PD compliance test

Ellisys test environment

  • Hardware: Ellisys EX350

  • Software: Ellisys USB Explorer 350 Examiner 3.1.8098

The usb_pd example supports the PD3.0 compliance test. The usb_pd_alt_mode_dp_host example supports DisplayPort host alternate mode compliance test. The usb_pd_alt_mode_dp_dock example supports DisplayPort dock alternate mode compliance test.

The tested target for PD3.0 compliance test is usb_pd_freertos flexspi_nor_release target of IAR toolchain on the MIMXRT1064-EVK board.

The tested target for DisplayPort host alternate mode compliance test is usb_pd_alt_mode_dp_host_freertos flexspi_nor_release target of IAR toolchain on the MIMXRT1064-EVK board.

The tested target for DisplayPort dock alternate mode compliance test is usb_pd_alt_mode_dp_dock_freertos release target of IAR toolchain on the LPCXpresso55S69 board.

The test reports are in boards/middleware/usb/pd/compliance_test_report.

To do a compliance test, the following configurations need be enabled in the usb_pd_config.h file.


For the usb_pd example, five configurations are verified and passed: correspondingly, one dedicated MACRO and one VIF file are needed to enable each of them. The MACROs are defined in the pd_board_config.h and the VIF files are in boards/<board>/usb_examples/usb_pd/<bm or freertos>/VIF:

  • Dual-role port

    PD_COMPLIANCE_TEST_DRP needs to be enabled in pd_board_config.h and the file drp.txt is the dedicated VIF file for this test.

  • Dual-role port with Try.SNK

    PD_COMPLIANCE_TEST_DRP_TRY_SNK needs to be enabled in pd_board_config.h and the file drp_try_snk.txt is the dedicated VIF file for this test.

  • Dual-role port with Try.SRC

    PD_COMPLIANCE_TEST_DRP_TRY_SRC needs to be enabled in pd_board_config.h and the file drp_try_src.txt is the dedicated VIF file for this test.

  • Consumer/Provider port

    PD_COMPLIANCE_TEST_CONSUMER_PROVIDER needs to be enabled in pd_board_config.h and the file consumer_provider.txt is the dedicated VIF file for this test.

  • Provider/Consumer port

    PD_COMPLIANCE_TEST_PROVIDER_CONSUMER needs to be enabled in pd_board_config.h and the file provider_consumer.txt is the dedicated VIF file for this test.

Note: Only one macro can be enabled at a time for these five configurations.

For the usb_pd_alt_mode_dp_host and usb_pd_alt_mode_dp_dock example, the MACROs are defined in the pd_board_config.h and do not need to be modified. The corresponding VIF file is in boards/<board>/usb_examples/ usb_pd_alt_mode_dp_host /<bm or freertos>/VIF and boards/<board>/usb_examples/ usb_pd_alt_mode_dp_dock /<bm or freertos>/VIF