The PSA crypto opaque key example illustrates the generation and usage of following keys: 1. ECC keys 2. AES keys 3. RSA keys 4. MAC Keys
The location of these keys can be chosen in the yml file for the boards which the example is being included for. By deafult even though the example name says opaque, the default location in test is LOCAL_STORAGE i.e keys in plaintext. This is chosen as default as it would work for all platforms.
However the intent is that this example can be built to test in opaque location keys. For this, the calling yml needs to define the location of TEST KEYS i.e TEST_KEY_LOCATION. For eg. For RT1180, we choose this location as PSA_CRYPTO_ELE_S4XX_LOCATION
The test also covers generation and test of both volatile and persistent keys.
Prepare the Demo
Insert a SD card if FATFS is being used as storage location for persistent keys. Connect a serial cable from the debug UART port of the target board to the PC. Start TeraTerm ( and make a connection to the virtual serial port.
Start TeraTerm.
New connection -> Serial.
Set the appropriate COMx port (where x is port number) in the port context menu. The number is provided by the operating system, and could be different from computer to computer. Select the COM number related to the virtual serial port. Confirm the selected port by clicking the “OK” button.
Set following connection parameters in menu Setup -> Serial port. Baud rate: 115200 Data: 8 Parity: none Stop: 1 Flow control: none
Confirm selected parameters by clicking the “OK” button.
Running the demo
When the demo runs successfully, which takes a couple of minutes, the terminal displays similar information like the following:
Card inserted.
Create directory…… Directory exists. File System initialized for Persistent Storage Location is 1
ECC keys 224 bit ECC_KEY_PAIR(SECP_R1) with sign/verify algo ECDSA(SHA224): PASSED 521 bit ECC_KEY_PAIR(SECP_R1) with sign/verify algo ECDSA(SHA512): PASSED 256 bit ECC_KEY_PAIR(SECP_R1) with sign/verify algo ECDSA(SHA256): PASSED 256 ECC_KEY_PAIR(BRAINPOOL_R1) with sign/verify algo ECDSA(SHA256): PASSED 384 bit ECC_KEY_PAIR(BRAINPOOL_R1) with sign/verify algo ECDSA(SHA384): PASSED
AES keys 128 bit AES key with encrypt/decrypt algo ECB_NO_PADDING: PASSED 192 bit AES key with encrypt/decrypt algo CBC_NO_PADDING: PASSED 256 bit AES key with encrypt/decrypt algo CTR: PASSED 128 bit AES key with encrypt/decrypt algo CCM: PASSED 256 bit AES key with encrypt/decrypt algo GCM: PASSED 192 bit AES key with sign/verify algo CMAC : PASSED
MAC keys 256 bit PERSISTENT HMAC key with sign/verify algo HMAC(SHA-256): PASSED
RSA keys 2048 bit RSA key with sign/verify algo RSA_PKCS1V15(SHA256) : PASSED 2048 bit RSA key with sign/verify algo RSA_PSS(SHA512) : PASSED
ECC keys 224 bit ECC_KEY_PAIR(SECP_R1) with sign/verify algo ECDSA(SHA224): PASSED 521 bit ECC_KEY_PAIR(SECP_R1) with sign/verify algo ECDSA(SHA512): PASSED 256 bit ECC_KEY_PAIR(SECP_R1) with sign/verify algo ECDSA(SHA256): PASSED 256 ECC_KEY_PAIR(BRAINPOOL_R1) with sign/verify algo ECDSA(SHA256): PASSED 384 bit ECC_KEY_PAIR(BRAINPOOL_R1) with sign/verify algo ECDSA(SHA384): PASSED
AES keys 128 bit AES key with encrypt/decrypt algo ECB_NO_PADDING: PASSED 192 bit AES key with encrypt/decrypt algo CBC_NO_PADDING: PASSED 256 bit AES key with encrypt/decrypt algo CTR: PASSED 128 bit AES key with encrypt/decrypt algo CCM: PASSED 256 bit AES key with encrypt/decrypt algo GCM: PASSED 192 bit AES key with sign/verify algo CMAC : PASSED
MAC keys 256 bit PERSISTENT HMAC key with sign/verify algo HMAC(SHA-256): PASSED
RSA keys 2048 bit RSA key with sign/verify algo RSA_PKCS1V15(SHA256) : PASSED 2048 bit RSA key with sign/verify algo RSA_PSS(SHA512) : PASSED