Hardware setup

The examples described in this document use a KW45B41Z-EVK, KW45B41Z-LOC, K32W148-EVK, FRDM-MCXW71, KW47-EVK, KW47-LOC, MCX-W72-EVK, or FRDM-MCXW72 as the development platform, as shown in the Figure 1, Figure 2, and Figure 3.

  • The default interface selected in the IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm projects included in this release is below:

    • CMSIS-DAP for kw45b41zevk, kw45b41zloc, k32w148evk, frdmmcxw71

    • JLink for kw47evk, kw47loc, mcxw72evk, and frdmmcxw72 platforms

  • Use jumpers to configure the boards in one of the available power configurations (refer to the specific board documentation).

  • On all boards, the OpenSDA USB port is connected to a Windows PC. The OpenSDA chip on the board requires flashing with appropriate firmware with debugging and virtual serial COM port capabilities.