

The freertos_i2c example shows an application using RTOS tasks with I2C driver:

The example may support 2 different connections (it depends on the specific board): On board connection and board to board connection.

With one board connection, 2 I2C instances of the same board are used. One i2c instance used as I2C master and another I2C instance used as I2C slave . Default settings in freertos_i2c.c (in folder boards<board>\rtos_examples\freertos_i2c) is applied. Two tasks are created. One task is associated with an I2C master operation and another task deals with I2C slave operation. 1. I2C master task sends data to I2C slave task. 2. I2C master task reads data sent back from I2C slave task.

The transmit data and the receive data of both I2C master task and I2C slave task are printed out on terminal.

With board to board connection, one I2C instance on one board is used as I2C master and the I2C instance on other board is used as I2C slave. Tasks are created to run on each board to handle I2C communication. File freertos_i2c.c should have following definitions: #define EXAMPLE_CONNECT_I2C BOARD_TO_BOARD For board used as I2C master: #define I2C_MASTER_SLAVE isMASTER For board used as I2C slave: #define I2C_MASTER_SLAVE isSLAVE

Running the demo

When the example runs successfully: If using 1 board, you can see the similar information from the terminal as below. (Applicable to all boards except TWR-KM34Z75M)

==FreeRTOS I2C example start.==

This example use one i2c instance as master and another as slave on one board.

Master will send data :

0x 0 0x 1 0x 2 0x 3 0x 4 0x 5 0x 6 0x 7

0x 8 0x 9 0x a 0x b 0x c 0x d 0x e 0x f

0x10 0x11 0x12 0x13 0x14 0x15 0x16 0x17

0x18 0x19 0x1a 0x1b 0x1c 0x1d 0x1e 0x1f

I2C slave transfer completed successfully.

Slave received data :

0x 0 0x 1 0x 2 0x 3 0x 4 0x 5 0x 6 0x 7

0x 8 0x 9 0x a 0x b 0x c 0x d 0x e 0x f

0x10 0x11 0x12 0x13 0x14 0x15 0x16 0x17

0x18 0x19 0x1a 0x1b 0x1c 0x1d 0x1e 0x1f

This time , slave will send data: :

0xff 0xfe 0xfd 0xfc 0xfb 0xfa 0xf9 0xf8

0xf7 0xf6 0xf5 0xf4 0xf3 0xf2 0xf1 0xf0

0xef 0xee 0xed 0xec 0xeb 0xea 0xe9 0xe8

0xe7 0xe6 0xe5 0xe4 0xe3 0xe2 0xe1 0xe0

Master received data :

0xff 0xfe 0xfd 0xfc 0xfb 0xfa 0xf9 0xf8

0xf7 0xf6 0xf5 0xf4 0xf3 0xf2 0xf1 0xf0

0xef 0xee 0xed 0xec 0xeb 0xea 0xe9 0xe8

0xe7 0xe6 0xe5 0xe4 0xe3 0xe2 0xe1 0xe0

End of FreeRTOS I2C example.

If using 2 boards, you can see the similar information from the terminal associated with master board and slave board as below. (Applicable to all boards)

For master:

==FreeRTOS I2C example start.==

This example use two boards to connect with one as master and another as slave.

Master will send data :

0x 0 0x 1 0x 2 0x 3 0x 4 0x 5 0x 6 0x 7

0x 8 0x 9 0x a 0x b 0x c 0x d 0x e 0x f

0x10 0x11 0x12 0x13 0x14 0x15 0x16 0x17

0x18 0x19 0x1a 0x1b 0x1c 0x1d 0x1e 0x1f

Master received data :

0x 0 0x 1 0x 2 0x 3 0x 4 0x 5 0x 6 0x 7

0x 8 0x 9 0x a 0x b 0x c 0x d 0x e 0x f

0x10 0x11 0x12 0x13 0x14 0x15 0x16 0x17

0x18 0x19 0x1a 0x1b 0x1c 0x1d 0x1e 0x1f

End of FreeRTOS I2C example.

For slave:

==FreeRTOS I2C example start.==

This example use two boards to connect with one as master and another as slave.

I2C slave transfer completed successfully.

Slave received data :

0x 0 0x 1 0x 2 0x 3 0x 4 0x 5 0x 6 0x 7

0x 8 0x 9 0x a 0x b 0x c 0x d 0x e 0x f

0x10 0x11 0x12 0x13 0x14 0x15 0x16 0x17

0x18 0x19 0x1a 0x1b 0x1c 0x1d 0x1e 0x1f

End of FreeRTOS I2C example.

Supported Boards