FreeRTOS kernel for MCUXpresso SDK


The purpose of this document is to describes the FreeRTOS kernel repo integration into the NXP MCUXpresso Software Development Kit: mcuxsdk. MCUXpresso SDK provides a comprehensive development solutions designed to optimize, ease, and help accelerate embedded system development of applications based on MCUs from NXP. This project involves the FreeRTOS kernel repo fork with:

  • cmake and Kconfig support to allow the configuration and build in MCUXpresso SDK ecosystem

  • FreeRTOS OS additions, such as FreeRTOS driver wrappers, RTOS ready FatFs file system, and the implementation of FreeRTOS tickless mode

The history of changes in FreeRTOS kernel repo for MCUXpresso SDK are summarized in file.

The MCUXpresso SDK framework also contains a set of FreeRTOS examples which show basic FreeRTOS OS features. This makes it easy to start a new FreeRTOS project or begin experimenting with FreeRTOS OS. Selected drivers and middleware are RTOS ready with related FreeRTOS adaptation layer.

FreeRTOS example applications

The FreeRTOS examples are written to demonstrate basic FreeRTOS features and the interaction between peripheral drivers and the RTOS.

List of examples

The list of freertos_examples, their description and availability for individual supported MCUXpresso SDK development boards can be obtained here:

Location of examples

The FreeRTOS examples are located in mcuxsdk-examples repository, see the freertos_examples folder.

Once using MCUXpresso SDK zip packages created via the MCUXpresso SDK Builder the FreeRTOS kernel library and associated freertos_examples are added into final zip package once FreeRTOS components is selected on the Developer Environment Settings page:

The FreeRTOS examples in MCUXpresso SDK zip packages are located in <MCUXpressoSDK_install_dir>/boards/<board_name>/freertos_examples/ subfolders.

Building a FreeRTOS example application

For information how to use the cmake and Kconfig based build and configuration system and how to build freertos_examples visit:

MCUXpresso SDK documentation for Build And Configuration

MCUXpresso SDK Getting Start Guide

Tip: To list all FreeRTOS example projects and targets that can be built via the west build command, use this west list_project command in mcuxsdk workspace:

west list_project -p examples/freertos_examples

FreeRTOS aware debugger plugin

NXP provides FreeRTOS task aware debugger for GDB. The plugin is compatible with Eclipse-based (MCUXpressoIDE) and is available after the installation.