Hardware requirements
Micro USB cable
evkcmimxrt1060 board
Personal Computer
One of the following modules:
Embedded Artists 1XK M.2 Module (EAR00385) - direct M2 connection.
Embedded Artists 1ZM M.2 Module (EAR00364) - direct M2 connection.
Embedded Artists 2EL M.2 Module (Rev-A1) - direct M2 connection.
Board settings
Before building the example application select Wi-Fi module macro in the app_bluetooth_config.h. (see #define WIFI_
Jumper settings for RT1060-EVKC (enables external 5V supply):
remove J40 5-6 connect J40 1-2 connect J45 with external power(controlled by SW6)
Murata Solution Board settings
Embedded Artists 1XK module datasheet: https://www.embeddedartists.com/doc/ds/1XK_M2_Datasheet.pdf Embedded Artists 1ZM module datasheet: https://www.embeddedartists.com/doc/ds/1ZM_M2_Datasheet.pdf Embedded Artists 2EL module datasheet: https://www.embeddedartists.com/doc/ds/2EL_M2_Datasheet.pdf
The hardware should be reworked according to the hardware rework guide for evkcmimxrt1060 and Murata 1XK M.2 Adapter in document Hardware Rework Guide for EdgeFast BT PAL.
The hardware should be reworked according to the hardware rework guide for evkcmimxrt1060 and Murata 1ZM M.2 Adapter in document Hardware Rework Guide for EdgeFast BT PAL.
Note: To ensure that the LITTLEFS flash region has been cleaned, all flash sectors need to be erased before downloading example code. After downloaded binary into qspiflash and boot from qspiflash directly, please reset the board by pressing SW7 or power off and on the board to run the application.