EATT Peripheral

This section describes the implemented profiles and services, user interactions, and testing methods for the EATT Peripheral application.

Implemented profiles and services

The EATT Peripheral application implements a GATT server and the following profiles and services:

  • Battery Service v1.0

  • Device Information Service v1.1

  • Generic Attribute Profile

The Generic Attribute Profile includes the Server Supported Features characteristics, which is used to indicate EATT support to the peer, and the Client Supported Features characteristic, which is used by the peer to indicate its own EATT support.

The application behaves as a GAP peripheral node. It enters GAP General Discoverable Mode and waits for a GAP central node to connect. The application implements two custom services, Service A and Service B. After the EATT connection is completed, the peer must enable indications for the two services to periodically receive profile data over EATT.

Parent topic:EATT Peripheral

Supported platforms

The EATT Peripheral application is supported on the following platforms:

  • KW45B41Z-EVK

  • K32W148-EVK


  • KW47-EVK

  • MCXW72-EVK


Parent topic:EATT Peripheral

User interface

After flashing the board, the peripheral is in idle mode (all LEDs flashing). To start advertising, press the ADVSW button. When in GAP Discoverable Mode, CONNLED is flashing. When a central node connects to the peripheral, CONNLED turns solid. The node then waits for an EATT connection request and for the client to configure indications for the two services. The service information is sent over enhanced bearers only. The values indicated are cycled between 0 and 10. To disconnect the node, hold the ADVSW button for 2-3 seconds. The node then re-enters GAP Discoverable Mode and starts advertising.

The table below describes the hardware references.




KW45B41Z-EVK / K32W148-EVK





Blue LED






Blue LED

Parent topic:EATT Peripheral


The application can be tested using another board flashed with the EATT Central application as described in the EATT Central Section.

Parent topic:EATT Peripheral

Parent topic:Bluetooth LE stack and demo applications