Low-power temperature collector
This section describes the implemented profiles and services, user interactions, and testing methods for the temperature collector application.
Implemented profiles and services
The Temperature Collector application implements a GATT client or server for the following profile and services.
Temperature Service (UUID: 01ff0200-ba5e-f4ee-5ca1-eb1e5e4b1ce0)
Battery Service v1.0
Device Information Service v1.1
The application behaves as a GAP central node. It enters GAP Limited Discovery Procedure and searches for sensor devices to pair with. After pairing with the peripheral, it configures notifications and displays temperature values on a terminal connected to the UART port.
The Temperature service is a custom service that implements the Temperature characteristic (UUID: 0x2A6E) with a Characteristic Presentation Format descriptor (UUID: 0x2904), both defined by the Bluetooth SIG.
The application uses pairing with bonding by default. When connected with the Low-Power Temperature Sensor application, the collector sends the 999999 passcode to the host stack by default.
Supported Boards
The Temperature Collector application is supported by the following platforms: