Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) access
The Bluetooth LE Host Stack implements an internal module responsible for managing device information. This module relies on accessing a Non-Volatile Memory module for storing and loading bonded devices data.
The application developers determine the NVM access mechanism through the definition of three functions and one variable. The functions must first pre-process the information and then perform standard NVM operations (erase, write, read). The declarations are as follows:
** bleResult\_t App\_NvmErase**
uint8_t mEntryIdx
bleResult_t **App\_NvmRead**
uint8_t mEntryIdx,
void* pBondHeader,
void* pBondDataDynamic,
void* pBondDataStatic,
void* pBondDataLegacy,
void* pBondDataDeviceInfo,
void* pBondDataDescriptor,
uint8_t mDescriptorIndex
bleResult_t **App\_NvmWrite**
uint8_t mEntryIdx,
void* pBondHeader,
void* pBondDataDynamic,
void* pBondDataStatic,
void* pBondDataLegacy,
void* pBondDataDeviceInfo,
void* pBondDataDescriptor,
uint8_t mDescriptorIndex
The device information is divided into several components to ensure that even software wear leveling mechanisms can be used optimally. The components sizes are fixed (defined in ble_constants.h) and have the following meaning:
API pointer to bond component |
Component size (ble_constants.h) |
Description |
pBondHeader: points to a bleBondIdentityHeaderBlob_t element |
gBleBondIdentityHeaderSize_c |
Bonding information which is sufficient to identify a bonded device. |
pBondDataDynamic: points to a bleBondDataDynamicBlob_t element |
gBleBondDataDynamicSize_c |
Bonding information that might change frequently. |
pBondDataStatic: points to a bleBondDataStaticBlob_t element |
gBleBondDataStaticSize_c |
Bonding information that is unlikely to change frequently. |
pBondDataLegacy: points to a bleBondDataLegacyBlob_t element |
gBleBondDataLegacySize_c |
Stores legacy pairing and Connection Signature Resolving Key (CSRK) bond information. |
pBondDataDeviceInfo: points to a bleBondDataDeviceInfoBlob_t element |
gBleBondDataDeviceInfoSize_c |
Additional bonding information that can be accessed using the host stack API. |
pBondDataDescriptor: points to a bleBondDataDescriptorBlob_t element |
gBleBondDataDescriptorSize_c |
Bonding information used to store one Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor (CCCD). |
The Bluetooth LE Host Stack handles the format of the bonding information. Therefore, application developers need not to take care of this aspect.
Each bonding data slot must contain one bonding header blob, one dynamic data blob, one static data blob, one data legacy blob, one device information blob, and an array of descriptor blobs equal to gcGapMaximumSavedCccds_c.
Note: The application must define the gcGapMaximumSavedCccds_c. macro according to its requirement. The default value can be found in the ble_constants.h
A slot is uniquely identified by the mEntryIdx parameter.
A descriptor is uniquely identified by the pair mEntryIdx - mDescriptorIndex.
If one or more pointers passed as parameters are NULL, the read from or write to the corresponding blob of the bonding slot must be ignored. The erase function must clear the entire bonding data slot specified by the entry index.
Note: {#section_n4n_rtp_lvb .section}
When Advanced Secure Mode is chosen ( gAppSecureMode_d
is defined as 1
in app_preinclude.h
), two additional application NVM functions are defined to handle local keys encrypted blob storage. Their declaration is:
bleResult_t App_NvmWriteLocalKeys
uint8_t mEntryIdx,
void* pLocalKey
bleResult_t App_NvmReadLocalKeys
uint8_t mEntryIdx,
void* pLocalKey
The functions write/read a structure of type bleLocalKeysBlob_t
into/from NVM using a dedicated data set. The parameter mEntryIdx
can be 0
(local IRK is handled) or 1
(local CSRK is handled).
The format of the local keys blob nor about the generation and storage of the local keys is automatically handled in BLE Connection Manager (BleConnManager_GenericEvent). Therefore the application developer need not manage this aspect.
The current implementation of the aforementioned functions uses either the framework NVM module or a RAM buffer. Additional details about the NVM configuration and functionality can be found in the Connectivity Framework Reference Manual. See References.
To enable the NVM mechanism, ensure the following points:
(in app_preinclude.h) is set to1
is set to1
in the linker options of the toolchain.
is set to0
, then all bonding data is stored in the RAM and is accessible until reset or power cycle.If
is set to1
, the default NVM module configurations are applied in the app_preinclude.h file.
Parent topic:Prerequisites