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NXP wireless SoCs require a combination of firmware binary image streamed into the radio subsystem, and driver source code compiled onto the application MCU. The radio driver source code provides APIs that enable a developer to send and receive packets over the radio interfaces by communicating with the firmware images that are streamed into the radio subsystems on start-up.

Developer Documentation

This manual provides developer reference documentation for Wi-Fi driver and Wi-Fi Connection Manager. Refer to the source code for additional information.


The File Documentation provides documentation for all the APIs that are available in Wi-Fi driver and connection manager.

Abbreviations and acronyms

Abbreviation Description
ACS auto channel selection
AID association ID
AMPDU aggregate medium access control protocol data unit
AP Access Point
ARP address resolution protocol
BSS basic service set
BSSID basic servivce set ID
BTM BSS transition management
CA Certificate Authority
CCK complementary code keying
CLI command line input
CSI channel state information
CW continuous wave
DH Diffie Hellman
DPP device provisioning protocol
DTIM delivery traffic indication map
EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol
EAP TLS Extensible Authentication Protocol Transport Layer Security
FCS frame check sequence
FTM fine timing measurement
GI guard interval
HE 802.11ax high efficiency
HT 802.11n high throughput
HTC high throughput control
LDPC low density parity check
MBO multi band operation
MEF memory efficient filtering
MFPC Management Frame Protection Capable
MFPR Management frame protection required
NSS N*N MIMO spatial stream
OBSS overlapping basic service set
OCE Optimized connectivity experience
OMI operating mode indication
OWE opportunistic wireless encryption
PBC push button configuration
PEAP Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol
PKEX Public Key Exchange
PMF protected management frame
PMK pairwise master key
PMKSA pairwise master key security association
PS power save
PTA packet traffic arbitration
PWE Password Element
QoS quality of service
RSSI received signal strength indicator
RTS request to send
SAD software antenna diversity
SAE Simultaneous Authentication of Equals
SSID service set ID
STBC space time block code
TBTT target beacon transmission time
TIM Traffic Indication Map
TRPC transient receptor potential canonical
TSF timing synchronization function
TSP thermal safeguard protection
TWT target wake time
UAPSD unscheduled automatic power save delivery
VHT 802.11ac very high throughput
WLCMGR Wi-Fi command manager

File Index

File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:

wlan.h (This file provides Wi-Fi APIs for the application )

Data Structure Documentation

ipv4_config Struct Reference

Data Fields

enum address_types addr_type

unsigned address

unsigned gw

unsigned netmask

unsigned dns1

unsigned dns2

Detailed Description

This data structure represents an IPv4 address

Field Documentation

enum address_types ipv4_config::addr_type

Set to ADDR_TYPE_DHCP to use DHCP to obtain the IP address or set to ADDR_TYPE_STATIC to use a static IP. In case of static IP address ip, gw, netmask and dns members should be specified. When using DHCP, the ip, gw, netmask and dns are overwritten by the values obtained from the DHCP server. They should be zeroed out if not used.

unsigned ipv4_config::address

The system’s IP address in network order.

unsigned ipv4_config::gw

The system’s default gateway in network order.

unsigned ipv4_config::netmask

The system’s subnet mask in network order.

unsigned ipv4_config::dns1

The system’s primary dns server in network order.

unsigned ipv4_config::dns2

The system’s secondary dns server in network order.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


ipv6_config Struct Reference

Data Fields

unsigned address [4]

unsigned char addr_type

unsigned char addr_state

Detailed Description

This data structure represents an IPv6 address

Field Documentation

unsigned ipv6_config::address[4]

The system’s IPv6 address in network order.

unsigned char ipv6_config::addr_type

The address type: linklocal, site-local or global.

unsigned char ipv6_config::addr_state

The state of IPv6 address (Tentative, Preferred, etc.).

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


rx_pkt_he_rate_info Struct Reference

Data Fields

t_u32 hemcs_rxcnt [12]

t_u32 hestbcrate_rxcnt [12]

Detailed Description

Sum of RX packets for HE (802.11ax high efficiency) rate.

Field Documentation

t_u32 rx_pkt_he_rate_info::hemcs_rxcnt[12]

Sum of RX packets for HE rate. The array index represents MSC0~MCS11, the following array indexes have the same effect.

t_u32 rx_pkt_he_rate_info::hestbcrate_rxcnt[12]

Sum of RX STBC (space time block code) packets for HE rate.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


rx_pkt_ht_rate_info Struct Reference

Data Fields

t_u32 htmcs_rxcnt [16]

t_u32 htsgi_rxcnt [16]

t_u32 htstbcrate_rxcnt [16]

Detailed Description

Sum of RX packets for HT (802.11n high throughput) rate.

Field Documentation

t_u32 rx_pkt_ht_rate_info::htmcs_rxcnt[16]

Sum of RX packets for HT rate. The array index represents MSC0~MCS15, the following array indexes have the same effect.

t_u32 rx_pkt_ht_rate_info::htsgi_rxcnt[16]

Sum of TX short GI (guard interval) packets for HT rate.

t_u32 rx_pkt_ht_rate_info::htstbcrate_rxcnt[16]

Sum of TX STBC (space time block code) packets for HT rate.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


rx_pkt_rate_info Struct Reference

Data Fields

t_u32 nss_rxcnt [2]

t_u32 nsts_rxcnt

t_u32 bandwidth_rxcnt [3]

t_u32 preamble_rxcnt [6]

t_u32 ldpc_txbfcnt [2]

t_s32 rssi_value [2]

t_s32 rssi_chain0 [4]

t_s32 rssi_chain1 [4]

Detailed Description

Sum of RX packets.

Field Documentation

t_u32 rx_pkt_rate_info::nss_rxcnt[2]

Sum of RX NSS (N*N MIMO spatial stream) packets. nss_txcnt[0] is for NSS 1, nss_txcnt[1] is for NSS 2.

t_u32 rx_pkt_rate_info::nsts_rxcnt

Sum of received packets for all STBC rates.

t_u32 rx_pkt_rate_info::bandwidth_rxcnt[3]

Sum of received packets for three bandwidth types. bandwidth_rxcnt[0] is for 20MHz, bandwidth_rxcnt[1] is for 40MHz, bandwidth_rxcnt[2] is for 80MHz.

t_u32 rx_pkt_rate_info::preamble_rxcnt[6]

Sum of received packets for four preamble format types. preamble_txcnt[0] is for preamble format 0, preamble_txcnt[1] is for preamble format 1, preamble_txcnt[2] is for preamble format 2, preamble_txcnt[3] is for preamble format 3, preamble_txcnt[4] and preamble_txcnt[5] are as reserved.

t_u32 rx_pkt_rate_info::ldpc_txbfcnt[2]

Sum of packets for TX LDPC packets.

t_s32 rx_pkt_rate_info::rssi_value[2]

Average RSSI

t_s32 rx_pkt_rate_info::rssi_chain0[4]

RSSI value of path A

t_s32 rx_pkt_rate_info::rssi_chain1[4]

RSSI value of path B

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


rx_pkt_vht_rate_info Struct Reference

Data Fields

t_u32 vhtmcs_rxcnt [10]

t_u32 vhtsgi_rxcnt [10]

t_u32 vhtstbcrate_rxcnt [10]

Detailed Description

Sum of RX packets for VHT (802.11ac very high throughput) rate.

Field Documentation

t_u32 rx_pkt_vht_rate_info::vhtmcs_rxcnt[10]

Sum of RX packets for VHT rate. The array index represents MSC0~MCS9, the following array indexes have the same effect.

t_u32 rx_pkt_vht_rate_info::vhtsgi_rxcnt[10]

Sum of RX short GI (guard interval) packets for VHT rate.

t_u32 rx_pkt_vht_rate_info::vhtstbcrate_rxcnt[10]

Sum of RX STBC (space time block code) packets for VHT rate.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


tx_ampdu_prot_mode_para Struct Reference

Data Fields

int mode

Detailed Description

Set protection mode for the transmit AMPDU packet

Field Documentation

int tx_ampdu_prot_mode_para::mode

mode, 0: set RTS/CTS mode, 1: set CTS to self mode, 2: disable protection mode, 3: set dynamic RTS/CTS mode.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


tx_pkt_he_rate_info Struct Reference

Data Fields

t_u32 hemcs_txcnt [12]

t_u32 hestbcrate_txcnt [12]

Detailed Description

Sum of TX packets for HE (802.11ax high efficiency) rate.

Field Documentation

t_u32 tx_pkt_he_rate_info::hemcs_txcnt[12]

Sum of TX packets for HE rate. The array index represents MSC0~MCS11, the following array indexes have the same effect.

t_u32 tx_pkt_he_rate_info::hestbcrate_txcnt[12]

Sum of TX STBC (space time block code) packets for HE rate.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


tx_pkt_ht_rate_info Struct Reference

Data Fields

t_u32 htmcs_txcnt [16]

t_u32 htsgi_txcnt [16]

t_u32 htstbcrate_txcnt [16]

Detailed Description

Sum of TX packets for HT (802.11n high throughput) rate.

Field Documentation

t_u32 tx_pkt_ht_rate_info::htmcs_txcnt[16]

Sum of TX packets for HT rate. The array index represents MSC0~MCS15, the following array indexes have the same effect.

t_u32 tx_pkt_ht_rate_info::htsgi_txcnt[16]

Sum of TX short GI (guard interval) packets for HT rate.

t_u32 tx_pkt_ht_rate_info::htstbcrate_txcnt[16]

Sum of TX STBC (space time block code) packets for HT rate.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


tx_pkt_rate_info Struct Reference

Data Fields

t_u32 nss_txcnt [2]

t_u32 bandwidth_txcnt [3]

t_u32 preamble_txcnt [4]

t_u32 ldpc_txcnt

t_u32 rts_txcnt

t_s32 ack_RSSI

Detailed Description

Sum of TX packets.

Field Documentation

t_u32 tx_pkt_rate_info::nss_txcnt[2]

Sum of TX NSS (N*N MIMO spatial stream) packets. nss_txcnt[0] is for NSS 1, nss_txcnt[1] is for NSS 2.

t_u32 tx_pkt_rate_info::bandwidth_txcnt[3]

Sum of TX packets for three bandwidths. bandwidth_txcnt[0] is for 20MHz, bandwidth_txcnt[1] is for 40MHz, bandwidth_txcnt[2] is for 80MHz.

t_u32 tx_pkt_rate_info::preamble_txcnt[4]

Sum of RX packets for four preamble format types. preamble_txcnt[0] is for preamble format 0, preamble_txcnt[1] is for preamble format 1, preamble_txcnt[2] is for preamble format 2, preamble_txcnt[3] is for preamble format 3,

t_u32 tx_pkt_rate_info::ldpc_txcnt

Sum of TX LDPC (low density parity check) packets.

t_u32 tx_pkt_rate_info::rts_txcnt

Sum of TX RTS (request to send) packets

t_s32 tx_pkt_rate_info::ack_RSSI

RSSI of ACK packet

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


tx_pkt_vht_rate_info Struct Reference

Data Fields

t_u32 vhtmcs_txcnt [10]

t_u32 vhtsgi_txcnt [10]

t_u32 vhtstbcrate_txcnt [10]

Detailed Description

Sum of TX packets for VHT (802.11ac very high throughput) rate.

Field Documentation

t_u32 tx_pkt_vht_rate_info::vhtmcs_txcnt[10]

Sum of TX packets for VHT rate. The array index represents MSC0~MCS9, the following array indexes have the same effect.

t_u32 tx_pkt_vht_rate_info::vhtsgi_txcnt[10]

Sum of TX short GI packets for HT mode.

t_u32 tx_pkt_vht_rate_info::vhtstbcrate_txcnt[10]

Sum of TX STBC (space time block code) packets for VHT mode.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


wifi_scan_params_t Struct Reference

Data Fields

uint8_t * bssid

char * ssid

int channel [MAX_CHANNEL_LIST]

IEEEtypes_Bss_t bss_type

int scan_duration

int split_scan_delay

Detailed Description

This structure is used to configure Wi-Fi scan parameters

Field Documentation

uint8_t* wifi_scan_params_t::bssid

BSSID (basic service set ID)

char* wifi_scan_params_t::ssid

SSID (service set ID)

int wifi_scan_params_t::channel[MAX_CHANNEL_LIST]

Channel list

IEEEtypes_Bss_t wifi_scan_params_t::bss_type

BSS (basic service set) type. 1: Infrastructure BSS, 2: Indenpent BSS.

int wifi_scan_params_t::scan_duration

Time for scan duration

int wifi_scan_params_t::split_scan_delay

split scan delay

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


wlan_cipher Struct Reference

Data Fields

uint16_t none: 1

uint16_t wep40: 1

uint16_t wep104: 1

uint16_t tkip: 1

uint16_t ccmp: 1

uint16_t aes_128_cmac: 1

uint16_t gcmp: 1

uint16_t sms4: 1

uint16_t gcmp_256: 1

uint16_t ccmp_256: 1

uint16_t rsvd: 1

uint16_t bip_gmac_128: 1

uint16_t bip_gmac_256: 1

uint16_t bip_cmac_256: 1

uint16_t gtk_not_used: 1

uint16_t rsvd2: 2

Detailed Description

Wi-Fi cipher structure

Field Documentation

uint16_t wlan_cipher::none

1 bit value can be set for none

uint16_t wlan_cipher::wep40

1 bit value can be set for wep40

uint16_t wlan_cipher::wep104

1 bit value can be set for wep104

uint16_t wlan_cipher::tkip

1 bit value can be set for tkip

uint16_t wlan_cipher::ccmp

1 bit value can be set for ccmp

uint16_t wlan_cipher::aes_128_cmac

1 bit value can be set for aes 128 cmac

uint16_t wlan_cipher::gcmp

1 bit value can be set for gcmp

uint16_t wlan_cipher::sms4

1 bit value can be set for sms4

uint16_t wlan_cipher::gcmp_256

1 bit value can be set for gcmp 256

uint16_t wlan_cipher::ccmp_256

1 bit value can be set for ccmp 256

uint16_t wlan_cipher::rsvd

1 bit is reserved

uint16_t wlan_cipher::bip_gmac_128

1 bit value can be set for bip gmac 128

uint16_t wlan_cipher::bip_gmac_256

1 bit value can be set for bip gmac 256

uint16_t wlan_cipher::bip_cmac_256

1 bit value can be set for bip cmac 256

uint16_t wlan_cipher::gtk_not_used

1 bit value can be set for gtk not used

uint16_t wlan_cipher::rsvd2

4 bits are reserved

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


wlan_ieeeps_config Struct Reference

Data Fields

t_u32 ps_null_interval

t_u32 multiple_dtim_interval

t_u32 listen_interval

t_u32 adhoc_awake_period

t_u32 bcn_miss_timeout

t_s32 delay_to_ps

t_u32 ps_mode

Detailed Description

This structure is for IEEE PS (power save) configuration

Field Documentation

t_u32 wlan_ieeeps_config::ps_null_interval

The interval that STA sends null packet

t_u32 wlan_ieeeps_config::multiple_dtim_interval

The count of listen interval

t_u32 wlan_ieeeps_config::listen_interval

Periodic interval that STA listens to AP beacons

t_u32 wlan_ieeeps_config::adhoc_awake_period

Periodic awake period for adhoc networks

t_u32 wlan_ieeeps_config::bcn_miss_timeout

Beacon miss timeout in milliseconds

t_s32 wlan_ieeeps_config::delay_to_ps

The delay of enabling IEEE-PS in milliseconds

t_u32 wlan_ieeeps_config::ps_mode

PS mode, 1: PS-auto mode, 2: PS-poll mode, 3: PS-null mode.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


wlan_ip_config Struct Reference

Data Fields

struct ipv6_config ipv6 [CONFIG_MAX_IPV6_ADDRESSES]

size_t ipv6_count

struct ipv4_config ipv4

Detailed Description

Network IP configuration.

This data structure represents the network IP configuration for IPv4 as well as IPv6 addresses

Field Documentation

struct ipv6_config wlan_ip_config::ipv6[CONFIG_MAX_IPV6_ADDRESSES]

The network IPv6 address configuration that should be associated with this interface.

size_t wlan_ip_config::ipv6_count

The network IPv6 valid addresses count

struct ipv4_config wlan_ip_config::ipv4

The network IPv4 address configuration that should be associated with this interface.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


wlan_network Struct Reference

Data Fields

int id

int wps_network


char ssid [IEEEtypes_SSID_SIZE+1]

char bssid [IEEEtypes_ADDRESS_SIZE]

unsigned int channel

uint8_t sec_channel_offset

uint16_t acs_band

int rssi

short rssi_threshold

unsigned short ht_capab

unsigned int vht_capab

unsigned char vht_oper_chwidth

unsigned char he_oper_chwidth

enum wlan_bss_type type

enum wlan_bss_role role

struct wlan_network_security security

struct wlan_ip_config ip

unsigned ssid_specific: 1

unsigned trans_ssid_specific: 1

unsigned bssid_specific: 1

unsigned channel_specific: 1

unsigned security_specific: 1

unsigned dot11n: 1

unsigned dot11ac: 1

unsigned dot11ax: 1

uint16_t mdid

unsigned ft_1x: 1

unsigned ft_psk: 1

unsigned ft_sae: 1

unsigned int owe_trans_mode

char trans_ssid [IEEEtypes_SSID_SIZE+1]

unsigned int trans_ssid_len

uint16_t beacon_period

uint8_t dtim_period

uint8_t wlan_capa

uint8_t btm_mode

bool bss_transition_supported

bool neighbor_report_supported

Detailed Description

Wi-Fi network profile

This data structure represents a Wi-Fi network profile. It consists of an arbitrary name, Wi-Fi configuration, and IP address configuration.

Every network profile is associated with one of the two interfaces. The network profile can be used for the station interface (i.e. to connect to an Access Point) by setting the role field to WLAN_BSS_ROLE_STA. The network profile can be used for the uAP interface (i.e. to start a network of our own.) by setting the mode field to WLAN_BSS_ROLE_UAP.

If the mode field is WLAN_BSS_ROLE_STA, either of the SSID or BSSID fields are used to identify the network, while the other members like channel and security settings characterize the network.

If the mode field is WLAN_BSS_ROLE_UAP, the SSID, channel and security fields are used to define the network to be started.

In both the above cases, the address field is used to determine the type of address assignment to be used for this interface.

Field Documentation

int wlan_network::id

Identifier for network profile

int wlan_network::wps_network

WPS network flag.

char wlan_network::name[WLAN_NETWORK_NAME_MAX_LENGTH+1]

The name of this network profile. Each network profile that is added to the Wi-Fi connection manager should have a unique name.

char wlan_network::ssid[IEEEtypes_SSID_SIZE+1]

The network SSID, represented as a C string of up to 32 characters in length. If this profile is used in the uAP mode, this field is used as the SSID of the network. If this profile is used in the station mode, this field is used to identify the network. Set the first byte of the SSID to NULL (a 0-length string) to use only the BSSID to find the network.

char wlan_network::bssid[IEEEtypes_ADDRESS_SIZE]

The network BSSID, represented as a 6-byte array. If this profile is used in the uAP mode, this field is ignored. If this profile is used in the station mode, this field is used to identify the network. Set all 6 bytes to 0 to use any BSSID, in which case only the SSID is used to find the network.

unsigned int wlan_network::channel

The channel for this network.

If this profile is used in uAP mode, this field specifies the channel to start the uAP interface on. Set this to 0 for auto channel selection.

If this profile is used in the station mode, this constrains the channel on which the network to connect should be present. Set this to 0 to allow the network to be found on any channel.

uint8_t wlan_network::sec_channel_offset

The secondary channel offset

uint16_t wlan_network::acs_band

The ACS (auto channel selection) band if set channel to 0.

int wlan_network::rssi

RSSI (received signal strength indicator) value.

short wlan_network::rssi_threshold

Specify RSSI threshold (dBm) for scan

unsigned short wlan_network::ht_capab

HT capabilities info field within HT capabilities information element

unsigned int wlan_network::vht_capab

VHT capabilities info field within VHT capabilities information element

unsigned char wlan_network::vht_oper_chwidth

VHT bandwidth

unsigned char wlan_network::he_oper_chwidth

HE bandwidth

enum wlan_bss_type wlan_network::type

BSS type

enum wlan_bss_role wlan_network::role

The network Wi-Fi mode enum wlan_bss_role. Set this to specify what type of Wi-Fi network mode to use. This can either be WLAN_BSS_ROLE_STA for use in the station mode, or it can be WLAN_BSS_ROLE_UAP for use in the uAP mode.

struct wlan_network_security wlan_network::security

The network security configuration specified by struct wlan_network_security for the network.

struct wlan_ip_config wlan_network::ip

The network IP address configuration specified by struct wlan_ip_config that should be associated with this interface.

unsigned wlan_network::ssid_specific

If set to 1, the ssid field contains the specific SSID for this network. the Wi-Fi connection manager can only connect to networks with matching SSID matches. If set to 0, the ssid field contents are not used when deciding whether to connect to a network or not. The BSSID field is used instead and any network with matching BSSID matches is accepted.

This field can be set to 1 if the network is added with the SSID specified (not an empty string), otherwise it is set to 0.

unsigned wlan_network::trans_ssid_specific

If set to 1, the ssid field contains the transitional SSID for this network.

unsigned wlan_network::bssid_specific

If set to 1, the bssid field contains the specific BSSID for this network. The Wi-Fi connection manager cannot connect to any other network with the same SSID unless the BSSID matches. If set to 0, the Wi-Fi connection manager can connect to any network whose SSID matches.

This field set to 1 if the network is added with the BSSID specified (not set to all zeroes), otherwise it is set to 0.

unsigned wlan_network::channel_specific

If set to 1, the channel field contains the specific channel for this network. The Wi-Fi connection manager cannot look for this network on any other channel. If set to 0, the Wi-Fi connection manager can look for this network on any available channel.

This field is set to 1 if the network is added with the channel specified (not set to 0), otherwise it is set to 0.

unsigned wlan_network::security_specific

If set to 0, any security that matches is used. This field is internally set when the security type parameter above is set to WLAN_SECURITY_WILDCARD.

unsigned wlan_network::dot11n

The network supports 802.11N.

unsigned wlan_network::dot11ac

The network supports 802.11AC.

unsigned wlan_network::dot11ax

The network supports 802.11AX.

uint16_t wlan_network::mdid

Mobility Domain ID

unsigned wlan_network::ft_1x

The network uses FT 802.1x security

unsigned wlan_network::ft_psk

The network uses FT PSK security

unsigned wlan_network::ft_sae

The network uses FT SAE security

unsigned int wlan_network::owe_trans_mode

OWE (opportunistic wireless encryption) Transition mode

char wlan_network::trans_ssid[IEEEtypes_SSID_SIZE+1]

The network transitional SSID, represented as a C string of up to 32 characters in length.

unsigned int wlan_network::trans_ssid_len

Transitional SSID length

uint16_t wlan_network::beacon_period

Beacon period of associated BSS

uint8_t wlan_network::dtim_period

DTIM period of associated BSS

uint8_t wlan_network::wlan_capa

Wi-Fi capabilities of the uAP network 802.11n, 802.11ac or/and 802.11ax

uint8_t wlan_network::btm_mode

BTM mode

bool wlan_network::bss_transition_supported

BSS transition support

bool wlan_network::neighbor_report_supported

Neighbor report support

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


wlan_network_security Struct Reference

Data Fields

enum wlan_security_type type

int key_mgmt

struct wlan_cipher mcstCipher

struct wlan_cipher ucstCipher

unsigned pkc: 1

int group_cipher

int pairwise_cipher

int group_mgmt_cipher

bool is_pmf_required


uint8_t psk_len

char password [WLAN_PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH+1]

size_t password_len

char * sae_groups

uint8_t pwe_derivation

uint8_t transition_disable

char * owe_groups

char pmk [WLAN_PMK_LENGTH]

bool pmk_valid

int8_t mfpc

int8_t mfpr

unsigned wpa3_sb: 1

unsigned wpa3_sb_192: 1

unsigned eap_ver: 1

unsigned peap_label: 1

uint8_t eap_crypto_binding

unsigned eap_result_ind: 1

unsigned char tls_cipher

char identity [IDENTITY_MAX_LENGTH]

char anonymous_identity [IDENTITY_MAX_LENGTH]

char eap_password [PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH]

bool verify_peer

unsigned char * ca_cert_data

size_t ca_cert_len

unsigned char * client_cert_data

size_t client_cert_len

unsigned char * client_key_data

size_t client_key_len

char client_key_passwd [PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH]

char ca_cert_hash [HASH_MAX_LENGTH]

char domain_match [DOMAIN_MATCH_MAX_LENGTH]

char domain_suffix_match [DOMAIN_MATCH_MAX_LENGTH]

unsigned char * ca_cert2_data

size_t ca_cert2_len

unsigned char * client_cert2_data

size_t client_cert2_len

unsigned char * client_key2_data

size_t client_key2_len

char client_key2_passwd [PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH]

unsigned char * dpp_connector

unsigned char * dpp_c_sign_key

unsigned char * dpp_net_access_key

Detailed Description

Network security configuration

Field Documentation

enum wlan_security_type wlan_network_security::type

Type of network security to use. Specified by enum wlan_security_type.

int wlan_network_security::key_mgmt

Key management type

struct wlan_cipher wlan_network_security::mcstCipher

Type of network security Group Cipher suite

struct wlan_cipher wlan_network_security::ucstCipher

Type of network security Pairwise Cipher suite

unsigned wlan_network_security::pkc

Proactive key caching

int wlan_network_security::group_cipher

Type of network security Group Cipher suite

int wlan_network_security::pairwise_cipher

Type of network security Pairwise Cipher suite

int wlan_network_security::group_mgmt_cipher

Type of network security Pairwise Cipher suite

bool wlan_network_security::is_pmf_required

Is PMF (protected management frame) required

char wlan_network_security::psk[WLAN_PSK_MAX_LENGTH]

Pre-shared key (network password). For WEP networks this is a hex byte sequence of length psk_len, for WPA and WPA2 networks this is an ASCII pass-phrase of length psk_len. This field is ignored for networks with no security.

uint8_t wlan_network_security::psk_len

Length of the WEP key or WPA/WPA2 pass phrase, WLAN_PSK_MIN_LENGTH to WLAN_PSK_MAX_LENGTH. Ignored for networks with no security.

char wlan_network_security::password[WLAN_PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH+1]

WPA3 SAE password, for WPA3 SAE networks this is an ASCII password of length password_len. This field is ignored for networks with no security.

size_t wlan_network_security::password_len

Length of the WPA3 SAE Password, WLAN_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH to WLAN_PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH. Ignored for networks with no security.

char* wlan_network_security::sae_groups

Preference list of enabled groups for SAE. By default (if this parameter is not set), the mandatory group 19 (ECC group defined over a 256-bit prime order field) is preferred, but other groups are also enabled. If this parameter is set, the groups is tried in the indicated order.

uint8_t wlan_network_security::pwe_derivation

SAE (Simultaneous Authentication of Equals) mechanism for PWE (Password Element) derivation

uint8_t wlan_network_security::transition_disable

Transition Disable indication

char* wlan_network_security::owe_groups

OWE Groups

char wlan_network_security::pmk[WLAN_PMK_LENGTH]

PMK (pairwise master key). When pmk_valid is set, this is the PMK calculated from the PSK for WPA/PSK networks. If pmk_valid is not set, this field is ignored. When adding networks with wlan_add_network, users can initialize PMK and set pmk_valid in lieu of setting the psk. After successfully connecting to a WPA/PSK network, users can call wlan_get_current_network to inspect pmk_valid and pmk. Thus, the pmk value can be populated in subsequent calls to wlan_add_network. This saves the CPU time required to otherwise calculate the PMK.

bool wlan_network_security::pmk_valid

Flag reporting whether PMK is valid or not.

int8_t wlan_network_security::mfpc

Management frame protection capable (MFPC)

int8_t wlan_network_security::mfpr

Management frame protection required (MFPR)

unsigned wlan_network_security::wpa3_sb

WPA3 Enterprise mode

unsigned wlan_network_security::wpa3_sb_192

WPA3 Enterprise Suite B 192 mode

unsigned wlan_network_security::eap_ver

EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol) version

unsigned wlan_network_security::peap_label

PEAP (Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol) label

uint8_t wlan_network_security::eap_crypto_binding

crypto_binding option can be used to control WLAN_SECURITY_EAP_PEAP_MSCHAPV2, WLAN_SECURITY_EAP_PEAP_TLS and WLAN_SECURITY_EAP_PEAP_GTC version 0 cryptobinding behavior: 0 = do not use cryptobinding (default) 1 = use cryptobinding if server supports it 2 = require cryptobinding

unsigned wlan_network_security::eap_result_ind

eap_result_ind=1 can be used to enable WLAN_SECURITY_EAP_SIM, WLAN_SECURITY_EAP_AKA and WLAN_SECURITY_EAP_AKA_PRIME to use protected result indication.

unsigned char wlan_network_security::tls_cipher

Cipher for EAP TLS (Extensible Authentication Protocol Transport Layer Security)

char wlan_network_security::identity[IDENTITY_MAX_LENGTH]

Identity string for EAP

char wlan_network_security::anonymous_identity[IDENTITY_MAX_LENGTH]

Anonymous identity string for EAP

char wlan_network_security::eap_password[PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH]

Password string for EAP.

bool wlan_network_security::verify_peer

whether verify peer with CA or not 0: not verify, 1: verify.

unsigned char* wlan_network_security::ca_cert_data

CA (Certificate Authority) certification blob (Binary Large Object) in PEM (Base64 ASCII)/DER (binary) format

size_t wlan_network_security::ca_cert_len

CA (Certificate Authority) certification blob (Binary Large Object) length

unsigned char* wlan_network_security::client_cert_data

Client certification blob (Binary Large Object) in PEM (Base64 ASCII)/DER (binary) format

size_t wlan_network_security::client_cert_len

Client certification blob (Binary Large Object) length

unsigned char* wlan_network_security::client_key_data

Client key blob (Binary Large Object)

size_t wlan_network_security::client_key_len

Client key blob (Binary Large Object) length

char wlan_network_security::client_key_passwd[PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH]

Client key password

char wlan_network_security::ca_cert_hash[HASH_MAX_LENGTH]

CA certification HASH

char wlan_network_security::domain_match[DOMAIN_MATCH_MAX_LENGTH]


char wlan_network_security::domain_suffix_match[DOMAIN_MATCH_MAX_LENGTH]

Domain Suffix

unsigned char* wlan_network_security::ca_cert2_data

CA (Certificate Authority) certification blob (Binary Large Object) in PEM (Base64 ASCII)/DER (binary) format for phase two

size_t wlan_network_security::ca_cert2_len

CA (Certificate Authority) certification blob (Binary Large Object) length for phase two

unsigned char* wlan_network_security::client_cert2_data

Client certification blob (Binary Large Object) in PEM (Base64 ASCII)/DER (binary) format for phase two

size_t wlan_network_security::client_cert2_len

Client certification blob (Binary Large Object) length for phase two

unsigned char* wlan_network_security::client_key2_data

Client key blob (Binary Large Object) for phase two

size_t wlan_network_security::client_key2_len

Client key blob (Binary Large Object) length for phase two

char wlan_network_security::client_key2_passwd[PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH]

Client key password for phase two

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


wlan_scan_result Struct Reference

Data Fields


unsigned int ssid_len

char bssid [IEEEtypes_ADDRESS_SIZE]

unsigned int channel

enum wlan_bss_type type

enum wlan_bss_role role

unsigned dot11n: 1

unsigned dot11ac: 1

unsigned dot11ax: 1

unsigned wmm: 1

unsigned wps: 1

unsigned int wps_session

unsigned wep: 1

unsigned wpa: 1

unsigned wpa2: 1

unsigned wpa2_sha256: 1

unsigned owe: 1

unsigned wpa3_sae: 1

unsigned wpa2_entp: 1

unsigned wpa2_entp_sha256: 1

unsigned wpa3_1x_sha256: 1

unsigned wpa3_1x_sha384: 1

unsigned ft_1x: 1

unsigned ft_1x_sha384: 1

unsigned ft_psk: 1

unsigned ft_sae: 1

unsigned char rssi

char trans_ssid [WLAN_NETWORK_NAME_MAX_LENGTH+1]

unsigned int trans_ssid_len

char trans_bssid [IEEEtypes_ADDRESS_SIZE]

uint16_t beacon_period

uint8_t dtim_period

t_u8 ap_mfpc

t_u8 ap_mfpr

t_u8 ap_pwe

bool neighbor_report_supported

bool bss_transition_supported

Detailed Description

Scan result

Field Documentation

char wlan_scan_result::ssid[WLAN_NETWORK_NAME_MAX_LENGTH+1]

The network SSID, represented as a NULL-terminated C string of 0 to 32 characters. If the network has a hidden SSID, this can be the empty string.

unsigned int wlan_scan_result::ssid_len

SSID length

char wlan_scan_result::bssid[IEEEtypes_ADDRESS_SIZE]

The network BSSID, represented as a 6-byte array.

unsigned int wlan_scan_result::channel

The network channel.

enum wlan_bss_type wlan_scan_result::type

The Wi-Fi network type.

enum wlan_bss_role wlan_scan_result::role

The Wi-Fi network mode.

unsigned wlan_scan_result::dot11n

The network supports 802.11N. This is set to 0 if the network does not support 802.11N or if the system does not have 802.11N support enabled.

unsigned wlan_scan_result::dot11ac

The network supports 802.11AC. This is set to 0 if the network does not support 802.11AC or if the system does not have 802.11AC support enabled.

unsigned wlan_scan_result::dot11ax

The network supports 802.11AX. This is set to 0 if the network does not support 802.11AX or if the system does not have 802.11AX support enabled.

unsigned wlan_scan_result::wmm

The network supports WMM. This is set to 0 if the network does not support WMM or if the system does not have WMM support enabled.

unsigned wlan_scan_result::wps

The network supports WPS. This is set to 0 if the network does not support WPS or if the system does not have WPS support enabled.

unsigned int wlan_scan_result::wps_session


unsigned wlan_scan_result::wep

The network uses WEP security.

unsigned wlan_scan_result::wpa

The network uses WPA security.

unsigned wlan_scan_result::wpa2

The network uses WPA2 security

unsigned wlan_scan_result::wpa2_sha256

The network uses WPA2 SHA256 security

unsigned wlan_scan_result::owe

The network uses OWE security

unsigned wlan_scan_result::wpa3_sae

The network uses WPA3 SAE security

unsigned wlan_scan_result::wpa2_entp

The network uses WPA2 Enterprise security

unsigned wlan_scan_result::wpa2_entp_sha256

The network uses WPA2 Enterprise SHA256 security

unsigned wlan_scan_result::wpa3_1x_sha256

The network uses WPA3 Enterprise SHA256 security

unsigned wlan_scan_result::wpa3_1x_sha384

The network uses WPA3 Enterprise SHA384 security

unsigned wlan_scan_result::ft_1x

The network uses FT 802.1x security

unsigned wlan_scan_result::ft_1x_sha384

The network uses FT 892.1x SHA384 security

unsigned wlan_scan_result::ft_psk

The network uses FT PSK security

unsigned wlan_scan_result::ft_sae

The network uses FT SAE security

unsigned char wlan_scan_result::rssi

The signal strength of the beacon

char wlan_scan_result::trans_ssid[WLAN_NETWORK_NAME_MAX_LENGTH+1]

The network SSID, represented as a NULL-terminated C string of 0 to 32 characters. If the network has a hidden SSID, this should be the empty string.

unsigned int wlan_scan_result::trans_ssid_len

SSID length

char wlan_scan_result::trans_bssid[IEEEtypes_ADDRESS_SIZE]

The network BSSID, represented as a 6-byte array.

uint16_t wlan_scan_result::beacon_period

Beacon period

uint8_t wlan_scan_result::dtim_period

DTIM (delivery traffic indication map) period

t_u8 wlan_scan_result::ap_mfpc

MFPC (Management Frame Protection Capable) bit of AP (Access Point)

t_u8 wlan_scan_result::ap_mfpr

MFPR (Management Frame Protection Required) bit of AP (Access Point)

t_u8 wlan_scan_result::ap_pwe

PWE (Password Element) bit of AP (Access Point)

bool wlan_scan_result::neighbor_report_supported

Neighbor report support

bool wlan_scan_result::bss_transition_supported

bss transition support

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


File Documentation

wlan.h File Reference

This file provides Wi-Fi APIs for the application.

Function Documentation

int verify_scan_duration_value (int scan_duration)

Check whether the scan duration is valid or not.

in scan_duration scan duration time

0 if the time is valid, else return -1.

int verify_scan_channel_value (int channel)

Check whether the scan channel is valid or not.

in channel the scan channel

0 if the channel is valid, else return -1.

int verify_split_scan_delay (int delay)

Check whether the scan delay time is valid or not.

in delay the scan delay time.

0 if the time is valid, else return -1.

int set_scan_params (struct wifi_scan_params_t * wifi_scan_params)

Set the scan parameters.

in wifi_scan_params Wi-Fi scan parameter structure pointer.

0 if Wi-Fi scan parameters are set successfully, else return -1.

int get_scan_params (struct wifi_scan_params_t * wifi_scan_params)

Get the scan parameters.

out wifi_scan_params Wi-Fi scan parameter structure pointer.


int wlan_get_current_rssi (short * rssi)

Get the current RSSI value.

out rssi pointer to get the current RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator)


int wlan_get_current_nf (void )

Get the current noise floor.


The noise floor value

int wlan_init (const uint8_t * fw_start_addr, const size_t size)

Initialize the Wi-Fi driver and create the Wi-Fi driver thread.

in fw_start_addr Start address of the Wi-Fi firmware.
in size Size of the Wi-Fi firmware.

WM_SUCCESS if the Wi-Fi connection manager service has initialized successfully.

Negative value if initialization failed.

int wlan_start (int(*)(enum wlan_event_reason reason, void *data) cb)

Start the Wi-Fi connection manager service.

This function starts the Wi-Fi connection manager.


The status of the Wi-Fi connection manager is notified asynchronously through the callback, cb , with a WLAN_REASON_INITIALIZED event (if initialization succeeded) or WLAN_REASON_INITIALIZATION_FAILED (if initialization failed). If the Wi-Fi connection manager fails to initialize, the caller should stop Wi-Fi connection manager via wlan_stop() and try wlan_start() again.

in cb A pointer to a callback function that handles Wi-Fi events. All further WLCMGR events can be notified in this callback. Refer to enum wlan_event_reason for the various events for which this callback is called.

WM_SUCCESS if the Wi-Fi connection manager service has started successfully.

-WM_E_INVAL if the cb pointer is NULL.

-WM_FAIL if an internal error occurred.

WLAN_ERROR_STATE if the Wi-Fi connection manager is already running.

int wlan_stop (void )

Stop the Wi-Fi connection manager service.

This function stops the Wi-Fi connection manager, causing the station interface to disconnect from the currently connected network and stop the uAP interface.


WM_SUCCESS if the Wi-Fi connection manager service has been stopped successfully.

WLAN_ERROR_STATE if the Wi-Fi connection manager was not running.

void wlan_deinit (int action)

Deinitialize the Wi-Fi driver, send a shutdown command to the Wi-Fi firmware and delete the Wi-Fi driver thread.

in action Additional action to be taken with deinit. Should input 0 here.

int wlan_remove_all_network_profiles (void )

Stop and remove all Wi-Fi network profiles.


WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_E_INVAL.

void wlan_reset (cli_reset_option ResetOption)

Reset the driver.

in ResetOption Option including enable, disable or reset Wi-Fi driver can be chosen.

int wlan_remove_all_networks (void )

Stop and remove all Wi-Fi network (access point).


WM_SUCCESS if successful.

void wlan_destroy_all_tasks (void )

This API destroys all tasks.

int wlan_is_started (void )

Retrieve the status information of if Wi-Fi started.


TRUE if Wi-Fi network is started.

FALSE if not started.

int wlan_set_get_rx_abort_cfg (struct wlan_rx_abort_cfg * cfg, t_u16 action)

Set/Get RX abort configuration to/from firmware.

in,out cfg A pointer to information buffer
in action Command action: get or set

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_set_rx_abort_cfg_ext (const struct wlan_rx_abort_cfg_ext * cfg)

Set the dynamic RX abort configuration to firmware.

in cfg A pointer to information buffer

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_get_rx_abort_cfg_ext (struct wlan_rx_abort_cfg_ext * cfg)

Get the dynamic RX abort configuration from firmware.

out cfg A pointer to information buffer

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_set_get_cck_desense_cfg (struct wlan_cck_desense_cfg * cfg, t_u16 action)

Set/Get CCK (complementary code keying) desense configuration to/from firmware.

in,out cfg A pointer to information buffer
in action get or set.

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

void wlan_initialize_uap_network (struct wlan_network * net)

Initialize the uAP network information.

This API initializes a uAP network with default configurations. The network ssid, passphrase is initialized to NULL. Channel is set to auto. The IP Address of the uAP interface is The network name is set to ‘uap-network’.

out net Pointer to the initialized uAP network

void wlan_initialize_sta_network (struct wlan_network * net)

Initialize the station network information.

This API initializes a station network with default configurations. The network ssid, passphrase is initialized to NULL. Channel is set to auto.

out net Pointer to the initialized station network

int wlan_add_network (struct wlan_network * network)

Add a network profile to the list of known networks.

This function copies the contents of network to the list of known networks in the Wi-Fi connection manager. The network’s ‘name’ field is unique and between WLAN_NETWORK_NAME_MIN_LENGTH and WLAN_NETWORK_NAME_MAX_LENGTH characters. The network must specify at least an SSID or BSSID. the Wi-Fi connection manager can store up to WLAN_MAX_KNOWN_NETWORKS networks.


Profiles for the station interface may be added only when the station interface is in the WLAN_DISCONNECTED or WLAN_CONNECTED state.

This API can be used to add profiles for station or uAP interfaces.

Set mfpc and mfpr to -1 for default configurations.

in network A pointer to the wlan_network that can be copied to the list of known networks in the Wi-Fi connection manager successfully.

WM_SUCCESS if the contents pointed to by network have been added to the Wi-Fi connection manager.

-WM_E_INVAL if network is NULL or the network name is not unique or the network name length is not valid or network security is WLAN_SECURITY_WPA3_SAE but Management Frame Protection Capable is not enabled. in wlan_network_security field. if network security type is WLAN_SECURITY_WPA or WLAN_SECURITY_WPA2 or WLAN_SECURITY_WPA_WPA2_MIXED, but the passphrase length is less than 8 or greater than 63, or the psk length equal to 64 but not hexadecimal digits. if network security type is WLAN_SECURITY_WPA3_SAE, but the password length is less than 8 or greater than 255. if network security type is WLAN_SECURITY_WEP_OPEN or WLAN_SECURITY_WEP_SHARED.

-WM_E_NOMEM if there was no room to add the network.

WLAN_ERROR_STATE if the Wi-Fi connection manager was running and not in the WLAN_DISCONNECTED, WLAN_ASSOCIATED or WLAN_CONNECTED state.

int wlan_remove_network (const char * name)

Remove a network profile from the list of known networks.

This function removes a network (identified by its name) from the WLAN Connection Manager, disconnecting from that network if connected.


This function is asynchronous if it is called while the WLAN Connection Manager is running and connected to the network to be removed. In that case, the Wi-Fi connection manager can disconnect from the network and generate an event with reason WLAN_REASON_USER_DISCONNECT. This function is synchronous otherwise.

This API can be used to remove profiles for station or uAP interfaces. Station network can not be removed if it is in WLAN_CONNECTED state and uAP network can not be removed if it is in WLAN_UAP_STARTED state.

in name A pointer to the string representing the name of the network to remove.

WM_SUCCESS if the network named name was removed from the Wi-Fi connection manager successfully. Otherwise, the network is not removed.

WLAN_ERROR_STATE if the Wi-Fi connection manager was running and the station interface was not in the WLAN_DISCONNECTED state.

-WM_E_INVAL if name is NULL or the network was not found in the list of known networks.

-WM_FAIL if an internal error occurred while trying to disconnect from the network specified for removal.

int wlan_connect (char * name)

Connect to a Wi-Fi network (access point).

When this function is called, Wi-Fi connection manager starts connection attempts to the network specified by name . The connection result can be notified asynchronously to the WLCMGR callback when the connection process has completed.

When connecting to a network, the event refers to the connection attempt to that network.

Calling this function when the station interface is in the WLAN_DISCONNECTED state should, if successful, cause the interface to transition into the WLAN_CONNECTING state. If the connection attempt succeeds, the station interface should transition to the WLAN_CONNECTED state, otherwise it should return to the WLAN_DISCONNECTED state. If this function is called while the station interface is in the WLAN_CONNECTING or WLAN_CONNECTED state, the Wi-Fi connection manager should first cancel its connection attempt or disconnect from the network, respectively, and generate an event with reason WLAN_REASON_USER_DISCONNECT. This should be followed by a second event that reports the result of the new connection attempt.

If the connection attempt was successful the WLCMGR callback is notified with the event WLAN_REASON_SUCCESS, while if the connection attempt fails then either of the events, WLAN_REASON_NETWORK_NOT_FOUND, WLAN_REASON_NETWORK_AUTH_FAILED, WLAN_REASON_CONNECT_FAILED or WLAN_REASON_ADDRESS_FAILED are reported as appropriate.

in name A pointer to a string representing the name of the network to connect to.

WM_SUCCESS if a connection attempt was started successfully

WLAN_ERROR_STATE if the Wi-Fi connection manager was not running.

-WM_E_INVAL if there are no known networks to connect to or the network specified by name is not in the list of known networks or network name is NULL.

-WM_FAIL if an internal error has occurred.

int wlan_connect_opt (char * name, bool skip_dfs)

Connect to a Wi-Fi network (access point) with options.

When this function is called, the Wi-Fi connection manager starts connection attempts to the network specified by name . The connection result should be notified asynchronously to the WLCMGR callback when the connection process has completed.

When connecting to a network, the event refers to the connection attempt to that network.

Calling this function when the station interface is in the WLAN_DISCONNECTED state should, if successful, cause the interface to transition into the WLAN_CONNECTING state. If the connection attempt succeeds, the station interface should transition to the WLAN_CONNECTED state, otherwise it should return to the WLAN_DISCONNECTED state. If this function is called while the station interface is in the WLAN_CONNECTING or WLAN_CONNECTED state, the Wi-Fi connection manager should first cancel its connection attempt or disconnect from the network, respectively, and generate an event with reason WLAN_REASON_USER_DISCONNECT. This should be followed by a second event that reports the result of the new connection attempt.

If the connection attempt was successful the WLCMGR callback is notified with the event WLAN_REASON_SUCCESS, while if the connection attempt fails then either of the events, WLAN_REASON_NETWORK_NOT_FOUND, WLAN_REASON_NETWORK_AUTH_FAILED, WLAN_REASON_CONNECT_FAILED or WLAN_REASON_ADDRESS_FAILED are reported as appropriate.

in name A pointer to a string representing the name of the network to connect to.
in skip_dfs Option to skip DFS channel when doing scan.

WM_SUCCESS if a connection attempt was started successfully

WLAN_ERROR_STATE if the Wi-Fi connection manager was not running.

-WM_E_INVAL if there are no known networks to connect to or the network specified by name is not in the list of known networks or network name is NULL.

-WM_FAIL if an internal error has occurred.

int wlan_reassociate (void )

Reassociate to a Wi-Fi network (access point).

When this function is called, the Wi-Fi connection manager starts reassociation attempts using same SSID as currently connected network . The connection result should be notified asynchronously to the WLCMGR callback when the connection process has completed.

When connecting to a network, the event refers to the connection attempt to that network.

Calling this function when the station interface is in the WLAN_DISCONNECTED state should have no effect.

Calling this function when the station interface is in the WLAN_CONNECTED state should, if successful, cause the interface to reassociate to another network (access point).

If the connection attempt was successful the WLCMGR (Wi-Fi command manager) callback is notified with the event WLAN_REASON_SUCCESS, while if the connection attempt fails then either of the events, WLAN_REASON_NETWORK_AUTH_FAILED, WLAN_REASON_CONNECT_FAILED or WLAN_REASON_ADDRESS_FAILED are reported as appropriate.


WM_SUCCESS if a reassociation attempt was started successfully

WLAN_ERROR_STATE if the Wi-Fi connection manager was not running. or Wi-Fi connection manager was not in WLAN_CONNECTED state.

-WM_E_INVAL if there are no known networks to connect to

-WM_FAIL if an internal error has occurred.

int wlan_disconnect (void )

Disconnect from the current Wi-Fi network (access point).

When this function is called, the Wi-Fi connection manager attempts to disconnect the station interface from its currently connected network (or cancel an in-progress connection attempt) and return to the WLAN_DISCONNECTED state. Calling this function has no effect if the station interface is already disconnected.


This is an asynchronous function and successful disconnection should be notified using the WLAN_REASON_USER_DISCONNECT.


WM_SUCCESS if successful


int wlan_start_network (const char * name)

Start a Wi-Fi network (access point).

When this function is called, the Wi-Fi connection manager starts the network specified by name . The network with the specified name is first added using wlan_add_network and is a uAP network with a valid SSID.


The WLCMGR callback is asynchronously notified of the status. On success, the event WLAN_REASON_UAP_SUCCESS is reported, while on failure, the event WLAN_REASON_UAP_START_FAILED is reported.

in name A pointer to string representing the name of the network to connect to.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

WLAN_ERROR_STATE if in power save state or uAP already running.

-WM_E_INVAL if name was NULL or the network name was not found or it not have a specified SSID.

int wlan_stop_network (const char * name)

Stop a Wi-Fi network (access point).

When this function is called, the Wi-Fi connection manager stops the network specified by name . The specified network is a valid uAP network that has already been started.


The WLCMGR callback is asynchronously notified of the status. On success, the event WLAN_REASON_UAP_STOPPED is reported, while on failure, the event WLAN_REASON_UAP_STOP_FAILED is reported.

in name A pointer to a string representing the name of the network to stop.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

WLAN_ERROR_STATE if uAP is in power save state.

-WM_E_INVAL if name was NULL or the network name was not found or that the network name is not a uAP network or it is a uAP network but does not have a specified SSID.

int wlan_get_mac_address (uint8_t * dest)

Retrieve the Wi-Fi MAC address of the station interface.

This function copies the MAC address of the Wi-Fi station interface to the 6-byte array pointed to by dest . In the event of an error, nothing is copied to dest .

out dest A pointer to a 6-byte array where the MAC address should be copied.

WM_SUCCESS if the MAC address was copied.

-WM_E_INVAL if dest is NULL.

int wlan_get_mac_address_uap (uint8_t * dest)

Retrieve the Wi-Fi MAC address of the uAP interface.

This function copies the MAC address of the Wi-Fi uAP interface to the 6-byte array pointed to by dest . In the event of an error, nothing is copied to dest .

out dest A pointer to a 6-byte array where the MAC address can be copied.

WM_SUCCESS if the MAC address was copied.

-WM_E_INVAL if dest is NULL.

int wlan_get_address (struct wlan_ip_config * addr)

Retrieve the IP address configuration of the station interface.

This function retrieves the IP address configuration of the station interface and copies it to the memory location pointed to by addr .


This function may only be called when the station interface is in the WLAN_CONNECTED state.

out addr A pointer to the wlan_ip_config.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_E_INVAL if addr is NULL.

WLAN_ERROR_STATE if the Wi-Fi connection manager was not running or was not in the WLAN_CONNECTED state.

-WM_FAIL if an internal error occurred when retrieving IP address information from the TCP stack.

int wlan_get_uap_address (struct wlan_ip_config * addr)

Retrieve the IP address of the uAP interface.

This function retrieves the current IP address configuration of the uAP and copies it to the memory location pointed to by addr .


This function may only be called when the uAP interface is in the WLAN_UAP_STARTED state.

out addr A pointer to the wlan_ip_config.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_E_INVAL if addr is NULL.

WLAN_ERROR_STATE if the Wi-Fi connection manager was not running or the uAP interface was not in the WLAN_UAP_STARTED state.

-WM_FAIL if an internal error occurred when retrieving IP address information from the TCP stack.

int wlan_get_uap_channel (int * channel)

Retrieve the channel of the uAP interface.

This function retrieves the channel number of the uAP and copies it to the memory location pointed to by channel .


This function may only be called when the uAP interface is in the WLAN_UAP_STARTED state.

out channel A pointer to variable that stores channel number.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_E_INVAL if channel is NULL.

-WM_FAIL if an internal error has occurred.

int wlan_get_current_network (struct wlan_network * network)

Retrieve the current network configuration of the station interface.

This function retrieves the current network configuration of the station interface when the station interface is in the WLAN_CONNECTED state.

out network A pointer to the wlan_network.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_E_INVAL if network is NULL.

WLAN_ERROR_STATE if the Wi-Fi connection manager was not running or not in the WLAN_CONNECTED state.

int wlan_get_current_network_ssid (char * ssid)

Retrieve the current network ssid of the station interface.

This function retrieves the current network ssid of the station interface when the station interface is in the WLAN_CONNECTED state.

out ssid A pointer to the ssid char string with NULL termination. Maximum length is 32 (not include NULL termination).

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_E_INVAL if ssid is NULL.

WLAN_ERROR_STATE if the Wi-Fi connection manager was not running or not in the WLAN_CONNECTED state.

int wlan_get_current_network_bssid (char * bssid)

Retrieve the current network bssid of the station interface.

This function retrieves the current network bssid of the station interface when the station interface is in the WLAN_CONNECTED state.

out bssid A pointer to the bssid char string without NULL termination.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_E_INVAL if bssid is NULL.

WLAN_ERROR_STATE if the Wi-Fi connection manager was not running or not in the WLAN_CONNECTED state.

int wlan_get_current_uap_network (struct wlan_network * network)

Retrieve the current network configuration of the uAP interface.

This function retrieves the current network configuration of the uAP interface when the uAP interface is in the WLAN_UAP_STARTED state.

out network A pointer to the wlan_network.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_E_INVAL if network is NULL.

WLAN_ERROR_STATE if the Wi-Fi connection manager was not running or not in the WLAN_UAP_STARTED state.

int wlan_get_current_uap_network_ssid (char * ssid)

Retrieve the current network ssid of the uAP interface.

This function retrieves the current network ssid of the uAP interface when the uAP interface is in the WLAN_UAP_STARTED state.

out ssid A pointer to the ssid char string with NULL termination. Maximum length is 32 (not include NULL termination).

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_E_INVAL if ssid is NULL.

WLAN_ERROR_STATE if the Wi-Fi connection manager was not running or not in the WLAN_UAP_STARTED state.

bool is_uap_started (void )

Retrieve the status information of the uAP interface.


TRUE if uAP interface is in WLAN_UAP_STARTED state.

FALSE otherwise.

bool is_sta_associated (void )

Retrieve the status information of the station interface.


TRUE if station interface is in or above the WLAN_ASSOCIATED state.

FALSE otherwise.

bool is_sta_connected (void )

Retrieve the status information of the station interface.


TRUE if station interface is in WLAN_CONNECTED state.

FALSE otherwise.

bool is_sta_ipv4_connected (void )

Retrieve the status information of the ipv4 network of the station interface.


TRUE if ipv4 network of the station interface is in WLAN_CONNECTED state.

FALSE otherwise.

bool is_sta_ipv6_connected (void )

Retrieve the status information of the ipv6 network of the station interface.


TRUE if ipv6 network of the station interface is in WLAN_CONNECTED state.

FALSE otherwise.

int wlan_get_network (unsigned int index, struct wlan_network * network)

Retrieve the information about a known network using index .

This function retrieves the contents of a network at index in the list of known networks maintained by the Wi-Fi connection manager and copies it to the location pointed to by network .


wlan_get_network_count() can be used to retrieve the number of known networks. wlan_get_network() can be used to retrieve information about networks at index 0 to one minus the number of networks.

This function can be called regardless of whether the Wi-Fi connection manager is running or not. Calls to this function are synchronous.

in index The index of the network to retrieve.
out network A pointer to the wlan_network where the network configuration for the network at index can be copied.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_E_INVAL if network is NULL or index is out of range.

int wlan_get_network_byname (char * name, struct wlan_network * network)

Retrieve information about a known network using name .

This function retrieves the contents of a named network in the list of known networks maintained by the Wi-Fi connection manager and copies it to the location pointed to by network .


This function can be called regardless of whether the Wi-Fi Connection Manager is running or not. Calls to this function are synchronous.

in name The name of the network to retrieve.
out network A pointer to the wlan_network where the network configuration for the network having name as name should be copied.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_E_INVAL if network is NULL or name is NULL.

int wlan_get_network_count (unsigned int * count)

Retrieve the number of networks known to the Wi-Fi connection manager.

This function retrieves the number of known networks in the list maintained by the Wi-Fi connection manager and copies it to count .


This function can be called regardless of whether the Wi-Fi Connection Manager is running or not. Calls to this function are synchronous.

out count A pointer to the memory location where the number of networks should be copied.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_E_INVAL if count is NULL.

int wlan_get_connection_state (enum wlan_connection_state * state)

Retrieve the connection state of the station interface.

This function retrieves the connection state of the station interface, which is one of WLAN_DISCONNECTED, WLAN_CONNECTING, WLAN_ASSOCIATED or WLAN_CONNECTED.

out state A pointer to the wlan_connection_state where the current connection state should be copied.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_E_INVAL if state is NULL

WLAN_ERROR_STATE if the Wi-Fi connection manager was not running.

int wlan_get_uap_connection_state (enum wlan_connection_state * state)

Retrieve the connection state of the uAP interface.

This function retrieves the connection state of the uAP interface, which is one of WLAN_UAP_STARTED, or WLAN_UAP_STOPPED.

out state A pointer to the wlan_connection_state where the current connection state should be copied.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_E_INVAL if state is NULL

WLAN_ERROR_STATE if the Wi-Fi connection manager was not running.

int wlan_scan (int(*)(unsigned int count) cb)

Scan for Wi-Fi networks.

When this function is called, the Wi-Fi connection manager starts scan for Wi-Fi networks. On completion of the scan the Wi-Fi connection manager can call the specified callback function cb . The callback function should then retrieve the scan results by using the wlan_get_scan_result() function.


This function may only be called when the station interface is in the WLAN_DISCONNECTED or WLAN_CONNECTED state. scan is disabled in the WLAN_CONNECTING state.

This function should block until it can issue a scan request if called while another scan is in progress.

in cb A pointer to the function that should be called to handle scan results when they are available.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_E_NOMEM if failed to allocated memory for wlan_scan_params_v2_t structure.

-WM_E_INVAL if cb scan result callback function pointer is NULL.

WLAN_ERROR_STATE if the Wi-Fi connection manager was not running or not in the WLAN_DISCONNECTED or WLAN_CONNECTED states.

-WM_FAIL if an internal error has occurred and the system is unable to scan.

int wlan_scan_with_opt (wlan_scan_params_v2_t t_wlan_scan_param)

Scan for Wi-Fi networks using options provided.

When this function is called, the Wi-Fi connection manager starts scanning for Wi-Fi networks. On completion of the scan the Wi-Fi connection manager should call the specified callback function t_wlan_scan_param.cb . The callback function should then retrieve the scan results by using the wlan_get_scan_result() function.


This function may only be called when the station interface is in the WLAN_DISCONNECTED or WLAN_CONNECTED state. scan is disabled in the WLAN_CONNECTING state.

This function can block until it issues a scan request if called while another scan is in progress.

in t_wlan_scan_param A wlan_scan_params_v2_t structure holding a pointer to function that should be called to handle scan results when they are available, SSID of a Wi-Fi network, BSSID of a Wi-Fi network, number of channels with scan type information and number of probes.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_E_NOMEM if failed to allocated memory for wlan_scan_params_v2_t structure.

-WM_E_INVAL if cb scan result callback function pointer is NULL.

WLAN_ERROR_STATE if the Wi-Fi connection manager was not running or not in the WLAN_DISCONNECTED or WLAN_CONNECTED states.

-WM_FAIL if an internal error has occurred and the system is unable to scan.

int wlan_get_scan_result (unsigned int index, struct wlan_scan_result * res)

Retrieve a scan result.

This function can be called to retrieve scan results when the Wi-Fi connection manager has finished scanning. It is called from within the scan result callback (see wlan_scan()) as scan results are valid only in that context. The callback argument ‘count’ provides the number of scan results that can be retrieved and wlan_get_scan_result() can be used to retrieve scan results at index 0 through that number.


This function may only be called in the context of the scan results callback.

Calls to this function are synchronous.

in index The scan result to retrieve.
out res A pointer to the wlan_scan_result where the scan result information should be copied.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_E_INVAL if res is NULL

WLAN_ERROR_STATE if the Wi-Fi connection manager was not running

-WM_FAIL if the scan result at index could not be retrieved (that is, index is out of range).

int wlan_set_ed_mac_mode (wlan_ed_mac_ctrl_t wlan_ed_mac_ctrl)

Configure Energy Detect MAC mode for the station in the Wi-Fi Firmware.


When ED MAC mode is enabled, the Wi-Fi Firmware can behave in the following way:

When the background noise had reached the Energy Detect threshold or above, the Wi-Fi chipset/module should hold the data transmission until the condition is removed. The 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands are configured separately.

in wlan_ed_mac_ctrl Struct with following parameters ed_ctrl_2g 0 - disable EU adaptivity for 2.4GHz band 1 - enable EU adaptivity for 2.4GHz band

ed_offset_2g 0 - Default Energy Detect threshold (Default: 0x9) offset value range: 0x80 to 0x7F


If 5GH enabled then add following parameters

ed_ctrl_5g 0 - disable EU adaptivity for 5GHz band

1 - enable EU adaptivity for 5GHz band

ed_offset_5g 0 - Default Energy Detect threshold(Default: 0xC)

offset value range: 0x80 to 0x7F


WM_SUCCESS if the call was successful.

-WM_FAIL if failed.

int wlan_set_uap_ed_mac_mode (wlan_ed_mac_ctrl_t wlan_ed_mac_ctrl)

Configure Energy Detect MAC mode for the uAP in the Wi-Fi firmware.


When ED MAC mode is enabled, the Wi-Fi Firmware can behave in the following way:

When the background noise had reached the Energy Detect threshold or above, the Wi-Fi chipset/module should hold data transmission until the condition is removed. The 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands are configured separately.

in wlan_ed_mac_ctrl Struct with following parameters ed_ctrl_2g 0 - disable EU adaptivity for 2.4GHz band 1 - enable EU adaptivity for 2.4GHz band

ed_offset_2g 0 - Default energy detect threshold (Default: 0x9) offset value range: 0x80 to 0x7F


If 5GH enabled then add following parameters

ed_ctrl_5g 0 - disable EU adaptivity for 5GHz band

1 - enable EU adaptivity for 5GHz band

ed_offset_5g 0 - Default energy detect threshold(Default: 0xC)

offset value range: 0x80 to 0x7F


WM_SUCCESS if the call was successful.

-WM_FAIL if failed.

int wlan_get_ed_mac_mode (wlan_ed_mac_ctrl_t * wlan_ed_mac_ctrl)

This API can be used to get current ED MAC MODE configuration for station.

out wlan_ed_mac_ctrl A pointer to wlan_ed_mac_ctrl_t with parameters mentioned in above set API.

WM_SUCCESS if the call was successful.

-WM_FAIL if failed.

int wlan_get_uap_ed_mac_mode (wlan_ed_mac_ctrl_t * wlan_ed_mac_ctrl)

This API can be used to get current ED MAC MODE configuration for uAP.

out wlan_ed_mac_ctrl A pointer to wlan_ed_mac_ctrl_t with parameters mentioned in above set API.

WM_SUCCESS if the call was successful.

-WM_FAIL if failed.

void wlan_set_cal_data (const uint8_t * cal_data, const unsigned int cal_data_size)

Set the Wi-Fi calibration data in the Wi-Fi firmware.

This function can be used to set the Wi-Fi calibration data in the firmware. This should be call before wlan_init() function.

in cal_data The calibration data buffer
in cal_data_size Size of calibration data buffer.

int wlan_set_mac_addr (uint8_t * mac)

Set the Wi-Fi MAC Address in the Wi-Fi firmware.

This function can be used to set Wi-Fi MAC Address in firmware. When called after Wi-Fi initialization done, the incoming MAC is treated as the STA MAC address directly. And mac[4] plus 1, the modified MAC is used as the uAP MAC address.

in MAC The MAC Address in 6 bytes array format like uint8_t mac[] = { 0x00, 0x50, 0x43, 0x21, 0x19, 0x6E};

WM_SUCCESS if the call was successful.

-WM_FAIL if failed.

int wlan_set_sta_mac_addr (uint8_t * mac)

Set the Wi-Fi MAC address for the STA in the Wi-Fi firmware.

This function can be used to set the Wi-Fi MAC address for the station in the firmware. Should be called after Wi-Fi initialization done. It sets the station MAC address only.

in MAC The MAC Address in 6 byte array format like uint8_t mac[] = { 0x00, 0x50, 0x43, 0x21, 0x19, 0x6E};

WM_SUCCESS if the call was successful.

-WM_FAIL if failed.

int wlan_set_uap_mac_addr (uint8_t * mac)

Set the Wi-Fi MAC address for the uAP in the Wi-Fi firmware.

This function can be used to set the Wi-Fi MAC address for the uAP in the firmware. Should be called after Wi-Fi initialization done. It sets the uAP MAC address only.

in MAC The MAC Address in 6 bytes array format like uint8_t mac[] = { 0x00, 0x50, 0x43, 0x21, 0x19, 0x6E};

WM_SUCCESS if the call was successful.

-WM_FAIL if failed.

int wlan_wmm_uapsd_qosinfo (t_u8 * qos_info, t_u8 action)

Set the QOS info of the UAPSD (unscheduled automatic power save delivery) in the Wi-Fi firmware.

in,out qos_info UAPSD (unscheduled automatic power save delivery) QOS info.
in action Set/get action.

WM_SUCCESS if the call was successful.

-WM_FAIL if failed.

int wlan_set_wmm_uapsd (t_u8 uapsd_enable)

Enable/Disable the UAPSD in the Wi-Fi firmware.

in uapsd_enable Enable/Disable UAPSD.

WM_SUCCESS if the call was successful.

-WM_FAIL if failed.

int wlan_sleep_period (unsigned int * sleep_period, t_u8 action)

Set/get UAPSD sleep period in the Wi-Fi firmware.

in,out sleep_period UAPSD sleep period. Unit is ms.
in action Set/get action.

WM_SUCCESS if the call was successful.

-WM_FAIL if failed.

t_u8 wlan_is_wmm_uapsd_enabled (void )

Check whether UAPSD is enabled or not.


true if UAPSD is enabled.

false if UAPSD is disabled.

void wlan_set_txrx_histogram (struct wlan_txrx_histogram_info * txrx_histogram, t_u8 * data)

Set TX RX histogram config. This function can be called to set TX RX histogram config.

in txrx_histogram User configured parameters of TX RX histogram. including enable and action.
out data TX RX histogram data from FW.

int wlan_set_roaming (const int enable, const uint8_t rssi_low_threshold)

Set soft roaming config.

This function can be used to enable/disable soft roaming by specifying the RSSI threshold.


RSSI Threshold setting for soft roaming : The provided RSSI low threshold value is used to subscribe RSSI low event from the firmware. On reception of this event, the background scan is started in the firmware with the same RSSI threshold to find out APs with a better signal strength than the RSSI threshold.

If an AP with better signal strength is found, the reassociation is triggered. Otherwise the background scan is started again until the scan count reaches BG_SCAN_LIMIT.

If still AP is not found then Wi-Fi connection manager sends WLAN_REASON_BGSCAN_NETWORK_NOT_FOUND event to application. In this case, if application again wants to use soft roaming then it can call this API again or use wlan_set_rssi_low_threshold API to set RSSI low threshold again.

in enable Enable/Disable roaming.
in rssi_low_threshold RSSI low threshold value

WM_SUCCESS if the call was successful.

-WM_FAIL if failed.

int wlan_get_roaming_status (void )

Get the roaming status.


1 if roaming is enabled.

0 if roaming is disbled.

int wlan_wowlan_config (uint8_t is_mef, t_u32 wake_up_conds)

Wowlan (wake on wireless LAN) configuration. This function may be called to configure host sleep in firmware.

in is_mef Flag to indicate use MEF (memory efficient filtering) condition or not.
in wake_up_conds Bit map of default condition.

WM_SUCCESS if the call was successful.

-WM_FAIL if failed.

void wlan_config_host_sleep (bool is_manual, t_u8 is_periodic)

Host sleep configuration. This function may be called to configure host sleep in firmware.

in is_manual Flag to indicate host enter low power mode with power manager or by command.
in is_periodic Flag to indicate host enter low power periodically or once with power manager.

status_t wlan_hs_send_event (int id, void * data)

This function sends host sleep events to mon_thread

in id Event ID.
in data Pointer to event msg.

kStatus_Success if successful else return -WM_FAIL.

void wlan_cancel_host_sleep (void )

Cancel host sleep. This function is called to cancel the host sleep in the firmware.

void wlan_clear_host_sleep_config (void )

Clear host sleep configurations in driver. This function clears all the host sleep related configures in driver.

int wlan_set_multicast (t_u8 mef_action)

This function set multicast MEF (memory efficient filtering) entry

in mef_action To be 0–discard and not wake host, 1–discard and wake host 3–allow and wake host.

WM_SUCCESS if the call was successful.

-WM_FAIL if failed.

int wlan_set_ieeeps_cfg (struct wlan_ieeeps_config * ps_cfg)

Set configuration parameters of IEEE power save mode.

in ps_cfg Power save configuration includes multiple parameters.

WM_SUCCESS if the call was successful.

-WM_FAIL if failed.

void wlan_configure_listen_interval (int listen_interval)

Configure listening interval of IEEE power save mode.


Delivery traffic indication message (DTIM) : It is a concept in 802.11 It is a time duration after which AP can send out buffered BROADCAST / MULTICAST data and stations connected to the AP should wakeup to take this broadcast / multicast data.

Traffic Indication Map (TIM) : It is a bitmap which the AP sends with each beacon. The bitmap has one bit each for a station connected to AP.

Each station is recognized by an association ID (AID). If AP has buffered data for a station, it will set corresponding bit of bitmap in TIM based on AID. Ideally AP does not buffer any unicast data it just sends unicast data to the station on every beacon when station is not sleeping.

When broadcast data / multicast data is to be send AP sets bit 0 of TIM indicating broadcast / multicast.

The occurrence of DTIM is defined by AP.

Each beacon has a number indicating period at which DTIM occurs.

The number is expressed in terms of number of beacons.

This period is called DTIM Period / DTIM interval.

For example:

If AP has DTIM period = 3 the stations connected to AP have to wake up (if they are sleeping) to receive broadcast /multicast data on every third beacon.


When DTIM period is X AP buffers broadcast data / multicast data for X beacons. Then it transmits the data no matter whether station is awake or not.

Listen interval:

This is time interval on station side which indicates when station can be awake to listen i.e. accept data.

Long listen interval:

It comes into picture when station sleeps (IEEE PS) and it does not want to wake up on every DTIM So station is not worried about broadcast data/multicast data in this case.

This should be a design decision what should be chosen Firmware suggests values which are about 3 times DTIM at the max to gain optimal usage and reliability.

In the IEEE power save mode, the Wi-Fi firmware goes to sleep and periodically wakes up to check if the AP has any pending packets for it. A longer listen interval implies that the Wi-Fi SoC stays in power save for a longer duration at the cost of additional delays while receiving data. Note that choosing incorrect value for listen interval causes poor response from device during data transfer. Actual listen interval selected by firmware is equal to closest DTIM.

For example:

AP beacon period : 100 ms

AP DTIM period : 2

Application request value: 500ms

Actual listen interval = 400ms (This is the closest DTIM). Actual listen interval set should be a multiple of DTIM closest to but lower than the value provided by the application.

This API can be called before/after association. The configured listen interval can be used in subsequent association attempt.

in listen_interval

Listen interval as below

0 : Unchanged,

-1 : Disable,

1-49: Value in beacon intervals,

>= 50: Value in TUs

void wlan_configure_delay_to_ps (unsigned int timeout_ms)

Set timeout configuration before Wi-Fi power save mode.

in timeout_ms timout time, in milliseconds.

void wlan_configure_idle_time (unsigned int timeout_ms)

Set timeout value before Wi-Fi enter deep sleep mode.

param [in] timeout_ms: timout time, in milliseconds.


The minimum value of timeout_ms is 100.

unsigned int wlan_get_idle_time (void )

Get timeout value of deep sleep mode, in milliseconds.


idle time value.

unsigned short wlan_get_listen_interval (void )

Get listen interval .


listen interval value.

unsigned int wlan_get_delay_to_ps (void )

Get delay time for Wi-Fi power save mode.


delay time value.

bool wlan_is_power_save_enabled (void )

Check whether Wi-Fi power save is enabled or not.


TRUE if Wi-Fi power save is enabled, else return FALSE.

void wlan_configure_null_pkt_interval (int time_in_secs)

Configure NULL packet interval of IEEE power save mode.


In IEEE PS (power save), station sends a NULL packet to AP to indicate that the station is alive and maintain connection with the AP. If null packet is not sent some APs may disconnect station which might lead to a loss of connectivity. The time is specified in seconds. Default value is 30 seconds.

This API should be called before configuring IEEE Power save.

in time_in_secs -1 Disables null packet transmission, 0 Null packet interval is unchanged, n Null packet interval in seconds.

int wlan_set_antcfg (uint32_t ant, uint16_t evaluate_time, uint8_t evaluate_mode)

This API can be used to set the mode of TX/RX antenna. If SAD (software antenna diversity) is enabled, this API can also be used to set SAD antenna evaluate time interval(antenna mode is antenna diversity when set SAD evaluate time interval).

in ant Antenna valid values are 1, 2 and 0xFFFF 1 : TX/RX antenna 1 2 : TX/RX antenna 2 0xFFFF: TX/RX antenna diversity
in evaluate_time SAD evaluate time interval, default value is 6s(0x1770).
in evaluate_mode 0: PCB Ant + Ext Ant0 1: Ext Ant0 + Ext Ant1 2: PCB Ant + Ext Ant1 0xFF: Default divisity mode.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

WLAN_ERROR_STATE if unsuccessful.

int wlan_get_antcfg (uint32_t * ant, uint16_t * evaluate_time, uint8_t * evaluate_mode, uint16_t * current_antenna)

This API can be used to get the mode of TX/RX antenna. If SAD (software antenna diversity) is enabled, this API can also be used to get SAD antenna evaluate time interval(antenna mode is antenna diversity when set SAD evaluate time interval).

out ant pointer to antenna variable. antenna variable: 1 : TX/RX antenna 1 2 : TX/RX antenna 2 0xFFFF: TX/RX antenna diversity
out evaluate_time pointer to evaluate_time variable for SAD.
out current_mode pointer to evaluate_mode. evaluate_mode: 0: PCB Ant + Ext Ant0 1: Ext Ant0 + Ext Ant1 2: PCB Ant + Ext Ant1 0xFF: Default divisity mode.
out current_antenna pointer to current antenna.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

WLAN_ERROR_STATE if unsuccessful.

char* wlan_get_firmware_version_ext (void )

Get the Wi-Fi firmware version extension string.


This API does not allocate memory for pointer. It just returns pointer of WLCMGR internal static buffer. So no need to free the pointer by caller.


Wi-Fi firmware version extension string pointer stored in WLCMGR

void wlan_version_extended (void )

Use this API to print Wi-Fi driver and firmware extended version on console.



int wlan_get_tsf (uint32_t * tsf_high, uint32_t * tsf_low)

Use this API to get the TSF (timing synchronization function) from Wi-Fi firmware.

in tsf_high Pointer to store TSF higher 32bits.
in tsf_low Pointer to store TSF lower 32bits.

WM_SUCCESS if operation is successful.

-WM_FAIL if command fails.

int wlan_ieeeps_on (unsigned int wakeup_conditions)

Enable IEEE power save with host sleep configuration

When enabled, Wi-Fi SoC is opportunistically put into IEEE power save mode. Before putting the Wi-Fi SoC in power save this also sets the host sleep configuration on the SoC as specified. This makes the SoC generate a wakeup for the processor if any of the wakeup conditions are met.

in wakeup_conditions conditions to wake the host. This should be a logical OR of the conditions in wlan_wakeup_event_t. Typically devices would want to wake up on WAKE_ON_ALL_BROADCAST, WAKE_ON_UNICAST, WAKE_ON_MAC_EVENT. WAKE_ON_MULTICAST, WAKE_ON_ARP_BROADCAST, WAKE_ON_MGMT_FRAME

IEEE power save mode applies only when STA has connected to an AP. It could be enabled/disabled when STA connected or disconnected, but only take effect when STA has connected to an AP.


WM_SUCCESS if the call was successful.

-WM_FAIL otherwise.

int wlan_ieeeps_off (void )

Turn off IEEE power save mode.


IEEE power save mode applies only when STA has connected to an AP. It could be enabled/disabled when STA connected or disconnected, but only take effect when STA has connected to an AP.


WM_SUCCESS if the call was successful.

-WM_FAIL otherwise.

int wlan_deepsleepps_on (void )

Turn on deep sleep power save mode.


deep sleep power save mode only applies when STA disconnected. It could be enabled/disabled when STA connected or disconnected, but only take effect when STA disconnected.


WM_SUCCESS if the call was successful.

-WM_FAIL otherwise.

int wlan_deepsleepps_off (void )

Turn off deep sleep power save mode.


deep sleep power save mode only applies when STA disconnected. It could be enabled/disabled when STA connected or disconnected, but only take effect when STA disconnected.


WM_SUCCESS if the call was successful.

-WM_FAIL otherwise.

int wlan_tcp_keep_alive (wlan_tcp_keep_alive_t * keep_alive)

Use this API to configure the TCP keep alive parameters in Wi-Fi firmware. wlan_tcp_keep_alive_t provides the parameters which are available for configuration.


To reset current TCP keep alive configuration, just set the reset member of wlan_tcp_keep_alive_t with value 1, all other parameters are ignored in this case.

This API is called after successful connection and before putting Wi-Fi SoC in IEEE power save mode.

in keep_alive A pointer to wlan_tcp_keep_alive_t

WM_SUCCESS if operation is successful.

-WM_FAIL if command fails.

uint16_t wlan_get_beacon_period (void )

Use this API to get the beacon period of associated BSS from the cached state information.


beacon_period if operation is successful.

0 if command fails.

uint8_t wlan_get_dtim_period (void )

Use this API to get the dtim period of associated BSS. When this API called, the radio sends a probe request to the AP for this information.


dtim_period if operation is successful.

0 if DTIM IE is not found in AP’s Probe response.


This API should not be called from Wi-Fi event handler registered by application during wlan_start.

int wlan_get_data_rate (wlan_ds_rate * ds_rate, mlan_bss_type bss_type)

Use this API to get the current TX and RX rates along with bandwidth and guard interval information if rate is 802.11n.

in ds_rate A pointer to structure which has tx, RX rate information along with bandwidth and guard interval information.
in bss_type 0: STA, 1: uAP

If rate is greater than 11 then it is 802.11n rate and from 12 MCS0 rate starts. The bandwidth mapping is like value 0 is for 20MHz, 1 is 40MHz, 2 is for 80MHz. The guard interval value zero means Long otherwise Short.


WM_SUCCESS if operation is successful.

-WM_FAIL if command fails.

int wlan_get_pmfcfg (uint8_t * mfpc, uint8_t * mfpr)

Use this API to get the management frame protection parameters for sta.

out mfpc Management frame protection capable (MFPC) 1: Management frame protection capable 0: Management frame protection not capable
out mfpr Management frame protection required (MFPR) 1: Management frame protection required 0: Management frame protection optional

WM_SUCCESS if operation is successful.

-WM_FAIL if command fails.

int wlan_uap_get_pmfcfg (uint8_t * mfpc, uint8_t * mfpr)

Use this API to get the set management frame protection parameters for uAP.

out mfpc Management frame protection capable (MFPC) 1: management frame protection capable. 0: management frame protection not capable.
out mfpr Management frame protection required (MFPR) 1: management frame protection required. 0: management frame protection optional.

WM_SUCCESS if operation is successful.

-WM_FAIL if command fails.

int wlan_set_packet_filters (wlan_flt_cfg_t * flt_cfg)

Use this API to set packet filters in Wi-Fi firmware.

in flt_cfg A pointer to structure which holds the the packet filters wlan_flt_cfg_t.

For example:

MEF Configuration command


Criteria: bit0-broadcast, bit1-unicast, bit3-multicast

Criteria=2 Unicast frames are received during host sleep mode

NumEntries=1 Number of activated MEF entries

mef_entry_0: example filters to match TCP destination port 80 send by pkt or magic pkt.


mode: bit0–hostsleep mode, bit1–non hostsleep mode

mode=1 HostSleep mode

action: 0–discard and not wake host, 1–discard and wake host 3–allow and wake host

action=3 Allow and Wake host

filter_num=3 Number of filter

RPN only support “&&” and “||” operators, space cannot be removed between operators.

RPN=Filter_0 && Filter_1 || Filter_2

Byte comparison filter’s type is 0x41, decimal comparison filter’s type is 0x42,

Bit comparison filter’s type is 0x43

Filter_0 is decimal comparison filter, it always with type=0x42

Decimal filter always has type, pattern, offset, numbyte 4 field

Filter_0 matches RX packet with TCP destination port 80


type=0x42 decimal comparison filter

pattern=80 80 is the decimal constant to be compared

offset=44 44 is the byte offset of the field in RX pkt to be compare

numbyte=2 2 is the number of bytes of the field


Filter_1 is Byte comparison filter, it always with type=0x41

Byte filter always has type, byte, repeat, offset 4 filed

Filter_1 matches RX packet send by IP address


type=0x41 Byte comparison filter

repeat=1 1 copies of ‘c0:a8:00:58’

byte=c0:a8:00:58 ‘c0:a8:00:58’ is the byte sequence constant with each byte

in hex format, with ‘:’ as delimiter between two byte.

offset=34 34 is the byte offset of the equal length field of rx’d pkt.


Filter_2 is Magic packet, it can look for 16 contiguous copies of ‘00:50:43:20:01:02’ from

the RX pkt’s offset 14


type=0x41 Byte comparison filter

repeat=16 16 copies of ‘00:50:43:20:01:02’

byte=00:50:43:20:01:02 # ‘00:50:43:20:01:02’ is the byte sequence constant

offset=14 14 is the byte offset of the equal length field of rx’d pkt.




Above filters can be set by filling values in following way in wlan_flt_cfg_t structure.

wlan_flt_cfg_t flt_cfg;

uint8_t byte_seq1[] = {0xc0, 0xa8, 0x00, 0x58};

uint8_t byte_seq2[] = {0x00, 0x50, 0x43, 0x20, 0x01, 0x02};

memset(&flt_cfg, 0, sizeof(wlan_flt_cfg_t));

flt_cfg.criteria = 2;

flt_cfg.nentries = 1;

flt_cfg.mef_entry.mode = 1;

flt_cfg.mef_entry.action = 3;

flt_cfg.mef_entry.filter_num = 3;

flt_cfg.mef_entry.filter_item[0].type = TYPE_DNUM_EQ;

flt_cfg.mef_entry.filter_item[0].pattern = 80;

flt_cfg.mef_entry.filter_item[0].offset = 44;

flt_cfg.mef_entry.filter_item[0].num_bytes = 2;

flt_cfg.mef_entry.filter_item[1].type = TYPE_BYTE_EQ;

flt_cfg.mef_entry.filter_item[1].repeat = 1;

flt_cfg.mef_entry.filter_item[1].offset = 34;

flt_cfg.mef_entry.filter_item[1].num_byte_seq = 4;

memcpy(flt_cfg.mef_entry.filter_item[1].byte_seq, byte_seq1, 4);

flt_cfg.mef_entry.rpn[1] = RPN_TYPE_AND;

flt_cfg.mef_entry.filter_item[2].type = TYPE_BYTE_EQ;

flt_cfg.mef_entry.filter_item[2].repeat = 16;

flt_cfg.mef_entry.filter_item[2].offset = 14;

flt_cfg.mef_entry.filter_item[2].num_byte_seq = 6;

memcpy(flt_cfg.mef_entry.filter_item[2].byte_seq, byte_seq2, 6);

flt_cfg.mef_entry.rpn[2] = RPN_TYPE_OR;


WM_SUCCESS if operation is successful.

-WM_FAIL if command fails.

int wlan_set_auto_arp (void )

Use this API to enable ARP (address resolution protocol) offload in Wi-Fi firmware


WM_SUCCESS if operation is successful.

-WM_FAIL if command fails.

int wlan_wowlan_cfg_ptn_match (wlan_wowlan_ptn_cfg_t * ptn_cfg)

Use this API to enable WOWLAN (wake-on-wireless-LAN) on magic packet RX in Wi-Fi firmware

in ptn_cfg A pointer to wlan_wowlan_ptn_cfg_t containing wake on Wi-Fi pattern configuration

WM_SUCCESS if operation is successful.

-WM_FAIL if command fails

int wlan_set_ipv6_ns_offload (void )

Use this API to enable NS offload in Wi-Fi firmware.


WM_SUCCESS if operation is successful.

-WM_FAIL if command fails.

void wlan_hs_pre_cfg (void )

Use this API to set configuration before going to host sleep

void wlan_hs_post_cfg (void )

Use this API to get and print the reason of waking up from host sleep

int wlan_send_host_sleep (uint32_t wakeup_condition)

Use this API to configure host sleep parameters in Wi-Fi firmware.

in wakeup_condition bit 0: WAKE_ON_ALL_BROADCAST bit 1: WAKE_ON_UNICAST bit 2: WAKE_ON_MAC_EVENT bit 3: WAKE_ON_MULTICAST bit 4: WAKE_ON_ARP_BROADCAST bit 6: WAKE_ON_MGMT_FRAME All bit 0 discard and not wakeup host

WM_SUCCESS if operation is successful.

-WM_FAIL if command fails.

int wlan_get_wakeup_reason (uint16_t * hs_wakeup_reason)

Use this API to get host sleep wakeup reason from Wi-Fi firmware after waking up from host sleep by Wi-Fi.

out hs_wakeup_reason wakeupReason: 0: unknown 1: Broadcast data matched 2: Multicast data matched 3: Unicast data matched 4: Maskable event matched

1. Non-maskable event matched 6: Non-maskable condition matched (EAPoL rekey) 7: Magic pattern matched Others: reserved. (set to 0)


WM_SUCCESS if operation is successful.

-WM_FAIL if command fails.

int wlan_get_current_bssid (uint8_t * bssid)

Use this API to get the BSSID of associated BSS when in station mode.

out bssid A pointer to array(char, length is 6) to store the BSSID.

WM_SUCCESS if operation is successful.

-WM_FAIL if command fails.

uint8_t wlan_get_current_channel (void )

Use this API to get the channel number of associated BSS.


channel number if operation is successful.

0 if command fails.

int wlan_get_log (wlan_pkt_stats_t * stats)

Use this API to get the various statistics of STA from Wi-Fi firmware

out stats

A pointer to structure where stats collected from Wi-Fi firmware can be copied.

Explore the elements of the wlan_pkt_stats_t strucutre for more information on stats.


WM_SUCCESS if operation is successful.

-WM_FAIL if command fails.

int wlan_uap_get_log (wlan_pkt_stats_t * stats)

Use this API to get the various statistics of the uAP from Wi-Fi firmware.

out stats

A pointer to structure where stats collected from Wi-Fi firmware can be copied.

Explore the elements of the wlan_pkt_stats_t strucutre for more information on stats.


WM_SUCCESS if operation is successful.

-WM_FAIL if command fails.

int wlan_get_stats (wlan_stats_t * stats, enum wlan_bss_type bss_type)

Use this API to get the various statistics of STA/uAP from Wi-Fi driver

out stats

A pointer to structure where stats collected from Wi-Fi driver can be copied.

Explore the elements of the wlan_stats_t strucutre for more information on stats.

in bss_type 0: STA, 1: uAP

WM_SUCCESS if operation is successful.

-WM_FAIL if command fails.

int wlan_reset_stats (enum wlan_bss_type bss_type)

Use this API to reset the various statistics of STA/uAP from Wi-Fi driver

in bss_type 0: STA, 1: uAP

WM_SUCCESS if operation is successful.

-WM_FAIL if command fails.

int wlan_get_ps_mode (enum wlan_ps_mode * ps_mode)

Get station interface power save mode.

out ps_mode A pointer to wlan_ps_mode where station interface power save mode should be stored.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_E_INVAL if ps_mode was NULL.

int wlan_get_ps_mode_cfg (uint8_t * ps_mode_cfg)

Get station interface power save configuration.

out ps_mode_cfg A pointer to variable that stores power save mode configuration.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_E_INVAL if ps_mode_cfg was NULL.

int wlan_wlcmgr_send_msg (enum wifi_event event, enum wifi_event_reason reason, void * data)

Send message to Wi-Fi connection manager thread.

in event An event from wifi_event.
in reason A reason code.
in data A pointer to data buffer associated with event.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_FAIL if failed.

int wlan_wfa_basic_cli_init (void )

Register WFA basic Wi-Fi CLI (command line input) commands

This function registers basic Wi-Fi CLI commands like showing version information, MAC address.


This function can only be called by the application after wlan_init() called.


WLAN_ERROR_NONE if the CLI commands were registered or

WLAN_ERROR_ACTION if they were not registered (for example if this function was called while the CLI commands were already registered).

int wlan_wfa_basic_cli_deinit (void )

Unregister WFA basic Wi-Fi CLI (command line input) commands

This function unregisters basic Wi-Fi CLI commands like showing version information, MAC address.


This function can only be called by the application after wlan_init() called.


WLAN_ERROR_NONE if the CLI commands were unregistered or

WLAN_ERROR_ACTION if they were not unregistered

int wlan_basic_cli_init (void )

Register basic Wi-Fi CLI (command line input) commands

This function registers basic Wi-Fi CLI commands like showing version information, MAC address.


This function can only be called by the application after wlan_init() called.

This function gets called by wlan_cli_init(), hence only one function out of these two functions should be called in the application.


WLAN_ERROR_NONE if the CLI commands were registered

WLAN_ERROR_ACTION if they were not registered (for example if this function was called while the CLI commands were already registered).

int wlan_basic_cli_deinit (void )

Unregister basic Wi-Fi CLI commands

This function unregisters basic Wi-Fi CLI commands like showing version information, MAC address.


This function gets called by wlan_cli_deinit(), hence only one function out of these two functions should be called in the application.


WLAN_ERROR_NONE if the CLI commands were unregistered

WLAN_ERROR_ACTION if they were not unregistered (for example if this function was called while the CLI commands were not registered or were already unregistered).

int wlan_cli_init (void )

Register Wi-Fi CLI (command line input) commands.

Try to register the Wi-Fi CLI commands with the CLI subsystem. This function is available for the application for use.


This function can only be called by the application after wlan_init() called.

This function internally calls wlan_basic_cli_init(), hence only one function out of these two functions should be called in the application.


WM_SUCCESS if the CLI commands were registered or

-WM_FAIL if they were not (for example if this function was called while the CLI commands were already registered).

int wlan_cli_deinit (void )

Unregister Wi-Fi CLI commands.

Try to unregister the Wi-Fi CLI commands with the CLI subsystem. This function is available for the application for use.


This function can only be called by the application after wlan_init() called.

This function internally calls wlan_basic_cli_deinit(), hence only one function out of these two functions should be called in the application.


WM_SUCCESS if the CLI commands were unregistered or

-WM_FAIL if they were not (for example if this function was called while the CLI commands were already unregistered).

int wlan_enhanced_cli_init (void )

Register Wi-Fi enhanced CLI commands.

Register the Wi-Fi enhanced CLI commands like set or get tx-power, tx-datarate, tx-modulation etc. with the CLI subsystem.


This function can only be called by the application after wlan_init() called.


WM_SUCCESS if the CLI commands were registered or

-WM_FAIL if they were not (for example if this function was called while the CLI commands were already registered).

int wlan_enhanced_cli_deinit (void )

Unregister Wi-Fi enhanced CLI commands.

Unregister the Wi-Fi enhanced CLI commands like set or get tx-power, tx-datarate, tx-modulation etc. with the CLI subsystem.


This function can only be called by the application after wlan_init() called.


WM_SUCCESS if the CLI commands were unregistered or

-WM_FAIL if they were not unregistered.

unsigned int wlan_get_uap_supported_max_clients (void )

Get maximum number of the stations Wi-Fi firmware supported that can be allowed to connect to the uAP.


Maximum number of the stations Wi-Fi firmware supported that can be allowed to connect to the uAP.


Get operation is allowed in any uAP state.

int wlan_get_uap_max_clients (unsigned int * max_sta_num)

Get current maximum number of the stations that can be allowed to connect to the uAP.

out max_sta_num A pointer to variable where current maximum number of the stations of the uAP interface can be stored.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_FAIL if unsuccessful.


Get operation is allowed in any uAP state.

int wlan_set_uap_max_clients (unsigned int max_sta_num)

Set maximum number of the stations that can be allowed to connect to the uAP.

in max_sta_num Number of maximum stations for uAP.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_FAIL if unsuccessful.


Set operation in not allowed in WLAN_UAP_STARTED state.

int wlan_set_htcapinfo (unsigned int htcapinfo)

Use this API to configure some of parameters in HT capability information IE (such as short GI, channel bandwidth, and green field support)

in htcapinfo

This is a bitmap and should be used as following

Bit 29: Green field Enable/Disable

Bit 26: RX STBC Support Enable/Disable. (As we support

single spatial stream only 1 bit is used for RX STBC)

Bit 25: TX STBC support Enable/Disable.

Bit 24: Short GI in 40 Mhz Enable/Disable

Bit 23: Short GI in 20 Mhz Enable/Disable

Bit 22: RX LDPC Enable/Disable

Bit 17: 20/40 Mhz enable disable.

Bit 8: Enable/Disable 40Mhz intolerant bit in HT capinfo.

0 can reset this bit and 1 can set this bit in

htcapinfo attached in association request.

All others are reserved and should be set to 0.


WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_FAIL if unsuccessful.

int wlan_set_httxcfg (unsigned short httxcfg)

Use this API to configure various 802.11n specific configuration for transmit (such as short GI, channel bandwidth and green field support)

in httxcfg

This is a bitmap and should be used as following

Bit 15-10: Reserved set to 0

Bit 9-8: RX STBC set to 0x01

BIT9 BIT8 Description

0 0 No spatial streams

0 1 One spatial stream supported

1 0 Reserved

1 1 Reserved

Bit 7: STBC Enable/Disable

Bit 6: Short GI in 40 Mhz Enable/Disable

Bit 5: Short GI in 20 Mhz Enable/Disable

Bit 4: Green field Enable/Disable

Bit 3-2: Reserved set to 1

Bit 1: 20/40 Mhz enable disable.

Bit 0: LDPC Enable/Disable

When Bit 1 is set then firmware could transmit in 20Mhz or 40Mhz based

on rate adaptation. When this bit is reset then firmware can only

transmit in 20Mhz.


WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_FAIL if unsuccessful.

int wlan_set_txratecfg (wlan_ds_rate ds_rate, mlan_bss_type bss_type)

Use this API to set the transmit data rate.


The data rate can be set only after association.

in ds_rate

struct contains following fields sub_command It should be WIFI_DS_RATE_CFG and rate_cfg should have following parameters.

rate_format - This parameter specifies the data rate format used in this command

0: LG

1: HT

2: VHT

0xff: Auto

index - This parameter specifies the rate or MCS index

If rate_format is 0 (LG),

0 1 Mbps

1 2 Mbps

2 5.5 Mbps

3 11 Mbps

4 6 Mbps

5 9 Mbps

6 12 Mbps

7 18 Mbps

8 24 Mbps

9 36 Mbps

10 48 Mbps

11 54 Mbps

If rate_format is 1 (HT),

0 MCS0

1 MCS1

2 MCS2

3 MCS3

4 MCS4

5 MCS5

6 MCS6

7 MCS7


8 MCS8

9 MCS9

10 MCS10

11 MCS11

12 MCS12

13 MCS13

14 MCS14

15 MCS15

If rate_format is 2 (VHT),

0 MCS0

1 MCS1

2 MCS2

3 MCS3

4 MCS4

5 MCS5

6 MCS6

7 MCS7

8 MCS8

9 MCS9

nss - This parameter specifies the NSS.

It is valid only for VHT

If rate_format is 2 (VHT),

1 NSS1

2 NSS2

in bss_type 0: STA, 1: uAP

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_FAIL if unsuccessful.

int wlan_get_txratecfg (wlan_ds_rate * ds_rate, mlan_bss_type bss_type)

Use this API to get the transmit data rate.

in ds_rate A pointer to wlan_ds_rate where TX Rate configuration can be stored.
in bss_type 0: STA, 1: uAP

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_FAIL if unsuccessful.

int wlan_get_sta_tx_power (t_u32 * power_level)

Get station transmit power

out power_level Transmit power level (unit: dBm).

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_FAIL if unsuccessful.

int wlan_set_sta_tx_power (t_u32 power_level)

Set station transmit power

in power_level Transmit power level (unit: dBm).

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_FAIL if unsuccessful.

int wlan_set_wwsm_txpwrlimit (void )

Set worldwide safe mode TX power limits. Set TX power limit and ru TX power limit according to the region code. TX power limit: rg_power_cfg_rw610 ru TX power limit: ru_power_cfg_rw610


WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_FAIL if unsuccessful.

int wlan_get_mgmt_ie (enum wlan_bss_type bss_type, IEEEtypes_ElementId_t index, void * buf, unsigned int * buf_len)

Get Management IE for given BSS type (interface) and index.

in bss_type 0: STA, 1: uAP
in index IE index.
out buf Buffer to store requested IE data.
out buf_len Length of IE data.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_FAIL if unsuccessful.

int wlan_set_mgmt_ie (enum wlan_bss_type bss_type, IEEEtypes_ElementId_t id, void * buf, unsigned int buf_len)

Set management IE for given BSS type (interface) and index.

in bss_type 0: STA, 1: uAP
in id Type/ID of Management IE.
in buf Buffer containing IE data.
in buf_len Length of IE data.

Management IE index if successful.

-WM_FAIL if unsuccessful.

int wlan_clear_mgmt_ie (enum wlan_bss_type bss_type, IEEEtypes_ElementId_t index, int mgmt_bitmap_index)

Clear management IE for given BSS type (interface) and index.

in bss_type 0: STA, 1: uAP
in index IE index.
in mgmt_bitmap_index management bitmap index.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_FAIL if unsuccessful.

bool wlan_get_11d_enable_status (void )

Get current status of 802.11d support.


true if 802.11d support is enabled by application.

false if not enabled.

int wlan_get_current_signal_strength (short * rssi, int * snr)

Get current RSSI and signal to noise ratio from Wi-Fi firmware.

out RSSI A pointer to variable to store current RSSI
out snr A pointer to variable to store current SNR.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

int wlan_get_average_signal_strength (short * rssi, int * snr)

Get average RSSI and signal to noise ratio (average value of the former 8 packets) from Wi-Fi firmware.

out RSSI A pointer to variable to store current RSSI
out snr A pointer to variable to store current SNR.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

int wlan_remain_on_channel (const enum wlan_bss_type bss_type, const bool status, const uint8_t channel, const uint32_t duration)

This API is used to set/cancel the remain on channel configuration.


When status is false, channel and duration parameters are ignored.

in bss_type The interface to set channel bss_type 0: STA, 1: uAP
in status false : Cancel the remain on channel configuration true : Set the remain on channel configuration
in channel The channel to configure
in duration The duration for which to remain on channel in milliseconds.

WM_SUCCESS on success or error code.

int wlan_get_otp_user_data (uint8_t * buf, uint16_t len)

Get user data from OTP (one-time pramming) memory

out buf Pointer to buffer where data should be stored
out len Number of bytes to read

WM_SUCCESS if user data read operation is successful.

-WM_E_INVAL if buf is not valid or of insufficient size.

-WM_FAIL if user data field is not present or command fails.

int wlan_get_cal_data (wlan_cal_data_t * cal_data)

Get calibration data from Wi-Fi firmware.

out cal_data Pointer to calibration data structure where calibration data and it's length should be stored.

WM_SUCCESS if calibration data read operation is successful.

-WM_E_INVAL if cal_data is not valid.

-WM_FAIL if command fails.


The user of this API should free the allocated buffer for calibration data.

int wlan_set_region_power_cfg (const t_u8 * data, t_u16 len)

Set the compressed (use LZW algorithm) TX power limit configuration.

in data A pointer to TX power limit configuration.
in len Length of TX power limit configuration.

WM_SUCCESS on success, error otherwise.

int wlan_set_chanlist_and_txpwrlimit (wlan_chanlist_t * chanlist, wlan_txpwrlimit_t * txpwrlimit)

Set the TRPC (transient receptor potential canonical) channel list and TX power limit configuration.

in chanlist A poiner to wlan_chanlist_t channel List configuration.
in txpwrlimit A pointer to wlan_txpwrlimit_t TX power limit configuration.

WM_SUCCESS on success, error otherwise.

int wlan_set_chanlist (wlan_chanlist_t * chanlist)

Set the channel list configuration wlan_chanlist_t.

in chanlist A pointer to wlan_chanlist_t channel list configuration.

WM_SUCCESS on success, error otherwise.


If region enforcement flag is enabled in the OTP then this API should not take effect.

int wlan_get_chanlist (wlan_chanlist_t * chanlist)

Get the channel list configuration.

out chanlist A pointer to wlan_chanlist_t channel list configuration.

WM_SUCCESS on success, error otherwise.


The wlan_chanlist_t struct allocates memory for a maximum of 54. channels.

int wlan_set_txpwrlimit (wlan_txpwrlimit_t * txpwrlimit)

Set the TRPC (transient receptor potential canonical) channel configuration.

in txpwrlimit A pointer to wlan_txpwrlimit_t TX power limit configuration.

WM_SUCCESS on success, error otherwise.

int wlan_get_txpwrlimit (wifi_SubBand_t subband, wifi_txpwrlimit_t * txpwrlimit)

Get the TRPC (transient receptor potential canonical) channel configuration.

in subband

Where subband is:

0x00 2G subband (2.4G: channel 1-14)

0x10 5G subband0 (5G: channel 36,40,44,48,


0x11 5G subband1 (5G: channel 100,104,108,112,



0x12 5G subband2 (5G: channel 149,153,157,161,165,172)

0x13 5G subband3 (5G: channel 183,184,185,187,188,

189, 192,196;

5G: channel 7,8,11,12,16,34)

out txpwrlimit A pointer to wlan_txpwrlimit_t TX power Limit configuration structure where Wi-Fi firmware configuration can get copied.

WM_SUCCESS on success, error otherwise.


application can use print_txpwrlimit API to print the content of the txpwrlimit structure.

void wlan_set_reassoc_control (bool reassoc_control)

Set reassociation control in Wi-Fi connection manager. When reassociation control enabled, Wi-Fi connection manager attempts reconnection with the network for WLAN_RECONNECT_LIMIT times before giving up.


Reassociation is enabled by default in the Wi-Fi connection manager.

in reassoc_control Reassociation enable/disable

void wlan_uap_set_beacon_period (const uint16_t beacon_period)

API to set the beacon period of the uAP

in beacon_period Beacon period in TU (1 TU = 1024 microseconds)

Call this API before calling uAP start API.

int wlan_uap_set_bandwidth (const uint8_t bandwidth)

API to set the bandwidth of the uAP

in bandwidth

Wi-Fi AP bandwidth

1: 20 MHz 2: 40 MHz 3: 80 MHz


WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

-WM_FAIL if command fails.


Not applicable to 20MHZ only chip sets (Redfinch, SD8801)

Call this API before calling uAP start API.

Default bandwidth setting is 40 MHz.

int wlan_uap_get_bandwidth (uint8_t * bandwidth)

API to get the bandwidth of the uAP

out bandwidth Wi-Fi AP bandwidth 1: 20 MHz 2: 40 MHz 3: 80 MHz

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

-WM_FAIL if command fails.


Call this API before calling uAP start API.

int wlan_uap_set_hidden_ssid (const t_u8 hidden_ssid)

API to control SSID broadcast capability of the uAP

This API enables/disables the SSID broadcast feature (also known as the hidden SSID feature). When broadcast SSID is enabled, the AP responds to probe requests from client stations that contain null SSID. When broadcast SSID is disabled, the AP does not respond to probe requests that contain null SSID and generates beacons that contain null SSID.

in hidden_ssid Hidden SSID control hidden_ssid=0: broadcast SSID in beacons. hidden_ssid=1: send empty SSID (length=0) in beacon. hidden_ssid=2: clear SSID (ACSII 0), but keep the original length

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

-WM_FAIL if command fails.


Call this API before calling uAP start API.

void wlan_uap_ctrl_deauth (const bool enable)

API to control the deauthentication during uAP channel switch.

in enable 0 – Wi-Fi firmware can use default behavior, send deauth packet when uAP move to another channel. 1 – Wi-Fi firmware cannot send deauth packet when uAP move to another channel.

Call this API before calling uAP start API.

void wlan_uap_set_ecsa (void )

API to enable channel switch announcement functionality on uAP.


Call this API before calling uAP start API. Also note that 802.11n should be enabled on uAP. The channel switch announcement IE is transmitted in 7 beacons before the channel switch, during a station connection attempt on a different channel with Ex-AP.

void wlan_uap_set_htcapinfo (const uint16_t ht_cap_info)

API to set the HT capability information of the uAP.

in ht_cap_info

- This is a bitmap and should be used as following

Bit 15: L Sig TxOP protection - reserved, set to 0

Bit 14: 40 MHz intolerant - reserved, set to 0

Bit 13: PSMP - reserved, set to 0

Bit 12: DSSS Cck40MHz mode

Bit 11: Maximal A-MSDU size - reserved, set to 0

Bit 10: Delayed BA - reserved, set to 0

Bits 9:8: RX STBC - reserved, set to 0

Bit 7: TX STBC - reserved, set to 0

Bit 6: Short GI 40 MHz

Bit 5: Short GI 20 MHz

Bit 4: GF preamble

Bits 3:2: MIMO power save - reserved, set to 0

Bit 1: SuppChanWidth - set to 0 for 2.4 GHz band

Bit 0: LDPC coding - reserved, set to 0


Call this API before calling uAP start API.

void wlan_uap_set_httxcfg (unsigned short httxcfg)

This API can be used to configure various 802.11n specific configuration for transmit (such as short GI, channel bandwidth and green field support) for uAP interface.

in httxcfg

This is a bitmap and should be used as following

Bit 15-8: Reserved set to 0

Bit 7: STBC Enable/Disable

Bit 6: Short GI in 40 Mhz Enable/Disable

Bit 5: Short GI in 20 Mhz Enable/Disable

Bit 4: Green field Enable/Disable

Bit 3-2: Reserved set to 1

Bit 1: 20/40 Mhz enable disable.

Bit 0: LDPC Enable/Disable

When Bit 1 is set then firmware could transmit in 20Mhz or 40Mhz based

on rate adaptation. When this bit is reset then firmware can only

transmit in 20Mhz.


Call this API before calling uAP start API.

void wlan_sta_ampdu_tx_enable (void )

This API can be used to enable AMPDU support when station is a transmitter.


By default the station AMPDU TX support is enabled if configuration option CONFIG_STA_AMPDU_TX is defined 1.

void wlan_sta_ampdu_tx_disable (void )

This API can be used to disable AMPDU support when station is a transmitter.


By default the station AMPDU TX support is enabled if configuration option CONFIG_STA_AMPDU_TX is defined 1.

void wlan_sta_ampdu_rx_enable (void )

This API can be used to enable AMPDU support when station is a receiver.


By default the station AMPDU RX support is enabled if configuration option CONFIG_STA_AMPDU_RX is defined 1.

void wlan_sta_ampdu_rx_disable (void )

This API can be used to disable AMPDU support when station is a receiver.


By default the station AMPDU RX support is enabled if configuration option CONFIG_STA_AMPDU_RX is defined 1.

void wlan_uap_ampdu_tx_enable (void )

This API can be used to enable AMPDU support when uAP is a transmitter.


By default the uAP AMPDU TX support is enabled if configuration option CONFIG_UAP_AMPDU_TX is defined 1.

void wlan_uap_ampdu_tx_disable (void )

This API can be used to disable AMPDU support when uAP is a transmitter.


By default the uAP AMPDU TX support is enabled if configuration option CONFIG_UAP_AMPDU_TX is defined 1.

void wlan_uap_ampdu_rx_enable (void )

This API can be used to enable AMPDU support when uAP is a receiver.


By default the uAP AMPDU TX support is enabled if configuration option CONFIG_UAP_AMPDU_RX is defined 1.

void wlan_uap_ampdu_rx_disable (void )

This API can be used to disable AMPDU support when uAP is a receiver.


By default the uAP AMPDU TX support is enabled if configuration option CONFIG_UAP_AMPDU_RX is defined 1.

void wlan_uap_set_scan_chan_list (wifi_scan_chan_list_t scan_chan_list)

Set number of channels and channel number used during automatic channel selection of the uAP.

in scan_chan_list A structure holding the number of channels and channel numbers.

Call this API before uAP start API in order to set the user defined channels, otherwise it can have no effect. There is no need to call this API every time before uAP start, if once set same channel configuration can get used in all upcoming uAP start call. If user wish to change the channels at run time then it make sense to call this API before every uAP start API.

int wlan_set_rts (int rts)

Set the RTS(Request to Send) threshold of STA in Wi-Fi firmware.

in rts the value of rts threshold configuration.

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_set_uap_rts (int rts)

Set the RTS(Request to Send) threshold of the uAP in Wi-Fi firmware.

in rts the value of rts threshold configuration.

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_set_frag (int frag)

Set the fragment threshold of STA in Wi-Fi firmware. If the size of packet exceeds the fragment threshold, the packet is divided into fragments. For example, if the fragment threshold is set to 300, a ping packet of size 1300 is divided into 5 fragments.

in frag The value of fragment threshold configuration.

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_set_uap_frag (int frag)

Set the fragment threshold of the uAP in Wi-Fi firmware. If the size of packet exceeds the fragment threshold, the packet is divided into fragments. For example, if the fragment threshold is set to 300, a ping packet of size 1300 is divided into 5 fragments.

in frag the value of fragment threshold configuration.

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_set_sta_mac_filter (int filter_mode, int mac_count, unsigned char * mac_addr)

Set the STA MAC filter in Wi-Fi firmware. Apply for uAP mode only. When STA MAC filter enabled, wlan firmware blocks all the packets from station with MAC address in black list and not blocks packets from station with MAC address in white list.

in filter_mode Channel filter mode (disable/white/black list)
in mac_count The count of MAC list
in mac_addr The pointer to MAC address list

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_set_crypto_RC4_encrypt (const t_u8 * Key, const t_u16 KeyLength, const t_u8 * KeyIV, const t_u16 KeyIVLength, t_u8 * Data, t_u16 * DataLength)

Set crypto RC4 (rivest cipher 4) algorithm encrypt command parameters.

in Key key
in KeyLength The KeyLength + KeyIVLength valid range [1,256].
in KeyIV KeyIV
in KeyIVLength The KeyLength + KeyIVLength valid range [1,256].
in Data Data
in DataLength The maximum data length is 1200.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_E_PERM if not supported.

-WM_FAIL if failure.


If the function returns WM_SUCCESS, the data in the memory pointed to by data is overwritten by the encrypted data. The value of DataLength is updated to the encrypted data length. The length of the encrypted data is the same as the origin DataLength.

int wlan_set_crypto_RC4_decrypt (const t_u8 * Key, const t_u16 KeyLength, const t_u8 * KeyIV, const t_u16 KeyIVLength, t_u8 * Data, t_u16 * DataLength)

Set crypto RC4 (rivest cipher 4) algorithm decrypt command parameters.

in Key key
in KeyLength The KeyLength + KeyIVLength valid range [1,256].
in KeyIV KeyIV
in KeyIVLength The KeyLength + KeyIVLength valid range [1,256].
in Data Data
in DataLength The maximum data length is 1200.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_E_PERM if not supported.

-WM_FAIL if failure.


If the function returns WM_SUCCESS, the data in the memory pointed to by data is overwritten by the decrypted data. The value of DataLength is updated to the decrypted data length. The length of the decrypted data is the same as the origin DataLength.

int wlan_set_crypto_AES_ECB_encrypt (const t_u8 * Key, const t_u16 KeyLength, const t_u8 * KeyIV, const t_u16 KeyIVLength, t_u8 * Data, t_u16 * DataLength)

Set crypto AES_ECB (advanced encryption standard, electronic codebook) algorithm encrypt command parameters.

in Key key
in KeyLength The key length is 16/24/32.
in KeyIV KeyIV should point to a 8 bytes array with any value in the array.
in KeyIVLength The keyIV length is 8.
in Data Data
in DataLength The data length is 16.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_E_PERM if not supported.

-WM_FAIL if failure.


If the function returns WM_SUCCESS, the data in the memory pointed to by data is overwritten by the encrypted data. The value of DataLength is updated to the encrypted data length. The length of the encrypted data is the same as the origin DataLength.

int wlan_set_crypto_AES_ECB_decrypt (const t_u8 * Key, const t_u16 KeyLength, const t_u8 * KeyIV, const t_u16 KeyIVLength, t_u8 * Data, t_u16 * DataLength)

Set crypto AES_ECB (advanced encryption standard, electronic codebook) algorithm decrypt command parameters.

in Key key
in KeyLength The key length is 16/24/32.
in KeyIV KeyIV should point to a 8 bytes array with any value in the array.
in KeyIVLength The keyIV length is 8.
in Data Data
in DataLength The data length is 16.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_E_PERM if not supported.

-WM_FAIL if failure.


If the function returns WM_SUCCESS, the data in the memory pointed to by data is overwritten by the decrypted data. The value of DataLength is updated to the decrypted data length. The length of the decrypted data is the same as the origin DataLength.

int wlan_set_crypto_AES_WRAP_encrypt (const t_u8 * Key, const t_u16 KeyLength, const t_u8 * KeyIV, const t_u16 KeyIVLength, t_u8 * Data, t_u16 * DataLength)

Set crypto AES_WRAP (advanced encryption standard wrap) algorithm encrypt command parameters.

in Key key
in KeyLength The key length is 16/24/32.
in KeyIV KeyIV
in KeyIVLength The keyIV length is 8.
in Data Data
in DataLength The data length valid range [8,1016].

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_E_PERM if not supported.

-WM_FAIL if failure.


If the function returns WM_SUCCESS, the data in the memory pointed to by data is overwritten by the encrypted data. The value of DataLength is updated to the encrypted data length. The encrypted data is 8 bytes more than the original data. Therefore, the address pointed to by Data needs to reserve enough space.

int wlan_set_crypto_AES_WRAP_decrypt (const t_u8 * Key, const t_u16 KeyLength, const t_u8 * KeyIV, const t_u16 KeyIVLength, t_u8 * Data, t_u16 * DataLength)

Set crypto AES_WRAP algorithm decrypt command parameters.

in Key key
in KeyLength The key length is 16/24/32.
in KeyIV KeyIV
in KeyIVLength The keyIV length is 8.
in Data Data
in DataLength The data length valid range [8,1016].

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_E_PERM if not supported.

-WM_FAIL if failure.


If the function returns WM_SUCCESS, the data in the memory pointed to by data is overwritten by the decrypted data. The value of DataLength is updated to the decrypted data length. The decrypted data is 8 bytes less than the original data.

int wlan_set_crypto_AES_CCMP_encrypt (const t_u8 * Key, const t_u16 KeyLength, const t_u8 * AAD, const t_u16 AADLength, const t_u8 * Nonce, const t_u16 NonceLength, t_u8 * Data, t_u16 * DataLength)

Set crypto AES_CCMP (counter mode with cipher block chaining message authentication code protocol) algorithm encrypt command parameters.

in Key key
in KeyLength The key length is 16/32.
in AADLength The maximum AAD length is 30.
in Nonce Nonce
in NonceLength The nonce length valid range [7,13].
in Data Data
in DataLength The maximum data length is 80.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_E_PERM if not supported.

-WM_FAIL if failure.


If the function returns WM_SUCCESS, the data in the memory pointed to by data is overwritten by the encrypted data. The value of DataLength is updated to the encrypted data length. The encrypted data is 8 bytes (when key length is 16) or 16 bytes (when key length is 32) more than the original data. Therefore, the address pointed to by Data needs to reserve enough space.

int wlan_set_crypto_AES_CCMP_decrypt (const t_u8 * Key, const t_u16 KeyLength, const t_u8 * AAD, const t_u16 AADLength, const t_u8 * Nonce, const t_u16 NonceLength, t_u8 * Data, t_u16 * DataLength)

Set crypto AES_CCMP algorithm decrypt command parameters.

in Key key
in KeyLength The key length is 16/32.
in AADLength The maximum AAD length is 30.
in Nonce Nonce
in NonceLength The nonce length valid range [7,13].
in Data Data
in DataLength The maximum data length is 80.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_E_PERM if not supported.

-WM_FAIL if failure.


If the function returns WM_SUCCESS, the data in the memory pointed to by data is overwritten by the decrypted data. The value of DataLength is updated to the decrypted data length. The decrypted data is 8 bytes (when key length is 16) or 16 bytes (when key length is 32) less than the original data.

int wlan_set_crypto_AES_GCMP_encrypt (const t_u8 * Key, const t_u16 KeyLength, const t_u8 * AAD, const t_u16 AADLength, const t_u8 * Nonce, const t_u16 NonceLength, t_u8 * Data, t_u16 * DataLength)

Set crypto AES_GCMP (galois/counter mode with AES-GMAC) algorithm encrypt command parameters.

in Key key
in KeyLength The key length is 16/32.
in AADLength The maximum AAD length is 30.
in Nonce Nonce
in NonceLength The nonce length valid range [7,13].
in Data Data
in DataLength The maximum data length is 80.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_E_PERM if not supported.

-WM_FAIL if failure.


If the function returns WM_SUCCESS, the data in the memory pointed to by data is overwritten by the encrypted data. The value of DataLength is updated to the encrypted data length. The encrypted data is 16 bytes more than the original data. Therefore, the address pointed to by Data needs to reserve enough space.

int wlan_set_crypto_AES_GCMP_decrypt (const t_u8 * Key, const t_u16 KeyLength, const t_u8 * AAD, const t_u16 AADLength, const t_u8 * Nonce, const t_u16 NonceLength, t_u8 * Data, t_u16 * DataLength)

Set crypto AES_CCMP algorithm decrypt command parameters.

in Key key
in KeyLength The key length is 16/32.
in AADLength The maximum AAD length is 30.
in Nonce Nonce
in NonceLength The nonce length valid range [7,13].
in Data Data
in DataLength The maximum data length is 80.

WM_SUCCESS if successful.

-WM_E_PERM if not supported.

-WM_FAIL if failure.


If the function returns WM_SUCCESS, the data in the memory pointed to by data is overwritten by the decrypted data. The value of DataLength is updated to the decrypted data length. The decrypted data is 16 bytes less than the original data.

int wlan_enable_disable_htc (uint8_t option)

This function is used to enable/disable HTC (high throughput control).

in option 1 => Enable; 0 => Disable

WM_SUCCESS if operation is successful, otherwise return -WM_FAIL

int wlan_set_11ax_tx_omi (const t_u8 interface, const t_u16 tx_omi, const t_u8 tx_option, const t_u8 num_data_pkts)

Use this API to set the set 802.11ax TX OMI (operating mode indication).

in interface Interface type STA or uAP. 0: STA 1: uAP
in tx_omi value to be sent to firmware
in tx_option value to be sent to firmware 1: send OMI (operating mode indication) in QoS (quality of service) data.
in num_data_pkts value to be sent to firmware num_data_pkts is applied only if OMI is sent in QoS data frame. It specifies the number of consecutive data frames containing the OMI. Minimum value is 1 Maximum value is 16

WM_SUCCESS if operation is successful.

-WM_FAIL if command fails.

int wlan_set_11ax_tol_time (const t_u32 tol_time)

Set 802.11ax OBSS (overlapping basic service set) narrow bandwidth RU (resource unit) tolerance time In uplink transmission, AP sends a trigger frame to all the stations that can be involved in the upcoming transmission, and then these stations transmit Trigger-based(TB) PPDU in response to the trigger frame. If STA connects to AP which channel is set to 100,STA doesn’t support 26 tones RU. The API should be called when station is in disconnected state.

in tol_time Valid range [1...3600] tolerance time is in unit of seconds. STA periodically check AP's beacon for ext cap bit79 (OBSS Narrow bandwidth RU in ofdma tolerance support) and set 20 tone RU tolerance time if ext cap bit79 is not set

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_set_11ax_rutxpowerlimit (const void * rutx_pwr_cfg, uint32_t rutx_pwr_cfg_len)

Use this API to set the RU TX power limit.

in rutx_pwr_cfg 802.11ax rutxpwr of sub-bands to be sent to firmware. refer to rutxpowerlimit_cfg_set_WW[]
in rutx_pwr_cfg_len Size of rutx_pwr_cfg buffer.

WM_SUCCESS if operation is successful.

-WM_FAIL if command fails.

int wlan_set_11ax_rutxpowerlimit_legacy (const wlan_rutxpwrlimit_t * ru_pwr_cfg)

Use this API to set the RU TX power limit by channel based approach.

in ru_pwr_cfg 802.11ax rutxpwr of channels to be sent to firmware.

WM_SUCCESS if operation is successful.

-WM_FAIL if command fails.

int wlan_get_11ax_rutxpowerlimit_legacy (wlan_rutxpwrlimit_t * ru_pwr_cfg)

Use this API to get the RU TX power limit by channel based approach.

out ru_pwr_cfg 802.11ax rutxpwr of channels to be get from firmware.

WM_SUCCESS if operation is successful.

-WM_FAIL if command fails.

int wlan_set_11ax_cfg (wlan_11ax_config_t * ax_config)

Set 802.11ax configuration parameters

in ax_config 802.11ax configuration parameters to be sent to firmware.

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

wlan_11ax_config_t* wlan_get_11ax_cfg (void )

Get default 802.11ax configuration parameters


802.11ax configuration parameters default array.

int wlan_set_btwt_cfg (const wlan_btwt_config_t * btwt_config)

Set broadcast TWT (target wake time) configuration parameters

in btwt_config Broadcast TWT setup parameters to be sent to firmware.

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

wlan_btwt_config_t* wlan_get_btwt_cfg (void )

Get broadcast TWT configuration parameters


Broadcast TWT setup parameters default configuration array.

int wlan_set_twt_setup_cfg (const wlan_twt_setup_config_t * twt_setup)

Set TWT setup configuration parameters

in twt_setup TWT setup parameters to be sent to firmware.

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

wlan_twt_setup_config_t* wlan_get_twt_setup_cfg (void )

Get TWT setup configuration parameters


TWT setup parameters default array.

int wlan_set_twt_teardown_cfg (const wlan_twt_teardown_config_t * teardown_config)

Set TWT teardown configuration parameters

in teardown_config TWT teardown parameters sent to firmware.

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

wlan_twt_teardown_config_t* wlan_get_twt_teardown_cfg (void )

Get TWT teardown configuration parameters


TWT Teardown parameters default array

int wlan_get_twt_report (wlan_twt_report_t * twt_report)

Get TWT report

out twt_report TWT report parameter.

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_set_mmsf (const t_u8 enable, const t_u8 Density, const t_u8 MMSF)

Set 802.11ax AMPDU (aggregate medium access control (MAC) protocol data unit) density configuration.

in enable 0 - Disbale MMSF; 1 - Enable MMSF
in Density AMPDU density value. Default value is 0x30.
in MMSF AMPDU MMSF value. Default value is 0x6.

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_get_mmsf (t_u8 * enable, t_u8 * Density, t_u8 * MMSF)

Get 802.11ax AMPDU density configuration.

out enable 0 - Disbale MMSF; 1 - Enable MMSF
out Density AMPDU Density value.
out MMSF AMPDU MMSF value. Default value is 0x6.

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_set_clocksync_cfg (const wlan_clock_sync_gpio_tsf_t * tsf_latch)

Set clock sync GPIO based TSF (time synchronization function).

in tsf_latch Clock sync TSF latch parameters to be sent to firmware

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_get_tsf_info (wlan_tsf_info_t * tsf_info)

Get TSF info from firmware using GPIO latch.

out tsf_info TSF info parameter received from firmware

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_ft_roam (const t_u8 * bssid, const t_u8 channel)

Start FT roaming : This API is used to initiate fast BSS transition based roaming.

in bssid BSSID of AP to roam
in channel Channel of AP to roam

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_rx_mgmt_indication (const enum wlan_bss_type bss_type, const uint32_t mgmt_subtype_mask, int(*)(const enum wlan_bss_type bss_type, const wlan_mgmt_frame_t *frame, const size_t len) rx_mgmt_callback)

This API can be used to start/stop the management frame forwarded to host through data path.

in bss_type The interface from which management frame needs to be collected 0: STA, 1: uAP
in mgmt_subtype_mask Management Subtype Mask If Bit X is set in mask, it means that IEEE Management Frame SubType X is to be filtered and passed through to host. Bit Description [31:14] Reserved [13] Action frame [12:9] Reserved [8] Beacon [7:6] Reserved [5] Probe response [4] Probe request [3] Reassociation response [2] Reassociation request [1] Association response [0] Association request Support multiple bits set. 0 = stop forward frame 1 = start forward frame
in rx_mgmt_callback The receive callback where the received management frames are passed.

WM_SUCCESS if operation is successful.

-WM_FAIL if command fails.


Pass management subtype mask all zero to disable all the management frame forward to host.

void wlan_set_scan_channel_gap (unsigned scan_chan_gap)

Set scan channel gap.

in scan_chan_gap Time gap to be used between two consecutive channels scan.

int wlan_host_11k_cfg (int enable_11k)

Enable/Disable host 802.11k feature.

in enable_11k the value of 802.11k configuration. 0: disable host 11k 1: enable host 11k

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

bool wlan_get_host_11k_status (void )

Get enable/disable host 802.11k feature flag.


TRUE if 802.11k is enabled, return FALSE if 802.11k is disabled.

int wlan_host_11k_neighbor_req (const char * ssid)

Host send neighbor report request.

in ssid The SSID for neighbor report

ssid parameter is optional, pass NULL pointer to ignore SSID input if not specify SSID


WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_host_11v_bss_trans_query (t_u8 query_reason)

Host send BSS transition management query. STA sends BTM (BSS transition management) query, and the AP supporting 11V will response BTM request, the AP will parse neighbor report in the BTM request and response the BTM response to AP to indicate the receive status.

in query_reason [0..16] IEEE 802.11v BTM (BSS transition management) Query reasons. Refer to IEEE Std 802.11v-2011 - Table 7-43x-Transition and Transition Query reasons table.

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_set_okc (t_u8 okc)

Opportunistic key caching (also known as proactive key caching) default This parameter can be used to set the default behavior for the proactive_key_caching parameter. By default, OKC is disabled unless enabled with the global okc=1 parameter or with the per-network pkc(proactive_key_caching)=1 parameter. With okc=1, OKC is enabled by default, but can be disabled with per-network pkc(proactive_key_caching)=0 parameter.

in okc Enable opportunistic key caching

0 = Disable OKC (default) 1 = Enable OKC


WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_pmksa_list (char * buf, size_t buflen)

Dump text list of entries in PMKSA (pairwise master key security association) cache.

out buf Buffer to save PMKSA cache text list
in buflen length of the buffer

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_pmksa_flush (void )

Flush PTKSA cache entries


WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_set_scan_interval (int scan_int)

Set wpa supplicant scan interval in seconds

in scan_int Scan interval in seconds

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_uap_set_ecsa_cfg (t_u8 block_tx, t_u8 oper_class, t_u8 channel, t_u8 switch_count, t_u8 band_width)

Send the ecsa configuration parameter to FW.

in block_tx 0 – no need to block traffic,1 – need block traffic.
in oper_class Operating class according to IEEE std802.11 spec, refer to Annex E, when 0 is used, automatically get operclass through band_width and channel.
in channel The channel can switch to.
in switch_count Channel switch time to send ECSA ie, unit is 110ms.
in band_width Channel width switch to(optional), only for 5G channels. Depends on the hardware capabilities, when the hardware does not support, it can automatically downgrade. Redfinch support 20M. 0 – 20MHZ, 1 – 40M above, 3 – 40M below, 4 – 80M, 5 – 160M

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_set_subscribe_event (unsigned int event_id, unsigned int thresh_value, unsigned int freq)

Subscribe specified event from the Wi-Fi firmware. Wi-Fi firmware report the registered event to driver upon configured report conditions are met.

in event_id event to register as per sub_event_id except for EVENT_SUB_LINK_QUALITY
in thresh_value the RSSI threshold value (dBm)
in freq event frequency 0–report once, 1–report every time happened, N – report only happened > N consecutive times.

WM_SUCCESS if set successfully, otherwise return failure.

int wlan_get_subscribe_event (wlan_ds_subscribe_evt * sub_evt)

Get all subscribed events from Wi-Fi firmware along with threshold value and report frequency.

out sub_evt A pointer to wlan_ds_subscribe_evt to store the events data.

WM_SUCCESS if set successfully, otherwise return failure.

int wlan_clear_subscribe_event (unsigned int event_id)

cancel the subscribe event to firmware

in event_id event id to clear as per sub_event_id

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_get_tsp_cfg (t_u16 * enable, t_u32 * back_off, t_u32 * highThreshold, t_u32 * lowThreshold, t_u32 * dutycycstep, t_u32 * dutycycmin, int * highthrtemp, int * lowthrtemp, int * currCAUTemp, int * currRFUTemp)

Get TSP (thermal safeguard protection) configuration. TSP algorithm monitors PA Tj and primarily backs off data throughput.

out enable Enable/Disable TSP algorithm
out back_off Power back off [0...20]dB
out highThreshold High threshold [0...300]°C
out lowThreshold Low threshold [0...300]°C High Threshold is Greater than low threshold.
out dutycycstep Duty cycle step(percentage)
out dutycycmin Duty cycle min(percentage)
out highthrtemp High throttle threshold temperature(celsius)
out lowthrtemp Low throttle threshold temperature(celsius)
out currCAUTemp CAU TSEN temperature
out currRFUTemp RFU temperature

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_set_tsp_cfg (t_u16 enable, t_u32 back_off, t_u32 highThreshold, t_u32 lowThreshold, t_u32 dutycycstep, t_u32 dutycycmin, int highthrtemp, int lowthrtemp)

Set TSP (thermal safeguard protection) configuration. TSP algorithm monitors and primarily backs off data throughput.

in enable Enable/Disable tsp algorithm
in back_off Power back off [0...20]dB
in highThreshold High threshold [0...300]Celsius
in lowThreshold Low threshold [0...300]Celsius High threshold is greater than low threshold.
in dutycycstep Duty cycle step(percentage)
in dutycycmin Duty cycle min(percentage)
out highthrtemp High throttle threshold temperature (celsius)
out lowthrtemp Low throttle threshold temperature (celsius)

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_reg_access (wifi_reg_t type, uint16_t action, uint32_t offset, uint32_t * value)

This function reads/writes adapter registers value.

in type Register type: 1 – MAC, 2 – BBP, 3 – RF.
in action 0 – read, 1 – write
in offset Specifies the offset location that is to be read/write.
in,out value Value if specified, stand for write action, then that value can be written to that offset in the specified register. Value should be specified in hexadecimal. Otherwise, it stands for read action, the value is updated with read value.

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_tx_ampdu_prot_mode (tx_ampdu_prot_mode_para * prot_mode, t_u16 action)

Set/Get TX AMPDU protect mode.

[in/out] prot_mode: TX AMPDU protect mode tx_ampdu_prot_mode_para
in action Command action 0: get TX AMPDU protect mode 1: set TX AMPDU protect mode

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_mef_set_auto_arp (t_u8 mef_action)

This function set auto ARP configuration.

in mef_action To be 0–discard and not wake host, 1–discard and wake host, 3–allow and wake host.

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_mef_set_auto_ping (t_u8 mef_action)

This function set auto ping configuration.

in mef_action

To be

0–discard ping packet and not wake host

1–discard ping packet and wake host

3–allow ping packet and wake host.


WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_config_mef (int type, t_u8 mef_action)

This function set/delete MEF entries configuration.

in mef_action To be 0–discard and not wake host, 1–discard and wake host 3–allow and wake host.

WM_SUCCESS if the call was successful.

-WM_FAIL if failed.

int wlan_set_ipv6_ns_mef (t_u8 mef_action)

Use this API to enable IPv6 neighbor solicitation offload in Wi-Fi firmware.

in mef_action 0–discard and not wake host, 1–discard and wake host 3–allow and wake host.

WM_SUCCESS if operation is successful.

-WM_FAIL if command fails.

int wlan_csi_cfg (wlan_csi_config_params_t * csi_params)

Send the CSI configuration parameter to firmware.

in csi_params CSI configuration parameter

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_register_csi_user_callback (int(*)(void *buffer, size_t len) csi_data_recv_callback)

This function registers callback which are used to deliver CSI (channel state information) data to user.

in csi_data_recv_callback Callback to deliver CSI data and max data length is 768 bytes. Process data as soon as possible in callback, or else shall block there. Type of callback return value is int.

Memory layout of buffer:

size(byte) items

2 buffer len[bit 0:12]

2 CSI signature, 0xABCD fixed

4 User defined HeaderID

2 Packet info

2 Frame control field for the received packet

8 Timestamp when packet received

6 Received packet destination MAC Address

6 Received packet source MAC address

1 RSSI for antenna A

1 RSSI for antenna B

1 Noise floor for antenna A

1 Noise floor for antenna B

1 RX signal strength above noise floor

1 Channel

2 user defined chip ID

4 Reserved

4 CSI data length in DWORDs

CSI data


WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_unregister_csi_user_callback (void )

This function unregisters callback which are used to deliver CSI data to user.


WM_SUCCESS if successful

wlan_csi_config_params_t* wlan_get_csi_cfg_param_default (void )

This function get CSI default configuration data.


CSI data pointer.

int wlan_set_csi_cfg_param_default (wlan_csi_config_params_t * in_csi_cfg)

This function set CSI default configuration data.

in in_csi_cfg CSI default configuration data to be set.

if successful return 1 else return 0.

void wlan_reset_csi_filter_data (void )

This function reset Wi-Fi CSI filter data.

void wlan_set_rssi_low_threshold (uint8_t threshold)

Use this API to set the RSSI threshold value for low RSSI event subscription. When RSSI falls below this threshold firmware can generate the low RSSI event to driver. This low RSSI event is used when either of CONFIG_11R, CONFIG_11K, CONFIG_11V or CONFIG_ROAMING is enabled.


By default RSSI low threshold is set at -70 dbm.

in threshold Threshold RSSI value to be set

void wlan_wps_generate_pin (uint32_t * pin)

This function generate pin for WPS pin session.

in pin A pointer to WPS pin to be generated.

int wlan_start_wps_pin (const char * pin)

Start WPS pin session.

This function starts WPS pin session.

in pin Pin for WPS session.

WM_SUCCESS if the pin entered is valid.

-WM_FAIL if invalid pin entered.

int wlan_start_wps_pbc (void )

Start WPS PBC (push button configuration) session.

This function starts WPS PBC (push button configuration) session.


WM_SUCCESS if successful

-WM_FAIL if invalid pin entered.

int wlan_wps_cancel (void )

Cancel WPS session.

This function cancels ongoing WPS session.


WM_SUCCESS if successful

-WM_FAIL if invalid pin entered.

int wlan_set_entp_cert_files (int cert_type, t_u8 * data, t_u32 data_len)

This function specifies the enterprise certificate file This function is used before adding network profile. It can store certificate data in “wlan” global structure.

in cert_type certificate file type: 1 – FILE_TYPE_ENTP_CA_CERT, 2 – FILE_TYPE_ENTP_CLIENT_CERT, 3 – FILE_TYPE_ENTP_CLIENT_KEY.
in data raw data of the enterprise certificate file
in data_len length of the enterprise certificate file

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

t_u32 wlan_get_entp_cert_files (int cert_type, t_u8 ** data)

This function get enterprise certificate data from “wlan” global structure

in cert_type certificate file type: 1 – FILE_TYPE_ENTP_CA_CERT, 2 – FILE_TYPE_ENTP_CLIENT_CERT, 3 – FILE_TYPE_ENTP_CLIENT_KEY.
out data raw data of the enterprise certificate file

size of raw data

void wlan_free_entp_cert_files (void )

This function free the temporary memory of enterprise certificate data After add new enterprise network profile, the certificate data has been parsed by mbedtls into another data, which can be freed.

int wlan_net_monitor_cfg (wlan_net_monitor_t * monitor)

Send the network monitor configuration parameter to firmware.

in monitor Monitor configuration parameter

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

void wlan_register_monitor_user_callback (int(*)(void *buffer, t_u16 data_len) monitor_data_recv_callback)

This function registers callback which are used to deliver monitor data to user.

in monitor_data_recv_callback Callback to deliver monitor data and data length to user. Memory layout of buffer: offset(byte) items 0 rssi 1 802.11 MAC header 1 + 'size of 802.11 MAC header' frame body

void wlan_deregister_net_monitor_user_callback (void )

This function deregisters monitor callback.

uint8_t wlan_check_11n_capa (unsigned int channel)

Check if Wi-Fi hardware support 802.11n for on 2.4G or 5G bands.

in channel Channel number.

true if 802.11n is supported or false if not.

uint8_t wlan_check_11ac_capa (unsigned int channel)

Check if Wi-Fi hardware support 802.11ac for on 2.4G or 5G bands.

in channel Channel number.

true if 802.11ac is supported or false if not.

uint8_t wlan_check_11ax_capa (unsigned int channel)

Check if Wi-Fi hardware support 802.11ax for on 2.4G or 5G bands.

in channel Channel number.

true if 802.11ax is supported or false if not.

int wlan_set_ips (int option)

Config IEEE power save mode (IPS). If the option is 1, the IPS hardware listens to beacon frames after Wi-Fi CPU enters power save mode. When there is work needed to done by Wi-Fi CPU, Wi-Fi CPU can be woken up by ips hardware.

in option 0/1 disable/enable ips

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_get_signal_info (wlan_rssi_info_t * signal)

Get RSSI information.

out signal RSSI information get report buffer

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_set_bandcfg (wlan_bandcfg_t * bandcfg)

Set band configuration.

in bandcfg band configuration

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_get_bandcfg (wlan_bandcfg_t * bandcfg)

Get band configuration.

out bandcfg band configuration

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_set_rg_power_cfg (t_u16 region_code)

Set TX power table according to region code

in region_code region code

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_set_ru_power_cfg (t_u16 region_code)

set ru tx power table

in region_code region code

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise failure.

void wlan_set_ps_cfg (t_u16 multiple_dtims, t_u16 bcn_miss_timeout, t_u16 local_listen_interval, t_u16 adhoc_wake_period, t_u16 mode, t_u16 delay_to_ps)

Set multiple dtim for next wakeup RX beacon time

in multiple_dtims num dtims, range [1,20]
in bcn_miss_timeout becaon miss interval
in local_listen_interval local listen interval
in adhoc_wake_period adhoc awake period
in mode mode - (0x01 - firmware to automatically choose PS_POLL or NULL mode, 0x02 - PS_POLL, 0x03 - NULL mode )
in delay_to_ps Delay to PS in milliseconds

int wlan_set_country_code (const char * alpha2)

Set country code


This API should be called after Wi-Fi is initialized but before starting uAP interface.

in alpha2 country code in 3 octets string, 2 octets country code and 1 octet environment 2 octets country code supported: WW : World Wide Safe US : US FCC CA : IC Canada SG : Singapore EU : ETSI AU : Australia KR : Republic Of Korea FR : France JP : Japan CN : China

For the third octet, STA is always 0. for uAP environment: All environments of the current frequency band and country (default) alpha2[2]=0x20 Outdoor environment only alpha2[2]=0x4f Indoor environment only alpha2[2]=0x49 Noncountry entity (country_code=XX) alpha[2]=0x58 IEEE 802.11 standard Annex E table indication: 0x01 .. 0x1f Annex E, Table E-4 (Global operating classes) alpha[2]=0x04


WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_set_country_ie_ignore (uint8_t * ignore)

Set ignore region code.

in ignore 0: don't ignore, 1: ignore

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_set_region_code (unsigned int region_code)

Set region code.

in region_code region code to be set.

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise fail.

int wlan_get_region_code (unsigned int * region_code)

Get region code.

out region_code pointer The value: 0x00: World Wide Safe 0x10: US FCC 0x20: IC Canada 0x10: Singapore 0x30: ETSI 0x30: Australia 0x30: Republic Of Korea 0x32: France 0xFF: Japan 0x50: China

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_set_11d_state (int bss_type, int state)

Set STA/uAP 802.11d feature Enable/Disable.

in bss_type 0: STA, 1: uAP
in state 0: disable, 1: enable

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_single_ant_duty_cycle (t_u16 enable, t_u16 nbTime, t_u16 wlanTime)

Set single antenna: duty cycle.

in enable

enable/disable single duty cycle

0: Disable

1: enable

in nbTime time in unit 1ms, no more than wlanTime
in wlanTime time in unit 1ms, total duty cycle time

wlanTime should not equal to wlanTime-nbTime


WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_dual_ant_duty_cycle (t_u16 enable, t_u16 nbTime, t_u16 wlanTime, t_u16 wlanBlockTime)

Set dual antenna duty cycle.

in enable

enable/disable single duty cycle

0: Disable

1: enable

in nbTime time in units 1ms, no more than wlanTime
in wlanTime time in unit 1ms, total duty cycle time
in wlanBlockTime time in unit 1ms

nbTime, wlanTime and wlanBlockTime should not equal to each other


WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_external_coex_pta_cfg (ext_coex_pta_cfg coex_pta_config)

Set external coex PTA (packet traffic arbitration) parameters.

in coex_pta_config ext_coex_pta_cfg

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_dpp_configurator_add (int is_ap, const char * cmd)

Add a DPP (device provisioning protocol) configurator.

If this device is DPP configurator, add it to get configurator ID.

in is_ap 0 is STA, 1 is uAP.
in cmd "curve=P-256"

configurator ID if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

void wlan_dpp_configurator_params (int is_ap, const char * cmd)

Set DPP (device provisioning protocol) configurator parameter

set DPP configurator params. for example:” conf=<sta-dpp/ap-dpp> ssid=<hex ssid> configurator=conf_id” #space character exists between “ & conf word.

in is_ap 0 is STA, 1 is uAP.
in cmd " conf=<sta-dpp/ap-dpp/sta-psk> ssid=<hex ssid> configurator=conf_id..."


void wlan_dpp_mud_url (int is_ap, const char * cmd)

MUD URL for enrollee’s DPP configuration request (optional)

Wi-Fi_CERTIFIED_Easy_Connect_Test_Plan_v3.0.pdf 5.1.23 STAUT sends the MUD URL

in is_ap 0 is STA, 1 is uAP.
in cmd ""


int wlan_dpp_bootstrap_gen (int is_ap, const char * cmd)

Generate QR code.

This function generates QR code and return bootstrap-id

in is_ap 0 is STA, 1 is uAP.
in cmd "type=qrcode mac=<mac-address-of-device> chan=<operating-class/channel>..."

bootstrap-id if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

const char* wlan_dpp_bootstrap_get_uri (int is_ap, unsigned int id)

Get QR code by bootstrap-id.

This function gets QR code string by bootstrap-id

in is_ap 0 is STA, 1 is uAP.
in id bootstrap-id

QR code string if successful otherwise NULL.

int wlan_dpp_qr_code (int is_ap, char * uri)

Enter the QR code in the DPP device.

This function set the QR code and return qr-code-id.

in is_ap 0 is STA, 1 is uAP
in uri QR code provided by other device.

qr-code-id if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_dpp_auth_init (int is_ap, const char * cmd)

Send provisioning auth request to responder.

This function send Auth request to responder by qr-code-id.

in is_ap 0 is STA, 1 is uAP.
in cmd " peer=<qr-code-id> conf=<sta-dpp/ap-dpp/sta-psk> ...."

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_dpp_listen (int is_ap, const char * cmd)

Make device listen to DPP request.

Responder generates QR code and listening on its operating channel to wait Auth request.

in is_ap 0 is STA, 1 is uAP.
in cmd "<frequency>"

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_dpp_stop_listen (int is_ap)

DPP stop listen.

Stop dpp listen and clear listen frequency

in is_ap 0 is STA, 1 is uAP.

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_dpp_pkex_add (int is_ap, const char * cmd)

Set bootstrapping through PKEX (Public Key Exchange).

Support in-band bootstrapping through PKEX

in is_ap 0 is STA, 1 is uAP.
in cmd "own=<bootstrap_id> identifier=<string> code=<string>"

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_dpp_chirp (int is_ap, const char * cmd)

sends DPP presence announcement.

Send DPP presence announcement from responder. After the Initiator enters the QRcode URI provided by the Responder, the Responder sends the presence announcement to trigger Auth Request from Initiator.

in is_ap 0 is STA, 1 is uAP.
in cmd "own=<bootstrap id> listen=<freq> ..."

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_dpp_reconfig (const char * cmd)

DPP reconfig.

DPP reconfig and make a new DPP connection.

in cmd "<network id> ..."

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_dpp_configurator_sign (int is_ap, const char * cmd)

Configurator configures itself as an Enrollee AP/STA.

Wi-Fi_CERTIFIED_Easy_Connect_Test_Plan_v3.0.pdf 5.3.8 & 5.3.9 Configurator configures itself as an Enrollee AP/STA

for example:” conf=<sta-dpp/ap-dpp> ssid=<hex ssid> configurator=conf_id” #space character exists between “ & conf word.

in is_ap 0 is STA, 1 is uAP
in cmd " conf=<sta-dpp/ap-dpp/sta-psk> ssid=<hex ssid> configurator=conf_id..."

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_sta_inactivityto (wlan_inactivity_to_t * inac_to, t_u16 action)

Get/Set inactivity timeout extend

in inac_to wlan_inactivity_to_t
in action

0: get

1: set


WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

t_u16 wlan_get_status_code (enum wlan_event_reason reason)

Get 802.11 Status Code.

in reason wlcmgr event reason

status code defined in IEEE 802.11-2020 standard.

int32_t wlan_get_temperature (void )

Get board temperature.


board temperature.

int wlan_auto_null_tx (wlan_auto_null_tx_t * auto_null_tx, mlan_bss_type bss_type)

Start/Stop auto TX null. Call this API to auto transmit and one shot quality of service data packets to get the CSI after STA connected one AP or uAP was connected with external STA.


STA cannot send auto NULL data if not connected AP, not support auto TX without connecting AP. uAP cannot send auto NULL data if is not connected, not support auto tx without connecting with external STA.

in auto_null_tx auto null RX information
in bss_type 0: station; 1: uAP

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

char* wlan_string_dup (const char * s)

Allocate memory for a string and copy the string to the allocated memory

in s the source/target string

new string if successful, otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

uint32_t wlan_get_board_type (void )

Get board type.


board type. 0x02: RW610_PACKAGE_TYPE_BGA 0xFF: others

int wlan_uap_disconnect_sta (uint8_t * sta_addr)

Disconnect to STA which is connected with internal uAP.

in sta_addr STA MAC address

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_11n_allowed (struct wlan_network * network)

Check if 802.11n is allowed in capability.

in network A pointer to the wlan_network

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_11ac_allowed (struct wlan_network * network)

Check if 802.11ac is allowed in capability.

in network A pointer to the wlan_network

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

int wlan_11ax_allowed (struct wlan_network * network)

Check if 802.11ax is allowed in capability.

in network A pointer to the wlan_network

WM_SUCCESS if successful otherwise return -WM_FAIL.

Macro Documentation

#define ACTION_GET  (0U)

Action GET

#define ACTION_SET  (1)

Action SET

#define IEEEtypes_SSID_SIZE  32U

Maximum SSID length

#define IEEEtypes_ADDRESS_SIZE  6

MAC Address length


The number of times that the Wi-Fi connection manager look for a network before giving up.


The number of times that the Wi-Fi connection manager attempts a reconnection with the network before giving up.


Minimum length for network names, see wlan_network.


Maximum length for network names, see wlan_network


Minimum WPA2 passphrase can be up to 8 ASCII chars


Maximum WPA2 passphrase can be up to 63 ASCII chars or 64 hexadecimal digits + 1 ‘\0’ char


Minimum WPA3 password can be up to 8 ASCII chars


Maximum WPA3 password can be up to 255 ASCII chars


Maximum enterprise identity can be up to 64 characters


Maximum enterprise password can be up to 128 characters

#define MAX_USERS  8U

Maximum identities for EAP server users


Maximum length of encryption key for EAP-FAST PAC-Opaque values.

#define A_ID_MAX_LENGTH  33U

Maximum length of A-ID, A-ID indicates the identity of the authority that issues PACs.

#define HASH_MAX_LENGTH  40U

Maximum length of CA certification hash


Maximum length of domain match


The size of the list of known networks maintained by the Wi-Fi connection manager

#define WLAN_PMK_LENGTH  32

Length of a pairwise master key (PMK). It’s always 256 bits (32 Bytes)

#define WLAN_ERROR_NONE  0

Error codes The operation was successful.


The operation failed due to an error with one or more parameters.


The operation could not be performed because there is not enough memory.


The operation could not be performed in the current system state.


The operation failed due to an internal error.


The operation to change power state could not be performed


The requested feature is not supported


BITMAP for Action frame




Fast BSS Transition(11r) key management


Configuration for Wi-Fi scan

Typedef Documentation

typedef wifi_pkt_stats_t wlan_pkt_stats_t

Wi-Fi firmware stat from wifi_pkt_stats_t

typedef wifi_stats_t wlan_stats_t

Wi-Fi driver stat from wifi_stats_t

typedef wifi_scan_channel_list_t wlan_scan_channel_list_t

Configuration for Wi-Fi scan channel list from wifi_scan_channel_list_t

typedef wifi_scan_params_v2_t wlan_scan_params_v2_t

Configuration for Wi-Fi scan parameters v2 from wifi_scan_params_v2_t

typedef wifi_cal_data_t wlan_cal_data_t

Configuration for Wi-Fi calibration data from wifi_cal_data_t

typedef wifi_flt_cfg_t wlan_flt_cfg_t

Configuration for memory efficient filters in Wi-Fi firmware from wifi_flt_cfg_t

typedef wifi_wowlan_ptn_cfg_t wlan_wowlan_ptn_cfg_t

Configuration for wowlan pattern parameters from wifi_wowlan_ptn_cfg_t

typedef wifi_tcp_keep_alive_t wlan_tcp_keep_alive_t

Configuration for TCP keep alive parameters from wifi_tcp_keep_alive_t

typedef wifi_ds_rate wlan_ds_rate

Configuration for TX rate and get data rate from wifi_ds_rate

typedef wifi_ed_mac_ctrl_t wlan_ed_mac_ctrl_t

Configuration for ED MAC Control parameters from wifi_ed_mac_ctrl_t

typedef wifi_bandcfg_t wlan_bandcfg_t

Configuration for band from wifi_bandcfg_t

typedef wifi_cw_mode_ctrl_t wlan_cw_mode_ctrl_t

Configuration for CW mode parameters from wifi_cw_mode_ctrl_t

typedef wifi_chanlist_t wlan_chanlist_t

Configuration for channel list from wifi_chanlist_t

typedef wifi_txpwrlimit_t wlan_txpwrlimit_t

Configuration for TX power Limit from wifi_txpwrlimit_t

typedef wifi_rutxpwrlimit_t wlan_rutxpwrlimit_t

Configuration for RU TX power limit from wifi_rutxpwrlimit_t

typedef wifi_11ax_config_t wlan_11ax_config_t

Configuration for 802.11ax capabilities wifi_11ax_config_t

typedef wifi_twt_setup_config_t wlan_twt_setup_config_t

Configuration for TWT setup wifi_twt_setup_config_t

typedef wifi_twt_teardown_config_t wlan_twt_teardown_config_t

Configuration for TWT teardown wifi_twt_teardown_config_t

typedef wifi_btwt_config_t wlan_btwt_config_t

Configuration for Broadcast TWT setup wifi_btwt_config_t

typedef wifi_twt_report_t wlan_twt_report_t

Configuration for TWT report wifi_twt_report_t

typedef wifi_clock_sync_gpio_tsf_t wlan_clock_sync_gpio_tsf_t

Configuration for clock sync GPIO TSF latch wifi_clock_sync_gpio_tsf_t

typedef wifi_tsf_info_t wlan_tsf_info_t

Configuration for TSF info wifi_tsf_info_t

typedef wifi_csi_config_params_t wlan_csi_config_params_t

Configuration for CSI config params from wifi_csi_config_params_t

typedef wifi_net_monitor_t wlan_net_monitor_t

Configuration for net monitor from wifi_net_monitor_t

typedef txrate_setting wlan_txrate_setting

Configuration for TX rate setting from txrate_setting

typedef wifi_rssi_info_t wlan_rssi_info_t

Configuration for RSSI information wifi_rssi_info_t

typedef wifi_ds_subscribe_evt wlan_ds_subscribe_evt

Configuration for subscribe events from wlan_ds_subscribe_evt

typedef wifi_auto_null_tx_t wlan_auto_null_tx_t

Configuration for auto null TX parameters from wifi_auto_null_tx_t

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum wm_wlan_errno

Enum for Wi-Fi errors

WLAN_ERROR_FW_DNLD_FAILED The firmware download operation failed.
WLAN_ERROR_FW_NOT_READY The firmware ready register not set.
WLAN_ERROR_FW_NOT_DETECTED The Wi-Fi Firmware not found.

enum wlan_event_reason

Wi-Fi connection manager event reason

WLAN_REASON_SUCCESS The Wi-Fi connection manager has successfully connected to a network and is now in the WLAN_CONNECTED state.
WLAN_REASON_AUTH_SUCCESS The Wi-Fi connection manager has successfully authenticated to a network and is now in the WLAN_ASSOCIATED state.
WLAN_REASON_CONNECT_FAILED The Wi-Fi connection manager failed to connect before actual connection attempt with AP due to incorrect Wi-Fi network profile. or the Wi-Fi connection manager failed to reconnect to previously connected network and it is now in the WLAN_DISCONNECTED state.
WLAN_REASON_NETWORK_NOT_FOUND The Wi-Fi connection manager could not find the network that it was connecting to and it is now in the WLAN_DISCONNECTED state.
WLAN_REASON_BGSCAN_NETWORK_NOT_FOUND The Wi-Fi connection manager could not find the network in background scan during roam attempt that it was connecting to and it is now in the WLAN_CONNECTED state with previous AP.
WLAN_REASON_NETWORK_AUTH_FAILED The Wi-Fi connection manager failed to authenticate with the network and is now in the WLAN_DISCONNECTED state.
WLAN_REASON_ADDRESS_SUCCESS DHCP lease has been renewed.
WLAN_REASON_ADDRESS_FAILED The Wi-Fi connection manager failed to obtain an IP address or TCP stack configuration has failed or the IP address configuration was lost due to a DHCP error. The system is now in the WLAN_DISCONNECTED state.
WLAN_REASON_LINK_LOST The Wi-Fi connection manager has lost the link to the current network.
WLAN_REASON_CHAN_SWITCH The Wi-Fi connection manager has received the channel switch announcement from the current network.
WLAN_REASON_WPS_DISCONNECT The Wi-Fi connection manager has disconnected from the WPS network (or has canceled a connection attempt) by request and is now in the WLAN_DISCONNECTED state.
WLAN_REASON_USER_DISCONNECT The Wi-Fi connection manager has disconnected from the current network (or has canceled a connection attempt) by request and is now in the WLAN_DISCONNECTED state.
WLAN_REASON_INITIALIZED The Wi-Fi connection manager is initialized and is ready for use. That is, it's now possible to scan or to connect to a network.
WLAN_REASON_INITIALIZATION_FAILED The Wi-Fi connection manager has failed to initialize and is therefore not running. It is not possible to scan or to connect to a network. The Wi-Fi connection manager should be stopped and started again via wlan_stop() and wlan_start() respectively.
WLAN_REASON_FW_HANG The Wi-Fi connection manager has entered in hang mode.
WLAN_REASON_FW_RESET The Wi-Fi connection manager has reset fw successfully.
WLAN_REASON_PS_ENTER The Wi-Fi connection manager has entered power save mode.
WLAN_REASON_PS_EXIT The Wi-Fi connection manager has exited from power save mode.
WLAN_REASON_UAP_SUCCESS The Wi-Fi connection manager has started uAP (micro access point)
WLAN_REASON_UAP_CLIENT_ASSOC A Wi-Fi client has joined uAP's BSS network
WLAN_REASON_UAP_CLIENT_CONN A Wi-Fi client has authenticated and connected to uAP's BSS network
WLAN_REASON_UAP_CLIENT_DISSOC A Wi-Fi client has left uAP's BSS network
WLAN_REASON_UAP_START_FAILED The Wi-Fi connection manager has failed to start uAP
WLAN_REASON_UAP_STOP_FAILED The Wi-Fi connection manager has failed to stop uAP
WLAN_REASON_UAP_STOPPED The Wi-Fi connection manager has stopped uAP
WLAN_REASON_RSSI_LOW The Wi-Fi connection manager has received subscribed RSSI low event on station interface as per configured threshold and frequency. If CONFIG_11K, CONFIG_11V, CONFIG_11R or CONFIG_ROAMING enabled then RSSI low event is processed internally.
WLAN_REASON_RSSI_HIGH The Wi-Fi connection manager has received subscribed RSSI high event on station interface as per configured threshold and frequency.
WLAN_REASON_SNR_LOW The Wi-Fi connection manager has received subscribed SNR low event on station interface as per configured threshold and frequency.
WLAN_REASON_SNR_HIGH The Wi-Fi connection manager has received subscribed SNR high event on station interface as per configured threshold and frequency.
WLAN_REASON_MAX_FAIL The Wi-Fi connection manager has received subscribed maximum fail event on station interface as per configured threshold and frequency.
WLAN_REASON_BEACON_MISSED The Wi-Fi connection manager has received subscribed beacon missed fail event on station interface as per configured threshold and frequency.
WLAN_REASON_DATA_RSSI_LOW The Wi-Fi connection manager has received subscribed data RSSI low event on station interface as per configured threshold and frequency.
WLAN_REASON_DATA_RSSI_HIGH The Wi-Fi connection manager has received subscribed data RSSI high event on station interface as per configured threshold and frequency.
WLAN_REASON_DATA_SNR_LOW The Wi-Fi connection manager has received subscribed data SNR low event on station interface as per configured threshold and frequency.
WLAN_REASON_DATA_SNR_HIGH The Wi-Fi connection manager has received subscribed data SNR high event on station interface as per configured threshold and frequency.
WLAN_REASON_LINK_QUALITY The Wi-Fi connection manager has received subscribed link quality event on station interface as per configured link_snr threshold and frequency, link_rate threshold and frequency, link_tx_latency threshold and frequency
WLAN_REASON_PRE_BEACON_LOST The Wi-Fi connection manager has received subscribed pre beacon lost event on station interface as per configured threshold and frequency.

enum wlan_wakeup_event_t

Wakeup event bitmap

WAKE_ON_ALL_BROADCAST Wakeup on broadcast
WAKE_ON_UNICAST Wakeup on unicast
WAKE_ON_MAC_EVENT Wakeup on MAC event
WAKE_ON_MULTICAST Wakeup on multicast
WAKE_ON_ARP_BROADCAST Wakeup on ARP broadcast
WAKE_ON_MGMT_FRAME Wakeup on receiving a management frame

enum wlan_connection_state

Wi-Fi station/uAP/Wi-Fi direct connection/status state

WLAN_DISCONNECTED The Wi-Fi connection manager is not connected and no connection attempt is in progress. It is possible to connect to a network or scan.
WLAN_CONNECTING The Wi-Fi connection manager is not connected but it is currently attempting to connect to a network. It is not possible to scan at this time. It is possible to connect to a different network.
WLAN_ASSOCIATED The Wi-Fi connection manager is not connected but associated.
WLAN_AUTHENTICATED The Wi-Fi connection manager is not connected but authenticated.
WLAN_CONNECTED The Wi-Fi connection manager is connected. It is possible to scan and connect to another network at this time. Information about the current network configuration is available.
WLAN_UAP_STARTED The Wi-Fi connection manager has started uAP
WLAN_UAP_STOPPED The Wi-Fi connection manager has stopped uAP
WLAN_SCANNING The Wi-Fi connection manager is not connected and network scan is in progress.
WLAN_ASSOCIATING The Wi-Fi connection manager is not connected and network association is in progress.

enum wlan_ps_mode

Station power save mode

WLAN_ACTIVE Active mode
WLAN_IEEE IEEE power save mode
WLAN_DEEP_SLEEP Deep sleep power save mode
WLAN_IEEE_DEEP_SLEEP IEEE and deep sleep power save mode
WLAN_WNM WNM power save mode
WLAN_WNM_DEEP_SLEEP WNM and Deep sleep power save mode

enum wlan_security_type

Network security types

WLAN_SECURITY_NONE The network does not use security.
WLAN_SECURITY_WEP_OPEN The network uses WEP security with open key.
WLAN_SECURITY_WEP_SHARED The network uses WEP security with shared key.
WLAN_SECURITY_WPA The network uses WPA security with PSK.
WLAN_SECURITY_WPA2 The network uses WPA2 security with PSK.
WLAN_SECURITY_WPA_WPA2_MIXED The network uses WPA/WPA2 mixed security with PSK
WLAN_SECURITY_WPA2_FT The network uses WPA2 security with PSK FT.
WLAN_SECURITY_WPA3_SAE The network uses WPA3 security with SAE.
WLAN_SECURITY_WPA3_FT_SAE The network uses WPA3 security with SAE FT.
WLAN_SECURITY_WPA3_SAE_EXT_KEY The network uses WPA3 security with new SAE AKM suite 24.
WLAN_SECURITY_WPA2_WPA3_SAE_MIXED The network uses WPA2/WPA3 SAE mixed security with PSK.
WLAN_SECURITY_OWE_ONLY The network uses OWE only security without Transition mode support.
WLAN_SECURITY_EAP_TLS The network uses WPA2 Enterprise EAP-TLS security The identity field in wlan_network structure is used
WLAN_SECURITY_EAP_TLS_SHA256 The network uses WPA2 Enterprise EAP-TLS SHA256 security. The identity field in wlan_network structure is used
WLAN_SECURITY_EAP_TLS_FT The network uses WPA2 Enterprise EAP-TLS FT security. The identity field in wlan_network structure is used
WLAN_SECURITY_EAP_TLS_FT_SHA384 The network uses WPA2 Enterprise EAP-TLS FT SHA384 security The identity field in wlan_network structure is used
WLAN_SECURITY_EAP_TTLS The network uses WPA2 Enterprise EAP-TTLS security. The identity field in wlan_network structure is used
WLAN_SECURITY_EAP_TTLS_MSCHAPV2 The network uses WPA2 Enterprise EAP-TTLS-MSCHAPV2 security. The anonymous identity, identity and password fields in wlan_network structure are used
WLAN_SECURITY_EAP_PEAP_MSCHAPV2 The network uses WPA2 Enterprise EAP-PEAP-MSCHAPV2 security. The anonymous identity, identity and password fields in wlan_network structure are used
WLAN_SECURITY_EAP_PEAP_TLS The network uses WPA2 Enterprise EAP-PEAP-TLS security. The anonymous identity, identity and password fields in wlan_network structure are used
WLAN_SECURITY_EAP_PEAP_GTC The network uses WPA2 Enterprise EAP-PEAP-GTC security. The anonymous identity, identity and password fields in wlan_network structure are used
WLAN_SECURITY_EAP_FAST_MSCHAPV2 The network uses WPA2 Enterprise EAP-FAST-MSCHAPV2 security. The anonymous identity, identity and password fields in wlan_network structure are used
WLAN_SECURITY_EAP_FAST_GTC The network uses WPA2 Enterprise EAP-FAST-GTC security The anonymous identity, identity and password fields in wlan_network structure are used
WLAN_SECURITY_EAP_SIM The network uses WPA2 Enterprise EAP-SIM security The identity and password fields in wlan_network structure are used
WLAN_SECURITY_EAP_AKA The network uses WPA2 Enterprise EAP-AKA security The identity and password fields in wlan_network structure are used
WLAN_SECURITY_EAP_AKA_PRIME The network uses WPA2 Enterprise EAP-AKA-PRIME security The identity and password fields in wlan_network structure are used
WLAN_SECURITY_DPP The network uses DPP security with NAK(Net Access Key)
WLAN_SECURITY_WILDCARD The network can use any security method. This is often used when the user only knows the name and passphrase but not the security type.

enum eap_tls_cipher_type

EAP TLS Cipher types

EAP_TLS_ECC_P384 EAP TLS with ECDH & ECDSA with p384
EAP_TLS_RSA_3K EAP TLS with ECDH & RSA with > 3K

enum address_types

Address types to be used by the element wlan_ip_config.addr_type below

ADDR_TYPE_STATIC Static IP address
ADDR_TYPE_DHCP Dynamic IP address
ADDR_TYPE_LLA Link level address
ADDR_TYPE_BRIDGE_MODE For Bridge Mode, no IP address

enum sub_event_id

Type enum definition of subscribe event

EVENT_SUB_RSSI_LOW Event Id for subscribe event RSSI low
EVENT_SUB_RSSI_HIGH Event Id for subscribe event RSSI high
EVENT_SUB_SNR_LOW Event Id for subscribe event snr low
EVENT_SUB_SNR_HIGH Event Id for subscribe event snr high
EVENT_SUB_MAX_FAIL Event Id for subscribe event max fail
EVENT_SUB_BEACON_MISSED Event Id for subscribe event beacon missed
EVENT_SUB_DATA_RSSI_LOW Event Id for subscribe event data RSSI low
EVENT_SUB_DATA_RSSI_HIGH Event Id for subscribe event data RSSI high
EVENT_SUB_DATA_SNR_LOW Event Id for subscribe event data snr low
EVENT_SUB_DATA_SNR_HIGH Event Id for subscribe event data snr high
EVENT_SUB_LINK_QUALITY Event Id for subscribe event link quality
EVENT_SUB_PRE_BEACON_LOST Event Id for subscribe event pre_beacon_lost
MAX_EVENT_ID Fail event id