Hardware requirements
Micro USB cable
Personal Computer
Board settings
The MMC_SelectBusTiming in mmccard_init will fail, need to be commented out.
Prepare the Demo
Connect a micro USB cable between the PC host and the CMSIS DAP USB port (J54) on the board
Open a serial terminal with the following settings:
115200 baud rate
8 data bits
No parity
One stop bit
No flow control
Download the program to the target board.
Launch the debugger in your IDE to begin running the demo.
Running the demo
When the demo runs successfully, the log would be seen on the terminal like:
MMCCARD interrupt example.
Card user partition size xxxx bytes
Working condition:
Voltage: xxxx
Timing mode: xxxx
Bus width: xxxx
Freq : xxxx
Read/Write the card continuously until encounter error....
Write/read one data block......
Compare the read/write content......
The read/write content is consistent.
Write/read multiple data blocks......
Compare the read/write content......
The read/write content is consistent.
Erase data groups......
Input 'q' to quit read/write/erase process.
Input other char to read/write/erase data blocks again.