Maestro playback example

Table of content


The Maestro playback example demonstrates audio processing on the ARM cortex core utilizing the Maestro Audio Framework library.

The application is controlled by commands from a shell interface using serial console and the audio files are read from the SD card.

Depending on target platform or development board there are different modes and features of the demo supported.

  • Standard - The mode demonstrates playback of encoded files from an SD card with up to 2 channels, up to 48 kHz sample rate and up to 16 bit width. This mode is enabled by default.

  • Multi-channel - The mode demonstrates playback of raw PCM files from an SD card with 2 or 8 channels, 96kHz sample rate and 32 bit width. The decoders and synchronous sample rate converter are not supported in this mode. The Multi-channel mode is only supported on selected platforms, see the table below. The Example configuration section contains information on how to enable it.

As shown in the table below, the application is supported on several development boards and each development board may have certain limitations, some development boards may also require hardware modifications or allow to use of an audio expansion board. Therefore, please check the supported features and Hardware modifications or Example configuration sections before running the demo.

Mode Standard Multi-channel
Feature Decoder Sample rate converter Audio output [num of channels] Audio output [num of channels]
AAC FLAC MP3 OPUS WAV SSRC On board codec AUD-EXP-42448 AUD-EXP-42448
EVKC-MIMXRT1060 OK OK OK OK OK OK 1-2 1-2 2 or 8
LPCXpresso55s69 OK OK OK X OK OK 1-2 X X
- Dark green - Fully supported and enabled by default.
- Orange - Supported with some limitations and enabled by default. See the limitations section below.
- Light green - Supported, but only available after some SW or HW modification. More information about modification can be found in the [Example configuration](#example-configuration) section.
- X - Not supported.


  • Note:

    • LPCXPresso55s69 - MCUXpresso IDE project default debug console is semihost

  • Decoder:

    • AAC:

      • The reference decoder is supported only in the MCUXpresso IDE and ARMGCC.

    • FLAC:

      • LPCXpresso55s69 - When playing FLAC audio files with too small frame size (block size), the audio output may be distorted because the board is not fast enough.

    • OPUS:

      • LPCXpresso55s69 - The decoder is disabled due to insufficient memory may be distorted because the board is not fast enough.

  • Sample rate converter:

    • SSRC:

      • LPCXpresso55s69 - When a memory allocation ERROR occurs, it is necessary to disable the SSRC element due to insufficient memory.

Known issues:

  • Decoder:

    • MP3:

      • The reference decoder has issues with some of the files. One of the channels can be sometimes distorted or missing parts of the signal.

    • OPUS:

      • The decoder doesn’t support all the combinations of frame sizes and sample rates. The application might crash when playing an unspupported file.

More information about supported features can be found on the Supported features page.

Hardware requirements

  • Desired development board

  • Micro USB cable

  • Headphones with 3.5 mm stereo jack

  • SD card with supported audio files

  • Personal computer

  • Optional:

Hardware modifications

Some development boards need some hardware modifications to run the application. If the development board is not listed here, its default setting is required.

  • EVKB-MIMXRT1170:

    1. Please remove below resistors if on board wifi chip is not DNP:

      • R228, R229, R232, R234

    2. Please make sure R136 is weld for GPIO card detect.


  1. Connect a micro USB cable between the PC host and the debug USB port on the development board.

  2. Open a serial terminal with the following settings:

    • 115200 baud rate

    • 8 data bits

    • No parity

    • One stop bit

    • No flow control

  3. Download the program to the target board.

  4. Insert the headphones into the Line-Out connector (headphone jack) on the development board.

  5. Either press the reset button on your development board or launch the debugger in your IDE to begin running the demo.

Running the demo

When the example runs successfully, you should see similar output on the serial terminal as below:

    Maestro audio playback demo start

    [APP_Main_Task] started

    Copyright  2022  NXP
    [APP_SDCARD_Task] start
    [APP_Shell_Task] start

    >> [APP_SDCARD_Task] SD card drive mounted

Type help to see the command list. Similar description will be displayed on serial console (If multi-channel playback mode is enabled, the description is slightly different):

    >> help

    "help": List all the registered commands

    "exit": Exit program

    "version": Display component versions

    "file": Perform audio file decode and playback

      USAGE: file [stop|pause|volume|seek|play|list|info]
        stop              Stops actual playback.
        pause             Pause actual track or resume if already paused.
        volume <volume>   Set volume. The volume can be set from 0 to 100.
        seek <seek_time>  Seek currently paused track. Seek time is absolute time in milliseconds.
        play <filename>   Select audio track to play.
        list              List audio files available on mounted SD card.
        info              Prints playback info.

Details of commands can be found here.

Example configuration

The example can be configured by user. Before configuration, please check the table to see if the feature is supported on the development board.

  • Enable Multi-channel mode:

    • Add the MULTICHANNEL_EXAMPLE symbol to preprocessor defines on project level.

    • Connect AUD-EXP-42448 (see the point below).

  • Connect AUD-EXP-42448:

    • EVKC-MIMXRT1060:

      1. Disconnect the power supply for safety reasons.

      2. Insert AUD-EXP-42448 into J19 to be able to use the CS42448 codec for multichannel output.

      3. Uninstall J99.

      4. Set the DEMO_CODEC_WM8962 macro to 0 in the app_definitions.h file

      5. Set the DEMO_CODEC_CS42448 macro to 1 in the app_definitions.h file.


The file play <filename> command calls the STREAMER_file_Create or STREAMER_PCM_Create function from the app_streamer.c file depending on the selected mode.

  • When the Standard mode is enabled, the command calls the STREAMER_file_Create function that creates a pipeline with the following elements:



    • ELEMENT_SRC_INDEX (If SSRC_PROC is defined)


  • When the Multi-channel mode is enabled, the command calls STREAMER_PCM_Create function, which creates a pipeline with the following elements:

    • ELEMENT_FILE_SRC_INDEX (PCM format only)


    • Note:

      • If the input file is an 8 channel PCM file, output to all 8 channels is available. The properties of the PCM file are set in the app_streamer.c file using file source properties sent to the streamer:

        • PROP_FILESRC_SET_SAMPLE_RATE - default value is 96000 [Hz]

        • PROP_FILESRC_SET_NUM_CHANNELS - default value is 8

        • PROP_FILESRC_SET_BIT_WIDTH - default value is 32

Playback itself can be started with the STREAMER_Start function.

Each of the elements has several properties that can be accessed using the streamer_get_property or streamer_set_property function. These properties allow a user to change the values of the appropriate elements. The list of properties can be found in streamer_element_properties.h. See the example of setting property value in the following piece of code from the app_streamer.c file:


    EXT_PROCESS_DESC_T ssrc_proc = {SSRC_Proc_Init, SSRC_Proc_Execute, SSRC_Proc_Deinit, &get_app_data()->proc_args};

    prop.prop = PROP_SRC_PROC_FUNCPTR;
    prop.val  = (uintptr_t)&ssrc_proc;

    if (streamer_set_property(streamer, 0, prop, true) != 0)
        return -1;

    prop.val  = volume;
    streamer_set_property(streamer, 0, prop, true);

Some of the predefined values can be found in the streamer_api.h.


The application can be in 3 different states:

  • Idle

  • Running

  • Paused

In each state, each command can have a different behavior. For more information, see Commands in detail section.

Commands in detail

The applicatin is controlled by commands from the shell interface and the available commands for the selected mode can be displayed using the help command. Commands are processed in the cmd.c file.

Legend for diagrams:

flowchart TD classDef function fill:#69CA00 classDef condition fill:#0EAFE0 classDef state fill:#F9B500 classDef error fill:#F54D4D A((State)):::state B{Condition}:::condition C[Error message]:::error D[Process function]:::function

help, version

flowchart TD classDef function fill:#69CA00 classDef condition fill:#0EAFE0 classDef state fill:#F9B500 classDef error fill:#F54D4D A((Idle)):::state --> D[Write help or version]:::function B((Running)):::state --> D C((Paused)):::state --> D D-->E((No state change)):::state

file stop

flowchart TD classDef function fill:#69CA00 classDef condition fill:#0EAFE0 classDef state fill:#F9B500 classDef error fill:#F54D4D B((Idle)):::state --> B C((Running)):::state -->E((Idle)):::state D((Paused)):::state -->E

file pause

flowchart TD classDef function fill:#69CA00 classDef condition fill:#0EAFE0 classDef state fill:#F9B500 classDef error fill:#F54D4D B((Idle)):::state --> B C((Running)):::state -->E((Paused)):::state D((Paused)):::state -->F((Running)):::state

file volume <volume>

flowchart TD classDef function fill:#69CA00 classDef condition fill:#0EAFE0 classDef state fill:#F9B500 classDef error fill:#F54D4D B((Idle)):::state --> M[Error: Play a track first]:::error C((Running)):::state --> G{Volume parameter empty?}:::condition D((Paused)):::state --> G G -- Yes -->H[Error: Enter volume parameter]:::error G -- No -->I{Volume in range?}:::condition I -- No -->J[Error: invalid value]:::error I -- Yes -->K[Set volume]:::function J --> L((No state change)):::state K --> L H--> L

file seek <seek_time>

The seek argument is only supported in the Standard mode.

flowchart TD classDef function fill:#69CA00 classDef condition fill:#0EAFE0 classDef state fill:#F9B500 classDef error fill:#F54D4D B((Idle)):::state --> E[Error: First select an audio track to play]:::error E-->B C((Running)):::state --> F[Error: First pause the track]:::error F --> C D((Paused)):::state --> G{Seek parameter empty?}:::condition G --No --> H{AAC file?}:::condition G --Yes --> I[Error: Enter a seek time value]:::error I-->N((Paused)):::state; H --Yes -->J[Error: The AAC decoder does not support the seek command]:::error J-->N H --No -->K{Seek parameter positive?}:::condition K --No -->L[Error: The seek time must be a positive value]:::error L-->N K --Yes -->M[Seek the file]:::function M-->N

file play <filename>

flowchart TD classDef function fill:#69CA00 classDef condition fill:#0EAFE0 classDef state fill:#F9B500 classDef error fill:#F54D4D C((Running)):::state --> Z[Error: First stop current track]:::error D((Paused)):::state --> Z B((Idle)):::state --> E{SD Card inserted?}:::condition E -- No -->F[Error: Insert SD card]:::error E -- Yes -->G{File name empty?}:::condition G -- Yes -->H[Error: Enter file name]:::error G -- No -->I{File exists?}:::condition I -- No -->O[Error: File doesn't exist]:::error I -- Yes -->J{Supported format?}:::condition J -- Yes -->K[Play the track]:::function J -- No -->L[Error: Unsupported file]:::error K -->M((Running)):::state L --> W((No state change)):::state O --> W H --> W F --> W Z --> W

file list

flowchart TD classDef function fill:#69CA00 classDef condition fill:#0EAFE0 classDef state fill:#F9B500 classDef error fill:#F54D4D B((Idle)):::state --> G{SD Card inserted?}:::condition C((Running)):::state --> G D((Paused)):::state --> G G -- Yes -->H[List supported files]:::function G -- No -->I[Error: Insert SD card]:::error I --> J((No state change)):::state H --> J

file info

flowchart TD classDef function fill:#69CA00 classDef condition fill:#0EAFE0 classDef state fill:#F9B500 classDef error fill:#F54D4D B((Idle)):::state -->E[Write file info]:::function C((Running)):::state -->E D((Paused)):::state -->E E --> F((No state change)):::state

Processing Time

Typical streamer pipeline execution times and their individual elements for the EVKC-MIMXRT1060 development board are presented in the following tables. The time spent on output buffers is not included in the traversal measurements. However, file reading time is accounted for. In the case of the WAV codec, the audio file was accessed in every pipeline run. Therefore, during each run, the file was read from the SD card. However, for the MP3 codec, where data must be processed in complete MP3 frames, the file was not read in every run. Instead, it was read periodically only when the codec buffer did not contain a complete frame of data.

For further details, please refer to the Processing Time document.








1.1 ms

850 μs

150 μs

70 μs

40 μs


1.75 ms

850 μs

180 μs

670 μs

40 μs







48 kHz with file read

2.9 ms

2.3 μs

450 μs

60 μs

50 μs

48 kHz without file read

0.5 ms


400 μs

40 μs

40 μs

44 kHz with file read

3.2 ms

2.3 μs

440 μs

400 μs

50 μs

44 kHz without file read

0.9 ms


440 μs

390 μs

40 μs