Encrypted Advertising Data {#encrypted_advertising_data_0}
This section describes the Central and Peripheral setup for encrypted advertising data.
Central Setup
Use the Gap_DecryptAdvertisingData
API to decrypt the contents of “Encrypted Advertising Data” (0x31) AD types included in scanned data.
bleResult_t Gap_DecryptAdvertisingData
(uint8_t *pData, uint16_t dataLength, const uint8_t *pKey, const uint8_t *pIV, uint8_t *pOutput)
Parent topic:Encrypted Advertising Data
Peripheral Setup
Use the Gap_EncryptAdvertisingData
API to obtain the encrypted advertising data, which can then be placed inside the “Encrypted Advertising Data” (0x31) AD type.
bleResult_t Gap_EncryptAdvertisingData
( const gapAdvertisingData_t *pAdvertisingData, const uint8_t *pKey, const uint8_t *pIV, uint8_t *pOutput )
Parent topic:Encrypted Advertising Data
Parent topic:Generic Access Profile (GAP) Layer