

The Multicore eRPC Matrix Multiply project is a simple demonstration program that uses the MCUXpresso SDK software and the Multicore SDK to show how to implement the Remote Procedure Call between cores of the multicore system.

The primary core (eRPC client) releases the secondary core (eRPC server) from the reset and then the erpcMatrixMultiply() eRPC call is issued to let the secondary core to perform the multiplication of two randomly generated matrices.

The original matrices and the result matrix is printed out to the serial console by the primary core.

The matrix multiplication can be issued repeatedly when pressing a SW board button.

MU (Messaging Unit) erpc transport layer is used in this example application.

eRPC documentation

eRPC specific files are stored in: middleware\multicore\erpc eRPC documentation is stored in: middleware\multicore\erpc\doc eRPC is open-source project stored on github: eRPC documentation can be also found in:

Building the application

This shows example how to build application for evkbmimxrt1170 board with cm7 core_id. Change the -b <board> parameter based on board you want to build. Change the -Dcore_id=<core_id> parameter based on board core you want to build. For these parameters please see attribute boards: in primary/example.yml.

west build --sysbuild examples/multicore_examples/erpc_matrix_multiply_mu/primary --toolchain armgcc --config debug -b evkbmimxrt1170 -Dcore_id=cm7

Supported Boards