MCUXpresso SDK release package
The MCUXpresso SDK release package content is aligned with the silicon subfamily it supports. This includes the boards, CMSIS, devices, documentation, middleware, and RTOS support.
Device support
The device folder contains the whole software enablement available for the specific System-on-Chip (SoC) subfamily. This folder includes clock-specific implementation, device register header files, device register feature header files, CMSIS derived device SVD, and the system configuration source files. Included with the standard SoC support are folders containing peripheral drivers, toolchain support, and a standard debug console.
The device-specific header files provide a direct access to the microcontroller peripheral registers. The device header file provides an overall SoC memory mapped register definition. The folder also includes the feature header file for each peripheral on the microcontroller.
The toolchain folder contains the startup code and linker files for each supported toolchain. The startup code is a CMSIS-compliant startup code that efficiently transfers the code execution to the main()
Board support
The boards folder provides the board-specific demo applications, driver examples, wireless connectivity examples, and RTOS examples.
Parent topic:Device support
Demo applications and other examples
The demo applications demonstrate the usage of the peripheral drivers to achieve a system level solution. Each demo application contains a readme
file that describes the operation of the demo and required setup steps.
The driver examples demonstrate the capabilities of the peripheral drivers. Each example implements a common use case to help demonstrate the driver functionality.
Parent topic:Device support
Parent topic:MCUXpresso SDK release package
The MCUXpresso SDK is integrated with the FreeRTOS OS.
Parent topic:Middleware
Wireless connectivity middleware summary
Bluetooth LE host stack and applications
The Bluetooth LE Host Stack component provides an implementation for a Bluetooth 5.3 mandatory and some optional, proprietary, and experimental features. The Bluetooth LE Host Stack component provides application examples, services, and profiles.
Main features supported:
Automotive Compliance
MISRA Compliance
HIS CCM <= 20
Advanced Secure Mode
Enhanced ATT
GATT Caching
Bluetooth LE Host GCC Libraries
Bluetooth LE Host IAR Libraries
Bluetooth LE Host Peripheral Libraries
Bluetooth LE Central Libraries
Bluetooth LE Host Full Host Features Libraries
Bluetooth LE Host Optional Features Libraries
Bluetooth LE Host Mandatory Features Libraries
Bare-metal and FreeRTOS Support
Bluetooth LE Privacy Support
NCP Mode - FSCI Application
CCC Sample Applications
Enhanced Notifications
Dynamic Database
OTA Support - Sample Applications
Decision based Advertising Filtering (DBAF) - Experimental feature
Advertising Coding Selection (ACS) - Experimental feature
Periodic Advertising with Responses (PAwR) - Experimental feature
Encrypted Advertising Data (EAD) - Experimental feature
Note: For evaluating experimental features, replace the Bluetooth LE Host default example projects libraries with the libraries from the SDK folder ..\middleware\wireless\bluetooth\host\lib_exp and enable the features in the application. The Radio Subsystem (NBU) Firmware with experimental features is required.
Parent topic:Wireless connectivity middleware summary
Bluetooth LE controller
Main features supported:
Peripheral Role
Central Role
Multiple PHYs (1 Mbps, 2 Mbps, Coded PHY)
Asymmetric Connections
Public/Random/Static Addresses
Network/Device Privacy Modes
Extended Advertising
Extended Scanning
Passive/Active Scanning
LE Encryption
LE Ping Procedure
HCI Test Interface
UART Test Interface
Randomized Advertising Channel Indexing
Sleep Clock Accuracy Update - Mechanism
ADI Field in Scan Response Data
HCI Support for Debug Keys in LE - Secure Connections
Main capabilities supported:
Simultaneous scanning 1 Mbps and Long Range
Scanning and advertising in parallel
24 connections as central role
24 connections as peripheral role
Any combination of central and peripheral roles (24 connections maximum)
Eight connections with 7.5 ms connection interval
Two advertising sets in parallel
26 Accept List entries
36 Resolvable Private Address (RPA) entries
Up to six Chain Packets per Extended Advertising set
Enhanced Notification on end of - Scanning/Advertising/Connection events
Connection event counter associated to Bluetooth LE packet reception
Timestamp associated to Bluetooth LE packet reception
RF channel info associated to Bluetooth LE packet reception
NXP proprietary Bluetooth LE Handover feature
Support for experimental features Advertising Coding Selection, Periodic Advertising with Responses (PAwR), and Decision Based Advertising Filtering (DBAF). See Note below.
Note: Project configurations that require usage of the Bluetooth LE controller including all Bluetooth LE examples require the Radio Subsystem (NBU) Firmware to be re-programmed with the firmware provided in the SDK under middleware\wireless\ble_controller\bin. See the EVK Quick Start Guide and Secure Provisioning SDK (SPSDK) documentation for NBU programming step.
Note: Project configuration enabling Experimental features requires the Radio Subsystem (NBU) Firmware to be reprogrammed with the firmware provided in the SDK under \middleware\wireless\ble_controller\bin\experimental\. For NBU programming steps, see the EVK Quick Start Guide and Secure Provisioning SDK (SPSDK) documentation.
Parent topic:Wireless connectivity middleware summary
The XCVR component provides a base Transceiver Driver for the 2.4 GHz narrowband radio.
Parent topic:Wireless connectivity middleware summary
GenFSK link layer
The Generic FSK protocol enables radio operation using a custom GFSK/GMSK or MSK modulation format.
Main Features supported:
Highly configurable packet structure
Optimized Sequence Command Set
High-precision timebase to maintain network timing
Two timer-compare mechanisms for Interrupt Generation and Sequence Launching
Hardware automation for packet transmit and receive, CRC and Whitening
Up to four network addresses to synchronize to, can be 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-bit
Packet Lengths up to 2047 Bytes
Support complex auto-sequence, like CCA before TX, Auto-ACK, TR.
Many operating modes can support the sending and receiving of multiple protocol packets, such as, 802.15.4, Bluetooth LE.
Parent topic:Wireless connectivity middleware summary
Low-power reference design applications (central and peripheral)
The Low-Power Reference Design Applications provide reference design source code and projects showcasing how to implement optimized low power functionality based on a Bluetooth LE application. For additional details, see the
Parent topic: Wireless connectivity middleware summary
Connectivity framework
The Connectivity Framework is a software component that provides hardware abstraction modules to the upper layer connectivity stacks and components. It also provides a list of services and APIs, such as, Low power, Over the Air (OTA) Firmware update, File System, Security, Sensors, Serial Connectivity Interface (FSCI), and others. The Connectivity Framework modules are located in the middleware\wireless\framework SDK folder.
Parent topic:Wireless connectivity middleware summary
Parent topic:Middleware
Wireless connectivity middleware overview
Component versions:
Wireless connectivity component |
Version |
The following connectivity-supporting documentation is included with this release:
Bluetooth Low Energy Quick Start Guide
Bluetooth Low Energy Demo Applications User’s Guide
Bluetooth Low Energy Application Developer’s Guide
Bluetooth Low Energy Host Stack API Reference Manual
Bluetooth Low Energy Host Stack FSCI Application Programming
Bluetooth Low Energy Host Stack FSCI Reference Manual
Bluetooth Low Energy CCC Digital Key Application Note
Generic FSK Link Layer Quick Start Guide
Generic FSK Link Layer API Reference Manual
Connectivity Framework Reference Manual
Connectivity Framework API Documentation
Low Power Connectivity Reference Design User’s Guide
Parent topic:Middleware
Other middleware
Optional middleware packages can be included in the release based on the user selection. See <install_dir>/SW-Content-Register.txt for a list of components and associated licenses.
Parent topic:Middleware
Parent topic:MCUXpresso SDK release package