

This is the nbu_bb_bm example, as a transparent transmission tool, to convenient to communicate using the standard HCI command. Following is an example with RD-RW61X-BGA board.

Prepare the Demo

  1. Connect a micro USB cable between the PC host and the MCU-Link USB port (J7) on the board.

  2. Connect a micro USB cable between the PC host and the USB-UART port (J21) on the board.

  3. The project set the 115200 baud rate as default, set flow as default. Use the USB-UART port (J21) to communicate. if need use 3000000 baud rate, need modify the code. open the uart debugging tool, configure

    • 115200 baud rate

    • 8 data bits

    • No parity

    • One stop bit

    • flow control(tx and rx)

  4. Download the program to the target board.

Running the demo

  1. Send the standard hci command from PC to board using the USB-UART port (J21).

  2. For example, enable adv hci command. send command 01 0A 20 01 01 response data 04 0E 04 01 0A 20 00

Supported Boards