Hardware requirements
Micro USB cable
EVK-MIMXRT685 board
Personal Computer
Board settings
Keep J2 and J19 unconnected to avoid unintentional reset by IF_RST signal in full deep power down mode.
For low power purpose, the demo requires pad voltage supply to be fixed as follows: VDDIO_0: 1.8V (connecting JP20 1-2, and PMIC SW2_OUT using default setting 1.8V) VDDIO_1: 1.8V (connecting JP12 1-2, supply from PMIC SW2_OUT)) VDDIO_2: 3.3V (connecting JP27 1-2, and PMIC LDO2_OUT using default setting 3.3V) NOTE: By default, the demo allows wide voltage supply on VDDIO_1. To further reduce the leakage, Vdde1Range can be set to narrow range kPadVol_171_198. Special care should be taken that supplying wrong voltage on the pads is harmful to the device.
Prepare the Demo
Connect a micro USB cable between the PC host and the CMSIS DAP USB port (J5) on the board
Open a serial terminal with the following settings:
115200 baud rate
8 data bits
No parity
One stop bit
No flow control
Download the program to the target board.
Launch the debugger in your IDE to begin running the demo.
Running the demo
The log below shows in the terminal window:
Power Manager Demo.
The "user key" is: SW1
Select an option
1. Sleep mode
2. Deep Sleep mode
3. Deep power down mode
4. Full deep power down mode
/* Type in '1' into UART terminal */
Entering Sleep [Press the user key to wakeup] ...
/* Press the user key on board */
Pin event occurs
Select an option
1. Sleep mode
2. Deep Sleep mode
3. Deep power down mode
4. Full deep power down mode
/* Type in '2' into UART terminal */
Entering Deep Sleep [Press the user key to wakeup] ...
/* Press the user key on board */
Pin event occurs
Select an option
1. Sleep mode
2. Deep Sleep mode
3. Deep power down mode
4. Full deep power down mode
/* Type in '3' into UART terminal */
Entering Deep Powerdown [Reset to wakeup] ...
Press any key to confirm to enter the deep sleep mode and wakeup the device by reset.
/* Type in any key into UART terminal */
/* Press the reset key on board. */
Board wake up from deep or full deep power down mode.
Power Manager Demo.
The "user key" is: SW1
Select an option
1. Sleep mode
2. Deep Sleep mode
3. Deep power down mode
4. Full deep power down mode
/* Type in '4' into UART terminal */
Entering Full Deep Powerdown [Reset to wakeup] ...
Press any key to confirm to enter the deep sleep mode and wakeup the device by reset.
/* Type in any key into UART terminal */
/* Press the reset key on board. */
Board wake up from deep or full deep power down mode.
Power Manager Demo.
The "user key" is: SW1
Select an option
1. Sleep mode
2. Deep Sleep mode
3. Deep power down mode
4. Full deep power down mode