Hardware requirements
Mini USB cable
TWR-MC56F8400 board
Personal Computer
Board hardware common setting
Power setting:
Connect J11 pin1 and pin2 Connect J6 pin1 and J7 pin2
UART setting:
Connect J8 pin3 and pin4 Connect J9 pin3 and pin4
Onboard OSJTAG debugger setting:
Connect J20 pin1 and pin2. Leave J17 open. Note: J17 is only used(connected) when firmware update for onboard debugger OSJTAG. Connect J21 pin 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, to setup onboard debugger OSJTAG. Note: when use external debugger(connected to J14), leave all J21 pins open
Board settings
Connect J503-4 to 3.3V with a 10K resistor. Caution: the 10K resistor must be used in series within J503-4 and 3.3V.
Probe the pwm signal using an oscilloscope
At J501-11
At J501-9
At J501-30
At J501-34
All PWM signals have the same frequency. The J501-11/9 PWM signal is a pair of duty cycle constantly changing complementary signals with a fixed dead time. The J501-30 duty cycle is half of J501-9, and J501-34 duty cycle is half of J501-30.
Connect J503-4 to GND with a 10K resistor. Caution: the 10K resistor must be used in series within J503-4 and GND. Then J501-9/J501-30/J501-34 PWM signals will be disabled.
Prepare the Demo
Connect USB cable between the host PC and the JM60 USB(J18) port on the target board. It setups OSJTAG and COM port in PC device manager.
Open a serial terminal with the following settings:
115200 baud rate
8 data bits
No parity
One stop bit
No flow control
Download the program to the target board with OSJTAG debug configuration.
Launch the debugger in your IDE to begin running the demo.
Running the demo
When the example runs successfully, the following message is displayed in the terminal:
FlexPWM driver example