eIQ Media Processing Pipeline User’s Guide
eIQ Media Processing Pipeline User’s Guide
Rev. 1 — 24 December 2024 User guide
Document information
Information |
Content |
Keywords |
eIQ, Media, Media Processing, Processing Pipeline, Library |
Abstract |
This document describes the Media Processing Pipeline software library for MCUs. The library is used for constructing media-handling components graphs for Vision-specific applications. |
NXP Semiconductors EIQMPPUG
eIQ Media Processing Pipeline User’s Guide
1 MCU Media Processing Pipeline
This document describes the MCU Media Processing Pipeline API.
The Media Processing Pipeline for MCUs is a software library for constructing graphs of media-handling components for Vision-specific applications.
This is a clean and simple API which makes it easy to build and prototype vision-based applications.
The concept behind the API is to create a Media Processing Pipeline (MPP) based on processing elements. The basic pipeline structure - the mpp in the API context - has a chain/queue structure which begins with a source element:
Static image
The pipeline continues with multiple processing elements having a single input and a single output:
Image format conversion
Labeled rectangle drawing
Machine learning inference with the Tensorflow Lite Micro framework.
The pipeline can be closed by adding a sink element:
Display panel
Null sink
An mpp can also be split when the same media stream must follow different processing paths.
Compatibility of elements and supplied parameters are checked at each step and only compatible elements can be added in an unequivocal way.
After the construction is complete, each mpp must be started for all hardware, and software required to run the pipeline to initialize. Pipeline processing begins as soon as the the last start call is flagged.
Each pipeline branch can be stopped individually. The process involves stopping the execution and the hardware peripherals of the branch. After being stopped, each branch can be started again. To stop the whole pipeline, you must stop each of its branches separately.
At runtime, the application receives events from the pipeline processing and may use these events to update the elements parameters. For example, in object detection when the label of a bounding box must be updated whenever a new object is detected.
Summarizing, the application controls:
Creation of the pipeline
Instantiation of processing elements
Connection of elements to each other
Reception of callbacks based on specific events
Updating specific elements (not all elements can be updated)
Stopping the pipeline (includes shut down of the hardware peripherals)
Application does not control:
Memory management
Data structures management
The order in which an element is added to the pipeline defines its position within this pipeline, and therefore the order is important.
See the examples/reference documentation for practical examples using the MPP API.
The eIQ Media Processing Pipeline is part of the eIQ machine learning software package, which is an optional middleware component of MCUXpresso SDK.
The eIQ component is integrated into the MCUXpresso SDK Builder delivery system available on mcuxpresso.nxp.com.
To include eIQ Media Processing Pipeline into the MCUXpresso SDK package, select both “eIQ” and “FreeRTOS” in the software component selector on the SDK Builder page.
For details, see, Figure 1.
Figure 1. MCUXpresso SDK Builder software component selector
Once the MCUXpresso SDK package is downloaded, it can be extracted on a local machine or imported into the MCUXpresso IDE. For more information on the MCUXpresso SDK folder structure, see the Getting Started with MCUXpresso SDK User’s Guide (document: MCUXSDKGSUG). The package directory structure is similar to Figure 2 and Figure 3. The eIQ Media Processing Pipeline directories are highlighted in red.
Figure 2. MCUXpresso SDK directory structure for examples
Figure 3. MCUXpresso SDK directory structure for mpp
The boards directory contains example application projects for supported toolchains. For the list of supported toolchains, see the MCUXpresso SDK Release Notes. The middleware directory contains the eIQ library source code and example application source code and data.
How to get examples
The eIQ Media Processing Pipeline is provided with a set of example applications. For details, see Table 1. The applications demonstrate the usage of the API in several use cases.
Name |
Description |
Availability |
mpp_camera_view |
This basic example shows how to use the library to create a simple camera preview pipeline. |
mpp_camera_mobilenet_view_ tflm |
This example shows how to use the library to create an image classification use case using camera as a source. The machine learning framework used is TensorFlow Lite Micro. The image classification model used is quantized Mobilenet convolution neural network model that classifies the input image into one of 1000 output classes. |
mpp_camera_ultraface_view_ tflm |
This example shows how to use the library to create a use case for face detection using camera as a source. To generate a new static image for this example, rsee the documentation at: eiq/mpp/tools/image_ conversion.readme. The machine learning framework used is TensorFlow Lite Micro. The face detection model used is quantized Ultraface slim model that detects multiple faces in an input image. |
mpp_static_image_nanodet_ m_view_tflm |
This example shows how to use the library to create an object detection use case using a static image as a source. The machine learning framework is TensorFlow Lite Micro. The object detection model used is quantized Nanodet m with two output tensors. The model performs multiple objects detection among 80 classes. The application also performs Intersection Over Union (IOU) and Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS) to pick the best box for each detected object. |
For details on how to build and run the example applications with supported toolchains, see Getting Started with MCUXpresso SDK User’s Guide (document: MCUXSDKGSUG).
When using MCUXpresso IDE, the example applications can be imported through the SDK Import Wizard as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. MCUXpresso SDK import projects wizard
The build scripts for GCC toolchain in are in SDK folder /boards/<board_name>/eiq_examples/ <example_name>/armgcc/.
Description of the mpp_camera_mobilenet_view example
This section provides a short description of the mpp_camera_mobilenet_view application.
This example shows how to use the library to create a use case for image classification using camera as source.
The image classification model used is quantized Mobilenet convolutional neural network model 1 that classifies the input image into one of 1000 output classes.
High-level description
1 https://www.tensorflow.org/lite/models
ML Inference Output Callback Labeled Rectangle Update
Figure 5. Application overview
Detailed description
The application creates two pipelines:
One pipeline that runs the camera preview.
Another pipeline that runs the ML inference on the image coming from the camera.
Pipeline 1 is split from Pipeline 0.
Pipeline 0 executes the processing of each element sequentially and cannot be preempted by another pipeline.
Pipeline 1 executes the processing of each element sequentially but can be preempted.
Pipelines elements description
Camera element is configured for a specific pixel format and resolution (board dependent).
Display element is configured for a specific pixel format and resolution (board dependent).
2D converts element on pipeline 0 is configured to perform:
color space conversion from the camera pixel format to the display pixel format.
rotation depending on the display orientation compared to the landscape mode.
Note: To get labels in the right orientation, the rotation is performed after the labeled-rectangle.
2D converts element on pipeline 1 is configured to perform:
color space conversion from the camera pixel format to RGB888.
cropping to maintain image aspect ratio.
scaling to 128 * 128 as mandated by the image classification model.
The labeled rectangle element draws a crop window from which the camera image is sent to the ML inference element. The labeled rectangle element also displays the label of the object detected.
The ML inference element runs an inference on the image pre-processed by the 2D convert element.
The NULL sink element closes pipeline 1 (in MPP concept, only sink elements can close a pipeline).
At every inference, the ML inference element invokes a callback containing the inference outputs. These outputs are post-processed by the callback client component. In this case, it is the main task of the application.
After building the example application and downloading it to the target, the execution stops in the main function. When the execution resumes, an output message displays on the connected terminal. For example, Figure 6 shows the output of the mpp_camera_mobilenet_view_tflm example application printed to the MCUXpresso IDE Console window when semihosting debug console is selected in the SDK Import Wizard.
Figure 6. PuTTY console window
This section provides information on:
MPP types
Return codes
int mpp_api_init (mpp_api_params_t *params)
mpp_t mpp_create (mpp_params_t *params, int *ret)
int mpp_camera_add (mpp_t mpp, const char name, mpp_camera_params_t *params,)
int mpp_static_img_add (mpp_t mpp, mpp_img_params_t *params, void *addr)
int mpp_display_add (mpp_t mpp, const char * name, mpp_display_params_t *params)
int mpp_nullsink_add (mpp_t mpp)
int mpp_element_add (mpp_t mpp, mpp_element_id_t id, mpp_element_params_t *params, mpp_elem_handle_t *elem_h)
int mpp_split (mpp_t mpp, unsigned int num, mpp_params_t *params, mpp_t *out_list)
int mpp_background (mpp_t mpp, mpp_params_t params,mpp_t out_mpp)
int mpp_element_update (mpp_t mpp, mpp_elem_handle_t elem_h, mpp_element_params_t *params)
void mpp_stats_enable (mpp_stats_grp_t grp)
void mpp_stats_disable (mpp_stats_grp_t grp)
char *mpp_get_version (void)
This section provides the detailed documentation for the MCU Media Processing Pipeline API.
int mpp_api_init (mpp_api_params_t *params)
Pipeline initialization.
This function initializes the library and its data structures.
It must be called before any other function of the API is called. Parameters
in |
params |
API global parameters |
Returns Return_codes
mpp_t mpp_create (mpp_params_t * params, int * ret)
Basic pipeline creation.
This function returns a handle to the pipeline. Parameters
in |
params |
pipeline parameters |
out |
ret |
return code (0 - success, non-zero - error) |
A handle to the pipeline if success. NULL, if there is an error.
int mpp_camera_add (mpp_t mpp, const char name, mpp_camera_params_t * params)
Camera addition.
This function adds a camera to the pipeline.
in |
mpp |
input pipeline |
in |
name |
camera driver name |
in |
params |
parameters to be configured on the camera |
Returns Return_codes
int mpp_static_img_add (mpp_t mpp, mpp_img_params_t params, void addr)
Static image addition. Parameters
in |
mpp |
input pipeline |
in |
params |
static image parameters |
in |
addr |
image buffer |
Image buffer allocation/free is the responsibility of the user.
int mpp_display_add (mpp_t mpp, const char name, mpp_display_params_t params)
Display addition.
This function adds a display to the pipeline.
in |
mpp |
input pipeline |
in |
name |
display driver name |
in |
params |
parameters that are configured on the display |
Returns Return_codes
int mpp_nullsink_add (mpp_t mpp)
Null sink addition.
This function adds a null-type sink to the pipeline.
After this call pipeline is closed and no further elements can be added. Input frames are discarded.
in |
mpp |
input pipeline |
Returns Return_codes
int mpp_element_add (mpp_t mpp, mpp_element_id_t id, mpp_element_params_t params, mpp_elem_handle_t elem_h)
Add processing element (single input, single output). This function adds an element to the pipeline. Available elements are:
2D image processing
ML inference engine
Labeled rectangle
in |
mpp |
input pipeline |
in |
id |
element id |
in |
params |
element parameters |
out |
elem_h |
element handle in pipeline |
Returns Return_codes
int mpp_split (mpp_t *mpp,*unsigned int num, mpp_params_t * para, mpp_t out_list)
Pipeline multiplication. Parameters
in |
mpp |
input pipeline |
in |
num |
number of output pipeline |
in |
params |
split mmp parameters |
out |
out_list |
list of output pipelines |
out_list array must contain at least num elements.
int mpp_background(mpp_t mpp,mpp_params_t params, mpp_t out_mpp )
Put next elements processing in background.
in |
mpp |
input pipeline |
in |
params |
new mpp parameters (exec_flag must be MPP_EXEC_PREEMPT) |
out |
out_mpp |
output pipelines |
Returns Return_codes
int mpp_element_update (mpp_t mpp, mpp_elem_handle_t elem_h, mpp_element_params_t params)
Update element parameters.
in |
mpp |
input pipeline |
in |
elem_h |
element handle in the pipeline. |
in |
params |
new element parameters |
Returns Return_codes
int mpp_start (mpp_t mpp, int last) Start pipeline.
When called with last=0, this function prepares the branch of the pipeline specified with mpp. When called with last!=0, this function starts the data flow of the pipeline.
Data flow should start after all the branches of the pipeline have been prepared.
in |
mpp |
pipeline branch handle to start/prepare |
in |
last |
if non-zero start pipeline processing. No further start call is possible thereafter. |
Returns Return_codes
int mpp_stop (mpp_t mpp)
Stop a branch of the pipeline.
This function stops the data processing and peripherals of a pipeline branch. Parameters
in |
mpp |
pipeline branch to stop |
Returns Return_codes
void mpp_stats_enable (mpp_stats_grp_t) grp) Enable statistics collection.
This function enables statistics collection for a given group Statistics collection is disabled by default after API initialization. Calling this function when stats are enabled has no effect.
in |
grp |
Statistics group |
void mpp_stats_disable (mpp_stats_grp_t grp) Disable statistics collection.
This function disables statistics collection for a given group Calling this function when stats are disabled has no effect. This function is used to ensure stats are not updated while application tasks use the stats structures.
[in} |
grp statistics group |
Get MPP version.
Pointer to the MPP version string.
struct mpp_params_t
struct mpp_camera_params_t
struct mpp_img_params_t
struct mpp_display_params_t
struct mpp_tensor_dims_t
struct mpp_inference_cb_param_t
union mpp_color_t
struct mpp_color_t.rgb
struct mpp_labeled_rect_t
struct mpp_area_t
struct mpp_dims_t
struct mpp_position_t
struct mpp_inference_params_t
union mpp_element_params_t
struct mpp_element_params_t.compose
struct mpp_element_params_t.labels
struct mpp_element_params_t.convert
struct mpp_element_params_t.resize
struct mpp_element_params_t.rotate
struct mpp_element_params_t.test
#define Section
typedef void ∗ mpp_t
typedef uintptr_t mpp_elem_handle_t
typedef unsigned int mpp_evt_mask_t
typedef typedef int(* inference_entry_point_t) (uint8_t *, uint8_t *, uint8_t *)
enum mpp_rotate_degree_t { ROTATE_0, ROTATE_90, ROTATE_180, ROTATE_270 }
This section provides the detailed documentation for the MCU Media Processing Pipeline types.
struct mpp_stats_t |
api |
Global execution performance counters. |
struct mpp_stats_t |
mpp |
Pipeline execution performance counters. |
struct mpp_stats_t |
elem |
Element execution performance counters. |
struct mpp_stats_t.api Data Fields:
unsigned int |
rc_cycle |
run-to-completion (RC) cycle duration (ms) |
unsigned int |
rc_cycle_max |
run-to-completion work deadline (ms) |
unsigned int |
pr_slot |
available slot for preemptable (PR) work (ms) |
unsigned int |
pr_rounds |
number of RC cycles required to complete one PR cycle (ms) |
unsigned int |
app_slot |
remaining time for application (ms) |
struct mpp_stats_t.mpp Data Fields:
mpp |
unsigned int |
mpp_exec_time |
pipeline execution time (ms) |
struct mpp_stats_t.elem Data Fields:
[mpp_elem_handle_t](#_page23_x98.86_y375.64) | hnd | |
unsigned int | elem_exec_time | element execution time (ms) |
stats |
API stats |
unsigned int |
rc_cycle_min |
minimum cycle duration for RC tasks (ms), 0: sets default value |
unsigned int |
rc_cycle_inc |
time increment for RC tasks (ms), 0: sets default value |
Pipeline creation parameters. Data Fields
int(∗ evt_callback_f )(mpp_t mpp, mpp_evt_t evt, void evt_data, void ∗user_data)
void * cb_userdata
mpp_stats_t * stats
Camera parameters. Data Fields
int |
height |
buffer height |
int |
width |
buffer width |
format |
pixel format |
int |
fps |
frames per second |
bool |
stripe |
stripe mode |
Static image parameters. Data Fields
int |
height |
buffer height |
int |
width |
buffer width |
format |
pixel format |
Display parameters. Data Fields
int | height | buffer resolution: setting to 0 will default to panel physical resolution |
int | width | buffer resolution: setting to 0 will default to panel physical resolution |
int | pitch | buffer resolution: setting to 0 will default to panel physical resolution |
int | left | active rect: setting to 0 will default to fullscreen |
int | top | active rect: setting to 0 will default to fullscreen |
int | right | active rect: setting to 0 will default to fullscreen |
int | bottom | active rect: setting to 0 will default to fullscreen |
[mpp_rotate_degree_](#_page24_x98.86_y523.82) | rotate | rotate degree |
[t](#_page24_x98.86_y523.82) | ||
[mpp_pixel_format_t](#_page25_x98.86_y392.49) | format | pixel format |
bool | stripe | stripe mode |
Inference tensor dimensions. Data Fields
uint32_t |
size |
uint32_t |
Tensor parameters. Data Fields
const uint8_t * |
data |
output data |
dims |
tensor data dimensions |
type |
tensor data type |
Inference callback parameters. Data Fields
void * | user_data | callback will pass this pointer |
[mpp_inference_out_tensor_params_t](#_page17_x104.37_y606.87) * | out_tensors [[MPP_INFERENCE_MAX_](#_page22_x98.86_y348.59) | output tensors parameters |
[OUTPUTS](#_page22_x98.86_y348.59)] | ||
int | inference_time_ms | inference run time measurement - output to user |
[mpp_inference_type_t](#_page26_x104.37_y697.18) | inference_type | type of the inference |
MPP color encoding. Data Fields
uint32_t |
raw |
Raw color. |
struct mpp_color_t |
rgb |
rgb color values RGB color |
RGB color values. Data Fields
uint8_t |
R |
Red byte. |
uint8_t |
G |
Green byte. |
uint8_t |
B |
Blue byte. |
uint8_t |
pad |
padding byte |
MPP labeled rectangle element structure. Data Fields
uint8_t |
label[64] |
label to print |
uint16_t |
clear |
clear rectangle |
uint16_t |
line_width |
rectangle line thickness |
line_color |
rectangle line color |
uint16_t |
top |
rectangle top position |
uint16_t |
left |
rectangle left position |
uint16_t |
bottom |
rectangle bottom position |
uint16_t |
right |
rectangle right position |
uint16_t |
tag |
labeled rectangle tag |
uint16_t |
reserved |
pad for 32 bits alignment |
bool |
stripe |
stripe mode |
Image area coordinates. Data Fields
int |
top |
int |
left |
int |
bottom |
int |
right |
Image dimensions. Data Fields
unsigned int |
width |
unsigned int |
height |
Image dimensions. Data Fields
unsigned int |
top |
unsigned int |
left |
Processing element parameters. Data Fields
uint64_t | constant_weight_MemSize | model constant weights memory size |
uint64_t | mutable_weight_MemSize | Defines the amount of memory required both input & output data buffers. |
uint64_t | activations_MemSize | Size of scratch memory used for intermediate computations needed by the model. |
int | num_inputs | model's number of inputs |
int | num_outputs | model's number of outputs |
uint64_t | inputs_offsets[[MPP_INFERENCE_ MAX_INTPUTS](#_page22_x98.86_y425.86)] | offset of each input |
uint64_t | outputs_offsets[[MPP_INFERENCE_ MAX_OUTPUTS](#_page22_x98.86_y348.59)] | offset of each output |
[inference_entry_point_t](#_page23_x98.86_y507.39) | model_entry_point | function called to perform the inference |
[mpp_tensor_type_t](#_page26_x98.86_y386.89) | model_input_tensors_type | type of input buffer |
struct mpp_element_params_t Data Fields:
union mpp_element_params_t |
stats |
Processing element parameters. Data Fields
struct mpp_element_params_t |
compose |
Compose element’s parameters - NOT IMPLEMENTED YET. |
struct mpp_element_params_t |
labels |
Labeled Rectangle element’s parameters. |
struct mpp_element_params_t |
convert |
Convert element’s parameters. |
struct mpp_element_params_t |
resize |
Resize element’s parameters. |
struct mpp_element_params_t |
color_conv |
Color convert element’s parameters. |
struct mpp_element_params_t |
rotate |
Rotate element’s parameters. |
struct mpp_element_params_t |
test |
Test element’s parameters. |
struct mpp_element_params_t |
ml_inference |
ML inference element’s parameters. |
Compose element’s parameters. NOT IMPLEMENTED YET. Data Fields
float |
a |
float |
b |
Labeled rectangle element’s parameters. Data Fields
uint32_t | max_count | maximum number of rectangles |
uint32_t | detected_count | detected rectangles |
[mpp_labeled_rect_t ](#_page18_x104.98_y533.67)∗ | rectangles | array of rectangle data |
**Data Fields**
mpp_dims_t | out_buf | buffer dimensions |
[mpp_pixel_format_t](#_page25_x98.86_y392.49) | pixel_format | new pixel format |
[mpp_rotate_degree_t](#_page24_x98.86_y523.82) | angle | rotation angle |
[mpp_area_t](#_page19_x104.98_y164.01) | crop | input crop area |
mpp_dims_t | scale | scaling dimensions |
mpp_position_t | out_window | output window position |
[mpp_convert_ops_t](#_page25_x98.86_y197.81) | ops | operation selector mask |
const char* | dev_name | device name used for graphics |
bool | stripe_in | input stripe |
bool | stripe_out | output stripe |
Resize element’s parameters. Data Fields
unsigned int |
width |
unsigned int |
height |
Color convert element’s parameters. Data Fields
pixel_format |
Rotate element’s parameters. Data Fields
angle |
Test element’s parameters. Data Fields
_Bool |
inp |
unsigned int |
width |
unsigned int |
height |
format |
ML inference element’s parameters. Data Fields
const void ∗ | model_data | pointer to model binary |
[mpp_inference_type_t](#_page26_x104.37_y697.18) | type | inference type |
int | model_size | model binary size |
float | model_input_mean | model 'mean' of input values, used for normalization |
float | model_input_std | model 'standard deviation' of input values, used for normalization |
[mpp_tensor_order_t](#_page26_x104.98_y542.57) | tensor_order | model input tensor component order |
[mpp_int_params_t](#_page19_x104.98_y526.04) | inference_params | model specific parameters used by the inference |
#define MPP_INFERENCE_MAX_OUTPUTS Maximum number of outputs supported by the pipeline.
Maximum number of inputs supported by the pipeline.
Invalid pipeline handle.
Maximum priority for pipeline tasks OS must support this number of priorities.
Maximum priority for application tasks Tasks created by the application should have a maximum priority otherwise scheduling of pipeline processing tasks may be impacted.
Bit mask to receive all events.
Maximum number of dimensions for tensors.
typedef void mpp_t
Pipeline handle type.
typedef uintptr_t mpp_elem_handle_t Element handle type.
typedef unsigned int mpp_evt_mask_t Event mask for pipeline creation.
typedef int(* inference_entry_point_t) (uint8_t *, uint8_t *, uint8_t *) Bundle inference function type.
enum mpp_evt_t Pipeline generated events. Enumerator
invalid event |
inference out is ready |
enum mpp_exec_flag_t
Execution parameters.
These parameters control the execution of the elements of an mpp.
The “mpps” created using the flag MPP_EXEC_RC are guaranteed to run up to the completion of all processing elements, while not being preempted by other “mpps”.
The “mpps” created using the flag MPP_EXEC_PREEMPT are preempted after a given time interval by “mpps” that will run-to-completion again.
The “mpps” created with the MPP_EXEC_INHERIT flag inherit the same execution flag as the parent(s) in case of split/join operation.
Note: It is not possible to request run-to-completion execution when spliting/joining preemptable-execution “mpps”.
inherit from parent(s) |
run-to-completion |
preemptable |
API (global) stats |
mpp_t stats |
element stats |
number of groups |
enum mpp_rotate_degree_t Rotation value.
0 degree |
90 degrees |
180 degrees |
270 degrees |
enum mpp_flip_mode_t Flip type.
no flip |
horizontal flip |
vertical flip |
vertical and horizontal flip |
enum mpp_convert_ops_t
The convert operations selector flags. Enumerator
no frame conversion |
frame rotation |
scaling from input frame toward output window |
frame color conversion |
input frame crop |
output window |
**mpp_pixel_format_t**enum mpp_pixel_format_t
Pixel format. Enumerator
ARGB 32 bits. |
RGB 24 bits. |
RGB 16 bits. |
BGRA 32 bits. |
RGBA 32 bits. |
BGR 24 bits. |
gray 3x8 bits |
gray 3x8 bits +8 unused bits |
gray 8 bits |
gray 16 bits |
YUVX interleaved 4:4:4. |
VYUY interleaved 4:2:2. |
UYVY interleaved 4:2:2. |
YUYV interleaved 4:2:2. |
depth 16 bits |
depth 8 bits |
YUV planar 4:2:0. |
invalid pixel format |
**mpp_element_id_t**enum mpp_element_id_t
Processing element ids. Enumerator
Invalid element. |
Image composition - NOT IMPLEMENTED YET. |
Labeled rectangle - bounding box. |
Test inplace element - NOT FOR USE. |
Inference engine. |
Image conversion: resolution, orientation, color format. |
**mpp_tensor_type_t**enum mpp_tensor_type_t
Inference tensor type. Enumerator
floating point 32 bits |
unsigned integer 8 bits |
signed integer 8 bits |
enum mpp_tensor_order_t
Inference input tensor order. Enumerator
Order not set |
Order: Batch, Height, Width, Channels |
Order: Batch, Channels, Height, Width |
**mpp_inference_type_t**enum mpp_inference_type_t
Inference type. Enumerator
TensorFlow-Lite |
#define MPP_ERROR
Success return code.
A generic error occured.
Invalid element provided.
Invalid parameter provided.
Error occured while allocating mutex. MPP_INVALID_MUTEX
#define MPP_INVALID_MUTEX Invalid mutex provided.
Mutex timeout occured.
Mutex error occured.
Memory allocation error occured.
This is the documentation for the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) API.
The hardware abstraction layer is used to abstract hardware and software components. With the usage of an HAL abstraction, the vision pipeline leverages hardware accelerated components, whenever possible.
The MPP HAL is presented regarding the following points:
A common header file “hal.h” includes all hardware top-level functions.
All hardware top-level functions are using the prefix: “hal_ “
For each platform, all hal_ functions defined in hal.h should be implemented at least with an empty function.
Figure 7. HAL overview
This section lists the source, processing, and sink elements.
Static image
Graphics driver
Vision algorithms
Labeled rectangle
At present, the MPP HAL supports the following devices:
Mikroe TFT Proto 5 (SSD1963 controller)
Currently, the MPP HAL supports the following boards:
evkmimxrt1170: The evkmimxrt1170 is supported with the following devices:
Cameras: OV5640
Displays: RK055AHD091 and RK055MHD091
evkbimxrt1050: The evkbimxrt1050 is supported with the following devices:
Cameras: MT9M114
Displays: RK043FN02H-CT
evkbmimxrt1170: The evkbmimxrt1170 is supported by porting the following devices:
Cameras: OV5640
Displays: RK055AHD091 and RK055MHD091
frdmmcxn947: The frdmmcxn947 is supported by porting the following devices:
Cameras: OV7670
Displays: Mikroe TFT Proto 5”
The MPP HAL provides the flexibility to the user to port new boards and devices. For example, cameras and displays.
To support a new board a new file hal_{board_name} should be added under the HAL directory.
The HAL components that can support new devices are:
Graphics processing
To support a new device:
Provide the appropriate hal_{device_module} implementation.
Addthe name and setup entry point to the appropriate device list in the associated board hal_{board_name} file.
The HAL components can be enabled/disabled from “mpp_config.h” using the compilation flags(HAL_ENABLE_{component_name}).
The HAL devices can also be enabled/disabled from “mpp_config.h” using the compilation flags(HAL_ENABLE_{device_name}).
struct camera_dev_static_config_t
struct camera_dev_t
struct static_image_static_config_t
struct static_image_t
struct _gfx_surface
struct _gfx_rotate_config
struct gfx_dev_t
struct _model_param_t
struct _vision_frame
struct vision_algo_dev_t
struct display_dev_t
struct hw_buf_desc_t
struct hal_graphics_setup_t
struct hal_display_setup_t
struct hal_camera_setup_t
struct checksum_data_t
typedef int(* camera_dev_callback_t) (const camera_dev_t *dev, camera_event_t event, void *param, uint8_t fromISR)
typedef void * vision_algo_private_data_t
typedef int(* mpp_callback_t) (mpp_t mpp, mpp_evt_t evt, void *evt_data, void *user_data)
typedef int(* graphic_setup_func_t) (gfx_dev_t *)
typedef int(* display_setup_func_t) (display_dev_t *)
typedef int(* camera_setup_func_t) (const char *, camera_dev_t *)
enum _hal_camera_status { kStatus_HAL_CameraSuccess, kStatus_HAL_CameraBusy, kStatus_HAL_CameraNonBlocking, kStatus_HAL_CameraError }
enum _camera_event { kCameraEvent_SendFrame, kCameraEvent_CameraDeviceInit }
enum _hal_image_status { MPP_kStatus_HAL_ImageSuccess, MPP_kStatus_HAL_ImageError }
enum _gfx_rotate_target { kGFXRotateTarget_None, kGFXRotate_SRCSurface, kGFXRotate_DSTSurface }
enum _hal_valgo_status { kStatus_HAL_ValgoSuccess, kStatus_HAL_ValgoMallocError, kStatus_HAL_ValgoInitError, kStatus_HAL_ValgoError, kStatus_HAL_ValgoStop }
enum _display_event { kDisplayEvent_RequestFrame }
enum _hal_display_status { kStatus_HAL_DisplaySuccess, kStatus_HAL_DisplayTxBusy, kStatus_HAL_DisplayNonBlocking, kStatus_HAL_DisplayError }
int HAL_GfxDev_CPU_Register (gfx_dev_t *dev)
int HAL_GfxDev_GPU_Register (gfx_dev_t *dev)
int setup_static_image_elt (static_image_t *elt)
uint32_t calc_checksum (int size_b, void *pbuf)
This section provides the detailed documentation for the MPP HAL types.
struct camera_dev_static_config_t Structure that characterizes the camera device. Data Fields
int |
height |
buffer height |
int |
width |
buffer width |
int |
pitch |
buffer pitch |
int |
left |
left position |
int |
top |
top position |
int |
right |
right position |
int |
bottom |
bottom position |
mpp_rotate_degree_t |
rotate |
rotate degree |
mpp_flip_mode_t |
flip |
flip |
int |
swapByte |
swap byte per two bytes |
mpp_pixel_format_t |
format |
pixel format |
int |
framerate |
frame rate |
int |
stripe_size |
stripe size in bytes |
bool |
stripe |
stripe mode |
int |
stripe_height |
stripe height (0 if stripe mode is off) |
bool |
stripe |
stripe mode |
[camera_dev_callback_t](#_page40_x50.00_y533.03) | callback | callback |
void * | param | parameter for the callback |
Attributes of a camera device. hal camera device declaration.
Camera devices can enqueue and dequeue frames as well as react to events from input devices via the “inputNotify” function. Camera devices can use any number of interfaces, including MIPI and CSI as long as the HAL driver implements the necessary functions found in camera_dev_operator_t. Examples of camera devices include the Orbbec U1S 3D SLM camera module, and the OnSemi MT9M114 camera module. Data Fields
int | id | unique id which is assigned by camera manager during registration |
char | name[[HAL_DEVICE_NAME_ MAX_LENGTH](#_page40_x50.00_y438.58)] | name of the device |
const camera_dev_ operator_t * | ops | operations |
[camera_dev_static_](#_page33_x98.86_y143.81) | config | static configurations |
[config_t](#_page33_x98.86_y143.81) | ||
[camera_dev_private_](#_page33_x98.86_y497.86) | cap | private capability |
[capability_t](#_page33_x98.86_y497.86) | Data Fields
int |
height |
buffer height |
int |
width |
buffer width |
int |
left |
left position |
int |
top |
top position |
int |
right |
right position |
int |
bottom |
bottom position |
mpp_pixel_format_t |
format |
pixel format |
int | id | unique id which is assigned by image manager |
const static_image_ operator_t * | ops | operations |
[static_image_static_](#_page34_x98.86_y291.81) | config | static configs |
[config_t](#_page34_x98.86_y291.81) | ||
uint8_t * | buffer | static image buffer |
int |
height |
buffer height |
int |
width |
buffer width |
int |
pitch |
buffer pitch |
int |
left |
left position |
int |
top |
top position |
int |
right |
right position |
int |
bottom |
bottom position |
int |
swapByte |
swap byte per two bytes |
mpp_pixel_format_t |
format |
pixel format |
void * |
buf |
buffer |
void * |
lock |
the structure is determined by hal and set to null if not use in hal |
gfx_rotate_target_t |
target |
mpp_rotate_degree_t |
degree | Data Fields
int | id | |
const [gfx_dev_operator_](#_page46_x98.86_y209.69) | ops | |
[t](#_page46_x98.86_y209.69) * | ||
gfx_surface_t | src | |
gfx_surface_t | dst | |
[mpp_callback_t](#_page40_x50.00_y752.55) | callback | |
void * | user_data |
Structure passed to HAL as description of the binary model provided by user.
Data Fields
const void * model_data
int model_size
float model_input_mean
float model_input_std
mpp_inference_params_t inference_params
int height
int width
mpp_pixel_format_t format
mpp_tensor_type_t inputType
mpp_tensor_order_t tensor_order
int(* evt_callback_f )(mpp_t mpp, mpp_evt_t evt, void *evt_data, void *user_data)
void * cb_userdata
Field Documentation
const void* _model_param_t::model_data
int _model_param_t::model_size
float _model_param_t::model_input_mean
model ‘mean’ of input values, used for normalization
float _model_param_t::model_input_std
model ‘standard deviation’ of input values, used for normalization **mpp_inference_params_t _model_param_t::inference_params **inference parameters
int _model_param_t::height
int _model_param_t::width
mpp_pixel_format_t _model_param_t::format
mpp_tensor_type_t _model_param_t::inputType
mpp_tensor_order_t _model_param_t::tensor_order
int(* _model_param_t::evt_callback_f) (mpp_t mpp, mpp_evt_t evt, void *evt_data, void *user_data)
the callback to be called when model output is ready void* _model_param_t::cb_userdata
pointer to user data, should be passed by callback
void * |
param |
param for the callback |
Characteristics that need to be defined by a vision algo. Data Fields
int |
height |
frame height |
int |
width |
frame width |
int |
pitch |
frame pitch |
mpp_pixel_format_t |
format |
pixel format |
void * |
input_buf |
pixel input buffer |
int | id | unique id which is assigned by algorithm manager during the registration |
char | name[[HAL_DEVICE_NAME_ MAX_LENGTH](#_page40_x50.00_y438.58)] | name to identify |
valgo_dev_private_ capability_t | cap | private capability |
const [vision_algo_dev_](#_page46_x98.86_y459.94) | ops | operations |
[operator_t](#_page46_x98.86_y459.94) * | ||
vision_algo_private_ data_t | priv_data | private data |
struct _display_dev_private_capability Structure that characterizes the display device. Data Fields
int | height | buffer height |
int | width | buffer width |
int | pitch | buffer pitch |
int | left | left position |
int | top | top position |
int | right | right position |
int | bottom | bottom position |
int | stripe_height | stripe height (0 if stripe mode is off) |
bool | stripe | stripe mode |
mpp_rotate_degree_t | rotate | rotate degree |
int | stripe_height | stripe height (0 if stripe mode is off) |
bool | stripe | stripe mode |
mpp_pixel_format_t | format | pixel format |
int | nbFrameBuffer | number of input buffers |
void ** | frameBuffers | array of pointers to frame buffer |
[mpp_callback_t](#_page40_x50.00_y752.55) | callback | callback |
void * | user_data | parameter for the callback |
Attributes of a display device. hal display device declaration.
Display devices can be used to display images, GUI overlays, etc. Examples of display devices include display panels like the RK024hh298 display, and external displays like UVC (video over USB). Data Fields
int |
id |
unique id which is assigned by display manager during the registration |
char |
name of the device |
const display_dev_ operator_t * |
ops |
operations |
display_dev_private_ capability_t |
cap |
private capability |
int |
stride |
the number of bytes between 2 lines of image |
int |
nb |
the number of lines required (set to 0 if the element does not require a specific number of lines) |
int |
alignment |
alignment requirement in bytes |
bool |
cacheable |
if true, HW will require cache maintenance |
unsigned char * |
addr |
the aligned buffer address |
unsigned char * |
heap_p |
pointer to the heap that should be freed | Data Fields
const char * | gfx_dev_name | |
[graphic_setup_func_t](#_page41_x50.00_y167.88) | gfx_setup_func | | Data Fields
const char * | display_name | |
[display_setup_func_t](#_page41_x50.00_y221.75) | display_setup_func | | Data Fields
const char * |
camera_name |
camera_setup_func |
[checksum_type_t](#_page43_x50.00_y426.93) | type | checksum calculation method |
uint32_t | value | checksum value |
**#define HAL_GFX_DEV_CPU_NAME **hal graphics (gfx) device declaration.
Graphics processing devices can be used to perform conversion from one image format to another, resize images, and compose images on top of one another. Examples of graphics devices include the PXP (pixel pipeline) found on many i.MXRT series MCUs. Name of the graphic device using CPU operations
#define GUI_PRINTF_BUF_SIZE Local text buffer size.
maximum number of element inputs/outputs
**#define HAL_DEVICE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH **maximum length of device name
typedef int(* camera_dev_callback_t) (const camera_dev_t *dev, camera_event_t event, void *param, uint8_t fromISR)
Callback function to notify camera manager that one frame is dequeued.
dev |
Device structure of the camera device calling this function |
event |
id of the event that took place |
param |
Parameters |
fromISR |
True if this operation takes place in an irq, 0 otherwise |
0 if the operation was successfully
typedef int(* mpp_callback_t) (mpp_t mpp, mpp_evt_t evt, void *evt_data, void *user_data)
typedef int(* graphic_setup_func_t) (gfx_dev_t *)
typedef int(* display_setup_func_t) (display_dev_t *)
**typedef int(* camera_setup_func_t) (const char *, camera_dev_t *) **camera setup
enum _hal_camera_status Enumerator
HAL camera successful. |
Camera is busy. |
Camera will return immediately. |
Error occurs on HAL Camera. |
enum _camera_event
Type of events that are supported by calling the callback function. Enumerator
Camera new frame is available. |
Camera device finished the initialization process. |
Successfully. |
Error occurs on HAL Image. |
Successfully. |
memory allocation failed for HAL algorithm |
algorithm initialization error |
Error occurs in HAL algorithm. |
kStatus_HAL_ValgoStop |
enum _display_event
Type of events that are supported by calling the callback function. Enumerator
Display finished sending the frame asynchronously, provide another frame. |
HAL display successful. |
Display tx is busy. |
Display will return immediately. |
Error occurs on HAL Display. |
**enum mpp_memory_policy_e **The memory allocation policy of an element’s hal.
During the pipeline construction, the HAL uses this enum to tell the pipeline if it already owns input/ouput buffers. Before the pipeline starts, the memory manager will map the existing buffers to elements and allocate missing buffers from the heap. Enumerator
element requires buffers to be provided by other elements, or by the pipeline |
element allocates its input buffer, it may require output buffers to be provided by other elements, or by the pipeline |
element allocates its output buffer, it may require input buffers to be provided by other elements, or by the pipeline |
element allocates both its input and output buffers |
checksum computed using Pisano |
checksum computed CRC from ELCDIF |
** int HAL_GfxDev_CPU_Register (gfx_dev_t * dev) **Register the graphic device with the CPU operations.
in |
dev |
graphic device to register |
error code (0: success, otherwise: failure)
struct _camera_dev_operator
struct _static_image_operator
struct gfx_dev_operator_t
struct vision_algo_dev_operator_t
struct _display_dev_operator
typedef int(* mpp_callback_t) (mpp_t mpp, mpp_evt_t evt, void *evt_data, void *user_data)
void GUI_DrawText (uint16_t *lcd_buf, uint16_t fcolor, uint16_t bcolor, uint32_t width, int x, int y, const char *label)
void hal_draw_pixel (uint16_t *pDst, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint16_t color, uint32_t lcd_w)
void hal_draw_text (uint16_t *lcd_buf, uint16_t fcolor, uint16_t bcolor, uint32_t width, int x, int y, const char *label)
void hal_draw_rect (uint16_t *lcd_buf, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t xsize, uint32_t ysize, uint32_t r, uint32_t g, uint32_t b, uint32_t width)
static int get_bitpp (mpp_pixel_format_t type)
Section (uint8_t *data, int size)
This section provides the detailed documentation for the MPP HAL operations that needs to be implemented for each component.
Operation that needs to be implemented by a camera device.
Data Fields
hal_camera_status_t(* init )(camera_dev_t *dev, mpp_camera_params_t *config, camera_dev_callback_t callback, void *param)
hal_camera_status_t(* deinit )(camera_dev_t *dev)
hal_camera_status_t(* start )(const camera_dev_t *dev)
hal_camera_status_t(* stop )(const camera_dev_t *dev)
hal_camera_status_t(* enqueue )(const camera_dev_t *dev, void *data)
hal_camera_status_t(* dequeue )(const camera_dev_t *dev, void **data, int *stripe
hal_camera_status_t(* get_buf_desc )(const camera_dev_t *dev, hw_buf_desc_t *out_buf, mpp_memory_policy_t *policy)
Field Documentation
hal_camera_status_t(* _camera_dev_operator::init) (camera_dev_t *dev, mpp_camera_params_t *config, camera_dev_callback_t callback, void *param)
**hal_camera_status_t(* _camera_dev_operator::deinit) (camera_dev_t *dev) **deinitialize the dev
**hal_camera_status_t(* _camera_dev_operator::start) (const camera_dev_t *dev) **start the dev
**hal_camera_status_t(* _camera_dev_operator::stop) (const camera_dev_t *dev) **stop the dev
hal_camera_status_t(* _camera_dev_operator::enqueue) (const camera_dev_t *dev, void *data)
hal_camera_status_t(* _camera_dev_operator::dequeue) (const camera_dev_t *dev, void **data, mpp_pixel_format_t *format)
hal_camera_status_t(* _camera_dev_operator::get_buf_desc) (const camera_dev_t *dev, hw_buf_desc_t *out_buf, mpp_memory_policy_t *policy)
Operation that needs to be implemented by an image element.
Data Fields
hal_image_status_t(* init )(static_image_t *elt, mpp_img_params_t *config, void *param)
hal_image_status_t(* dequeue )(const static_image_t *elt, hw_buf_desc_t *out_buf, int stripe_num
Field Documentation
hal_image_status_t(* _static_image_operator::init) (static_image_t *elt, mpp_img_params_t *config, void *param)
initialize the elt
hal_image_status_t(* _static_image_operator::dequeue) (const static_image_t *elt,
**hw_buf_desc_t *out_buf, mpp_pixel_format_t *format) **dequeue a buffer from the elt
Operation that needs to be implemented by gfx device. Data Fields
int(* init )(const gfx_dev_t *dev, void *param)
int(* deinit )(const gfx_dev_t *dev)
int(* get_buf_desc )(const gfx_dev_t *dev, hw_buf_desc_t *in_buf, hw_buf_desc_t *out_buf, mpp_memory_policy_t *policy)
int(* blit )(const gfx_dev_t *dev, const gfx_surface_t *pSrc, const gfx_surface_t *pDst, const gfx_rotate_config_t *pRotate, mpp_flip_mode_t flip)
int(* drawRect )(const gfx_dev_t *dev, gfx_surface_t *pOverlay, int x, int y, int w, int h, int color)
int(* drawPicture )(const gfx_dev_t *dev, gfx_surface_t *pOverlay, int x, int y, int w, int h, int alpha, const char *pIcon)
int(* drawText )(const gfx_dev_t *dev, gfx_surface_t *pOverlay, int x, int y, int textColor, int bgColor, int type, const char *pText)
int(* compose )(const gfx_dev_t *dev, gfx_surface_t *pSrc, gfx_surface_t *pOverlay, gfx_surface_t *pDst, gfx_rotate_config_t *pRotate, mpp_flip_mode_t flip)
Operation that needs to be implemented by a vision algorithm device.
Data Fields
hal_valgo_status_t(* init )(vision_algo_dev_t *dev, model_param_t *param)
hal_valgo_status_t(* deinit )(vision_algo_dev_t *dev)
hal_valgo_status_t(* run )(const vision_algo_dev_t *dev, void *data)
hal_valgo_status_t(* get_buf_desc )(const vision_algo_dev_t *dev, hw_buf_desc_t *in_buf, mpp_memory_policy_t *policy)
Field Documentation
hal_valgo_status_t(* vision_algo_dev_operator_t::init) (vision_algo_dev_t *dev,
model_param_t *param)
**hal_valgo_status_t(* vision_algo_dev_operator_t::deinit) (vision_algo_dev_t *dev) **deinitialize the dev
hal_valgo_status_t(* vision_algo_dev_operator_t::run) (const vision_algo_dev_t *dev, void *data)
hal_valgo_status_t(* vision_algo_dev_operator_t::get_buf_desc) (const vision_algo_dev_t *dev, hw_buf_desc_t *in_buf, mpp_memory_policy_t *policy)
Operation that needs to be implemented by a display device.
Data Fields
hal_display_status_t(* init )(display_dev_t *dev, mpp_display_params_t *config, mpp_callback_t callback, void *user_data)
hal_display_status_t(* deinit )(const display_dev_t *dev)
hal_display_status_t(* start )(display_dev_t *dev)
hal_display_status_t(* stop )(display_dev_t *dev)
hal_display_status_t(* blit )(const display_dev_t *dev, void *frame, int stripe)
hal_display_status_t(* get_buf_desc )(const display_dev_t *dev, hw_buf_desc_t *in_buf, mpp_memory_policy_t *policy)
Field Documentation
hal_display_status_t(* _display_dev_operator::init) (display_dev_t *dev, mpp_display_params_t *config, mpp_callback_t callback, void *user_data)
**hal_display_status_t(* _display_dev_operator::deinit) (const display_dev_t *dev) **deinitialize the dev
hal_display_status_t(* _display_dev_operator::start) (display_dev_t *dev)
hal_display_status_t(* _display_dev_operator::stop) (display_dev_t *dev)
hal_display_status_t(* _display_dev_operator::blit) (const display_dev_t *dev, void *frame, int width, int height)
hal_display_status_t(* _display_dev_operator::get_buf_desc) (const display_dev_t *dev, hw_buf_desc_t *in_buf, mpp_memory_policy_t *policy) typedef int(* mpp_callback_t) (mpp_t mpp, mpp_evt_t evt, void *evt_data, void *user_data)
The mpp callback function prototype.
void GUI_DrawText (uint16_t * lcd_buf, uint16_t fcolor, uint16_t bcolor, uint32_t width, int x, int y, const char * label)
Draws text stored in label pointer to LCD buffer.
This function copy content of data from label text buffer to the LCD.
lcd_buf |
LCD buffer address destination for drawing text |
fcolor |
foreground color in rgb565 format |
bcolor |
background color in rgb565 format |
width |
LCD width |
x |
drawing position on X axe |
y |
drawing position on Y axe |
format |
C string pointed by format |
The return number of written chars to the buffer
void hal_draw_pixel (uint16_t * pDst, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint16_t color, uint32_t lcd_w)
Draws pixel with RGB565 color to defined point. Parameters
pDst |
image data address of destination buffer |
x |
drawing position on X axe |
y |
drawing position on Y axe |
color |
RGB565 encoded value |
lcd_w |
lcd width |
void hal_draw_text (uint16_t * lcd_buf, uint16_t fcolor, uint16_t bcolor, uint32_t width, int x, int y, const char * label)
Draws text stored in label pointer to LCD buffer.
This function copy content of data from label text buffer to the LCD.
lcd_buf |
LCD buffer address destination for drawing text |
fcolor |
foreground color in rgb565 format |
bcolor |
background color in rgb565 format |
width |
LCD width |
x |
drawing position on X axe |
y |
drawing position on Y axe |
format |
C string pointed by format |
The return number of written chars to the buffer
void hal_draw_rect (uint16_t * lcd_buf, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t xsize, uint32_t ysize, uint32_t r, uint32_t g, uint32_t b, uint32_t width)
in |
lcd_buf |
LCD buffer address destination for drawing rectangle |
in |
color |
background color in rgb565 format |
in |
x |
drawing position on X axe |
in |
y |
drawing position on Y axe |
in |
xsize |
rectangle width |
in |
ysize |
rectangle height |
in |
r |
0-255 red color value |
in |
g |
0-255 green color value |
in |
b |
0-255 blue color value |
in |
width |
LCD width |
Returns N/A
**static int get_bitpp (mpp_pixel_format_t type)[static] **returns the number of bits per pixel per format, unknown format return 0
void swap_2_bytes (uint8_t * data, int size) Swaps a buffer’s MSB and LSB bytes. Parameters
data |
pointer to the buffer to be converted(from little endian to big endian and vice-versa). |
size |
buffer size. |
int hal_label_rectangle (uint8_t *frame, int width, int height, mpp_pixel_format_t format, mpp_labeled_rect_t *lr, int stripe, int stripe_max)
int hal_inference_tflite_setup (vision_algo_dev_t *dev)
int hal_display_setup (const char *name, display_dev_t *dev)
int hal_camera_setup (const char *name, camera_dev_t *dev)
int hal_gfx_setup (const char *name, gfx_dev_t *dev)
This section provides the detailed documentation for the HAL setup functions that should be defined by each device.
int hal_label_rectangle (uint8_t * frame, int width, int height, mpp_pixel_format_t
format, mpp_labeled_rect_t * lr, int stripe, int stripe_max)
Implementation of hal labeled rectangle component that draws a rectangle and a text on an input image.
in |
frame |
The buffer address |
in |
width |
Image width |
in |
height |
Image height |
in |
format |
Image format |
in |
lr |
Labeled rectangle parameters |
Returns 0
**int hal_inference_tflite_setup (vision_algo_dev_t * dev) **Hal setup function for inference engine Tensorflow-Lite Micro.
in |
dev |
vision algo device to register |
error code (0: success, otherwise: failure)
int hal_inference_dvrt_setup (vision_algo_dev_t * dev) Hal setup function for inference engine DeepView RT.
in |
dev |
vision algo device to register |
error code (0: success, otherwise: failure)
int hal_display_setup (const char * name, display_dev_t * dev)
Register with a display device specified by name. If name is NULL, return error.
in |
name |
display name |
in |
dev |
display device to register |
error code (0: success, otherwise: failure)
int hal_camera_setup (const char * name, camera_dev_t * dev)
Register with a camera device specified by name. If name is NULL, return error.
in |
name |
camera name |
in |
dev |
camera device to register |
error code (0: success, otherwise: failure)
**int hal_gfx_setup (const char * name, gfx_dev_t * dev) **Register with a graphic processing device specified by name.
If name is NULL, the first available graphic processing supported by Hw will be selected. The graphic device using CPU operations will be selected if name is not specified and if no graphic processing is available for the Hw.
in |
name |
graphic processing device performing the image conversion |
in |
dev |
graphic device to register |
error code (0: success, otherwise: failure)
Table 2 summarizes the changes done to this document since the initial release. Table 2. Revision history
Revision number |
Date |
Substantive changes |
0 |
30 June 2022 |
Initial release |
1 |
06 September 2022 |
Updated for MCUXpresso SDK 2.12.1 |
2 |
08 December 2022 |
Updated for MCUXpresso SDK 2.13.0 |
3 |
27 July 2023 |
Updated for MCUXpresso SDK 2.14.0 |
4 |
10 January 2024 |
Updated for MCUXpresso SDK 2.15.000 |
5 |
28 June 2024 |
Updated for MCUXpresso SDK 2.16.000 |
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eIQ Media Processing Pipeline User’s Guide
Draft — A draft status on a document indicates that the content is still under internal review and subject to formal approval, which may result in modifications or additions. NXP Semiconductors does not give any representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information included in a draft version of a document and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information.
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AMBA, Arm, Arm7, Arm7TDMI, Arm9, Arm11, Artisan, big.LITTLE, eIQ — is a trademark of NXP B.V. Cordio, CoreLink, CoreSight, Cortex, DesignStart, DynamIQ, Jazelle,
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Socrates, Thumb, TrustZone, ULINK, ULINK2, ULINK-ME, ULINK-
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copyrights, designs and trade secrets. All rights reserved.
Tab. 1. Example applications …………………………………. 6 Tab. 2. Revision history ………………………………………..53
Fig. 1. MCUXpresso SDK Builder software Fig. 4. MCUXpresso SDK import projects wizard ………7
component selector …………………………………….4 Fig. 5. Application overview ……………………………………8 Fig. 2. MCUXpresso SDK directory structure for Fig. 6. PuTTY console window ……………………………….9
examples …………………………………………………..5 Fig. 7. HAL overview …………………………………………..30 Fig. 3. MCUXpresso SDK directory structure for
eIQ Media Processing Pipeline User’s Guide All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © 2024 NXP B.V. All rights reserved.
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eIQ Media Processing Pipeline User’s Guide
NXP Semiconductors EIQMPPUG
eIQ Media Processing Pipeline User’s Guide
**1 MCU Media Processing Pipeline ………………..2**
Output example ………………………………………….9 **4 API references …………………………………………. 9**
Macro Definition Documentation ………………….28 **5 Hardware Abstraction Layer …………………….29**
Enabling or disabling HAL components and devices …………………………………………………….32
Function Documentation …………………………….51 **6 Revision history ………………………………………53** Legal information …………………………………….54**
NXP Semiconductors EIQMPPUG
eIQ Media Processing Pipeline User’s Guide
Please be aware that important notices concerning this document and the product(s) described herein, have been included in section ‘Legal information’.)
© 2024 NXP B.V. All rights reserved.
For more information, please visit: https://www.nxp.com Document feedback
Date of release: 24 December 2024 Document identifier: eIQ Media Processing Pipeline User’s Guide