Change board-specific parameters
There are some board-specific parameters that can be changed in the application layer for EdgeFast BT PAL.
Change HCI UART parameters
Since the controller can support different baud rates, the demo provides an interface with configurable baud rates. The functioncontroller_hci_uart_get_configuration is used to get HCI UART parameters, including the instance, default baud rate, which depends on the controller, running baud rate which defined by macro BOARD_BT_UART_BAUDRATE and so on. If this function returns ‘0’ and the running baud rate is inconsistent with the default baud rate, EdgeFast BT PAL switches the baud rate of the controller to the running baud rate.
Parent topic:Change board-specific parameters
Change USB Host stack parameters
Since the board supports multiple USB ports, the demo provides a configurable interface for USB Host stack. The functionUSB_HostGetConfiguration received the instance of USB for EdgeFast BT PAL. For the case where there is a USBPHY, the demo configures the properties of the PHY throughUSB_HostPhyGetConfiguration.
Note: There are series of hex bytes printed on the console after the wireless module resets. However, it does not impact the EdgeFast BT PAL application running.
Parent topic:Change board-specific parameters
Parent topic:Demo