

This example demonstrates usage of eRPC between PC and board using UART transport layer. Board acts like a server and the PC as client. When server starts, it waits for data being send from client over UART. Server then performs action (DAC/ADC conversion, light LEDs, read data from magnetometer sensor) and sends result data back to client (or lights LED).

eRPC documentation

eRPC specific files are stored in: middleware\multicore\erpc eRPC documentation is stored in: middleware\multicore\erpc\doc eRPC is open-source project stored on github: eRPC documentation can be also found in:

Running with i.MX7D Sabre SD board

  • First, download L4.1.15_2.0.0_iMX6UL7D board support package from

  • Then uncompress it and locate file fsl-image-validation-imx-imx7dsabresd.sdcard

  • Insert an SD card and run: sudo dd if=fsl-image-validation-imx-imx7dsabresd.sdcard of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1M

  • Flush disk IO operations, run command: sync

  • Download enum34, erpc and pyserial packages from pypi, uncompress them and copy to /home/root, respective links are: - enum34: - erpc:–1.4.0.tar.gz#md5=1387082dab3af4067fdfe01c98b09dee - pyserial:

  • Insert SD card in the board, connect to USB debug console

  • Once you boot and login (user root), enter enum34, erpc and pyserial directories and run in each of them: python install

  • now you can use: python -p -b , to run the example

Building the application

This shows example how to build application for frdmk32l2b board. Change the -b <board> parameter based on board you want to build. For these parameters please see attribute boards: in primary/example.yml.

west build examples/multiprocessor_examples/erpc_server_dac_adc --toolchain armgcc --config debug -b frdmk32l2b

Supported Boards