Additional user information
This section provides information on the Attenuation of the signal and Notes on integration.
Attenuation of the signal
When a fully saturated or clipped input is applied to an SRC module, the aliases after the sample rate conversion, although sufficiently suppressed, can still result in a clipped output. To prevent clipped output, the output of the SSRC module is by default attenuated with 3 dB. Although not advised, this gain value can be changed using the SSRC_SetGains function.
Parent topic:Additional user information
Notes on integration
Although the sample rate converter module works with audio signals on different sampling rates, it is a synchronous module. The module takes a block of input samples, consumes the input completely, and produces a full buffer with output samples. As a result, the SSRC only accepts a limited number of input and output block sizes. To flush last, incomplete, block of an audio stream, the block is padded with zeros until it is full before the SSRC processes it.
Parent topic:Additional user information