Hardware requirements

  • Mini/micro USB cable

  • MC56F83000 EVK board

  • Supported CAN interface (IXXAT, Vector, Kvaser, etc.)

  • Personal Computer

  • FreeMASTER 2.5 or later installed on PC

Board settings

CAN transceiver connected to J19 pins

Prepare the Demo

  1. Connect a USB cable between the host PC and the Debug USB port (JM60 USB) on the target board.

  2. Connect CAN transceiver to CAN interface on PC.

  3. Compile and download the program to the target board.

Running the demo

  1. Run FreeMASTER and use connection wizard to connect via FreeMASTER-over-CAN communication plugin at 500kbps.

  2. Click on “FreeMASTER Demonstration Project (embedded in device)” on the Welcome page.

  3. Read more information about FreeMASTER tool at http://www.nxp.com/freemaster.