStatusFlags(UART1))

  • base – UART peripheral base address.


UART status flags which are ORed by the enumerators in the _uart_flags.

status_t UART_ClearStatusFlags(UART_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Clears status flags with the provided mask.

This function clears UART status flags with a provided mask. An automatically cleared flag can’t be cleared by this function. These flags can only be cleared or set by hardware. kUART_TxDataRegEmptyFlag, kUART_TransmissionCompleteFlag, kUART_RxDataRegFullFlag, kUART_RxActiveFlag, kUART_NoiseErrorInRxDataRegFlag, kUART_ParityErrorInRxDataRegFlag, kUART_TxFifoEmptyFlag,kUART_RxFifoEmptyFlag


that this API should be called when the Tx/Rx is idle. Otherwise it has no effect.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • mask – The status flags to be cleared; it is logical OR value of _uart_flags.

Return values:
  • kStatus_UART_FlagCannotClearManually – The flag can’t be cleared by this function but it is cleared automatically by hardware.

  • kStatus_Success – Status in the mask is cleared.

void UART_EnableInterrupts(UART_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Enables UART interrupts according to the provided mask.

This function enables the UART interrupts according to the provided mask. The mask is a logical OR of enumeration members. See _uart_interrupt_enable. For example, to enable TX empty interrupt and RX full interrupt, do the following.

UART_EnableInterrupts(UART1,kUART_TxDataRegEmptyInterruptEnable | kUART_RxDataRegFullInterruptEnable);

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • mask – The interrupts to enable. Logical OR of _uart_interrupt_enable.

void UART_DisableInterrupts(UART_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Disables the UART interrupts according to the provided mask.

This function disables the UART interrupts according to the provided mask. The mask is a logical OR of enumeration members. See _uart_interrupt_enable. For example, to disable TX empty interrupt and RX full interrupt do the following.

UART_DisableInterrupts(UART1,kUART_TxDataRegEmptyInterruptEnable | kUART_RxDataRegFullInterruptEnable);

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • mask – The interrupts to disable. Logical OR of _uart_interrupt_enable.

uint32_t UART_GetEnabledInterrupts(UART_Type *base)

Gets the enabled UART interrupts.

This function gets the enabled UART interrupts. The enabled interrupts are returned as the logical OR value of the enumerators _uart_interrupt_enable. To check a specific interrupts enable status, compare the return value with enumerators in _uart_interrupt_enable. For example, to check whether TX empty interrupt is enabled, do the following.

uint32_t enabledInterrupts = UART_GetEnabledInterrupts(UART1);

if (kUART_TxDataRegEmptyInterruptEnable & enabledInterrupts)

  • base – UART peripheral base address.


UART interrupt flags which are logical OR of the enumerators in _uart_interrupt_enable.

static inline uint32_t UART_GetDataRegisterAddress(UART_Type *base)

Gets the UART data register address.

This function returns the UART data register address, which is mainly used by DMA/eDMA.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.


UART data register addresses which are used both by the transmitter and the receiver.

static inline void UART_EnableTxDMA(UART_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables or disables the UART transmitter DMA request.

This function enables or disables the transmit data register empty flag, S1[TDRE], to generate the DMA requests.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • enable – True to enable, false to disable.

static inline void UART_EnableRxDMA(UART_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables or disables the UART receiver DMA.

This function enables or disables the receiver data register full flag, S1[RDRF], to generate DMA requests.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • enable – True to enable, false to disable.

static inline void UART_EnableTx(UART_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables or disables the UART transmitter.

This function enables or disables the UART transmitter.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • enable – True to enable, false to disable.

static inline void UART_EnableRx(UART_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables or disables the UART receiver.

This function enables or disables the UART receiver.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • enable – True to enable, false to disable.

static inline void UART_WriteByte(UART_Type *base, uint8_t data)

Writes to the TX register.

This function writes data to the TX register directly. The upper layer must ensure that the TX register is empty or TX FIFO has empty room before calling this function.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • data – The byte to write.

static inline uint8_t UART_ReadByte(UART_Type *base)

Reads the RX register directly.

This function reads data from the RX register directly. The upper layer must ensure that the RX register is full or that the TX FIFO has data before calling this function.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.


The byte read from UART data register.

static inline uint8_t UART_GetRxFifoCount(UART_Type *base)

Gets the rx FIFO data count.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.


rx FIFO data count.

static inline uint8_t UART_GetTxFifoCount(UART_Type *base)

Gets the tx FIFO data count.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.


tx FIFO data count.

void UART_SendAddress(UART_Type *base, uint8_t address)

Transmit an address frame in 9-bit data mode.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • address – UART slave address.

status_t UART_WriteBlocking(UART_Type *base, const uint8_t *data, size_t length)

Writes to the TX register using a blocking method.

This function polls the TX register, waits for the TX register to be empty or for the TX FIFO to have room and writes data to the TX buffer.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • data – Start address of the data to write.

  • length – Size of the data to write.

Return values:
  • kStatus_UART_Timeout – Transmission timed out and was aborted.

  • kStatus_Success – Successfully wrote all data.

status_t UART_ReadBlocking(UART_Type *base, uint8_t *data, size_t length)

Read RX data register using a blocking method.

This function polls the RX register, waits for the RX register to be full or for RX FIFO to have data, and reads data from the TX register.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • data – Start address of the buffer to store the received data.

  • length – Size of the buffer.

Return values:
  • kStatus_UART_RxHardwareOverrun – Receiver overrun occurred while receiving data.

  • kStatus_UART_NoiseError – A noise error occurred while receiving data.

  • kStatus_UART_FramingError – A framing error occurred while receiving data.

  • kStatus_UART_ParityError – A parity error occurred while receiving data.

  • kStatus_UART_Timeout – Transmission timed out and was aborted.

  • kStatus_Success – Successfully received all data.

void UART_TransferCreateHandle(UART_Type *base, uart_handle_t *handle, uart_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)

Initializes the UART handle.

This function initializes the UART handle which can be used for other UART transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified UART instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • handle – UART handle pointer.

  • callback – The callback function.

  • userData – The parameter of the callback function.

void UART_TransferStartRingBuffer(UART_Type *base, uart_handle_t *handle, uint8_t *ringBuffer, size_t ringBufferSize)

Sets up the RX ring buffer.

This function sets up the RX ring buffer to a specific UART handle.

When the RX ring buffer is used, data received are stored into the ring buffer even when the user doesn’t call the UART_TransferReceiveNonBlocking() API. If data is already received in the ring buffer, the user can get the received data from the ring buffer directly.


When using the RX ring buffer, one byte is reserved for internal use. In other words, if ringBufferSize is 32, only 31 bytes are used for saving data.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • handle – UART handle pointer.

  • ringBuffer – Start address of the ring buffer for background receiving. Pass NULL to disable the ring buffer.

  • ringBufferSize – Size of the ring buffer.

void UART_TransferStopRingBuffer(UART_Type *base, uart_handle_t *handle)

Aborts the background transfer and uninstalls the ring buffer.

This function aborts the background transfer and uninstalls the ring buffer.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • handle – UART handle pointer.

size_t UART_TransferGetRxRingBufferLength(uart_handle_t *handle)

Get the length of received data in RX ring buffer.

  • handle – UART handle pointer.


Length of received data in RX ring buffer.

status_t UART_TransferSendNonBlocking(UART_Type *base, uart_handle_t *handle, uart_transfer_t *xfer)

Transmits a buffer of data using the interrupt method.

This function sends data using an interrupt method. This is a non-blocking function, which returns directly without waiting for all data to be written to the TX register. When all data is written to the TX register in the ISR, the UART driver calls the callback function and passes the kStatus_UART_TxIdle as status parameter.


The kStatus_UART_TxIdle is passed to the upper layer when all data is written to the TX register. However, it does not ensure that all data is sent out. Before disabling the TX, check the kUART_TransmissionCompleteFlag to ensure that the TX is finished.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • handle – UART handle pointer.

  • xfer – UART transfer structure. See uart_transfer_t.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Successfully start the data transmission.

  • kStatus_UART_TxBusy – Previous transmission still not finished; data not all written to TX register yet.

  • kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.

void UART_TransferAbortSend(UART_Type *base, uart_handle_t *handle)

Aborts the interrupt-driven data transmit.

This function aborts the interrupt-driven data sending. The user can get the remainBytes to find out how many bytes are not sent out.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • handle – UART handle pointer.

status_t UART_TransferGetSendCount(UART_Type *base, uart_handle_t *handle, uint32_t *count)

Gets the number of bytes sent out to bus.

This function gets the number of bytes sent out to bus by using the interrupt method.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • handle – UART handle pointer.

  • count – Send bytes count.

Return values:
  • kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – No send in progress.

  • kStatus_InvalidArgument – The parameter is invalid.

  • kStatus_Success – Get successfully through the parameter count;

status_t UART_TransferReceiveNonBlocking(UART_Type *base, uart_handle_t *handle, uart_transfer_t *xfer, size_t *receivedBytes)

Receives a buffer of data using an interrupt method.

This function receives data using an interrupt method. This is a non-blocking function, which returns without waiting for all data to be received. If the RX ring buffer is used and not empty, the data in the ring buffer is copied and the parameter receivedBytes shows how many bytes are copied from the ring buffer. After copying, if the data in the ring buffer is not enough to read, the receive request is saved by the UART driver. When the new data arrives, the receive request is serviced first. When all data is received, the UART driver notifies the upper layer through a callback function and passes the status parameter kStatus_UART_RxIdle. For example, the upper layer needs 10 bytes but there are only 5 bytes in the ring buffer. The 5 bytes are copied to the xfer->data and this function returns with the parameter receivedBytes set to 5. For the left 5 bytes, newly arrived data is saved from the xfer->data[5]. When 5 bytes are received, the UART driver notifies the upper layer. If the RX ring buffer is not enabled, this function enables the RX and RX interrupt to receive data to the xfer->data. When all data is received, the upper layer is notified.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • handle – UART handle pointer.

  • xfer – UART transfer structure, see uart_transfer_t.

  • receivedBytes – Bytes received from the ring buffer directly.

Return values:
  • kStatus_Success – Successfully queue the transfer into transmit queue.

  • kStatus_UART_RxBusy – Previous receive request is not finished.

  • kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.

void UART_TransferAbortReceive(UART_Type *base, uart_handle_t *handle)

Aborts the interrupt-driven data receiving.

This function aborts the interrupt-driven data receiving. The user can get the remainBytes to know how many bytes are not received yet.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • handle – UART handle pointer.

status_t UART_TransferGetReceiveCount(UART_Type *base, uart_handle_t *handle, uint32_t *count)

Gets the number of bytes that have been received.

This function gets the number of bytes that have been received.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • handle – UART handle pointer.

  • count – Receive bytes count.

Return values:
  • kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – No receive in progress.

  • kStatus_InvalidArgument – Parameter is invalid.

  • kStatus_Success – Get successfully through the parameter count;

status_t UART_EnableTxFIFO(UART_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables or disables the UART Tx FIFO.

This function enables or disables the UART Tx FIFO.

param base UART peripheral base address. param enable true to enable, false to disable. retval kStatus_Success Successfully turn on or turn off Tx FIFO. retval kStatus_Fail Fail to turn on or turn off Tx FIFO.

status_t UART_EnableRxFIFO(UART_Type *base, bool enable)

Enables or disables the UART Rx FIFO.

This function enables or disables the UART Rx FIFO.

param base UART peripheral base address. param enable true to enable, false to disable. retval kStatus_Success Successfully turn on or turn off Rx FIFO. retval kStatus_Fail Fail to turn on or turn off Rx FIFO.

static inline void UART_SetRxFifoWatermark(UART_Type *base, uint8_t water)

Sets the rx FIFO watermark.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • water – Rx FIFO watermark.

static inline void UART_SetTxFifoWatermark(UART_Type *base, uint8_t water)

Sets the tx FIFO watermark.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • water – Tx FIFO watermark.

void UART_TransferHandleIRQ(UART_Type *base, void *irqHandle)

UART IRQ handle function.

This function handles the UART transmit and receive IRQ request.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • irqHandle – UART handle pointer.

void UART_TransferHandleErrorIRQ(UART_Type *base, void *irqHandle)

UART Error IRQ handle function.

This function handles the UART error IRQ request.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.

  • irqHandle – UART handle pointer.


UART driver version.

Error codes for the UART driver.


enumerator kStatus_UART_TxBusy

Transmitter is busy.

enumerator kStatus_UART_RxBusy

Receiver is busy.

enumerator kStatus_UART_TxIdle

UART transmitter is idle.

enumerator kStatus_UART_RxIdle

UART receiver is idle.

enumerator kStatus_UART_TxWatermarkTooLarge

TX FIFO watermark too large

enumerator kStatus_UART_RxWatermarkTooLarge

RX FIFO watermark too large

enumerator kStatus_UART_FlagCannotClearManually

UART flag can’t be manually cleared.

enumerator kStatus_UART_Error

Error happens on UART.

enumerator kStatus_UART_RxRingBufferOverrun

UART RX software ring buffer overrun.

enumerator kStatus_UART_RxHardwareOverrun

UART RX receiver overrun.

enumerator kStatus_UART_NoiseError

UART noise error.

enumerator kStatus_UART_FramingError

UART framing error.

enumerator kStatus_UART_ParityError

UART parity error.

enumerator kStatus_UART_BaudrateNotSupport

Baudrate is not support in current clock source

enumerator kStatus_UART_IdleLineDetected

UART IDLE line detected.

enumerator kStatus_UART_Timeout

UART times out.

enum _uart_parity_mode

UART parity mode.


enumerator kUART_ParityDisabled

Parity disabled

enumerator kUART_ParityEven

Parity enabled, type even, bit setting: PE|PT = 10

enumerator kUART_ParityOdd

Parity enabled, type odd, bit setting: PE|PT = 11

enum _uart_stop_bit_count

UART stop bit count.


enumerator kUART_OneStopBit

One stop bit

enumerator kUART_TwoStopBit

Two stop bits

enum _uart_idle_type_select

UART idle type select.


enumerator kUART_IdleTypeStartBit

Start counting after a valid start bit.

enumerator kUART_IdleTypeStopBit

Start counting after a stop bit.

enum _uart_interrupt_enable

UART interrupt configuration structure, default settings all disabled.

This structure contains the settings for all of the UART interrupt configurations.


enumerator kUART_LinBreakInterruptEnable

LIN break detect interrupt.

enumerator kUART_RxActiveEdgeInterruptEnable

RX active edge interrupt.

enumerator kUART_TxDataRegEmptyInterruptEnable

Transmit data register empty interrupt.

enumerator kUART_TransmissionCompleteInterruptEnable

Transmission complete interrupt.

enumerator kUART_RxDataRegFullInterruptEnable

Receiver data register full interrupt.

enumerator kUART_IdleLineInterruptEnable

Idle line interrupt.

enumerator kUART_RxOverrunInterruptEnable

Receiver overrun interrupt.

enumerator kUART_NoiseErrorInterruptEnable

Noise error flag interrupt.

enumerator kUART_FramingErrorInterruptEnable

Framing error flag interrupt.

enumerator kUART_ParityErrorInterruptEnable

Parity error flag interrupt.

enumerator kUART_RxFifoOverflowInterruptEnable

RX FIFO overflow interrupt.

enumerator kUART_TxFifoOverflowInterruptEnable

TX FIFO overflow interrupt.

enumerator kUART_RxFifoUnderflowInterruptEnable

RX FIFO underflow interrupt.

enumerator kUART_AllInterruptsEnable

UART status flags.

This provides constants for the UART status flags for use in the UART functions.


enumerator kUART_TxDataRegEmptyFlag

TX data register empty flag.

enumerator kUART_TransmissionCompleteFlag

Transmission complete flag.

enumerator kUART_RxDataRegFullFlag

RX data register full flag.

enumerator kUART_IdleLineFlag

Idle line detect flag.

enumerator kUART_RxOverrunFlag

RX overrun flag.

enumerator kUART_NoiseErrorFlag

RX takes 3 samples of each received bit. If any of these samples differ, noise flag sets

enumerator kUART_FramingErrorFlag

Frame error flag, sets if logic 0 was detected where stop bit expected

enumerator kUART_ParityErrorFlag

If parity enabled, sets upon parity error detection

enumerator kUART_LinBreakFlag

LIN break detect interrupt flag, sets when LIN break char detected and LIN circuit enabled

enumerator kUART_RxActiveEdgeFlag

RX pin active edge interrupt flag,sets when active edge detected

enumerator kUART_RxActiveFlag

Receiver Active Flag (RAF), sets at beginning of valid start bit

enumerator kUART_NoiseErrorInRxDataRegFlag

Noisy bit, sets if noise detected.

enumerator kUART_ParityErrorInRxDataRegFlag

Parity bit, sets if parity error detected.

enumerator kUART_TxFifoEmptyFlag

TXEMPT bit, sets if TX buffer is empty

enumerator kUART_RxFifoEmptyFlag

RXEMPT bit, sets if RX buffer is empty

enumerator kUART_TxFifoOverflowFlag

TXOF bit, sets if TX buffer overflow occurred

enumerator kUART_RxFifoOverflowFlag

RXOF bit, sets if receive buffer overflow

enumerator kUART_RxFifoUnderflowFlag

RXUF bit, sets if receive buffer underflow

typedef enum _uart_parity_mode uart_parity_mode_t

UART parity mode.

typedef enum _uart_stop_bit_count uart_stop_bit_count_t

UART stop bit count.

typedef enum _uart_idle_type_select uart_idle_type_select_t

UART idle type select.

typedef struct _uart_config uart_config_t

UART configuration structure.

typedef struct _uart_transfer uart_transfer_t

UART transfer structure.

typedef struct _uart_handle uart_handle_t
typedef void (*uart_transfer_callback_t)(UART_Type *base, uart_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)

UART transfer callback function.

typedef void (*uart_isr_t)(UART_Type *base, void *handle)
void *s_uartHandle[]

Pointers to uart handles for each instance.

const IRQn_Type s_uartIRQ[]
uart_isr_t s_uartIsr

Pointer to uart IRQ handler for each instance.

uint32_t UART_GetInstance(UART_Type *base)

Get the UART instance from peripheral base address.

  • base – UART peripheral base address.


UART instance.


Retry times for waiting flag.

struct _uart_config
#include <fsl_uart.h>

UART configuration structure.

Public Members

uint32_t baudRate_Bps

UART baud rate

uart_parity_mode_t parityMode

Parity mode, disabled (default), even, odd

uart_stop_bit_count_t stopBitCount

Number of stop bits, 1 stop bit (default) or 2 stop bits

uint8_t txFifoWatermark

TX FIFO watermark

uint8_t rxFifoWatermark

RX FIFO watermark

bool enableRxRTS

RX RTS enable

bool enableTxCTS

TX CTS enable

uart_idle_type_select_t idleType

IDLE type select.

bool enableTx

Enable TX

bool enableRx

Enable RX

struct _uart_transfer
#include <fsl_uart.h>

UART transfer structure.

Public Members

size_t dataSize

The byte count to be transfer.

struct _uart_handle
#include <fsl_uart.h>

UART handle structure.

Public Members

const uint8_t *volatile txData

Address of remaining data to send.

volatile size_t txDataSize

Size of the remaining data to send.

size_t txDataSizeAll

Size of the data to send out.

uint8_t *volatile rxData

Address of remaining data to receive.

volatile size_t rxDataSize

Size of the remaining data to receive.

size_t rxDataSizeAll

Size of the data to receive.

uint8_t *rxRingBuffer

Start address of the receiver ring buffer.

size_t rxRingBufferSize

Size of the ring buffer.

volatile uint16_t rxRingBufferHead

Index for the driver to store received data into ring buffer.

volatile uint16_t rxRingBufferTail

Index for the user to get data from the ring buffer.

uart_transfer_callback_t callback

Callback function.

void *userData

UART callback function parameter.

volatile uint8_t txState

TX transfer state.

volatile uint8_t rxState

RX transfer state

union __unnamed32__

Public Members

uint8_t *data

The buffer of data to be transfer.

uint8_t *rxData

The buffer to receive data.

const uint8_t *txData

The buffer of data to be sent.

VREF: Voltage Reference Driver

void VREF_Init(VREF_Type *base, const vref_config_t *config)

Enables the clock gate and configures the VREF module according to the configuration structure.

This function must be called before calling all other VREF driver functions, read/write registers, and configurations with user-defined settings. The example below shows how to set up vref_config_t parameters and how to call the VREF_Init function by passing in these parameters. This is an example.

vref_config_t vrefConfig;
vrefConfig.bufferMode = kVREF_ModeHighPowerBuffer;
vrefConfig.enableExternalVoltRef = false;
vrefConfig.enableLowRef = false;
VREF_Init(VREF, &vrefConfig);

  • base – VREF peripheral address.

  • config – Pointer to the configuration structure.

void VREF_Deinit(VREF_Type *base)

Stops and disables the clock for the VREF module.

This function should be called to shut down the module. This is an example.

vref_config_t vrefUserConfig;

  • base – VREF peripheral address.

void VREF_GetDefaultConfig(vref_config_t *config)

Initializes the VREF configuration structure.

This function initializes the VREF configuration structure to default values. This is an example.

vrefConfig->bufferMode = kVREF_ModeHighPowerBuffer;
vrefConfig->enableExternalVoltRef = false;
vrefConfig->enableLowRef = false;

  • config – Pointer to the initialization structure.

void VREF_SetTrimVal(VREF_Type *base, uint8_t trimValue)

Sets a TRIM value for the reference voltage.

This function sets a TRIM value for the reference voltage. Note that the TRIM value maximum is 0x3F.

  • base – VREF peripheral address.

  • trimValue – Value of the trim register to set the output reference voltage (maximum 0x3F (6-bit)).

static inline uint8_t VREF_GetTrimVal(VREF_Type *base)

Reads the value of the TRIM meaning output voltage.

This function gets the TRIM value from the TRM register.

  • base – VREF peripheral address.


Six-bit value of trim setting.

void VREF_SetLowReferenceTrimVal(VREF_Type *base, uint8_t trimValue)

Sets the TRIM value for the low voltage reference.

This function sets the TRIM value for low reference voltage. Note the following.

  • The TRIM value maximum is 0x05U

  • The values 111b and 110b are not valid/allowed.

  • base – VREF peripheral address.

  • trimValue – Value of the trim register to set output low reference voltage (maximum 0x05U (3-bit)).

static inline uint8_t VREF_GetLowReferenceTrimVal(VREF_Type *base)

Reads the value of the TRIM meaning output voltage.

This function gets the TRIM value from the VREFL_TRM register.

  • base – VREF peripheral address.


Three-bit value of the trim setting.


Version 2.1.2.

enum _vref_buffer_mode

VREF modes.


enumerator kVREF_ModeBandgapOnly

Bandgap on only, for stabilization and startup

enumerator kVREF_ModeHighPowerBuffer

High-power buffer mode enabled

enumerator kVREF_ModeLowPowerBuffer

Low-power buffer mode enabled

typedef enum _vref_buffer_mode vref_buffer_mode_t

VREF modes.

typedef struct _vref_config vref_config_t

The description structure for the VREF module.

struct _vref_config
#include <fsl_vref.h>

The description structure for the VREF module.

Public Members

vref_buffer_mode_t bufferMode

Buffer mode selection

bool enableLowRef

Set VREFL (0.4 V) reference buffer enable or disable

bool enableExternalVoltRef

Select external voltage reference or not (internal)

WDOG: Watchdog Timer Driver

void WDOG_GetDefaultConfig(wdog_config_t *config)

Initializes the WDOG configuration structure.

This function initializes the WDOG configuration structure to default values. The default values are as follows.

wdogConfig->enableWdog = true;
wdogConfig->clockSource = kWDOG_LpoClockSource;
wdogConfig->prescaler = kWDOG_ClockPrescalerDivide1;
wdogConfig->workMode.enableWait = true;
wdogConfig->workMode.enableStop = false;
wdogConfig->workMode.enableDebug = false;
wdogConfig->enableUpdate = true;
wdogConfig->enableInterrupt = false;
wdogConfig->enableWindowMode = false;
wdogConfig->windowValue = 0;
wdogConfig->timeoutValue = 0xFFFFU;

See also


  • config – Pointer to the WDOG configuration structure.

void WDOG_Init(WDOG_Type *base, const wdog_config_t *config)

Initializes the WDOG.

This function initializes the WDOG. When called, the WDOG runs according to the configuration. To reconfigure WDOG without forcing a reset first, enableUpdate must be set to true in the configuration.

This is an example.

wdog_config_t config;
config.timeoutValue = 0x7ffU;
config.enableUpdate = true;

  • base – WDOG peripheral base address

  • config – The configuration of WDOG

void WDOG_Deinit(WDOG_Type *base)

Shuts down the WDOG.

This function shuts down the WDOG. Ensure that the WDOG_STCTRLH.ALLOWUPDATE is 1 which indicates that the register update is enabled.

void WDOG_SetTestModeConfig(WDOG_Type *base, wdog_test_config_t *config)

Configures the WDOG functional test.

This function is used to configure the WDOG functional test. When called, the WDOG goes into test mode and runs according to the configuration. Ensure that the WDOG_STCTRLH.ALLOWUPDATE is 1 which means that the register update is enabled.

This is an example.

wdog_test_config_t test_config;
test_config.testMode = kWDOG_QuickTest;
test_config.timeoutValue = 0xfffffu;
WDOG_SetTestModeConfig(wdog_base, &test_config);

  • base – WDOG peripheral base address

  • config – The functional test configuration of WDOG

static inline void WDOG_Enable(WDOG_Type *base)

Enables the WDOG module.

This function write value into WDOG_STCTRLH register to enable the WDOG, it is a write-once register, make sure that the WCT window is still open and this register has not been written in this WCT while this function is called.

  • base – WDOG peripheral base address

static inline void WDOG_Disable(WDOG_Type *base)

Disables the WDOG module.

This function writes a value into the WDOG_STCTRLH register to disable the WDOG. It is a write-once register. Ensure that the WCT window is still open and that register has not been written to in this WCT while the function is called.

  • base – WDOG peripheral base address

static inline void WDOG_EnableInterrupts(WDOG_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Enables the WDOG interrupt.

This function writes a value into the WDOG_STCTRLH register to enable the WDOG interrupt. It is a write-once register. Ensure that the WCT window is still open and the register has not been written to in this WCT while the function is called.

  • base – WDOG peripheral base address

  • mask – The interrupts to enable The parameter can be combination of the following source if defined.

    • kWDOG_InterruptEnable

static inline void WDOG_DisableInterrupts(WDOG_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Disables the WDOG interrupt.

This function writes a value into the WDOG_STCTRLH register to disable the WDOG interrupt. It is a write-once register. Ensure that the WCT window is still open and the register has not been written to in this WCT while the function is called.

  • base – WDOG peripheral base address

  • mask – The interrupts to disable The parameter can be combination of the following source if defined.

    • kWDOG_InterruptEnable

uint32_t WDOG_GetStatusFlags(WDOG_Type *base)

Gets the WDOG all status flags.

This function gets all status flags.

This is an example for getting the Running Flag.

uint32_t status;
status = WDOG_GetStatusFlags (wdog_base) & kWDOG_RunningFlag;

See also


  • true: a related status flag has been set.

  • false: a related status flag is not set.

  • base – WDOG peripheral base address


State of the status flag: asserted (true) or not-asserted (false).

void WDOG_ClearStatusFlags(WDOG_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Clears the WDOG flag.

This function clears the WDOG status flag.

This is an example for clearing the timeout (interrupt) flag.


  • base – WDOG peripheral base address

  • mask – The status flags to clear. The parameter could be any combination of the following values. kWDOG_TimeoutFlag

static inline void WDOG_SetTimeoutValue(WDOG_Type *base, uint32_t timeoutCount)

Sets the WDOG timeout value.

This function sets the timeout value. It should be ensured that the time-out value for the WDOG is always greater than 2xWCT time + 20 bus clock cycles. This function writes a value into WDOG_TOVALH and WDOG_TOVALL registers which are wirte-once. Ensure the WCT window is still open and the two registers have not been written to in this WCT while the function is called.

  • base – WDOG peripheral base address

  • timeoutCount – WDOG timeout value; count of WDOG clock tick.

static inline void WDOG_SetWindowValue(WDOG_Type *base, uint32_t windowValue)

Sets the WDOG window value.

This function sets the WDOG window value. This function writes a value into WDOG_WINH and WDOG_WINL registers which are wirte-once. Ensure the WCT window is still open and the two registers have not been written to in this WCT while the function is called.

  • base – WDOG peripheral base address

  • windowValue – WDOG window value.

static inline void WDOG_Unlock(WDOG_Type *base)

Unlocks the WDOG register written.

This function unlocks the WDOG register written. Before starting the unlock sequence and following configuration, disable the global interrupts. Otherwise, an interrupt may invalidate the unlocking sequence and the WCT may expire. After the configuration finishes, re-enable the global interrupts.

  • base – WDOG peripheral base address

void WDOG_Refresh(WDOG_Type *base)

Refreshes the WDOG timer.

This function feeds the WDOG. This function should be called before the WDOG timer is in timeout. Otherwise, a reset is asserted.

  • base – WDOG peripheral base address

static inline uint16_t WDOG_GetResetCount(WDOG_Type *base)

Gets the WDOG reset count.

This function gets the WDOG reset count value.

  • base – WDOG peripheral base address


WDOG reset count value.

static inline void WDOG_ClearResetCount(WDOG_Type *base)

Clears the WDOG reset count.

This function clears the WDOG reset count value.

  • base – WDOG peripheral base address


Defines WDOG driver version 2.0.1.


First word of unlock sequence


Second word of unlock sequence


First word of refresh sequence


Second word of refresh sequence

enum _wdog_clock_source

Describes WDOG clock source.


enumerator kWDOG_LpoClockSource

WDOG clock sourced from LPO

enumerator kWDOG_AlternateClockSource

WDOG clock sourced from alternate clock source

enum _wdog_clock_prescaler

Describes the selection of the clock prescaler.


enumerator kWDOG_ClockPrescalerDivide1

Divided by 1

enumerator kWDOG_ClockPrescalerDivide2

Divided by 2

enumerator kWDOG_ClockPrescalerDivide3

Divided by 3

enumerator kWDOG_ClockPrescalerDivide4

Divided by 4

enumerator kWDOG_ClockPrescalerDivide5

Divided by 5

enumerator kWDOG_ClockPrescalerDivide6

Divided by 6

enumerator kWDOG_ClockPrescalerDivide7

Divided by 7

enumerator kWDOG_ClockPrescalerDivide8

Divided by 8

enum _wdog_test_mode

Describes WDOG test mode.


enumerator kWDOG_QuickTest

Selects quick test

enumerator kWDOG_ByteTest

Selects byte test

enum _wdog_tested_byte

Describes WDOG tested byte selection in byte test mode.


enumerator kWDOG_TestByte0

Byte 0 selected in byte test mode

enumerator kWDOG_TestByte1

Byte 1 selected in byte test mode

enumerator kWDOG_TestByte2

Byte 2 selected in byte test mode

enumerator kWDOG_TestByte3

Byte 3 selected in byte test mode

enum _wdog_interrupt_enable_t

WDOG interrupt configuration structure, default settings all disabled.

This structure contains the settings for all of the WDOG interrupt configurations.


enumerator kWDOG_InterruptEnable

WDOG timeout generates an interrupt before reset

enum _wdog_status_flags_t

WDOG status flags.

This structure contains the WDOG status flags for use in the WDOG functions.


enumerator kWDOG_RunningFlag

Running flag, set when WDOG is enabled

enumerator kWDOG_TimeoutFlag

Interrupt flag, set when an exception occurs

typedef enum _wdog_clock_source wdog_clock_source_t

Describes WDOG clock source.

typedef struct _wdog_work_mode wdog_work_mode_t

Defines WDOG work mode.

typedef enum _wdog_clock_prescaler wdog_clock_prescaler_t

Describes the selection of the clock prescaler.

typedef struct _wdog_config wdog_config_t

Describes WDOG configuration structure.

typedef enum _wdog_test_mode wdog_test_mode_t

Describes WDOG test mode.

typedef enum _wdog_tested_byte wdog_tested_byte_t

Describes WDOG tested byte selection in byte test mode.

typedef struct _wdog_test_config wdog_test_config_t

Describes WDOG test mode configuration structure.

struct _wdog_work_mode
#include <fsl_wdog.h>

Defines WDOG work mode.

Public Members

bool enableWait

Enables or disables WDOG in wait mode

bool enableStop

Enables or disables WDOG in stop mode

bool enableDebug

Enables or disables WDOG in debug mode

struct _wdog_config
#include <fsl_wdog.h>

Describes WDOG configuration structure.

Public Members

bool enableWdog

Enables or disables WDOG

wdog_clock_source_t clockSource

Clock source select

wdog_clock_prescaler_t prescaler

Clock prescaler value

wdog_work_mode_t workMode

Configures WDOG work mode in debug stop and wait mode

bool enableUpdate

Update write-once register enable

bool enableInterrupt

Enables or disables WDOG interrupt

bool enableWindowMode

Enables or disables WDOG window mode

uint32_t windowValue

Window value

uint32_t timeoutValue

Timeout value

struct _wdog_test_config
#include <fsl_wdog.h>

Describes WDOG test mode configuration structure.

Public Members

wdog_test_mode_t testMode

Selects test mode

wdog_tested_byte_t testedByte

Selects tested byte in byte test mode

uint32_t timeoutValue

Timeout value

XBAR: Inter-Peripheral Crossbar Switch

void XBAR_Init(XBAR_Type *base)

Initializes the XBAR modules.

This function un-gates the XBAR clock.

  • base – XBAR peripheral address.

void XBAR_Deinit(XBAR_Type *base)

Shutdown the XBAR modules.

This function disables XBAR clock.

  • base – XBAR peripheral address.

void XBAR_SetSignalsConnection(XBAR_Type *base, xbar_input_signal_t input, xbar_output_signal_t output)

Set connection between the selected XBAR_IN[*] input and the XBAR_OUT[*] output signal.

This function connects the XBAR input to the selected XBAR output. If more than one XBAR module is available, only the inputs and outputs from the same module can be connected.


XBAR_SetSignalsConnection(XBAR, kXBAR_InputTMR_CH0_Output, kXBAR_OutputXB_DMA_INT2);

  • base – XBAR peripheral address

  • input – XBAR input signal.

  • output – XBAR output signal.

void XBAR_ClearStatusFlags(XBAR_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

Clears the edge detection status flags of relative mask.

  • base – XBAR peripheral address

  • mask – the status flags to clear.

uint32_t XBAR_GetStatusFlags(XBAR_Type *base)

Gets the active edge detection status.

This function gets the active edge detect status of all XBAR_OUTs. If the active edge occurs, the return value is asserted. When the interrupt or the DMA functionality is enabled for the XBAR_OUTx, this field is 1 when the interrupt or DMA request is asserted and 0 when the interrupt or DMA request has been cleared.


uint32_t status;

status = XBAR_GetStatusFlags(XBAR);

  • base – XBAR peripheral address.


the mask of these status flag bits.

void XBAR_SetOutputSignalConfig(XBAR_Type *base, xbar_output_signal_t output, const xbar_control_config_t *controlConfig)

Configures the XBAR control register.

This function configures an XBAR control register. The active edge detection and the DMA/IRQ function on the corresponding XBAR output can be set.


xbar_control_config_t userConfig;
userConfig.activeEdge = kXBAR_EdgeRising;
userConfig.requestType = kXBAR_RequestInterruptEnalbe;
XBAR_SetOutputSignalConfig(XBAR, kXBAR_OutputXB_DMA_INT0, &userConfig);

  • base – XBAR peripheral address

  • output – XBAR output number.

  • controlConfig – Pointer to structure that keeps configuration of control register.

enum _xbar_active_edge

XBAR active edge for detection.


enumerator kXBAR_EdgeNone

Edge detection status bit never asserts.

enumerator kXBAR_EdgeRising

Edge detection status bit asserts on rising edges.

enumerator kXBAR_EdgeFalling

Edge detection status bit asserts on falling edges.

enumerator kXBAR_EdgeRisingAndFalling

Edge detection status bit asserts on rising and falling edges.

enum _xbar_request

Defines the XBAR DMA and interrupt configurations.


enumerator kXBAR_RequestDisable

Interrupt and DMA are disabled.

enumerator kXBAR_RequestDMAEnable

DMA enabled, interrupt disabled.

enumerator kXBAR_RequestInterruptEnalbe

Interrupt enabled, DMA disabled.

enum _xbar_status_flag_t

XBAR status flags.

This provides constants for the XBAR status flags for use in the XBAR functions.


enumerator kXBAR_EdgeDetectionOut0

XBAR_OUT0 active edge interrupt flag, sets when active edge detected.

typedef enum _xbar_active_edge xbar_active_edge_t

XBAR active edge for detection.

typedef enum _xbar_request xbar_request_t

Defines the XBAR DMA and interrupt configurations.

typedef enum _xbar_status_flag_t xbar_status_flag_t

XBAR status flags.

This provides constants for the XBAR status flags for use in the XBAR functions.

typedef struct _xbar_control_config xbar_control_config_t

Defines the configuration structure of the XBAR control register.

This structure keeps the configuration of XBAR control register for one output. Control registers are available only for a few outputs. Not every XBAR module has control registers.

XBAR_SELx(base, output)
XBAR_WR_SELx_SELx(base, input, output)
struct _xbar_control_config
#include <fsl_xbar.h>

Defines the configuration structure of the XBAR control register.

This structure keeps the configuration of XBAR control register for one output. Control registers are available only for a few outputs. Not every XBAR module has control registers.

Public Members

xbar_active_edge_t activeEdge

Active edge to be detected.

xbar_request_t requestType

Selects DMA/Interrupt request.