EdgeLock 2GO MQTT Demo (NS)

This sample application shows how to use MQTT connections to cloud services such as AWS or Azure with preprovisioned keys and certificates from the EdgeLock 2GO service.

Workspace structure:

  • el2go_mqtt_demo_s: Project running in the secure processing environment (S)

  • el2go_mqtt_demo_ns: Project running in the non-secure processing environment (NS)


  • Any serial communicator

  • EdgeLock 2GO keypairs and certificates for AWS and/or Azure already imported to the device (TF-M ITS)

ATTENTION: It is important not to erase the ITS part of the flash (0x083C0000 to 0x083E0000 [RW61X] or 0x00120000 to 0x00140000 [MCXN]) when flashing this application, as this is where the EdgeLock 2GO objects are stored.

Hardware requirements


  • USB-C (FRDM-RW612, FRDM-MCXN947) or Micro-USB (RD-RW61X-BGA, MCX-N5XX-EVK or MCX-N9XX-EVK) cable

  • Ethernet cable (FRDM-MCXN947, MCX-N5XX-EVK or MCX-N9XX-EVK)

  • Personal Computer

Board settings


Jumper settings:

  • JP13 2-3: Ethernet reference clock

Other boards

No special settings are required.

Preparing the application

  1. Provide the EdgeLock 2GO object IDs of the keys and certificates already imported to the device as well as the AWS and/or Azure connection parameters:


    // doc: MQTT required modification - start
    // doc: MQTT required modification - end

    Details on the different configuration options are explained in the file.

  2. [RW61X] Provide the Wi-Fi access point credentials:


    #define AP_SSID
    #define AP_PASSWORD
  3. Enable secure boot:

    To correctly run the application on RW61X, the secure boot mode on the device needs to be enabled. For MCXN, this is optional.

    The bootheader needs to be removed from the S image, it has to be merged with the NS image and the resulting image must be signed with the OEM key. Additionaly, if the application is supposed to run in the OEM CLOSED life cycle, the image needs to be encrypted with the OEM FW encryption key and loaded as an SB3.1 container.

    Details on how to execute these steps can be found in the following documents:

  4. Build the application:

    • [META] Compile the el2go_mqtt_demo_ns project with your desired toolchain using --sysbuild.

    • [IDE] First compile the el2go_mqtt_demo_s project and then the el2go_mqtt_demo_ns project.

  5. Connect the USB-C (FRDM-RW612, FRDM-MCXN947) or Micro-USB (RD-RW61X-BGA, MCX-N5XX-EVK or MCX-N9XX-EVK) cable to the PC host and the MCU-Link USB port (J10 [FRDM-RW612], J7 [RD-RW61X-BGA], J5 [MCX-N5XX-EVK or MCX-N9XX-EVK] or J17 [FRDM-MCXN947]) on the board.

  6. Open a serial terminal with the following settings:

    • 115200 baud rate

    • 8 data bits

    • No parity

    • One stop bit

    • No flow control

  7. Prepare the network interface:

  8. Download the application to the target board:

    • [META] west flash will download both the S and the NS image.

    • [IDE] Downloading the S image will also download the NS image.

  9. Press the reset button on the board or launch the debugger in your IDE to run the application.

Running the application

The log below shows the output of the application in the terminal window (connecting to both AWS and Azure).

Booting the S project (TF-M initialization):

[WRN] This device was provisioned with dummy keys. This device is NOT SECURE
[Sec Thread] Secure image initializing!
TF-M Float ABI: Hard
Lazy stacking enabled
Booting TF-M 1.8.0

[RW61X] Jumping to the NS project, loading the Wi-Fi firmware and connecting to an access point:

Initializing Wi-Fi connection... 

Wi-Fi cau temperature : 28
MAC Address: 00:50:43:02:FF:01 
Set BGA tx power table data 
[i] Successfully initialized Wi-Fi module

Connecting as client to ssid: XXX

[i] Connected to Wi-Fi
ssid: XXX

[MCXN] Jumping to the NS project and connecting to the network via Ethernet:

Initializing PHY ...

Connecting to an AWS service using the provisioned ECC key pair and corresponding X.509 certificate:

Attempt 1 for connecting to AWS service 'awstest-0000000000c04616-0000'...
[INFO] (Network connection 20058f00) TLS handshake successful.
[INFO] (Network connection 20058f00) Connection to aw9969rp3sm22-ats.iot.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com[INFO] MQTT connection established with the broker.
Echo successfully published
Echo successfully published
Echo successfully published
Echo successfully published
[INFO] Disconnected from the broker.
[INFO] (Network connection 20058f00) TLS close-notify sent.

Connecting to an Azure service using the provisioned ECC key pair and corresponding X.509 certificate:

MQTT attempting to register Azure Service 'azuretest-0000000000c04617-0000' (the operation migth take around 1 minute)...
[INFO] (Network connection 200589f0) TLS handshake successful.
[INFO] (Network connection 200589f0) Connection to global.azure-devices-provisioning.net establishe[INFO] MQTT connection established with the broker.
Subscription ack message received
[INFO] De-serialized incoming PUBLISH packet: DeserializerResult=MQTTSuccess.
[INFO] State record updated. New state=MQTTPublishDone.
Publish message received on topic
Device State is now ASSIGNING
[INFO] De-serialized incoming PUBLISH packet: DeserializerResult=MQTTSuccess.
[INFO] State record updated. New state=MQTTPublishDone.
Publish message received on topic
Device State is now ASSIGNED
[INFO] Disconnected from the broker.
[INFO] (Network connection 200589f0) TLS close-notify sent.
Attempt 0 for connecting to Azure service 'azuretest-0000000000c04617-0000'...
[INFO] (Network connection 200586e8) TLS handshake successful.
[INFO] (Network connection 200586e8) Connection to IotHub-DL-EL2GO-E2ETests.azure-devices.net estab[INFO] MQTT connection established with the broker.
Echo successfully published
Echo successfully published
Echo successfully published
Echo successfully published
[INFO] Disconnected from the broker.
[INFO] (Network connection 200586e8) TLS close-notify sent.