Documentation Config
This section describe modularization and configuration of the MCUXpresso SDK Document
Config file
Rather than placing the configuration in the Sphinx configuration file along with other non-configuration codes,
we place the document configuration in _cfg/user_config.yml
inspected by schema to ease the configuration. The
configuration items includes the following:
document project name
Configuration Items
Extensions are the extension used by Sphinx document
- sphinx_rtd_theme
- sphinx.ext.extlinks
- vcs_link
- sphinx.ext.todo
- sphinx.ext.extlinks
- myst_parser
- external_content
- page_filter
- sphinx.ext.graphviz
- sphinx_tabs.tabs
Source Suffix
Source suffix is the mapping of the source file suffix to the document type, markdown file support require extension of myst_parser
.rst: restructuredtext
.readme: markdown
.md: markdown
MCUXpresso SDK document reuse the zephyr.external_content extension to include the external contents as well as contents located in the docs/ directory and subdirectories so developer can place the document close to the source code.
Contents are copied into the folder _build/src
according to configuration under the tag of external_contents
in configuration files.
root root directory of the external content, it will copied to
with the relative path to this rootpattern glob pattern to match the files to be copied
- root: 'docs'
pattern: 'index.rst'
- root: 'docs'
pattern: 'develop/index.rst'
- root: docs
pattern: 'generation.rst'
- root: docs
pattern: 'develop/document/*'
Cause the contents of these files are in different repositories, another zephyr extension vcs_link
is used to link the
generated html pages to correct repository link
* pattern glob pattern to match the files to be linked
* link leading hyperlink of the repository, which will be conjunct with the relative path of the file to form the hyperlink
- pattern: examples/.*\.md
replace_prefix: "examples/"
link: ""
- pattern: examples/.*\.rst
replace_prefix: "examples/"
link: ""
Internal Contents
Some of the contents are internal only for development rather than for production. These contents are recorded
in the internal
field in the configuration file and will be excluded if --internal
flag is not specified
calling the west doc
Contents of the document are organized in modules, each module can configure its own files, extensions and vcs_link so developer can develop their own document and generate their concerned HTML contents much faster.
Module owner can add their content into the document by adding module into the module fields. To debug whether the modules is correctly configured
west doc -t your_module_name html
Check the log to know whether the tag your_module_name as marked as detected
Check whether configured contents are copied into the
folderCheck whether your concerned content is generated into the HTML
# Default as True stands include it into HTML if no tag is specified
default: True
- root: 'docs'
pattern: 'introduction/*'
default: True
- root: 'docs'
pattern: 'gsd/*'
default: true
# Extensions are added for this module
- breathe
- doxyrunner
default: True
- root: .
pattern: 'examples/**/*.md'
- root: .
pattern: 'examples/**/*.jpg'
- root: .
pattern: 'examples/**/*.png'
- root: .
pattern: 'examples/**/index.rst'
- pattern: examples/.*\.md
replace_prefix: "examples/"
link: ""
- pattern: examples/.*\.rst
replace_prefix: "examples/"
link: ""
Doxygen Config
Doxygen in C Header/C files are generated into the HTML by the breathe extension, the configuration of the doxygen is located in docs/drivers/Doxyfile_lib_PDF_RM_Drivers and the output is located in _build/doxygen folder.
Add contents into doxygen
Append additional content into the
field of doxygen configuration files with leading characters of@SDk_BASE@
which will be replaced by the SDK base directory by doxyrunner plugin
To verify whether the doxygen is correctly configured
* Run west doc -t doxygen html
to generate the doxygen HTML
* To run the doxygen in faster way, you can temporarily comment out the not needed lines in doxygen configuration files