

This document explains the freertos_generic example. It is based on code FreeRTOS documentation from It shows combination of several tasks with queue, software timer, tick hook and semaphore.

The example application creates three tasks. The prvQueueSendTask periodically sending data to xQueue queue. The prvQueueReceiveTask is waiting for incoming message and counting number of received messages. Task prvEventSemaphoreTask is waiting for xEventSemaphore semaphore given from vApplicationTickHook. Tick hook give semaphore every 500 ms.

Other hook types used for RTOS and resource statistics are also demonstrated in example:

  • vApplicationIdleHook

  • vApplicationStackOverflowHook

  • vApplicationMallocFailedHook

Running the demo

After the board is flashed the Tera Term will start periodically printing the state of generic example.

Example output: Event task is running. Receive message counter: 1. Receive message counter: 2. Receive message counter: 3. Receive message counter: 4. Receive message counter: 5. Receive message counter: 6. Receive message counter: 7. Receive message counter: 8. Receive message counter: 9. Receive message counter: 10. Receive message counter: 11. Receive message counter: 12. Event task is running. Receive message counter: 13. Receive message counter: 14. …

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