Hardware requirements
J-Link ARM
P&E Micro Multi-link universal
Micro USB cable
USB A to micro AB cable
Hardware (tower/base board, …) for specific device
Personal Computer
Board settings
This example requires one board and one DC Power Supply. Connect pins to AFE differential sample pins follow introduction below:
On TWR-KM35Z75M board: Pin 45 of QFP144/AFE_SDADP0 (J31 Pin 2) -> (J21 Pin 2) Pin 46 of QFP144/AFE_SDADM0 (J31 Pin 4) -> (J31 Pin 3)
Prepare the Demo
Connect a USB cable between the PC host and the OpenSDA USB port on the board.
Open a serial terminal with these settings:
115200 baud rate
8 data bits
No parity
One stop bit
No flow control
Download the program to the target board.
Either press the reset button on your board or launch the debugger in your IDE to begin running the example.
Running the demo
These instructions are displayed/shown on the terminal window:
AFE polling example.
For example, roll the potentiometer to see value changes on terminal screen. If value of potentiometer output lager than 500mV,
result will return maximum of 24 bit (8388607).
The printed log is displayed in the terminal window as shown below.
AFE Polling example.
Press any key to trigger AFE conversion
AFE value = 27744
Press any key to trigger AFE conversion
AFE value = 10608
Press any key to trigger AFE conversion
AFE value = 5814
Press any key to trigger AFE conversion
AFE value = 73644
Press any key to trigger AFE conversion